public RelationalDatabaseDataSet FindTablesBy(CatalogName[] catalogNameCollection) { Guard.Against.NullOrEmptyCollection(catalogNameCollection, nameof(catalogNameCollection)); RelationalDatabaseDataSet ds = new RelationalDatabaseDataSet(); ds.EnforceConstraints = false; Dsl.ConnectToMsSqlServer() .UsingThisConnectionString(_connection.ConnectionString) .ForEachCatalog(CatalogName.ToArray(catalogNameCollection)) .SelectAllColumns() .From(TableStatements.From) .Adapt() .UsingThisMapping(BuildTableMapping(ds)) .FillDataset(ds) ; /*using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(TableStatments.SELECT_ALL_TABLES, Connection)) * { * adapter.TableMappings.Add(CreateTableMapping(RdmsDataSet.SchemaStructure.Table.TableName)); * * foreach (string catalog in catalogs) * { * Connection.ChangeDatabase(catalog); * * adapter.Fill(ds); * } * }*/ return(ds); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the CommandGet class. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">name property</param> /// <param name="fromSourceSystem">fromSourceSystem property</param> /// <param name="id">Id property</param> /// <param name="etag">ETag property</param> /// <param name="timestamp">Timestamp property</param> /// <param name="effectiveRights">EffectiveRights property</param> /// <param name="containerId">containerId property</param> /// <param name="descriptions">Description property, used to describe /// assets</param> /// <param name="experts">The data steward of the asset</param> /// <param name="tags">Taging the asset</param> /// <param name="termTags">Taging the asset using glossary terms, this /// is a feature only for standard SKU</param> /// <param name="columnDescriptions">Descriptions of a column</param> /// <param name="columnTags">Tagging a column</param> /// <param name="columnTermTags">Tagging a column with glossary terms, /// this is a feature only for standard SKU </param> /// <param name="parameterDescriptions">Parameter descriptions</param> /// <param name="parameterTags">Tagging a parameter</param> /// <param name="parameterTermTags">Tagging a parameter with glossary /// terms, this is a feature only for standard SKU</param> public CommandGet(string name, Dsl dsl, DataSource dataSource, LastRegisteredBy lastRegisteredBy, bool fromSourceSystem, string id = default(string), string etag = default(string), string timestamp = default(string), System.Collections.Generic.IList <RightsItems?> effectiveRights = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <RightsItems?>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <RolesItem> roles = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <RolesItem>), double?containerId = default(double?), System.Collections.Generic.IList <Description> descriptions = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <Description>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <Expert> experts = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <Expert>), AccessInstruction accessInstructions = default(AccessInstruction), Documentation documentation = default(Documentation), FriendlyName friendlyName = default(FriendlyName), System.Collections.Generic.IList <Tag> tags = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <Tag>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <TermTag> termTags = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <TermTag>), CommandSchema schema = default(CommandSchema), System.Collections.Generic.IList <ColumnDescription> columnDescriptions = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ColumnDescription>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <ColumnTag> columnTags = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ColumnTag>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <ColumnTermTag> columnTermTags = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ColumnTermTag>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <ParameterDescription> parameterDescriptions = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ParameterDescription>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <ParameterTag> parameterTags = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ParameterTag>), System.Collections.Generic.IList <ParameterTermTag> parameterTermTags = default(System.Collections.Generic.IList <ParameterTermTag>)) : base(id, etag, timestamp, effectiveRights) { Roles = roles; Name = name; Dsl = dsl; DataSource = dataSource; LastRegisteredBy = lastRegisteredBy; FromSourceSystem = fromSourceSystem; ContainerId = containerId; Descriptions = descriptions; Experts = experts; AccessInstructions = accessInstructions; Documentation = documentation; FriendlyName = friendlyName; Tags = tags; TermTags = termTags; Schema = schema; ColumnDescriptions = columnDescriptions; ColumnTags = columnTags; ColumnTermTags = columnTermTags; ParameterDescriptions = parameterDescriptions; ParameterTags = parameterTags; ParameterTermTags = parameterTermTags; }
public void Cluster_CRDT_should_replicate_values_to_new_node() { Join(_second, _first); RunOn(() => Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => AwaitAssert(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.GetReplicaCount); ExpectMsg(new ReplicaCount(2)); })), _first, _second); EnterBarrier("2-nodes"); RunOn(() => { var changedProbe = CreateTestProbe(); _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Subscribe(KeyA, changedProbe.Ref)); // "A" should be replicated via gossip to the new node Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), () => AwaitAssert(() => { // for some reason result is returned before CRDT gets replicated _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(KeyA, ReadLocal.Instance)); var c = ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>(g => Equals(g.Key, KeyA)).Get(KeyA); c.Value.ShouldBe(6UL); })); var c2 = changedProbe.ExpectMsg <Changed>(g => Equals(g.Key, KeyA)).Get(KeyA); c2.Value.ShouldBe(6UL); }, _second); EnterBarrierAfterTestStep(); }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num > 0) { m_Time.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(0)); } }
public void Insert_from_5_nodes_should_read_write_to_majority_when_all_nodes_connected() { var key = new ORSetKey <int>("B"); var readMajority = new ReadMajority(_timeout); var writeMajority = new WriteMajority(_timeout); RunOn(() => { var writeProbe = CreateTestProbe(); var writeAcks = MyData.Select(i => { SleepDelay(); _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(key, ORSet <int> .Empty, writeMajority, i, x => x.Add(_cluster.SelfUniqueAddress, i)), writeProbe.Ref); return(writeProbe.ReceiveOne(_timeout.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)))); }).ToArray(); var successWriteAcks = writeAcks.OfType <Replicator.UpdateSuccess>().ToArray(); var failureWriteAcks = writeAcks.OfType <Replicator.IUpdateFailure>().ToArray(); successWriteAcks.Select(x => (int)x.Request).ShouldBe(MyData.ToArray()); successWriteAcks.Length.ShouldBe(MyData.Count()); failureWriteAcks.ShouldBe(new Replicator.IUpdateFailure[0]); (successWriteAcks.Length + failureWriteAcks.Length).ShouldBe(MyData.Count()); EnterBarrier("data-written-2"); // read from majority of nodes, which is enough to retrieve all data var readProbe = CreateTestProbe(); _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(key, readMajority), readProbe.Ref); var result = readProbe.ExpectMsg <Replicator.GetSuccess>(g => Equals(g.Key, key)).Get(key); result.Elements.ShouldBe(_expectedData); }, _nodes.ToArray()); RunOn(() => EnterBarrier("data-written-2"), Controller); EnterBarrier("after-test-2"); }
private void GetState() { for (int i = 0; i < NrOfKeys; i++) { Replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(_stateKeys[i], _readConsistency, i)); } }
public void Insert_from_5_nodes_should_replicate_values_when_all_nodes_connected() { var key = new ORSetKey <int>("A"); RunOn(() => { var writeProbe = CreateTestProbe(); var writeAcks = MyData.Select(i => { SleepDelay(); _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(key, ORSet <int> .Empty, WriteLocal.Instance, i, x => x.Add(_cluster.SelfUniqueAddress, i)), writeProbe.Ref); return(writeProbe.ReceiveOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))); }).ToArray(); var successWriteAcks = writeAcks.OfType <Replicator.UpdateSuccess>().ToArray(); var failureWriteAcks = writeAcks.OfType <Replicator.IUpdateFailure>().ToArray(); successWriteAcks.Select(x => (int)x.Request).ShouldBe(MyData.ToArray()); successWriteAcks.Length.ShouldBe(MyData.Count()); failureWriteAcks.ShouldBe(new Replicator.IUpdateFailure[0]); (successWriteAcks.Length + failureWriteAcks.Length).ShouldBe(MyData.Count()); // eventually all nodes will have the data Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), () => { AwaitAssert(() => { var readProbe = CreateTestProbe(); _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(key, ReadLocal.Instance), readProbe.Ref); var result = readProbe.ExpectMsg <Replicator.GetSuccess>(g => Equals(g.Key, key)).Get(key); result.Elements.ShouldBe(_expectedData); }); }); }, _nodes.ToArray()); EnterBarrier("after-test-1"); }
private void UpdateORDictionaryNode2And1() { var changedProbe = CreateTestProbe(_sys2); // subscribe to updates for KeyH, then update it with a replication factor of two _replicator2.Tell(Dsl.Subscribe(_keyH, changedProbe.Ref)); _replicator2.Tell(Dsl.Update(_keyH, ORDictionary <string, Flag> .Empty, _writeTwo, x => x.SetItem(Cluster.Cluster.Get(_sys2), "a", Flag.False))); // receive local update changedProbe.ExpectMsg <Changed>(g => Equals(g.Key, _keyH)).Get(_keyH).Entries.SequenceEqual(ImmutableDictionary.CreateRange(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, Flag>("a", Flag.False), })).ShouldBeTrue(); // push update from node 1 _replicator1.Tell(Dsl.Update(_keyH, ORDictionary <string, Flag> .Empty, _writeTwo, x => x.SetItem(Cluster.Cluster.Get(_sys1), "a", Flag.True))); // expect replication of update on node 2 changedProbe.ExpectMsg <Changed>(g => Equals(g.Key, _keyH)).Get(_keyH).Entries.SequenceEqual(ImmutableDictionary.CreateRange(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, Flag>("a", Flag.True) })).ShouldBeTrue(); // add new value to dictionary from node 2 _replicator2.Tell(Dsl.Update(_keyH, ORDictionary <string, Flag> .Empty, _writeTwo, x => x.SetItem(Cluster.Cluster.Get(_sys2), "b", Flag.True))); changedProbe.ExpectMsg <Changed>(g => Equals(g.Key, _keyH)).Get(_keyH).Entries.SequenceEqual(ImmutableDictionary.CreateRange(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, Flag>("a", Flag.True), new KeyValuePair <string, Flag>("b", Flag.True) })).ShouldBeTrue(); }
private void HandleMessage(CreateEventMarket message) { try { var cluster = Cluster.Get(Context.System); var replicator = DistributedData.Get(Context.System).Replicator; var key = new ORSetKey <string>($"Event-{message.EventId}"); var writeConsistency = new WriteMajority(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(key, ORSet <string> .Empty, writeConsistency, existing => existing.Add(cluster, message.Market))); var localEvent = replicator.Ask <IGetResponse>(Dsl.Get(key, ReadLocal.Instance)); Sender.Tell(localEvent.Result); } catch (Exception e) { _log.Error(e, "Unable to process message CreateEventMarket for Event {0} Market {1}", message.EventId, message.Market); Sender.Tell( $"Unable to process message CreateEventMarket for Event {message.EventId} Market {message.Market}"); } }
public void Updates_from_same_node_should_be_possible_to_do_from_two_actors() { var updater1 = ActorOf(Props.Create <Updater>(), "updater1"); var updater2 = ActorOf(Props.Create <Updater>(), "updater2"); var b = ImmutableHashSet <string> .Empty.ToBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { var m1 = "a" + 1; var m2 = "b" + 1; updater1.Tell(m1); updater2.Tell(m2); b.Add(m1); b.Add(m2); } var expected = b.ToImmutable(); AwaitAssert(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(Updater.Key, ReadLocal.Instance)); var msg = ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>(); var elements = msg.Get(Updater.Key).Elements; Assert.Equal(expected, elements); }); }
public void Cluster_CRDT_should_avoid_duplicate_change_events_for_same_data() { var changedProbe = CreateTestProbe(); _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Subscribe(KeyI, changedProbe.Ref)); EnterBarrier("subscribed-I"); RunOn(() => _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(KeyI, GSet <string> .Empty, _writeTwo, a => a.Add("a"))), _second); Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), () => { var changed = changedProbe.ExpectMsg <Changed>(c => c.Get(KeyI).Elements.ShouldBe(ImmutableHashSet.Create("a"))); var keyIData = changed.Get(KeyI); Sys.Log.Debug("DEBUG: Received Changed {0}", changed); }); EnterBarrier("update-I"); RunOn(() => _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(KeyI, GSet <string> .Empty, _writeTwo, a => a.Add("a"))), _first); changedProbe.ExpectNoMsg(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); EnterBarrierAfterTestStep(); }
//The way our data works, I opted to just removed all the key data, but leave the key intact as sometimes i need to use the key again in rare instances, but once deleted, ddata doesn't allow this. private void HandleMessage(CloseEvent message) { try { var replicator = DistributedData.Get(Context.System).Replicator; var cluster = Cluster.Get(Context.System); var key = new ORSetKey <string>($"Event-{message.EventId}"); var writeConsistency = WriteLocal.Instance; replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(key, ORSet <string> .Empty, writeConsistency, $"Event-{message.EventId}", existing => { return(existing.Clear(cluster)); })); var finalResult = replicator.Ask <IGetResponse>(Dsl.Get(key, ReadLocal.Instance)); Sender.Tell(finalResult.Result); } catch (DataDeletedException e) { Sender.Tell($"Event {message.EventId} has been deleted"); } catch (Exception e) { _log.Error(e, "Unable to process message CloseEvent for Event {0}", message.EventId); Sender.Tell($"Unable to process message CloseEvent for Event {message.EventId}"); } }
private void AssertValue(IKey <IReplicatedData> key, object expected) { Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => AwaitAssert(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(key, ReadLocal.Instance)); var g = ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>().Get(key); object value; switch (g) { case GCounter counter: value = counter.Value; break; case PNCounter pnCounter: value = pnCounter.Value; break; case GSet <string> set: value = set.Elements; break; case ORSet <string> orSet: value = orSet.Elements; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("input doesn't match"); } value.ShouldBe(expected); })); }
private void AssertValue(IKey <IReplicatedData> key, object expected) { Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => AwaitAssert(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(key, ReadLocal.Instance)); var g = ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>().Get(key); object value; if (g is GCounter) { value = ((GCounter)g).Value; } else if (g is PNCounter) { value = ((PNCounter)g).Value; } else if (g is GSet <string> ) { value = ((GSet <string>)g).Elements; } else if (g is ORSet <string> ) { value = ((ORSet <string>)g).Elements; } else { throw new ArgumentException("input doesn't match"); } value.ShouldBe(expected); })); }
private static async Task Main() { Console.WriteLine("Put the ddata mdb file in a folder called cluster-data in the application root folder. Press a key when done"); Console.Read(); var cfg = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(File.ReadAllText("HOCON")) .WithFallback(DistributedData.DefaultConfig()); var originalColour = Console.ForegroundColor; var sys = ActorSystem.Create("test", cfg); var dd = DistributedData.Get(sys); int emptyKeyCount = 0; var resp = await dd.Replicator.Ask <GetKeysIdsResult>(Dsl.GetKeyIds); foreach (var resultKey in resp.Keys) { var key = new ORSetKey <string>($"{resultKey}"); var keyResp = await dd.Replicator.Ask <IGetResponse>(Dsl.Get(key)); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; if (keyResp.Get(key).Elements.Count == 0) { emptyKeyCount++; } Console.WriteLine($"{key.Id}\t{string.Join<string>(",", keyResp.Get(key).Elements)}"); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine($"Finished loading {resp.Keys.Count} keys. There were {emptyKeyCount} empty keys"); Console.ForegroundColor = originalColour; }
public void GenerateCode(Dsl.IConceptInfo conceptInfo, ICodeBuilder codeBuilder) { var info = (DataStructureInfo)conceptInfo; if (info.Module.Name == "Common" && info.Name == "Claim") codeBuilder.InsertCode(DeactivateInsteadOfDelete, ClaimRepositoryCodeGenerator.DeactivateInsteadOfDeleteTag, info); }
public ISkillTriger CreateTriger(Dsl.ISyntaxComponent trigerConfig, SkillInstance instance) { ISkillTriger triger = null; string type = trigerConfig.GetId(); ISkillTrigerFactory factory = GetFactory(type); if (null != factory) { try { triger = factory.Create(); triger.Init(trigerConfig, instance); } catch (Exception ex) { GameFramework.LogSystem.Error("triger:{0} line:{1} failed.", trigerConfig.ToScriptString(), trigerConfig.GetLine()); throw ex; } } else { #if !DEBUG GameFramework.LogSystem.Error("CreateTriger failed, type:{0}", type); #endif } if (null != triger) { GameFramework.LogSystem.Debug("CreateTriger, type:{0} triger:{1}", type, triger.GetType().Name); } else { #if !DEBUG GameFramework.LogSystem.Error("CreateTriger failed, type:{0}", type); #endif } return triger; }
public void Cluster_CRDT_should_converge_after_many_concurrent_updates() { Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => { RunOn(() => { var c = GCounter.Empty; for (ulong i = 0; i < 100UL; i++) { c = c.Increment(_cluster, i); _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(KeyF, GCounter.Empty, _writeTwo, x => x.Increment(_cluster, 1))); } var results = ReceiveN(100); results.All(x => x is UpdateSuccess).ShouldBeTrue(); }, _first, _second, _third); EnterBarrier("100-updates-done"); RunOn(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(KeyF, _readTwo)); var c = ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>(g => Equals(g.Key, KeyF)).Get(KeyF); c.Value.ShouldBe(3 * 100UL); }, _first, _second, _third); EnterBarrierAfterTestStep(); }); }
public static void FirstParse(Dsl.DslInfo dslInfo) { string id = dslInfo.GetId(); if (id == "command") { if (dslInfo.Functions.Count == 2) { StorySystem.CommonCommands.CompositeCommand cmd = new CommonCommands.CompositeCommand(); cmd.InitSharedData(); Dsl.FunctionData first = dslInfo.First; cmd.Name = first.Call.GetParamId(0); Dsl.FunctionData second = dslInfo.Second; for (int ix = 0; ix < second.Call.GetParamNum(); ++ix) { cmd.ArgNames.Add(second.Call.GetParamId(ix)); } //注册 StoryCommandManager.Instance.RegisterCommandFactory(cmd.Name, new CommonCommands.CompositeCommandFactory(cmd), true); } } else if (id == "value") { if (dslInfo.Functions.Count == 3) { StorySystem.CommonValues.CompositeValue val = new CommonValues.CompositeValue(); val.InitSharedData(); Dsl.FunctionData first = dslInfo.First; val.Name = first.Call.GetParamId(0); Dsl.FunctionData second = dslInfo.Second; for (int ix = 0; ix < second.Call.GetParamNum(); ++ix) { val.ArgNames.Add(second.Call.GetParamId(ix)); } Dsl.FunctionData third = dslInfo.Functions[2]; val.ReturnName = third.Call.GetParamId(0); //注册 StoryValueManager.Instance.RegisterValueFactory(val.Name, new CommonValues.CompositeValueFactory(val), true); } } }
private async Task ReplicatorDuplicatePublish() { var p1 = CreateTestProbe(_sys1); var p2 = CreateTestProbe(_sys2); var p3 = CreateTestProbe(_sys3); var probes = new[] { p1, p2, p3 }; // subscribe to updates on all 3 nodes _replicator1.Tell(Dsl.Subscribe(_keyI, p1.Ref)); _replicator2.Tell(Dsl.Subscribe(_keyI, p2.Ref)); _replicator3.Tell(Dsl.Subscribe(_keyI, p3.Ref)); // update item on 2 _replicator2.Tell(Dsl.Update(_keyI, GSet <string> .Empty, _writeTwo, a => a.Add("a"))); Sys.Log.Info("Pushed change from sys2 for I"); // wait for write to replicate to all 3 nodes Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), () => { foreach (var p in probes) { p.ExpectMsg <Changed>(c => c.Get(_keyI).Elements.ShouldBe(ImmutableHashSet.Create("a"))); } }); // create duplicate write on node 1 Sys.Log.Info("Pushing change from sys1 for I"); _replicator1.Tell(Dsl.Update(_keyI, GSet <string> .Empty, _writeTwo, a => a.Add("a"))); // no probe should receive an update p2.ExpectNoMsg(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); }
private static RuleDef AbsoluteMaxAmount(int amountLimit) { return (( from amount in Dsl.GetAmount <Unit>() select new Amount(Math.Min(amount, amountLimit)) ).Apply()); }
public void ProduceValidSqlQuery_With_AndIsEqualClause(string whereColumn, string whereValue, string andColumn, string andValue, string expected) { ICanCallAfterSqlBuilder builder = Dsl.PlainSql(); string result = builder.SelectAllColumns().From(TableName).Where(whereColumn).IsEqualTo(whereValue).And(andColumn).IsEqualTo(andValue).ToSql(); Assert.Equal($"{DefaulSelectFromWithWhere} {expected}", result); }
private void LoadCondition(Dsl.CallData callData) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num > 0 && callData.GetId() == "if") { m_HaveCondition = true; m_Condition.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(0)); } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num > 1) { m_Key.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(0)); m_Value.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(1)); } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num > 1) { m_TargetSceneId.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(0)); m_ObjId.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(1)); } }
public void ProduceValidSqlQuery_With_SelectAllColumnsFromATableWithoutAlias() { ICanCallAfterSqlBuilder builder = Dsl.PlainSql(); string result = builder.SelectAllColumns().From(TableName).WithoutAlias().ToSql(); Assert.Equal($"SELECT * {DefaultFromWithoutAlias}", result); }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num > 1) { m_ObjPath.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(0)); m_ComponentType.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(1)); } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance) { if (callData.GetParamNum() >= 3) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); m_RemainTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); m_RotateSpeed = DslUtility.CalcVector3(callData.GetParam(2) as Dsl.CallData); } }
public void ProduceValidSqlQuery_WithWhereClause_AlphanumericEqual(string inputColumn, string inputValue, string expected) { ICanCallAfterSqlBuilder builder = Dsl.PlainSql(); string result = builder.SelectAllColumns().From(TableName).Where(inputColumn).IsEqualTo(inputValue).ToSql(); Assert.Equal($"{DefaulSelectFromWithWhere} {expected}", result); }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { IStoryValue<string> val = new StoryValue<string>(); val.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(i)); m_MsgIds.Add(val); } }
public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateFile(string file) { var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); File representation; using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(file)) { var lexer = new GrammarLexer(new AntlrInputStream(stream)); var tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); var context = new GrammarParser(tokenStream).program(); var dsl = new Dsl(name); dsl.Visit(context); representation = dsl.File; } var outputs = representation.GenerateSource(); if (outputs.HasMessageContent) { if (outputs.HasMarkers) { var path = Path.Combine(directory, $"{representation.Name}MarkerInterfaces.cs"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, outputs.Markers); yield return path; } if (outputs.HasMessages) { var path = Path.Combine(directory, $"{representation.Name}Messages.cs"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, outputs.Messages); yield return path; } if (outputs.HasEnumerations) { var path = Path.Combine(directory, $"{representation.Name}Enums.cs"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, outputs.Enumerations); yield return path; } } if (outputs.HasStateDefinitions) { var path = Path.Combine(directory, $"{representation.Name}StateSubscriptions.cs"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, outputs.StateDefinitions); yield return path; } if (outputs.HasEntities) { var path = Path.Combine(directory, $"{representation.Name}Entities.cs"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, outputs.Entities); yield return path; } }
public void Cluster_CRDT_should_work_in_2_node_cluster() { RunOn(() => { // start with 20 on both nodes _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(KeyB, GCounter.Empty, WriteLocal.Instance, x => x.Increment(_cluster, 20))); ExpectMsg(new UpdateSuccess(KeyB, null)); // add 1 on both nodes using WriteTwo _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(KeyB, GCounter.Empty, _writeTwo, x => x.Increment(_cluster, 1))); ExpectMsg(new UpdateSuccess(KeyB, null)); // the total, after replication should be 42 AwaitAssert(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(KeyB, _readTwo)); var c = ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>(g => Equals(g.Key, KeyB)).Get(KeyB); c.Value.ShouldBe(42); }); }, _first, _second); EnterBarrier("update-42"); RunOn(() => { // add 1 on both nodes using WriteAll _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(KeyB, GCounter.Empty, _writeAll, x => x.Increment(_cluster, 1))); ExpectMsg(new UpdateSuccess(KeyB, null)); // the total, after replication should be 44 AwaitAssert(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(KeyB, _readAll)); var c = ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>(g => Equals(g.Key, KeyB)).Get(KeyB); c.Value.ShouldBe(44); }); }, _first, _second); EnterBarrier("update-44"); RunOn(() => { // add 1 on both nodes using WriteMajority _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(KeyB, GCounter.Empty, _writeMajority, x => x.Increment(_cluster, 1))); ExpectMsg(new UpdateSuccess(KeyB, null)); // the total, after replication should be 46 AwaitAssert(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(KeyB, _readMajority)); var c = ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>(g => Equals(g.Key, KeyB)).Get(KeyB); c.Value.ShouldBe(46); }); }, _first, _second); EnterBarrierAfterTestStep(); }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num > 0) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); } else { StartTime = 0; } }
private static RuleExprAst <int> MaxTotalDebt(int debtLimit) { return (from amount in Dsl.GetAmount() from creditA in Dsl.GetValue("CreditA") from creditB in Dsl.GetValue("CreditB") let totalCredit = creditA + creditB select totalCredit > debtLimit ? 0 : amount); }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num >= 1) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); } if (num >= 2) { m_RemainTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); } }
protected override void PreStart() { _pruningToken = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable( PruningConfiguration.PruningInterval, PruningConfiguration.PruningInterval, Replicator.Replicator, Dsl.Get( new LWWDictionaryKey <string, DeduplicationState>( ReplicatorKey), request: new PurgeStateQuery()), Self); }
/// <summary> /// On one of the nodes the data has been updated by the pruning, client can update anyway /// </summary> private void UpdateAfterPruning(int expectedValue) { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Update(KeyA, GCounter.Empty, new WriteAll(_timeout), x => x.Increment(_cluster.SelfUniqueAddress, 1))); ExpectMsg <Replicator.UpdateSuccess>(msg => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(KeyA, ReadLocal.Instance)); var retrieved = ExpectMsg <Replicator.GetSuccess>().Get(KeyA); retrieved.Value.ShouldBe(expectedValue); }); }
private static RuleDef MaxAmountPerApplicant(int amountLimit, int ageLimit) { return (( from amount in Dsl.GetAmount <string>() from age in Variables.Age.Value where age < ageLimit select new Amount(Math.Min(amount, amountLimit)) ).Lift()); }
private static RuleDef MaxAmountForAge(int amountLimit, int ageLimit) { return (( from amount in Dsl.GetAmount <Unit>() from ages in Variables.Age.Values where ages.Max() < ageLimit select new Amount(Math.Min(amount, amountLimit)) ).Apply()); }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num >= 4) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); m_RelativeOffset.X = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); m_RelativeOffset.Y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); m_RelativeOffset.Z = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(3)); } }
public void Cluster_CRDT_should_support_prefer_oldest_members() { // disable gossip and delta replication to only verify the write and read operations var oldestReplicator = Sys.ActorOf( Replicator.Props( ReplicatorSettings.Create(Sys).WithPreferOldest(true).WithGossipInterval(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))),//.withDeltaCrdtEnabled(false)), "oldestReplicator"); Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), () => { var countProbe = CreateTestProbe(); AwaitAssert(() => { oldestReplicator.Tell(GetReplicaCount.Instance, countProbe.Ref); countProbe.ExpectMsg(new ReplicaCount(3)); }); }); EnterBarrier("oldest-replicator-started"); var probe = CreateTestProbe(); RunOn(() => { oldestReplicator.Tell( Dsl.Update(KeyK, new LWWRegister <string>(Cluster.SelfUniqueAddress, "0"), _writeTwo, a => a.WithValue(Cluster.SelfUniqueAddress, "1")), probe.Ref); probe.ExpectMsg(new UpdateSuccess(KeyK, null)); }, _second); EnterBarrier("updated-1"); RunOn(() => { // replicated to oldest oldestReplicator.Tell(new Get(KeyK, ReadLocal.Instance), probe.Ref); var msg = probe.ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>(m => m.Data is LWWRegister <string>); ((LWWRegister <string>)msg.Data).Value.Should().Be("1"); //probe.ExpectMsg<GetSuccess[LWWRegister[String]]>.dataValue.value should === ("1"); }, _first); RunOn(() => { // not replicated to third (not among the two oldest) oldestReplicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(KeyK, ReadLocal.Instance), probe.Ref); probe.ExpectMsg(new NotFound(KeyK, null)); // read from oldest oldestReplicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(KeyK, _readTwo), probe.Ref); var msg = probe.ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>(m => m.Data is LWWRegister <string>); ((LWWRegister <string>)msg.Data).Value.Should().Be("1"); //probe.ExpectMsg<GetSuccess[LWWRegister[String]]>.dataValue.value should === ("1"); }, _third); EnterBarrierAfterTestStep(); }
public Updater() { var cluster = Cluster.Cluster.Get(Context.System); var replicator = DistributedData.Get(Context.System).Replicator; Receive <string>(s => { var update = Dsl.Update(Key, ORSet <string> .Empty, WriteLocal.Instance, old => old.Add(cluster.SelfUniqueAddress, s)); replicator.Tell(update); }); }
private void AssertDeleted(IKey <IReplicatedData> key) { Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), () => { AwaitAssert(() => { _replicator.Tell(Dsl.Get(key, ReadLocal.Instance)); ExpectMsg(new DataDeleted(key)); }); }); }
public void Durable_CRDT_should_work_in_a_multi_node_cluster() { Join(second, first); var r = NewReplicator(Sys); Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => { AwaitAssert(() => { r.Tell(Dsl.GetReplicaCount); ExpectMsg(new ReplicaCount(2)); }); }); EnterBarrier("both-initialized"); r.Tell(Dsl.Update(keyA, GCounter.Empty, writeTwo, c => c.Increment(cluster))); ExpectMsg(new UpdateSuccess(keyA, null)); r.Tell(Dsl.Update(keyC, ORSet <string> .Empty, writeTwo, c => c.Add(cluster, Myself.Name))); ExpectMsg(new UpdateSuccess(keyC, null)); EnterBarrier("update-done-" + testStepCounter); r.Tell(Dsl.Get(keyA, readTwo)); ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>().Get(keyA).Value.ShouldBe(2UL); r.Tell(Dsl.Get(keyC, readTwo)); ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>().Get(keyC).Elements.ShouldBe(ImmutableHashSet.CreateRange(new[] { first.Name, second.Name })); EnterBarrier("values-verified-" + testStepCounter); Watch(r); Sys.Stop(r); ExpectTerminated(r); var r2 = default(IActorRef); AwaitAssert(() => r2 = NewReplicator(Sys)); // try until name is free AwaitAssert(() => { r2.Tell(Dsl.GetKeyIds); ExpectMsg <GetKeysIdsResult>().Keys.ShouldNotBe(ImmutableHashSet <string> .Empty); }); r2.Tell(Dsl.Get(keyA, ReadLocal.Instance)); ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>().Get(keyA).Value.ShouldBe(2UL); r2.Tell(Dsl.Get(keyC, ReadLocal.Instance)); ExpectMsg <GetSuccess>().Get(keyC).Elements.ShouldBe(ImmutableHashSet.CreateRange(new[] { first.Name, second.Name })); EnterBarrierAfterTestStep(); }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance ) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num >= 2) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); m_Speed = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); } if (num >= 3) { m_IsEffectSkillTime = bool.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.StatementData statementData) { if (statementData.Functions.Count == 2) { Dsl.FunctionData first = statementData.First; Dsl.FunctionData second = statementData.Second; if (null != first && null != first.Call && null != second && null != second.Call) { Load(first.Call); LoadCondition(second.Call); } } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num > 0) { m_Format.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(0)); } for (int i = 1; i < callData.GetParamNum(); ++i) { StoryValue val = new StoryValue(); val.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(i)); m_FormatArgs.Add(val); } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance) { if (callData.GetParamNum() > 0) { m_Type = callData.GetParamId(0); } if (callData.GetParamNum() > 1) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); } if (callData.GetParamNum() > 2) { m_DeltaTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num > 1) { m_Object.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(0)); m_Method.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(1)); } for (int i = 2; i < callData.GetParamNum(); ++i) { StoryValue val = new StoryValue(); val.InitFromDsl(callData.GetParam(i)); m_Args.Add(val); } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num >= 4) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); m_RelativeOffset.x = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); m_RelativeOffset.y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); m_RelativeOffset.z = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(3)); } if (num >= 5) { m_IsForRoundMove = callData.GetParamId(4) == "true"; } }
public static Vector2 CalcVector2(Dsl.CallData callData) { if (null == callData || callData.GetId() != "vector2") return; int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (2 == num) { float x = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); float y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); return new Vector2(x, y); } else { return; } }
internal static Vector3 CalcVector3(Dsl.CallData callData) { if (null == callData || callData.GetId() != "vector3") return Vector3.Zero; int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (3 == num) { float x = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); float y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); float z = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); return new Vector3(x, y, z); } else { return Vector3.Zero; } }
internal static Quaternion CalcEularRotation(Dsl.CallData callData) { if (null == callData || callData.GetId() != "eular") return Quaternion.Identity; int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (3 == num) { float x = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); float y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); float z = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); return Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(x, y, z); } else { return Quaternion.Identity; } }
public static Vector3 CalcEularAngles(Dsl.CallData callData) { if (null == callData || callData.GetId() != "eular") return Vector3.Zero; int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (3 == num) { float x = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); float y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); float z = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); return new Vector3(x, y, z) * 59.29578f; } else { return Vector3.Zero; } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num >= 6) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); m_RemainTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); m_GoPath = callData.GetParamId(2); m_ShaderName = callData.GetParamId(3); m_StartColor = DslUtility.CalcColor(callData.GetParam(4) as Dsl.CallData); m_ChangeColor = DslUtility.CalcColor(callData.GetParam(5) as Dsl.CallData); } if (num >= 7) { m_ChangeTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(6)); } }
public static Quaternion CalcQuaternion(Dsl.CallData callData) { if (null == callData || callData.GetId() != "quaternion") return Quaternion.identity; int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (4 == num) { float x = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); float y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); float z = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); float w = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(3)); return new Quaternion(x, y, z, w); } else { return Quaternion.identity; } }
public static Color CalcColor(Dsl.CallData callData) { if (null == callData || callData.GetId() != "color") return Color.white; int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (4 == num) { float r = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); float g = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); float b = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); float a = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(3)); return new Color(r, g, b, a); } else { return Color.white; } }
protected override void Load(Dsl.FunctionData functionData) { Dsl.CallData callData = functionData.Call; if (null != callData) { if (callData.GetParamNum() > 0) { Dsl.ISyntaxComponent param = callData.GetParam(0); m_Condition.InitFromDsl(param); } for (int i = 0; i < functionData.Statements.Count; i++) { IStoryCommand cmd = StoryCommandManager.Instance.CreateCommand(functionData.Statements[i]); if (null != cmd) m_LoadedCommands.Add(cmd); } } IsCompositeCommand = true; }
protected override void Load(Dsl.CallData callData, SkillInstance instance) { int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (num >= 1) { StartTime = long.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); } if (num >= 9) { m_RelativeCenter.X = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); m_RelativeCenter.Y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); m_RelativeCenter.Z = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(3)); m_Radius = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(4)); m_AngleOrLength = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(5)); m_AoeType = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(6)); m_MaxCount = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(7)); m_RelativeToTarget = callData.GetParamId(8) == "true"; } }
public static Quaternion CalcEularRotation(Dsl.CallData callData) { if (null == callData || callData.GetId() != "eular") return Quaternion.identity; int num = callData.GetParamNum(); if (3 == num) { float x = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0)); float y = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(1)); float z = float.Parse(callData.GetParamId(2)); try { return Quaternion.Euler(x, y, z); } catch { return Quaternion.identity; } } else { return Quaternion.identity; } }