private void buttonByteApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte byAddr; try { if (textBoxByteAddress.Text.Length <= 0 || textBoxByteAddress.Text.Length > 2) { throw new FormatException(); } byAddr = Convert.ToByte(textBoxByteAddress.Text, 16); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Address format incorrect. Hex?", "Warning"); return; } if (radioButtonReadByte.Checked == true) { byte byData; LastErrCode = EEPROM_API.ReadByte(byAddr, out byData); if (LastErrCode != IMCAPIErrCode.IMC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { MessageBox.Show("Fails to ReadByte EERPOM " + LastErrCode.ToString("X4")); return; } textBoxByteData.Text = byData.ToString("X2"); } else { byte byData; try { if (textBoxByteData.Text.Length <= 0 || textBoxByteData.Text.Length > 2) { throw new FormatException(); } byData = Convert.ToByte(textBoxByteData.Text, 16); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Format incorrect. Hex?", "Warning"); return; } LastErrCode = EEPROM_API.WriteByte(byAddr, byData); if (LastErrCode != IMCAPIErrCode.IMC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { MessageBox.Show("Fails to WriteByte EERPOM " + LastErrCode.ToString("X4")); return; } } }