private DragData OnDragParameter(DraggablePropertyNameLabel label) { var window = (IVisjectSurfaceWindow)Values[0]; var parameter = window.VisjectSurface.Parameters[(int)label.Tag]; return(DragNames.GetDragData(SurfaceParameter.DragPrefix, parameter.Name)); }
private DragData DragParameter(DragablePropertyNameLabel label) { var window = (VisjectSurfaceWindow <TAsset, TSurface, TPreview>)Values[0]; var parameter = window.Surface.Parameters[(int)label.Tag]; return(DragNames.GetDragData(SurfaceParameter.DragPrefix, parameter.Name)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.SetWindowSize(208, 40); Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Random rand = new Random(); Logo.ThemeSong(); string specialName = Speciality.GetSpeciality(); Speciality boogerSpecial = new Speciality(specialName, Speciality.GetValue(specialName)); Booger booger = new Booger(DragNames.GetBoogerDragName(), rand.Next(0, 21), rand.Next(5, 21), rand.Next(60, 301), rand.Next(21, 40), boogerSpecial, rand.Next(10, 31)); Console.WriteLine("You Walk into the WerkRoom"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome!\nYour Drag Name is: {0}\n", booger.Name); byte playOption = 3; do { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to:\n"); Console.WriteLine("1) Shante til you Drop\n"); Console.WriteLine("2) Try to Snatch That Crown\n"); Console.WriteLine("3) Rules of the Game"); playOption = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine()); switch (playOption) { case 1: PlayOptionOne(booger); break; case 2: PlayOptionTwo(booger); break; case 3: DisplayRules(); break; default: break; } } while (playOption == 3); Console.WriteLine("And Remember, If You Can't Love Yourself How in the Hell You Gonna Love Somebody Else?"); Console.WriteLine("Can I Get an Amen?"); string input = ""; do { input = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (input != "amen") { Console.WriteLine("Okay But Can I Get an Amen?"); } } while (input != "amen"); Console.WriteLine("Now let the Music Play!"); }
static void PlayOptionTwo(Booger player) { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to battle against:\n1) 4 Queens\n2) 8 Queens\n3) 16 Queens\n"); byte userSelection = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine()); byte heatherNumber = 2; switch (userSelection) { case 1: heatherNumber = 4; break; case 2: heatherNumber = 8; break; case 3: heatherNumber = 16; break; } Heather[] heathers = new Heather[heatherNumber]; Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < heatherNumber - 1; i++) { Random rand2 = new Random(); string heatherName = DragNames.GetHeatherDragName(false, (byte)rand.Next(0, 45)); Speciality heatherSpecial = new Speciality(Heather.GenerateHeatherSpecial(heatherName)); heathers[i] = (new Heather(heatherName, rand2.Next(0, 21), rand2.Next(5, 21), rand2.Next(60, 201), rand2.Next(21, 40), heatherSpecial, rand2.Next(10, 31))); } Speciality ruSpecial = new Speciality(Heather.GenerateHeatherSpecial("RuPaul")); heathers[heatherNumber - 1] = (new Heather("RuPaul", rand.Next(0, 21), rand.Next(5, 21), rand.Next(60, 401), rand.Next(21, 40), ruSpecial, rand.Next(10, 31))); bool exit = false; int heatherCounter = 0; do { Song singleSong = new Song(Song.SelectASong()); if (heatherCounter != heatherNumber - 1) { Console.WriteLine($"You are up against {heathers[heatherCounter].Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"\nRuPaul: {player.Name}, {heathers[heatherCounter].Name}... I'm sorry my dears but you are both up for elimination"); Thread.Sleep(4000); Console.WriteLine($"\tEach of you has been asked to prepare a lip sync to \"{singleSong.Name}\" by {singleSong.Artist}"); Thread.Sleep(4000); Console.WriteLine("\tTwo queens stand before me, ladies this is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from elimination."); Thread.Sleep(4000); } else { Console.WriteLine("RuPaul: That is it, you are coming for my crown and I can't have it..."); Console.Write("You will now battle against the true Queen... Me! Now truly...."); } Console.Write("\tThe time has come for you to lipsync"); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Console.Write('.'); Thread.Sleep(900); } Console.Write("FOR"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write(" YOUR"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine(" LIFE!"); Thread.Sleep(1000); //Lightning.LightningFlashes(); if (heatherCounter != heatherNumber - 1) { Console.Write("RuPaul: Good Luck"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine(" and don't *&#! it up!"); Thread.Sleep(2000); } else { Console.WriteLine("RuPaul: Good Luck...."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("RuPaul Laughs"); Thread.Sleep(2000); } LipSync.RandomRules(player, heathers[heatherCounter], singleSong); Song.PlaySong(singleSong); bool exit2 = false; do { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease Choose and action:\nL) Lipsync for Your Life\nP) Player Info\nR) Rules\nO) Opponent Info\nX) Exit"); ConsoleKey userChoice = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; Console.Clear(); switch (userChoice) { case ConsoleKey.L: LipSync.ForYourLife(player, heathers[heatherCounter]); if (heathers[heatherCounter].Nerve <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n{0} You're a Winner Baby", player.Name); Console.WriteLine("\n{0} Now Sashay Away....\n", heathers[heatherCounter].Name); LipSync.Loot(player, heathers[heatherCounter], rand); exit2 = true; heatherCounter++; Console.WriteLine("You've defeated {0} Queen{1}", heatherCounter, heatherCounter == 0 ? "" : "s"); } else { LipSync.ForYourLife(heathers[heatherCounter], player); } break; case ConsoleKey.P: Console.WriteLine("Player Info"); Console.WriteLine(player); break; case ConsoleKey.O: Console.WriteLine("Opponent Info"); Console.WriteLine(heathers[heatherCounter]); break; case ConsoleKey.R: DisplayRules(); break; case ConsoleKey.X: case ConsoleKey.E: player.Nerve = 0; exit2 = true; exit = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Roxxy Andrews Made it Clear... That Was Not a Valid Selection..."); break; } if (player.Nerve <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n{0} You're a Winner Baby", heathers[heatherCounter].Name); Console.WriteLine("{0} Now Sashay Away....\n", player.Name); Console.WriteLine("You defeated {0} Queen{1}", heatherCounter, heatherCounter == 0 ? "" : "s"); exit2 = true; exit = true; } } while (!exit2); } while (!exit); }