//The main logic of the game. static void PlayGame() { SetGameField(); DrawOnTheConsole.DrawMenu(); DrawOnTheConsole.PrintOnTheConsole(dwarfBeginPositionColumn, dwarfBeginPositionRow, "(0)", ConsoleColor.Green); while (true) { GenerateRocks(); bool isGamePlay = ChangeRockPosition(); if (isGamePlay == false) { break; } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); ChangePlayerDirection(key); MoveDwarf(); DrawOnTheConsole.PrintOnTheConsole(dwarfBeginPositionColumn, dwarfBeginPositionRow, "(0)", ConsoleColor.Green); } Thread.Sleep(150); } DrawOnTheConsole.PrintGameOver(); IsGameContinue(); }
//Restart the game and print Max Scores static void ResetGame() { Console.Clear(); rocksCollection.Clear(); autonumber = 0; if (score > maxScore) { maxScore = score; } if (maxScore > 0) { DrawOnTheConsole.PrintOnTheConsole(playingScreen + 4, 7, string.Format("Max score: {0}", maxScore), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); } score = 0; PlayGame(); }