public void TestFreqScaleOnArtificialSignal1()
            int    sampleRate = 22050;
            double duration   = 20; // signal duration in seconds

            int[] harmonics       = { 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 };
            int   windowSize      = 512;
            var   freqScale       = new FrequencyScale(sampleRate / 2, windowSize, 1000);
            var   outputImagePath = Path.Combine(this.outputDirectory.FullName, "Signal1_LinearFreqScale.png");

            var recording  = DspFilters.GenerateTestRecording(sampleRate, duration, harmonics, WaveType.Cosine);
            var sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig
                WindowSize              = freqScale.WindowSize,
                WindowOverlap           = 0.0,
                SourceFName             = "Signal1",
                NoiseReductionType      = NoiseReductionType.Standard,
                NoiseReductionParameter = 0.12,

            var sonogram = new AmplitudeSonogram(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);

            // pick a row, any row
            var oneSpectrum = MatrixTools.GetRow(sonogram.Data, 40);

            oneSpectrum = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(oneSpectrum, 5);
            var peaks = DataTools.GetPeaks(oneSpectrum);

            for (int i = 5; i < peaks.Length - 5; i++)
                if (peaks[i])
                    LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"bin ={freqScale.BinBounds[i, 0]},  Herz={freqScale.BinBounds[i, 1]}-{freqScale.BinBounds[i + 1, 1]}  ");

            foreach (int h in harmonics)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"Harmonic {h}Herz  should be in bin  {freqScale.GetBinIdForHerzValue(h)}");

            // spectrogram without framing, annotation etc
            var    image = sonogram.GetImage();
            string title = $"Spectrogram of Harmonics: {DataTools.Array2String(harmonics)}   SR={sampleRate}  Window={windowSize}";

            image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated(image, title, freqScale.GridLineLocations);

            // Check that image dimensions are correct
            Assert.AreEqual(861, image.Width);
            Assert.AreEqual(310, image.Height);

        public void TestFreqScaleOnArtificialSignal2()
            int    sampleRate = 64000;
            double duration   = 30; // signal duration in seconds

            int[] harmonics       = { 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 };
            var   freqScale       = new FrequencyScale(FreqScaleType.Linear125Octaves7Tones28Nyquist32000);
            var   outputImagePath = Path.Combine(this.outputDirectory.FullName, "Signal2_OctaveFreqScale.png");
            var   recording       = DspFilters.GenerateTestRecording(sampleRate, duration, harmonics, WaveType.Cosine);

            // init the default sonogram config
            var sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig
                WindowSize              = freqScale.WindowSize,
                WindowOverlap           = 0.2,
                SourceFName             = "Signal2",
                NoiseReductionType      = NoiseReductionType.None,
                NoiseReductionParameter = 0.0,
            var sonogram = new AmplitudeSonogram(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);

            sonogram.Data = OctaveFreqScale.ConvertAmplitudeSpectrogramToDecibelOctaveScale(sonogram.Data, freqScale);

            // pick a row, any row
            var oneSpectrum = MatrixTools.GetRow(sonogram.Data, 40);

            oneSpectrum = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(oneSpectrum, 5);
            var peaks = DataTools.GetPeaks(oneSpectrum);

            var peakIds = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 5; i < peaks.Length - 5; i++)
                if (peaks[i])
                    int peakId = freqScale.BinBounds[i, 0];
                    LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"Spectral peak located in bin {peakId},  Herz={freqScale.BinBounds[i, 1]}");

            foreach (int h in harmonics)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"Harmonic {h}Herz should be in bin {freqScale.GetBinIdForHerzValue(h)}");

            Assert.AreEqual(5, peakIds.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(129, peakIds[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(257, peakIds[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(513, peakIds[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1025, peakIds[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2049, peakIds[4]);

            var    image = sonogram.GetImage();
            string title = $"Spectrogram of Harmonics: {DataTools.Array2String(harmonics)}   SR={sampleRate}  Window={freqScale.WindowSize}";

            image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated(image, title, freqScale.GridLineLocations);

            // Check that image dimensions are correct
            Assert.AreEqual(146, image.Width);
            Assert.AreEqual(310, image.Height);
        ///  <summary>
        ///  ################ THE KEY ANALYSIS METHOD for TRILLS
        ///  See Anthony's ExempliGratia.Recognize() method in order to see how to use methods for config profiles.
        ///  </summary>
        /// <param name="recording"></param>
        /// <param name="sonoConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="lwConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="returnDebugImage"></param>
        /// <param name="segmentStartOffset"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Tuple <BaseSonogram, double[, ], double[], List <AcousticEvent>, Image> Analysis(
            AudioRecording recording,
            SonogramConfig sonoConfig,
            LitoriaWatjulumConfig lwConfig,
            bool returnDebugImage,
            TimeSpan segmentStartOffset)
            double intensityThreshold = lwConfig.IntensityThreshold;
            double minDuration        = lwConfig.MinDurationOfTrill; // seconds
            double maxDuration        = lwConfig.MaxDurationOfTrill; // seconds
            double minPeriod          = lwConfig.MinPeriod;          // seconds
            double maxPeriod          = lwConfig.MaxPeriod;          // seconds

            if (recording == null)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("AudioRecording == null. Analysis not possible.");

            //i: MAKE SONOGRAM
            //TimeSpan tsRecordingtDuration = recording.Duration();
            int    sr              = recording.SampleRate;
            double freqBinWidth    = sr / (double)sonoConfig.WindowSize;
            double framesPerSecond = freqBinWidth;

            // duration of DCT in seconds - want it to be about 3X or 4X the expected maximum period
            double dctDuration = 4 * maxPeriod;

            // duration of DCT in frames
            int dctLength = (int)Math.Round(framesPerSecond * dctDuration);

            // set up the cosine coefficients
            double[,] cosines = MFCCStuff.Cosines(dctLength, dctLength);

            int upperBandMinBin = (int)Math.Round(lwConfig.UpperBandMinHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;
            int upperBandMaxBin = (int)Math.Round(lwConfig.UpperBandMaxHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;
            int lowerBandMinBin = (int)Math.Round(lwConfig.LowerBandMinHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;
            int lowerBandMaxBin = (int)Math.Round(lwConfig.LowerBandMaxHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;

            BaseSonogram sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);
            int          rowCount = sonogram.Data.GetLength(0);

            //int colCount = sonogram.Data.GetLength(1);

            double[] lowerArray = MatrixTools.GetRowAveragesOfSubmatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, lowerBandMinBin, rowCount - 1, lowerBandMaxBin);
            double[] upperArray = MatrixTools.GetRowAveragesOfSubmatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, upperBandMinBin, rowCount - 1, upperBandMaxBin);

            //lowerArray = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(lowerArray, 3);
            //upperArray = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(upperArray, 3);

            double[] amplitudeScores  = DataTools.SumMinusDifference(lowerArray, upperArray);
            double[] differenceScores = DspFilters.SubtractBaseline(amplitudeScores, 7);

            // Could smooth here rather than above. Above seemed slightly better?
            //amplitudeScores = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(amplitudeScores, 7);
            //differenceScores = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(differenceScores, 7);

            //iii: CONVERT decibel sum-diff SCORES TO ACOUSTIC TRILL EVENTS
            var predictedTrillEvents = AcousticEvent.ConvertScoreArray2Events(

            for (int i = 0; i < differenceScores.Length; i++)
                if (differenceScores[i] < 1.0)
                    differenceScores[i] = 0.0;

            // LOOK FOR TRILL EVENTS
            // init the score array
            double[] scores = new double[rowCount];

            // var hits = new double[rowCount, colCount];
            double[,] hits = null;

            // init confirmed events
            var confirmedEvents = new List <AcousticEvent>();

            // add names into the returned events
            foreach (var ae in predictedTrillEvents)
                int    eventStart       = ae.Oblong.RowTop;
                int    eventWidth       = ae.Oblong.RowWidth;
                int    step             = 2;
                double maximumIntensity = 0.0;

                // scan the event to get oscillation period and intensity
                for (int i = eventStart - (dctLength / 2); i < eventStart + eventWidth - (dctLength / 2); i += step)
                    // Look for oscillations in the difference array
                    double[] differenceArray = DataTools.Subarray(differenceScores, i, dctLength);
                    double   oscilFreq;
                    double   period;
                    double   intensity;
                    Oscillations2014.GetOscillation(differenceArray, framesPerSecond, cosines, out oscilFreq, out period, out intensity);

                    bool periodWithinBounds = period > minPeriod && period < maxPeriod;

                    //Console.WriteLine($"step={i}    period={period:f4}");

                    if (!periodWithinBounds)

                    for (int j = 0; j < dctLength; j++) //lay down score for sample length
                        if (scores[i + j] < intensity)
                            scores[i + j] = intensity;

                    if (maximumIntensity < intensity)
                        maximumIntensity = intensity;

                // add abbreviatedSpeciesName into event
                if (maximumIntensity >= intensityThreshold)
                    ae.Name             = $"{lwConfig.AbbreviatedSpeciesName}.{lwConfig.ProfileNames[0]}";
                    ae.Score_MaxInEvent = maximumIntensity;
                    ae.Profile          = lwConfig.ProfileNames[0];

            // LOOK FOR TINK EVENTS
            // CONVERT decibel sum-diff SCORES TO ACOUSTIC EVENTS
            double minDurationOfTink = lwConfig.MinDurationOfTink;  // seconds
            double maxDurationOfTink = lwConfig.MaxDurationOfTink;  // seconds

            // want stronger threshold for tink because brief.
            double tinkDecibelThreshold = lwConfig.DecibelThreshold + 3.0;
            var    predictedTinkEvents  = AcousticEvent.ConvertScoreArray2Events(

            foreach (var ae2 in predictedTinkEvents)
                // Prune the list of potential acoustic events, for example using Cosine Similarity.

                //rowtop,  rowWidth
                //int eventStart = ae2.Oblong.RowTop;
                //int eventWidth = ae2.Oblong.RowWidth;
                //int step = 2;
                //double maximumIntensity = 0.0;

                // add abbreviatedSpeciesName into event
                //if (maximumIntensity >= intensityThreshold)
                ae2.Name = $"{lwConfig.AbbreviatedSpeciesName}.{lwConfig.ProfileNames[1]}";

                //ae2.Score_MaxInEvent = maximumIntensity;
                ae2.Profile = lwConfig.ProfileNames[1];



            var   scorePlot  = new Plot(lwConfig.SpeciesName, scores, intensityThreshold);
            Image debugImage = null;

            if (returnDebugImage)
                // display a variety of debug score arrays
                double[] normalisedScores;
                double   normalisedThreshold;
                DataTools.Normalise(amplitudeScores, lwConfig.DecibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                var sumDiffPlot = new Plot("Sum Minus Difference", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                DataTools.Normalise(differenceScores, lwConfig.DecibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                var differencePlot = new Plot("Baseline Removed", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);

                var debugPlots = new List <Plot> {
                    scorePlot, sumDiffPlot, differencePlot
                debugImage = DrawDebugImage(sonogram, confirmedEvents, debugPlots, hits);

            // return new sonogram because it makes for more easy interpretation of the image
            var returnSonoConfig = new SonogramConfig
                SourceFName   = recording.BaseName,
                WindowSize    = 512,
                WindowOverlap = 0,

                // the default window is HAMMING
                //WindowFunction = WindowFunctions.HANNING.ToString(),
                //WindowFunction = WindowFunctions.NONE.ToString(),
                // if do not use noise reduction can get a more sensitive recogniser.
                //NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.NONE,
                NoiseReductionType = SNR.KeyToNoiseReductionType("STANDARD"),
            BaseSonogram returnSonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(returnSonoConfig, recording.WavReader);

            return(Tuple.Create(returnSonogram, hits, scores, confirmedEvents, debugImage));
        } //Analysis()
예제 #4
        internal RecognizerResults Gruntwork(AudioRecording audioRecording, Config configuration, DirectoryInfo outputDirectory, TimeSpan segmentStartOffset)
            double noiseReductionParameter = configuration.GetDoubleOrNull(AnalysisKeys.NoiseBgThreshold) ?? 0.1;

            // make a spectrogram
            var config = new SonogramConfig
                WindowSize              = 256,
                NoiseReductionType      = NoiseReductionType.Standard,
                NoiseReductionParameter = noiseReductionParameter,

            config.WindowOverlap = 0.0;

            // now construct the standard decibel spectrogram WITH noise removal, and look for LimConvex
            // get frame parameters for the analysis
            var sonogram = (BaseSonogram) new SpectrogramStandard(config, audioRecording.WavReader);

            // remove the DC column
            var spg        = MatrixTools.Submatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, 1, sonogram.Data.GetLength(0) - 1, sonogram.Data.GetLength(1) - 1);
            int sampleRate = audioRecording.SampleRate;
            int rowCount   = spg.GetLength(0);
            int colCount   = spg.GetLength(1);

            int    frameSize          = config.WindowSize;
            int    frameStep          = frameSize; // this default = zero overlap
            double frameStepInSeconds = frameStep / (double)sampleRate;
            double framesPerSec       = 1 / frameStepInSeconds;

            // reading in variables from the config file
            string speciesName            = configuration[AnalysisKeys.SpeciesName] ?? "<no species>";
            string abbreviatedSpeciesName = configuration[AnalysisKeys.AbbreviatedSpeciesName] ?? "<no.sp>";
            int    minHz = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MinHz);
            int    maxHz = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MaxHz);

            // ## THREE THRESHOLDS ---- only one of these is given to user.
            // minimum dB to register a dominant freq peak. After noise removal
            double peakThresholdDb = 3.0;

            // The threshold dB amplitude in the dominant freq bin required to yield an event
            double eventThresholdDb = 6;

            // minimum score for an acceptable event - that is when processing the score array.
            double similarityThreshold = configuration.GetDoubleOrNull(AnalysisKeys.EventThreshold) ?? 0.2;

            // IMPORTANT: The following frame durations assume a sampling rate = 22050 and window size of 256.
            int    minFrameWidth = 7;
            int    maxFrameWidth = 14;
            double minDuration   = (minFrameWidth - 1) * frameStepInSeconds;
            double maxDuration   = maxFrameWidth * frameStepInSeconds;

            // Calculate Max Amplitude
            int binMin = (int)Math.Round(minHz / sonogram.FBinWidth);
            int binMax = (int)Math.Round(maxHz / sonogram.FBinWidth);

            int[]    dominantBins = new int[rowCount];    // predefinition of events max frequency
            double[] scores       = new double[rowCount]; // predefinition of score array
            double[,] hits = new double[rowCount, colCount];

            // loop through all spectra/rows of the spectrogram - NB: spg is rotated to vertical.
            // mark the hits in hitMatrix
            for (int s = 0; s < rowCount; s++)
                double[] spectrum     = MatrixTools.GetRow(spg, s);
                double   maxAmplitude = double.MinValue;
                int      maxId        = 0;

                // loop through bandwidth of L.onvex call and look for dominant frequency
                for (int binID = 5; binID < binMax; binID++)
                    if (spectrum[binID] > maxAmplitude)
                        maxAmplitude = spectrum[binID];
                        maxId        = binID;

                if (maxId < binMin)

                // peak should exceed thresold amplitude
                if (spectrum[maxId] < peakThresholdDb)

                scores[s]       = maxAmplitude;
                dominantBins[s] = maxId;

                // Console.WriteLine("Col {0}, Bin {1}  ", c, freqBinID);
            } // loop through all spectra

            // Find average amplitude

            double[] amplitudeArray = MatrixTools.GetRowAveragesOfSubmatrix(
                rowCount - 1,

            var highPassFilteredSignal = DspFilters.SubtractBaseline(amplitudeArray, 7);

            // We now have a list of potential hits for C. tinnula. This needs to be filtered.
            var startEnds = new List <Point>();

            Plot.FindStartsAndEndsOfScoreEvents(highPassFilteredSignal, eventThresholdDb, minFrameWidth, maxFrameWidth, out var prunedScores, out startEnds);

            // High pass Filter

            // loop through the score array and find beginning and end of potential events
            var potentialEvents = new List <AcousticEvent>();

            foreach (Point point in startEnds)
                // get average of the dominant bin
                int binSum     = 0;
                int binCount   = 0;
                int eventWidth = point.Y - point.X + 1;
                for (int s = point.X; s <= point.Y; s++)
                    if (dominantBins[s] >= binMin)
                        binSum += dominantBins[s];

                // find average dominant bin for the event
                int avDominantBin  = (int)Math.Round(binSum / (double)binCount);
                int avDominantFreq = (int)(Math.Round(binSum / (double)binCount) * sonogram.FBinWidth);

                // Get score for the event.
                // Use a simple template for the honk and calculate cosine similarity to the template.
                // Template has three dominant frequenices.
                // minimum number of bins covering frequency bandwidth of C. tinnula call// minimum number of bins covering frequency bandwidth of L.convex call
                int    callBinWidth = 14;
                var    templates    = GetCtinnulaTemplates(callBinWidth);
                var    eventMatrix  = MatrixTools.Submatrix(spg, point.X, avDominantBin - callBinWidth + 2, point.Y, avDominantBin + 1);
                double eventScore   = GetEventScore(eventMatrix, templates);

                // put hits into hits matrix
                // put cosine score into the score array
                for (int s = point.X; s <= point.Y; s++)
                    hits[s, avDominantBin] = 10;
                    prunedScores[s]        = eventScore;

                if (eventScore < similarityThreshold)

                int topBinForEvent    = avDominantBin + 2;
                int bottomBinForEvent = topBinForEvent - callBinWidth;

                double startTime    = point.X * frameStepInSeconds;
                double durationTime = eventWidth * frameStepInSeconds;
                var    newEvent     = new AcousticEvent(segmentStartOffset, startTime, durationTime, minHz, maxHz);
                newEvent.DominantFreq = avDominantFreq;
                newEvent.Score        = eventScore;
                newEvent.SetTimeAndFreqScales(framesPerSec, sonogram.FBinWidth);
                newEvent.Name = string.Empty; // remove name because it hides spectral content of the event.


            // display the original score array
            scores = DataTools.normalise(scores);
            var debugPlot = new Plot(this.DisplayName, scores, similarityThreshold);

            // DEBUG IMAGE this recognizer only. MUST set false for deployment.
            bool displayDebugImage = MainEntry.InDEBUG;

            if (displayDebugImage)
                // display a variety of debug score arrays
                DataTools.Normalise(amplitudeArray, eventThresholdDb, out var normalisedScores, out var normalisedThreshold);
                var ampltdPlot = new Plot("Average amplitude", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);

                DataTools.Normalise(highPassFilteredSignal, eventThresholdDb, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                var demeanedPlot = new Plot("Hi Pass", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);

                 * DataTools.Normalise(scores, eventThresholdDb, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                 * var ampltdPlot = new Plot("amplitude", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                 * DataTools.Normalise(lowPassFilteredSignal, decibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                 * var lowPassPlot = new Plot("Low Pass", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                var debugPlots = new List <Plot> {
                    ampltdPlot, demeanedPlot
                Image debugImage = DisplayDebugImage(sonogram, potentialEvents, debugPlots, null);
                var   debugPath  = outputDirectory.Combine(FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(audioRecording.BaseName), this.Identifier, "png", "DebugSpectrogram"));

            // display the cosine similarity scores
            var plot  = new Plot(this.DisplayName, prunedScores, similarityThreshold);
            var plots = new List <Plot> {

            // add names into the returned events
            foreach (AcousticEvent ae in potentialEvents)
                ae.Name = "speciesName"; // abbreviatedSpeciesName;

            return(new RecognizerResults()
                Events = potentialEvents,
                Hits = hits,
                Plots = plots,
                Sonogram = sonogram,
        /// <summary>
        /// Do your analysis. This method is called once per segment (typically one-minute segments).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audioRecording"></param>
        /// <param name="configuration"></param>
        /// <param name="segmentStartOffset"></param>
        /// <param name="getSpectralIndexes"></param>
        /// <param name="outputDirectory"></param>
        /// <param name="imageWidth"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override RecognizerResults Recognize(AudioRecording audioRecording, Config configuration, TimeSpan segmentStartOffset, Lazy <IndexCalculateResult[]> getSpectralIndexes, DirectoryInfo outputDirectory, int?imageWidth)
            const double minAmplitudeThreshold = 0.1;
            const int    percentile            = 5;
            const double scoreThreshold        = 0.3;
            const bool   doFiltering           = true;
            const int    windowWidth           = 1024;
            const int    signalBuffer          = windowWidth * 2;

            //string path = @"C:\SensorNetworks\WavFiles\Freshwater\savedfortest.wav";
            //audioRecording.Save(path); // this does not work
            int sr      = audioRecording.SampleRate;
            int nyquist = audioRecording.Nyquist;

            // Get a value from the config file - with a backup default
            //int minHz = (int?)configuration[AnalysisKeys.MinHz] ?? 600;

            // Get a value from the config file - with no default, throw an exception if value is not present
            //int maxHz = ((int?)configuration[AnalysisKeys.MaxHz]).Value;

            // Get a value from the config file - without a string accessor, as a double
            //double someExampleSettingA = (double?)configuration.someExampleSettingA ?? 0.0;

            // common properties
            //string speciesName = (string)configuration[AnalysisKeys.SpeciesName] ?? "<no species>";
            //string abbreviatedSpeciesName = (string)configuration[AnalysisKeys.AbbreviatedSpeciesName] ?? "<no.sp>";

            // min score for an acceptable event
            double eventThreshold = (double)configuration.GetDoubleOrNull(AnalysisKeys.EventThreshold);

            // get samples
            var samples = audioRecording.WavReader.Samples;

            double[] bandPassFilteredSignal = null;

            if (doFiltering)
                // high pass filter
                int      windowLength = 71;
                double[] highPassFilteredSignal;
                DSP_IIRFilter.ApplyMovingAvHighPassFilter(samples, windowLength, out highPassFilteredSignal);

                //DSP_IIRFilter filter2 = new DSP_IIRFilter("Chebyshev_Highpass_400");
                //int order2 = filter2.order;
                //filter2.ApplyIIRFilter(samples, out highPassFilteredSignal);

                // Amplify 40dB and clip to +/-1.0;
                double factor = 100; // equiv to 20dB
                highPassFilteredSignal = DspFilters.AmplifyAndClip(highPassFilteredSignal, factor);

                //low pass filter
                string        filterName = "Chebyshev_Lowpass_5000, scale*5";
                DSP_IIRFilter filter     = new DSP_IIRFilter(filterName);
                int           order      = filter.order;

                //System.LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\nTest " + filterName + ", order=" + order);
                filter.ApplyIIRFilter(highPassFilteredSignal, out bandPassFilteredSignal);
            else // do not filter because already filtered - using Chris's filtered recording
                bandPassFilteredSignal = samples;

            // calculate an amplitude threshold that is above Nth percentile of amplitudes in the subsample
            int[]  histogramOfAmplitudes;
            double minAmplitude;
            double maxAmplitude;
            double binWidth;
            int    window = 66;

            Histogram.GetHistogramOfWaveAmplitudes(bandPassFilteredSignal, window, out histogramOfAmplitudes, out minAmplitude, out maxAmplitude, out binWidth);
            int percentileBin = Histogram.GetPercentileBin(histogramOfAmplitudes, percentile);

            double amplitudeThreshold = (percentileBin + 1) * binWidth;

            if (amplitudeThreshold < minAmplitudeThreshold)
                amplitudeThreshold = minAmplitudeThreshold;

            bool doAnalysisOfKnownExamples = true;

            if (doAnalysisOfKnownExamples)
                // go to fixed location to check
                //1:02.07, 1:07.67, 1:12.27, 1:12.42, 1:12.59, 1:12.8, 1.34.3, 1:35.3, 1:40.16, 1:50.0, 2:05.9, 2:06.62, 2:17.57, 2:21.0
                //2:26.33, 2:43.07, 2:43.15, 3:16.55, 3:35.09, 4:22.44, 4:29.9, 4:42.6, 4:51.48, 5:01.8, 5:21.15, 5:22.72, 5:32.37, 5.36.1,
                //5:42.82, 6:03.5, 6:19.93, 6:21.55, 6:42.0, 6:42.15, 6:46.44, 7:12.17, 7:42.65, 7:45.86, 7:46.18, 7:52.38, 7:59.11, 8:10.63,
                //8:14.4, 8:14.63, 8_15_240, 8_46_590, 8_56_590, 9_25_77, 9_28_94, 9_30_5, 9_43_9, 10_03_19, 10_24_26, 10_24_36, 10_38_8,
                //10_41_08, 10_50_9, 11_05_13, 11_08_63, 11_44_66, 11_50_36, 11_51_2, 12_04_93, 12_10_05, 12_20_78, 12_27_0, 12_38_5,
                //13_02_25, 13_08_18, 13_12_8, 13_25_24, 13_36_0, 13_50_4, 13_51_2, 13_57_87, 14_15_00, 15_09_74, 15_12_14, 15_25_79

                //double[] times = { 2.2, 26.589, 29.62 };
                //double[] times = { 2.2, 3.68, 10.83, 24.95, 26.589, 27.2, 29.62 };
                //double[] times = { 2.2, 3.68, 10.83, 24.95, 26.589, 27.2, 29.62, 31.39, 62.1, 67.67, 72.27, 72.42, 72.59, 72.8, 94.3, 95.3,
                //                   100.16, 110.0, 125.9, 126.62, 137.57, 141.0, 146.33, 163.07, 163.17, 196.55, 215.09, 262.44, 269.9, 282.6,
                //                   291.48, 301.85, 321.18, 322.72, 332.37, 336.1, 342.82, 363.5, 379.93, 381.55, 402.0, 402.15, 406.44, 432.17,
                //                   462.65, 465.86, 466.18, 472.38, 479.14, 490.63, 494.4, 494.63, 495.240, 526.590, 536.590, 565.82, 568.94,
                //                   570.5, 583.9, 603.19, 624.26, 624.36, 638.8, 641.08, 650.9, 65.13, 68.63, 704.66,
                //                   710.36, 711.2, 724.93, 730.05, 740.78, 747.05, 758.5, 782.25, 788.18, 792.8,
                //                   805.24, 816.03, 830.4, 831.2, 837.87, 855.02, 909.74, 912.14, 925.81  };

                var filePath = new FileInfo(@"C:\SensorNetworks\WavFiles\Freshwater\GruntSummaryRevisedAndEditedByMichael.csv");
                List <CatFishCallData> data = Csv.ReadFromCsv <CatFishCallData>(filePath, true).ToList();

                //var catFishCallDatas = data as IList<CatFishCallData> ?? data.ToList();
                int count = data.Count();

                var subSamplesDirectory = outputDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("testSubsamples_5000LPFilter");

                //for (int t = 0; t < times.Length; t++)
                foreach (var fishCall in data)
                    //Image bmp1 = IctalurusFurcatus.AnalyseLocation(bandPassFilteredSignal, sr, times[t], windowWidth);

                    // use following line where using time in seconds
                    //int location = (int)Math.Round(times[t] * sr); //assume location points to start of grunt
                    //double[] subsample = DataTools.Subarray(bandPassFilteredSignal, location - signalBuffer, 2 * signalBuffer);

                    // use following line where using sample
                    int location1 = fishCall.Sample / 2;                        //assume Chris's sample location points to centre of grunt. Divide by 2 because original recording was 44100.
                    int location  = (int)Math.Round(fishCall.TimeSeconds * sr); //assume location points to centre of grunt

                    double[] subsample = DataTools.Subarray(bandPassFilteredSignal, location - signalBuffer, 2 * signalBuffer);

                    // calculate an amplitude threshold that is above 95th percentile of amplitudes in the subsample
                    //int[] histogramOfAmplitudes;
                    //double minAmplitude;
                    //double maxAmplitude;
                    //double binWidth;
                    //int window = 70;
                    //int percentile = 90;
                    //Histogram.GetHistogramOfWaveAmplitudes(subsample, window, out histogramOfAmplitudes, out minAmplitude, out maxAmplitude, out binWidth);
                    //int percentileBin = Histogram.GetPercentileBin(histogramOfAmplitudes, percentile);

                    //double amplitudeThreshold = (percentileBin + 1) * binWidth;
                    //if (amplitudeThreshold < minAmplitudeThreshold) amplitudeThreshold = minAmplitudeThreshold;

                    double[] scores1 = AnalyseWaveformAtLocation(subsample, amplitudeThreshold, scoreThreshold);
                    string   title1  = $"scores={fishCall.Timehms}";
                    Image    bmp1    = GraphsAndCharts.DrawGraph(title1, scores1, subsample.Length, 300, 1);


                    string title2 = $"tStart={fishCall.Timehms}";
                    Image  bmp2   = GraphsAndCharts.DrawWaveform(title2, subsample, 1);
                    var    path1  = subSamplesDirectory.CombineFile($"scoresForTestSubsample_{fishCall.TimeSeconds}secs.png");

                    //var path2 = subSamplesDirectory.CombineFile($@"testSubsample_{times[t]}secs.wav.png");
                    Image[] imageList = { bmp2, bmp1 };
                    Image   bmp3      = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(imageList);

                    //write wave form to txt file for later work in XLS
                    //var path3 = subSamplesDirectory.CombineFile($@"testSubsample_{times[t]}secs.wav.csv");
                    //signalBuffer = 800;
                    //double[] subsample2 = DataTools.Subarray(bandPassFilteredSignal, location - signalBuffer, 3 * signalBuffer);
                    //FileTools.WriteArray2File(subsample2, path3.FullName);

            int signalLength = bandPassFilteredSignal.Length;

            // count number of 1000 sample segments
            int blockLength = 1000;
            int blockCount  = signalLength / blockLength;

            int[]    indexOfMax = new int[blockCount];
            double[] maxInBlock = new double[blockCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                double max        = -2.0;
                int    blockStart = blockLength * i;
                for (int s = 0; s < blockLength; s++)
                    double absValue = Math.Abs(bandPassFilteredSignal[blockStart + s]);
                    if (absValue > max)
                        max           = absValue;
                        maxInBlock[i] = max;
                        indexOfMax[i] = blockStart + s;

            // transfer max values to a list
            var indexList = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 1; i < blockCount - 1; i++)
                // only find the blocks that contain a max value that is > neighbouring blocks
                if (maxInBlock[i] > maxInBlock[i - 1] && maxInBlock[i] > maxInBlock[i + 1])

                // look at max in each block

            // now process neighbourhood of each max
            int binCount = windowWidth / 2;

            FFT.WindowFunc wf               = FFT.Hamming;
            var            fft              = new FFT(windowWidth, wf);
            int            maxHz            = 1000;
            double         hzPerBin         = nyquist / (double)binCount;
            int            requiredBinCount = (int)Math.Round(maxHz / hzPerBin);

            // init list of events
            List <AcousticEvent> events = new List <AcousticEvent>();

            double[] scores = new double[signalLength]; // init of score array

            int id = 0;

            foreach (int location in indexList)
                //System.LoggedConsole.WriteLine("Location " + location + ", id=" + id);

                int start = location - binCount;
                if (start < 0)

                int end = location + binCount;
                if (end >= signalLength)

                double[] subsampleWav = DataTools.Subarray(bandPassFilteredSignal, start, windowWidth);

                var spectrum = fft.Invoke(subsampleWav);

                // convert to power
                spectrum = DataTools.SquareValues(spectrum);
                spectrum = DataTools.filterMovingAverageOdd(spectrum, 3);
                spectrum = DataTools.normalise(spectrum);
                var subBandSpectrum = DataTools.Subarray(spectrum, 1, requiredBinCount); // ignore DC in bin zero.

                // now do some tests on spectrum to determine if it is a candidate grunt
                bool eventFound = false;

                double[] scoreArray = CalculateScores(subBandSpectrum, windowWidth);
                double   score      = scoreArray[0];

                if (score > scoreThreshold)
                    eventFound = true;

                if (eventFound)
                    for (int i = location - binCount; i < location + binCount; i++)
                        scores[location] = score;

                    var    startTime  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((location - binCount) / (double)sr);
                    string startLabel = startTime.Minutes + "." + startTime.Seconds + "." + startTime.Milliseconds;
                    Image  image4     = GraphsAndCharts.DrawWaveAndFft(subsampleWav, sr, startTime, spectrum, maxHz * 2, scoreArray);

                    var path4 = outputDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("subsamples").CombineFile($@"subsample_{location}_{startLabel}.png");

                    // have an event, store the data in the AcousticEvent class
                    double duration = 0.2;
                    int    minFreq  = 50;
                    int    maxFreq  = 1000;
                    var    anEvent  = new AcousticEvent(segmentStartOffset, startTime.TotalSeconds, duration, minFreq, maxFreq);
                    anEvent.Name = "grunt";

                    //anEvent.Name = DataTools.WriteArrayAsCsvLine(subBandSpectrum, "f4");
                    anEvent.Score = score;


            // make a spectrogram
            var config = new SonogramConfig
                NoiseReductionType      = NoiseReductionType.Standard,
                NoiseReductionParameter = configuration.GetDoubleOrNull(AnalysisKeys.NoiseBgThreshold) ?? 0.0,
            var sonogram = (BaseSonogram) new SpectrogramStandard(config, audioRecording.WavReader);

            //// when the value is accessed, the indices are calculated
            //var indices = getSpectralIndexes.Value;

            //// check if the indices have been calculated - you shouldn't actually need this
            //if (getSpectralIndexes.IsValueCreated)
            //    // then indices have been calculated before

            var plot = new Plot(this.DisplayName, scores, eventThreshold);

            return(new RecognizerResults()
                Events = events,
                Hits = null,

                //ScoreTrack = null,
                Plots = plot.AsList(),
                Sonogram = sonogram,
        public void TestOfSpectralIndices_Octave()
            // create a two-minute artificial recording containing five harmonics.
            int    sampleRate = 64000;
            double duration   = 120; // signal duration in seconds

            int[] harmonics = { 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 };
            var   recording = DspFilters.GenerateTestRecording(sampleRate, duration, harmonics, WaveType.Sine);

            // cut out one minute from 30 - 90 seconds and incorporate into AudioRecording
            int startSample           = sampleRate * 30; // start two minutes into recording
            int subsegmentSampleCount = sampleRate * 60; // get 60 seconds

            double[] subsamples          = DataTools.Subarray(recording.WavReader.Samples, startSample, subsegmentSampleCount);
            var      wr                  = new Acoustics.Tools.Wav.WavReader(subsamples, 1, 16, sampleRate);
            var      subsegmentRecording = new AudioRecording(wr);

            //var indexPropertiesConfig = PathHelper.ResolveConfigFile(@"IndexPropertiesConfig.yml");
            var configFile = PathHelper.ResolveConfigFile(@"Towsey.Acoustic.yml");

            // Create temp directory to store output
            if (!this.outputDirectory.Exists)

            var indexCalculateConfig = ConfigFile.Deserialize <IndexCalculateConfig>(configFile);

            indexCalculateConfig.FrequencyScale = FreqScaleType.Octave;

            var freqScale = new FrequencyScale(indexCalculateConfig.FrequencyScale);

            indexCalculateConfig.FrameLength = freqScale.WindowSize;

            var results = IndexCalculate.Analysis(
                returnSonogramInfo: true);

            var spectralIndices = results.SpectralIndexValues;

            // draw the output image of all spectral indices
            var outputImagePath1 = Path.Combine(this.outputDirectory.FullName, "SpectralIndices_Octave.png");
            var image            = SpectralIndexValues.CreateImageOfSpectralIndices(spectralIndices);


            // TEST the BGN SPECTRAL INDEX
            Assert.AreEqual(256, spectralIndices.BGN.Length);

            var resourcesDir         = PathHelper.ResolveAssetPath("Indices");
            var expectedSpectrumFile = new FileInfo(resourcesDir + "\\BGN_OctaveScale.bin");

            //Binary.Serialize(expectedSpectrumFile, spectralIndices.BGN);
            var expectedVector = Binary.Deserialize <double[]>(expectedSpectrumFile);

            CollectionAssert.That.AreEqual(expectedVector, spectralIndices.BGN, AllowedDelta);

            expectedSpectrumFile = new FileInfo(resourcesDir + "\\CVR_OctaveScale.bin");

            //Binary.Serialize(expectedSpectrumFile, spectralIndices.CVR);
            expectedVector = Binary.Deserialize <double[]>(expectedSpectrumFile);
            CollectionAssert.That.AreEqual(expectedVector, spectralIndices.CVR, AllowedDelta);
예제 #7
        public void TestCalculateEventStatistics()
            int    sampleRate = 22050;
            double duration   = 28;

            int[] harmonics1 = { 500 };
            int[] harmonics2 = { 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 };
            var   signal1    = DspFilters.GenerateTestSignal(sampleRate, duration, harmonics1, WaveType.Sine);
            var   signal2    = DspFilters.GenerateTestSignal(sampleRate, 4, harmonics2, WaveType.Sine);
            var   signal3    = DspFilters.GenerateTestSignal(sampleRate, duration, harmonics1, WaveType.Sine);

            var signal    = DataTools.ConcatenateVectors(signal1, signal2, signal3);
            var wr        = new WavReader(signal, 1, 16, sampleRate);
            var recording = new AudioRecording(wr);

            // this value is fake, but we set it to ensure output values are calculated correctly w.r.t. segment start
            var segmentOffset = 547.123.Seconds();

            var    start   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(28) + segmentOffset;
            var    end     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(32) + segmentOffset;
            double lowFreq = 1500.0;
            double topFreq = 8500.0;

            var statsConfig = new EventStatisticsConfiguration()
                FrameSize = 512,
                FrameStep = 512,

            EventStatistics stats =
                    (start, end).AsRange(),
                    (lowFreq, topFreq).AsRange(),

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"Stats: Temporal entropy = {stats.TemporalEnergyDistribution:f4}");
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"Stats: Spectral entropy = {stats.SpectralEnergyDistribution:f4}");
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"Stats: Spectral centroid= {stats.SpectralCentroid}");
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"Stats: DominantFrequency= {stats.DominantFrequency}");

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, stats.TemporalEnergyDistribution, 1E-4);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.6062, stats.SpectralEnergyDistribution, 1E-4);
            Assert.AreEqual(6687, stats.SpectralCentroid);
            Assert.AreEqual(8003, stats.DominantFrequency);

            Assert.AreEqual(1500, stats.LowFrequencyHertz);
            Assert.AreEqual(8500, stats.HighFrequencyHertz);
            Assert.AreEqual(28.Seconds() + segmentOffset, stats.EventStartSeconds.Seconds());
            Assert.AreEqual(32.Seconds() + segmentOffset, stats.EventEndSeconds.Seconds());
            Assert.AreEqual(28.Seconds() + segmentOffset, stats.ResultStartSeconds.Seconds());

             * // Assume linear scale.
             * int nyquist = sampleRate / 2;
             * var freqScale = new FrequencyScale(nyquist: nyquist, frameSize: statsConfig.FrameSize, hertzLinearGridInterval: 1000);
             * var sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig
             * {
             *  WindowSize = statsConfig.FrameSize,
             *  WindowStep = statsConfig.FrameSize,
             *  WindowOverlap = 0.0,
             *  SourceFName = "SineSignal3",
             *  NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.Standard,
             *  NoiseReductionParameter = 0.12,
             * };
             * var sonogram = new AmplitudeSonogram(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);
             * var image = sonogram.GetImage();
             * string title = $"Spectrogram of Harmonics: SR={sampleRate}  Window={freqScale.WindowSize}";
             * image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated(image, title, freqScale.GridLineLocations);
             * string path = @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\Sonograms\UnitTestSonograms\SineSignal3.png";
             * image.Save(path);
             * // get spectrum from row 1300
             * var normalisedIndex = DataTools.normalise(MatrixTools.GetRow(sonogram.Data, 1300));
             * var image2 = GraphsAndCharts.DrawGraph("SPECTRUM", normalisedIndex, 100);
             * string path2 = @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\Sonograms\UnitTestSonograms\Spectrum3.png";
             * image2.Save(path2);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public static Tuple <BaseSonogram, double[, ], double[], List <AcousticEvent>, Image> Analysis(
            AudioRecording recording,
            SonogramConfig sonoConfig,
            LitoriaBicolorConfig lbConfig,
            bool drawDebugImage,
            TimeSpan segmentStartOffset)
            double decibelThreshold   = lbConfig.DecibelThreshold; //dB
            double intensityThreshold = lbConfig.IntensityThreshold;

            //double eventThreshold = lbConfig.EventThreshold; //in 0-1

            if (recording == null)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("AudioRecording == null. Analysis not possible.");

            //i: MAKE SONOGRAM
            //TimeSpan tsRecordingtDuration = recording.Duration();
            int    sr              = recording.SampleRate;
            double freqBinWidth    = sr / (double)sonoConfig.WindowSize;
            double framesPerSecond = freqBinWidth;

            // duration of DCT in seconds - want it to be about 3X or 4X the expected maximum period
            double dctDuration = 3 * lbConfig.MaxPeriod;

            // duration of DCT in frames
            int dctLength = (int)Math.Round(framesPerSecond * dctDuration);

            // set up the cosine coefficients
            double[,] cosines = MFCCStuff.Cosines(dctLength, dctLength);

            int upperBandMinBin = (int)Math.Round(lbConfig.UpperBandMinHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;
            int upperBandMaxBin = (int)Math.Round(lbConfig.UpperBandMaxHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;
            int lowerBandMinBin = (int)Math.Round(lbConfig.LowerBandMinHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;
            int lowerBandMaxBin = (int)Math.Round(lbConfig.LowerBandMaxHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;

            BaseSonogram sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);
            int          rowCount = sonogram.Data.GetLength(0);
            int          colCount = sonogram.Data.GetLength(1);

            double[] lowerArray = MatrixTools.GetRowAveragesOfSubmatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, lowerBandMinBin, rowCount - 1, lowerBandMaxBin);
            double[] upperArray = MatrixTools.GetRowAveragesOfSubmatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, upperBandMinBin, rowCount - 1, upperBandMaxBin);

            //lowerArray = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(lowerArray, 3);
            //upperArray = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(upperArray, 3);

            double[] amplitudeScores  = DataTools.SumMinusDifference(lowerArray, upperArray);
            double[] differenceScores = DspFilters.PreEmphasis(amplitudeScores, 1.0);

            // Could smooth here rather than above. Above seemed slightly better?
            amplitudeScores  = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(amplitudeScores, 7);
            differenceScores = DataTools.filterMovingAverage(differenceScores, 7);

            //iii: CONVERT decibel sum-diff SCORES TO ACOUSTIC EVENTS
            var predictedEvents = AcousticEvent.ConvertScoreArray2Events(

            for (int i = 0; i < differenceScores.Length; i++)
                if (differenceScores[i] < 1.0)
                    differenceScores[i] = 0.0;

            // init the score array
            double[] scores = new double[rowCount];

            // var hits = new double[rowCount, colCount];
            double[,] hits = null;

            // init confirmed events
            var confirmedEvents = new List <AcousticEvent>();

            // add names into the returned events
            foreach (var ae in predictedEvents)
                //rowtop,  rowWidth
                int    eventStart       = ae.Oblong.RowTop;
                int    eventWidth       = ae.Oblong.RowWidth;
                int    step             = 2;
                double maximumIntensity = 0.0;

                // scan the event to get oscillation period and intensity
                for (int i = eventStart - (dctLength / 2); i < eventStart + eventWidth - (dctLength / 2); i += step)
                    // Look for oscillations in the difference array
                    double[] differenceArray = DataTools.Subarray(differenceScores, i, dctLength);
                    Oscillations2014.GetOscillationUsingDct(differenceArray, framesPerSecond, cosines, out var oscilFreq, out var period, out var intensity);

                    bool periodWithinBounds = period > lbConfig.MinPeriod && period < lbConfig.MaxPeriod;

                    //Console.WriteLine($"step={i}    period={period:f4}");

                    if (!periodWithinBounds)

                    // lay down score for sample length
                    for (int j = 0; j < dctLength; j++)
                        if (scores[i + j] < intensity)
                            scores[i + j] = intensity;

                    if (maximumIntensity < intensity)
                        maximumIntensity = intensity;

                // add abbreviatedSpeciesName into event
                if (maximumIntensity >= intensityThreshold)
                    ae.Name             = "L.b";
                    ae.Score_MaxInEvent = maximumIntensity;


            // calculate the cosine similarity scores
            var scorePlot = new Plot(lbConfig.SpeciesName, scores, intensityThreshold);

            //DEBUG IMAGE this recognizer only. MUST set false for deployment.
            Image debugImage = null;

            if (drawDebugImage)
                // display a variety of debug score arrays

                //DataTools.Normalise(scores, eventDecibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                //var debugPlot = new Plot("Score", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                //DataTools.Normalise(upperArray, eventDecibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                //var upperPlot = new Plot("Upper", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                //DataTools.Normalise(lowerArray, eventDecibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                //var lowerPlot = new Plot("Lower", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                DataTools.Normalise(amplitudeScores, decibelThreshold, out var normalisedScores, out var normalisedThreshold);
                var sumDiffPlot = new Plot("SumMinusDifference", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                DataTools.Normalise(differenceScores, 3.0, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                var differencePlot = new Plot("Difference", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);

                var debugPlots = new List <Plot> {
                    scorePlot, sumDiffPlot, differencePlot

                // other debug plots
                //var debugPlots = new List<Plot> { scorePlot, upperPlot, lowerPlot, sumDiffPlot, differencePlot };
                debugImage = DisplayDebugImage(sonogram, confirmedEvents, debugPlots, hits);

            // return new sonogram because it makes for more easy interpretation of the image
            var returnSonoConfig = new SonogramConfig
                SourceFName   = recording.BaseName,
                WindowSize    = 512,
                WindowOverlap = 0,

                // the default window is HAMMING
                //WindowFunction = WindowFunctions.HANNING.ToString(),
                //WindowFunction = WindowFunctions.NONE.ToString(),
                // if do not use noise reduction can get a more sensitive recogniser.
                //NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.NONE,
                NoiseReductionType = SNR.KeyToNoiseReductionType("STANDARD"),
            BaseSonogram returnSonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(returnSonoConfig, recording.WavReader);

            return(Tuple.Create(returnSonogram, hits, scores, confirmedEvents, debugImage));
        } //Analysis()
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Do your analysis. This method is called once per segment (typically one-minute segments).
        /// </summary>
        public override RecognizerResults Recognize(AudioRecording recording, Config configuration, TimeSpan segmentStartOffset, Lazy <IndexCalculateResult[]> getSpectralIndexes, DirectoryInfo outputDirectory, int?imageWidth)
            string       speciesName            = configuration[AnalysisKeys.SpeciesName] ?? "<no species>";
            string       abbreviatedSpeciesName = configuration[AnalysisKeys.AbbreviatedSpeciesName] ?? "<no.sp>";
            const int    frameSize     = 256;
            const double windowOverlap = 0.0;

            double noiseReductionParameter = configuration.GetDoubleOrNull("SeverityOfNoiseRemoval") ?? 2.0;

            int minHz = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MinHz);
            int maxHz = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MaxHz);

            // ignore oscillations below this threshold freq
            int minOscilFreq = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MinOscilFreq);

            // ignore oscillations above this threshold freq
            int maxOscilFreq = configuration.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.MaxOscilFreq);

            // duration of DCT in seconds
            //double dctDuration = (double)configuration[AnalysisKeys.DctDuration];

            // minimum acceptable value of a DCT coefficient
            double dctThreshold = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.DctThreshold);

            // min duration of event in seconds
            double minDuration = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.MinDuration);

            // max duration of event in seconds
            double maxDuration = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.MaxDuration);

            // min score for an acceptable event
            double decibelThreshold = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.DecibelThreshold);

            // min score for an acceptable event
            double eventThreshold = configuration.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.EventThreshold);

            if (recording.WavReader.SampleRate != 22050)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Requires a 22050Hz file");

            // i: MAKE SONOGRAM
            var sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig
                SourceFName             = recording.BaseName,
                WindowSize              = frameSize,
                WindowOverlap           = windowOverlap,
                NoiseReductionType      = NoiseReductionType.Standard,
                NoiseReductionParameter = noiseReductionParameter,

            var    recordingDuration = recording.Duration;
            int    sr           = recording.SampleRate;
            double freqBinWidth = sr / (double)sonoConfig.WindowSize;
            int    minBin       = (int)Math.Round(minHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;
            int    maxBin       = (int)Math.Round(maxHz / freqBinWidth) + 1;

            // duration of DCT in seconds - want it to be about 3X or 4X the expected maximum period
            double framesPerSecond = freqBinWidth;
            double minPeriod       = 1 / (double)maxOscilFreq;
            double maxPeriod       = 1 / (double)minOscilFreq;
            double dctDuration     = 5 * maxPeriod;

            // duration of DCT in frames
            int dctLength = (int)Math.Round(framesPerSecond * dctDuration);

            // set up the cosine coefficients
            double[,] cosines = MFCCStuff.Cosines(dctLength, dctLength);

            BaseSonogram sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);
            int          rowCount = sonogram.Data.GetLength(0);

            double[] amplitudeArray = MatrixTools.GetRowAveragesOfSubmatrix(sonogram.Data, 0, minBin, rowCount - 1, maxBin);

            // remove baseline from amplitude array
            var highPassFilteredSignal = DspFilters.SubtractBaseline(amplitudeArray, 7);

            // remove hi freq content from amplitude array
            var lowPassFilteredSignal = DataTools.filterMovingAverageOdd(amplitudeArray, 11);

            var       dctScores = new double[highPassFilteredSignal.Length];
            const int step      = 2;

            for (int i = dctLength; i < highPassFilteredSignal.Length - dctLength; i += step)
                if (highPassFilteredSignal[i] < decibelThreshold)

                double[] subArray = DataTools.Subarray(highPassFilteredSignal, i, dctLength);

                // Look for oscillations in the highPassFilteredSignal
                Oscillations2014.GetOscillationUsingDct(subArray, framesPerSecond, cosines, out var oscilFreq, out var period, out var intensity);
                bool periodWithinBounds = period > minPeriod && period < maxPeriod;

                if (!periodWithinBounds)

                if (intensity < dctThreshold)

                //lay down score for sample length
                for (int j = 0; j < dctLength; j++)
                    if (dctScores[i + j] < intensity && lowPassFilteredSignal[i + j] > decibelThreshold)
                        dctScores[i + j] = intensity;

            //iii: CONVERT decibel sum-diff SCORES TO ACOUSTIC EVENTS
            var acousticEvents = AcousticEvent.ConvertScoreArray2Events(

            // ######################################################################
            acousticEvents.ForEach(ae =>
                ae.SpeciesName            = speciesName;
                ae.SegmentDurationSeconds = recordingDuration.TotalSeconds;
                ae.SegmentStartSeconds    = segmentStartOffset.TotalSeconds;
                ae.Name = abbreviatedSpeciesName;

            var plot  = new Plot(this.DisplayName, dctScores, eventThreshold);
            var plots = new List <Plot> {

            // DEBUG IMAGE this recognizer only. MUST set false for deployment.
            bool displayDebugImage = MainEntry.InDEBUG;

            if (displayDebugImage)
                // display a variety of debug score arrays
                DataTools.Normalise(amplitudeArray, decibelThreshold, out var normalisedScores, out var normalisedThreshold);
                var ampltdPlot = new Plot("amplitude", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);
                DataTools.Normalise(highPassFilteredSignal, decibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                var demeanedPlot = new Plot("Hi Pass", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);

                DataTools.Normalise(lowPassFilteredSignal, decibelThreshold, out normalisedScores, out normalisedThreshold);
                var lowPassPlot = new Plot("Low Pass", normalisedScores, normalisedThreshold);

                var debugPlots = new List <Plot> {
                    ampltdPlot, lowPassPlot, demeanedPlot, plot
                Image debugImage = SpectrogramTools.GetSonogramPlusCharts(sonogram, acousticEvents, debugPlots, null);
                var   debugPath  = outputDirectory.Combine(FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(recording.BaseName), this.Identifier, "png", "DebugSpectrogram"));

            return(new RecognizerResults()
                Sonogram = sonogram,
                Hits = null,
                Plots = plots,
                Events = acousticEvents,
예제 #10
        public void TestAnalyzeSr22050Recording()
            int    sampleRate = 22050;
            double duration   = 420; // signal duration in seconds = 7 minutes

            int[] harmonics     = { 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 };
            var   recording     = DspFilters.GenerateTestRecording(sampleRate, duration, harmonics, WaveType.Cosine);
            var   recordingPath = this.outputDirectory.CombineFile("TemporaryRecording1.wav");

            WavWriter.WriteWavFileViaFfmpeg(recordingPath, recording.WavReader);

            // draw the signal as spectrogram just for debugging purposes

             * var fst = FreqScaleType.Linear;
             * var freqScale = new FrequencyScale(fst);
             * var sonoConfig = new SonogramConfig
             * {
             *  WindowSize = 512,
             *  WindowOverlap = 0.0,
             *  SourceFName = recording.BaseName,
             *  NoiseReductionType = NoiseReductionType.Standard,
             *  NoiseReductionParameter = 2.0,
             * };
             * var sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);
             * var image = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated(sonogram.GetImage(), "SPECTROGRAM", freqScale.GridLineLocations);
             * var outputImagePath = this.outputDirectory.CombineFile("Signal1_LinearFreqScale.png");
             * image.Save(outputImagePath.FullName);

            var configPath = PathHelper.ResolveConfigFile("Towsey.Acoustic.yml");

            var arguments = new AnalyseLongRecording.Arguments
                Source        = recordingPath,
                Config        = configPath.FullName,
                Output        = this.outputDirectory,
                MixDownToMono = true,
                Parallel      = !Debugger.IsAttached,


            var resultsDirectory = this.outputDirectory.Combine("Towsey.Acoustic");
            var listOfFiles      = resultsDirectory.EnumerateFiles().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(38, listOfFiles.Length);

            var csvCount = listOfFiles.Count(f => f.Name.EndsWith(".csv"));

            Assert.AreEqual(15, csvCount);

            var jsonCount = listOfFiles.Count(f => f.Name.EndsWith(".json"));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, jsonCount);

            var pngCount = listOfFiles.Count(f => f.Name.EndsWith(".png"));

            Assert.AreEqual(21, pngCount);

            var twoMapsImagePath = resultsDirectory.CombineFile("TemporaryRecording1__2Maps.png");
            var twoMapsImage     = Image.Load <Rgb24>(twoMapsImagePath.FullName);

            // image is 7 * 632
            Assert.AreEqual(7, twoMapsImage.Width);
            Assert.AreEqual(632, twoMapsImage.Height);

            var bgnFile = resultsDirectory.CombineFile("TemporaryRecording1__Towsey.Acoustic.BGN.csv");

            double[,] actualBgn = Csv.ReadMatrixFromCsv <double>(bgnFile, TwoDimensionalArray.None);

            var expectedSpectrumFile = PathHelper.ResolveAsset("LongDuration", "BgnMatrix.LinearScale.csv");

            // uncomment the following line when first produce the array
            // bgnFile.CopyTo(expectedSpectrumFile.FullName);

            // compare actual BGN file with expected file.
            var expectedBgn = Csv.ReadMatrixFromCsv <double>(expectedSpectrumFile, TwoDimensionalArray.None);

            CollectionAssert.That.AreEqual(expectedBgn, actualBgn, 0.000_000_001);

            var array = MatrixTools.GetRow(actualBgn, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, expectedBgn.RowLength());
            Assert.AreEqual(256, array.Length);

            // draw array just to check peaks are in correct places - just for debugging purposes
            var ldsBgnSpectrumFile = this.outputDirectory.CombineFile("Spectrum1.png");

            GraphsAndCharts.DrawGraph(array, "LD BGN SPECTRUM Linear", ldsBgnSpectrumFile);

            var generationData = Json.Deserialize <IndexGenerationData>(IndexGenerationData.FindFile(resultsDirectory));

            Assert.AreEqual("TemporaryRecording1", generationData.RecordingBasename);
예제 #11
        public void TestAnalyzeSr64000Recording()
            int    sampleRate = 64000;
            double duration   = 420; // signal duration in seconds = 7 minutes

            int[]  harmonics     = { 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 };
            var    recording     = DspFilters.GenerateTestRecording(sampleRate, duration, harmonics, WaveType.Cosine);
            string recordingName = "TemporaryRecording2";
            var    recordingPath = this.outputDirectory.CombineFile(recordingName + ".wav");

            WavWriter.WriteWavFileViaFfmpeg(recordingPath, recording.WavReader);

            var fst       = FreqScaleType.Linear125Octaves7Tones28Nyquist32000;
            var freqScale = new FrequencyScale(fst);

             * // draw the signal as spectrogram just for debugging purposes
             * // but can only draw a two minute spectrogram when sr=64000 - change duration above.
             * duration = 120; // if drawing sonogram, then set signal duration = 2 minutes
             * var sonogram = OctaveFreqScale.ConvertRecordingToOctaveScaleSonogram(recording, fst);
             * var sonogramImage = sonogram.GetImageFullyAnnotated(sonogram.GetImage(), "SPECTROGRAM", freqScale.GridLineLocations);
             * var outputImagePath = this.outputDirectory.CombineFile("SignalSpectrogram_OctaveFreqScale.png");
             * sonogramImage.Save(outputImagePath.FullName);

            // Now need to rewrite the config file with new parameter settings
            var configPath = PathHelper.ResolveConfigFile("Towsey.Acoustic.yml");

            // Convert the Config config to IndexCalculateConfig class and merge in the unnecesary parameters.
            //Config configuration = Yaml.Deserialise(configPath);
            //IndexCalculateConfig config = IndexCalculateConfig.GetConfig(configuration, false);

            // because of difficulties in dealing with Config config files, just edit the text file!!!!!
            var configLines = File.ReadAllLines(configPath.FullName);

            configLines[configLines.IndexOf(x => x.StartsWith("IndexCalculationDuration: "))] = "IndexCalculationDuration: 15.0";

            //configLines[configLines.IndexOf(x => x.StartsWith("BgNoiseBuffer: "))] = "BgNoiseBuffer: 5.0";
            configLines[configLines.IndexOf(x => x.StartsWith("FrequencyScale: Linear"))] = "FrequencyScale: " + fst;

            // the is the only octave scale currently functioning for IndexCalculate class
            configLines[configLines.IndexOf(x => x.StartsWith("FrameLength"))]    = $"FrameLength: {freqScale.WindowSize}";
            configLines[configLines.IndexOf(x => x.StartsWith("ResampleRate: "))] = "ResampleRate: 64000";

            // write the edited Config file to temporary output directory
            var newConfigPath = this.outputDirectory.CombineFile("Towsey.Acoustic.yml");

            File.WriteAllLines(newConfigPath.FullName, configLines);


            var arguments = new AnalyseLongRecording.Arguments
                Source        = recordingPath,
                Config        = newConfigPath.FullName,
                Output        = this.outputDirectory,
                MixDownToMono = true,
                Parallel      = !Debugger.IsAttached,


            var resultsDirectory = this.outputDirectory.Combine("Towsey.Acoustic");
            var listOfFiles      = resultsDirectory.EnumerateFiles().ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(19, listOfFiles.Length);

            var csvCount = listOfFiles.Count(f => f.Name.EndsWith(".csv"));

            Assert.AreEqual(15, csvCount);

            var jsonCount = listOfFiles.Count(f => f.Name.EndsWith(".json"));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, jsonCount);

            var pngCount = listOfFiles.Count(f => f.Name.EndsWith(".png"));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, pngCount);

            var bgnFile = resultsDirectory.CombineFile(recordingName + "__Towsey.Acoustic.BGN.csv");

            double[,] actualBgn = Csv.ReadMatrixFromCsv <double>(bgnFile, TwoDimensionalArray.None);

            var expectedSpectrumFile = PathHelper.ResolveAsset("LongDuration", "BgnMatrix.OctaveScale.csv");

            // uncomment the following line when first produce the array
            // bgnFile.CopyTo(expectedSpectrumFile.FullName);

            // compare actual BGN file with expected file.
            var expectedBgn = Csv.ReadMatrixFromCsv <double>(expectedSpectrumFile, TwoDimensionalArray.None);

            CollectionAssert.That.AreEqual(expectedBgn, actualBgn, 0.000_000_001);

            var array = MatrixTools.GetRow(actualBgn, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(28, actualBgn.RowLength());
            Assert.AreEqual(256, array.Length);

            // draw array just to check peaks are in correct places - just for debugging purposes
            var ldsBgnSpectrumFile = this.outputDirectory.CombineFile("Spectrum2.png");

            GraphsAndCharts.DrawGraph(array, "LD BGN SPECTRUM Octave", ldsBgnSpectrumFile);

            // ##########################################
            // SECOND part of test is to create the LD spectrograms because they are not created when IndexCalcDuration < 60 seconds
            // first read in the index generation data
            var icdPath         = resultsDirectory.CombineFile(recordingName + "__IndexGenerationData.json");
            var indexConfigData = Json.Deserialize <IndexGenerationData>(icdPath);

            var indexPropertiesConfig = PathHelper.ResolveConfigFile("IndexPropertiesConfig.yml");

            var ldSpectrogramConfigFile = PathHelper.ResolveConfigFile("SpectrogramFalseColourConfig.yml");
            var ldSpectrogramConfig     = LdSpectrogramConfig.ReadYamlToConfig(ldSpectrogramConfigFile);

            ldSpectrogramConfig.FreqScale = fst.ToString();

            // finally read in the dictionary of spectra
            string analysisType        = "Towsey.Acoustic";
            var    keys                = LDSpectrogramRGB.GetArrayOfAvailableKeys();
            var    dictionaryOfSpectra = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectralIndices(resultsDirectory, recordingName, analysisType, keys);

                inputDirectory: resultsDirectory,
                outputDirectory: resultsDirectory,
                ldSpectrogramConfig: ldSpectrogramConfig,
                indexPropertiesConfigPath: indexPropertiesConfig,
                indexGenerationData: indexConfigData,
                basename: recordingName,
                analysisType: analysisType,
                indexSpectrograms: dictionaryOfSpectra);

            // test number of images - should now be 23
            listOfFiles = resultsDirectory.EnumerateFiles().ToArray();
            pngCount    = listOfFiles.Count(f => f.Name.EndsWith(".png"));
            Assert.AreEqual(22, pngCount);

            var twoMapsImagePath = resultsDirectory.CombineFile(recordingName + "__2Maps.png");
            var twoMapsImage     = Image.Load <Rgb24>(twoMapsImagePath.FullName);

            // image is (7*4) * 652
            Assert.AreEqual(28, twoMapsImage.Width);
            Assert.AreEqual(652, twoMapsImage.Height);