public SoftwareItem[] MoreThanTenAvailableLicenses()
            //Create a statement object with the table definition
            CompositeSelectStatement statement = new CompositeSelectStatement(
                new CompositeSelectStatement.TableDefinition("PurchaseOrderSoftwareInventoryApplication_software_item", "si"));

            //Add the fields you want to return from the query (must match the db field names)
            statement.PrimaryTable.Fields.Add(new CompositeSelectStatement.FieldDefinition("product_name"));
            statement.PrimaryTable.Fields.Add(new CompositeSelectStatement.FieldDefinition("available_licenses"));
            statement.PrimaryTable.Fields.Add(new CompositeSelectStatement.FieldDefinition("entity_folder_id"));

            //Create Join(s)
            CompositeSelectStatement.TableDefinition entityFolderTable = new CompositeSelectStatement.TableDefinition("entity_folder", "ef");

            //Fields you want to select from Join Table
            entityFolderTable.Fields.Add(new CompositeSelectStatement.FieldDefinition("full_path"));

            CompositeSelectStatement.JoinDefinition joinEntityFolder =
                new CompositeSelectStatement.JoinDefinition(
                    new AndWhereSet(
                        new[] {
                new FieldToFieldWhereCondition("si.entity_folder_id", "ef.folder_id", QueryMatchType.Equals)

            //Add Join(s) to statement

            //You can add WhereConditions to filter out results
            WhereCondition numberOfLicenses = new LiteralWhereCondition("available_licenses > 10");

            //Add the where condition(s) to the statement

            //Execute the query
            DataSet queryResults = new DynamicORM().RunQuery(statement);

            //Parse the query results
            List <SoftwareItem> softwareItems = new List <SoftwareItem>();

            foreach (DataRow row in queryResults.Tables[0].Rows)
                SoftwareItem softwareItem = new SoftwareItem();
                softwareItem.ProductName       = (string)row.ItemArray[0];
                softwareItem.AvailableLicenses = (int)row.ItemArray[1];
                softwareItem.EntityFolderId    = (string)row.ItemArray[2];
                softwareItem.FullPath          = (string)row.ItemArray[3];

예제 #2
        public override void AfterDelete()
            var orm = new DynamicORM();

            orm.Delete(typeof(OPCEventValue), new WhereCondition[]
                new FieldWhereCondition("event_id", QueryMatchType.Equals,

            orm.Delete(typeof(ElementRegistration), this.flowId);
            orm.Delete(typeof(ElementRegistration), this.ruleId);

        public DataDescription[] GetSubItems()
            Log.Debug($"GetSubItems called on path {Path}");

            if (Path == null || Path == OPCEventFlowBehavior.SNAPSHOT_DATA) // If we're at the top, just return all server names:
                       .Select(x => new DataDescription(typeof(OPCDataProvider), x.GetEntity().EntityName, false)
                    NestedVariableName = x.GetEntity().EntityName

            string[] pathSplit = Path.Split(new char[] { '.' }, 2); // {Server Name}.{remaining.tag.path}

            DynamicORM orm = new DynamicORM();

            HashSet <string>       nextPaths = new HashSet <string>();
            List <DataDescription> dds       = new List <DataDescription>();

            foreach (string key in OPCEngine.mostRecentValues.Keys) // keys are like "<guid>|Channel1.Device1.Tag1"
                string[] keySplit   = key.Split('|');
                string   eventId    = keySplit[0];
                string   keyTagPath = keySplit[1];
                OPCEvent ev         = orm.Fetch(typeof(OPCEvent), eventId) as OPCEvent;
                if (ev == null)
                    throw new Exception("OPCEvent not found with id " + eventId);
                string serverName = (orm.Fetch(typeof(Folder), ev.EntityFolderID) as Folder)?.EntityName;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverName))
                    throw new Exception("Server name not found");

                if (serverName != pathSplit[0])

                if (pathSplit.Length == 1) // This is the node for the server, so include everything under it:
                    // If "Channel1.Device1.Tag1" starts with "Channel1.Device1", for example:
                    if (keyTagPath.StartsWith(pathSplit[1]))
                        string   remainingPath  = keyTagPath.Substring(pathSplit[1].Length + 1); // "Tag1"
                        string[] splitRemaining = remainingPath.Split('.');
                        if (splitRemaining.Length == 1)                                          // This is a tag, so find its type
                            BaseTagValue tagValue;
                            if (!OPCEngine.mostRecentValues.TryGetValue(key, out tagValue))
                                throw new Exception("Could not find type for tag " + key);

                            if (dds.Any(d => d.Name == splitRemaining[0])) // Don't create duplicates - most recent value will be used.

                            DataDescription dd = TagValueUtils.GetDataDescriptionFromTagType(tagValue.GetType(), splitRemaining[0]);
                            dd.NestedVariableName = $"{this.Path}.{splitRemaining[0]}";

            foreach (string nextPath in nextPaths)
                dds.Add(new DataDescription(typeof(OPCDataProvider), nextPath, false)
                    NestedVariableName = $"{this.Path}.{nextPath}"

         * In this method you define the actual data which will be returned to the report by building up a DataTable.
         * It has the limits and pages as imports to utilize in your build out.
        public override DataTable GetData(DataTable table, IReportFilter[] filters, int?limitCount, int pageIndex)
            //If the table hasn't been initialized, initialize it
            if (table == null)
                table = new DataTable();

            //Add the data range from the created Report Fields

            //Create a statement object with the table definition
            CompositeSelectStatement statement = new CompositeSelectStatement(
                new CompositeSelectStatement.TableDefinition("vwSoftwareItemsDetails"));

            //Add the fields you want to return from the query (must match the db field names)
            statement.PrimaryTable.Fields.Add(new CompositeSelectStatement.FieldDefinition("product_name"));
            statement.PrimaryTable.Fields.Add(new CompositeSelectStatement.FieldDefinition("available_licenses"));
            statement.PrimaryTable.Fields.Add(new CompositeSelectStatement.FieldDefinition("entity_folder_id"));
            statement.PrimaryTable.Fields.Add(new CompositeSelectStatement.FieldDefinition("full_path"));

            //You can add WhereConditions to filter out results
            //You can build these where conditions from the filters passed in
            //Add the where condition(s) to the statement
            //You can use the IReportFilter[] to process the filters and add the appropriate clauses to the query.
            foreach (IReportFilter filter in filters)
                //If the filter is of the GreaterThanCustomFilter type add the Where Condition
                if (typeof(GreaterThanCustomFilter).IsInstanceOfType(filter))
                    //Add a literal where condition if the Column Name is specified
                    GreaterThanCustomFilter greaterThanCustomFilter = (GreaterThanCustomFilter)filter;
                    if (greaterThanCustomFilter.ColumnName != null)
                        statement.WhereConditions.WhereConditions.Add(new LiteralWhereCondition(greaterThanCustomFilter.ColumnName + " > " +

            //Add Order By to consistently order results for handling pagination
            statement.OrderBy.Add("available_licenses", ORMResultOrder.Descending);
            statement.OrderBy.Add("product_name", ORMResultOrder.Descending);

            //Select Top x to limit results, default to 500
            if (limitCount != null)
                statement.Top = (pageIndex + 1) * limitCount;
                statement.Top = 500;

            //Example Data to Access Rows Per Page - filters[0].Report.RowsPerPage

            //Execute the query
            DataSet queryResults = new DynamicORM().RunQuery(statement);

            //Parse the Results and build the table
            foreach (DataRow row in queryResults.Tables[0].Rows)
                DataRow dr = table.NewRow();

                for (int i = 0; i < ReportFields.Length; i++)
                    dr[ReportFields[i].FieldName] = row.ItemArray[i];

