public static void Click(int index) { ELPlayer mp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <ELPlayer>(); //Don't want the delete request to be on hold if player clicks somewhere else if (index != 0) { ConfirmDelete.deleteRequest = false; } switch (index) { case 0: //Minus if (!ConfirmDelete.deleteRequest && mp.loadouts.Count > 1) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); Main.NewText("Are you sure you want to remove this loadout? Type \"/confirm\" to remove it.", Color.Red); ConfirmDelete.deleteRequest = true; } break; case 1: //Left if (mp.loadoutIndex > 0) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); mp.loadouts[mp.loadoutIndex].SaveLoadout(); mp.loadouts[--mp.loadoutIndex].LoadLoadout(); } break; case 2: //Right if (mp.loadoutIndex < mp.loadouts.Count - 1) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); mp.loadouts[mp.loadoutIndex].SaveLoadout(); mp.loadouts[++mp.loadoutIndex].LoadLoadout(); } break; case 3: //Plus if (mp.loadouts.Count < maxLoadouts) { Main.PlaySound(SoundID.MenuTick); mp.loadouts[mp.loadoutIndex].SaveLoadout(); Loadout loadout = new Loadout(); mp.loadouts.Add(loadout); mp.loadoutIndex = mp.loadouts.Count - 1; mp.loadouts[mp.loadoutIndex].LoadLoadout(); } break; } }
public override void Action(CommandCaller caller, string input, string[] args) { if (deleteRequest) { ELPlayer mp = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <ELPlayer>(); mp.loadouts[mp.loadoutIndex].DropLoadout(); mp.loadouts.RemoveAt(mp.loadoutIndex); mp.loadoutIndex -= mp.loadoutIndex < mp.loadouts.Count ? 0 : 1; mp.loadouts[mp.loadoutIndex].LoadLoadout(); deleteRequest = false; Main.NewText("Loadout removed succesfully.", Color.Green); } }