public static void RegenerateSplatmaps(DungeonSplatmap splatComponent) { // Destroy all the existing splatmaps var asset = splatComponent.splatmap; foreach (var splatTexture in asset.splatTextures) { DestroyImmediate(splatTexture, true); } var targetTextures = new List <Texture2D>(); foreach (var textureInfo in splatComponent.textures) { var texSize = textureInfo.textureSize; var texFormat = textureInfo.textureFormat; var splatTexture = new Texture2D(texSize, texSize, texFormat, false); =; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(splatTexture, asset); targetTextures.Add(splatTexture); } asset.splatTextures = targetTextures.ToArray(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(asset); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
public static void CreateSplatMapAsset(DungeonSplatmap splatComponent) { if (splatComponent == null) { // No splatmap attached to this dungeon configuration return; } // Check if the splatmap asset has been assigned if (splatComponent.splatmap == null) { // Create a new splatmap asset in the correct directory and assign it to the dungeon var defaultFileName = "DungeonSplatmap.asset"; var scenePath = DungeonEditorHelper.GetActiveScenePath(); splatComponent.splatmap = DungeonEditorHelper.CreateAssetInBrowser <DungeonSplatAsset>(scenePath, defaultFileName); RegenerateSplatmaps(splatComponent); } }