예제 #1
파일: CModel.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
 // Alokuje velkost poli zoznamov, malo by to byt dymamicke
 public CModel(string sFileName, ESLN eSLN, int eNDOF, EGCS eGCS,
     int iMatNum, int iCrScNum, int iNodeNum,
     int iMemNum, int iNSupNum, int iNRelNum, int iNLoadNum,
     int iMLoadNum, int iLoadCaseNum, int iLoadComNum)
     m_eSLN = eSLN;
     m_eNDOF = eNDOF;
     m_eGCS = eGCS;
     m_arrMat = new CMat_00[iMatNum];
     m_arrCrSc = new CCrSc[iCrScNum];
     m_arrNodes = new CNode[iNodeNum];
     m_arrMembers = new CMember[iMemNum];
     m_arrNSupports = new CNSupport[iNSupNum];
     m_arrNReleases = new CNRelease[iNRelNum];
     m_arrNLoads = new CNLoadAll[iNLoadNum];
     m_arrMLoads = new CMLoad[iMLoadNum];
     m_arrLoadCases = new CLoadCase[iLoadCaseNum];
     m_arrLoadCombs = new CLoadCombination[iLoadComNum];
예제 #2
파일: CMember.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
        private void getMeshMemberGeometry3DFromCrSc_1(EGCS eGCS, CCrSc obj_CrScA, CCrSc obj_CrScB, Point3D mpA, Point3D mpB, double dTheta_x, out MeshGeometry3D meshFrontSide, out MeshGeometry3D meshShell, out MeshGeometry3D meshBackSide)
            meshFrontSide = new MeshGeometry3D();
            meshShell = new MeshGeometry3D();
            meshBackSide = new MeshGeometry3D();

            meshFrontSide.Positions = new Point3DCollection();
            meshShell.Positions = new Point3DCollection();
            meshBackSide.Positions = new Point3DCollection();

            // Main Nodes of Member
            Point3D pA = mpA;
            Point3D pB = mpB;

            // Priemet do osi GCS - rozdiel suradnic v GCS
            double dDelta_X = pB.X - pA.X;
            double dDelta_Y = pB.Y - pA.Y;
            double dDelta_Z = pB.Z - pA.Z;

            // Realna dlzka prvku // Length of member - straigth segment of member
            // Prečo je záp**ná ???
            // double m_dLength = -Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(m_dDelta_X, 2) + Math.Pow(m_dDelta_Y, 2) + Math.Pow(m_dDelta_Z, 2));
            double m_dLength = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dDelta_X, 2) + Math.Pow(dDelta_Y, 2) + Math.Pow(dDelta_Z, 2));

            // Number of Points per section
            short iNoCrScPoints2D;
            // Points 2D Coordinate Array
            if (obj_CrScA.IsShapeSolid) // Solid I,U,Z,HL,L, ..............
                iNoCrScPoints2D = obj_CrScA.ITotNoPoints; // Depends on Section Type
                // Fill Mesh Positions for Start and End Section of Element - Defines Edge Points of Element

                if (obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut != null) // Check that data are available
                    for (int j = 0; j < iNoCrScPoints2D; j++)
                        // X - start, Y, Z
                        meshFrontSide.Positions.Add(new Point3D(0, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1]));
                        meshShell.Positions.Add(new Point3D(0, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1]));

                    for (int j = 0; j < iNoCrScPoints2D; j++)
                        // X - end, Y, Z
                        if (obj_CrScB == null /*|| zistit ci su objekty rovnakeho typu - triedy */)  // Check that data of second cross-section are available
                            meshBackSide.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1])); // Constant size member
                            meshShell.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1]));
                            meshBackSide.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScB.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScB.CrScPointsOut[j, 1])); // Tapered member
                            meshShell.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1]));
                    // Exception

            // Transform coordinates
            TransformMember_LCStoGCS(eGCS, pA, pB, dDelta_X, dDelta_Y, dDelta_Z, m_dTheta_x, meshFrontSide.Positions);
            TransformMember_LCStoGCS(eGCS, pA, pB, dDelta_X, dDelta_Y, dDelta_Z, m_dTheta_x, meshShell.Positions);
            TransformMember_LCStoGCS(eGCS, pA, pB, dDelta_X, dDelta_Y, dDelta_Z, m_dTheta_x, meshBackSide.Positions);

            // Mesh Triangles - various cross-sections shapes defined
            //mesh.TriangleIndices = obj_CrScA.TriangleIndices;
            meshFrontSide.TriangleIndices = obj_CrScA.TriangleIndicesFrontSide;
            meshShell.TriangleIndices = obj_CrScA.TriangleIndicesShell;
            meshBackSide.TriangleIndices = obj_CrScA.TriangleIndicesBackSide;

            // Change mesh triangle indices
            // Change orientation of normals
            bool bIndicesCW = true; // Clockwise or counter-clockwise system

예제 #3
파일: CModel.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
 // Geometrical model
 public CModel(string sFileName, ESLN eSLN, int eNDOF, EGCS eGCS,
     int iMatNum, /*int iCrScNum,*/ int iPointNum,
     /*int iMemNum,*/ int iLineNum, int iAreaNum, int iVolumeNum, int iWindNum)
     m_eSLN = eSLN;
     m_eNDOF = eNDOF;
     m_eGCS = eGCS;
     m_arrMat = new CMat_00[iMatNum];
     //m_arrCrSc = new CCrSc[iCrScNum];
     m_arrGOPoints = new BaseClasses.GraphObj.CPoint[iPointNum];
     //m_arrMembers = new CMember[iMemNum];
     m_arrGOAreas = new BaseClasses.GraphObj.CArea[iAreaNum];
     m_arrGOVolumes = new BaseClasses.GraphObj.CVolume[iVolumeNum];
     m_arrGOStrWindows = new BaseClasses.GraphObj.CStructure_Window[iWindNum];
예제 #4
파일: CMember.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
        protected Point3D RotatePoint_POKUSY(EGCS eGCS, Point3D pA, Point3D p, double alphaX, double betaY, double gamaZ, double dDeltaX, double dDeltaY, double dDeltaZ)
            Point3D p3Drotated = new Point3D();

            /* Commented 25.5.2013
            // Left Handed

            p3Drotated.X = pA.X + p.X;
            p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + (p.Y * Math.Cos(alphaX) - p.Z * Math.Sin(alphaX));
            p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + (p.Y * Math.Sin(alphaX) + p.Z * Math.Cos(alphaX));

            p3Drotated.X = pA.X + (p.X * Math.Cos(betaY) + p.Z * Math.Sin(betaY));
            p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + p.Y;
            p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + (-p.X * Math.Sin(betaY) + p.Z * Math.Cos(betaY));

            p3Drotated.X = pA.X + (p.X * Math.Cos(gamaZ) - p.Y * Math.Sin(gamaZ));
            p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + (p.X * Math.Sin(gamaZ) + p.Y * Math.Cos(gamaZ));
            p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + p.Z;

            // Left Handed
            // * Where (alphaX) represents the rotation about the X axis, (betaY) represents the rotation about the Y axis, and (gamaZ) represents the rotation about the Z axis
            X Rotation *

            1     0                0                  0
            0     cos (alphaX)    -sin (alphaX)       0
            0     sin (alphaX)     cos (alphaX)       0
            0     0                0                  1

            Y Rotation *

            cos (betaY)    0     sin (betaY)    0
            0              1     0              0
            -sin (betaY)   0     cos (betaY)    0
            0              0     0              1

            Z Rotation *

            cos (gamaZ)     -sin (gamaZ)     0      0
            sin (gamaZ)     cos (gamaZ)      0      0
            0                 0              1      0
            0                 0              0      1

            // Right Handed

            X Rotation *

            1           0             0               0
            0     cos (alphaX)     sin (alphaX)       0
            0     -sin (alphaX)    cos (alphaX)       0
            0           0             0               1

            Y Rotation *

            cos (betaY)    0     -sin (betaY)   0
            0              1     0              0
            sin (betaY)    0     cos (betaY)    0
            0              0     0              1

            Z Rotation *

            cos (gamaZ)     sin (gamaZ)      0      0
            -sin (gamaZ)    cos (gamaZ)      0      0
            0                 0              1      0
            0                 0              0      1

            Point3D pTemp1 = new Point3D();
            Point3D pTemp2 = new Point3D();

            if (eGCS == EGCS.eGCSLeftHanded)
                // Left handed

                pTemp1.X = p.X;
                pTemp1.Y = (Math.Cos(alphaX) * p.Y) - (Math.Sin(alphaX) * p.Z);
                pTemp1.Z = (Math.Sin(alphaX) * p.Y) + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * p.Z);

                pTemp2.X = (Math.Cos(betaY) * pTemp1.X) + (Math.Sin(betaY) * pTemp1.Z);
                pTemp2.Y = pTemp1.Y;
                pTemp2.Z = (-Math.Sin(betaY) * pTemp1.X) + (Math.Cos(betaY) * pTemp1.Z);

                p3Drotated.X = pA.X + ((Math.Cos(gamaZ) * pTemp2.X) - (Math.Sin(gamaZ) * pTemp2.Y));
                p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + ((Math.Sin(gamaZ) * pTemp2.X) + (Math.Cos(gamaZ) * pTemp2.Y));
                p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + pTemp2.Z;
                // Right handed

                pTemp1.X = p.X;
                pTemp1.Y = (Math.Cos(alphaX) * p.Y) + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * p.Z);
                pTemp1.Z = (-Math.Sin(alphaX) * p.Y) + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * p.Z);

                pTemp2.X = (Math.Cos(betaY) * pTemp1.X) - (Math.Sin(betaY) * pTemp1.Z);
                pTemp2.Y = pTemp1.Y;
                pTemp2.Z = (Math.Sin(betaY) * pTemp1.X) + (Math.Cos(betaY) * pTemp1.Z);

                p3Drotated.X = pA.X + ((Math.Cos(gamaZ) * pTemp2.X) + (Math.Sin(gamaZ) * pTemp2.Y));
                p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + ((-Math.Sin(gamaZ) * pTemp2.X) + (Math.Cos(gamaZ) * pTemp2.Y));
                p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + pTemp2.Z;

            // In case that member is parallel to global axis should be rotated only once
            if (dDeltaX < 0 && MathF.d_equal(dDeltaY, 0.0) && MathF.d_equal(dDeltaZ, 0.0))      // Parallel to X-axis with negative orientation
                betaY = 0; // Do not rotate about Y-axis
            else if (MathF.d_equal(dDeltaX, 0.0) && dDeltaY < 0 && MathF.d_equal(dDeltaZ, 0.0)) // Parallel to Y-axis with negative orientation
                alphaX = 0; // Do not rotate about X-axis
            else if (MathF.d_equal(dDeltaX, 0.0) && MathF.d_equal(dDeltaY, 0.0) && dDeltaZ < 0) // Parallel to Z-axis with negative orientation
                betaY = 0; // Do not rotate about Y-axis
                // No action - General position of member in space

            // Cumulative 3D rotation and translation
            // Temp - pokus 1
            // Rotate around x, y, z
            double ax = Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ);
            double ay = (Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY)) - (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ));
            double az = (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(betaY)) + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ));

            p3Drotated.X = ((Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) * p.X + ((Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY)) - (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Y + ((Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(betaY)) + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Z);

            double bx = Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ);
            double by = (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ));
            double bz = (-Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(alphaX)) + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ));

            p3Drotated.Y = ((Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ)) * p.X + ((Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Y + ((-Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(alphaX)) + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Z);

            double cx = -Math.Sin(betaY);
            double cy = Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(alphaX);
            double cz = Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY);

            p3Drotated.Z = ((-Math.Sin(betaY)) * p.X + (Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(alphaX)) * p.Y + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY)) * p.Z);

            // Temp - pokus 2

            if (gamaZ < Math.PI)
                gamaZ += Math.PI;
            else if (gamaZ > Math.PI)
                gamaZ -= Math.PI;

            // X Rotation
            ax = 1 * p.X + 0 * p.Y + 0 * p.Z;
            ay = 0 * p.X + Math.Cos(alphaX) * p.Y - Math.Sin(alphaX) * p.Z;
            az = Math.Sin(alphaX) * p.X + Math.Cos(alphaX) * p.Y + 0 * p.Z;

            // Y Rotation
            bx = Math.Cos(betaY) * ax + 0 * ay + Math.Sin(betaY) * az;
            by = 0 * ax + 1 * ay + 0 * az;
            bz = -Math.Sin(betaY) * ax + 0 * ay + Math.Cos(betaY) * az;

            // Z Rotation
            cx = Math.Cos(gamaZ) * bx - Math.Sin(gamaZ) * by + 0 * bz;
            cy = Math.Sin(gamaZ) * bx + Math.Cos(gamaZ) * by + 0 * bz;
            cz = 0 * bx + 0 * by + 1 * bz;

            p3Drotated.X = pA.X + cx;
            p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + cy;
            p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + cz;

            p3Drotated.X = pA.X + ((Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) * p.X + ((Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY)) - (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Y + ((Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(betaY)) + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Z);
            p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + ((Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ)) * p.X + ((Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Y + ((-Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(alphaX)) + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Z);
            p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + ((-Math.Sin(betaY)) * p.X + (Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(alphaX)) * p.Y + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY)) * p.Z);

            // Rotate around z, y, x
            p3Drotated.X = pA.X + ((Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) * p.X + (-Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ)) * p.Y + (Math.Sin(betaY)) * p.Z);
            p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + (((Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ)) + (Math.Sin(alphaX)*Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ))) * p.X + ((Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) - (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.Y + (-Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY)) * p.Z);
            p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + (((Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ)) - (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ))) * p.X + ((Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin (gamaZ))) * p.Y + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY)) * p.Z);

            // Right-handed cumulative ???
            // http://scipp.ucsc.edu/~haber/ph216/rotation_12.pdf
            p3Drotated.X = pA.X + (((Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) - (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.X + (-Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ) - (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ))) * p.Y + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY)) * p.Z);
            p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + (((Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Sin(gamaZ))) * p.X + (-Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ) + (Math.Cos(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ))) * p.Y + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Sin(betaY)) * p.Z);
            p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + ((-Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Cos(gamaZ)) * p.X + (Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(gamaZ)) * p.Y + (Math.Cos(betaY)) * p.Z);

            // http://inside.mines.edu/~gmurray/ArbitraryAxisRotation/
            p3Drotated.X = pA.X + ((Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Cos(betaY)) * p.X + (-Math.Sin(gamaZ) * Math.Cos(betaY)) * p.Y + Math.Sin(betaY) * p.Z);
            p3Drotated.Y = pA.Y + (((Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(alphaX)) + (Math.Sin(gamaZ) * Math.Cos(alphaX))) * p.X + ((Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Cos(alphaX)) - (Math.Sin(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Sin(alphaX))) * p.Y + (-Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Sin(alphaX)) * p.Z);
            p3Drotated.Z = pA.Z + (((Math.Sin(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(alphaX)) - (Math.Cos(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Cos(alphaX))) * p.X + ((Math.Sin(gamaZ) * Math.Sin(betaY) * Math.Cos(alphaX)) + (Math.Sin(alphaX) * Math.Cos(gamaZ))) * p.Y + (Math.Cos(betaY) * Math.Cos(alphaX)) * p.Z);

            return p3Drotated;

            // Mozno by som mal zapracovat toto
예제 #5
파일: CMember.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
        private MeshGeometry3D getMeshMemberGeometry3DFromCrSc(EGCS eGCS, CCrSc obj_CrScA, CCrSc obj_CrScB, Point3D mpA, Point3D mpB, double dTheta_x)
            MeshGeometry3D mesh = new MeshGeometry3D();
            mesh.Positions = new Point3DCollection();

            // Main Nodes of Member
            Point3D pA = mpA;
            Point3D pB = mpB;

            // Priemet do osi GCS - rozdiel suradnic v GCS
            double dDelta_X = pB.X - pA.X;
            double dDelta_Y = pB.Y - pA.Y;
            double dDelta_Z = pB.Z - pA.Z;

            // Realna dlzka prvku // Length of member - straigth segment of member
            // Prečo je záp**ná ???
            // double m_dLength = -Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(m_dDelta_X, 2) + Math.Pow(m_dDelta_Y, 2) + Math.Pow(m_dDelta_Z, 2));
            double m_dLength = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dDelta_X, 2) + Math.Pow(dDelta_Y, 2) + Math.Pow(dDelta_Z, 2));

            // Number of Points per section
            short iNoCrScPoints2D;
            // Points 2D Coordinate Array
            if (obj_CrScA.IsShapeSolid) // Solid I,U,Z,HL,L, ..............
                iNoCrScPoints2D = obj_CrScA.ITotNoPoints; // Depends on Section Type
                // Fill Mesh Positions for Start and End Section of Element - Defines Edge Points of Element

                if (obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut != null) // Check that data are available
                    for (int j = 0; j < iNoCrScPoints2D; j++)
                        // X - start, Y, Z
                        mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(0, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1]));
                    for (int j = 0; j < iNoCrScPoints2D; j++)
                        // X - end, Y, Z
                        if (obj_CrScB == null /*|| zistit ci su objekty rovnakeho typu - triedy */)  // Check that data of second cross-section are available
                            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1])); // Constant size member
                            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScB.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScB.CrScPointsOut[j, 1])); // Tapered member
                    // Exception
            else if (obj_CrScA.INoPointsOut == obj_CrScA.INoPointsIn) // Closed cross-section with same number out ouside and insdide definiton points
                // Tubes , Polygonal Hollow Sections
                iNoCrScPoints2D = (short)(2 * obj_CrScA.INoPointsOut); // Twice number of one surface

                // Tube, regular hollow sections
                // TU

                // Start
                if (obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut != null) // Check that data are available
                    // OutSide Radius Points
                    for (int j = 0; j < obj_CrScA.INoPointsOut; j++)
                        // X - start, Y, Z
                        mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(0, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1]));
                    // Exception

                if (obj_CrScA.CrScPointsIn != null) // Check that data are available
                    // Inside Radius Points
                    for (int j = 0; j < obj_CrScA.INoPointsIn; j++)
                        // X - start, Y, Z
                        mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(0, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsIn[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsIn[j, 1]));
                    // Exception

                // End
                if (obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut != null) // Check that data are available
                    // OutSide Radius Points
                    for (int j = 0; j < obj_CrScA.INoPointsOut; j++)
                        // X - end, Y, Z
                        if (obj_CrScB == null /*|| zistit ci su objekty rovnakeho typu - triedy */)  // Check that data of second cross-section are available
                            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsOut[j, 1])); // Constant size member
                            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScB.CrScPointsOut[j, 0], obj_CrScB.CrScPointsOut[j, 1])); // Tapered member
                    // Exception

                if (obj_CrScA.CrScPointsIn != null) // Check that data are available
                    // Inside Radius Points
                    for (int j = 0; j < obj_CrScA.INoPointsIn; j++)
                        // X - end, Y, Z
                        if (obj_CrScB == null /*|| zistit ci su objekty rovnakeho typu - triedy */)  // Check that data of second cross-section are available
                            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScA.CrScPointsIn[j, 0], obj_CrScA.CrScPointsIn[j, 1])); // Constant size member
                            mesh.Positions.Add(new Point3D(m_dLength, obj_CrScB.CrScPointsIn[j, 0], obj_CrScB.CrScPointsIn[j, 1])); // Tapered member
                    // Exception
                // Exception
                // Closed cross-section with different number out ouside and insdide definiton points

                iNoCrScPoints2D = 0; // Temp

            // Dislay data in the output window

            string sOutput = "Before transformation \n\n"; // create temporary string

            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * iNoCrScPoints2D; i++) // for all mesh positions (start and end of member, number of edge points of whole member = 2 * number in one section)
                Point3D p3D = mesh.Positions[i]; // Get mesh element/item (returns Point3D)

                sOutput += "Node ID: " + i.ToString();
                sOutput += "\t"; // New Tab between columns
                sOutput += p3D.X.ToString("0.0000");
                sOutput += "\t"; // New Tab between columns
                sOutput += p3D.Y.ToString("0.0000");
                sOutput += "\t"; // New Tab between columns
                sOutput += p3D.Z.ToString("0.0000");
                sOutput += "\t"; // New Tab between columns

                sOutput += "\n"; // New row

            if (BIsDebugging)
                System.Console.Write(sOutput); // Write in console window

            // Transform coordinates
            TransformMember_LCStoGCS(eGCS, pA, pB, dDelta_X, dDelta_Y, dDelta_Z, m_dTheta_x, mesh.Positions);

            // Mesh Triangles - various cross-sections shapes defined
            mesh.TriangleIndices = obj_CrScA.TriangleIndices;

            // Dislay data in the output window

            sOutput = null;
            sOutput = "After transformation \n\n"; // create temporary string

            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * iNoCrScPoints2D; i++) // for all mesh positions (start and end of member, number of edge points of whole member = 2 * number in one section)
                Point3D p3D = mesh.Positions[i]; // Get mesh element/item (returns Point3D)

                sOutput += "Node ID: " + i.ToString();
                sOutput += "\t"; // New Tab between columns
                sOutput += p3D.X.ToString("0.0000");
                sOutput += "\t"; // New Tab between columns
                sOutput += p3D.Y.ToString("0.0000");
                sOutput += "\t"; // New Tab between columns
                sOutput += p3D.Z.ToString("0.0000");
                sOutput += "\t"; // New Tab between columns

                sOutput += "\n"; // New row

            if (BIsDebugging)
                System.Console.Write(sOutput); // Write in console window

            // Change mesh triangle indices
            // Change orientation of normals

            //if (eGCS == EGCS.eGCSLeftHanded)
            bool bIndicesCW = true; // Clockwise or counter-clockwise system


            return mesh;
예제 #6
파일: CMember.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
        public Point3DCollection TransformMember_LCStoGCS(EGCS eGCS, Point3D pA, Point3D pB, double dDeltaX, double dDeltaY, double dDeltaZ, double dTheta_x, Point3DCollection pointsCollection)
            // Returns transformed coordinates of member nodes

            // Angles
            double dAlphaX = 0, dBetaY = 0, dGammaZ = 0;

            // Priemet do rovin GCS - dlzka priemetu do roviny
            double dLength_XY = 0,
                   dLength_YZ = 0,
                   dLength_XZ = 0;

            if (!MathF.d_equal(dDeltaX, 0.0) || !MathF.d_equal(dDeltaY, 0.0))
                dLength_XY = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dDeltaX, 2) + Math.Pow(dDeltaY, 2));

            if (!MathF.d_equal(dDeltaY, 0.0) || !MathF.d_equal(dDeltaZ, 0.0))
                dLength_YZ = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dDeltaY, 2) + Math.Pow(dDeltaZ, 2));

            if (!MathF.d_equal(dDeltaX, 0.0) || !MathF.d_equal(dDeltaZ, 0.0))
                dLength_XZ = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dDeltaX, 2) + Math.Pow(dDeltaZ, 2));

            if (BIsDebugging)
                // Temporary console output
                System.Console.Write("\n" + "Lengths - projection of element into global coordinate system:\n");
                System.Console.Write("Length - global X-axis:\t" + dDeltaX.ToString("0.000") + "\n"); // Write length in X-axis
                System.Console.Write("Length - global Y-axis:\t" + dDeltaY.ToString("0.000") + "\n"); // Write length in Y-axis
                System.Console.Write("Length - global Z-axis:\t" + dDeltaZ.ToString("0.000") + "\n\n"); // Write length in Z-axis

            // Uhly pootocenia LCS okolo osi GCS
            // Angles
            dAlphaX = Geom2D.GetAlpha2D_CW(dDeltaY, dDeltaZ);
            dBetaY = Geom2D.GetAlpha2D_CW_2(dDeltaX, dDeltaZ); // !!! Pre pootocenie okolo Y su pouzite ine kvadranty !!!
            dGammaZ = Geom2D.GetAlpha2D_CW(dDeltaX, dDeltaY);

            // Auxialiary angles for members graphics
            double dBetaY_aux = Geom2D.GetAlpha2D_CW_3(dDeltaX, dDeltaZ, Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dLength_XY, 2) + Math.Pow(dDeltaZ, 2)));
            double dGammaZ_aux = dGammaZ;
            if (Math.PI / 2 < dBetaY && dBetaY < 1.5 * Math.PI)
                if (dGammaZ < Math.PI)
                    dGammaZ_aux = dGammaZ + Math.PI;
                    dGammaZ_aux = dGammaZ - Math.PI;

            if (BIsDebugging)
                // Temporary console output
                System.Console.Write("\n" + "Rotation angles:\n");
                System.Console.Write("Rotation about global X-axis:\t" + dAlphaX.ToString("0.000") + "rad\t " + (dAlphaX * 180.0f / MathF.fPI).ToString("0.0") + "deg \n"); // Write rotation about X-axis
                System.Console.Write("Rotation about global Y-axis:\t" + dBetaY.ToString("0.000") + "rad\t " + (dBetaY * 180.0f / MathF.fPI).ToString("0.0") + "deg \n"); // Write rotation about Y-axis
                System.Console.Write("Rotation about global Z-axis:\t" + dGammaZ.ToString("0.000") + "rad\t " + (dGammaZ * 180.0f / MathF.fPI).ToString("0.0") + "deg \n"); // Write rotation about Z-axis
                System.Console.Write("\n" + "Auxiliary rotation angles - graphics:\n");
                System.Console.Write("Rotation about global Y-axis:\t" + dBetaY_aux.ToString("0.000") + "rad\t " + (dBetaY_aux * 180.0f / MathF.fPI).ToString("0.0") + "deg \n"); // Write auxiliary rotation about Y-axis
                System.Console.Write("Rotation about global Z-axis:\t" + dGammaZ_aux.ToString("0.000") + "rad\t " + (dGammaZ_aux * 180.0f / MathF.fPI).ToString("0.0") + "deg \n\n"); // Write auxiliary rotation about Z-axis

            for (int i = 0; i < pointsCollection.Count; i++)
                pointsCollection[i] = RotateTranslatePoint3D(eGCS, pA, pointsCollection[i], dBetaY_aux, dGammaZ_aux, dTheta_x, dDeltaX, dDeltaY, dDeltaZ);

            return pointsCollection;
예제 #7
파일: CMember.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
        public Point3D RotateTranslatePoint3D(EGCS eGCS, Point3D pA, Point3D p, double betaY, double gamaZ, double theta_x, double dDeltaX, double dDeltaY, double dDeltaZ)
            Point3D p3Drotated = new Point3D();


            // Left Handed
            // * Where (alphaX) represents the rotation about the X axis, (betaY) represents the rotation about the Y axis, and (gamaZ) represents the rotation about the Z axis
            X Rotation *

            1     0                0                  0
            0     cos (alphaX)    -sin (alphaX)       0
            0     sin (alphaX)     cos (alphaX)       0
            0     0                0                  1

            Y Rotation *

            cos (betaY)    0     sin (betaY)    0
            0              1     0              0
            -sin (betaY)   0     cos (betaY)    0
            0              0     0              1

            Z Rotation *

            cos (gamaZ)     -sin (gamaZ)     0      0
            sin (gamaZ)     cos (gamaZ)      0      0
            0                 0              1      0
            0                 0              0      1

            // Right Handed

            X Rotation *

            1           0             0               0
            0     cos (alphaX)     sin (alphaX)       0
            0     -sin (alphaX)    cos (alphaX)       0
            0           0             0               1

            Y Rotation *

            cos (betaY)    0     -sin (betaY)   0
            0              1     0              0
            sin (betaY)    0     cos (betaY)    0
            0              0     0              1

            Z Rotation *

            cos (gamaZ)     sin (gamaZ)      0      0
            -sin (gamaZ)    cos (gamaZ)      0      0
            0                 0              1      0
            0                 0              0      1

            Point3D pTemp1 = new Point3D();
            Point3D pTemp2 = new Point3D();

            if (eGCS == EGCS.eGCSLeftHanded)
                // Left-handed

                // Rotate about Y-axis
                pTemp1.X = (Math.Cos(betaY) * p.X) + (Math.Sin(betaY) * p.Z);
                pTemp1.Y = p.Y;
                pTemp1.Z = (-Math.Sin(betaY) * p.X) + (Math.Cos(betaY) * p.Z);

                // Rotate about Z-axis
                pTemp2.X = (Math.Cos(gamaZ) * pTemp1.X) - (Math.Sin(gamaZ) * pTemp1.Y);
                pTemp2.Y = (Math.Sin(gamaZ) * pTemp1.X) + (Math.Cos(gamaZ) * pTemp1.Y);
                pTemp2.Z = pTemp1.Z;

                // Translate
                pTemp1.X = pA.X + pTemp2.X;
                pTemp1.Y = pA.Y + pTemp2.Y;
                pTemp1.Z = pA.Z + pTemp2.Z;

                // Set output point data
                p3Drotated.X = pTemp1.X;
                p3Drotated.Y = pTemp1.Y;
                p3Drotated.Z = pTemp1.Z;

                // Rotate about local x-axis
                if (!MathF.d_equal(theta_x, 0.0))
                    double c = Math.Cos(theta_x);
                    double s = Math.Sin(theta_x);
                    double t = 1 - c;

                    p3Drotated.X = (t * Math.Pow(dDeltaX, 2) + c) * pTemp1.X + (t * dDeltaX * dDeltaY - s * dDeltaZ) * pTemp1.Y + (t * dDeltaX * dDeltaZ + s * dDeltaY) * pTemp1.Z;
                    p3Drotated.Y = (t * dDeltaX * dDeltaY + s * dDeltaZ) * pTemp1.X + (t * Math.Pow(dDeltaY, 2) + c) * pTemp1.Y + (t * dDeltaY * dDeltaZ - s * dDeltaX) * pTemp1.Z;
                    p3Drotated.Z = (t * dDeltaX * dDeltaZ - s * dDeltaY) * pTemp1.X + (t * dDeltaY * dDeltaZ + s * dDeltaX) * pTemp1.Y + (t * Math.Pow(dDeltaZ, 2) + c) * pTemp1.Z;
                // Right-handed

                // Rotate about Y-axis
                pTemp1.X = (Math.Cos(betaY) * p.X) - (Math.Sin(betaY) * p.Z);
                pTemp1.Y = p.Y;
                pTemp1.Z = (Math.Sin(betaY) * p.X) + (Math.Cos(betaY) * p.Z);

                // Rotate about Z-axis
                pTemp2.X = (Math.Cos(gamaZ) * pTemp1.X) + (Math.Sin(gamaZ) * pTemp1.Y);
                pTemp2.Y = (-Math.Sin(gamaZ) * pTemp1.X) + (Math.Cos(gamaZ) * pTemp1.Y);
                pTemp2.Z = pTemp1.Z;

                // Translate
                pTemp1.X = pA.X + pTemp2.X;
                pTemp1.Y = pA.Y + pTemp2.Y;
                pTemp1.Z = pA.Z + pTemp2.Z;

                // Set output point data
                p3Drotated.X = pTemp1.X;
                p3Drotated.Y = pTemp1.Y;
                p3Drotated.Z = pTemp1.Z;

                // Rotate about local x-axis
                if (!MathF.d_equal(theta_x, 0.0))
                    double c = Math.Cos(theta_x);
                    double s = Math.Sin(theta_x);
                    double t = 1 - c;

                    p3Drotated.X = (t * Math.Pow(dDeltaX, 2) + c) * pTemp1.X + (t * dDeltaX * dDeltaY + s * dDeltaZ) * pTemp1.Y + (t * dDeltaX * dDeltaZ - s * dDeltaY) * pTemp1.Z;
                    p3Drotated.Y = (t * dDeltaX * dDeltaY - s * dDeltaZ) * pTemp1.X + (t * Math.Pow(dDeltaY, 2) + c) * pTemp1.Y + (t * dDeltaY * dDeltaZ + s * dDeltaX) * pTemp1.Z;
                    p3Drotated.Z = (t * dDeltaX * dDeltaZ + s * dDeltaY) * pTemp1.X + (t * dDeltaY * dDeltaZ - s * dDeltaX) * pTemp1.Y + (t * Math.Pow(dDeltaZ, 2) + c) * pTemp1.Z;


            return p3Drotated;
예제 #8
파일: CMember.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
        public Model3DGroup getM_3D_G_Member(EGCS eGCS, SolidColorBrush brushFrontSide, SolidColorBrush brushShell, SolidColorBrush brushBackSide)
            Model3DGroup MObject3DModel = new Model3DGroup(); // Whole member

            GeometryModel3D modelFrontSide = new GeometryModel3D();
            GeometryModel3D modelShell = new GeometryModel3D();
            GeometryModel3D modelBackSide = new GeometryModel3D();

            getG_M_3D_Member(eGCS, brushFrontSide, brushShell, brushBackSide, out modelFrontSide, out  modelShell, out modelBackSide);


            return MObject3DModel;
예제 #9
파일: CMember.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
        public void getG_M_3D_Member(EGCS eGCS, SolidColorBrush brushFrontSide, SolidColorBrush brushShell, SolidColorBrush brushBackSide, out GeometryModel3D modelFrontSide, out GeometryModel3D modelShell, out GeometryModel3D modelBackSide)
            // We need to transform CNode to Point3D
            Point3D mpA = new Point3D(NodeStart.X, NodeStart.Y, NodeStart.Z); // Start point - class Point3D
            Point3D mpB = new Point3D(NodeEnd.X, NodeEnd.Y, NodeEnd.Z); // End point - class Point3D
            // Angle of rotation about local x-axis
            DTheta_x = 0; // Temporary

            modelFrontSide = new GeometryModel3D();
            modelShell = new GeometryModel3D();
            modelBackSide = new GeometryModel3D();

            MeshGeometry3D meshFrontSide = new MeshGeometry3D();
            MeshGeometry3D meshShell= new MeshGeometry3D();
            MeshGeometry3D meshBackSide = new MeshGeometry3D();

            getMeshMemberGeometry3DFromCrSc_1(eGCS, CrScStart, CrScEnd, mpA, mpB, DTheta_x, out meshFrontSide, out meshShell, out meshBackSide);

            modelFrontSide.Geometry = meshFrontSide;
            modelShell.Geometry = meshShell;
            modelBackSide.Geometry = meshBackSide;

            // Set MemberModel parts Material
            modelFrontSide.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(brushFrontSide);
            modelShell.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(brushShell);
            modelBackSide.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(brushBackSide);
예제 #10
파일: CMember.cs 프로젝트: 777ondro/sw-en
        public GeometryModel3D getG_M_3D_Member(EGCS eGCS, SolidColorBrush brush)
            // We need to transform CNode to Point3D
            Point3D mpA = new Point3D(NodeStart.X, NodeStart.Y, NodeStart.Z); // Start point - class Point3D
            Point3D mpB = new Point3D(NodeEnd.X, NodeEnd.Y, NodeEnd.Z); // End point - class Point3D
            // Angle of rotation about local x-axis
            DTheta_x = 0; // Temporary

            GeometryModel3D model = new GeometryModel3D();

            MeshGeometry3D mesh = getMeshMemberGeometry3DFromCrSc(eGCS, CrScStart, CrScEnd, mpA, mpB, DTheta_x); // Mesh one member

            model.Geometry = mesh;

            model.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(brush);  // Set MemberModel Material

            return model;