public void TestGetReports_Multi() { var strArr1 = new[] { "STATUS-1" }; var strArr2 = new[] { "STATUS-2" }; var strArr3 = new[] { "ERROR-1" }; var strArr4 = new[] { "ERROR-2" }; var config = BuildConfig(newAgentId: true); using (var client = new DscPullClient(config)) { client.DisableReportAdditionalData = _testConfig.adjust_for_wmf_50; client.RegisterDscAgent().Wait(); client.SendReport(operationType: "1", statusData: strArr1).Wait(); client.SendReport(operationType: "2", statusData: strArr2).Wait(); client.SendReport(operationType: "3", errors: strArr3).Wait(); client.SendReport(operationType: "4", errors: strArr4).Wait(); var sr = client.GetReports().Result; Assert.IsNotNull(sr, "All reports not null"); var srArr = sr.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(4, srArr.Length, "All reports length"); var srArrOrd = srArr.OrderBy(x => x.OperationType).ToArray(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(strArr1, srArrOrd[0].StatusData); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(strArr2, srArrOrd[1].StatusData); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(strArr3, srArrOrd[2].Errors); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(strArr4, srArrOrd[3].Errors); } }
public void TestSendReport_BadDateFormat() { var report = new Model.SendReportBody { JobId = Guid.NewGuid(), StartTime = "NOW", EndTime = "THEN", OperationType = "FOO", ReportFormatVersion = "BAR", }; var config = BuildConfig(); using (var client = new DscPullClient(config)) { client.DisableReportAdditionalData = _testConfig.adjust_for_wmf_50; TugAssert.ThrowsExceptionWhen <AggregateException>( condition: (ex) => ex.InnerException is HttpRequestException && ex.InnerException.Message.Contains( "Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error)"), action: () => client.SendReport(report).Wait(), message: "Throws HTTP exception for internal server error (500)"); } }
public void TestSendReport() { var config = BuildConfig(newAgentId: true); using (var client = new DscPullClient(config)) { client.DisableReportAdditionalData = _testConfig.adjust_for_wmf_50; client.RegisterDscAgent().Wait(); client.SendReport("SimpleInventoryDefaults", overrides: new Model.SendReportBody { NodeName = "MY_NAME", IpAddress = "::1;127.0.01", }).Wait(); client.SendReport("DetailedStatusDefaults", statusData: new[] { "STATUS" }).Wait(); client.SendReport("ErrorDefaults", errors: new[] { "ERROR" }).Wait(); } }
public void TestSendReport_BadMissingJobId() { var config = BuildConfig(); using (var client = new DscPullClient(config)) { client.DisableReportAdditionalData = _testConfig.adjust_for_wmf_50; TugAssert.ThrowsExceptionWhen <AggregateException>( condition: (ex) => ex.InnerException is HttpRequestException && ex.InnerException.Message.Contains( "Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request)"), action: () => client.SendReport(new BadSendReportBody()).Wait(), message: "Throws HTTP exception for bad request (400)"); } }
public void TestGetReports_Single() { var reportDateFormat = CLASSIC_SERVER_REPORT_DATE_FORMAT; if (_testConfig.adjust_for_wmf_50) { reportDateFormat = CLASSIC_SERVER_REPORT_DATE_FORMAT_ALT; } var config = BuildConfig(newAgentId: true); var report = new Model.SendReportBody { JobId = Guid.NewGuid(), OperationType = "FOO", RefreshMode = Model.DscRefreshMode.Pull, Status = "BAR", ReportFormatVersion = "Spooky", ConfigurationVersion = "Scary", //StartTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(Model.SendReportBody.REPORT_DATE_FORMAT), StartTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(reportDateFormat), //EndTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(Model.SendReportBody.REPORT_DATE_FORMAT), EndTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(reportDateFormat), RebootRequested = Model.DscTrueFalse.False, StatusData = new[] { "STATUS-DATA" }, Errors = new[] { "ERRORS" }, AdditionalData = new[] { new Model.SendReportBody.AdditionalDataItem { Key = "1", Value = "ONE", }, new Model.SendReportBody.AdditionalDataItem { Key = "2", Value = "TWO", }, }, }; using (var client = new DscPullClient(config)) { client.DisableReportAdditionalData = _testConfig.adjust_for_wmf_50; client.RegisterDscAgent().Wait(); client.SendReport(report).Wait(); var sr = client.GetReports().Result; Assert.IsNotNull(sr, "Reports not null"); var srArr = sr.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(1, srArr.Length, "Reports length is exactly 1"); // Unfortunate kludge to deal with broken DscService on WMF 5.1 // See if (_testConfig.adjust_for_wmf_50) { report.AdditionalData = Model.SendReportBody.AdditionalDataItem.EMPTY_ITEMS; } var ser1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(report); var ser2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(srArr[0]); Assert.AreEqual(ser1, ser2, "Submitted and retrieved reports are the same"); sr = client.GetReports().Result; Assert.IsNotNull(sr, "All reports not null"); srArr = sr.ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(1, srArr.Length, "All reports length is exactly 1"); } }