예제 #1
    // IsGrounded: Check if the player is on the ground.
    // Return:
    //      bool: bool value for if the player is grounded or not.
    bool IsGrounded()
        // Cast a ray down from the player at the ground
        Ray        rRay = new Ray(transform.position - new Vector3(0, m_cPlayerCollider.height * 0.4f, 0), Vector3.down);
        RaycastHit rhHitInfo;

        // Set the layermask
        int nLayerMask = (LayerMask.GetMask("Ground"));

        // Is the ray colliding with the ground?
        if (Physics.Raycast(rRay, out rhHitInfo, 0.5f, nLayerMask))
            // reset jump state
            m_eJumpState = EJumpState.EJUMPSTATE_GROUNDED;

            // Return true and debug log the collider name

        // Draw the ray cast and print ray information in the console
        Debug.DrawRay(rRay.origin, Vector3.down);
        Debug.Log(rRay.origin.ToString() + " " + rRay.direction.ToString());

        // return false if not grounded
예제 #2
    // Update: Function that calls each frame to update game objects.
    void Update()
        // if the game hasnt ended
        if (!ConveyorBelt.m_sbGameEnd)
            // if space bar is pressed and the player is grounded
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && IsGrounded())
                // can jump bool is true
                m_bJump    = true;
                m_bJumpAni = true;
                GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("Jump", m_bJumpAni);

            // if space bar is pressed and the player is grounded
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && m_eJumpState == EJumpState.EJUMPSTATE_SINGLE)
                // can jump bool is true
                m_bJump    = true;
                m_bJumpAni = true;
                // set jump state to double
                m_eJumpState = EJumpState.EJUMPSTATE_DOUBLE;

        // if jump animation is true
        if (m_bJumpAni)
            // jump animation is false
            m_bJumpAni = false;

            // set animator bool
            GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("Jump", m_bJumpAni);
예제 #3
    // FixedUpdate: This function is called every fixed framerate frame.
    void FixedUpdate()
        // Can the player jump?
        if (m_bJump)
            // player cant jump
            m_bJump = false;

            // set jump state to single jump if grounded
            if (m_eJumpState == EJumpState.EJUMPSTATE_GROUNDED)
                m_eJumpState = EJumpState.EJUMPSTATE_SINGLE;

            // Add force to the player to jump
            m_rbRigidBody.AddForce(0, m_nForceConst, 0, ForceMode.Impulse);