public void Run() { try { if (!converter.waitForFormatSupport("PDF")) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: PDF plug-in is not available!"); return; } if (_NoArgs) { Help(); } else if (_BadArgs) { Error(); Help(); } else { UnknownECGReader reader = new UnknownECGReader(); IECGFormat src = reader.Read(_InFile, _InFileOffset); if ((src == null) || !src.Works()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", reader.getErrorMessage()); return; } ECGConfig config = converter.getConfig("PDF"); for (int i = 0; i < _Config.Count; i++) { if (config != null) { config[(string)_Config.GetKey(i)] = (string)_Config.GetByIndex(i); } } if ((config != null) && !config.ConfigurationWorks()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Configuration for ECG Format!"); return; } IECGFormat dst = null; converter.Convert(src, "PDF", config, out dst); if ((dst == null) || !dst.Works()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Creating PDF failed!"); return; } if (_Anonymize) { dst.Anonymous(); } if ((_PatientId != null) && (dst.Demographics != null)) { dst.Demographics.PatientID = _PatientId; } string outfile = Path.GetTempFileName(); ECGWriter.Write(dst, outfile, true); if (ECGWriter.getLastError() != 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ECGWriter.getLastErrorMessage()); return; } if (!PrintPdf(outfile, _Silence)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Using acrobat to print failed!"); return; } try { File.Delete(outfile); } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.ToString()); } }
public void Run() { try { if (_NoArgs) { Help(); } else if (_BadArgs) { Error(); Help(); } else { if (_InType != null) { converter.waitForLoadingAllPlugins(); } IECGReader reader = _InType == null ? new UnknownECGReader() : converter.getReader(_InType); if (reader == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: no reader provided by input type!"); return; } ECGConfig config1 = ECGConverter.Instance.getConfig(_InType); if (config1 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _Config.Count; i++) { config1[(string)_Config.GetKey(i)] = (string)_Config.GetByIndex(i); } } IECGFormat src = reader.Read(_InFile, _InFileOffset, config1); if (src == null || !src.Works()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", reader.getErrorMessage()); return; } if ((_BufferedSecondsToLoad > 0) || (_BufferedOffsetToLoad > 0)) { ECGConversion.ECGSignals.Signals sigs = null; if ((src.Signals.getSignals(out sigs) == 0) && sigs.IsBuffered) { ECGConversion.ECGSignals.BufferedSignals bs = (ECGConversion.ECGSignals.BufferedSignals)sigs; int start = 0, end = 0; start = bs.RealRhythmStart + (_BufferedOffsetToLoad * bs.RhythmSamplesPerSecond); end = (_BufferedSecondsToLoad == int.MaxValue) ? _BufferedSecondsToLoad : start + (_BufferedSecondsToLoad * bs.RhythmSamplesPerSecond); if (start > bs.RealRhythmEnd) { start = bs.RealRhythmEnd; } if (end > bs.RealRhythmEnd) { end = bs.RealRhythmEnd; } if (start < end) { bs.LoadSignal(start, end); src.Signals.setSignals(bs); } } } IECGManagementSystem manSys = _OutFile == null ? null : converter.getECGManagementSystem(_OutType); config1 = ECGConverter.Instance.getConfig(manSys == null ? _OutType : manSys.FormatName); ECGConfig config2 = manSys == null ? null : manSys.Config; for (int i = 0; i < _Config.Count; i++) { if (config1 != null) { config1[(string)_Config.GetKey(i)] = (string)_Config.GetByIndex(i); } if (config2 != null) { config2[(string)_Config.GetKey(i)] = (string)_Config.GetByIndex(i); } } if ((config1 != null) && !config1.ConfigurationWorks()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Configuration for ECG Format!"); return; } if ((config2 != null) && !config2.ConfigurationWorks()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Configuration for ECG Management System!"); return; } if (manSys == null) { IECGFormat dst = src.GetType() == ECGConverter.Instance.getType(_OutType) ? src : null; if (dst == null) { if ((src.Demographics != null) && (src.Demographics.PatientID == null)) { src.Demographics.PatientID = _PatientId; } ECGConverter.Instance.Convert(src, _OutType, config1, out dst); } if ((dst == null) || !dst.Works()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Conversion Failed!"); return; } if (_Anonymize) { dst.Anonymous(); } if ((_PatientId != null) && (dst.Demographics != null)) { dst.Demographics.PatientID = _PatientId; } ECGWriter.Write(dst, _OutFile, true); if (ECGWriter.getLastError() != 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ECGWriter.getLastErrorMessage()); } } else { if (manSys.ConfiguredToSave()) { if (_Anonymize) { src.Anonymous(); } manSys.SaveECG(src, _PatientId, config1); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Not configured to store!"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.ToString()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int bufferedSecondsToLoad = 0, bufferedOffsetToLoad = 0; bool Anonymize = false; string patid = null; try { CheckVersion.OnNewVersion += new ECGConversion.CheckVersion.NewVersionCallback(CheckVersion_OnNewVersion); ECGConverter.Instance.waitForECGManagementSystemSupport("PACS"); IECGManagementSystem pacs = ECGConverter.Instance.getECGManagementSystem("PACS"); if (pacs == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: DICOM plugin not available!"); return; } ECGConfig cfg = ECGConverter.Instance.getConfig(pacs.FormatName); // A normal parameters list. ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); // first get all the configuration parameters. for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (string.Compare(args[i], "-A") == 0) { // this will anonymize a ECG Anonymize = true; } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-P")) { // Set the Patient ID of the ECG. if (args[i].Length == 2) { if (args.Length == ++i) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } patid = args[i]; } else { patid = args[i].Substring(2, args[i].Length - 2); } } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-aet")) { // set AE Title of this SCU. if (args[i].Length == 4) { if (args.Length == ++i) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } pacs.Config["AESCU"] = args[i]; } else { pacs.Config["AESCU"] = args[i].Substring(4, args[i].Length - 4); } } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-aec")) { // set AE Title of the called SCP. if (args[i].Length == 4) { if (args.Length == ++i) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } pacs.Config["AESCP"] = args[i]; } else { pacs.Config["AESCP"] = args[i].Substring(4, args[i].Length - 4); } } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-C")) { // Add additional configuration items. string[] temp = null; if (args[i].Length == 2) { if (args.Length == ++i) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } temp = args[i].Split('='); } else { temp = args[i].Substring(2, args[i].Length - 2).Split('='); } if ((temp == null) || (cfg == null)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } else { cfg[temp[0]] = temp[1]; } } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-bsl")) { string val = null; // set the nr of seconds to load for buffered signals. if (args[i].Length == 4) { if (args.Length == ++i) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } val = args[i]; } else { val = args[i].Substring(4, args[i].Length - 4); } if (val != null) { if (string.Compare(val, "all", true) == 0) { bufferedSecondsToLoad = int.MaxValue; } else { try { char B = val[val.Length - 1]; int nA = 0, nB = 1; if (char.ToLower(B) == 's') { nB = 1; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } else if (char.ToLower(B) == 'm') { nB = 60; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } else if (char.ToLower(B) == 'h') { nB = 3600; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } else if (char.ToLower(B) == 'd') { nB = 86400; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } else if (char.ToLower(B) == 'w') { nB = 604800; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } nA = int.Parse(val); bufferedSecondsToLoad = nA * nB; } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } } } } else if (args[i].StartsWith("-bol")) { string val = null; // set the nr of seconds to load for buffered signals. if (args[i].Length == 4) { if (args.Length == ++i) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } val = args[i]; } else { val = args[i].Substring(4, args[i].Length - 4); } if (val != null) { try { char B = val[val.Length - 1]; int nA = 0, nB = 1; if (char.ToLower(B) == 's') { nB = 1; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } else if (char.ToLower(B) == 'm') { nB = 60; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } else if (char.ToLower(B) == 'h') { nB = 3600; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } else if (char.ToLower(B) == 'd') { nB = 86400; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } else if (char.ToLower(B) == 'w') { nB = 604800; val = val.Substring(0, val.Length - 1); } nA = int.Parse(val); bufferedOffsetToLoad = nA * nB; } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); al.Clear(); break; } } } else { // add to the normal parameters list. al.Add(args[i]); } } // Three or Four normal parameters are accepted!. if ((al.Count == 3) || (al.Count == 4)) { if (!pacs.ConfiguredToSave() || ((cfg != null) && !cfg.ConfigurationWorks())) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Configuration!"); return; } ECGConversion.IECGFormat src = null; int offset = 0, i = 0; string file = (string)al[i++]; if (al.Count == 4) { try { offset = int.Parse((string)al[i++]); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: incorrect offset!"); return; } } UnknownECGReader reader = new ECGConversion.UnknownECGReader(); src = reader.Read(file, offset); if ((src == null) || !src.Works()) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Couldn't open ECG from specified file!"); return; } if ((bufferedSecondsToLoad > 0) || (bufferedOffsetToLoad > 0)) { ECGConversion.ECGSignals.Signals sigs = null; if ((src.Signals.getSignals(out sigs) == 0) && sigs.IsBuffered) { ECGConversion.ECGSignals.BufferedSignals bs = (ECGConversion.ECGSignals.BufferedSignals)sigs; int start = 0, end = 0; start = bs.RealRhythmStart + (bufferedOffsetToLoad * bs.RhythmSamplesPerSecond); end = (bufferedSecondsToLoad == int.MaxValue) ? bufferedSecondsToLoad : start + (bufferedSecondsToLoad * bs.RhythmSamplesPerSecond); if (start > bs.RealRhythmEnd) { start = bs.RealRhythmEnd; } if (end > bs.RealRhythmEnd) { end = bs.RealRhythmEnd; } if (start < end) { bs.LoadSignal(start, end); src.Signals.setSignals(bs); } } } if (Anonymize) { src.Anonymous(); } pacs.Config["Server"] = (string)al[i++]; pacs.Config["Port"] = (string)al[i++]; if (pacs.SaveECG(src, patid, cfg) != 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Storing of ECG failed!"); } } else { // Provide a help message. if (al.Count != 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Bad Arguments!"); } Console.WriteLine("Usage: ECGStoreSCU [-A] [-P patid] [-aet name] [-aec name] [-bsl nrsec] [-bol nrsec] {0}file [offset] host port", cfg == null ? "" : "[-C var=val] "); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" file path to input file"); Console.WriteLine(" offset offset in input file"); Console.WriteLine(" server hostname of DICOM peer"); Console.WriteLine(" port tcp/ip port number of peer"); Console.WriteLine(" -A anonymize output"); Console.WriteLine(" -P patid specifiy a Patient ID for ECG"); Console.WriteLine(" -aet name calling AE Title"); Console.WriteLine(" -aec name called AE Title"); Console.WriteLine(" -bsl nrsec buffered seconds to load (add to value: s, m, h, d or w) or use: all"); Console.WriteLine(" -bol nrsec buffered seconds offset to load (add to value: s, m, h, d or w)"); if (cfg != null) { Console.WriteLine(" -C var=val providing a configuration item"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Exporting type {0} has got the following configuration items:", pacs.FormatName); int nrItems = cfg.NrConfigItems; for (int i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { string name = cfg[i], def = cfg[name]; Console.Write(" {0}", name); if (def != null) { Console.Write(" (default value: \""); Console.Write(def); Console.Write("\")"); } Console.WriteLine(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.ToString()); } }