public void AddTabsForCurrentRole(int roleId) { context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Главная", IsChecked = true, /*IsSelected = true,*/ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Файл", IsChecked = true, /*IsSelected = false,*/ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Поля этикетки (Конфигурации)", IsChecked = true, /*IsSelected = false,*/ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Цвет бейджа (Конфигурации)", IsChecked = true, /*IsSelected = false, */ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Рабочий стол (Конфигурации)", IsChecked = true, /*IsSelected = false, */ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Отчёты (Конфигурации)", IsChecked = true, /*IsSelected = false,*/ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Регистрация (Администрирование)", IsChecked = true, /* IsSelected = false,*/ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Авторизация (Администрирование)", IsChecked = true, /* IsSelected = false,*/ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Управление доступом (Администрирование)", IsChecked = true, /* IsSelected = false,*/ RoleId = roleId }); context.Tabs.Add(new Tab { Name = "Режим работы (Сеть)", IsChecked = true, /*IsSelected = false,*/ RoleId = roleId }); context.SaveChanges(); }
public DisplaySetting AddOrUpdateDisplaySetting(DisplaySetting displaySetting) { context.DisplaySettings.AddOrUpdate(displaySetting); context.SaveChanges(); return(context.DisplaySettings.Where(s => s.Name == displaySetting.Name && s.Intendant == displaySetting.Intendant).FirstOrDefault()); }
public PrintSetting AddOrUpdatePrintSetting(PrintSetting printSetting) { context.PrintSettings.AddOrUpdate(printSetting); context.SaveChanges(); return(context.PrintSettings.Where(s => s.Name == printSetting.Name && s.IsSelected == printSetting.IsSelected).FirstOrDefault()); }
public User AddOrUpdateUser(User user) { if (context.Users.Where(s => s.Login == user.Login && s.Id == 0).Count() == 0) { context.Users.AddOrUpdate(user); context.SaveChanges(); } return(context.Users.Where(s => s.Login == user.Login).FirstOrDefault()); }
public PrintStringSetting AddOrUpdatePrintStringSetting(PrintStringSetting printStringSetting) { context.PrintStringSettings.AddOrUpdate(printStringSetting); context.SaveChanges(); return(context.PrintStringSettings.Where(p => p.Id == printStringSetting.Id && p.Name == printStringSetting.Name && p.ToUpper == printStringSetting.ToUpper && p.Visible == printStringSetting.Visible && p.PrintSettingId == printStringSetting.PrintSettingId).FirstOrDefault()); }
public VisitorRepository(string file) { context = new EContext(); if (!context.Database.Exists()) { context.Database.Delete(); context.SaveChanges(); exelData = new ExelData(file); exelData.setDataToCollection(context.Visitors); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public Role AddOrUpdate(Role role) { bool needAddAtribute = role.Id == 0; context.Roles.AddOrUpdate(role); context.SaveChanges(); if (needAddAtribute) { var roleId = context.Roles.Where(r => r.Name == role.Name).FirstOrDefault().Id; var tabs = new TabRepository(); var commands = new CommandRepository(); tabs.AddTabsForCurrentRole(roleId); commands.AddCommandForCurrentRole(roleId); } return(context.Roles.Where(r => r.Name == role.Name).FirstOrDefault()); }
public async Task <bool> DeleteById(string id) { try { var vehicle = await _context.Vehicles.Where(v => v.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (vehicle == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException("vehicle not found"); } _context.Vehicles.Remove(vehicle); int affected = _context.SaveChanges(); if (affected <= 0) { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Exception should be logged somewhere throw; } return(true); }
public static void Initialize(EContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); //already db has been seeded before, no need to continue if (context.Vehicles.Any()) { return; } //seed db var vehicles = new Vehicle[] { new Vehicle { Year = 1980, Make = "Explorer", Model = "Ford" }, new Vehicle { Year = 2005, Make = "Taho", Model = "Chevy" }, new Vehicle { Year = 2010, Make = "Edge", Model = "Ford" }, new Vehicle { Year = 2015, Make = "Evoque", Model = "Land Rover" } }; foreach (var vehicle in vehicles) { context.Vehicles.Add(vehicle); } context.SaveChanges(); }
public void importRepositoryFromFileWithId(string fileName, Action <Progress_Bar> progressChanged) { ExelData exelData = new ExelData(fileName, progressChanged); progress.Status = "Delete old visitors"; progress.Progress = 0; using (var ctx = new EContext()) { int count = 1; var collection = ctx.Visitors.ToList(); var size = collection.Count() + 1; foreach (var u in collection) { progress.Progress = (int)(count * 100 / size); progressChanged(progress); ctx.Visitors.Remove(u); count++; } ctx.SaveChanges(); var dat = new List <Visitor>(); exelData.importVisitorsToCollectionWithId(dat, progressChanged); progress.Status = "Add new data to database"; progress.Progress = 0; int co = 1; var sd = dat.Count() + 1; foreach (var d in dat) { const string InsertQuery = @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Visitors ON; INSERT INTO Visitors(Id, Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, Column5, Column6, Column7, Column8, Column9, Column10, Column11, Column12, Column13, Column14, Column15, CurrentStatus) VALUES({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}, {8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15},{16}); SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Visitors OFF;"; context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(InsertQuery, d.Id, d.Column1, d.Column2, d.Column3, d.Column4, d.Column5, d.Column6, d.Column7, d.Column8, d.Column9, d.Column10, d.Column11, d.Column12, d.Column13, d.Column14, d.Column15, d.CurrentStatus); context.SaveChanges(); progress.Progress = (int)(co * 100 / sd); progressChanged(progress); co++; } } progress.Status = "Add new data to collection"; progress.Progress = 0; int c = 1; var col = context.Visitors.ToList(); var s = col.Count() + 1; foreach (var v in col) { progress.Progress = (int)(c * 100 / s); progressChanged(progress); AddOrUpdateVisitor(v); c++; } }
public void SaveCategory(Category category) { using (var context = new EContext()) { context.Categories.Add(category); context.SaveChanges(); } }
AddOrUpdateDSCollumnSetting(DSCollumnSetting dSCollumnSetting) { context.DSCollumnSettings.AddOrUpdate(dSCollumnSetting); context.SaveChanges(); //if (context.DSCollumnSettings.Where(d=> //d.Name == dSCollumnSetting.Name&& //d.Visible == dSCollumnSetting.Visible&& //d.Width == dSCollumnSetting.Width).Count() == 0) //{ // context.DSCollumnSettings.AddOrUpdate(dSCollumnSetting); // context.SaveChanges(); //} return(context.DSCollumnSettings.Where(d => d.Name == dSCollumnSetting.Name && d.Visible == dSCollumnSetting.Visible && d.Width == dSCollumnSetting.Width).FirstOrDefault()); }
public void UpdateCategory(Category category) { using (var context = new EContext()) { context.Entry(category).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void UpdateProduct(Product product) { using (var context = new EContext()) { context.Entry(product).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void DeleteProduct(int id) { using (var context = new EContext()) { var product = context.Products.Find(id); context.Products.Remove(product); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void DeleteOrder(int id) { using (var context = new EContext()) { var order = context.Orders.Find(id); context.Orders.Remove(order); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public UserInRole AddOrUpdateUserInRole(UserInRole userInRole) { var checkUserInRole = context.UserInRoles.Where(ur => ur.RoleId == userInRole.RoleId && ur.UserId == userInRole.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkUserInRole == null) { context.UserInRoles.AddOrUpdate(userInRole); context.SaveChanges(); return(context.UserInRoles.Where(ur => ur.RoleId == userInRole.RoleId && ur.UserId == userInRole.UserId).FirstOrDefault()); } else { return(checkUserInRole); } }
public void SaveProduct(Product product) { using (var context = new EContext()) { context.Entry(product.Category).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Unchanged; context.Products.Add(product); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public int SaveOrder(Order order) { using (var context = new EContext()) { context.Orders.Add(order); return(context.SaveChanges()); //context.Orders.Add(order); //context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void DeleteCategory(int id) { using (var context = new EContext()) { var category = context.Categories.Where(x => x.Id == id).Include(x => x.Products).FirstOrDefault(); context.Products.RemoveRange(category.Products);//first delete product of this category context.Categories.Remove(category); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public IEnumerable <Visitor> AddDataToRepositoryFromFile(string fileName) { ExelData exelData = new ExelData(fileName); exelData.setDataToCollection(context.Visitors); context.SaveChanges(); var v = context.Visitors.ToList(); return(v); }
public void AddCommandForCurrentRole(int roleId) { context.Commands.Add(new Command { Name = "AddUser", IsChecked = true, RoleId = roleId }); context.Commands.Add(new Command { Name = "DelUser", IsChecked = true, RoleId = roleId }); context.Commands.Add(new Command { Name = "AddRoles", IsChecked = true, RoleId = roleId }); context.Commands.Add(new Command { Name = "DelRoles", IsChecked = true, RoleId = roleId }); context.Commands.Add(new Command { Name = "SaveChanges", IsChecked = true, RoleId = roleId }); context.Commands.Add(new Command { Name = "LoadFile", IsChecked = true, RoleId = roleId }); context.SaveChanges(); }
public bool UpdateOrderStatus(int Id, string status) { using (var context = new EContext()) { var order = context.Orders.Find(Id); order.Status = status; context.Entry(order).State = EntityState.Modified; return(context.SaveChanges() > 0); } }
public Visitor AddOrUpdateVisitor(Visitor visitor) { if (context.Visitors.Where(s => s.Column1 == visitor.Column1 && s.Column2 == visitor.Column2 && s.Column3 == visitor.Column3 && s.Column4 == visitor.Column4 && s.Column5 == visitor.Column5 && s.Column6 == visitor.Column6 && s.Column7 == visitor.Column7 && s.Column8 == visitor.Column8 && s.Column9 == visitor.Column9 && s.Column10 == visitor.Column10 && s.Column11 == visitor.Column11 && s.Column12 == visitor.Column12 && s.Column13 == visitor.Column13 && s.Column14 == visitor.Column14 && s.Column15 == visitor.Column15).Count() == 0) { context.Visitors.AddOrUpdate(visitor); context.SaveChanges(); } return(context.Visitors.Where(s => s.Column1 == visitor.Column1 && s.Column2 == visitor.Column2 && s.Column3 == visitor.Column3 && s.Column4 == visitor.Column4 && s.Column5 == visitor.Column5 && s.Column6 == visitor.Column6 && s.Column7 == visitor.Column7 && s.Column8 == visitor.Column8 && s.Column9 == visitor.Column9 && s.Column10 == visitor.Column10 && s.Column11 == visitor.Column11 && s.Column12 == visitor.Column12 && s.Column13 == visitor.Column13 && s.Column14 == visitor.Column14 && s.Column15 == visitor.Column15).FirstOrDefault()); }
public void importStatusRepositoryFromFileWithId(string fileName, Action <Progress_Bar> progressChanged) { ExelData exelData = new ExelData(fileName, progressChanged); progress.Status = "Delete old statuses"; progress.Progress = 0; using (var ctx = new EContext()) { int count = 1; var collection = ctx.Statuses.ToList(); var size = collection.Count() + 1; foreach (var stat in collection) { progress.Progress = (int)(count * 100 / size); progressChanged(progress); ctx.Statuses.Remove(stat); count++; } ctx.SaveChanges(); var dat = new List <Status>(); exelData.importSatausToCollectionWithId(dat, progressChanged); progress.Status = "Add new data to database"; progress.Progress = 0; int co = 1; var sd = dat.Count() + 1; foreach (var d in dat) { const string InsertQuery = @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Status ON; INSERT INTO Status(Id, Name, ActionTime, UserId, VisitorId) VALUES({0},{1},{2},{3},{4}); SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Status OFF;"; try { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(InsertQuery, d.Id, d.Name, d.ActionTime, d.UserId, d.VisitorId); context.SaveChanges(); } catch { } progress.Progress = (int)(co * 100 / sd); progressChanged(progress); co++; } } }
public bool Eliminar(Expression <Func <T, bool> > predicate) { bool blResultado = false; using (EContext context = new EContext()) { try { var entities = context.Set <T>().Where(predicate).ToList(); entities.ForEach(x => context.Entry(x).State = EntityState.Deleted); context.SaveChanges(); blResultado = true; } catch (Exception ex) { blResultado = false; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } return(blResultado); }
public bool Eliminar(T entity) { bool blResultado = false; using (EContext context = new EContext()) { try { context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Deleted; context.SaveChanges(); blResultado = true; } catch (Exception ex) { blResultado = false; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } return(blResultado); }
public bool Crear(T entity) { bool blResultado = false; using (EContext context = new EContext()) { try { context.Set <T>().Add(entity); context.SaveChanges(); blResultado = true; } catch (Exception ex) { blResultado = false; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } return(blResultado); }
public void initRepositoryFromFile(string fileName, Action <Progress_Bar> progressChanged) { ExelData exelData = new ExelData(fileName, progressChanged); progress.Status = "Delete old visitors"; progress.Progress = 0; using (var ctx = new EContext()) { int count = 1; var collection = ctx.Visitors.ToList(); var size = collection.Count() + 1; foreach (var u in collection) { progress.Progress = (int)(count * 100 / size); progressChanged(progress); ctx.Visitors.Remove(u); count++; } ctx.SaveChanges(); } exelData.setDataToCollection(context.Visitors, progressChanged); context.SaveChanges(); progress.Status = "Add new data to collection"; progress.Progress = 0; int c = 1; var col = context.Visitors; var s = col.Count() + 1; foreach (var v in col) { progress.Progress = (int)(c * 100 / s); progressChanged(progress); // visitorCollection.Add(v); AddOrUpdateVisitor(v); c++; } }
public void RemoveStatus(Status status) { context.Statuses.Remove(status); context.SaveChanges(); }