public override IEnumerable <DynamicNode> GetDynamicNodeCollection(ISiteMapNode node)
            using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
                foreach (Category c in db.Category)
                    DynamicNode n = new DynamicNode();
                    n.Title = c.CategoryTitle;
                    n.Key   = "Kategoria_" + c.CategoryID;

                    // Optional: Add the parent key
                    // (and put a key="Home" on the node that you want these nodes children of)
                    //n.ParentKey = "Home";

                    // Add your route values
                    // Route Option 1
                    n.RouteValues("id", c.CategoryID);

                    // Route Option 2
                    // n.RouteValues("CategoryID", c.CategoryID);
                    // Optional: Add any route values to match regardless of value
                    // n.PreservedRouteParameters.Add("myKey");
                    yield return(n);
        public override IEnumerable <DynamicNode> GetDynamicNodeCollection(ISiteMapNode node)
            using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
                foreach (Product p in db.Product)
                    DynamicNode n = new DynamicNode();
                    n.Title = p.ProductTitle;
                    n.Key   = "Product_" + p.ProductID;

                    // IMPORTANT: Setup the relationship with the
                    // parent node (category) by using the foreign key in
                    // your database. ParentKey must exactly match the Key
                    // of the node this node is to be a child of.
                    // If this is a many-to-many relationship, you will need
                    // to join to the table that resolves the relationship above
                    // and use the right key here.
                    n.ParentKey = "Kategoria_" + p.CategoryID;

                    // Add your route values
                    // Route Option 1
                    n.RouteValues("id", p.ProductID);

                    // Route Option 2
                    // n.RouteValues("ProductID", p.ProductID);
                    // Optional: Add any route values to match regardless of value
                    // n.PreservedRouteParameters.Add("myKey");
                    yield return(n);