예제 #1
        private async void LoadHsmState()
            var id = SystemIdentification.GetSystemIdForPublisher();

            DeviceId.Text = id.Source == SystemIdentificationSource.Tpm ? "TPM" : "Other";

            var userService = DrxServiceProvider.GetServiceProvider().GetService <UserService>();

            if (await userService.IsMachineGenuineDit())
                HsmState.Text         = "Enabled";
                HsmDisableReason.Text = "N/A";
                HsmState.Text         = "Disabled";
                HsmDisableReason.Text = "Non-genuine machine";
        private async void DocumentPropertiesDialog_OnPrimaryButtonClick(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogButtonClickEventArgs args)
            var deferral      = args.GetDeferral();
            var securityLevel = (DrxSecurityLevel)((IValueConverter)Resources["IntToEnumConverter"]).ConvertBack(SecurityLevelComboBox.SelectedIndex,
                                                                                                                 typeof(DrxSecurityLevel), null, string.Empty);

            var userService = DrxServiceProvider.GetServiceProvider().GetService <UserService>();

            var notAuthorised = !await userService.IsMachineGenuineDit() && securityLevel >= DrxSecurityLevel.StormVault;

            var notEncrypted = securityLevel >= DrxSecurityLevel.Secret && !Document.Encrypted;

            // Don't allow enabling HSM unless we're genuine DIT
            if (notAuthorised || notEncrypted)
                if (notAuthorised)
                    ErrorBlock.Text = "Not authorised to use this security level.";
                else if (notEncrypted)
                    ErrorBlock.Text = "Document must be encrypted to elevate to this level.";

                args.Cancel           = true;
                ErrorBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            Document.Title         = TitleTextBox.Text;
            Document.TimeStamp     = DatePicker.Date.GetValueOrDefault(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
            Document.SecurityLevel = securityLevel;

            if (Document.IsHighSecurity())
                Document.Encrypted = true;

        private async Task SetupApplication()
            // load
            await SetLoadingStatus(10, "Instantiating services.");

            var services = DrxServiceProvider.GetServiceProvider();

            _logger = services.GetService <ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger("Splash Screen");

            await SetLoadingStatus(20, "Instantiating app providers.");

                const string secret = "8e68d797-a057-472e-838c-d65348f801d4";
                AppCenter.Start(secret, typeof(Analytics));
                AppCenter.Start(secret, typeof(Distribute));
                AppCenter.Start(secret, typeof(Crashes));
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogCritical(e, "Exception when initialising App Center.");

            await SetLoadingStatus(30, "Loading document stores.");

            // Init the file store
            var storeService = services.GetService <StoreService>();
            await storeService.Initialise();

            // Get the names - this is used for voice commands
            // TODO: this should be set more dynamically elsewhere
            var defaultStore = storeService.GetDefaultStore();

            if (defaultStore != null)
                var names = defaultStore.GetDocuments().Select(s => s.ToString());

                // Load voice commands
                await SetLoadingStatus(40, "Loading voice commands.");
                await InstallVoiceCommands(names);

            // Everything done
            await SetLoadingStatus(100, "Load complete.");

            if (_loadState)
                await RestoreApplicationState();

            // dismiss
            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                var page   = new MainPage();
                _rootFrame = new Frame {
                    Content = page
                Window.Current.Content = _rootFrame;
