public static void UpdateRanks( DateTime day_in_week, int session ) { if( input_db != null ) { long week_id = StateWriter.GetWeekID( day_in_week, session ); input_db.KindExecuteNonQuery( "replace into called_game_player_rank (card,session,bingoday,week_id,pack_set_id,game_count,total_points)" + " SELECT card,session,bingoday,"+week_id+",pack_set_id,count(*) as game_count,sum(total_points) as total_points" + " FROM called_game_player_rank2 where " //+ (true?"pack_set_id=1":"pack_set_id>0") + " card<>'000000000000000000'" //+ " and session=" + playing_session.session_number + " and " + String_Utilities.BuildSessionRangeCondition( null, day_in_week, session ) //+ " and bingoday=" + MySQLDataTable.MakeDateOnly( playing_session.bingoday ) + " group by card,pack_set_id,session,bingoday order by bingoday,session,card,pack_set_id" ); if( use_bonus_points ) { MySQLDataTable table = new MySQLDataTable( input_db, "select * from rate_rank_bonus_points" ); MySQLDataTable totals = new MySQLDataTable( input_db, "select * from called_game_player_rank where bingoday="+DsnSQLUtil.MakeDateOnly( input_db, day_in_week ) +" and session="+session+" order by total_points desc" ); if( totals != null && ( totals.Rows.Count > 0 ) ) { int place_num; foreach( DataRow row in table.Rows ) { place_num = Convert.ToInt32( row["place_in_session"] ); input_db.KindExecuteNonQuery( "replace into called_game_player_rank_bonus (card,week_id,bonus_points,bingoday,session)values(" + input_db.sql_value_quote_open + totals.Rows[place_num - 1]["card"] + input_db.sql_value_quote_close + "," + week_id + "," + row["bonus_points"].ToString() + "," + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDateOnly( input_db, day_in_week ) + "," + session + ")" ); } } } if( use_bonus_points ) { input_db.KindExecuteNonQuery( "replace into called_game_player_rank_partial (card,session,bingoday,total_points,week_id)" + "select a.card,a.session,a.bingoday,a.total_points+sum(IF(ISNULL(c.bonus_points),0,c.bonus_points)),a.week_id from called_game_player_rank as a left" + " join called_game_player_rank as b on a.card=b.card and a.week_id=b.week_id and a.total_points<b.total_points" + " left join called_game_player_rank_bonus as c on a.card=c.card " + " where b.card is null and a.week_id=" + week_id + " group by a.card,a.session,a.bingoday,a.total_points,a.week_id" ); } else { input_db.KindExecuteNonQuery( "replace into called_game_player_rank_partial (card,session,bingoday,total_points,week_id)" + "select a.card,a.session,a.bingoday,a.total_points,a.week_id from called_game_player_rank as a left" + " join called_game_player_rank as b on a.card=b.card and a.week_id=b.week_id and a.total_points<b.total_points" + " where b.card is null and a.week_id=" + week_id ); } #if asdfasdf "replace into called_game_player_rank_partial(card,session,bingoday,week_id,total_points)" + " select card,session,bingoday,week_id,max(total_points) as total_points" + " from called_game_player_rank" + " where week_id=" + week_id + " group by bingoday,session,card" ); #endif } }
// Add JMU /// <summary> /// Recursive Look for the value the last Node. Make Changes in the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="Parent_node_id"></param> /// <param name="p_Path"></param> /// <returns>The value of the Option searched for</returns> private string recursiveSetValueOptionTree(int Parent_node_id, string p_Path, string Default_value, string Default_Description) { string path1, path2, sql, value; int DelimeterSize, parent_id; DbDataReader OptionReader; DelimeterSize = p_Path.IndexOf("/"); if (DelimeterSize == -1) { #region Search for value sql = " Select value.value_id " + " FROM option_map map, option_name name, option_values value " + " WHERE map.parent_node_id = " + Parent_node_id + " AND map.name_id = name.name_id " + " AND = '" + p_Path + "'" + " AND map.value_id = value.value_id "; OptionReader = _dsn.KindExecuteReader(sql); if (!(OptionReader.HasRows)) { OptionReader.Close(); OptionReader = null; int name_id = GetNameID(p_Path); int value_id = InsertValue(Default_value); InsertOptionNode(Parent_node_id, name_id, Default_Description, value_id); value = Default_value; } else { value = OptionReader.GetString(OptionReader.GetOrdinal("value_id")); OptionReader.Close(); OptionReader = null; sql = " UPDATE option_values " + " SET string = '" + Default_value + "' " + " WHERE value_id = " + value; _dsn.KindExecuteNonQuery(sql); } return(value); #endregion } else { #region Search Recursive ChildNode path1 = p_Path.Substring(0, DelimeterSize); path2 = p_Path.Substring(DelimeterSize + 1); sql = " Select map.node_id " + " FROM option_map map, option_name name " + " WHERE map.parent_node_id = " + Parent_node_id + " AND map.name_id = name.name_id " + " AND = '" + path1 + "'"; OptionReader = _dsn.KindExecuteReader(sql); if (!(OptionReader.HasRows)) { OptionReader.Close(); OptionReader = null; int name_id = GetNameID(path1); int node_id = InsertOptionNode(Parent_node_id, name_id, "", 0); return(recursiveSetValueOptionTree(node_id, path2, Default_value, Default_Description)); } else { parent_id = OptionReader.GetInt32(OptionReader.GetOrdinal("node_id")); OptionReader.Close(); OptionReader = null; return(recursiveSetValueOptionTree(parent_id, path2, Default_value, Default_Description)); } #endregion } }