예제 #1
        //Obsolete version of this method

        /*      public async Task AddProduct(string username, DropshipItemModel model)
         *    {
         *        if (model.Source.Link.EmptyOrNull())
         *            return;
         *        switch(model.Source.Source)
         *        {
         *            case "Aliexpress":
         *                await AddProduct(username, model.Source);
         *                break;
         *            default:
         *                throw new Exception("Invalid DropshipItemModel Source");
         *        }
         *    }

        //Obsolete method, this is now done in the DropshippingController

         * public async Task UpdateProduct(string username, DropshipItem item)
         * {
         * await shopify.UpdateProduct(username, item.Product);
         * } */

        public async Task SyncProduct(string username, DropshipItem item)
            var sourceItem = await search.ItemSearch(item.Dropshipping.Source);

            if (sourceItem == null)

            var rules = item.Dropshipping.Rules ?? DropshipListingRules.Default;

            var creds = await oauthdb.RetrieveOAuth <OAuthShopifyModel>(username);

            if (rules.ApplyRules(sourceItem, item.Product) && creds != null)
                await shopify.UpdateProduct(username, item.Product, creds);
예제 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Products(int page = 1)
            var response = await api.Get(ApiEndpoints.DropshipGetProducts(productsPerPage * (page - 1), productsPerPage));

            var products = new DropshipItem[0];

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                products = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DropshipItem[]>(json);

            //Add total count for pagination
            ViewBag.MaxCount     = response.Headers.Contains("X-Total-Count") ? Convert.ToInt32(response.Headers.GetValues("X-Total-Count").First()) : productsPerPage;
            ViewBag.Page         = page;
            ViewBag.ItemsPerPage = productsPerPage;

        public async Task <IActionResult> GetProduct(int itemid)
            var username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

            var oauth = await oauthdb.RetrieveOAuth <OAuthShopifyModel>(username);

            var item = await dbItems.GetOneByID(itemid);

            if (item.Username != username)
                return(NotFound("No item was found"));

            var shopifyItems = await shopify.GetProductsByID(username, new string[] { item.ListingID }, oauth);

            var dropshipItem = new DropshipItem()
                Dropshipping = item,
                Product      = shopifyItems.FirstOrDefault()

예제 #4
        public async Task AddProduct(string username, SingleItemRequest item)
            var detail = await search.ItemSearch(item);

            if (detail == null)

            //Get integration access tokens
            var oauth = await oauthdb.RetrieveOAuth <OAuthShopifyModel>(username);

            if (oauth == null)

            //Create the dropship item and model
            var dropshipItem = new DropshipItem()
                Dropshipping = new DropshipItemModel()
                    Source   = item,
                    Username = item.Username,
                    Rules    = DropshipListingRules.Default,
                    OAuthID  = oauth.ID
                Product = new ShopifyProductModel()
                    BodyHtml = detail.Description,
                    Title    = detail.Name.Replace("/", "-"), //Fix slash in name issue

                    Variants = new List <ShopifyVarant>()
                        new ShopifyVarant()
                            InventoryPolicy     = InventoryPolicy.Deny,
                            InventoryManagement = InventoryManagement.Shopify,
                            RequiresShipping    = true,
                            Taxable             = true

            //Add images from shopify
            var images = new List <ShopifyImageType>();

            foreach (var image in detail.ImageUrls)
                images.Add(new ShopifyImageType()
                    Src = image

            //Set the first image to the main dropship model image
            if (images.Count > 0)
                dropshipItem.Dropshipping.Image = images[0].Src;

            dropshipItem.Product.Images = images.ToArray();

            //Apply dropshipping rules
            dropshipItem.Dropshipping.Rules.ApplyRules(detail, dropshipItem.Product);

            //Add product
            var product = await shopify.AddProduct(username, dropshipItem.Product, oauth);

            dropshipItem.Dropshipping.ListingID = product.ID;

            await dbItems.Save(dropshipItem.Dropshipping);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Add([FromBody] SingleItemRequest item)
            var username = "******";

            if (HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

            if (item.Link.EmptyOrNull() && !item.Title.EmptyOrNull() && !item.ID.EmptyOrNull())
                item.Link = SearchEndpoints.AliexpressItemUrl(item.Title, item.ID);

            var detail = await search.ItemSearch(item);

            if (detail == null)
                return(NotFound("Aliexpress link was incorrect"));

            //Get integration access tokens
            var oauth = await oauthdb.RetrieveOAuth <OAuthShopifyModel>(username);

            if (oauth == null)
                return(NotFound("No dropshipping integration setup for user"));

            //Create the dropship item and model
            var dropshipItem = new DropshipItem()
                Dropshipping = new DropshipItemModel()
                    Source   = item,
                    Username = username,
                    Rules    = DropshipListingRules.Default,
                    OAuthID  = oauth.ID
                Product = new ShopifyProductModel()
                    BodyHtml = detail.Description,
                    Title    = detail.Name.Replace("/", "-"), //Fix slash in name issue

                    Variants = new List <ShopifyVarant>()
                        new ShopifyVarant()
                            InventoryPolicy     = InventoryPolicy.Deny,
                            InventoryManagement = InventoryManagement.Shopify,
                            RequiresShipping    = true,
                            Taxable             = true

            if (detail.ImageUrls != null)
                //Add images from shopify
                var images = new List <ShopifyImageType>();
                foreach (var image in detail.ImageUrls)
                    images.Add(new ShopifyImageType()
                        Src = image

                //Set the first image to the main dropship model image
                if (images.Count > 0)
                    dropshipItem.Dropshipping.Image = images[0].Src;

                dropshipItem.Product.Images = images.ToArray();

            //Apply dropshipping rules
            dropshipItem.Dropshipping.Rules.ApplyRules(detail, dropshipItem.Product);

            //Add product
            var product = await shopify.AddProduct(username, dropshipItem.Product, oauth);

            dropshipItem.Dropshipping.ListingID = product.ID;

            await dbItems.InsertItem(dropshipItem.Dropshipping);

        public async Task <IActionResult> AddToIntegration(int itemid)
            var model = await dbItems.GetOneByID(itemid);

            var username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

            model.Username = username;

            var oauth = await oauthdb.RetrieveOAuth <OAuthShopifyModel>(username);

            if (oauth == null)
                return(NotFound("No integrations"));

            var detail = await search.ItemSearch(model.Source);

            if (detail == null)
                return(NotFound("Aliexpress source is incorrect"));

            //Create the dropship item and model
            var dropshipItem = new DropshipItem()
                Dropshipping = model,
                Product      = new ShopifyProductModel()
                    BodyHtml = detail.Description,
                    Title    = detail.Name.Replace("/", "-"), //Fix slash in name issue

                    Variants = new List <ShopifyVarant>()
                        new ShopifyVarant()
                            InventoryPolicy     = InventoryPolicy.Deny,
                            InventoryManagement = InventoryManagement.Shopify,
                            RequiresShipping    = true,
                            Taxable             = true

            //Add images from shopify
            var images = new List <ShopifyImageType>();

            foreach (var image in detail.ImageUrls)
                images.Add(new ShopifyImageType()
                    Src = image

            //Set the first image to the main dropship model image
            if (images.Count > 0)
                dropshipItem.Dropshipping.Image = images[0].Src;

            dropshipItem.Product.Images = images.ToArray();

            //Apply dropshipping rules
            dropshipItem.Dropshipping.Rules.ApplyRules(detail, dropshipItem.Product);

            //Add product
            var product = await shopify.AddProduct(username, dropshipItem.Product, oauth);

            dropshipItem.Dropshipping.ListingID = product.ID;

            await dbItems.UpdateListing(dropshipItem.Dropshipping);
