public MovingBlocksRaycastResult?Raycast(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, bool extendToFillCells) { Ray3 ray = new Ray3(start, Vector3.Normalize(end - start)); BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3.Min(start, end), Vector3.Max(start, end)); m_result.Clear(); FindMovingBlocks(boundingBox, extendToFillCells, m_result); float num = float.MaxValue; MovingBlockSet movingBlockSet = null; foreach (MovingBlockSet item in m_result) { BoundingBox box = item.BoundingBox(extendToFillCells); float? num2 = ray.Intersection(box); if (num2.HasValue && num2.Value < num) { num = num2.Value; movingBlockSet = item; } } if (movingBlockSet != null) { MovingBlocksRaycastResult value = default(MovingBlocksRaycastResult); value.Ray = ray; value.Distance = num; value.MovingBlockSet = movingBlockSet; return(value); } return(null); }
public void ClearTest() { for (int i = 2; i <= 32; i *= 2) { currentArray.Add(i); } Assert.AreEqual(currentArray.Count, 5); currentArray.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(currentArray.Count, 0); currentArray.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(currentArray.Count, 0); Assert.Pass(); }
public void LoadString(string data) { string[] array = data.Split(new char[1] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (array.Length >= 1) { string text = array[0]; text = text.TrimEnd('0'); Data.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < MathUtils.Min(text.Length, 256); i++) { int num = m_hexChars.IndexOf(char.ToUpperInvariant(text[i])); if (num < 0) { num = 0; } Data.Add((byte)num); } } if (array.Length >= 2) { string text2 = array[1]; int num2 = m_hexChars.IndexOf(char.ToUpperInvariant(text2[0])); if (num2 < 0) { num2 = 0; } LastOutput = (byte)num2; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var array = new DynamicArray<string>(); array.Add("Georgi"); array.Add("Nikolai"); Console.WriteLine(array.IndexOf("Nikolai")); Console.WriteLine(array.Cointains("Kiril")); array.Remove("Georgi"); array.InsertAt(1, "Ivan"); array.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(array.Capacity); Console.WriteLine(array.Count); array.Add("Stefan"); array.Add("Krum"); var arr = array.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in array) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in arr) { Console.WriteLine(item); } }
public void FindMovingBlocksCollisionBoxes(Vector3 position, DynamicArray <CollisionBox> result) { Vector3 boxSize = BoxSize; BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(position - new Vector3(boxSize.X / 2f, 0f, boxSize.Z / 2f), position + new Vector3(boxSize.X / 2f, boxSize.Y, boxSize.Z / 2f)); boundingBox.Min -= new Vector3(1f); boundingBox.Max += new Vector3(1f); m_movingBlockSets.Clear(); m_subsystemMovingBlocks.FindMovingBlocks(boundingBox, extendToFillCells: false, m_movingBlockSets); for (int i = 0; i < m_movingBlockSets.Count; i++) { IMovingBlockSet movingBlockSet = m_movingBlockSets.Array[i]; for (int j = 0; j < movingBlockSet.Blocks.Count; j++) { MovingBlock movingBlock = movingBlockSet.Blocks[j]; int num = Terrain.ExtractContents(movingBlock.Value); Block block = BlocksManager.Blocks[num]; if (block.IsCollidable) { BoundingBox[] customCollisionBoxes = block.GetCustomCollisionBoxes(m_subsystemTerrain, movingBlock.Value); Vector3 v = new Vector3(movingBlock.Offset) + movingBlockSet.Position; for (int k = 0; k < customCollisionBoxes.Length; k++) { result.Add(new CollisionBox { Box = new BoundingBox(v + customCollisionBoxes[k].Min, v + customCollisionBoxes[k].Max), BlockValue = movingBlock.Value, BlockVelocity = movingBlockSet.CurrentVelocity }); } } } } }
public static void Main() { DynamicArray<string> arrey = new DynamicArray<string>(); arrey.Add("Pesho"); arrey.Add("Gosho"); Console.WriteLine(arrey.IndexOf("Pesho")); Console.WriteLine(arrey.Contains("Gosho")); Console.WriteLine(arrey.Contains("Ivan")); arrey.Remove("Pesho"); arrey.InsertAt(1, "Pesho"); arrey.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(arrey.Capacity); Console.WriteLine(arrey.Count); arrey.Add("Ivo"); arrey[0] = "Gosho"; var newArrey = arrey.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in arrey) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in newArrey) { Console.WriteLine(item); } }
public void Update(float dt) { if (tranca.Array.Length > 0) { if (tranFLag) { try { mcomponentBody.m_position = tranca.Array[0]; SubsystemTerrain.TerrainUpdater.UpdateChunkSingleStep(SubsystemTerrain.Terrain.GetChunkAtCell(Terrain.ToCell(tranca.Array[0].X), Terrain.ToCell(tranca.Array[0].Z)), 15); mcomponentBody.Entity.FindComponent <ComponentPlayer>().ComponentGui.DisplaySmallMessage($"传送开始 {tranca.Array[0].ToString()}", false, false); tranFLag = false; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Information(e.ToString()); } } else { if (Vector3.Distance(mcomponentBody.Position, tranca.Array[0]) > 2f) { leftFLag = true; tranca.Clear(); } } } }
public override void Clear() { LineVertices.Clear(); LineIndices.Clear(); TriangleVertices.Clear(); TriangleIndices.Clear(); }
public float ScoreSafePlace(Vector3 currentPosition, Vector3 safePosition, Vector3?lookDirection) { float num = 16f; Vector3 position = m_componentCreature.ComponentBody.Position; m_componentBodies.Clear(); m_subsystemBodies.FindBodiesAroundPoint(new Vector2(position.X, position.Z), 16f, m_componentBodies); for (int i = 0; i < m_componentBodies.Count; i++) { ComponentBody componentBody = m_componentBodies.Array[i]; if (!IsPredator(componentBody.Entity)) { continue; } Vector3 position2 = componentBody.Position; Vector3 v = safePosition - position2; if (!lookDirection.HasValue || 0f - Vector3.Dot(lookDirection.Value, v) > 0f) { if (v.Y >= 4f) { v *= 2f; } num = MathUtils.Min(num, v.Length()); } } float num2 = Vector3.Distance(currentPosition, safePosition); if (num2 < 8f) { return(num * 0.5f); } return(num * MathUtils.Lerp(1f, 0.75f, MathUtils.Saturate(num2 / 20f))); }
public float CalculateMotionVoltage() { float num = 0f; m_bodies.Clear(); m_subsystemBodies.FindBodiesInArea(m_corner1, m_corner2, m_bodies); for (int i = 0; i < m_bodies.Count; i++) { ComponentBody componentBody = m_bodies.Array[i]; if (componentBody.Velocity.LengthSquared() > 0.0625f) { Vector3 vector = componentBody.Position + new Vector3(0f, 0.5f * componentBody.BoxSize.Y, 0f); float num2 = Vector3.DistanceSquared(vector, m_center); if (num2 < 64f && Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(vector - (m_center - 0.75f * m_direction)), m_direction) > 0.5f && !base.SubsystemElectricity.SubsystemTerrain.Raycast(m_center, vector, useInteractionBoxes: false, skipAirBlocks: true, delegate(int value, float d) { Block block = BlocksManager.Blocks[Terrain.ExtractContents(value)]; return(block.IsCollidable && block.BlockIndex != 15 && block.BlockIndex != 60 && block.BlockIndex != 44 && block.BlockIndex != 18); }).HasValue) { num = MathUtils.Max(num, MathUtils.Saturate(1f - MathUtils.Sqrt(num2) / 8f)); } } } if (!(num > 0f)) { return(0f); } return(MathUtils.Lerp(0.51f, 1f, MathUtils.Saturate(num * 1.1f))); }
public ComponentBody FindNearestBodyInFront(Vector3 position, Vector2 direction) { if (m_subsystemTime.GameTime >= m_nextBodiesUpdateTime) { m_nextBodiesUpdateTime = m_subsystemTime.GameTime + 0.5; m_nearbyBodies.Clear(); m_subsystemBodies.FindBodiesAroundPoint(m_componentCreature.ComponentBody.Position.XZ, 4f, m_nearbyBodies); } ComponentBody result = null; float num = float.MaxValue; foreach (ComponentBody nearbyBody in m_nearbyBodies) { if (nearbyBody != m_componentCreature.ComponentBody && !(MathUtils.Abs(nearbyBody.Position.Y - m_componentCreature.ComponentBody.Position.Y) > 1.1f) && Vector2.Dot(nearbyBody.Position.XZ - position.XZ, direction) > 0f) { float num2 = Vector2.DistanceSquared(nearbyBody.Position.XZ, position.XZ); if (num2 < num) { num = num2; result = nearbyBody; } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the situation where there is a missing vector from the vector field. /// </summary> /// <param name="selfCell">This unit's current cell.</param> /// <param name="vectorField">The vector field.</param> /// <param name="input">The steering input.</param> /// <param name="output">The steering output.</param> private void HandleMissingVectorFromField(Cell selfCell, IVectorField vectorField, SteeringInput input, SteeringOutput output) { var unit = input.unit; Vector3 unitPos = unit.position; // find all (up to) 8 neighbours _neighbours.Clear(); input.grid.GetConcentricNeighbours(selfCell, 1, _neighbours); // sort the neighbours depending on their distance to the unit, i.e. nearest cell neighbours first _cellComparer.compareTo = unitPos; _neighbours.Sort(_cellComparer); // loop through cell neighbours and try to escape to the nearest one that is walkable and has a vector field cell int neighboursCount = _neighbours.count; for (int i = 0; i < neighboursCount; i++) { var neighbour = _neighbours[i]; Vector3 neighbourPos = neighbour.position; if (neighbour.IsWalkableWithClearance(unit) && vectorField.GetFieldCellAtPos(neighbour).direction.sqrMagnitude != 0f && neighbourPos.y <= unitPos.y) { // if the neighbour cell is walkable, has a vector field vector and is at a lower or same height as the unit output.maxAllowedSpeed = unit.maximumSpeed; output.desiredAcceleration = Seek(neighbourPos, input); return; } } // only request path if we can't find a neighbouring cell to escape to, if there is a valid destination and if the unit is actually movable if (unit.isMovable && vectorField.destination != null) { RequestPath(vectorField.destination.position, input); } }
public override void Update(float dt) { foreach (var @event in StoredEvents) { ExecuteEvent(@event); } StoredEvents.Clear(); }
public void AddElectricElement(ElectricElement electricElement) { m_electricElements.Add(electricElement, value: true); foreach (CellFace cellFace2 in electricElement.CellFaces) { m_electricElementsByCellFace.Add(cellFace2, electricElement); m_tmpConnectionPaths.Clear(); GetAllConnectedNeighbors(cellFace2.X, cellFace2.Y, cellFace2.Z, cellFace2.Face, m_tmpConnectionPaths); foreach (ElectricConnectionPath tmpConnectionPath in m_tmpConnectionPaths) { CellFace cellFace = new CellFace(cellFace2.X + tmpConnectionPath.NeighborOffsetX, cellFace2.Y + tmpConnectionPath.NeighborOffsetY, cellFace2.Z + tmpConnectionPath.NeighborOffsetZ, tmpConnectionPath.NeighborFace); if (m_electricElementsByCellFace.TryGetValue(cellFace, out ElectricElement value) && value != electricElement) { int cellValue = SubsystemTerrain.Terrain.GetCellValue(cellFace2.X, cellFace2.Y, cellFace2.Z); int num = Terrain.ExtractContents(cellValue); ElectricConnectorType value2 = ((IElectricElementBlock)BlocksManager.Blocks[num]).GetConnectorType(SubsystemTerrain, cellValue, cellFace2.Face, tmpConnectionPath.ConnectorFace, cellFace2.X, cellFace2.Y, cellFace2.Z).Value; int cellValue2 = SubsystemTerrain.Terrain.GetCellValue(cellFace.X, cellFace.Y, cellFace.Z); int num2 = Terrain.ExtractContents(cellValue2); ElectricConnectorType value3 = ((IElectricElementBlock)BlocksManager.Blocks[num2]).GetConnectorType(SubsystemTerrain, cellValue2, cellFace.Face, tmpConnectionPath.NeighborConnectorFace, cellFace.X, cellFace.Y, cellFace.Z).Value; electricElement.Connections.Add(new ElectricConnection { CellFace = cellFace2, ConnectorFace = tmpConnectionPath.ConnectorFace, ConnectorType = value2, NeighborElectricElement = value, NeighborCellFace = cellFace, NeighborConnectorFace = tmpConnectionPath.NeighborConnectorFace, NeighborConnectorType = value3 }); value.Connections.Add(new ElectricConnection { CellFace = cellFace, ConnectorFace = tmpConnectionPath.NeighborConnectorFace, ConnectorType = value3, NeighborElectricElement = electricElement, NeighborCellFace = cellFace2, NeighborConnectorFace = tmpConnectionPath.ConnectorFace, NeighborConnectorType = value2 }); } } } QueueElectricElementForSimulation(electricElement, CircuitStep + 1); QueueElectricElementConnectionsForSimulation(electricElement, CircuitStep + 2); electricElement.OnAdded(); }
public void ClearTest() { DynamicArray dynamicArray = CreateTestArray(); dynamicArray.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, dynamicArray.Count); }
public override void Clear() { lock (GLock) { _Nodes.Clear(); _Neighbors.Clear(); Count = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Unregisters a portal. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The portal name.</param> public void UnregisterPortal(string name) { _portalsLookup.Remove(name); _portals.Clear(); foreach (var p in _portalsLookup.Values) { _portals.Add(p); } }
public void PrepareForDrawing(Camera camera) { Vector2 xZ = camera.ViewPosition.XZ; float num = MathUtils.Sqr(m_subsystemSky.VisibilityRange); BoundingFrustum viewFrustum = camera.ViewFrustum; int gameWidgetIndex = camera.GameWidget.GameWidgetIndex; m_chunksToDraw.Clear(); TerrainChunk[] allocatedChunks = m_subsystemTerrain.Terrain.AllocatedChunks; foreach (TerrainChunk terrainChunk in allocatedChunks) { if (terrainChunk.NewGeometryData) { lock (terrainChunk.Geometry) { if (terrainChunk.NewGeometryData) { terrainChunk.NewGeometryData = false; SetupTerrainChunkGeometryVertexIndexBuffers(terrainChunk); } } } terrainChunk.DrawDistanceSquared = Vector2.DistanceSquared(xZ, terrainChunk.Center); if (terrainChunk.DrawDistanceSquared <= num) { if (viewFrustum.Intersection(terrainChunk.BoundingBox)) { m_chunksToDraw.Add(terrainChunk); } if (terrainChunk.State != TerrainChunkState.Valid) { continue; } float num2 = terrainChunk.FogEnds[gameWidgetIndex]; if (num2 != float.MaxValue) { if (num2 == 0f) { StartChunkFadeIn(camera, terrainChunk); } else { RunChunkFadeIn(camera, terrainChunk); } } } else { terrainChunk.FogEnds[gameWidgetIndex] = 0f; } } ChunksDrawn = 0; ChunkDrawCalls = 0; ChunkTrianglesDrawn = 0; }
public void CanClear() { var array = new DynamicArray(baseSize, growthFactor, maximumOverheadFactor); array.Add(new object()); array.Add(new object()); array.Add(new object()); array.Clear(); Assert.Equal(0, array.Count); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the cell neighbours and unwalkability - used in vector smoothing. /// </summary> private bool GetCellNeighboursAndUnwalkability(Cell cell, DynamicArray <Cell> walkableCells, bool preventDiagonals) { if (walkableCells.count != 0) { // if the list for holding the cells is not empty, make it empty walkableCells.Clear(); } var unitAttributes = _unitProperties.attributes; int mx = cell.matrixPosX; int mz = cell.matrixPosZ; for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { if (x == 0 && z == 0) { // cell in the middle is the cell which neighbours we want, thus ignore the center cell continue; } if (x != 0 && z != 0 && preventDiagonals) { // if we are supposed to prevent diagonal moves, then ignore diagonal cell neighbours continue; } var neighbour = _grid.cellMatrix[mx + x, mz + z]; if (neighbour != null) { if (neighbour.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(neighbour, _unitProperties)) { // if the neighbour is walkable, and the center cell is walkable from this neighbour, then it is of interest walkableCells.Add(neighbour); } else { // if we find just a single neighbour that is blocked, then we return false return(false); } } else if (_builtInContainment) { // if there is a missing cell, and we want to use built-in containment, then return false on first missing cell (off-grid) return(false); } } /* end neighbour traversal on z */ } /* end neighbour traversal on x */ return(true); }
public void Draw(Camera camera, int drawOrder) { if (!m_componentMiner.DigCellFace.HasValue || !(m_componentMiner.DigProgress > 0f) || !(m_componentMiner.DigTime > 0.2f)) { return; } Point3 point = m_componentMiner.DigCellFace.Value.Point; int cellValue = m_subsystemTerrain.Terrain.GetCellValue(point.X, point.Y, point.Z); int num = Terrain.ExtractContents(cellValue); Block block = BlocksManager.Blocks[num]; if (m_geometry == null || cellValue != m_value || point != m_point) { m_geometry = new Geometry(); block.GenerateTerrainVertices(m_subsystemTerrain.BlockGeometryGenerator, m_geometry, cellValue, point.X, point.Y, point.Z); m_point = point; m_value = cellValue; m_vertices.Clear(); CracksVertex item = default(CracksVertex); for (int i = 0; i < m_geometry.SubsetOpaque.Vertices.Count; i++) { TerrainVertex terrainVertex = m_geometry.SubsetOpaque.Vertices.Array[i]; byte b = (byte)((terrainVertex.Color.R + terrainVertex.Color.G + terrainVertex.Color.B) / 3); item.X = terrainVertex.X; item.Y = terrainVertex.Y; item.Z = terrainVertex.Z; item.Tx = (float)terrainVertex.Tx / 32767f * 16f; item.Ty = (float)terrainVertex.Ty / 32767f * 16f; item.Color = new Color(b, b, b, (byte)128); m_vertices.Add(item); } } Vector3 viewPosition = camera.ViewPosition; Vector3 v = new Vector3(MathUtils.Floor(viewPosition.X), 0f, MathUtils.Floor(viewPosition.Z)); Matrix value = Matrix.CreateTranslation(v - viewPosition) * camera.ViewMatrix.OrientationMatrix * camera.ProjectionMatrix; DynamicArray <ushort> indices = m_geometry.SubsetOpaque.Indices; float x = m_subsystemSky.ViewFogRange.X; float y = m_subsystemSky.ViewFogRange.Y; int num2 = MathUtils.Clamp((int)(m_componentMiner.DigProgress * 8f), 0, 7); Display.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied; Display.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; Display.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwiseScissor; m_shader.GetParameter("u_origin").SetValue(v.XZ); m_shader.GetParameter("u_viewProjectionMatrix").SetValue(value); m_shader.GetParameter("u_viewPosition").SetValue(camera.ViewPosition); m_shader.GetParameter("u_texture").SetValue(m_textures[num2]); m_shader.GetParameter("u_samplerState").SetValue(SamplerState.PointWrap); m_shader.GetParameter("u_fogColor").SetValue(new Vector3(m_subsystemSky.ViewFogColor)); m_shader.GetParameter("u_fogStartInvLength").SetValue(new Vector2(x, 1f / (y - x))); Display.DrawUserIndexed(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, m_shader, CracksVertex.VertexDeclaration, m_vertices.Array, 0, m_vertices.Count, indices.Array, 0, indices.Count); }
public void ClearTest() { DynamicArray <int> array = new DynamicArray <int>(); List <int> list = new List <int>(); array.Clear(); list.Clear(); if (!HaveEqualsElements(array, list)) { Assert.Fail(); } FillCollections(array, list); array.Clear(); list.Clear(); if (!HaveEqualsElements(array, list)) { Assert.Fail(); } }
public EditMemeryDialogB(MemoryBankData memoryBankData, Action onCancel) { memory = memoryBankData; Data.Clear(); Data.AddRange(memory.Data); CanvasWidget canvasWidget = new CanvasWidget() { Size = new Vector2(600f, float.PositiveInfinity), HorizontalAlignment = WidgetAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = WidgetAlignment.Center }; RectangleWidget rectangleWidget = new RectangleWidget() { FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255), OutlineColor = new Color(128, 128, 128, 128), OutlineThickness = 2 }; StackPanelWidget stackPanel = new StackPanelWidget() { Direction = LayoutDirection.Vertical }; LabelWidget labelWidget = new LabelWidget() { Text = "M 板编辑器", HorizontalAlignment = WidgetAlignment.Center, Margin = new Vector2(0, 10) }; StackPanelWidget stackPanelWidget = new StackPanelWidget() { Direction = LayoutDirection.Horizontal, HorizontalAlignment = WidgetAlignment.Near, VerticalAlignment = WidgetAlignment.Near, Margin = new Vector2(10f, 10f) }; Children.Add(canvasWidget); canvasWidget.Children.Add(rectangleWidget); canvasWidget.Children.Add(stackPanel); stackPanel.Children.Add(labelWidget); stackPanel.Children.Add(stackPanelWidget); stackPanelWidget.Children.Add(initData()); stackPanelWidget.Children.Add(initButton()); MainView = stackPanel; this.onCancel = onCancel; lastvalue = memory.Read(0); }
public void Clear_WhenCalled_ShouldClearArray(int range) { // Arrange for (var i = 1; i <= range; i++) { _array.Add(i); } // Act _array.Clear(); // Assert Assert.That(_array.IsEmpty, Is.EqualTo(true)); Assert.That(_array.Size, Is.EqualTo(0)); }
private bool GetCellNeighboursAndUnwalkability(Cell cell, DynamicArray <Cell> walkableCells, bool preventDiagonals) { if (walkableCells.count != 0) { // if the list for holding the cells is not empty, make it empty walkableCells.Clear(); } for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { if (x == 0 && z == 0) { // cell in the middle is the cell which neighbours we want, thus ignore the center cell continue; } if (x != 0 && z != 0 && preventDiagonals) { // if we are supposed to prevent diagonal moves, then ignore diagonal cell neighbours continue; } var neighbour = GetCellNeighbour(cell, x, z); if (neighbour != null) { if (neighbour.IsWalkableWithClearance(_unitProperties) && cell.IsWalkableFromWithClearance(neighbour, _unitProperties)) { // if the neighbour is walkable, and the center cell is walkable from this neighbour, then it is of interest walkableCells.Add(neighbour); } else { // if we find just a single neighbour that is blocked, then we return false return(false); } } else if (_builtInContainment) { // if there is a missing cell, and we want to use built-in containment, then return false on first missing cell (off-grid) return(false); } } } return(true); }
public ComponentRider FindNearbyRider(float range) { m_bodies.Clear(); m_subsystemBodies.FindBodiesAroundPoint(new Vector2(m_componentCreature.ComponentBody.Position.X, m_componentCreature.ComponentBody.Position.Z), range, m_bodies); foreach (ComponentBody body in m_bodies) { if (Vector3.DistanceSquared(m_componentCreature.ComponentBody.Position, body.Position) < range * range) { ComponentRider componentRider = body.Entity.FindComponent <ComponentRider>(); if (componentRider != null) { return(componentRider); } } } return(null); }
public void FindBodiesCollisionBoxes(Vector3 position, DynamicArray <CollisionBox> result) { m_componentBodies.Clear(); m_subsystemBodies.FindBodiesAroundPoint(new Vector2(position.X, position.Z), 4f, m_componentBodies); for (int i = 0; i < m_componentBodies.Count; i++) { ComponentBody componentBody = m_componentBodies.Array[i]; if (componentBody != this && componentBody != m_parentBody && componentBody.m_parentBody != this) { result.Add(new CollisionBox { Box = componentBody.BoundingBox, ComponentBody = componentBody }); } } }
public void Draw(Camera camera, int drawOrder) { m_vertices.Clear(); m_indices.Clear(); foreach (MovingBlockSet movingBlockSet2 in m_movingBlockSets) { DrawMovingBlockSet(camera, movingBlockSet2); } int num = 0; while (num < m_removing.Count) { MovingBlockSet movingBlockSet = m_removing[num]; if (movingBlockSet.RemainCounter-- > 0) { DrawMovingBlockSet(camera, movingBlockSet); num++; } else { m_removing.RemoveAt(num); } } if (m_vertices.Count > 0) { Vector3 viewPosition = camera.ViewPosition; Vector3 v = new Vector3(MathUtils.Floor(viewPosition.X), 0f, MathUtils.Floor(viewPosition.Z)); Matrix value = Matrix.CreateTranslation(v - viewPosition) * camera.ViewMatrix.OrientationMatrix * camera.ProjectionMatrix; Display.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque; Display.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; Display.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwiseScissor; m_shader.GetParameter("u_origin").SetValue(v.XZ); m_shader.GetParameter("u_viewProjectionMatrix").SetValue(value); m_shader.GetParameter("u_viewPosition").SetValue(camera.ViewPosition); m_shader.GetParameter("u_texture").SetValue(m_subsystemAnimatedTextures.AnimatedBlocksTexture); m_shader.GetParameter("u_samplerState").SetValue(SamplerState.PointClamp); m_shader.GetParameter("u_fogColor").SetValue(new Vector3(m_subsystemSky.ViewFogColor)); m_shader.GetParameter("u_fogStartInvLength").SetValue(new Vector2(m_subsystemSky.ViewFogRange.X, 1f / (m_subsystemSky.ViewFogRange.Y - m_subsystemSky.ViewFogRange.X))); Display.DrawUserIndexed(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, m_shader, TerrainVertex.VertexDeclaration, m_vertices.Array, 0, m_vertices.Count, m_indices.Array, 0, m_indices.Count); } if (DebugDrawMovingBlocks) { DebugDraw(); } }
public void MakeNoisepublic(ComponentBody sourceBody, Vector3 position, float loudness, float range) { float num = range * range; m_componentBodies.Clear(); m_subsystemBodies.FindBodiesAroundPoint(new Vector2(position.X, position.Z), range, m_componentBodies); for (int i = 0; i < m_componentBodies.Count; i++) { ComponentBody componentBody = m_componentBodies.Array[i]; if (componentBody != sourceBody && Vector3.DistanceSquared(componentBody.Position, position) < num) { foreach (INoiseListener item in componentBody.Entity.FindComponents <INoiseListener>()) { item.HearNoise(sourceBody, position, loudness); } } } }
public void Update(float dt) { if (m_thermometersToSimulateIndex < m_thermometersToSimulate.Count) { double period = MathUtils.Max(5.0 / (double)m_thermometersToSimulate.Count, 1.0); if (m_subsystemTime.PeriodicGameTimeEvent(period, 0.0)) { Point3 point = m_thermometersToSimulate.Array[m_thermometersToSimulateIndex]; SimulateThermometer(point.X, point.Y, point.Z, invalidateTerrainOnChange: true); m_thermometersToSimulateIndex++; } } else if (m_thermometersByPoint.Count > 0) { m_thermometersToSimulateIndex = 0; m_thermometersToSimulate.Clear(); m_thermometersToSimulate.AddRange(m_thermometersByPoint.Keys); } }
public BodyRaycastResult?Raycast(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float inflateAmount, Func <ComponentBody, float, bool> action) { float num = Vector3.Distance(start, end); Ray3 ray = new Ray3(start, (num > 0f) ? ((end - start) / num) : Vector3.UnitX); Vector2 corner = new Vector2(start.X, start.Z); Vector2 corner2 = new Vector2(end.X, end.Z); BodyRaycastResult bodyRaycastResult = default(BodyRaycastResult); bodyRaycastResult.Ray = ray; bodyRaycastResult.Distance = float.MaxValue; BodyRaycastResult value = bodyRaycastResult; m_componentBodies.Clear(); FindBodiesInArea(corner, corner2, m_componentBodies); for (int i = 0; i < m_componentBodies.Count; i++) { ComponentBody componentBody = m_componentBodies.Array[i]; float? num2; if (inflateAmount > 0f) { BoundingBox boundingBox = componentBody.BoundingBox; boundingBox.Min -= new Vector3(inflateAmount); boundingBox.Max += new Vector3(inflateAmount); num2 = ray.Intersection(boundingBox); } else { num2 = ray.Intersection(componentBody.BoundingBox); } if (num2.HasValue && num2.Value <= num && num2.Value < value.Distance && action(componentBody, num2.Value)) { value.Distance = num2.Value; value.ComponentBody = componentBody; } } if (value.ComponentBody == null) { return(null); } return(value); }
public bool PreProcess(IPathRequest request) { if (!_enabled) { return(false); } var grid = GridManager.instance.GetGrid(; if (grid == null) { return(false); } var goal = grid.GetCell(, true); if (IsItSafe(goal)) { return(false); } int d = 1; do { _buffer.Clear(); grid.GetConcentricNeighbours(goal, d++, _buffer); var count = _buffer.count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (IsItSafe(_buffer[i])) { = _buffer[i].position; return(true); } } }while (_buffer.count > 0); return(false); }
private void GetWalkableCellNeighbours(Cell cell, DynamicArray<Cell> walkableCells, bool preventDiagonals) { if (walkableCells.count != 0) { // if the list for holding the cells is not empty, make it empty walkableCells.Clear(); } int mx = cell.matrixPosX; int mz = cell.matrixPosZ; // prepare non-diagonal neighbours in all 4 directions (up, down, left, right) var n1 = _grid.cellMatrix[mx - 1, mz]; var n2 = _grid.cellMatrix[mx, mz - 1]; var n3 = _grid.cellMatrix[mx + 1, mz]; var n4 = _grid.cellMatrix[mx, mz + 1]; var unitAttributes = _unitProperties.attributes; bool lw = false, rw = false, uw = false, dw = false; if (n1 != null) { // check whether this neighbour has been fast marched lw = _fastMarchedCellsSet.ContainsKey(n1.position); if (!lw) { // if the cell has not been fast marched... if (n1.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(n1, _unitProperties)) { // ... and the cell is walkable, then add it to the list walkableCells.Add(n1); lw = true; } } } if (n2 != null) { dw = _fastMarchedCellsSet.ContainsKey(n2.position); if (!dw) { if (n2.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(n2, _unitProperties)) { walkableCells.Add(n2); dw = true; } } } if (n3 != null) { rw = _fastMarchedCellsSet.ContainsKey(n3.position); if (!rw) { if (n3.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(n3, _unitProperties)) { walkableCells.Add(n3); rw = true; } } } if (n4 != null) { uw = _fastMarchedCellsSet.ContainsKey(n4.position); if (!uw) { if (n4.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(n4, _unitProperties)) { walkableCells.Add(n4); uw = true; } } } if (preventDiagonals) { return; } bool urw, drw, dlw, ulw; if (_allowCornerCutting) { // if we allow corner cuttting, then just one of the neighbours need to be free to go diagonally urw = uw || rw; drw = dw || rw; dlw = dw || lw; ulw = uw || lw; } else { // however, if we don't allow corner cutting, then both neighbours need to be free to allow diagonal neighbour urw = uw && rw; drw = dw && rw; dlw = dw && lw; ulw = uw && lw; } if (dlw) { var n5 = _grid.cellMatrix[mx - 1, mz - 1]; if (n5 != null && !_fastMarchedCellsSet.ContainsKey(n5.position)) { if (n5.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(n5, _unitProperties)) { walkableCells.Add(n5); } } } if (ulw) { var n6 = _grid.cellMatrix[mx - 1, mz + 1]; if (n6 != null && !_fastMarchedCellsSet.ContainsKey(n6.position)) { if (n6.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(n6, _unitProperties)) { walkableCells.Add(n6); } } } if (drw) { var n7 = _grid.cellMatrix[mx + 1, mz - 1]; if (n7 != null && !_fastMarchedCellsSet.ContainsKey(n7.position)) { if (n7.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(n7, _unitProperties)) { walkableCells.Add(n7); } } } if (urw) { var n8 = _grid.cellMatrix[mx + 1, mz + 1]; if (n8 != null && !_fastMarchedCellsSet.ContainsKey(n8.position)) { if (n8.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(n8, _unitProperties)) { walkableCells.Add(n8); } } } }
private bool GetCellNeighboursAndUnwalkability(Cell cell, DynamicArray<Cell> walkableCells, bool preventDiagonals) { if (walkableCells.count != 0) { // if the list for holding the cells is not empty, make it empty walkableCells.Clear(); } var unitAttributes = _unitProperties.attributes; int mx = cell.matrixPosX; int mz = cell.matrixPosZ; for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { if (x == 0 && z == 0) { // cell in the middle is the cell which neighbours we want, thus ignore the center cell continue; } if (x != 0 && z != 0 && preventDiagonals) { // if we are supposed to prevent diagonal moves, then ignore diagonal cell neighbours continue; } var neighbour = _grid.cellMatrix[mx + x, mz + z]; if (neighbour != null) { if (neighbour.isWalkable(unitAttributes) && cell.isWalkableFrom(neighbour, _unitProperties)) { // if the neighbour is walkable, and the center cell is walkable from this neighbour, then it is of interest walkableCells.Add(neighbour); } else { // if we find just a single neighbour that is blocked, then we return false return false; } } else if (_builtInContainment) { // if there is a missing cell, and we want to use built-in containment, then return false on first missing cell (off-grid) return false; } } } return true; }