public static int Run(string[] args) { if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { EnsureProperDebugDllsAreLoadedForWindows(); } _app = new CommandLineApplication { Name = "Raven.Debug", Description = "Debugging tool from RavenDB" }; _app.HelpOption(HelpOptionString); _app.Command("stack-traces", cmd => { cmd.ExtendedHelpText = cmd.Description = "Prints stack traces for the given process."; cmd.HelpOption(HelpOptionString); var waitOption = cmd.Option("--wait", "Wait for user input", CommandOptionType.NoValue); var pidOption = cmd.Option("--pid", "Process ID to which the tool will attach to", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var attachTimeoutOption = cmd.Option("--timeout", "Attaching to process timeout in milliseconds. Default 15000", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var outputOption = cmd.Option("--output", "Output file path", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var threadIdsOption = cmd.Option("--tid", "Thread ID to get the info about", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue); var includeStackObjectsOption = cmd.Option("--includeStackObjects", "Include the stack objects", CommandOptionType.NoValue); cmd.OnExecute(() => { if (waitOption.HasValue()) { Console.ReadLine(); // wait for the caller to finish preparing for us } if (pidOption.HasValue() == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError("Missing --pid option.")); } if (int.TryParse(pidOption.Value(), out var pid) == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Could not parse --pid with value '{pidOption.Value()}' to number.")); } HashSet <uint> threadIds = null; if (threadIdsOption.HasValue()) { foreach (var tid in threadIdsOption.Values) { if (uint.TryParse(tid, out var tidAsInt) == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Could not parse --tid with value '{tid}' to number.")); } if (threadIds == null) { threadIds = new HashSet <uint>(); } threadIds.Add(tidAsInt); } } uint attachTimeout = 15000; if (attachTimeoutOption.HasValue() && uint.TryParse(attachTimeoutOption.Value(), out attachTimeout) == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Could not parse --attachTimeout with value '{attachTimeoutOption.Value()}' to number.")); } string output = null; if (outputOption.HasValue()) { output = outputOption.Value(); } var includeStackObjects = includeStackObjectsOption.Values.FirstOrDefault() == "on"; try { StackTracer.ShowStackTrace(pid, attachTimeout, output, cmd, threadIds, includeStackObjects); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { string desc; if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux) == false) { desc = ""; } else { desc = $"Make sure to run script as root from the main RavenDB directory."; } return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Failed to show the stacktrace. {desc}Error: {e}")); } }); }); _app.Command("dump", cmd => { cmd.ExtendedHelpText = cmd.Description = "Creates dump for the given process."; cmd.HelpOption(HelpOptionString); var pidOption = cmd.Option("--pid", "Process ID to which the tool will attach to", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var outputOption = cmd.Option("--output", "Output file path", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var typeOption = cmd.Option("--type", "Type of dump (Heap or Mini). ", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); cmd.OnExecuteAsync(async(_) => { if (pidOption.HasValue() == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError("Missing --pid option.")); } if (int.TryParse(pidOption.Value(), out var pid) == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Could not parse --pid with value '{pidOption.Value()}' to number.")); } if (typeOption.HasValue() == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError("Missing --type option.")); } if (Enum.TryParse(typeOption.Value(), ignoreCase: true, out Dumper.DumpTypeOption type) == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Could not parse --type with value '{typeOption.Value()}' to one of supported dump types.")); } string output = null; if (outputOption.HasValue()) { output = outputOption.Value(); } try { var dumper = new Dumper(); await dumper.Collect(cmd, pid, output, diag: false, type).ConfigureAwait(false); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Failed to collect dump. Error: {e}")); } }); }); _app.Command("gcdump", cmd => { cmd.ExtendedHelpText = cmd.Description = "Creates GC dump for the given process."; cmd.HelpOption(HelpOptionString); var pidOption = cmd.Option("--pid", "Process ID to which the tool will attach to", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var outputOption = cmd.Option("--output", "Output file path", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var timeoutOption = cmd.Option("--timeout", "Give up on collecting the gcdump if it takes longer than this many seconds. The default value is. Default 30", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var verboseOption = cmd.Option("--verbose", "Output the log while collecting the gcdump.", CommandOptionType.NoValue); cmd.OnExecuteAsync(async token => { if (pidOption.HasValue() == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError("Missing --pid option.")); } if (int.TryParse(pidOption.Value(), out var pid) == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Could not parse --pid with value '{pidOption.Value()}' to number.")); } string output = null; if (outputOption.HasValue()) { output = outputOption.Value(); } int timeout = 30; if (timeoutOption.HasValue() && int.TryParse(timeoutOption.Value(), out timeout) == false) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Could not parse --timeout with value '{timeoutOption.Value()}' to number.")); } var verbose = verboseOption.HasValue(); try { await GCHeapDumper.Collect(token, cmd, pid, output, timeout, verbose).ConfigureAwait(false); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(cmd.ExitWithError($"Failed to collect GC dump. Error: {e}")); } }); }); _app.OnExecute(() => { _app.ShowHelp(); return(1); }); try { return(_app.Execute(args)); } catch (CommandParsingException e) { return(_app.ExitWithError(e.Message)); } }