예제 #1
        public Yield GetFileHandler(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
            string suffixPath = string.Join("" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, context.GetSuffixes(UriPathFormat.Decoded));
            string filename = Path.Combine(_path, suffixPath);
            if(Directory.Exists(filename)) {
                XDoc ret = new XDoc("files");
                string pattern = context.GetParam("pattern", "");
                AddDirectories(new DirectoryInfo(filename), pattern, ret);
                AddFiles(new DirectoryInfo(filename), pattern, ret);
                yield break;

            DreamMessage message;
            try {
                message = DreamMessage.FromFile(filename, StringUtil.EqualsInvariant(context.Verb, "HEAD"));
            } catch(FileNotFoundException) {
                message = DreamMessage.NotFound("file not found");
            } catch(Exception) {
                message = DreamMessage.BadRequest("invalid path");

            // open file and stream it to the requester
예제 #2
 public Yield DeleteRecord(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     string name = context.GetSuffix(0, UriPathFormat.Normalized);
     yield break;
예제 #3
 public Yield GetEntries(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     XAtomFeed feed = _feed;
     if(feed != null) {
         response.Return(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.ATOM, _feed));
     } else {
         throw new DreamBadRequestException("not initialized");
     yield break;
예제 #4
 public Yield GetAllRecords(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     XDoc result = new XDoc("list");
     lock(_directory) {
         foreach(KeyValuePair<string, DirectoryRecord> entry in _directory) {
     yield break;
예제 #5
 internal Yield DeleteQueue(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     var name = context.GetParam("queuename");
     lock(_queues) {
         ITransactionalQueue<XDoc> queue;
         if(_queues.TryGetValue(name, out queue)) {
             Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(_rootPath, name),true);
     yield break;
예제 #6
 public void Can_clone_a_memory_stream_message()
     var text = "blah";
     var stream = new MemoryStream();
     var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
     stream.Position = 0;
     var m = new DreamMessage(DreamStatus.Ok, new DreamHeaders().Add("foo", "bar"), MimeType.TEXT, stream.Length, stream);
     m.Headers.Add("baz", "blah");
     _log.Debug("about to clone");
     var m2 = m.Clone();
     var reader = new StreamReader(m2.ToStream());
     Assert.AreEqual(text, reader.ReadToEnd());
     Assert.AreEqual(m.ContentType.ToString(), m2.ContentType.ToString());
     Assert.AreEqual(m.Headers["foo"], m2.Headers["foo"]);
     Assert.AreEqual(m.Headers["baz"], m2.Headers["baz"]);
예제 #7
        public Yield GetEntry(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
            string id = context.GetParam("id");
            XAtomEntry entry = null;

            // get feed
            XAtomFeed feed = _feed;
            if(feed != null) {
                lock(feed) {
                    entry = new XAtomEntry(feed[string.Format("entry[id='{0}']", Self.At(id).Uri)]);
            } else {
                throw new DreamBadRequestException("not initialized");
            if(entry.IsEmpty) {
                response.Return(DreamMessage.NotFound("entry not found"));
            } else {
                response.Return(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.ATOM, entry));
            yield break;
예제 #8
        internal Yield CreateSubscriptionSet(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
            XDoc subscriptionSet = request.ToDocument();
            Tuplet<PubSubSubscriptionSet, bool> set = _dispatcher.RegisterSet(subscriptionSet);
            XUri locationUri = Self.At("subscribers", set.Item1.Location).Uri.AsPublicUri();
            DreamMessage msg = null;
            if(set.Item2) {

                // existing subs cause a Conflict with ContentLocation of the sub
                msg = DreamMessage.Conflict("The specified owner already has a registered subscription set");
                msg.Headers.ContentLocation = locationUri;
            } else {

                // new subs cause a Created with Location of the sub, plus XDoc containing the location
                XDoc responseDoc = new XDoc("subscription-set")
                    .Elem("uri.location", locationUri)
                    .Elem("access-key", set.Item1.AccessKey);
                msg = DreamMessage.Created(locationUri, responseDoc);
                msg.Headers.Location = locationUri.With("access-key", set.Item1.AccessKey);
            yield break;
예제 #9
 public override DreamAccess DetermineAccess(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request)
     if(context.Feature.Signature.StartsWith("subscribers/")) {
         var location = context.GetParam("location", null);
         var set = _dispatcher[location];
         if(set != null) {
             var accessKey = context.GetParam("access-key", null);
             if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessKey)) {
                 var cookie = DreamCookie.GetCookie(request.Cookies, "access-key");
                 if(cookie != null) {
                     accessKey = cookie.Value;
             if(set.AccessKey.EqualsInvariant(accessKey)) {
                 return DreamAccess.Private;
             _log.DebugFormat("no matching access-key in query or cookie for location '{0}'", location);
         } else {
             _log.DebugFormat("no subscription set for location '{0}'", location);
     return base.DetermineAccess(context, request);
예제 #10
        public Yield convert(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
            string methodStr = context.GetParam("method", string.Empty);
            string aliasStr = context.GetParam("id", string.Empty);

            XUri secPage = new XUri( context.ServerUri ).At( "deki", "pages", "=Convert:" + methodStr );
            Plug _dekiSec = Plug.New( secPage );
            XDoc secDoc = _dekiSec.Get().ToDocument();

            string userURL = secDoc["user.author/@href"].AsInnerText;
            Plug _dekiUser = Plug.New( userURL );
            XDoc userDoc = _dekiUser.Get().ToDocument();
            string perms = userDoc["permissions.user"]["operations"].AsInnerText;
            if ( !perms.Contains("UNSAFECONTENT") ) {
                response.Return( DreamMessage.Forbidden("UNSAFECONTENT not enabled") );
                yield break;

            XUri codePage = new XUri( context.ServerUri ).At( "deki","pages", "=Convert:" + methodStr,"contents");
            Plug _deki = Plug.New( codePage, new TimeSpan(0,0,15) );
            string bodyText = _deki.With("format", "xhtml").Get().ToDocument()["body"]["pre"].Contents;

            for ( int i = 0; i < toHTML.GetLength(0); i++ ) {
                bodyText = Regex.Replace( bodyText, toHTML[i,0], toHTML[i,1] );
            //string codeStr = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode( bodyText );
            //XDoc doc = XDocFactory.From( codeStr, MimeType.ANY );
            //response.Return( DreamMessage.Ok( MimeType.TEXT, bodyText ) );

            Assembly scriptCode = CompileCode( bodyText, response );
            if ( scriptCode != null ) {
                XmlDocument outDoc = runScript( scriptCode, aliasStr );
                response.Return( DreamMessage.Ok( MimeType.XML, new XDoc(outDoc) ) );
            yield break;
예제 #11
 public Yield CheckPrologue(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     _log.DebugFormat("checking prologue data in Env #{0}", TaskEnv.Current.GetHashCode());
     if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrologueData)) {
         throw new Exception("no prologue data in slot");
     if(PrologueData != context.GetState<string>("prologue")) {
         throw new Exception("state from prologue didn't make it to feature");
     yield break;
예제 #12
 public Yield CallCoroutine(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     _log.Debug("callcoroutine start");
     var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
     ContextVar = new ContextLifeSpan(guid);
     if(context.GetState<ContextLifeSpan>() == null) {
         throw new Exception("context instance was never set");
     _log.DebugFormat("callcoroutine calling coroutine within Env #{0}", TaskEnv.Current.GetHashCode());
     yield return Coroutine.Invoke(SubCall, new Result());
     var contextVar = context.GetState<ContextLifeSpan>();
     _log.DebugFormat("callcoroutine coroutine returned within Env #{0}", TaskEnv.Current.GetHashCode());
     if(contextVar == null) {
         throw new Exception("context instance is gone");
     if(contextVar.Guid != guid) {
         throw new Exception("context guid is wrong");
     if(contextVar != ContextVar) {
         throw new Exception("context instance changed");
     if(contextVar.IsDisposed) {
         throw new Exception("context is disposed");
     yield break;
예제 #13
 public Yield CallPlug(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     _log.Debug("callplug start");
     var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
     ContextVar = new ContextLifeSpan(guid);
     _log.Debug("setting disposable state");
     Result<DreamMessage> sub;
     _log.Debug("calling plug");
     yield return sub = Self.At("calledplug").GetAsync();
     _log.Debug("return from plug");
     if(!sub.Value.IsSuccessful) {
     var contextVar = context.GetState<ContextLifeSpan>();
     if(contextVar == null) {
         throw new Exception("context instance is gone");
     if(contextVar.Guid != guid) {
         throw new Exception("context guid is wrong");
     if(contextVar != ContextVar) {
         throw new Exception("context instance changed");
     if(contextVar.IsDisposed) {
         throw new Exception("context is disposed");
     _log.Debug("callplug return");
     _log.Debug("callplug end");
     yield break;
예제 #14
 protected Yield Protected(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     yield break;
예제 #15
        public void Put_at_directory_path_fails()
            var data = StringUtil.CreateAlphaNumericKey(10);

            _s3ClientMock.Setup(x => x.PutFile("foo/bar/", It.IsAny <AwsS3FileHandle>())).Throws(new Exception("bad puppy")).AtMostOnce().Verifiable();
            var response = _storage.AtLocalHost.At("foo", "bar").WithTrailingSlash().Put(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT, data), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

예제 #16
        public void TestPostDeltas()
            // Role 'Contributor' exists
            // Role 'Viewer' exists
            // Create User1, User2 and User3
            // User1 is contributor, User2 is contributor on /A/B*
            // User3 is a viewer on A* (grant added)
            //Expected result:
            // User3 is viewer on /A*
            // User1 and user2 are contributors on /A/B*

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string baseTreePath = PageUtils.BuildPageTree(p);

            string       userid1 = null;
            DreamMessage msg     = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid1);

            string userid2 = null;

            msg = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid2);

            string userid3 = null;

            msg = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid3);

            XDoc securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                               .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                               .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                               .Start("user").Attr("id", userid1).End()
                               .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                               .Start("user").Attr("id", userid2).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B"), "security").
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                          .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                          .Elem("role", "Viewer")
                          .Start("user").Attr("id", userid3).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A"), "security").
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A"), "security").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid3)].Contents, "Viewer");

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B/C"), "security").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["permissions.page/restriction"].Contents, "Private");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid1)].Contents, "Contributor");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid2)].Contents, "Contributor");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid3)].Contents, "Viewer");
예제 #17
 protected Yield Protected(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     yield break;
예제 #18
 public Yield Exception(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     _log.Debug("in exception feature");
     var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
     ContextVar = new ContextLifeSpan(guid);
     throw new CustomException();
예제 #19
 private Yield Epilogue(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     _log.Debug("in epilogue");
     if(request.IsSuccessful && "disposal".EqualsInvariant(context.Feature.Signature) && context.IsTaskEnvDisposed) {
         throw new Exception("context disposed in epilogue");
     if("prologueepilogue".EqualsInvariant(context.Feature.Signature)) {
         _log.DebugFormat("checking prologue data for epilogue in Env #{0}", TaskEnv.Current.GetHashCode());
         if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrologueData)) {
             throw new Exception("no prologue data in slot");
         if(PrologueData != context.GetState<string>("prologue")) {
             throw new Exception("state from prologue didn't make it to epilogue");
     } else if("epilogue".EqualsInvariant(context.Feature.Signature)) {
         _log.DebugFormat("checking epilogue data for epilogue in Env #{0}", TaskEnv.Current.GetHashCode());
         if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(EpilogueData)) {
             throw new Exception("no epilogue data in slot");
         if(EpilogueData != context.GetState<string>("epilogue")) {
             throw new Exception("state from feature didn't make it to epilogue");
     yield break;
예제 #20
        public void Can_put_file_with_expiration()
            var data = StringUtil.CreateAlphaNumericKey(10);

            _s3ClientMock.Setup(x => x.PutFile(_storageRoot + "/foo/bar", It.Is <AwsS3FileHandle>(y => y.ValidateFileHandle(data, 10.Seconds())))).AtMostOnce().Verifiable();
            var response = _mockService.CallStorage(storage =>
                                                    storage.At("foo", "bar").With("ttl", 10).Put(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT, data), new Result <DreamMessage>())

예제 #21
 public DreamMessage PostPrintHandler(DreamContext context, DreamMessage message)
예제 #22
        public void NewPagesMovedPagesWrongRestrictions()
            //  Role 'Contributor' exist
            //  Create user user1 with "Contributor" role
            //  Create user user2 with "Contributor" role
            //  Create page page1
            //  Set page1 restriction as private
            //  Set grant to page1 for user1
            //  Set page2 restriction as private
            //  Set grant to page2 for user2
            //  Move page page2 to page1
            //Expected result:
            //  List of grants didn't change for page2

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       userid1 = null;
            DreamMessage msg     = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid1);

            string pageid1   = null;
            string pagename1 = null;

            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out pageid1, out pagename1);

            XDoc securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                               .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                               .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                               .Start("user").Attr("id", userid1).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", pageid1, "security").Put(securityDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.IsSuccessful, "Failed to set page to private");

            string userid2 = null;

            msg = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid2);

            string pageid2   = null;
            string pagename2 = null;

            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out pageid2, out pagename2);

            securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                          .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                          .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                          .Start("user").Attr("id", userid2).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", pageid2, "security").Put(securityDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.IsSuccessful, "Failed to set page to private");

            msg = PageUtils.MovePage(p, pagename2, pagename1 + "/" + pagename2);

            msg = p.At("pages", pageid2, "security").Get();

            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["permissions.page/restriction"].Contents, "Private");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid2)].Contents, "Contributor");
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid1)].IsEmpty);
예제 #23
        public void FailedPermissionChangeWhenPartOfMultipleGroups()
            //  Role 'Contributor' exist
            //  Create user user1 with "Contributor" role
            //  Create group group1 with "Contributor" role
            //  Create group group2 with "Contributor" role
            //  Assing user1 with group1 and group2
            //  Create new page
            //  Set page restriction as private
            //  Set grant to page for user1, group1 and group2
            //  Login as user1
            //  Remove group2 from list of grants
            //Expected result:
            //  List of grants doesn't content group2

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       userid   = null;
            string       username = null;
            DreamMessage msg      = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid, out username);

            string groupid1 = null;

            msg = UserUtils.CreateRandomGroup(p, new string[] { userid }, out groupid1);

            string groupid2 = null;

            msg = UserUtils.CreateRandomGroup(p, new string[] { userid }, out groupid2);

            string pageid = null;

            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out pageid);

            XDoc securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                               .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                               .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                               .Start("user").Attr("id", userid).End()
                               .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                               .Start("group").Attr("id", groupid1).End()
                               .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                               .Start("group").Attr("id", groupid2).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", pageid, "security").Put(securityDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.IsSuccessful, "Failed to set page to private");

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(username);

            securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                          .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                          .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                          .Start("group").Attr("id", groupid2).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", pageid, "security").Post(securityDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.IsSuccessful, "Failed to set page to private");

            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["permissions.page/restriction"].Contents, "Private");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid)].Contents, "Contributor");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[group/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", groupid1)].Contents, "Contributor");
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[group/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", groupid2)].IsEmpty);
예제 #24
        public void TestCascadingWithSkipIfUnableToSet()
            //  Create user with "Contributor" role
            //  Admin sets restriction:private on A/B
            //  User adds grant for self viewer on A/*
            //  User sets grant for self viewer on A/*
            //Expected result:
            //  User is viewer on A, A/B/C, A/B/D, A/E but no change on A/B

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string baseTreePath = PageUtils.BuildPageTree(p);

            string       userid   = null;
            string       username = null;
            DreamMessage msg      = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid, out username);

            XDoc securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                               .Elem("restriction", "Private")

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B"), "security").
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "restrict /A/B to private");

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(username, "password");

            securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                          .Elem("role", "Viewer")
                          .Start("user").Attr("id", userid).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A"), "security").
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "grant viewer on /A/*");

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin(); // relogin as admin

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A"), "security").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid)].Contents, "Viewer", "confirm viewer grant on /A");

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B"), "security").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["permissions.page/restriction"].Contents, "Private", "confirm private restriction on /A/B");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["grants/grant[2]"].IsEmpty, true, "confirm single grant on /A/B");

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B/C"), "security").Get();
            var doc = msg.ToDocument();

            Assert.AreEqual(doc[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid)].Contents, "Viewer", "confirm viewer grant on /A/B/C");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc["permissions.page/operations"].AsText), true, "confirm no available operations on /A/B/C");

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(username, "password"); // relogin as user

            securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                          .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                          .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                          .Start("user").Attr("id", userid).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A"), "security").
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "grant contributor on /A/*");

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin(); // relogin as admin

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A"), "security").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid)].Contents, "Contributor", "confirm contributor grant on /A");

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B"), "security").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["permissions.page/restriction"].Contents, "Private", "reconfirm private restriction on /A/B");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["grants/grant[2]"].IsEmpty, true, "reconfirm single grant on /A/B");

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B/C"), "security").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("grants/grant[user/@id=\"{0}\"]/permissions/role", userid)].Contents, "Contributor", "confirm contributor grant on /A/B/C");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["permissions.page/restriction"].Contents, "Private", "confirm private restriction on /A/B/C");
예제 #25
 public Yield PrologueEpilogue(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     yield break;
예제 #26
 public Yield ContainerScope(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     ServiceScope[Self.Uri.Path] = context.Container.Resolve <ILifetimeTest>();
     yield break;
예제 #27
            public Yield TestCreateForCrossService(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
                string filename = Path.GetTempFileName();
                using(Stream s = File.OpenWrite(filename)) {
                    byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TEST_CONTENTS);
                    s.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                _log.Debug("created file");

                // derive shared storage path
                Plug sharedStorage = Plug.New(Storage.Uri.WithoutLastSegment().At(TEST_SHARED_PATH));
                _log.DebugFormat("shared storage: {0}", sharedStorage.Uri);

                // add a file
                sharedStorage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).Put(DreamMessage.FromFile(filename, false));
                _log.Debug("put file");

                // get file and compare contents
                string contents = sharedStorage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).Get().ToText();
                Assert.AreEqual(TEST_CONTENTS, contents);
                _log.Debug("got file");
                yield break;
예제 #28
 public Yield Public(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     yield break;
예제 #29
        public Yield TestCreateTtlExpire(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
            // add a file
            Storage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).With("ttl", "2").Put(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT, TEST_CONTENTS));
            _log.DebugFormat("File stored at: {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);

            // get file and compare contents
            string contents = Storage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).Get().ToText();
            Assert.AreEqual(TEST_CONTENTS, contents);
            _log.DebugFormat("check file at: {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);

            // get file and compare contents
            _log.DebugFormat("Checking for expired file at: {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);
            DreamMessage getResponse = Storage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.NotFound, getResponse.Status);

            yield break;
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a user out of an authtoken from a request if it's valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static UserBE UserFromAuthTokenInRequest(DreamContext context, bool impersonationOnly)
            DreamMessage request   = context.Request;
            string       authToken = context.Uri.GetParam(DekiWikiService.AUTHTOKEN_URIPARAM, null);
            UserBE       user      = null;

            // Check if auth token is in a cookie
            if ((authToken == null) && request.HasCookies)
                DreamCookie authCookie = DreamCookie.GetCookie(request.Cookies, DekiWikiService.AUTHTOKEN_COOKIENAME);
                if ((authCookie != null) && (!authCookie.Expired))
                    authToken = authCookie.Value;

            // Check if auth token is in a header or passed in as query parameter
            authToken = authToken ?? request.Headers[DekiWikiService.AUTHTOKEN_HEADERNAME];

            // Extract user name from auth token if it's valid
            if (authToken != null)
                user = ValidateAuthToken(authToken, impersonationOnly);

                // check whether licensestate prevents user from being authenticated
                var license = DekiContext.Current.LicenseManager;
                LicenseStateType licensestate = license.LicenseState;
                if ((licensestate == LicenseStateType.EXPIRED || licensestate == LicenseStateType.INVALID || licensestate == LicenseStateType.INACTIVE) &&
                    !PermissionsBL.IsUserAllowed(user, Permissions.ADMIN)
                    if (DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.IsWarnEnabled)
                        switch (licensestate)
                        case LicenseStateType.EXPIRED:
                            DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.WarnFormat("UserFromAuthTokenInRequest: Expired license {0}, reverting non-admin user to anonymous", license.LicenseExpiration);

                        case LicenseStateType.INVALID:
                            DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.WarnFormat("UserFromAuthTokenInRequest: Invalid license, reverting non-admin user to anonymous");

                        case LicenseStateType.INACTIVE:
                            DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.WarnFormat("UserFromAuthTokenInRequest: Inactive license, reverting non-admin user to anonymous");
                    user = null;
                    DekiContext.Current.AuthToken = authToken;
            if (PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey())
                uint userIdOverride = 0;
                if (uint.TryParse(context.GetParam(DekiWikiService.IMPERSONATE_USER_QUERYNAME, null), out userIdOverride))
                    UserBE userOverride = UserBL.GetUserById(userIdOverride);
                    if (userOverride != null)
                        user = userOverride;
                        DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.InfoFormat("APIKEY provided. Impersonating user id '{0}': {1}", user.ID, user.Name);
예제 #31
 public Yield Scope(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     Scoped = context.Container.Resolve <IFoo>();
     yield break;
예제 #32
        //--- Class Methods ---
        public static UserBE Authenticate(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, uint serviceId, bool autoCreateExternalUser, bool allowAnon, out bool altPassword)
            UserBE user = null;

            altPassword = false;

            // Case 1: username/fullname, password, provider (login window)
            //      1. Validate & retrieve fullname using credentials
            //          Failed -> return null
            //      2. Populate user object
            //          A. Populates user info
            //          B. Populates group info in user object
            //      3. Does fullname exist?
            //          Yes -> Update user (email, fullname, ...)
            //          No  -> Create user
            //      4. Update Group information
            //      5. return user object
            // Case 2: fullname, password (http, api, ...)
            //      1. Lookup full name, exist?
            //          Yes -> return user
            //          No -> return null
            // Case 3: auth-token (header auth)
            //      0. Valid auth token?
            //          No -> return null
            //      1. Lookup user by name
            //          Found -> return user
            //          Else  -> return null

            string    userName      = null;
            string    password      = null;
            UserBE    userFromToken = null;
            ServiceBE authService   = null;

            // Extract authtoken and impersonation authtoken from request.
            // AllowAnon is false when in GET/POST: users/authenticate or when ?authenticate=true.
            // Standard user authtokens are ignored when AllowAnon=false but impersonation tokens are accepted.
            bool impersonationOnly = !allowAnon;

            userFromToken = UserFromAuthTokenInRequest(context, impersonationOnly);

            if (userFromToken == null)
                HttpUtil.GetAuthentication(context.Uri.ToUri(), request.Headers, out userName, out password);

            // check if we need to retrieve authentication service information
            if (serviceId > 0)
                authService = ServiceBL.GetServiceById(serviceId);
                if (authService == null)
                    throw new AuthServiceIdInvalidArgumentException(serviceId);
                if (authService.Type != ServiceType.AUTH)
                    throw new AuthNotAnAuthServiceInvalidArgumentException(serviceId);

            // check if a username was provided
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                //Case 2: Given username + password
                if (authService == null)
                    //Assuming local user or existing external account
                    user = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByName(userName);
                    if (user != null)
                        serviceId   = user.ServiceId;
                        authService = ServiceBL.GetServiceById(serviceId);
                        LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, null, password);
                if (authService == null)
                    throw new AuthServiceIdInvalidArgumentException(serviceId);
                if (authService.Type != ServiceType.AUTH)
                    throw new AuthNotAnAuthServiceInvalidArgumentException(serviceId);
                if (user == null)
                    //Performing auth on local account
                    if (ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(authService))
                        user = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByName(userName);
                        //Performing external auth. Lookup by external user name
                        user = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByExternalName(userName, authService.Id);
                    if (user != null && user.ServiceId != authService.Id)
                        ServiceBE currentUsersAuthService = ServiceBL.GetServiceById(user.ServiceId);
                        if (currentUsersAuthService != null)
                            throw new AuthLoginExternalUserConflictException(currentUsersAuthService.Description);
                        throw new LoginExternalUserUnknownConflictException();

                //Local account in the db.
                if (user != null && ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(authService))
                    //Validate password for local account or validate the apikey
                    if (!IsValidAuthenticationForLocalUser(user, password, out altPassword))
                        // try impersonation using the ApiKey
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey())
                            DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.InfoFormat("user '{0}' authenticated via apikey impersonation", userName);
                            LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, user.ID, password);

                // User was not found in the db and not being asked to create it.
                if (user == null && !autoCreateExternalUser)
                    LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, null, password);

                // Creating local account if apikey checks out and our authservice is local
                if (user == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey() && ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(authService))
                    XDoc newUserDoc = new XDoc("user")
                                      .Elem("username", userName);
                    DreamMessage newUserResponse = DekiContext.Current.ApiPlug.At("users")
                                                   .With("apikey", DreamContext.Current.GetParam("apikey", string.Empty))
                    user = UserBL.GetUserById(newUserResponse.ToDocument()["/user/@id"].AsUInt ?? 0);
                    if (user != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                        user = UserBL.SetPassword(user, password, false);

                // Got an external account
                // Passing in the user object from db if it was found.
                List <GroupBE> externalGroups = null;
                if (!ServiceBL.IsLocalAuthService(authService))
                    bool   bypassAuthentication = false;
                    string externalName;
                    if (user == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.ExternalName))
                        externalName = userName;
                        externalName = user.ExternalName;

                    // If apikey is valid, try to bypass auth with the external provider
                    // and only lookup user/group details.
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey())
                        DekiContext.Current.Instance.Log.InfoFormat("user '{0}' authenticating being bypassed via apikey impersonation", userName);
                        bypassAuthentication = true;

                    user = ExternalServiceSA.BuildUserFromAuthService(authService, user, userName, bypassAuthentication, externalName, password, out externalGroups);

                // User was not found or did not authenticate with external provider
                if (user == null)
                    LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, null, password);
                    //New user creation from external provider
                    if (user.ID == 0)
                        if (!autoCreateExternalUser)
                            LoginAccessDenied(context, request, userName, null, password);
                        //user exists
                        // TODO (steveb): ???
                    if (user.UserActive)
                        user = UserBL.CreateOrUpdateUser(user);
                        if (externalGroups != null)
                            UserBL.UpdateUsersGroups(user, externalGroups.ToArray());
            else if (userFromToken != null)
                // valid token exists that resolved to a user
                user = userFromToken;
            else if (allowAnon)
                // Anonymous user
                user = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetByName(DekiWikiService.ANON_USERNAME);
            if (user == null)
                //No credentials. Or token not provided or is invalid.
                LoginAccessDenied(context, request, null, null, password);
            else if (!user.UserActive && !PermissionsBL.ValidateRequestApiKey())
                //If a valid api key is provided, override the disabled account flag
                throw new AuthUserDisabledForbiddenException(user.Name);
예제 #33
 private Yield Private(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     yield break;
예제 #34
        public Yield GetPageComments(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            CheckResponseCache(context, false);

            PageBE page = PageBL_AuthorizePage(context, null, Permissions.READ, false);
            uint   count, offset;

            string        filterStr = context.GetParam("filter", "nondeleted");
            CommentFilter filter;

            switch (filterStr.ToLowerInvariant())
            case "any":
                filter = CommentFilter.ANY;

            case "nondeleted":
                filter = CommentFilter.NONDELETED;

                throw new CommentFilterInvalidArgumentException();
            bool   includeDescendantPages = false;
            string depth = context.GetParam("depth", "0");

            switch (depth.ToLowerInvariant())
            case "0":
                includeDescendantPages = false;

            case "infinity":
                includeDescendantPages = true;

                throw new DreamBadRequestException(string.Format("Invalid depth value '{0}'. Supported values are '0' and 'infinity'.", depth));

            uint postedByUserIdtmp = context.GetParam <uint>("postedbyuserid", 0);
            uint?postedByUserId    = null;

            if (postedByUserIdtmp > 0)
                postedByUserId = postedByUserIdtmp;

            SortDirection sortDir;
            string        sortField;

            Utils.GetOffsetAndCountFromRequest(context, 100, out count, out offset, out sortDir, out sortField);
            sortDir = sortDir == SortDirection.UNDEFINED ? SortDirection.ASC : sortDir; // default sort is ascending by timestamp
            uint totalCount;
            XUri commentsUri           = DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("pages", page.ID.ToString(), "comments");
            IList <CommentBE> comments = CommentBL.RetrieveCommentsForPage(page, filter, includeDescendantPages, postedByUserId, sortDir, offset, count, out totalCount);

            XDoc     ret = null;
            MimeType mimetype;

            switch (context.GetParam("format", "xml").ToLowerInvariant())
            case "xml":
                ret      = CommentBL.GetCommentXml(comments, true, null, includeDescendantPages, offset, sortDir, null, commentsUri, totalCount);
                mimetype = MimeType.XML;

            case "atom":
                ret      = CommentBL.GetCommentXmlAsAtom(comments, context.Uri, page);
                mimetype = MimeType.ATOM;

                throw new DreamBadRequestException("Invalid format. Valid formats are 'xml' and 'atom'.");

            response.Return(DreamMessage.Ok(mimetype, ret));
            yield break;
예제 #35
 internal Yield Internal(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     yield break;
예제 #36
        public Yield GetFileOrFolderListing(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            bool   head = StringUtil.EqualsInvariant(context.Verb, "HEAD");
            string path = GetPath(context);

            DreamMessage result;

            if (File.Exists(path))
                // dealing with a file request

                // check if request contains a 'if-modified-since' header
                var lastmodified = File.GetLastWriteTime(path);
                if (request.CheckCacheRevalidation(lastmodified) && (lastmodified.Year >= 1900))
                    yield break;

                // retrieve file
                try {
                    result = DreamMessage.FromFile(path, head);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException) {
                    result = DreamMessage.NotFound("file not found");
                } catch (Exception) {
                    result = DreamMessage.BadRequest("invalid path");

                // add caching headers if file was found
                if (!head && result.IsSuccessful)
                    // add caching information; this will avoid unnecessary data transfers by user-agents with caches
            else if (Directory.Exists(path))
                // dealing with a directory request
                if (head)
                    // HEAD for a directory doesn't really mean anything, so we just return ok, to indicate that it exists
                    result = DreamMessage.Ok();
                    var doc = new XDoc("files");

                    // list directory contents
                    var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(path);
                    foreach (var dir in directories)
                        if (dir.EndsWithInvariantIgnoreCase(META))
                        .Elem("name", Path.GetFileName(dir))
                    foreach (var filepath in Directory.GetFiles(path))
                        var file = new FileInfo(filepath);
                        .Elem("name", file.Name)
                        .Elem("size", file.Length)
                        .Elem("date.created", file.CreationTimeUtc)
                        .Elem("date.modified", file.LastWriteTimeUtc);
                        var entry = SyncMeta(filepath);
                        if (entry != null)
                            doc.Elem("date.expire", entry.When);
                            doc.Elem("date.ttl", entry.TTL);
                    result = DreamMessage.Ok(doc);
                // nothin here
                result = DreamMessage.NotFound("no such file or folder");

            yield break;
예제 #37
 internal Yield Internal(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     yield break;
예제 #38
 public Result <AwsSqsSendResponse> Send(string queue, AwsSqsMessage message, Result <AwsSqsSendResponse> result)
     try {
         var msgQueue = GetQueue(queue);
         if (msgQueue == null)
             throw new AwsSqsRequestException("AWS.SimpleQueueService.NonExistentQueue", DreamMessage.InternalError());
         var enqueued = new QueueEntry(message, queue);
         lock (msgQueue) {
         result.Return(new SendResponse(enqueued.Message));
     } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #39
 private Yield Private(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     yield break;
예제 #40
        private void MoveGroups()
            DreamMessage msg = _dekiPlug.At("groups").With("limit", int.MaxValue).GetAsync().Wait();

            if (msg.Status != DreamStatus.Ok)
                WriteLineToConsole("Error while receiving groups from Deki. Groups not converted.");

            Dictionary <string, string> dekiGroups = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            XDoc groupsDoc = msg.AsDocument();

            foreach (XDoc groupDoc in groupsDoc["//group"])
                string dekiGroupName = groupDoc["groupname"].AsText;
                dekiGroups[dekiGroupName.ToLower()] = null;

            string[] confluenceGroupNames = _confluenceService.GetGroups();

            foreach (string confluenceGroupName in confluenceGroupNames)
                string dekiGroupName;
                if (!_convertedGroups.ContainsKey(confluenceGroupName.ToLower()))
                    int groupNum = 0;
                    dekiGroupName = confluenceGroupName;
                    while (dekiGroups.ContainsKey(dekiGroupName.ToLower()))
                        dekiGroupName = confluenceGroupName + groupNum.ToString();
                    if (dekiGroupName != confluenceGroupName)
                        WriteLineToConsole("Confluence group \"" + confluenceGroupName + "\" converted as \"" + dekiGroupName + "\" becouse of existing same group in Deki");

                    XDoc newGroupDoc = new XDoc("group");
                    newGroupDoc.Elem("name", dekiGroupName)

                    foreach (ACConverterUserInfo convertedUser in _convertedUsers.Values)
                        if (Array.IndexOf(convertedUser.ConfluenceUserGroupNames, confluenceGroupName) >= 0)
                            newGroupDoc.Start("user").Attr("id", convertedUser.DekiUserId).End();


                    Log.DebugFormat("Creating group: {0}", dekiGroupName);

                    DreamMessage res = _dekiPlug.At("groups").PostAsync(newGroupDoc).Wait();
                    if (res.Status != DreamStatus.Ok)
                        WriteLineToLog("Error converting group \"" + confluenceGroupName + "\"");

                    XDoc resGroupsDoc   = res.AsDocument();
                    int  newDekiGroupId = resGroupsDoc["@id"].AsInt.Value;

                    ACConverterGroupInfo convertedGroup =
                        new ACConverterGroupInfo(confluenceGroupName, dekiGroupName, newDekiGroupId);
                    _convertedGroups[confluenceGroupName.ToLower()] = convertedGroup;
                    //This group already converted during previous ACConverter start
                    dekiGroupName = _convertedGroups[confluenceGroupName.ToLower()].DekiGroupName;

                    XDoc usersDoc = new XDoc("users");
                    foreach (ACConverterUserInfo convertedUser in _convertedUsers.Values)
                        if (Array.IndexOf(convertedUser.ConfluenceUserGroupNames, confluenceGroupName) >= 0)
                            usersDoc.Start("user").Attr("id", convertedUser.DekiUserId).End();
                    DreamMessage res = _dekiPlug.At("groups", _convertedGroups[confluenceGroupName.ToLower()].DekiGroupId.ToString(),
                    if (res.Status != DreamStatus.Ok)
                        WriteLineToLog("Error converting group's users");
예제 #41
 public Yield GetImage(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     yield return(context.Relay(Storage.At(context.GetParam("name")), request, response));
예제 #42
        public Yield ValidateOpenIdResponse(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            XUri publicUri = new XUri(context.GetParam("url", null));
            NameValueCollection queryColl = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(context.GetParam("query", null));

            // process the response, including validating the endpoint of the claimed identifier.
            OpenIdRelyingParty openid = new OpenIdRelyingParty(null, publicUri, queryColl);
            var openIdResponse        = openid.Response;

            if (openIdResponse != null)
                switch (openIdResponse.Status)
                case AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated:

                    // Throw an exception if there is a regex for acceptable
                    // identifiers defined, and the ID does not match.
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_validIdPattern))
                        Regex identifierAccept = new Regex(_validIdPattern);
                        if (!identifierAccept.IsMatch(openIdResponse.ClaimedIdentifier))
                            _log.InfoFormat("Identifier {0} denied access by valid-id-pattern regular expression {1}", openIdResponse.ClaimedIdentifier, _validIdPattern);
                            throw new DreamBadRequestException("This service is configured to deny access to this OpenID identifier.");

                    var claimsResponse = openIdResponse.GetExtension <ClaimsResponse>();
                    var fetchResponse  = openIdResponse.GetExtension <FetchResponse>();

                    XDoc result = new XDoc("openid");
                    result.Attr("validated", true);
                    result.Elem("identifier", openIdResponse.ClaimedIdentifier);

                    // SREG response
                    if (claimsResponse != null)
                        string email = claimsResponse.Email;
                        if (email != null)
                            result.Elem("email", email);
                            _log.DebugFormat("E-mail address from SREG: {0}", email);
                    // AX response
                    if (fetchResponse != null)
                        foreach (AttributeValues v in fetchResponse.Attributes)
                            if (v.TypeUri == WellKnownAttributes.Contact.Email)
                                IList <string> emailAddresses = v.Values;
                                string         email          = emailAddresses.Count > 0 ? emailAddresses[0] : null;
                                result.Elem("email", email);
                                _log.DebugFormat("E-mail address from AX: {0}", email);

                case AuthenticationStatus.Canceled:
                    _log.InfoFormat("Authentication was cancelled by the user.");
                    throw new DreamBadRequestException("Authentication was cancelled by the user.");

                case AuthenticationStatus.Failed:
                    _log.InfoFormat("Authentication failed: " + openIdResponse.Exception.Message);
                    throw new DreamBadRequestException("Authentication failed: " + openIdResponse.Exception.Message);

                    _log.WarnFormat("Authentication error: " + openIdResponse.Exception.Message);
                    throw new DreamBadRequestException("Authentication error: " + openIdResponse.Exception.Message);
                _log.Warn("OpenID response was null");
                throw new DreamBadRequestException("No OpenID response was returned.");
            yield break;
예제 #43
 public Yield CalledPlug(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     _log.Debug("calledplug start");
     var contextVar = context.GetState<ContextLifeSpan>();
     if(contextVar != null) {
         throw new Exception("called plug context instance already exists");
     context.SetState(new ContextLifeSpan(Guid.NewGuid()));
     _log.Debug("calledplug return");
     _log.Debug("calledplug end");
     yield break;
예제 #44
        public Yield UserLogin(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            string userSuppliedIdentifier = context.GetParam("url", null);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userSuppliedIdentifier))
                _log.Info("No identifier was specified");
                throw new DreamBadRequestException("No identifier was specified.");

            XUri   returnUri = new XUri(context.GetParam("returnurl", null));
            String realm     = context.GetParam("realm", null);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(realm))
                realm = returnUri.WithoutPathQueryFragment().ToString();

            IAuthenticationRequest openIdRequest;

            // dummy parameters required by DotNetOpenId 2.x; in 3.x, you can
            // just pass null to the OpenIdRelyingParty constructor.
            Uri identifierUri            = new Uri(userSuppliedIdentifier);
            NameValueCollection queryCol = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(identifierUri.Query);
            OpenIdRelyingParty  openid   = new OpenIdRelyingParty(null, identifierUri, queryCol);

            // creating an OpenID request will authenticate that
            // the endpoint exists and is an OpenID provider.
            _log.DebugFormat("Creating OpenID request: identifier {0}, return URL {1}, realm {2}", userSuppliedIdentifier, returnUri.ToString(), realm);

            try {
                openIdRequest = openid.CreateRequest(
            } catch (OpenIdException ex) {
                _log.WarnFormat("'{0}' rejected as OpenID identifier: {1}", userSuppliedIdentifier, ex.Message);
                throw new DreamBadRequestException(string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid OpenID identifier. {1}", userSuppliedIdentifier, ex.Message));

            // Ask for the e-mail address on this request.
            // Use both SREG and AX, to increase the odds of getting it.
            openIdRequest.AddExtension(new ClaimsRequest {
                Email = DemandLevel.Require,

            var fetch = new FetchRequest();

            fetch.AddAttribute(new AttributeRequest(WellKnownAttributes.Contact.Email, true));

            // The RedirectingResponse either contains a "Location" header for
            // a HTTP GET, which will return in the response as 'endpoint', or
            // a HTML FORM which needs to be displayed to the user, which will
            // return in the response as 'form'.
            IResponse wr = openIdRequest.RedirectingResponse;

            XDoc result = new XDoc("openid");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wr.Headers["Location"]))
                System.Text.UTF8Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
                string formBody = enc.GetString(wr.Body);
                _log.DebugFormat("OpenID redirect by HTML FORM: {0}", formBody);
                result.Attr("form", formBody);
                string redirectUrl = wr.Headers["Location"];
                _log.DebugFormat("OpenID redirect URL: {0}", redirectUrl);
                result.Attr("endpoint", redirectUrl);

            yield break;
예제 #45
 public Yield CheckEpilogue(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     EpilogueData = StringUtil.CreateAlphaNumericKey(8);
     _log.DebugFormat("setting epilogue data in Env #{0}", TaskEnv.Current.GetHashCode());
     context.SetState("epilogue", EpilogueData);
     yield break;
예제 #46
        public void TestDeleteWithNoCascadeAndReset()
            // 1. Create page tree
            // 2. Create user with Contributor role
            // (3) Assert all pages have been created
            // 4. Restrict A/B/D as private (user has no delete/update access)
            // 5. Delete /A as user
            // (6) Assert A is reset and the rest of the pages are untouched

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            string baseTreePath = PageUtils.BuildPageTree(p);
            string contrUserId = null;
            string contrUserName = null;
            DreamMessage msg = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out contrUserId, out contrUserName);

            DreamMessage pageAresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A");
            DreamMessage pageABresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B");
            DreamMessage pageABCresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/C");
            DreamMessage pageABDresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/D");
            DreamMessage pageAEresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/E");

            Assert.AreEqual("A", pageAresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);
            Assert.AreEqual("B", pageABresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);
            Assert.AreEqual("C", pageABCresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);
            Assert.AreEqual("D", pageABDresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);
            Assert.AreEqual("E", pageAEresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);

            int pageA = pageAresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageAB = pageABresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageABC = pageABCresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageABD = pageABDresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageAE = pageAEresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;

            PageUtils.RestrictPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/D", "none", "Private");

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(contrUserName);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, PageUtils.DeletePageByName(p, baseTreePath + "/A", false).Status);

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            DreamMessage pageAresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A");
            DreamMessage pageABresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B");
            DreamMessage pageABCresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/C");
            DreamMessage pageABDresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/D");
            DreamMessage pageAEresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/E");

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageAresponse2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageABresponse2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageABDresponse2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageAEresponse2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageABCresponse2.Status);

            int pageA2 = pageAresponse2.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageAB2 = pageABresponse2.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageABC2 = pageABCresponse2.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageABD2 = pageABDresponse2.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageAE2 = pageAEresponse2.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(pageA, pageA2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageAB, pageAB2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageABC, pageABC2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageABD, pageABD2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageAE, pageAE2);
예제 #47
 public Yield Disposal(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     if(context.IsTaskEnvDisposed) {
         throw new Exception("context disposed in feature");
     yield break;
예제 #48
        public void TestDeleteWithCascadeOnNoAccessNode()
            // 1. Create page tree
            // 2. Create user with Contributor role
            // (3) Assert all pages have been created
            // 4. Restrict A/B as private (user has no delete/update  4. Restrict A/B as private (user has no delete/update access)
            // 5. Delete /A/B* as user
            // (6) Assert "Forbidden" response returned
            // (7) Assert no changes made

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            string baseTreePath = PageUtils.BuildPageTree(p);
            string contrUserId = null;
            string contrUserName = null;
            UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out contrUserId, out contrUserName);

            DreamMessage pageAresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A");
            DreamMessage pageABresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B");
            DreamMessage pageABCresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/C");
            DreamMessage pageABDresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/D");
            DreamMessage pageAEresponse = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/E");

            Assert.AreEqual("A", pageAresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);
            Assert.AreEqual("B", pageABresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);
            Assert.AreEqual("C", pageABCresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);
            Assert.AreEqual("D", pageABDresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);
            Assert.AreEqual("E", pageAEresponse.ToDocument()["//title"].Contents);

            int pageA = pageAresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageAB = pageABresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageABC = pageABCresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageABD = pageABDresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageAE = pageAEresponse.ToDocument()["@id"].AsInt.Value;

            PageUtils.RestrictPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B", "none", "Private");

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(contrUserName);
            string path = "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B");
            DreamMessage deleteResponse = p.At("pages", path).WithQuery("recursive=" + "true").DeleteAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Forbidden, deleteResponse.Status);

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            DreamMessage pageAresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A");
            DreamMessage pageABresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B");
            DreamMessage pageABCresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/C");
            DreamMessage pageABDresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/B/D");
            DreamMessage pageAEresponse2 = PageUtils.GetPage(p, baseTreePath + "/A/E");

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageAresponse2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageABresponse2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageABDresponse2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageAEresponse2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, pageABCresponse2.Status);

            int pageA2 = pageAresponse2.ToDocument()["/page/@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageAB2 = pageABresponse2.ToDocument()["/page/@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageABC2 = pageABCresponse2.ToDocument()["/page/@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageABD2 = pageABDresponse2.ToDocument()["/page/@id"].AsInt.Value;
            int pageAE2 = pageAEresponse2.ToDocument()["/page/@id"].AsInt.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(pageA, pageA2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageAB, pageAB2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageABC, pageABC2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageABD, pageABD2);
            Assert.AreEqual(pageAE, pageAE2);
예제 #49
 public Yield Ping(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
     ContextVar = new ContextLifeSpan(guid);
     yield break;
예제 #50
        //--- Methods ---
        void IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext)
            var          key     = new object();
            DreamMessage request = null;

            try {
                string verb       = httpContext.Request.HttpMethod;
                XUri   requestUri = HttpUtil.FromHttpContext(httpContext);
                _env.AddActivityDescription(key, string.Format("Incoming: {0} {1}", verb, requestUri));
                _log.DebugMethodCall("ProcessRequest", verb, requestUri);

                // create request message
                request = new DreamMessage(DreamStatus.Ok, new DreamHeaders(httpContext.Request.Headers), MimeType.New(httpContext.Request.ContentType), httpContext.Request.ContentLength, httpContext.Request.InputStream);
                DreamUtil.PrepareIncomingMessage(request, httpContext.Request.ContentEncoding, string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", httpContext.Request.Url.Scheme, httpContext.Request.Url.Authority, httpContext.Request.ApplicationPath), httpContext.Request.UserHostAddress, httpContext.Request.UserAgent);

                // TODO (arnec): should this happen before PrepareIncomingMessage?
                request.Headers.DreamTransport = _handler.GetRequestBaseUri(httpContext.Request).ToString();

                // process message
                var response = _env.SubmitRequestAsync(verb, requestUri, httpContext.User, request, new Result <DreamMessage>(TimeSpan.MaxValue)).Block();
                var item = response.HasException ? DreamMessage.InternalError(response.Exception) : response.Value;

                // set status
                if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    _log.DebugMethodCall("ProcessRequest[Status]", item.Status, String.Format("{0}{1}", httpContext.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority), httpContext.Request.RawUrl).Replace("/index.aspx", "/"));
                httpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)item.Status;

                // remove internal headers
                item.Headers.DreamTransport = null;
                item.Headers.DreamPublicUri = null;

                // create stream for response (this will force the creation of the 'Content-Length' header as well)
                Stream stream = item.ToStream();

                // copy headers
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in item.Headers)
                    _log.TraceMethodCall("ProcessRequest[Header]", pair.Key, pair.Value);
                    httpContext.Response.AppendHeader(pair.Key, pair.Value);

                // add set-cookie headers to response
                if (item.HasCookies)
                    foreach (DreamCookie cookie in item.Cookies)
                        httpContext.Response.AppendHeader(DreamHeaders.SET_COOKIE, cookie.ToSetCookieHeader());

                // send message stream
                long size = item.ContentLength;
                if (((size == -1) || (size > 0)) && (stream != Stream.Null))
                    stream.CopyTo(httpContext.Response.OutputStream, size, new Result <long>(TimeSpan.MaxValue)).Wait();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                _log.ErrorExceptionMethodCall(ex, "CommonRequestHandler");
                if (request != null)
                if (httpContext != null)
            } finally {
예제 #51
 public Yield Spawn(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
     ContextVar = new ContextLifeSpan(guid);
     ContextLifeSpan capturedInner = null;
     yield return Async.Fork(() =>
         var innerContextVar = DreamContext.Current.GetState<ContextLifeSpan>();
         capturedInner = innerContextVar;
         if(innerContextVar == ContextVar) {
             throw new Exception("spawned context instances were same");
         if(innerContextVar.Guid != guid) {
             throw new Exception("spawned context guid is wrong");
         if(innerContextVar.IsDisposed) {
             throw new Exception("subcall: context is disposed");
     }, new Result());
     var contextVar = context.GetState<ContextLifeSpan>();
     if(contextVar == null) {
         throw new Exception("context instance is gone");
     if(capturedInner == contextVar) {
         throw new Exception("outer instance was changed to inner");
     if(!capturedInner.IsDisposed) {
         throw new Exception("inner instance wasn't disposed after closure completion");
     if(contextVar.Guid != guid) {
         throw new Exception("context guid is wrong");
     if(contextVar != ContextVar) {
         throw new Exception("context instance changed");
     if(contextVar.IsDisposed) {
         throw new Exception("context is disposed");
     yield break;
예제 #52
        public void Contents_TestMerge_CorrectContents()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create some content to test merge
            string contentA   = "<p>This is some wonderful content</p><p>I love writing tests</p>";
            string contentB   = "<p>bing bong ping pong</p><p>I love writing tests</p>";
            string contentC   = "<p>This is some wonderful content</p><p>Expect a cool merge right here</p>";
            string contentRes = "<p>bing bong ping pong</p><p>Expect a cool merge right here</p>";

            // Upload contentA to page and save edittime
            string       path = PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName();
            DreamMessage msg  = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents").Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, contentA), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Setting page contents to contentA failed");
            msg = PageUtils.GetPage(p, path);
            string edittime = msg.ToDocument()["date.edited"].AsText;

            Assert.IsNotNull(edittime, "No date.edited in page document!");

            // Have it wait a second
            Wait.For(() => { return(false); }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Upload content B as Admin
            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents").With("edittime", edittime).Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, contentB), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Setting page contents to contentB failed");

            // Create a user and upload content C as user
            string userid;
            string username;

            UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid, out username);

            // Upload content C as user
            p   = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(username);
            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents").With("edittime", edittime).Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, contentC), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Setting page contents to contentB failed");

            // Retrieve page contents and verify merge
            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents").Get(new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(contentRes, msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText ?? String.Empty, "Unexpected contents after merge");
예제 #53
 private Yield Prologue(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     _log.Debug("in prologue");
     if("disposal".EqualsInvariant(context.Feature.Signature) && context.IsTaskEnvDisposed) {
         throw new Exception("context disposed in prologue");
     PrologueData = StringUtil.CreateAlphaNumericKey(8);
     _log.DebugFormat("setting prologue data in Env #{0}", TaskEnv.Current.GetHashCode());
     context.SetState("prologue", PrologueData);
     yield break;
예제 #54
 public Yield UnLockFile(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     response.Return(new DreamMessage(DreamStatus.NoContent, null));
     yield break;
예제 #55
            public Yield TestCreateRetrieveDelete(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
                string filename = Path.GetTempFileName();
                using(Stream s = File.OpenWrite(filename)) {
                    byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TEST_CONTENTS);
                    s.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                _log.Debug("created file");

                // add a file
                _log.DebugFormat("storage path: {0}", Storage.Uri);
                Storage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).Put(DreamMessage.FromFile(filename, false));
                _log.Debug("put file");

                // get file and compare contents
                string contents = Storage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).Get().ToText();
                Assert.AreEqual(TEST_CONTENTS, contents);
                _log.Debug("got file");

                // delete file
                _log.Debug("deleted file");
                yield break;
예제 #56
        public Yield GetFile(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            PageBE       parentPage   = null;
            DreamMessage responseMsg  = null;
            ResourceBE   fileRevision = GetAttachment(context, request, Permissions.READ, true, false, out parentPage);

            if (fileRevision.IsHidden)
                PermissionsBL.CheckUserAllowed(DekiContext.Current.User, Permissions.ADMIN);

            // check if only file information is requested
            if (context.Verb == Verb.HEAD)
                response.Return(new DreamMessage(DreamStatus.Ok, null, fileRevision.MimeType, (long)fileRevision.Size, Stream.Null));
                yield break;
            try {
                if (request.CheckCacheRevalidation(fileRevision.Timestamp))
                    responseMsg = DreamMessage.NotModified();
                if (responseMsg == null)
                    #region Preview related parameter parsing
                    string sFormat    = context.GetParam("format", string.Empty);
                    string sRatio     = context.GetParam("ratio", string.Empty);
                    uint   height     = context.GetParam <uint>("height", 0);
                    uint   width      = context.GetParam <uint>("width", 0);
                    string cachedSize = context.GetParam("size", string.Empty);

                    // check 'ratio' parameter
                    RatioType ratio = RatioType.UNDEFINED;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sRatio))
                        switch (sRatio.ToLowerInvariant().Trim())
                        case "var":
                        case "variable":
                            ratio = RatioType.VARIABLE;

                        case "fixed":
                            ratio = RatioType.FIXED;

                            throw new AttachmentFileRatioInvalidArgumentException();

                    // check 'size' parameter
                    SizeType size = SizeType.UNDEFINED;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedSize) && !SysUtil.TryParseEnum(cachedSize.Trim(), out size))
                        throw new AttachmentFilesizeInvalidArgumentException();

                    // check 'format' parameter
                    FormatType format = FormatType.UNDEFINED;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFormat) && !SysUtil.TryParseEnum(sFormat.Trim(), out format))
                        throw new AttachmentFileFormatInvalidArgumentException();

                    //if any preview related parameters are set, do preview logic. Otherwise return the file
                    StreamInfo file = null;
                    if ((size != SizeType.UNDEFINED && size != SizeType.ORIGINAL) ||
                        ratio != RatioType.UNDEFINED ||
                        format != FormatType.UNDEFINED ||
                        height != 0 ||
                        width != 0
                        file = AttachmentPreviewBL.RetrievePreview(fileRevision, height, width, ratio, size, format);
                        var isMSWebDAV = MSWEBDAV_USER_AGENT_REGEX.IsMatch(request.Headers.UserAgent ?? string.Empty);
                        file = DekiContext.Current.Instance.Storage.GetFile(fileRevision, SizeType.ORIGINAL, !isMSWebDAV);

                    // prepare response
                    if (file == null)
                        throw new AttachmentDoesNotExistFatalException(fileRevision.ResourceId, fileRevision.Revision);

                    if (file.Uri != null)
                        responseMsg = DreamMessage.Redirect(file.Uri);
                        bool inline = fileRevision.MetaXml.ImageHeight.HasValue;

                        // see if we can use the MimeType map for allowing inlining
                        if (!inline)
                            // if IE inline security is not disabled
                            bool isIE = false;
                            if (!DekiContext.Current.Instance.EnableUnsafeIEContentInlining)
                                // check the user agent to see if we're dealing with IE
                                isIE = MSIE_USER_AGENT_REGEX.IsMatch(request.Headers.UserAgent ?? string.Empty);

                            // see if the mime-type could allow inlining
                            inline = DekiContext.Current.Instance.MimeTypeCanBeInlined(fileRevision.MimeType);
                            if (inline && isIE)
                                // check whether the creator of the file had unsafecontent permission, to override IE security
                                IList <ResourceBE> revisions         = ResourceBL.Instance.GetResourceRevisions(fileRevision.ResourceId, ResourceBE.ChangeOperations.CONTENT, SortDirection.DESC, 1);
                                UserBE             lastContentEditor = UserBL.GetUserById(revisions[0].UserId);
                                inline = PermissionsBL.IsUserAllowed(lastContentEditor, parentPage, Permissions.UNSAFECONTENT);
                        responseMsg = DreamMessage.Ok(fileRevision.MimeType, file.Length, file.Stream);
                        responseMsg.Headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff";
                        responseMsg.Headers.ContentDisposition        = new ContentDisposition(inline, fileRevision.Timestamp, null, null, fileRevision.Name, file.Length, request.Headers.UserAgent);

                        // MSIE6 will delete a downloaded file before the helper app trying to use it can get to it so we
                        //have to do custom cache control headers for MSIE6 so that the file can actually be opened
                        if (MSIE6_USER_AGENT_REGEX.IsMatch(request.Headers.UserAgent ?? string.Empty))
                            responseMsg.Headers["Expires"]   = "0";
                            responseMsg.Headers.Pragma       = "cache";
                            responseMsg.Headers.CacheControl = "private";
            } catch {
                if (responseMsg != null)
            yield break;
예제 #57
        public Yield TestCreateRetrieveHeadDelete(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
            string filename = Path.GetTempFileName();
            using(Stream s = File.OpenWrite(filename)) {
                byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TEST_CONTENTS);
                s.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
            _log.Debug("created file");

            // add a file
            Storage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).Put(DreamMessage.FromFile(filename, false));
            _log.Debug("put file");

            // get file and compare contents
            DreamMessage headResponse = Storage.AtPath(TEST_FILE_URI).Invoke(Verb.HEAD, DreamMessage.Ok());
            Assert.AreEqual(TEST_CONTENTS.Length, headResponse.ContentLength);
            _log.Debug("got content length");

            // delete file
            _log.Debug("deleted file");
            yield break;
예제 #58
        //--- Methods ---
        private ResourceBE GetAttachment(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Permissions access)
            PageBE p;

            return(GetAttachment(context, request, access, false, false, out p));
예제 #59
 public Yield GetHttp(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result<DreamMessage> response)
     yield return context.Relay(_redirect.At(context.GetSuffixes(UriPathFormat.Original)), request, response);
예제 #60
 public Yield Lifetime(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
     LifetimeTest = context.Container.Resolve <ILifetimeTest>() as LifetimeTest;
     yield break;