예제 #1
 public virtual ECPoint Map(ECPoint p)
예제 #2
        public static WNafPreCompInfo Precompute(ECPoint p, int width, bool includeNegated)
            ECCurve         c = p.Curve;
            WNafPreCompInfo wnafPreCompInfo = GetWNafPreCompInfo(c.GetPreCompInfo(p, PRECOMP_NAME));

            int iniPreCompLen = 0, reqPreCompLen = 1 << System.Math.Max(0, width - 2);

            ECPoint[] preComp = wnafPreCompInfo.PreComp;
            if (preComp == null)
                preComp = EMPTY_POINTS;
                iniPreCompLen = preComp.Length;

            if (iniPreCompLen < reqPreCompLen)
                preComp = ResizeTable(preComp, reqPreCompLen);

                if (reqPreCompLen == 1)
                    preComp[0] = p.Normalize();
                    int curPreCompLen = iniPreCompLen;
                    if (curPreCompLen == 0)
                        preComp[0]    = p;
                        curPreCompLen = 1;

                    ECFieldElement iso = null;

                    if (reqPreCompLen == 2)
                        preComp[1] = p.ThreeTimes();
                        ECPoint twiceP = wnafPreCompInfo.Twice, last = preComp[curPreCompLen - 1];
                        if (twiceP == null)
                            twiceP = preComp[0].Twice();
                            wnafPreCompInfo.Twice = twiceP;

                             * For Fp curves with Jacobian projective coordinates, use a (quasi-)isomorphism
                             * where 'twiceP' is "affine", so that the subsequent additions are cheaper. This
                             * also requires scaling the initial point's X, Y coordinates, and reversing the
                             * isomorphism as part of the subsequent normalization.
                             *  NOTE: The correctness of this optimization depends on:
                             *      1) additions do not use the curve's A, B coefficients.
                             *      2) no special cases (i.e. Q +/- Q) when calculating 1P, 3P, 5P, ...
                            if (ECAlgorithms.IsFpCurve(c) && c.FieldSize >= 64)
                                switch (c.CoordinateSystem)
                                case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN:
                                case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN_CHUDNOVSKY:
                                case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN_MODIFIED:
                                    iso    = twiceP.GetZCoord(0);
                                    twiceP = c.CreatePoint(twiceP.XCoord.ToBigInteger(),

                                    ECFieldElement iso2 = iso.Square(), iso3 = iso2.Multiply(iso);
                                    last = last.ScaleX(iso2).ScaleY(iso3);

                                    if (iniPreCompLen == 0)
                                        preComp[0] = last;

                        while (curPreCompLen < reqPreCompLen)
                             * Compute the new ECPoints for the precomputation array. The values 1, 3,
                             * 5, ..., 2^(width-1)-1 times p are computed
                            preComp[curPreCompLen++] = last = last.Add(twiceP);

                     * Having oft-used operands in affine form makes operations faster.
                    c.NormalizeAll(preComp, iniPreCompLen, reqPreCompLen - iniPreCompLen, iso);

            wnafPreCompInfo.PreComp = preComp;

            if (includeNegated)
                ECPoint[] preCompNeg = wnafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg;

                int pos;
                if (preCompNeg == null)
                    pos        = 0;
                    preCompNeg = new ECPoint[reqPreCompLen];
                    pos = preCompNeg.Length;
                    if (pos < reqPreCompLen)
                        preCompNeg = ResizeTable(preCompNeg, reqPreCompLen);

                while (pos < reqPreCompLen)
                    preCompNeg[pos] = preComp[pos].Negate();

                wnafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg = preCompNeg;

            c.SetPreCompInfo(p, PRECOMP_NAME, wnafPreCompInfo);

예제 #3
		public virtual ECPoint Map(ECPoint p)
			return p.ScaleX(scale);
예제 #4
        public static WNafPreCompInfo Precompute(ECPoint p, int width, bool includeNegated)
            ECCurve         curve           = p.Curve;
            WNafPreCompInfo wNafPreCompInfo = WNafUtilities.GetWNafPreCompInfo(curve.GetPreCompInfo(p, WNafUtilities.PRECOMP_NAME));
            int             num             = 0;
            int             num2            = 1 << Math.Max(0, width - 2);

            ECPoint[] array = wNafPreCompInfo.PreComp;
            if (array == null)
                array = WNafUtilities.EMPTY_POINTS;
                num = array.Length;
            if (num < num2)
                array = WNafUtilities.ResizeTable(array, num2);
                if (num2 == 1)
                    array[0] = p.Normalize();
                    int i = num;
                    if (i == 0)
                        array[0] = p;
                        i        = 1;
                    ECFieldElement eCFieldElement = null;
                    if (num2 == 2)
                        array[1] = p.ThreeTimes();
                        ECPoint eCPoint  = wNafPreCompInfo.Twice;
                        ECPoint eCPoint2 = array[i - 1];
                        if (eCPoint == null)
                            eCPoint = array[0].Twice();
                            wNafPreCompInfo.Twice = eCPoint;
                            if (ECAlgorithms.IsFpCurve(curve) && curve.FieldSize >= 64)
                                switch (curve.CoordinateSystem)
                                case 2:
                                case 3:
                                case 4:
                                    eCFieldElement = eCPoint.GetZCoord(0);
                                    eCPoint        = curve.CreatePoint(eCPoint.XCoord.ToBigInteger(), eCPoint.YCoord.ToBigInteger());
                                    ECFieldElement eCFieldElement2 = eCFieldElement.Square();
                                    ECFieldElement scale           = eCFieldElement2.Multiply(eCFieldElement);
                                    eCPoint2 = eCPoint2.ScaleX(eCFieldElement2).ScaleY(scale);
                                    if (num == 0)
                                        array[0] = eCPoint2;
                        while (i < num2)
                            eCPoint2 = (array[i++] = eCPoint2.Add(eCPoint));
                    curve.NormalizeAll(array, num, num2 - num, eCFieldElement);
            wNafPreCompInfo.PreComp = array;
            if (includeNegated)
                ECPoint[] array2 = wNafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg;
                int       j;
                if (array2 == null)
                    j      = 0;
                    array2 = new ECPoint[num2];
                    j = array2.Length;
                    if (j < num2)
                        array2 = WNafUtilities.ResizeTable(array2, num2);
                while (j < num2)
                    array2[j] = array[j].Negate();
                wNafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg = array2;
            curve.SetPreCompInfo(p, WNafUtilities.PRECOMP_NAME, wNafPreCompInfo);
예제 #5
        public static WNafPreCompInfo Precompute(ECPoint p, int width, bool includeNegated)
            ECCurve         c = p.Curve;
            WNafPreCompInfo wNafPreCompInfo = GetWNafPreCompInfo(c.GetPreCompInfo(p, PRECOMP_NAME));
            int             off             = 0;
            int             length          = ((int)1) << Math.Max(0, width - 2);

            ECPoint[] preComp = wNafPreCompInfo.PreComp;
            if (preComp == null)
                preComp = EMPTY_POINTS;
                off = preComp.Length;
            if (off < length)
                preComp = ResizeTable(preComp, length);
                if (length == 1)
                    preComp[0] = p.Normalize();
                    int num3 = off;
                    if (num3 == 0)
                        preComp[0] = p;
                        num3       = 1;
                    ECFieldElement b = null;
                    if (length == 2)
                        preComp[1] = p.ThreeTimes();
                        ECPoint twice  = wNafPreCompInfo.Twice;
                        ECPoint point2 = preComp[num3 - 1];
                        if (twice == null)
                            twice = preComp[0].Twice();
                            wNafPreCompInfo.Twice = twice;
                            if (ECAlgorithms.IsFpCurve(c) && (c.FieldSize >= 0x40))
                                switch (c.CoordinateSystem)
                                case 2:
                                case 3:
                                case 4:
                                    b     = twice.GetZCoord(0);
                                    twice = c.CreatePoint(twice.XCoord.ToBigInteger(), twice.YCoord.ToBigInteger());
                                    ECFieldElement scale    = b.Square();
                                    ECFieldElement element3 = scale.Multiply(b);
                                    point2 = point2.ScaleX(scale).ScaleY(element3);
                                    if (off == 0)
                                        preComp[0] = point2;
                        while (num3 < length)
                            preComp[num3++] = point2 = point2.Add(twice);
                    c.NormalizeAll(preComp, off, length - off, b);
            wNafPreCompInfo.PreComp = preComp;
            if (includeNegated)
                int       num5;
                ECPoint[] preCompNeg = wNafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg;
                if (preCompNeg == null)
                    num5       = 0;
                    preCompNeg = new ECPoint[length];
                    num5 = preCompNeg.Length;
                    if (num5 < length)
                        preCompNeg = ResizeTable(preCompNeg, length);
                while (num5 < length)
                    preCompNeg[num5] = preComp[num5].Negate();
                wNafPreCompInfo.PreCompNeg = preCompNeg;
            c.SetPreCompInfo(p, PRECOMP_NAME, wNafPreCompInfo);
예제 #6
            public PreCompInfo Precompute(PreCompInfo existing)
                WNafPreCompInfo existingWNaf = existing as WNafPreCompInfo;

                int width         = System.Math.Max(2, System.Math.Min(MAX_WIDTH, m_minWidth));
                int reqPreCompLen = 1 << (width - 2);

                if (CheckExisting(existingWNaf, width, reqPreCompLen, m_includeNegated))

                WNafPreCompInfo result = new WNafPreCompInfo();

                ECCurve c = m_p.Curve;

                ECPoint[] preComp = null, preCompNeg = null;
                ECPoint   twiceP  = null;

                if (null != existingWNaf)
                    int promotionCountdown = existingWNaf.DecrementPromotionCountdown();
                    result.PromotionCountdown = promotionCountdown;

                    int confWidth = existingWNaf.ConfWidth;
                    result.ConfWidth = confWidth;

                    preComp    = existingWNaf.PreComp;
                    preCompNeg = existingWNaf.PreCompNeg;
                    twiceP     = existingWNaf.Twice;

                width         = System.Math.Min(MAX_WIDTH, System.Math.Max(result.ConfWidth, width));
                reqPreCompLen = 1 << (width - 2);

                int iniPreCompLen = 0;

                if (null == preComp)
                    preComp = EMPTY_POINTS;
                    iniPreCompLen = preComp.Length;

                if (iniPreCompLen < reqPreCompLen)
                    preComp = WNafUtilities.ResizeTable(preComp, reqPreCompLen);

                    if (reqPreCompLen == 1)
                        preComp[0] = m_p.Normalize();
                        int curPreCompLen = iniPreCompLen;
                        if (curPreCompLen == 0)
                            preComp[0]    = m_p;
                            curPreCompLen = 1;

                        ECFieldElement iso = null;

                        if (reqPreCompLen == 2)
                            preComp[1] = m_p.ThreeTimes();
                            ECPoint isoTwiceP = twiceP, last = preComp[curPreCompLen - 1];
                            if (null == isoTwiceP)
                                isoTwiceP = preComp[0].Twice();
                                twiceP    = isoTwiceP;

                                 * For Fp curves with Jacobian projective coordinates, use a (quasi-)isomorphism
                                 * where 'twiceP' is "affine", so that the subsequent additions are cheaper. This
                                 * also requires scaling the initial point's X, Y coordinates, and reversing the
                                 * isomorphism as part of the subsequent normalization.
                                 *  NOTE: The correctness of this optimization depends on:
                                 *      1) additions do not use the curve's A, B coefficients.
                                 *      2) no special cases (i.e. Q +/- Q) when calculating 1P, 3P, 5P, ...
                                if (!twiceP.IsInfinity && ECAlgorithms.IsFpCurve(c) && c.FieldSize >= 64)
                                    switch (c.CoordinateSystem)
                                    case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN:
                                    case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN_CHUDNOVSKY:
                                    case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN_MODIFIED:
                                        iso       = twiceP.GetZCoord(0);
                                        isoTwiceP = c.CreatePoint(twiceP.XCoord.ToBigInteger(),

                                        ECFieldElement iso2 = iso.Square(), iso3 = iso2.Multiply(iso);
                                        last = last.ScaleX(iso2).ScaleY(iso3);

                                        if (iniPreCompLen == 0)
                                            preComp[0] = last;

                            while (curPreCompLen < reqPreCompLen)
                                 * Compute the new ECPoints for the precomputation array. The values 1, 3,
                                 * 5, ..., 2^(width-1)-1 times p are computed
                                preComp[curPreCompLen++] = last = last.Add(isoTwiceP);

                         * Having oft-used operands in affine form makes operations faster.
                        c.NormalizeAll(preComp, iniPreCompLen, reqPreCompLen - iniPreCompLen, iso);

                if (m_includeNegated)
                    int pos;
                    if (null == preCompNeg)
                        pos        = 0;
                        preCompNeg = new ECPoint[reqPreCompLen];
                        pos = preCompNeg.Length;
                        if (pos < reqPreCompLen)
                            preCompNeg = WNafUtilities.ResizeTable(preCompNeg, reqPreCompLen);

                    while (pos < reqPreCompLen)
                        preCompNeg[pos] = preComp[pos].Negate();

                result.PreComp    = preComp;
                result.PreCompNeg = preCompNeg;
                result.Twice      = twiceP;
                result.Width      = width;