예제 #1
        public void ECEF_Initializes_Without_Exceptions()
            Coordinate c    = new Coordinate();
            ECEF       ecef = new ECEF(c);

            ecef = new ECEF(3194.469, 3194.469, 4487.419);
예제 #2
        public void ECEF_To_Geodetic_Height_Conversion()
            double latE  = -80.6586;
            double longE = -152.49;

            Distance   h  = new Distance(1500, DistanceType.Meters);
            Coordinate cE = new Coordinate(latE, longE);

            cE.ECEF.Set_GeoDetic_Height(cE, h);

            ECEF ecefE = new ECEF(cE.ECEF.X, cE.ECEF.Y, cE.ECEF.Z);

            Coordinate rcE = ECEF.ECEFToLatLong(ecefE);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, rcE.Latitude.ToDouble() - cE.Latitude.ToDouble(), .00001, "Latitude 1 Conversion Outside Limits");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, rcE.Longitude.ToDouble() - cE.Longitude.ToDouble(), .00001, "Longitude 1 Conversion Outside Limits");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, rcE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters - cE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters, .00001, "Height 1 Conversion Outside Limits");

            ecefE = new ECEF(cE, cE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height);

            rcE = ECEF.ECEFToLatLong(ecefE);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, rcE.Latitude.ToDouble() - cE.Latitude.ToDouble(), .00001, "Latitude 2 Conversion Outside Limits");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, rcE.Longitude.ToDouble() - cE.Longitude.ToDouble(), .00001, "Longitude 2 Conversion Outside Limits");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, rcE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters - cE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters, .00001, "Height 2 Conversion Outside Limits");
        private static void Check_ECEF_Height_Conversions()
            bool       passE = true;
            double     latE  = -80.6586;
            double     longE = -152.49;
            Distance   h     = new Distance(1500, DistanceType.Meters);
            Coordinate cE    = new Coordinate(latE, longE);

            cE.ECEF.Set_GeoDetic_Height(cE, h);
            if (Math.Abs(cE.ECEF.X - -921.443) >= .001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Setting GeoDetic Height Conversions Outside Limits");
            if (Math.Abs(cE.ECEF.Y - -479.878) >= .001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Setting GeoDetic Height Conversions Outside Limits");
            if (Math.Abs(cE.ECEF.Z - -6273.377) >= .001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Setting GeoDetic Height Conversions Outside Limits");

            ECEF       ecefE = new ECEF(cE.ECEF.X, cE.ECEF.Y, cE.ECEF.Z);
            Coordinate rcE   = ECEF.ECEFToLatLong(ecefE);

            if (Math.Abs(rcE.Latitude.ToDouble() - cE.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rcE.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + cE.Latitude.ToDouble());
            if (Math.Abs(rcE.Longitude.ToDouble() - cE.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rcE.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + cE.Longitude.ToDouble());
            if (Math.Abs(rcE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters - cE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters) >= .00001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rcE.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + cE.Longitude.ToDouble());

            ecefE = new ECEF(cE, cE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height);

            rcE = ECEF.ECEFToLatLong(ecefE);
            if (Math.Abs(rcE.Latitude.ToDouble() - cE.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rcE.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + cE.Latitude.ToDouble());
            if (Math.Abs(rcE.Longitude.ToDouble() - cE.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rcE.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + cE.Longitude.ToDouble());
            if (Math.Abs(rcE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters - cE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters) >= .00001)
                passE = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rcE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters + " - " + cE.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters);

            Pass.Write("ECEF WITH HEIGHT CHECK", passE);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a earth-centered, earth-fixed coordinate point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">source coordinate</param>
        public void Transform(ref ECEF point)
            if (point.Dimension > 3)

            (double X, double Y, double Z) = Transform(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
            point.SetCoordinate(X, Y, Z);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a earth-centered, earth-fixed coordinate point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">source coordinate</param>
        /// <returns>converted coordinate</returns>
        public ECEF Transform(ECEF point)
            if (point.Dimension > 3)

            (double X, double Y, double Z) = Transform(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
            return(new ECEF(X, Y, Z));
        private static void ECEF_Init_Error_Checks()
            bool pass = true;

                Coordinate c    = new Coordinate();
                ECEF       ecef = new ECEF(c);
                ecef = new ECEF(3194.469, 3194.469, 4487.419);
            catch { pass = false; }
            Pass.Write("ECEF Initialization Error Checks", pass);
예제 #7
    public Vector3 ECEFSubtract(ECEF a, ECEF b)
        double X = (a.X * scale) - (b.X * scale);
        double Y = ((a.Y * scale) - (b.Y * scale)) * -1;
        double Z = (a.Z * scale) - (b.Z * scale);

        // Unity == ECEF
        // X == Y * -1
        // Y == Z
        // Z == X

        // ECEF == Unity
        // X == Z
        // Y == X * -1
        // Z == Y

        return(new Vector3((float)Y, (float)Z, (float)X));
예제 #8
        public void Cartesian_Dutch_Culture()
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("nl");
            var lines = File.ReadAllLines("CoordinateData\\Cartesian.txt");

            foreach (string cs in lines)

                var    vals        = cs.Split('#'); //First part of string is value to parse, seconds is expected string value after parse
                string coordString = vals[0];

                Cartesian cart;
                ECEF      ecef;

                Assert.IsTrue(Cartesian.TryParse(coordString, out cart));

                Assert.IsTrue(ECEF.TryParse(coordString, out ecef));
예제 #9
        private static void Load_Call_Tests(Coordinate c)
            //Check Load_Calls
            bool pass = true;

            if (c.CelestialInfo == null)
                pass = false;
            if (c.UTM == null)
                pass = false;
            if (c.MGRS == null)
                pass = false;
            if (c.Cartesian == null)
                pass = false;
            if (c.ECEF == null)
                pass = false;
            Pass.Write("Load Calls (Celestial, UTM, MGRS, Cartesian, ECEF)", pass);
            if (pass)
                Celestial cel = c.CelestialInfo;
                MilitaryGridReferenceSystem mgrs = c.MGRS;
                UniversalTransverseMercator utm  = c.UTM;
                Cartesian cart = c.Cartesian;
                ECEF      ecef = c.ECEF;

                c.Latitude.DecimalDegree  = -45;
                c.Longitude.DecimalDegree = -75;

                //Properties should not change.
                if (!ReflectiveEquals(c.CelestialInfo, cel))
                    pass = false;
                if (!ReflectiveEquals(c.MGRS, mgrs))
                    pass = false;
                if (!ReflectiveEquals(c.UTM, utm))
                    pass = false;
                if (!ReflectiveEquals(c.Cartesian, cart))
                    pass = false;
                if (!ReflectiveEquals(c.ECEF, ecef))
                    pass = false;
                //Properties should remain equal as no load calls were made
                Pass.Write("Property State Hold (Celestial, UTM, MGRS, Cartesian, ECEF)", pass);

                //Properties should change
                pass = true;
                if (ReflectiveEquals(c.CelestialInfo, cel))
                    pass = false;
                if (ReflectiveEquals(c.MGRS, mgrs))
                    pass = false;
                if (ReflectiveEquals(c.UTM, utm))
                    pass = false;
                if (ReflectiveEquals(c.Cartesian, cart))
                    pass = false;
                if (ReflectiveEquals(c.ECEF, ecef))
                    pass = false;
                //Properties should not be equal as chages have been made
                Pass.Write("Property State Change (Celestial, UTM, MGRS, Cartesian, ECEF)", pass);
                //Passes auto fail has properties didn't load when called.

                Pass.Write("Property State Hold (Celestial, UTM, MGRS, Cartesian, ECEF)", false);
                Pass.Write("Property State Change (Celestial, UTM, MGRS, Cartesian, ECEF)", false);
        private static void Run_Conversion_Passes(List <List <string> > Conversions)
            //List of coordinates to test conversions against.
            List <double[]> coords = new List <double[]>();

            coords.Add(new double[] { 39.5768, 72.4859 });
            coords.Add(new double[] { -15.5768, 100.4859 });
            coords.Add(new double[] { 65.25, -15.1859 });
            coords.Add(new double[] { -80.659, -152.49 });
            for (int x = 0; x < Conversions.Count; x++)
                List <string> coordList = Conversions[x];
                double        lat       = coords[x][0];
                double        lng       = coords[x][1];
                //0 = Decimal / Signed
                //1 = Decimal Degree
                //2 = Degree Decimal Minute
                //3 = Degree Minutes Seconds
                //4 = UTM
                //5 = MGRS
                //6 = Cartesian
                //7 = ECEF
                Coordinate c    = new Coordinate(lat, lng);
                bool       pass = true;
                Coordinate rc   = new Coordinate();
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    switch (y)
                    case 0:
                        c.FormatOptions.Format = CoordinateFormatType.Decimal;
                        if (c.ToString() != coordList[y])
                            pass = false;

                    case 1:
                        c.FormatOptions.Format = CoordinateFormatType.Decimal_Degree;
                        if (c.ToString() != coordList[y])
                            pass = false;

                    case 2:
                        c.FormatOptions.Format = CoordinateFormatType.Degree_Decimal_Minutes;
                        if (c.ToString() != coordList[y])
                            pass = false;
                        rc           = new Coordinate();
                        rc.Latitude  = new CoordinatePart(c.Latitude.Degrees, c.Latitude.DecimalMinute, c.Latitude.Position);
                        rc.Longitude = new CoordinatePart(c.Longitude.Degrees, c.Longitude.DecimalMinute, c.Longitude.Position);
                        if (rc.Latitude.ToDouble() != c.Latitude.ToDouble())
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (rc.Longitude.ToDouble() != c.Longitude.ToDouble())
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());

                    case 3:
                        c.FormatOptions.Format = CoordinateFormatType.Degree_Minutes_Seconds;
                        if (c.ToString() != coordList[y])
                            pass = false;
                        rc           = new Coordinate();
                        rc.Latitude  = new CoordinatePart(c.Latitude.Degrees, c.Latitude.Minutes, c.Latitude.Seconds, c.Latitude.Position);
                        rc.Longitude = new CoordinatePart(c.Longitude.Degrees, c.Longitude.Minutes, c.Longitude.Seconds, c.Longitude.Position);
                        if (rc.Latitude.ToDouble() != c.Latitude.ToDouble())
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (rc.Longitude.ToDouble() != c.Longitude.ToDouble())
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());

                    case 4:
                        if (c.UTM.ToString() != coordList[y])
                            pass = false;
                        UniversalTransverseMercator utm = new UniversalTransverseMercator(c.UTM.LatZone, c.UTM.LongZone, c.UTM.Easting, c.UTM.Northing);
                        rc = UniversalTransverseMercator.ConvertUTMtoLatLong(utm);

                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Latitude.ToDouble() - c.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...UTM Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Longitude.ToDouble() - c.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...UTM Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());

                        //SIGNED DEGREE METHOD
                        double[] sd = UniversalTransverseMercator.ConvertUTMtoSignedDegree(utm);
                        if (Math.Abs(sd[0] - c.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...UTM Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(sd[1] - c.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...UTM Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());

                        //OVERLOAD METHOD
                        utm = new UniversalTransverseMercator(c.UTM.LongZone + c.UTM.LatZone.ToString(), c.UTM.Easting, c.UTM.Northing);
                        rc  = UniversalTransverseMercator.ConvertUTMtoLatLong(utm);
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Latitude.ToDouble() - c.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...UTM Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Longitude.ToDouble() - c.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...UTM Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());


                    case 5:
                        if (c.MGRS.ToString() != coordList[y])
                            pass = false;
                        MilitaryGridReferenceSystem mgrs = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem(c.MGRS.LatZone, c.MGRS.LongZone, c.MGRS.Digraph, c.MGRS.Easting, c.MGRS.Northing);
                        rc = MilitaryGridReferenceSystem.MGRStoLatLong(mgrs);
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Latitude.ToDouble() - c.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .0001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...MGRS Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Longitude.ToDouble() - c.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .0001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...MGRS Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());

                        //SIGNED DEGREE METHOD
                        double[] sdM = MilitaryGridReferenceSystem.MGRStoSignedDegree(mgrs);
                        if (Math.Abs(sdM[0] - c.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .0001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...MGRS Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(sdM[1] - c.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .0001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...MGRS Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());

                        //OVERLOAD METHOD
                        mgrs = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem(c.MGRS.LongZone + c.MGRS.LatZone.ToString(), c.MGRS.Digraph, c.MGRS.Easting, c.MGRS.Northing);
                        rc   = MilitaryGridReferenceSystem.MGRStoLatLong(mgrs);
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Latitude.ToDouble() - c.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .0001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...MGRS Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Longitude.ToDouble() - c.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .0001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...MGRS Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());


                    case 6:
                        if (c.Cartesian.ToString() != coordList[y])
                            pass = false;
                        Cartesian cart = new Cartesian(c.Cartesian.X, c.Cartesian.Y, c.Cartesian.Z);
                        rc = Cartesian.CartesianToLatLong(cart);
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Latitude.ToDouble() - c.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Cartesian Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Longitude.ToDouble() - c.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...Cartesian Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());

                    case 7:
                        string ec = c.ECEF.ToString().Replace(" km", "").Replace(",", "");
                        if (ec != coordList[y])
                            pass = false;
                        ECEF ecef = new ECEF(c.ECEF.X, c.ECEF.Y, c.ECEF.Z);
                        rc = ECEF.ECEFToLatLong(ecef);
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Latitude.ToDouble() - c.Latitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Latitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Latitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.Longitude.ToDouble() - c.Longitude.ToDouble()) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());
                        if (Math.Abs(rc.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters - c.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters) >= .00001)
                            pass = false; Debug.WriteLine("...ECEF Conversion Outside Limits: " + rc.Longitude.ToDouble() + " - " + c.Longitude.ToDouble());

                Pass.Write("Conversion Pass " + ((int)(x + 1)).ToString() + ": ", pass);
예제 #11
    public async Task <GameObject> LoadTile(int zoom, int xTile, int yTile)
        GameObject tileMesh = new GameObject();

        tileMesh.name = xTile + ", " + yTile + " @ " + zoom;
        MeshRenderer meshRenderer = tileMesh.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        meshRenderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));

        string url = "https://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/" + zoom + "/" + xTile + "/" + yTile + ".png";

        meshRenderer.material.mainTexture = await GetRemoteTexture(url);


        MeshFilter meshFilter = tileMesh.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
        Mesh       mesh       = new Mesh();

        double tileBoundingBoxNlat = 0;
        double tileBoundingBoxWlng = 0;
        double tileBoundingBoxSlat = 0;
        double tileBoundingBoxElng = 0;

        TileNumbersToBoundingBox(xTile, yTile, zoom, out tileBoundingBoxNlat, out tileBoundingBoxSlat, out tileBoundingBoxElng, out tileBoundingBoxWlng);


        List <Coordinate> coords = new List <Coordinate>();

        coords.Add(new Coordinate(tileBoundingBoxNlat, tileBoundingBoxWlng));
        coords.Add(new Coordinate(tileBoundingBoxNlat, tileBoundingBoxElng));
        coords.Add(new Coordinate(tileBoundingBoxSlat, tileBoundingBoxWlng));
        coords.Add(new Coordinate(tileBoundingBoxSlat, tileBoundingBoxElng));

        List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> normals  = new List <Vector3>();

        ECEF tileOriginECEF = coords[0].ECEF;

        foreach (Coordinate c in coords)
            Vector3 vertexNormal = ECEFToVector(c).normalized;

            Vector3 vertexPosition = ECEFSubtract(c.ECEF, coords[0].ECEF);


            //Debug.DrawLine(vertexPosition, vertexPosition + vertexNormal, Color.red, Mathf.Infinity);

        mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();

        int[] tris = new int[6]
            // lower left triangle
            0, 1, 2,
            // upper right triangle
            2, 1, 3
        mesh.triangles = tris;

        mesh.normals = normals.ToArray();

        Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[4]
            new Vector2(0, 1),
            new Vector2(1, 1),
            new Vector2(0, 0),
            new Vector2(1, 0)
        mesh.uv = uv;

        meshFilter.mesh = mesh;

        if (rootTileECEF == null)
            rootTileECEF = tileOriginECEF;
            Vector3 offset = ECEFSubtract(tileOriginECEF, rootTileECEF);

            tileMesh.transform.position = offset;

        if (!tiles.ContainsKey(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(xTile, yTile)))
            tiles.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(xTile, yTile), tileMesh);

예제 #12
    // Unity == ECEF
    // X == Y * -1
    // Y == Z
    // Z == X

    // ECEF == Unity
    // X == Z
    // Y == X * -1
    // Z == Y
    async void Update()
        string text = "";

        if (rootTileECEF != null && playerObject != null)
            float translation = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * walkSpeed;
            translation *= Time.deltaTime;

            float headingDelta = rotationSpeed * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
            heading += headingDelta;
            heading %= 360;

            // Get the ECEF location of the root tile in ECEF space
            double X = rootTileECEF.X;
            double Y = rootTileECEF.Y;
            double Z = rootTileECEF.Z;

            // Add the player position relative to the root tile, divide by scale because unity units ate in m and ECEF units are in km
            Vector3 playerPosition = playerObject.transform.position + (playerObject.transform.forward * translation);
            X += (playerPosition.z / scale);
            Y += ((playerPosition.x / scale) * -1);
            Z += (playerPosition.y / scale);

            // Get the coordinated of the player location on earth
            Coordinate playerCoordinates = ECEF.ECEFToLatLong(X, Y, Z);
            playerCoordinates.FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions()
                Format = CoordinateFormatType.Decimal, Round = 15

            // Build a new Coordinate object using the lat/long from the previous step
            // this will assume the coords are on the WGS84 spheroid
            Coordinate playerCoordinatesSetHeight = new Coordinate(playerCoordinates.Latitude.DecimalDegree, playerCoordinates.Longitude.DecimalDegree);
            playerCoordinatesSetHeight.FormatOptions = new CoordinateFormatOptions()
                Format = CoordinateFormatType.Decimal, Round = 15

            // Get the ECEF coordinates on the surface of the WGS84 ellipsoid
            ECEF    playerECEF_0m       = playerCoordinatesSetHeight.ECEF;
            Vector3 relativeLocation_0m = ECEFSubtract(playerECEF_0m, rootTileECEF);

            // Get the ECEF coordinates 1 m up from the WGS84 ellipsoid
            ECEF    playerECEF_1m       = new ECEF(playerCoordinatesSetHeight, new Distance(0.001));
            Vector3 relativeLocation_1m = ECEFSubtract(playerECEF_1m, rootTileECEF);

            // Get the ECEF coordinates 2 m up from the WGS84 ellipsoid
            ECEF    playerECEF_2m       = new ECEF(playerCoordinatesSetHeight, new Distance(0.002));
            Vector3 relativeLocation_2m = ECEFSubtract(playerECEF_2m, rootTileECEF);

            // Work out the direction of gravity, which way "down" is at this location on the WGS84 ellipsoid
            Vector3    gravityVector    = (relativeLocation_0m - relativeLocation_1m).normalized;
            Quaternion gravityDirection = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, gravityVector);

            // put the gravity indicator 1m off the ground, pointing "down"
            arrowObject.transform.position = relativeLocation_1m;
            arrowObject.transform.rotation = gravityDirection;

            // player should be oriented away from gravity
            Quaternion playerOrientation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, gravityVector * -1);

            // the player's origin is in the centre of the 2m tall capsule, so use the location 1m from the surface as the position
            // this kind of position update breaks physics, so should probably work out some way of shoving the player to this new position
            // by subtracting the current position from the new, then using addforce?
            Vector3 delta = relativeLocation_1m - playerObject.transform.position;
            playerObject.transform.position = relativeLocation_1m;

            // set the player to point away from gravity
            // this kind of rotation update breaks physics, so should probably work out some way of shoving the player to this new rotation
            // by subtracting the current rotation from the new, then using addforce?
            playerObject.transform.rotation = playerOrientation;

            // add the left-right rotation to the player's rotation
            playerObject.transform.Rotate(0, heading, 0);

            // set the indicators to the surface and 2m
            lowerPoint.transform.position = relativeLocation_0m;
            upperPoint.transform.position = relativeLocation_2m;

            text += playerCoordinates + " @ " + playerCoordinates.ECEF.GeoDetic_Height.Meters + " -> " + playerCoordinates.ECEF + Environment.NewLine;
            text += playerCoordinatesSetHeight + " @ " + playerECEF_1m.GeoDetic_Height.Meters + " -> " + playerECEF_1m + Environment.NewLine;

            LoadTilesForPlayerLocation(playerCoordinatesSetHeight.Latitude.DecimalDegree, playerCoordinatesSetHeight.Longitude.DecimalDegree);

            if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
                print("space key was pressed");
                string f = "" + playerCoordinatesSetHeight;
                url += f.Replace(" ", ",") + "/";

        uiText.text = text;