private void generateCM(int pReceival, int pLine) { //sp preparation using (var _sp = new SP(Values.gDatos, "PGenerar_Paletags_linea")) { using (var _rs = new DynamicRS(string.Format("Select 0 from CMS_PALETAGS where Entrada='{0}' and Linea='{1}'", pReceival, pLine), Values.gDatos)) { _rs.Open(); //if no paletags for the line if (_rs.RecordCount == 0) { CTLM.StatusMsg(string.Format("Generating paletags for line {0}", pLine)); _sp.AddParameterValue("@Entrada", pReceival); _sp.AddParameterValue("@Linea", pLine); try { //generate them _sp.Execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } if (_sp.LastMsg.Substring(0, 2) != "OK") { throw new Exception(_sp.LastMsg); } } //now we print them } } }
public override async void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); //constructor stuff cImageFileList = new ListImageFile(); cUnitNumber = UnitRepair.cUnitNumber; cRepairCode = UnitRepair.cRepairCode; cCount = 0; using (var _rs = new DynamicRS("Select FileName,FilePath,Thumbnail,len=len(Thumbnail),IdPicture from PicturesRepairs where RepairCode='" + cRepairCode + "' and UnitNumber='" + cUnitNumber + "' order by xfec", Values.gDatos)) { await _rs.OpenAsync(); while (!_rs.EOF) { Bitmap _bm = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray((byte[])_rs["Thumbnail"], 0, Convert.ToInt32(_rs["len"])); ImageFile elFile = new ImageFile(_rs["FileName"].ToString(), _bm); elFile.IdPicture = _rs["IdPicture"].ToString(); await cImageFileList.Add(elFile); _rs.MoveNext(); } } //cRSOld.Open("Select FileName,FilePath,Thumbnail,len=len(Thumbnail),IdPicture from PicturesRepairs where RepairCode='" + cRepairCode + "' and UnitNumber='" + cUnitNumber + "' order by xfec", Values.gDatos); //while (!cRSOld.EOF) //{ // Bitmap _bm = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray((byte[])cRSOld["Thumbnail"], 0, Convert.ToInt32(cRSOld["len"])); // ImageFile elFile = new ImageFile(cRSOld["FileName"].ToString(), _bm); // elFile.IdPicture = cRSOld["IdPicture"].ToString(); // await cImageFileList.Add(elFile); // cRSOld.MoveNext(); //} //cRSOld.Close(); // }
public override async Task <bool> process() { var _xconn = xmlMsgIn.Data.Element("connection"); //get the connection data string _dataBase = _xconn.Element("DataBase").Value.ToString(); //get the database var _server = new cServer(_xconn.Element("server")); //create the server object from the connection data string _sql = xmlMsgIn.Data.Element("sql").Value.ToString(); //get the sql using (var _conn = new cAccesoDatosNet(_server, _dataBase)) //create the normal connection using (var _rs = new DynamicRS(_sql, _conn)) // create the normal recordset { try { await _rs.OpenAsync(); //execute the recordset xmlMsgOut = _rs.XMLData; //create the msgout xml data xmlMsgOut.Root.Name = "result"; } catch (Exception ex) { xmlMsgOut = XDocument.Parse((new XElement("result", "ERROR: " + ex.Message)).ToString()); //returns error } } MsgOut = xmlMsgOut.ToString(); return(true); }
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtHU.Text != "") { // Run the query and print the HU (if it exists) using (var _RS = new DynamicRS($"select HU,OrderType,Address1,Address2,Address3,Address4,CustomerOrderDate,Dealer,TrafficArea,GridLoc,Route,CarrierInformation from vHULabels where HU='{txtHU.Text}' and cod3='{Values.COD3}'", Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); if (!_RS.EOF) { ZPLPrintLabels(_RS, "REFERRALSLABEL"); } else { MessageBox.Show("HU not found.", "Print HU", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } //// Create and configurate label //var _HULabel = new DealerPickPackHULabel(new ZPLLabel(75, 50, 3, _printerResolution)); //using (var _printer = new cRawPrinterHelper(_printerAddress)) //{ // _HULabel.Parameters["HU"] = txtHU.Text; // _HULabel.Parameters["ROUTE"] =cboRoute.Text; // _HULabel.Parameters["DEALER"] = txtDealer.Text; // _HULabel.Parameters["TYPE"] = cboHUType.Text; // _HULabel.Parameters["DATE"] = txtDate.Text.Substring(0, 10); // _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_HULabel.ToString(), 1); //} } }
public override void NotifyDataSetChanged() { base.NotifyDataSetChanged(); _RS = null; _RS = new DynamicRS(); _RS.Open(cSQL, Values.gDatos); }
//public void AddPK(string pDBParameter,pDBFieldName) //{ // VSPrimaryKey.Add(pDBParameter,pPK); // mDA.AddParameter(pDBParameter,pPK); //} public void UpdateEspackControl() { string lSql; int mNumRecords = 0; Page = 1; //mDA.SelectRS=new DynamicRS(); mDA.SelectRS.DS.Dispose(); DataSource = null; if (Paginate) { mDA.Open((Page - 1) * mPageSize, mPageSize); lSql = "SELECT NumRecords=count(*) FROM " + CtlQuery.Tablename.DBItemName + " WHERE " + CtlQuery.WhereString; DynamicRS lRS = (DynamicRS) new DynamicRS(lSql, Conn); foreach (CtlVSColumn lColumn in ColumnsExternalKeys) { lRS.AddControlParameter(lColumn.Name, lColumn.LinkedControl); } lRS.Open(); mNumRecords = Convert.ToInt32(lRS["NumRecords"]); NumPages = mNumRecords / mPageSize + ((mNumRecords % mPageSize) == 0 ? 0 : 1); mNavigationBar.Enabled = NumPages > 1; mNavigationBar.Items["Counter"].Text = "1/" + NumPages.ToString(); } else { mDA.Open(); } DataSource = mDA.Table; Refresh(); Status = mStatus; }
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format("This will print {0} unit labels. Are you sure?", txtQty.Text), "SIMPLISTICA", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { int _labelInit = 0; txtPrinter.Text = Values.LabelPrinterAddress.ToString(); using (var _conn = new cAccesoDatosNet(Values.gDatos.Server, "REPAIRS", Values.gDatos.User, Values.gDatos.Password)) using (var _sp = new SP(_conn, "pGetContador")) { _sp.AddParameterValue("@Contador", ""); _sp.AddParameterValue("@Serv", ""); _sp.AddParameterValue("@Codigo", cboService.Value + "_UNIT_ETIQ"); _sp.AddParameterValue("@Incremento", Convert.ToInt32(txtQty.Value)); _sp.Execute(); _labelInit = Convert.ToInt32(_sp.ReturnValues()["@Contador"]); } if (txtCharacter.Text == "") { throw (new Exception("Wrong character for labels.")); } string _printerAddress = ""; int _printerResolution = 0; using (var _RS = new DynamicRS(string.Format("select descripcion,cmp_varchar,cmp_integer from ETIQUETAS..datosEmpresa where codigo='{0}'", Values.LabelPrinterAddress), Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); _printerAddress = _RS["cmp_varchar"].ToString(); _printerResolution = Convert.ToInt32(_RS["cmp_integer"]); //_printerType = _RS["descripcion"].ToString().Split('|')[0]; } var _label = new ZPLLabel(70, 32, 3, _printerResolution); var _unitLabel = new SingleBarcode(_label); //_label.addLine(35, 3, 0, "C", "", "[BC][UNITNUMBER]", 0, 2.5F, 1,true); //var _param = new Dictionary<string, string>(); using (var _printer = new cRawPrinterHelper(_printerAddress)) { var _delimiterLabel = new ZPLLabel(_unitLabel.Label.width, _unitLabel.Label.height, 3, _unitLabel.Label.dpi); delimiterLabel.delim(_delimiterLabel, "START UNIT LABELS", "-"); _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_delimiterLabel.ToString(), 1); //for (var i = _labelInit; i < _labelInit + Convert.ToInt32(txtQty.Value); i++) for (var i = _labelInit + Convert.ToInt32(txtQty.Value) - 1; i >= _labelInit; i--) { _unitLabel.Parameters["VALUE"] = txtCharacter.Text + i.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0'); for (var j = 0; j < Convert.ToInt32(txtQtyLabel.Text); j++) { _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_unitLabel.ToString(), 1); } } delimiterLabel.delim(_delimiterLabel, "END UNIT LABLES", "-"); _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_delimiterLabel.ToString(), 1); } } }
private void CboService_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var _rs = new DynamicRS(string.Format("Select cmp_integer,letter=left(cmp_varchar,1),cmp_varchar from REPAIRS..datosEmpresa where codigo='{0}_UNIT_QTY'", cboService.Value), Values.gDatos)) { _rs.Open(); txtQtyLabel.Text = _rs.EOF ? "1" : _rs["cmp_integer"].ToString(); txtCharacter.Text = _rs.EOF ? "" : _rs["letter"].ToString(); txtPrinter.Text = Values.LabelPrinterAddress.ToString(); } }
public void ReQuery() { if (Query != "" && Conn != null) { var _RS = new DynamicRS(Query, Conn); _RS.Open(); DataSource = _RS.DataObject; DisplayMember = _RS.Fields[0]; ValueMember = DisplayMember; } }
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format("This will print {0} unit labels. Are you sure?", txtLOCATION.Text), "SIMPLISTICA", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { string _printerAddress = ""; int _printerResolution = 0; using (var _RS = new DynamicRS(string.Format("select descripcion,cmp_varchar,cmp_integer from ETIQUETAS..datosEmpresa where codigo='{0}'", Values.LabelPrinterAddress), Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); _printerAddress = _RS["cmp_varchar"].ToString(); _printerResolution = Convert.ToInt32(_RS["cmp_integer"]); } var _label = new ZPLLabel(75, 150, 3, _printerResolution); var _racklabel = new RackLabelWOL(_label); using (var _printer = new cRawPrinterHelper(_printerAddress)) if (txtAISLE.Text == "") { using (var _rs = new DynamicRS(string.Format("select cod3,location,alias from sistemas..whmapaliases where cod3='{0}' and location='{1}'", Convert.ToString(txtCOD3.Text), Convert.ToString(txtLOCATION.Text)), Values.gDatos)) { _rs.Open(); //iterate labels _rs.ToList().ForEach(row => { _racklabel.Parameters["VALUE"] = row["location"].ToString(); _racklabel.Parameters["HASHVAL"] = row["alias"].ToString(); if (!_printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_racklabel.ToString(), 1)) { CTWin.MsgError(string.Format("Error printing label {}.", row["VALUE"])); } }); } } else { using (var _rs = new DynamicRS(string.Format("select cod3,location,alias from sistemas..whmapaliasess where cod3='{0}' and location like('{1}'+'%')", Convert.ToString(txtCOD3.Text), Convert.ToString(txtAISLE.Text)), Values.gDatos)) { _rs.Open(); //iterate labels _rs.ToList().ForEach(row => { _racklabel.Parameters["VALUE"] = row["location"].ToString(); _racklabel.Parameters["HASHVAL"] = row["alias"].ToString(); if (!_printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_racklabel.ToString(), 1)) { CTWin.MsgError(string.Format("Error printing label {}.", row["VALUE"])); } }); } } } }
// Add the results of a query to the current area public bool AddQuery(string pSQL, cAccesoDatosNet pConn, EspackFont pFont = null, bool pHideTitles = false) { using (var _rs = new DynamicRS(pSQL, pConn)) { _rs.Open(); if (_rs.RecordCount == 0) { MessageBox.Show("The query returned no data.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } else { Dictionary <string, List <string> > _matrix = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); foreach (var _item in _rs.Fields) { _matrix[_item.ToString()] = new List <string>(); } int _col; _rs.ToList().ForEach(_row => { _col = 0; _row.ItemArray.ToList().ForEach(_column => { _matrix[_matrix.Keys.ToList()[_col]].Add(_column.ToString()); _col++; }); }); foreach (var _key in _matrix.Keys) { Areas.Add(CurrentArea = new EspackPrintingArea(EnumDocumentZones.BODY, pFont, pDocking: EnumZoneDocking.RIGHTWARDS)); // Add current column title if (!pHideTitles) { AddText(true, _key.ToString(), true); CurrentArea.PermanentRows++; } // Add data for current column foreach (var _item in _matrix[_key]) { AddText(_item.ToString(), true); CurrentArea.DataRows++; } } } } return(true); }
public ListRepairs2LoadAdapter(Context context) { this.context = context; using (var recordset = new DynamicRS(query, Values.gDatos)) { recordset.Open(); ListElements = recordset.ToList().Select(r => new Repair() { UnitNumber = r["UnitNumber"].ToString().Trim(), RepairCode = r["RepairCode"].ToString().Trim(), Flags = r["Flags"].ToString().Trim() }).ToList(); //(from r in _RS.ToList() select r["RepairCode"] + "|" + r["UnitNumber"]).ToList<string>(); recordset.Close(); } }
public override void NotifyDataSetChanged() { base.NotifyDataSetChanged(); LoadLabel.Text = Loads.Label; using (var recordset = new DynamicRS(query, Values.gDatos)) { recordset.Open(); ListElements = recordset.ToList().Select(r => new Repair() { UnitNumber = r["UnitNumber"].ToString().Trim(), RepairCode = r["RepairCode"].ToString().Trim(), Flags = r["Flags"].ToString().Trim() }).ToList(); //(from r in _RS.ToList() select r["RepairCode"] + "|" + r["UnitNumber"]).ToList<string>(); recordset.Close(); } }
private void ShowDetails() { vsLabels.ClearEspackControl(); vsLabels.ColumnCount = 0; vsLabels.Conn = Values.gDatos; string _group = ""; if (vsGroups.CurrentCell != null) { _group = (vsGroups.CurrentCell.Value.ToString() != "" ? " and grupo='" + vsGroups.CurrentCell.Value + "'" : ""); } List <string> _SelectFields = new List <string>(); _SelectFields.Add("IDREG"); _SelectFields.AddRange(SQLSelect.Split('|')); _SelectFields.Add("QTY"); _SelectFields.Add("PRINTED"); for (int i = 0; i < _SelectFields.Count; i++) { vsLabels.AddColumn(_SelectFields[i].ToUpper()); } SQLPrintable.Split('|').ToList().ForEach(x => ((CtlVSColumn)vsLabels.Columns[x.ToString()]).Print = true); ((CtlVSColumn)vsLabels.Columns[0]).Aggregate = AggregateOperations.COUNT; ((CtlVSColumn)vsLabels.Columns["QTY"]).Aggregate = AggregateOperations.SUM; var _Sql = string.Format("SELECT IDREG,DATA=datos,QTY,PRINTED=impreso FROM etiquetas_detalle WHERE codigo='{0}' and parametros='{1}'{2} order by datos,idreg", txtCode.Text, SQLParameterString.Replace("'", "#"), _group); using (var _RS = new DynamicRS(_Sql, Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); _RS.ToList().ForEach(x => { List <string> row = new List <string>(); row.Add(x["IDREG"].ToString()); row.AddRange(x["DATA"].ToString().Split('|')); row.Add(x["QTY"].ToString()); row.Add(x["PRINTED"].ToString()); vsLabels.Rows.Add(row.ToArray()); //Application.DoEvents(); //vsLabels.Rows.Add(x["IDREG"].ToString(), x["DATA"].ToString(), x["QTY"].ToString(), x["PRINTED"]); }); }; //vsLabels.UpdateEspackControl(); }
// Print HU labels private void btnPrintPendingHUs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var _RS = new DynamicRS($"select v.HU,v.OrderType,v.Address1,v.Address2,v.Address3,v.Address4,v.CustomerOrderDate,v.Dealer,v.TrafficArea,v.GridLoc,v.Route,v.CarrierInformation from vHULabels v inner join (select distinct ReceivalCode,Route,Dealer,OrderType=left(OrderNumber,1),cod3 from vPendingLines where cod3='{Values.COD3}' and (Route='{cboRoute.Text}' or '{cboRoute.Text}'='')) vp on vp.ReceivalCode=v.ReceivalCode and vp.Dealer=v.Dealer and vp.OrderType=v.OrderType and right(vp.Route,3)=v.Route and vp.cod3=v.cod3 where (vp.Route='{cboRoute.Text}' or '{cboRoute.Text}'='') and vp.cod3='{Values.COD3}' order by v.Route,v.Dealer,v.OrderType,v.HU", Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); if (!_RS.EOF) { ZPLPrintLabels(_RS, "REFERRALSLABEL"); } else { MessageBox.Show("HU not found.", "Print HU", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void FillApps() { using (var _RS = new DynamicRS("select Code=ServiceCode,Description,DB,,Zone=s.location,s.ServiceCode,s.version from general..Permiso_Servicios p inner join services s on s.ServiceCode=p.codigo where p.LoginSql= '" + Values.User + "' and general.dbo.checkFlag(flags,'OBS')=0", Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); _RS.ToList() //.Where(a => a["Code"].ToString()=="LOGISTICA").ToList() .ForEach(x => { var _app = new cAppBot(x["Code"].ToString(), x["Description"].ToString(), x["DB"].ToString(), x["ExeName"].ToString(), x["Zone"].ToString(), Values.DBServerList[x["Zone"].ToString()], Values.ShareServerList[Values.COD3], x["ServiceCode"].ToString(), pVersion: x["version"].ToString()); _app.AfterLaunch += _app_AfterLaunch;; Values.AppList.Add(_app); }); } Values.AppList.Add(new cAppBot("Tools", "TOOLS", "", "", "", null, Values.ShareServerList[Values.COD3], "", true)); //Values.AppList.Add(new cAppBot("lib", "lib", "", "", "", null, Values.ShareServerList[Values.COD3], true)); }
public void Source(string pSQL, cAccesoDatosNet pConn) { noChange = true; _SQL = pSQL; _RS = new DynamicRS(_SQL, pConn); _RS.Open(); DataSource = null; DataSource = _RS.DataObject; if (_RS.FieldCount > 1) { DisplayMember = _RS.Fields[1]; } ValueMember = _RS.Fields[0]; SelectedItem = null; noChange = false; }
public fDNS() { InitializeComponent(); var _RS = new DynamicRS("Select server=cmp_varchar from datosEmpresa where codigo='BIND_SERVER'", Values.gDatos); try { _RS.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } txtServerName.Value = _RS["server"]; _RS.Close(); _RS = null; txtUser.Focus(); }
public void ReQuery() { if (aQuery != "" && Conn != null) { AutoCompleteCustomSource = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); using (DynamicRS _RS = new DynamicRS(aQuery, Conn)) { _RS.Open(); while (!_RS.EOF) { AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(_RS[0].ToString()); if (!_RS.EOF) { _RS.MoveNext(); } } } } }
private async void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("This will update the DHCP server assignments and will restart the service.\n Are you sure? ", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (var server in serverList1.ListServers.Where(s => s.CheckBox.Checked == true)) { string _configFile = ""; //create the temp File using (var _RSD = new DynamicRS("Select * from vDHCPConfig where COD3='" + server.Info.COD3 + "'", Values.gDatos)) { await _RSD.OpenAsync(); string _group = ""; while (!_RSD.EOF) { if (_RSD["Group"].ToString() != _group) { if (_group != "") { _configFile += "\t}\n"; } _group = _RSD["Group"].ToString(); _configFile += "# " + _group + '\n' + "group " + _group + "{" + '\n'; } _configFile += "\t# " + _RSD["Comment"].ToString() + '\n'; _configFile += "\thost " + _RSD["Host"].ToString() + " {" + '\n'; _configFile += "\t\thardware ethernet " + _RSD["MAC"].ToString() + ";" + '\n'; _configFile += "\t\tfixed-address " + _RSD["IP"].ToString() + ";" + '\n'; _configFile += "\t\t}\n"; _RSD.MoveNext(); } _configFile += "\t}\n"; _RSD.Close(); } server.Info.FileName = string.Format("/etc/dhcp/{0}_NET.conf", server.Info.COD3); server.Info.FileContent = _configFile; } //execute tasks await serverList1.ExecuteCommandInServers(); } }
private void cboCOD3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cboCOD3.Value.ToString() != "") { try { var _RS = new DynamicRS("Select DHCP_Path,ServerShareIP from General..Sedes where COD3='" + cboCOD3.Text + "'", Values.gDatos); _RS.Open(); if (_RS.EOF) { throw new Exception("Wrong COD3 code."); } txtServerName.Text = _RS["ServerShareIP"].ToString(); txtUser.Text = "root"; txtPassword.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); CTLM.Conn = new cAccesoDatosNet("DB01", "SISTEMAS", "sa", "5380"); txtUserCode.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; txtUserCode.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; //txtUserCode.TextBox.Multiline = false; var autoCompleteCustomSource = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); txtText.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; txtText.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; using (DynamicRS rs = new DynamicRS("Select UserCode from Users", CTLM.Conn)) { rs.Open(); rs.ToList().ForEach(r => autoCompleteCustomSource.Add(r[0].ToString())); } txtUserCode.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autoCompleteCustomSource; txtText.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autoCompleteCustomSource; CTLM.DBTable = "vUsers"; CTLM.AddItem(txtUserCode, "UserCode", CTLMControlTypes.Search); CTLM.AddItem(txtUserNumber, "UserNumber", CTLMControlTypes.Search); CTLM.AddItem(txtPwdExp, "PasswordEXP", CTLMControlTypes.NoSearch); CTLM.AddItem(cboMainCOD3, "MainCOD3", CTLMControlTypes.Search); CTLM.AddItem(lstCOD3, "COD3", CTLMControlTypes.Search); CTLM.AddItem(txtDesCod3, "desCOD3", CTLMControlTypes.NoSearch); lstCOD3.Source("select n.COD3,Descripcion=n.cod3 from NetworkSedes n inner join general..sedes g on g.cod3=n.COD3 order by n.Cod3"); cboMainCOD3.Source("select n.COD3,g.Descripcion from NetworkSedes n inner join general..sedes g on g.cod3=n.COD3 order by n.Cod3", txtDesCod3); CTLM.Start(); VS.Conn = CTLM.Conn; VS.SQL = "Select UserCode, Area, COD3 from Users where usercode!='' order by UserCode"; VS.Start(); VS.UpdateEspackControl(); //VS.FilterRowEnabled = true; }
private void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (MessageBox.Show("This will update the DNS server assignments and will restart the service.\n Are you sure? ", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { string _serverDNS = txtServerName.Text; var _SP = new SP(Values.gDatos, "pGetContador"); _SP.AddParameterValue("@Contador", 0); _SP.AddParameterValue("@Serv", ""); _SP.AddParameterValue("@Codigo", "BIND_SERIAL"); _SP.Execute(); var _serial = _SP.Parameters["@Contador"].Value.ToString(); _SP = null; string _tmpFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "local.hosts"; string _configFile = "$ttl 38400\n"; _configFile += "local. IN SOA valsrv02. (\n"; _configFile += " "+ _serial + "\n"; _configFile += " 10800\n"; _configFile += " 3600\n"; _configFile += " 604800\n"; _configFile += " 38400 )\n"; _configFile += "local. IN NS valsrv02.\n"; //create the temp File var _RSD = new DynamicRS("Select entry from vDNSFile order by entry", Values.gDatos); _RSD.Open(); while (!_RSD.EOF) { _configFile += _RSD["entry"] + "\n"; _RSD.MoveNext(); } //_configFile += "\t}\n"; _RSD.Close(); File.WriteAllText(_tmpFile, _configFile); lblMsg.Text = "File created OK."; //move the file to the server using (var client = new SftpClient(_serverDNS, txtUser.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { lblMsg.Text = "Connecting the server."; client.Connect(); lblMsg.Text = "Server Connected!"; client.ChangeDirectory("/var/lib/bind/"); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(_tmpFile, FileMode.Open)) { client.BufferSize = 4 * 1024; // bypass Payload error large files client.UploadFile(fileStream, Path.GetFileName(_tmpFile)); } lblMsg.Text = "File updated!"; client.Disconnect(); } //restart the dhcp service using (var client = new SshClient(_serverDNS, txtUser.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { client.Connect(); client.RunCommand("service bind9 reload"); lblMsg.Text = "DNS Service reloaded!"; client.Disconnect(); } MessageBox.Show("The process has finished correctly.", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (MessageBox.Show("This will update the DHCP server assignments and will restart the service.\n Are you sure? ", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { string _serverDHCP = txtServerName.Text; string _tmpFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + cboCOD3.Text + "_NET.conf"; string _configFile = ""; //create the temp File var _RSD = new DynamicRS("Select * from vDHCPConfig where COD3='" + cboCOD3.Text + "'", Values.gDatos); _RSD.Open(); string _group = ""; while (!_RSD.EOF) { if (_RSD["Group"].ToString() != _group) { if (_group != "") { _configFile += "\t}\n"; } _group = _RSD["Group"].ToString(); _configFile += "# " + _group + '\n' + "group " + _group + "{" + '\n'; } _configFile += "\t# " + _RSD["Comment"].ToString() + '\n'; _configFile += "\thost " + _RSD["Host"].ToString() + " {" + '\n'; _configFile += "\t\thardware ethernet " + _RSD["MAC"].ToString() + ";" + '\n'; _configFile += "\t\tfixed-address " + _RSD["IP"].ToString() + ";" + '\n'; _configFile += "\t\t}\n"; _RSD.MoveNext(); } _configFile += "\t}\n"; _RSD.Close(); File.WriteAllText(_tmpFile, _configFile); lblMsg.Text = "File created OK."; //move the file to the server using (var client = new SftpClient(_serverDHCP, txtUser.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { lblMsg.Text = "Connecting the server."; client.Connect(); lblMsg.Text = "Server Connected!"; client.ChangeDirectory("/etc/dhcp/"); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(_tmpFile, FileMode.Open)) { client.BufferSize = 4 * 1024; // bypass Payload error large files client.UploadFile(fileStream, Path.GetFileName(_tmpFile)); } lblMsg.Text = "File updated!"; client.Disconnect(); } //restart the dhcp service using (var client = new SshClient(_serverDHCP, txtUser.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { client.Connect(); client.RunCommand("service isc-dhcp-server restart"); lblMsg.Text = "DHCP Service restarted!"; client.Disconnect(); } MessageBox.Show("The process has finished correctly.", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
// Print all "unprinted" labels of the selected group private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetFormEnabled(false); if (cboPrinters.Value.ToString() == "") { SetFormEnabled(true); CTWin.MsgError("Select a printer first."); return; } string _printerType = ""; string _printerAddress = ""; int _printerResolution = 0; using (var _RS = new DynamicRS(string.Format("select descripcion,cmp_varchar,cmp_integer from datosEmpresa where codigo='{0}'", cboPrinters.Value), Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); _printerAddress = _RS["cmp_varchar"].ToString(); _printerType = _RS["descripcion"].ToString().Split('|')[0]; _printerResolution = Convert.ToInt32(_RS["cmp_integer"]); } cLabel _delimiterLabel; cLabel _label; if (_printerType == "ZPL") { _delimiterLabel = new ZPLLabel(labelHeight, labelWidth, 3, _printerResolution); if (!NoDelim) { delimiterLabel.delim(_delimiterLabel, "START", SQLParameterString.Replace(" WHERE ", "")); } _label = new ZPLLabel(labelHeight, labelWidth, 3, _printerResolution); } else { SetFormEnabled(true); throw new NotImplementedException(); } using (var _printer = new cRawPrinterHelper(_printerAddress)) { //print delimiter start if (!NoDelim) { _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_delimiterLabel.ToString(), 1); } using (var _RS = new DynamicRS(string.Format("Select * from Campos_CS where codigo='{0}'", txtCode.Text), Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); _RS.ToList().ForEach(z => { float _bh = z["barcodeHeight"] is DBNull ? 0 : Convert.ToSingle(z["barcodeHeight"]); float _bm = z["barcodeWidthmult"] is DBNull ? 0 : Convert.ToSingle(z["barcodeWidthmult"]); float _cs = z["charSize"] is DBNull ? 0 : Convert.ToSingle(z["charSize"]); _label.addLine(Convert.ToInt32(z["Col"]), Convert.ToInt32(z["Fila"]), Convert.ToSingle(CT.Qnuln(z["TamTexto"])), z["Orientacion"].ToString(), z["Estilo"].ToString(), z["Texto"].ToString(), _cs, _bh, _bm); }); } Dictionary <string, string> _parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); SQLSelect.Split('|').ToList().ForEach(x => _parameters.Add(x, "")); string _group = ""; vsLabels.ToList().Where(line => line.Cells["PRINTED"].Value.ToString() == "N").ToList().ForEach(line => { _parameters.ToList().ForEach(p => _parameters[p.Key] = line.Cells[p.Key].Value.ToString()); if (SQLGroup != "" && _group != line.Cells[SQLGroup].Value.ToString()) { _group = line.Cells[SQLGroup].Value.ToString(); if (!NoDelim) { delimiterLabel.delim(_delimiterLabel, "GROUP", SQLGroup + "|" + _group); _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_delimiterLabel.ToString(), 1); } } _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_label.ToString(_parameters, Convert.ToInt32(line.Cells["QTY"].Value)), 1); //cRawPrinterHelper.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_printerAddress, _label.ToString(_parameters), Convert.ToInt32("2")); ChangeLineStatus(line); }); if (!NoDelim) { delimiterLabel.delim(_delimiterLabel, "END", "***"); _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_delimiterLabel.ToString(), 1); } SetFormEnabled(true); } }
// Get/Generate the labels private void btnObtain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetFormEnabled(false); clearing = true; vsGroups.ClearEspackControl(); vsParameters.ToList().ForEach(z => { Parameters[z.Cells[0].Value.ToString()] = z.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); }); // var s = Parameters.Where(x => x.Value == "").ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Value); //Dictionary<string, string>) if (s.Count != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Parameter " + s.First().Key + " must be entered.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); SetFormEnabled(true); clearing = false; return; } ; var _Sql = "SELECT " + SQLSelect.Replace("|", ",") + " FROM " + SQLView; SQLParameterString = ""; Parameters.ToList().ForEach(x => { Parameters[x.Key] = x.Value; SQLParameterString += x.Key + (x.Value != "NOTHING" ? "='" + x.Value + "'" : "") + " and "; }); if (SQLParameterString != "") { SQLParameterString = " WHERE " + SQLParameterString.Substring(0, SQLParameterString.Length - 5); } _Sql += SQLParameterString; if (SQLOrder != "") { _Sql += " ORDER BY " + SQLOrder.Replace("|", ","); } using (var _RS = new DynamicRS(_Sql, Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); if (_RS.EOF) { SetFormEnabled(true); MessageBox.Show("No rows returned.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } ShowDetails(); GenerateGroups(_RS.ToList()); if (_RS.RecordCount != vsLabels.RowCount) { GenerateNewLabels(_RS.ToList()); ShowDetails(); } } SetFormEnabled(true); clearing = false; }
private void TxtCode_Validating(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { //return; SetFormEnabled(false); //vsGroups.SelectionChanged -= VsGroups_SelectionChanged; clearing = true; Application.DoEvents(); // Clean things vsParameters.ClearEspackControl(); vsParameters.Rows.Clear(); Parameters.Clear(); vsLabels.ClearEspackControl(); vsLabels.Columns.Clear(); vsGroups.ClearEspackControl(); vsGroups.Columns.Clear(); Application.DoEvents(); SQLParameterString = ""; if (txtCode.Text == "") { clearing = false; SetFormEnabled(true); return; } using (var _RS = new DynamicRS("select *,NoDelim=dbo.checkflag(flags,'NODELIM') from etiquetas where codigo='" + txtCode.Text + "'", Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); if (_RS.RecordCount == 0) { SetFormEnabled(true); MessageBox.Show("Unknown label code.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); txtCode.Text = ""; e.Cancel = true; return; } SQLSelect = _RS["Campos_SELECT"].ToString(); SQLView = _RS["Vista"].ToString(); SQLWhere = _RS["Campos_WHERE"].ToString(); SQLQty = _RS["Campo_QTY"].ToString(); SQLGroup = _RS["Campo_GROUP"].ToString(); SQLOrder = _RS["Campos_ORDER"].ToString(); SQLPrintable = _RS["Campos_PRINT"].ToString(); labelHeight = Convert.ToInt32(_RS["Alto"]); labelWidth = Convert.ToInt32(_RS["Ancho"]); NoDelim = (_RS["NoDelim"].ToInt() == 1); if (SQLGroup != "") { vsGroups.AddColumn(SQLGroup); SQLSelect += "|" + SQLGroup; } else { vsGroups.AddColumn(""); } SQLWhere.Split('|').ToList().ForEach(x => { //var _row = (DataGridViewRow) vsParameters.Rows[0].Clone(); //_row.Cells[0].Value = x; //_row.Cells[1].Value = ""; var _param = x.Split('='); if (_param.Count() > 1) { if (_param[1] == "ASK") { Parameters.Add(_param[0], ""); vsParameters.Rows.Add(_param[0], ""); //vsParameters.Rows[vsParameters.RowCount-1].Cells[1].ReadOnly = false; } else { Parameters.Add(_param[0], _param[1]); } } else { Parameters.Add(_param[0], "NOTHING"); } }); // if (vsParameters.RowCount != 0) { vsParameters.CurrentCell = vsParameters.Rows[0].Cells[1]; vsParameters.BeginEdit(true); } cboPrinters.Source("select Codigo from datosEmpresa where descripcion like '%" + txtCode.Text + "%' order by cmp_integer", Values.gDatos); } clearing = false; SetFormEnabled(true); }
// Print HU labels public void ZPLPrintLabels(DynamicRS rs, string labelType) { string _printerAddress = Values.LabelPrinterAddress.ToString(); int _printerResolution; string _zplTemplate = "", _zplCode = ""; // Get settings for the printer using (var _RS = new StaticRS($"select ValueString,ValueInteger from MiscData where Code='{Values.LabelPrinterAddress}' and cod3='{Values.COD3}'", Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); if (!_RS.EOF) { _printerAddress = _RS["ValueString"].ToString(); // "\\\\valsrv02\\VALLBLPRN003"; _printerResolution = Convert.ToInt32(_RS["ValueInteger"]); if (_printerResolution != 203 && _printerResolution != 300) { MessageBox.Show($"Printer DPI not set in database.", "Print", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show($"Printer {_printerAddress} not found.", "Print", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } // Get the ZPL template code using (var _RS = new StaticRS($"select ValueString from MiscData where Code='{labelType}_{_printerResolution}' and cod3='{Values.COD3}'", Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); if (!_RS.EOF) { _zplTemplate = _RS["ValueString"].ToString(); } } if (_zplTemplate == "") { MessageBox.Show("ZLP template not found.", "Print HU", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } using (var _printer = new cRawPrinterHelper(_printerAddress)) { while (!rs.EOF) { // Get the Template code _zplCode = _zplTemplate; // Replace values for (int i = 0; i < rs.FieldCount; i++) { _zplCode = _zplCode.Replace("<" + rs.Fields[i] + ">", rs[rs.Fields[i]].ToString()); } // Print the label _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_zplCode, 1); rs.MoveNext(); } } }
private void btnLabelCMs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("This will generate and print all CMs. Are you sure?", "SIMPLISTICA", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { //printer preparation string _printerAddress = ""; int _printerResolution = 0; if (Values.LabelPrinterAddress == "") { CTWin.MsgError("Select a label printer first in preferences."); return; } using (var _RS = new DynamicRS(string.Format("select descripcion,cmp_varchar,cmp_integer from ETIQUETAS..datosEmpresa where codigo='{0}'", Values.LabelPrinterAddress), Values.gDatos)) { _RS.Open(); _printerAddress = _RS["cmp_varchar"].ToString(); _printerResolution = Convert.ToInt32(_RS["cmp_integer"]); //_printerType = _RS["descripcion"].ToString().Split('|')[0]; } //label preparation var _label = new ZPLLabel(70, 31, 3, _printerResolution); var _CMLabel = new MicroCM(_label); //sp preparation using (var _printer = new cRawPrinterHelper(_printerAddress)) using (var _sp = new SP(Values.gDatos, "PGenerar_Paletags_linea")) { var _delimiterLabel = new ZPLLabel(_CMLabel.Label.width, _CMLabel.Label.height, 3, _CMLabel.Label.dpi); delimiterLabel.delim(_delimiterLabel, "START RECEIVAL", txtEntrada.Text); _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_delimiterLabel.ToString(), 1); //we will check line by line VS.ToList().Where(r => r.Cells[0].Value.ToString() != "").ToList().ForEach(r => { //first we generate the cms try { generateCM(Convert.ToInt32(txtEntrada.Value), Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells[1].Value)); } catch (Exception ex) { CTWin.MsgError(ex.Message); CTLM.StatusMsg(ex.Message); } //delimiter delimiterLabel.delim(_delimiterLabel, "LINE", r.Cells[1].Value.ToString()); _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_delimiterLabel.ToString(), 1); // then we print the labels using (var _rs = new DynamicRS(string.Format("Select cp.CM,cp.Entrada,cp.Linea,cp.Partnumber,cp.QTY,cp.xfec,c.Doc_Proveedor from CMS_PALETAGS cp inner join cab_Recepcion c on c.entrada=cp.entrada where cp.Entrada='{0}' and Linea='{1}'", Convert.ToInt32(txtEntrada.Value), Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells[1].Value)), Values.gDatos)) { _rs.Open(); _rs.ToList().ForEach(row => { _CMLabel.Parameters["CM"] = row["CM"].ToString(); _CMLabel.Parameters["RECEIVAL"] = row["Entrada"].ToString(); _CMLabel.Parameters["RECEIVAL_DATE"] = row["xfec"].ToString(); _CMLabel.Parameters["PARTNUMBER"] = row["Partnumber"].ToString(); _CMLabel.Parameters["QTY"] = row["QTY"].ToString(); if (!_printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_CMLabel.ToString(), 1)) { CTWin.MsgError(string.Format("Error printing label {0}.", row["CM"])); } }); } delimiterLabel.delim(_delimiterLabel, "END RECEIVAL", txtEntrada.Text); _printer.SendUTF8StringToPrinter(_delimiterLabel.ToString(), 1); }); lstFlags["PALETAGS"] = true; CTLM.StatusMsg("CMs generated OK."); } } MessageBox.Show("Label printing task finished.", "SIMPLISTICA", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }