예제 #1
        //--- Constructors ---
        /// <summary>
        /// Create new handler instance
        /// </summary>
        public HttpHandler()
            if(_env == null) {
                lock(SyncRoot) {
                    if(_env == null) {
                        try {
                            _log.InfoMethodCall("ctor: initializing HttpHandler");
                            NameValueCollection settings = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;

                            // determine storage locations
                            string basePath = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.Server.MapPath("~");
                            string storagePath = settings["storage-dir"] ?? settings["service-dir"];
                            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(storagePath)) {
                                storagePath = Path.Combine(basePath, "storage");
                            } else if(!Path.IsPathRooted(storagePath)) {
                                storagePath = Path.Combine(basePath, storagePath);

                            // read configuration
                            string apikey = settings["apikey"];
                            _uri = new XUri(settings["public-uri"] ?? settings["root-uri"] ?? "http://localhost/@api");
                            _minSimilarity = _uri.MaxSimilarity;

                            // start dreamhost
                            XDoc config = new XDoc("config")
                                .Elem("guid", settings["guid"])
                                .Elem("uri.public", _uri.ToString())
                                .Elem("storage-dir", storagePath)
                                .Elem("host-path", settings["host-path"])
                                .Elem("connect-limit", settings["connect-limit"])
                                .Elem("apikey", apikey);
                            IDreamEnvironment env = new DreamHostService();

                            // load assemblies in 'services' folder
                            string servicesFolder = settings["service-dir"] ?? Path.Combine("bin", "services");
                            if(!Path.IsPathRooted(servicesFolder)) {
                                servicesFolder = Path.Combine(basePath, servicesFolder);
                            _log.DebugFormat("examining services directory '{0}'", servicesFolder);
                            if(Directory.Exists(servicesFolder)) {
                                Plug host = env.Self.With("apikey", apikey);
                                foreach(string file in Directory.GetFiles(servicesFolder, "*.dll")) {
                                    string assembly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                                    _log.DebugFormat("attempting to load '{0}'", assembly);

                                    // register assembly blueprints
                                    DreamMessage response = host.At("load").With("name", assembly).Post(new Result<DreamMessage>(TimeSpan.MaxValue)).Wait();
                                    if(!response.IsSuccessful) {
                                        _log.WarnFormat("DreamHost: ERROR: assembly '{0}' failed to load", file);
                            } else {
                                _log.WarnFormat("DreamHost: WARN: no services directory '{0}'", servicesFolder);

                            // execute script
                            string scriptFilename = settings["script"];
                            if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptFilename)) {
                                string filename = scriptFilename;
                                if(!Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) {
                                    filename = Path.Combine(basePath, filename);

                                // execute xml script file
                                XDoc script = XDocFactory.LoadFrom(filename, MimeType.XML);
                                Plug host = env.Self.With("apikey", apikey);

                            // register plug factory for this uri

                            // set _env variable so other constructors don't initialize it anymore
                            _env = env;
                        } catch(Exception e) {
                            _log.ErrorExceptionMethodCall(e, "ctor");
예제 #2
        //--- Constructors ---

        /// <summary>
        /// Create new handler instance
        /// </summary>
        public HttpHandler()
            if (_env == null)
                lock (SyncRoot) {
                    if (_env == null)
                        try {
                            _log.InfoMethodCall("ctor: initializing HttpHandler");
                            NameValueCollection settings = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;

                            // determine storage locations
                            string basePath    = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.Server.MapPath("~");
                            string storagePath = settings["storage-dir"] ?? settings["service-dir"];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storagePath))
                                storagePath = Path.Combine(basePath, "storage");
                            else if (!Path.IsPathRooted(storagePath))
                                storagePath = Path.Combine(basePath, storagePath);

                            // read configuration
                            string apikey = settings["apikey"];
                            _uri                   = new XUri(settings["public-uri"] ?? settings["root-uri"] ?? "http://localhost/@api");
                            _minSimilarity         = _uri.MaxSimilarity;
                            _dreamInParamAuthtoken = settings["dream.in.authtoken"];

                            // start dreamhost
                            XDoc config = new XDoc("config")
                                          .Elem("guid", settings["guid"])
                                          .Elem("uri.public", _uri.ToString())
                                          .Elem("storage-dir", storagePath)
                                          .Elem("host-path", settings["host-path"])
                                          .Elem("connect-limit", settings["connect-limit"])
                                          .Elem("apikey", apikey);
                            IDreamEnvironment env = new DreamHostService();

                            // load assemblies in 'services' folder
                            string servicesFolder = settings["service-dir"] ?? Path.Combine("bin", "services");
                            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(servicesFolder))
                                servicesFolder = Path.Combine(basePath, servicesFolder);
                            _log.DebugFormat("examining services directory '{0}'", servicesFolder);
                            if (Directory.Exists(servicesFolder))
                                Plug host = env.Self.With("apikey", apikey);
                                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(servicesFolder, "*.dll"))
                                    string assembly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                                    _log.DebugFormat("attempting to load '{0}'", assembly);

                                    // register assembly blueprints
                                    DreamMessage response = host.At("load").With("name", assembly).Post(new Result <DreamMessage>(TimeSpan.MaxValue)).Wait();
                                    if (!response.IsSuccessful)
                                        _log.WarnFormat("DreamHost: ERROR: assembly '{0}' failed to load", file);
                                _log.WarnFormat("DreamHost: WARN: no services directory '{0}'", servicesFolder);

                            // execute script
                            string scriptFilename = settings["script"];
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptFilename))
                                string filename = scriptFilename;
                                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filename))
                                    filename = Path.Combine(basePath, filename);

                                // execute xml script file
                                XDoc script = XDocFactory.LoadFrom(filename, MimeType.XML);
                                Plug host   = env.Self.With("apikey", apikey);

                            // register plug factory for this uri

                            // set _env variable so other constructors don't initialize it anymore
                            _env = env;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            _log.ErrorExceptionMethodCall(e, "ctor");