예제 #1
        public override void correct()
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting corrections for all the relations"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);




            //Dependencies - Usage - Realisation


            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished corrections for the all the relations"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #2
        public override void correct()
            /* Check how the Depencency matrix information can be transferred to EA.
             * Since this seems to be linking attributes with other attributes or associations we
             * will probably need to use tagged values to create the links and specific SQL Searches
             * to get the information out of EA as well.
             * (to be check with Thibault if the information is present or not)*/

            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting corrections for relationship matrixes'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            foreach (var mdDependency in magicDrawReader.allAttDependencies)
                EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                   , string.Format("{0} Get dependency '{1}' --> '{2}'"
                                                   , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                   , mdDependency.sourceName
                                                   , mdDependency.targetName)
                                   , 0
                                   , LogTypeEnum.log);

                //get the corresponding attributes in EA
                //source element
                var sourceElement = (TSF_EA.Class)getElementByMDid(mdDependency.sourceParentGuid);

                //target element
                var targetElement = (TSF_EA.Class)getElementByMDid(mdDependency.targetParentGuid);

                var sourceAttribute = (TSF_EA.Attribute)sourceElement.attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == mdDependency.sourceName);
                mdDependency.sourceGuid = sourceAttribute != null? sourceAttribute.guid: string.Empty;

                var targetAttribute = (TSF_EA.Attribute)targetElement.attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == mdDependency.targetName);
                mdDependency.targetGuid = targetAttribute != null? targetAttribute.guid: string.Empty;

                if (sourceAttribute != null && targetAttribute != null)
                    sourceAttribute.addTaggedValue("sourceAttribute", mdDependency.targetGuid);

                    EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                       , string.Format("{0} Set sourceAttribute '{1}' for '{2}'"
                                                       , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                       , mdDependency.targetName
                                                       , mdDependency.sourceName)
                                       , 0
                                       , LogTypeEnum.log);

            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished Corrections for Dependency Matrix'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #3
 public void matchSubsetLiterals()
     if (this.subsetElement != null)
         var subsetElementWrapper = subsetElement as UTF_EA.ElementWrapper;
         if (subsetElementWrapper != null)
             foreach (UTF_EA.EnumerationLiteral literal in subsetElementWrapper.ownedLiterals)
                 //tell the user what we are doing
                 EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.owner.settings.outputName, "Matching subset literal: '" + literal.name + "' to a schema property"
                                    , subsetElementWrapper.id, LogTypeEnum.log);
                 EASchemaLiteral matchingLiteral = this.getMatchingSchemaLiteral(literal);
                 if (matchingLiteral != null)
                     //found a match
                     matchingLiteral.subSetLiteral = literal;
                     //only delete if stereotype not in list of ignored stereotypes
                     if (literal.stereotypes.Count(x => this.owner.settings.ignoredStereotypes.Contains(x.name)) <= 0)
                         //no match, delete the literal
예제 #4
        public MappingSet getMappingSet(TSF_EA.Element sourceElement)
            var sourceRoot = sourceElement as TSF_EA.ElementWrapper;

            //if an attribute was selected then we select the parent element as root
            if (sourceRoot == null)
                sourceRoot = sourceElement?.owner as TSF_EA.ElementWrapper;
            var mappingSet = getEmptyMappingSet(sourceRoot);

            //actually load the mappingset
            if (mappingSet != null)
                //log progress
                //log progress
                var startTime = DateTime.Now;
                EAOutputLogger.log($"Start loading mapping for {sourceRoot.name}", sourceRoot.id);
                //Load the mappings
                //log progress
                var endTime        = DateTime.Now;
                var processingTime = (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds;
                EAOutputLogger.log($"Finished loading mapping for {sourceRoot.name} in {processingTime.ToString("N0")} seconds", sourceRoot.id);
        void fixParticipation()
            /*this method adds the stereotype <<participates>> to all the connectors between a 'Harmonized_Role'
             * actor and a 'BusinessRealizationUseCase, bRealizationUC' use case

            string sqlGetAssociations = @"select con.Connector_ID, con.[Stereotype]
										from ((t_connector con
										inner join t_object ac
										on (con.[Start_Object_ID] = ac.[Object_ID] and ac.[Stereotype]= 'Harmonized_Role' ))
										inner join t_object uc
										on (con.[End_Object_ID] = uc.[Object_ID] and uc.[Stereotype] in ('BusinessRealizationUseCase','bRealizationUC')))"                                        ;

            var associations = this.model.getRelationsByQuery(sqlGetAssociations);

            foreach (var association in associations)
                association.addStereotype(this.model.factory.createStereotype(association, "participates"));
                //tell the user
                EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                   , string.Format("{0} Corrected «participates» association'"
                                                   , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                   , 0
                                   , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// matches the association of the subset element with the schema associations.
 /// If an association cannot be matched, it is deleted.
 /// </summary>
 public void matchSubsetAssociations()
     if (this.subsetElement != null)
         foreach (UTF_EA.Association association in this.subsetElement.getRelationships <Association>())
             //tell the user what we are doing
             EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.owner.settings.outputName, "Matching relations of subset element: '" + subsetElement.name + "' to a schema element"
                                , ((UTF_EA.ElementWrapper)subsetElement).id, LogTypeEnum.log);
             //we are only interested in the outgoing associations
             if (this.subsetElement.Equals(association.source))
                 EASchemaAssociation matchingAssociation = this.getMatchingSchemaAssociation(association);
                 if (matchingAssociation != null)
                     if (matchingAssociation.subsetAssociations == null)
                         matchingAssociation.subsetAssociations = new List <Association>();
                     //only delete if the target does not have a stereotype in the list of ignored stereotypes or if this association does not have an ignored stereotype
                     if (association.target.stereotypes.Count(x => this.owner.settings.ignoredStereotypes.Contains(x.name)) <= 0 &&
                         association.stereotypes.Count(x => this.owner.settings.ignoredStereotypes.Contains(x.name)) <= 0)
                         //no match, delete the association
예제 #7
        public override void correct()
            //Log start
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting fixing the CallBehavior action'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            string packageString = mdPackage.packageTreeIDString;

            this.model.executeSQL(@"delete from t_xref
			                      where [XrefID] in
									(select x.[XrefID] from (t_xref x 
									inner join t_object o on o.[ea_guid] = x.[Client])
									where x.name = 'CustomProperties'
									and o.[Classifier] = 0
									and x.[Description] like '@PROP=@NAME=kind@ENDNAME;@TYPE=ActionKind@ENDTYPE;@VALU=CallBehavior@ENDVALU;@PRMT=@ENDPRMT;@ENDPROP;'
									and o.[Package_ID] in ("                                     + packageString + "))");

            //Log Finished
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished fixing the CallBehavior action'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
 public void addLineToEAOutput(string outputline, string parameter)
     if (this.settings.logToSystemOutput)
         EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName, string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), outputline, parameter), 0, LogTypeEnum.log);
        void matchSubsetElements(Package destinationPackage, HashSet <Classifier> subsetElements)
            //loop subset elements ordered by name
            foreach (Classifier subsetElement in subsetElements.OrderBy(x => name))
                //tell the user what we are doing
                EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.settings.outputName, "Matching subset element: '" + subsetElement.name + "' to a schema element"
                                   , ((TSF_EA.ElementWrapper)subsetElement).id, LogTypeEnum.log);
                //get the corrsponding schema element
                EASchemaElement schemaElement = this.getSchemaElementForSubsetElement(subsetElement);

                //found a corresponding schema element
                if (schemaElement != null && shouldElementExistAsDatatype(subsetElement))
                    //if it doesn't correspond with a schema element we delete it?
                    //only if the subset element is located in the same folder as the message element
                    //and it doesn't have one of stereotypes to be ignored
                    if (destinationPackage.getNestedPackageTree(true).Any(x => x.Equals(subsetElement.owningPackage)) &&
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a new JSON Schema from the selected File
        /// </summary>
        private void generateJSONSchema()
            //inform user
            EAOutputLogger.clearLog(this.model, outputName);

            var selectedPackage = this.model.selectedElement as TSF_EA.Package;

            if (selectedPackage != null)
                //generate for package
                var selectedElement = this.model.selectedElement as TSF_EA.ElementWrapper;
                if (selectedElement != null)
            //inform user
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, outputName
                               , $"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} Finished generating Schema(s)"
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// transform the selected package to the JSON profile
        /// </summary>
        private void transform()
            //let the user select a class to be the root class
            MessageBox.Show("Please select the root element");
            var rootObject = this.model.getUserSelectedElement(new List <string> {
            }) as UML.Classes.Kernel.Class;
            var selectedPackage = this.model.selectedElement as UML.Classes.Kernel.Package;

            if (selectedPackage != null)
                //inform user
                EAOutputLogger.clearLog(this.model, outputName);
                EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, outputName
                                   , $"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} Starting transform of package '{selectedPackage.name}'"
                                   , ((TSF_EA.ElementWrapper)selectedPackage).id
                                   , LogTypeEnum.log);
                //perform the actual transformation
                EAJSONSchema.transformPackage(selectedPackage, rootObject);
                //inform user
                EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, outputName
                                   , $"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} Finished transform of package '{selectedPackage.name}'"
                                   , ((TSF_EA.ElementWrapper)selectedPackage).id
                                   , LogTypeEnum.log);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new message subset from the given schema in the given targetPackage
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schema">the Schema to generate a message subset from</param>
 /// <param name="targetPackage">the Package to create the new Message subset in</param>
 private void createNewMessageSubset(Schema schema, UML.Classes.Kernel.Package targetPackage)
     //log progress
     EAOutputLogger.clearLog(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName);
     EAOutputLogger.log(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName
                        , string.Format("{0} Starting creation of new subset for schema '{1}' in package '{2}'"
                                        , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                        , schema.name
                                        , targetPackage.name)
                        , ((TSF_EA.ElementWrapper)targetPackage).id
                        , LogTypeEnum.log);
     if (targetPackage != null)
         //Logger.log("before ECDMMessageComposerAddin::schema.createSubsetModel");
         //Todo create global setting
         bool          copyDataType    = this.settings.copyDataTypes;
         List <String> datatypesToCopy = null;
         if (copyDataType && this.settings.limitDataTypes)
             datatypesToCopy = this.settings.dataTypesToCopy;
         schema.createSubsetModel(targetPackage, schema.elements);
         this.createNewSubsetDiagram(schema, targetPackage);
     //log progress
     EAOutputLogger.log(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName
                        , string.Format("{0} Finished creation of new subset for schema '{1}' in package '{2}'"
                                        , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                        , schema.name
                                        , targetPackage.name)
                        , ((TSF_EA.ElementWrapper)targetPackage).id
                        , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// checks all attributes of the subset element and tries to match it with a SchemaProperty.
        /// It it can't be matches te subset attribute is deleted.
        /// </summary>
        public void matchSubsetAttributes()
            if (this.subsetElement != null)
                foreach (UTF_EA.Attribute attribute in this.subsetElement.attributes)
                    //tell the user what we are doing
                    EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.owner.settings.outputName, "Matching subset attribute: '" + attribute.name + "' to a schema property"
                                       , ((UTF_EA.ElementWrapper)subsetElement).id, LogTypeEnum.log);
                    EASchemaProperty matchingProperty = this.getMatchingSchemaProperty(attribute);
                    if (matchingProperty != null)
                        //found a match
                        matchingProperty.subSetProperty = attribute;
                        //only delete if stereotype not in list of ignored stereotypes

                        if (attribute.stereotypes.Count(x => this.owner.settings.ignoredStereotypes.Contains(x.name)) <= 0)
                            //no match, delete the attribute
예제 #14
        void correctGeneralizations()
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting corrections for the generalizations"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            //First get all the generalizations
            foreach (var mdGeneralization in magicDrawReader.allDirectMDElementRelations)
                string md_guid      = mdGeneralization.Key;
                string source_id    = mdGeneralization.Value.sourceMDGUID;
                string target_id    = mdGeneralization.Value.targetMDGUID;
                string relationType = mdGeneralization.Value.relationType;
                string name         = mdGeneralization.Value.name;
                string stereotype   = string.Empty;

                //check if the relation already exists
                if (!exists(md_guid, source_id, target_id, relationType, stereotype))
                    var sourceElement = this.getElementByMDid(source_id);
                    var targetElement = this.getElementByMDid(target_id);

                    if (sourceElement != null && targetElement != null)
                        //create the actual generalization
                        var newGeneralization = this.model.factory.createNewElement(sourceElement, name, relationType) as TSF_EA.Generalization;

                        //set target
                        newGeneralization.target = targetElement;

                        //set the target end navigable by default --> always true?
                        newGeneralization.targetEnd.isNavigable = true;

                        //save the new generalization

                        //set the md_guid tagged value
                        newGeneralization.addTaggedValue("md_guid", md_guid);

                        //tell the user
                        EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                           , string.Format("{0} Created generalization between '{1}' and '{2}'"
                                                           , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                           , sourceElement.name
                                                           , targetElement.name)
                                           , sourceElement.id
                                           , LogTypeEnum.log);

            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished corrections for the generalizations"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #15
 internal void log(string msg)
     if (this.model == null)
     EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.settings.outputName, msg);
예제 #16
 internal void logError(string msg)
     if (this.model == null)
     EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.settings.outputName, msg, 0, LogTypeEnum.error);
        /// <summary>
        /// updates an existing message subset for a schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schema">the schema to use as basis</param>
        /// <param name="messageElement">the root element of the subset</param>
        private void updateMessageSubset(Schema schema, UML.Classes.Kernel.Package targetPackage)
            //log progress
            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            EAOutputLogger.clearLog(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName);
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName
                               , $"{startTime.ToLongTimeString()} Starting update of existing subset for schema '{schema.name}' in package '{targetPackage.name}'"
                               , ((TSF_EA.ElementWrapper)targetPackage).id
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            bool          copyDataType    = this.settings.copyDataTypes;
            List <String> datatypesToCopy = null;

            if (copyDataType && this.settings.limitDataTypes)
                datatypesToCopy = this.settings.dataTypesToCopy;
            bool useMessage = false;

            if (!this.settings.usePackageSchemasOnly)
                //check if we have a message element to folow
                var messageElement = targetPackage.ownedElements.OfType <UML.Classes.Kernel.Classifier>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (messageElement != null)
                    useMessage = true;
            if (this.settings.usePackageSchemasOnly || !useMessage)
            if (this.settings.generateDiagram)
                var subsetDiagrams = targetPackage.ownedDiagrams;
                if (subsetDiagrams.Count > 0)
                    //if there are existing diagram then we update the existing diagrams
                    this.updateExistingDiagrams(schema, subsetDiagrams);
                    //if not we create a new diagram
                    this.createNewSubsetDiagram(schema, targetPackage);
            //log progress
            var endTime        = DateTime.Now;
            var processingTime = (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds;

            EAOutputLogger.log(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName
                               , $"{endTime.ToLongTimeString()} Finished update of existing subset for schema '{schema.name}' in package '{targetPackage.name}' in {processingTime.ToString("N0")} seconds"
                               , ((TSF_EA.Package)targetPackage).id
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// for some reason the activity partitions don't show propertly.
        /// These updates (only on SQL Server) fix those problems
        ///         /// </summary>
        void fixActivityPartitions()
            if (this.model.repositoryType == TSF_EA.RepositoryType.SQLSVR)
                EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                   , string.Format("{0} Fix Activity Partitions'"
                                                   , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                                   , 0
                                   , LogTypeEnum.log);
                //update the bottoms
                string sqlFixActivityPartitionsBottom =
                    @"update dor set dor.RectBottom = do.RectBottom
						from t_diagramObjects do
						inner join t_object o on do.Object_ID = o.Object_ID
											and o.Object_Type = 'ActivityPartition'
						inner join t_diagramobjects dor on do.Diagram_ID = dor.Diagram_ID
													and do.RectTop = dor.RectTop 
													and do.RectRight = dor.RectRight
													and do.RectLeft < dor.RectLeft
						inner join t_object obr on obr.Object_ID = dor.Object_ID
												and obr.Object_Type = 'ActivityPartition'
						inner join t_diagram d on d.Diagram_ID = do.Diagram_ID
						not exists
						(select * from t_diagramobjects do2
						inner join t_object o2 on do2.Object_ID = o2.Object_ID
												and o2.Object_Type = 'ActivityPartition'
						where do2.Diagram_ID = d.Diagram_ID
						and do2.RectLeft > do.RectLeft
						and do2.RectLeft < dor.RectLeft
						and do2.Instance_ID not in (do.Instance_ID, dor.Instance_ID))"                        ;
                //update the right edges
                string sqlFixActivityPartitionsRight =
                    @"update do set do.RectRight = dor.RectLeft
						from t_diagramObjects do
						inner join t_object o on do.Object_ID = o.Object_ID
											and o.Object_Type = 'ActivityPartition'
						inner join t_diagramobjects dor on do.Diagram_ID = dor.Diagram_ID
													and do.RectTop = dor.RectTop 
													and do.RectRight = dor.RectRight
													and do.RectLeft < dor.RectLeft
						inner join t_object obr on obr.Object_ID = dor.Object_ID
												and obr.Object_Type = 'ActivityPartition'
						inner join t_diagram d on d.Diagram_ID = do.Diagram_ID
						not exists
						(select * from t_diagramobjects do2
						inner join t_object o2 on do2.Object_ID = o2.Object_ID
												and o2.Object_Type = 'ActivityPartition'
						where do2.Diagram_ID = d.Diagram_ID
						and do2.RectLeft > do.RectLeft
						and do2.RectLeft < dor.RectLeft
						and do2.Instance_ID not in (do.Instance_ID, dor.Instance_ID))"                        ;
        /// <summary>
        /// updates an existing message subset for a schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schema">the schema to use as basis</param>
        /// <param name="messageElement">the root element of the subset</param>
        private void updateMessageSubset(Schema schema, UML.Classes.Kernel.Package targetPackage)
            //log progress
            EAOutputLogger.clearLog(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName);
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting update of existing subset for schema '{1}' in package '{2}'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                               , schema.name
                                               , targetPackage.name)
                               , ((UTF_EA.ElementWrapper)targetPackage).id
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            bool          copyDataType    = this.settings.copyDataTypes;
            List <String> datatypesToCopy = null;

            if (copyDataType && this.settings.limitDataTypes)
                datatypesToCopy = this.settings.dataTypesToCopy;
            bool useMessage = false;

            if (!settings.usePackageSchemasOnly)
                //check if we have a message element to folow
                var messageElement = targetPackage.ownedElements.OfType <UML.Classes.Kernel.Classifier>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (messageElement != null)
                    useMessage = true;
            if (settings.usePackageSchemasOnly || !useMessage)
            var subsetDiagrams = targetPackage.ownedDiagrams;

            if (subsetDiagrams.Count > 0)
                //if there are existing diagram then we update the existing diagrams
                updateExistingDiagrams(schema, subsetDiagrams);
                //if not we create a new diagram
                createNewSubsetDiagram(schema, targetPackage);
            //log progress
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.EAModel, this.settings.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished update of existing subset for schema '{1}' in package '{2}'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                               , schema.name
                                               , targetPackage.name)
                               , ((UTF_EA.Package)targetPackage).id
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #20
        public override void correct()
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting fix notes'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            // get al the diagrams
            foreach (var mdDiagramKeyValue in magicDrawReader.allDiagrams)
                var mdDiagram     = mdDiagramKeyValue.Value;
                var ownerID       = magicDrawReader.getDiagramOnwerID(mdDiagramKeyValue.Key);
                var parentElement = getElementByMDid(ownerID);

                foreach (var mdDiagramNote in mdDiagram.diagramNotes)
                    if (parentElement != null)
                        //create a new note
                        TSF_EA.NoteComment newNote = this.model.factory.createNewElement <TSF_EA.NoteComment>(parentElement, string.Empty);
                        //add the comments to the note
                        newNote.ownedComments.FirstOrDefault().body = model.convertToEANotes(mdDiagramNote.text, "HTML");
                        //save the note
                        //add the tagged value md_guid
                        newNote.addTaggedValue("md_guid", mdDiagramNote.note_Id);

                        var linkedElement = getElementByMDid(mdDiagramNote.linkedElement);
                        if (linkedElement != null)
                            TSF_EA.ConnectorWrapper noteLink = newNote.addOwnedElement <TSF_EA.ConnectorWrapper>(string.Empty, "NoteLink");
                            noteLink.target = linkedElement;

                        EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                           , string.Format("{0} Create new note '{1}'"
                                                           , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                           , newNote.ownedComments.FirstOrDefault().body)

                                           , parentElement.id
                                           , LogTypeEnum.log);

            //Log finished
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished fix notes"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
        void saveDatabaseButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var selectedComparison = _dbCompareControl.selectedComparison;

            EAOutputLogger.log("Saving Database...");
            //this._dbCompareControl.selectedComparison = selectedComparison;
        public override void correct()
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting corrections for cross MDzip Attributes"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
            //get all attributes that have a foreign type
            foreach (var crossAttribute in magicDrawReader.allAttributes.Where(
                         x => x.isCrossMDZip &&
                //get the type element from EA
                var typeElement = this.getElementByMDid(crossAttribute.typeMDGuid);
                //make sure the element is a Type
                var typeAsType = typeElement as UML.Classes.Kernel.Type;
                if (typeAsType != null)
                    //get the corresponding attribute in EA that doesn't have the correct type yet
                    string sqlGetCorrespondingAttribute = @"select a.ea_guid from (( t_attribute a 
															inner join t_object o on a.Object_ID = o.Object_ID)
															inner join t_objectproperties tv on (tv.Object_ID = o.Object_ID
																								and tv.Property = 'md_guid'))
															tv.Value = '"                                                             + crossAttribute.mdParentGuid + @"' 
															and a.Name = '"                                                             + crossAttribute.name + @"'
															and (a.classifier is null 
															or a.Classifier <> "                                                             + typeElement.id + ")";
                    var    correspondingAttributes      = this.model.getAttributesByQuery(sqlGetCorrespondingAttribute);
                    //set the type of the attribute in EA
                    foreach (var attribute in correspondingAttributes)
                        attribute.type = typeAsType;
                        //set the md_guid tagged value
                        attribute.addTaggedValue("md_guid", crossAttribute.mdGuid);
                        //tell the user
                        EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                           , string.Format("{0} Setting type '{1}' on attribute '{2}.{3}'"
                                                           , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                           , typeAsType.name
                                                           , attribute.owner.name
                                                           , attribute.name)
                                           , ((TSF_EA.ElementWrapper)attribute.owner).id
                                           , LogTypeEnum.log);
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished corrections for cross MDzip Attributes"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #23
        private void generateJSONSchema(TSF_EA.ElementWrapper element)
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, outputName
                               , $"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()} Generating Schema for element '{element.name}'"
                               , element.id
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
            var eaJsonSchema = new EAJSONSchema(element);

            //print the schema to the file
        public override void correct()
            //Log start
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting add classifiers to partitions'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            foreach (var mdPartition in magicDrawReader.allPartitions)
                //key = partition, value = represents
                //partitionID: '_17_0_2_b9402f1_1366196749027_793557_54194'
                //representsID: '_17_0_2_3_38a017f_1374238063627_212930_92600'
                KeyValuePair <string, string> objectIdGuid = this.model.getObjectIdAndGuid(@"select o.[Object_ID], o.[ea_guid] 
																							from t_object o
																			                inner join [t_objectproperties] op
																			                on o.[Object_ID] = op.[Object_ID]
																			                where op.[Property] = 'md_guid'
																			                and op.[value] = '"                                                                                     + mdPartition.Value + "'");

                this.model.executeSQL(@"update t_object 
											set [Classifier] = '"                                             + objectIdGuid.Key + @"',
											[Classifier_guid] = '"                                             + objectIdGuid.Value + @"'
											where Object_ID in
											(select o.[Object_ID]
											from t_object o
											inner join [t_objectproperties] op
											on o.[Object_ID] = op.[Object_ID]
											where op.[Property] = 'md_guid'
											and op.[value] = '"                                             + mdPartition.Key + "')");

                EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                   , string.Format("{0} Add the classifier '{1}' - '{2}' for partition '{3}'"
                                                   , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                   , objectIdGuid.Key
                                                   , objectIdGuid.Value
                                                   , mdPartition.Key)

                                   , 0
                                   , LogTypeEnum.log);

            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished add classifiers to partitions'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #25
        public override void correct()
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting Corrections for OCL Constraints'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
            //loop all classes that have MA as stereotype
            string getMessageAssembliesSQL = "select o.Object_ID from t_object o"
                                             + " where o.Stereotype = 'MA'"
                                             + " and o.Object_Type = 'Class'"
                                             + " and o.Package_ID in (" + mdPackage.getPackageTreeIDString() + ")";
            var messageAssemblies = this.model.getElementWrappersByQuery(getMessageAssembliesSQL);

            foreach (var messageAssembly in messageAssemblies)
                EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                   , string.Format("{0} Correcting OCL Constraints for '{1}' in package '{2}'"
                                                   , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                   , messageAssembly.name
                                                   , messageAssembly.owningPackage.name)
                                   , messageAssembly.id
                                   , LogTypeEnum.log);
                var mdIDTag = messageAssembly.taggedValues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == "md_guid");
                if (mdIDTag != null)
                    string mdID = mdIDTag.tagValue.ToString();
                    //get the MDConstraints for this element
                    var mdConstraints = magicDrawReader.getContraints(mdID);
                    if (mdConstraints.Any())
                        //first delete all existing constraints
                        foreach (var existingContraint in messageAssembly.constraints)
                        //add the new constraints
                        foreach (var mdConstraint in mdConstraints)
                            var newConstraint = this.model.factory.createNewElement <TSF_EA.Constraint>(messageAssembly, mdConstraint.name);
                            newConstraint.specification = new TSF_EA.OpaqueExpression(mdConstraint.body, mdConstraint.language);
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished Corrections for OCL Constraints'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// if the association is between two classes, and one of the end is an aggregation or composite then the other side should be navigable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eaAssociation">the association to change</param>
        void fixNavigability(TSF_EA.Association eaAssociation)
            var  sourceEnd           = eaAssociation.sourceEnd;
            var  targetEnd           = eaAssociation.targetEnd;
            bool navigabilityUpdated = false;

            if (sourceEnd.type is UML.Classes.Kernel.Class &&
                targetEnd.type is UML.Classes.Kernel.Class)
                if (sourceEnd.aggregation != AggregationKind.none)
                    if (!targetEnd.isNavigable)
                        targetEnd.isNavigable = true;
                        navigabilityUpdated   = true;
                    if (sourceEnd.isNavigable)
                        sourceEnd.isNavigable = false;
                        navigabilityUpdated   = true;
                if (targetEnd.aggregation != AggregationKind.none)
                    if (!sourceEnd.isNavigable)
                        sourceEnd.isNavigable = true;
                        navigabilityUpdated   = true;
                    if (targetEnd.isNavigable)
                        targetEnd.isNavigable = false;
                        navigabilityUpdated   = true;
                //save if needed
                if (navigabilityUpdated)
                    //save the association
                    //let the user know
                    EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                       , string.Format("{0} Corrected navigability of association between '{1}' and '{2}'"
                                                       , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                       , eaAssociation.source.name
                                                       , eaAssociation.target.name)
                                       , ((TSF_EA.ElementWrapper)eaAssociation.source).id
                                       , LogTypeEnum.log);
        public override void correct()
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting create links between attributes and elements'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            //get al the classes with stereotype BusinessEntity
            var classes = this.model.getElementWrappersByQuery(@"select distinct o.[Object_ID]
																from t_object o
																left join t_xref x on (o.[ea_guid] = x.[Client])
																where o.[Stereotype] like 'BusinessEntity' or o.[StereoType] like 'bEntity'
																or (x.[Name] = 'StereoTypes' and x.[Description] = 'BusinessEntity' or x.[Description] = 'bEntity')"                                                                );

            //loop the attribues in the classes, filter the enums out
            foreach (var businessEntity in classes)
                foreach (var attribute in businessEntity.attributes.Where(x => x.classifier is UML.Classes.Kernel.Enumeration))
                    if (!attribute.relationships.Any())
                        EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                           , string.Format("{0} Create <<usage>> link from '{1}.{2}' to '{3}'"
                                                           , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                           , businessEntity.name
                                                           , attribute.name
                                                           , attribute.classifier)
                                           , businessEntity.id
                                           , LogTypeEnum.log);

                        // create a 'usage' link from the enum attributes to the enum entities
                        TSF_EA.Usage usage = this.model.factory.createNewElement <TSF_EA.Usage>(attribute.owner, string.Empty);
                        usage.source = attribute;
                        usage.target = (TSF_EA.Element)attribute.classifier;
                        usage.targetEnd.isNavigable = true;

            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished create links between attributes and elements'"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
        /// <summary>
        /// the CSVString has mapping logic in the form of
        /// --context1 name--
        /// --other context name--
        /// mapping logic
        /// --context2--
        /// mapping logic 2
        /// Or just plain mapping logic. In that case the mapping is valid for all contexts
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mappingLogic">the string containing the mapping logic</param>
        /// <param name="contexts">the possible contexts for the mapping set</param>
        /// <param name="model">the model</param>
        /// <returns>a list of new mapping logics based on the given string</returns>
        private static IEnumerable <MP.MappingLogic> createMappingLogicsFromCSVString(string mappingLogic, List <ElementWrapper> contexts, Model model)
            var mappingLogics = new List <MappingLogic>();

            //read the lines
            using (var reader = new StringReader(mappingLogic))
                string line;
                var    currentContexts = new List <ElementWrapper>();
                string logic           = string.Empty;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line.StartsWith("--") && line.EndsWith("--") && line.Length > 4)
                        //we have a new context
                        //add the logics for the previous contexts
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logic) && currentContexts.Any())
                            addMappingLogics(mappingLogics, currentContexts, logic);
                            //clear the current contexts
                            //clear the logic
                            logic = string.Empty;
                        //get the name of the context
                        var contexTextName = line.Substring(2, line.Length - 4);
                        //get the context from the list
                        var newContext = contexts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name.Equals(contexTextName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                        if (newContext == null && contexTextName.Equals("Default", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            EAOutputLogger.log($"Could not find context with name '{contexTextName}'", 0, LogTypeEnum.warning);
                        //add to the current contexts
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logic))
                            logic += Environment.NewLine;
                        //add the logic
                        logic += line;
                //make sure to add the logic
                addMappingLogics(mappingLogics, currentContexts, logic);
예제 #29
        void correctUseCases()
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting corrections for the usecases"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);

            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Finished corrections for the usecases"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
예제 #30
        public override void correct()
            //tell the user we are starting
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting to correct Attribute Sequence"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);
            //loop all attributes
            foreach (var mdAttribute in magicDrawReader.allAttributes)
                //get the corresponding attribute in EA that doesn't have the correct type yet
                string sqlGetCorrespondingAttribute = @"select a.ea_guid from (( t_attribute a 
															inner join t_object o on a.Object_ID = o.Object_ID)
															inner join t_objectproperties tv on (tv.Object_ID = o.Object_ID
																								and tv.Property = 'md_guid'))
															tv.Value = '"                                                             + mdAttribute.mdParentGuid + @"' 
															and a.Name = '"                                                             + mdAttribute.name + "'";
                var    correspondingAttributes      = this.model.getAttributesByQuery(sqlGetCorrespondingAttribute);
                //set the type of the attribute in EA
                foreach (var attribute in correspondingAttributes)
                    //only for BBIE attributes
                    if (attribute.stereotypeNames.Contains("BBIE"))
                        //tell the user we are starting
                        EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                                           , string.Format("{0} Setting {1} as sequence for attribute {2}"
                                                           , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                           , mdAttribute.sequencingKey
                                                           , attribute.owner.name + "." + attribute.name)
                                           , 0
                                           , LogTypeEnum.log);
                        attribute.addTaggedValue("sequencingKey", mdAttribute.sequencingKey.ToString());
                        //set the md_guid tagged value
                        attribute.addTaggedValue("md_guid", mdAttribute.mdGuid);
            //tell the user we are finished
            EAOutputLogger.log(this.model, this.outputName
                               , string.Format("{0} Starting to correct Attribute Sequence"
                                               , DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())
                               , 0
                               , LogTypeEnum.log);