Control Default() { var layout = new DynamicLayout { DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5) }; var first = new RadioButton { Text = "First" }; var second = new RadioButton(first) { Text = "Second" }; var third = new RadioButton(first) { Text = "Third" }; layout.AddRow(first, second, third); LogEvents(first); LogEvents(second); LogEvents(third); return(layout); }
public static TextArea CreateAndAddMultilineMonoSpaceTextBoxRow(this DynamicLayout container, String text, int height, bool ro, Action <TextArea, EventArgs> command) { var edittext = new TextArea { Text = text, ReadOnly = ro, Height = height }; if (GlobalSettings.Settings.RunningPlatform() == GlobalSettings.Settings.Platform.Mac) { edittext.Font = new Font("Menlo", GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize); } else { edittext.Font = Fonts.Monospace(GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize); } if (command != null) { edittext.TextChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((TextArea)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(edittext); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(edittext); }
void Init() { textBox_url = new TextBox(); textBox_url.TextChanged += textBox_url_TextChanged; textBox_url.Text = "http://"; textBox_save = new TextBox(); textBox_save.Text = _saveDir; button_wget = new Button { Text = "Wget" }; button_wget.Click += button_wget_Click; var layout = new DynamicLayout { Padding = new Padding(20, 10), Spacing = new Size(5, 5) }; var layout_left = new DynamicLayout(); layout_left.AddColumn(textBox_url, textBox_save); layout.AddRow(layout_left, button_wget); Content = layout; }
public TextureBrushesSection() { var layout = new DynamicLayout(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { var w = image.Size.Width / 3; // same as height var img = image; if (i > 0) { img = img.Clone(new Rectangle((i - 1) % 3 * w, (i - 1) / 3 * w, w, w)); } var brush = new TextureBrush(img); var drawable = new Drawable { Size = image.Size * 2 }; drawable.Paint += (s, e) => { var destRect = new RectangleF(new PointF(100, 100), image.Size); var temp = brush.Transform; // save state brush.Transform = Matrix.FromRotation(90); e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(destRect.Location); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, new RectangleF(destRect.Size)); brush.Transform = temp; }; layout.AddRow(drawable); } layout.Add(null); Content = layout; }
private TabPage CreateFromFileTab() { var fileTab = new TabPage { Text = FromFileTabName }; var fileLayout = new DynamicLayout(fileTab); var browseLabel = new Label { Text = "Select Clippings File: ", Size = new Size(150, 20) }; _fileSelectTextBox = new TextBox { Size = new Size(480, 20) }; var browseButton = new Button { Text = "Browse" }; browseButton.Click += browseButton_Click; fileLayout.BeginVertical(); fileLayout.BeginHorizontal(); fileLayout.AddRow(browseLabel, _fileSelectTextBox, browseButton); fileLayout.EndHorizontal(); fileLayout.EndVertical(); return(fileTab); }
public DrawableSection() { var layout = new DynamicLayout(); layout.BeginVertical(); layout.BeginHorizontal(); layout.Add(new Label { Text = "Default" }); layout.Add(this.Default(), xscale: true); layout.Add(new Label { Text = "With Background" }); layout.Add(this.WithBackground(), xscale: true); layout.EndHorizontal(); layout.EndVertical(); layout.BeginVertical(); // use a separate containing panel to test calculations in those cases layout.AddRow(new Label { Text = "Large Canvas" }, new Panel { Content = this.LargeCanvas() }); layout.EndVertical(); layout.Add(null); Content = layout; }
public MainForm() { this.ClientSize = new Size(800, 600); this.Title = "Kindle Clippings Parser"; this.Icon = Common.BookIcon; CreateInputSection(); CreateOutputSection(); var layout = new DynamicLayout(this); layout.AddRow(_inputSection); layout.AddRow(_outputSection); PopulateDevices(); }
private void CreateInputSection() { var inGrp = new GroupBox { Text = "Input" }; var layout = new DynamicLayout(inGrp); layout.BeginVertical(); _tabGroup = new TabControl(); var fileTab = CreateFromFileTab(); var deviceTab = CreateFromDeviceTab(); _tabGroup.TabPages.Add(deviceTab); _tabGroup.TabPages.Add(fileTab); layout.AddRow(_tabGroup); var parseButton = new Button { Text = "Parse" }; parseButton.Click += parseButton_Click; layout.BeginHorizontal(); layout.AddCentered(parseButton); layout.EndHorizontal(); layout.EndVertical(); _inputSection = inGrp; }
private void InitializeComponent() { layout = new DynamicLayout(); panelLabel = new Panel(); panelLabel.Padding = new Padding(5); stack = new StackLayout(); stack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; label = new Label(); label.Font = new Font(label.Font.Family, label.Font.Size - 1, FontStyle.Bold); stack.Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(label, true)); imageSettings = new ImageView(); imageSettings.Image = Global.GetEtoIcon("Icons.Settings.png"); imageSettings.Visible = false; stack.Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(imageSettings, false)); panelLabel.Content = stack; layout.AddRow(panelLabel); Content = layout; imageSettings.MouseDown += ImageSettings_MouseDown; }
private TabPage CreateFromDeviceTab() { var deviceTab = new TabPage { Text = FromDeviceTabName }; var deviceLayout = new DynamicLayout(deviceTab); var selectDeviceLabel = new Label { Text = "Select Device: ", Size = new Size(150, 20) }; _deviceSelectBox = new ComboBox { Size = new Size(480, 20) }; var refreshButton = new Button { Text = "Refresh" }; refreshButton.Click += refreshButton_Click; deviceLayout.BeginVertical(); deviceLayout.BeginHorizontal(); deviceLayout.AddRow(selectDeviceLabel, _deviceSelectBox, refreshButton); deviceLayout.EndHorizontal(); deviceLayout.EndVertical(); return(deviceTab); }
public FlagsPad(CharacterHandler handler) { this.Handler = handler; #if DESKTOP //this.MinimumSize = new Size (200, 0); #endif handler.InsertModeChanged += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(delegate { Update(); }).MakeWeak(e => handler.InsertModeChanged -= e); handler.CurrentPage.FontChanged += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(delegate { Update(); }).MakeWeak(e => handler.CurrentPage.FontChanged -= e); var layout = new DynamicLayout { Padding = new Padding(0, 5) }; layout.AddRow(FontLabel(), InsertLabel()); Content = layout; Update(); }
public ColourEditor(CharacterHandler handler) { this.handler = handler; Title = "Palette Editor"; #if DESKTOP Resizable = true; #endif this.Palette = handler.CurrentPage.Palette.Clone(); var layout = new DynamicLayout(); layout.Add(new Label { Text = "Double click a colour to change it. Note that most formats only support up to 16 colours, except for Tundra and Ansi format", Wrap = WrapMode.Word, HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center, VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle, Size = new Size(50, 50) }); layout.BeginVertical(xscale: true, yscale: true); layout.BeginHorizontal(); layout.Add(ColoursHolder(), true); layout.Add(ColourButtons()); layout.EndHorizontal(); layout.EndVertical(); layout.BeginVertical(); layout.AddRow(SetDefaultButton(), null, CancelButton(), OkButton()); layout.EndVertical(); Content = layout; UpdateColours(); }
public GridViewSection() { var layout = new DynamicLayout(this); layout.AddRow(new Label { Text = "Default" }, Default()); layout.AddRow(new Label { Text = "No Header,\nNon-Editable" }, NoHeader()); #if DESKTOP layout.AddRow(new Label { Text = "Context Menu\n&& Multi-Select" }, WithContextMenu()); #endif }
public DropDownSection() { var layout = new DynamicLayout { DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5), Padding = new Padding(10) }; layout.AddRow("Default", Default(), null); layout.AddRow("Set Initial Value", TableLayout.AutoSized(SetInitialValue())); layout.AddRow("EnumDropDown<Key>", TableLayout.AutoSized(EnumCombo())); layout.Add(null, null, true); Content = layout; }
public static Label CreateAndAddThreeLabelsRow(this DynamicLayout container, String text1, String text2, String text3) { var txt = new Label { Text = text1, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; txt.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); var txt2 = new Label { Text = text2, Width = (int)(sf * 140), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }; txt2.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); var txt3 = new Label { Text = text3, Width = (int)(sf * 140), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; txt3.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); var tr = new TableRow(txt, null, txt2, new Label { Text = " " }, txt3); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(txt2); }
public static TextBox CreateAndAddDoubleTextBoxRow(this DynamicLayout container, String numberformat, String text, String currval1, Double currval2, Action <TextBox, EventArgs> command, Action <TextBox, EventArgs> command2) { var txt = new Label { Text = text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; var edittext = new TextBox { Text = currval1, Width = 100 }; var edittext2 = new TextBox { Text = currval2.ToString(numberformat), Width = 100 }; if (command != null) { edittext.TextChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((TextBox)sender, e); } if (command2 != null) { edittext2.TextChanged += (sender, e) => command2.Invoke((TextBox)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(txt, null, edittext, edittext2); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(edittext2); }
public ChannelListDialog(Server server) { this.ClientSize = new Size(600, 400); this.Resizable = true; this.Title = "Channel List"; this.server = server; grid = new GridView { AllowMultipleSelection = false }; grid.MouseDoubleClick += HandleMouseDoubleClick; grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell("Name"), HeaderText = "Channel", Width = 150, AutoSize = false }); grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell("UserCount"), HeaderText = "Users", Width = 60, AutoSize = false }); grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { DataCell = new TextBoxCell("Topic"), HeaderText = "Topic", Width = 350, AutoSize = false }); var layout = new DynamicLayout(); layout.Add(grid, yscale: true); layout.BeginVertical(); layout.AddRow(null, this.CancelButton(), this.OkButton("Join Channel", CanJoin)); layout.EndVertical(); Content = layout; }
private DynamicLayout GenGeneralTab() { var layout = new DynamicLayout(); layout.Width = 400; layout.DefaultSpacing = new Size(4, 4); layout.DefaultPadding = new Padding(4); layout.AddRow(GenGeneralPanel()); layout.AddRow(GenRadiancePanel()); layout.AddRow(GenEnergyPanel()); layout.Add(null); return(layout); }
public static DropDown CreateAndAddDropDownRow(this DynamicLayout container, String text, List <String> options, int position, Action <DropDown, EventArgs> command) { var txt = new Label { Text = text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; var drop = new DropDown(); if (!Eto.Forms.Application.Instance.Platform.IsGtk) { drop.Width = 200; } foreach (var item in options) { drop.Items.Add(new ListItem() { Key = item, Text = item }); } drop.SelectedIndex = position; if (command != null) { drop.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((DropDown)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(txt, null, drop); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(drop); }
public static Button CreateAndAddButtonRow(this DynamicLayout container, String buttonlabel, String imageResID, Action <Button, EventArgs> command) { var btn = new Button { Text = buttonlabel }; btn.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); if (GlobalSettings.Settings.EditorTextBoxFixedSize) { btn.Width = 140; } if (imageResID != null) { btn.Image = new Bitmap(Eto.Drawing.Bitmap.FromResource(imageResID), 22, 22, ImageInterpolation.Default); } if (command != null) { btn.Click += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((Button)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(btn); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(btn); }
Control Default() { var control = new ListBox { Size = new Size(100, 150) }; LogEvents(control); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { control.Items.Add(new ListItem { Text = "Item " + i }); } var layout = new DynamicLayout(); layout.Add(control); layout.BeginVertical(); layout.AddRow(null, AddRowsButton(control), RemoveRowsButton(control), ClearButton(control), null); layout.EndVertical(); return(layout); }
public static ListBox CreateAndAddListBoxRow(this DynamicLayout container, int height, String[] listitems, Action <ListBox, EventArgs> command) { var lbox = new ListBox { Height = height }; lbox.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); foreach (var item in listitems) { lbox.Items.Add(item); } if (command != null) { lbox.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((ListBox)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(lbox); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(lbox); }
public static TextBox CreateAndAddStringEditorRow2(this DynamicLayout container, String text, String placeholder, String currval, Action <TextBox, EventArgs> command) { var txt = new Label { Text = text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; txt.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); var edittext = new TextBox { Text = currval, PlaceholderText = placeholder }; edittext.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); if (command != null) { edittext.TextChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((TextBox)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(txt, GetPlaceHolderLabel(), edittext); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(edittext); }
public static NumericStepper CreateAndAddNumericEditorRow(this DynamicLayout container, String text, double currval, double minval, double maxval, int decimalplaces, Action <NumericStepper, EventArgs> command) { var txt = new Label { Text = text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; txt.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); var editor = new NumericStepper { Value = currval, DecimalPlaces = decimalplaces, MinValue = minval, MaxValue = maxval }; editor.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); if (GlobalSettings.Settings.EditorTextBoxFixedSize) { editor.Width = 140; } if (command != null) { editor.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((NumericStepper)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(txt, null, editor); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(editor); }
public static TextBox CreateAndAddTextBoxRow2(this DynamicLayout container, String numberformat, String text, Double currval, Action <TextBox, EventArgs> command) { var txt = new Label { Text = text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; txt.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); var edittext = new TextBox { Text = currval.ToString(numberformat), Style = "textbox-rightalign" }; edittext.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); if (GlobalSettings.Settings.EditorTextBoxFixedSize) { edittext.Width = 140; } if (command != null) { edittext.TextChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((TextBox)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(txt, edittext); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(edittext); }
public static ColorPicker CreateAndAddColorPickerRow(this DynamicLayout container, String text, Color currval, Action <ColorPicker, EventArgs> command) { var txt = new Label { Text = text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; txt.Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, GetEditorFontSize()); var editor = new ColorPicker { Value = currval }; if (GlobalSettings.Settings.EditorTextBoxFixedSize) { editor.Width = 140; } if (command != null) { editor.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => command.Invoke((ColorPicker)sender, e); } var tr = new TableRow(txt, null, editor); container.AddRow(tr); container.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(); return(editor); }
Control PageRange() { var layout = new DynamicLayout { DefaultSpacing = new Size(5, 5), Padding = new Padding(10) }; layout.AddRow(new Label { Text = "Print Selection" }, TableLayout.AutoSized(PrintSelection())); layout.BeginHorizontal(); layout.Add(new Label { Text = "Selected Start" }); layout.AddSeparateRow().Add(SelectedStart(), new Label { Text = "to" }, SelectedEnd()); layout.EndHorizontal(); layout.Add(null); return(new GroupBox { Text = "Page Range", Content = layout }); }
public BrushPad(Tools.Brush tool) { this.tool = tool; var page = Handler.CurrentPage; page.FontChanged += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(delegate { Update(); }).MakeWeak(e => page.FontChanged -= e); Handler.DrawAttributeChanged += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(delegate { Update(); }).MakeWeak(e => Handler.DrawAttributeChanged -= e); var layout = new DynamicLayout { Padding = Padding.Empty, Spacing = Size.Empty }; layout.Add(new Label { Text = "Brush", HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center, Font = new Font(SystemFont.Default, 7) }); layout.AddCentered(GradientPreview(), Padding.Empty, Size.Empty); layout.BeginVertical(new Padding(2, 5), Size.Empty); layout.AddRow(UpButton(), null, DownButton()); layout.EndVertical(); layout.AddCentered(SelectButton(), Padding.Empty, Size.Empty); Content = layout; this.Update(); }
public Dialog_BoundaryCondition_Outdoors(HB.Outdoors boundaryCondition) { try { Padding = new Padding(5); Resizable = true; Title = $"Energy Boundary Condition - {DialogHelper.PluginName}"; WindowStyle = WindowStyle.Default; MinimumSize = new Size(450, 300); this.Icon = DialogHelper.HoneybeeIcon; var layout = new DynamicLayout() { Padding = new Padding(15) }; var bcLayout = PanelHelper.CreateOutdoorLayout(boundaryCondition); layout.AddRow(bcLayout); DefaultButton = new Button { Text = "OK" }; DefaultButton.Click += (sender, e) => Close(boundaryCondition); AbortButton = new Button { Text = "Cancel" }; AbortButton.Click += (sender, e) => Close(); var buttons = new TableLayout { Padding = new Padding(5, 10, 5, 5), Spacing = new Size(10, 10), Rows = { new TableRow(null, this.DefaultButton, this.AbortButton, null) } }; layout.AddSeparateRow(buttons); layout.AddRow(null); //Create layout Content = layout; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
void Init() { _tbxShellData = new TextArea { Size = new Size(-1, 200) }; _tbxMsg = new TextBox(); _btnShowMsgInStatus = new Button { Text = "Show Msg In Status", Width = 150 }; _btnShowMsgInStatus.Click += btn_showMsgInStatus_Click; _btnShowMessageBox = new Button { Text = "Show Msg In Message", Width = 150 }; _btnShowMessageBox.Click += btn_showMessageBox_Click; _btnCreateNewTabPage = new Button { Text = "Create New TabPage", Width = 150 }; _btnCreateNewTabPage.Click += btn_createNewTabPage_Click; // Test var btnTest = new Button { Text = "Test", Width = 150 }; btnTest.Click += btnTest_Click; var layout = new DynamicLayout { Padding = new Padding(10, 10), Size = new Size(10, 10) }; layout.AddRow(new Label() { Text = "ShellData" }); layout.AddRow(_tbxShellData); layout.AddSeparateRow(new Label() { Text = "Msg", VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle }, _tbxMsg, null); layout.AddAutoSized(_btnShowMsgInStatus); layout.AddAutoSized(_btnShowMessageBox); layout.AddAutoSized(_btnCreateNewTabPage); layout.AddAutoSized(btnTest); layout.Add(null); this.Content = layout; }