static void InitForAndroidBuild() { // 清空下载目录 DownloadList _instance = DownloadList.GetInstance(); if (_instance != null) { _instance.Clear(true); } BuildSettings.GetInstance(BuildSettings.AssetFileDir); // 清空Plugins/Android目录 ClearPluginsAndroid(); // 重置Plugins/Android ResetPluginsAndroid(); // 设置相关AndroidSDK相关设定 IAndroidSDKSettings androidSDK = GetCurAndroidSDKSetting(); if (androidSDK != null) { string gameName = BuildInfo.GetInstance().BuildName; string packageName = BuildInfo.GetInstance().BuildID; // 打包Android(apk文件)之前,提前应用设定 androidSDK.PreApplyAndroidBuild(gameName, packageName); } else { BuildLogger.LogWarning("Android SDK invalid!!"); } // 刷新 UtilsAsset.AssetsRefresh(); }
/// <summary> /// 新老版本两版软件之间的需要更新的文件列表,老软件信息可以为null /// </summary> /// <param name="verOld">老软件信息,可以为null</param> /// <param name="verNew">新版软件信息,可以为null</param> public static DownloadList CompareToDownloadList(SoftFile verOld, SoftFile verNew) { DownloadList downloadList = new DownloadList { targetVersion = verNew.version //目标版本 }; if (verOld != null) { downloadList.curVersion = verOld.version;//当前版本 } //遍历所有新文件 foreach (var item in verNew.files) { //如果这一项在老文件里包含了,那么就不用下载 if (verOld == null || !verOld.IsContainFile(item)) { DownloadFileItem dfi = new DownloadFileItem(item); if (verNew.rootUrl.EndsWith("/")) { dfi.url = verNew.rootUrl + dfi.relativePath; } else { dfi.url = verNew.rootUrl + "/" + dfi.relativePath; } downloadList.files.Add(dfi); } } return(downloadList); }
private void DownloadItem_StateChanged(object sender, DownloadSessionStateChangedEventArgs e) { var downloadItem = e.Session as DownloadItem; if (downloadItem == null) { return; } if (((e.OldState == DownloadState.Downloading) || (e.OldState == DownloadState.Paused) || (e.OldState == DownloadState.Ready)) && ((e.NewState == DownloadState.Cancelled) || (e.NewState == DownloadState.Failed) || (e.NewState == DownloadState.Success))) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { DownloadList.Remove(downloadItem); CompletedList.Add(downloadItem); }); } else if (CompletedList.Contains(downloadItem)) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { CompletedList.Remove(downloadItem); DownloadList.Add(downloadItem); }); } SetDownloadItemStatusText(downloadItem); }
void InitializeComponent() { DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size(900, 500); var mainVbox = new VBox(false, 0); MainMenubar = new MenuBar(); InitMenu(MainMenubar); MainToolbar = new Toolbar(); InitToolbar(MainToolbar); var splitCont = new HPaned(); // list of downloads downloadList = new DownloadList(); var scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); scrolledWindow.Child = downloadList; splitCont.Add2(scrolledWindow); nodeModel = downloadList.Model; // categories list catList = new CategoryTreeView(); splitCont.Add1(catList); catList.Selection.Changed += CategorySelectionOnChanged; mainVbox.PackStart(MainMenubar, false, true, 0); mainVbox.PackStart(MainToolbar, false, false, 0); mainVbox.PackStart(splitCont); Add(mainVbox); ShowAll(); }
public static FSFileInfo GetFileInfo(string fileName, bool addToDownloadList = false) { FSFileInfo result = null; var isFullPath = fileName.IndexOfAny(_slashes) != -1; var isWorkshopId = ulong.TryParse(fileName, out ulong workshopId); foreach (var provider in FileProviders) { foreach (var file in provider.Files) { if ((isFullPath && PathsAreEqual(file.Value.FullPath, fileName)) || (!isFullPath && string.Equals(fileName, file.Value.NameWithExtension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) || (isWorkshopId && file.Value.WorkshopId == workshopId)) { result = file.Value; break; } } } if (result != null && addToDownloadList) { DownloadList.Add(result); } return(result); }
private async void FetchMALAPIAnimeList() { try { MALAPI.API api = new MALAPI.API(); var animes = await api.UsersController.GetUserAnimeListAsync(UserListName); animes.Animes.ForEach(x => { if (x.MyStatus == MALAPI.AnimeListStatus.Watching) { if (x.SeriesStatus == "1") { DownloadList.Add(new AnimeViewModel(new Anime() { Title = x.SeriesTitle, Quality = this.Quality })); } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { TextBlock block = new TextBlock(); block.Margin = new Thickness(20); block.Text = ex.Message; await DialogHost.Show(ex.Message); } }
public override void Cleanup() { base.Cleanup(); MessengerInstance.Unregister(this); Settings.Default.CompletedListXml = CompletedList.Count > 0 ? XmlTools.Serialize(CompletedList.ToArray()) : string.Empty; if (DownloadList.Count > 0) { var downloadItems = DownloadList.ToArray(); var tasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var downloadItem in downloadItems) { var cancelTask = downloadItem.CancelAsync().ContinueWith(task => SetDownloadItemStatusText(downloadItem)); tasks.Add(cancelTask); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); Settings.Default.DownloadListXml = XmlTools.Serialize(downloadItems); } else { Settings.Default.DownloadListXml = string.Empty; } Settings.Default.Save(); }
private void SaveImages() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GlobalSettings.Instance.SavePath)) { new MetroMessagebox("Error", "No save directory specified. \nPlease go to settings and select a folder.").ShowDialog(); return; } var selected = MainImageList.Where(x => x.IsSelected); if (DownloadList.Count == 0) { _itemsDownloadingCount = 0; } foreach (BasePost post in selected) { if (post.IsSelected && DownloadList.IndexOf(post) == -1) { post.DownloadCompleted += post_DownloadCompleted; DownloadList.Add(post); } } // Fire the save for each file after all files have been added to the list. // Otherwise the completed event could be fired at incorrect times and cause progress bar to be off sometimes and/or jump around foreach (BasePost post in DownloadList) { if (!post.IsDownloaded) { post.SaveImage(); } } }
private async void HandleNewVideoDownload(VideoDownloadItem downloadItem) { downloadItem.DownloadProgressChanged += DownloadItem_DownloadProgressChanged; downloadItem.StateChanged += DownloadItem_StateChanged; //downloadItem.DownloadSession.DownloadFileCompleted += WebClientOnDownloadFileCompleted; DownloadList.Add(downloadItem); await downloadItem.DownloadAsync(false); }
private void OnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { Save(); _removeCompletedCommand?.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); _removeAllCommand?.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); _installAllCommand?.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); HasMoreThanOneWaiting = DownloadList.Count(x => x.State == ContentInstallationEntryState.WaitingForConfirmation) > 1; }
private void RemoveDownloadItem(DownloadItem downloadItem) { if ((downloadItem == null) || !downloadItem.CanBeRemoved) { return; } DownloadList.Remove(downloadItem); CompletedList.Remove(downloadItem); }
private async void DownloadButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var model = currentModel; DownloadList.Remove(model); await PixivEx.DownloadIllustInternal(model); messageQueue.Enqueue(Externally.DownloadComplete(model)); }
private async void DownloadSingleFromDownloadListButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var illust = sender.GetDataContext <Illustration>(); DownloadList.Remove(illust); await PixivEx.DownloadIllustInternal(illust); Notice(Externally.DownloadComplete(illust)); }
private async void DownloadNowMenuItem_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var illust = sender.GetDataContext <Illustration>(); DownloadList.Remove(illust); await PixivEx.DownloadIllustInternal(illust); MessageQueue.Enqueue(Externally.DownloadComplete(illust)); }
private async void DownloadButton_OnMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var model = sender.GetDataContext <Illustration>(); DownloadList.Remove(model); await PixivEx.DownloadIllustInternal(model); MessageQueue.Enqueue(Externally.DownloadComplete(model)); }
private static void InitForExportXcodeProject() { // 清空下载目录 DownloadList _instance = DownloadList.GetInstance(); if (_instance != null) { _instance.Clear(true); } BuildSettings.GetInstance(BuildSettings.AssetFileDir); }
private void DownloadTXTs(DownloadMeta meta) { DownloadList dl = new DownloadList(meta, this.GetFileList(meta)); var something = dl.GetNext(); if (something.HasValue) { this.OnDownloadBegin(new StringEventArgs(Path.GetFileName(something.Value.Key))); this.OnDownloadTranslationProgressChanged(new DownloadTranslationProgressChangedEventArgs(dl.CurrentCount, dl.TotalCount)); this.myWebClient.DownloadToMemoryAsync(something.Value.Value, something.Value.Key, dl); } }
private void AddAllToDownloadListButton_OnMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (SpotlightTab.IsSelected) { DownloadList.Add(sender.GetDataContext <Illustration>()); } else if (GetImageSourceCopy() is { } illusts) { DownloadList.AddRange(illusts); } MessageQueue.Enqueue(Externally.AddedAllToDownloadList); }
static void InitForAndroidBuild() { // 清空下载目录 DownloadList _instance = DownloadList.GetInstance(); if (_instance != null) { _instance.Clear(true); } // 初始化打包信息 BuildSettings.GetInstance(BuildSettings.AssetFileDir); #if UNITY_ANDROID // 设定选项 // 天鸽的场合 if (TPlatformType.Tiange == BuildInfo.GetInstance().PlatformType) { // 初始化SDK设定信息&导入最新 TiangeSDKSettings.GetInstance(TiangeSDKSettings.AssetFileDir).ImportFromJsonFile(true); BuildLogger.LogMessage("TiangeSDKSettings -> ImportFromJsonFile()."); BuildLogger.LogMessage("TiangeSDKSettings::OneSDK:{0}(MetaData:{1}).", TiangeSDKSettings.GetInstance().Data.Options.isOptionValid(BuildSystem.Options.TSDKOptions.OneSDK).ToString(), TiangeSDKSettings.GetInstance().Data.Options.OneSDK.MetaDatas.Count.ToString()); TiangeSDKSettings.GetInstance().Data.Options.OptionsSettings = BuildInfo.GetInstance().Data.Options.OptionsSettings; } // 清空Plugins/Android目录 ClearPluginsAndroid(); // 重置Plugins/Android ResetPluginsAndroid(); // 设置相关AndroidSDK相关设定 IAndroidSDKSettings androidSDK = GetCurAndroidSDKSetting(); if (androidSDK != null) { string gameName = BuildInfo.GetInstance().BuildName; string packageName = BuildInfo.GetInstance().BuildID; // 打包Android(apk文件)之前,提前应用设定 androidSDK.PreApplyAndroidBuild(gameName, packageName); } else { BuildLogger.LogWarning("Android SDK invalid!!"); } #endif // 刷新 UtilsAsset.AssetsRefresh(); }
private void MyWebClient_DownloadToMemoryCompleted(object sender, DownloadToMemoryCompletedEventArgs e) { // e.Tag DownloadList dl = e.UserState as DownloadList; if (e.Error != null) { this.OnDownloadTranslationCompleted(new System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs(e.Error, false, null)); } else if (e.Cancelled) { this.OnDownloadTranslationCompleted(new System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs(null, true, null)); } else { // Throw the memory to the archive then free it // e.Result System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new System.Threading.WaitCallback(delegate { dl.ZipFile.AddEntry(dl.CurrentItem.Value.Key, e.Result); /*var entry = dl.ZipFile.AddEntry(dl.CurrentItem.Value.Key, new Ionic.Zip.WriteDelegate((_string, _stream) => * { * _stream.Write(e.Result.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)e.Result.Length); * }));*/ dl.ZipFile.Save(); e.Result.Dispose(); var something = dl.GetNext(); if (something != null && something.HasValue) { this.OnDownloadBegin(new StringEventArgs(Path.GetFileName(something.Value.Key))); this.OnDownloadTranslationProgressChanged(new DownloadTranslationProgressChangedEventArgs(dl.CurrentCount, dl.TotalCount)); this.myWebClient.DownloadToMemoryAsync(something.Value.Value, something.Value.Key, dl); } else { dl.ZipFile.AddEntry("TranslationPackData.ini", dl.Meta.TranslationDescription.ToString()); dl.ZipFile.AddEntry("datas.ini", dl.Meta.DataEncryption.ToString()); dl.ZipFile.Save(); dl.ZipFile.Dispose(); File.Delete(dl.OutputPath); File.Move(dl.ZipPath, dl.OutputPath); if (dl.Meta.VersionDate.HasValue) { File.SetLastWriteTime(dl.OutputPath, dl.Meta.VersionDate.Value); } this.OnDownloadTranslationCompleted(new System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs(null, false, dl.Meta)); } }), null); } }
public async void Downloadfile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { filenames = new List <string>(); string url = ServiceConfig.BaseURL + string.Format(ServiceConfig.filenamelistFormat, "YN", objectname, objectid.ToString()); filenames = await CommonRepo.Getappendixnames(url); DownloadList downloadfilewindow = new DownloadList(this); downloadfilewindow.Show(); //await DownloadfileAsync(); }
internal void Download(string URL, string Category, Action <string[], object> Callback, object State = null) { string Folder; if (Category == null) { Folder = DownloadFolder; } else { Folder = Path.Combine(DownloadFolder, Category); } DownloadList.Add(new DownloadEntry(URL, Folder, null, Callback, State)); }
public void RemoveItemFromListByValue(DownloadOperationValue value) { var index = DownloadList.ToList().FindIndex(i => i.Value == value); if (index == -1) { return; } var item = DownloadList[index].Key; item.FinishedTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm tt"); DownloadFinishedList.Insert(0, DownloadList[index].Key); DownloadList.RemoveAt(index); }
void InitData() { spriteObjDict.Clear(); string baseUrl = @" Models/"; DownloadList downloadList = Resources.Load <DownloadList>("DownloadList"); //Debug.Log(downloadList.list.Count); for (int i = 0; i < downloadList.list.Count; i++) { string fileurl = baseUrl + downloadList.list[i].filename; urlList.Add(fileurl); } }
public void DeleteTask(TaskViewModel from) { if (DownloadList.Contains(from)) { DownloadList.Remove(from); } if (CompleteList.Contains(from)) { CompleteList.Remove(from); } if (ErrorList.Contains(from)) { ErrorList.Remove(from); } }
public void TaskDownload(TaskViewModel from) { if (DownloadList.Contains(from) == false) { if (ErrorList.Contains(from)) { ErrorList.Remove(from); } if (CompleteList.Contains(from)) { CompleteList.Remove(from); } DownloadList.Insert(0, from); } }
public void SaveSettings() { try { configFile.Write("UserListName", UserListName, "Settings"); configFile.Write("DownloadsPath", DownloadsPath, "Settings"); configFile.Write("TorrentsPath", TorrentsPath, "Settings"); configFile.Write("ConfigPath", ConfigPath, "Settings"); configFile.Write("Quality", Quality, "Settings"); configFile.Write("MinimizeOnExit", MinimizeOnExit.ToString(), "Settings"); configFile.Write("MaxDownloadSpeed", MaxDownloadSpeed, "Settings"); configFile.Write("DownloadList", DownloadList.Select(x => $"{x.Title}~{x.Quality}").Aggregate((x, y) => $"{x},{y}"), "Settings"); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Сохраняем информацию о манге /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Путь сохранения. При дефолтном значении, будет использован путь автосохранения.</param> /// <param name="dList">Список загрузки</param> /// <returns>0 - всё ок, иначе - код ошибки</returns> public byte saveManga(DownloadList dList, string path = null) { byte ex = 1; byte result; try { //Инициализируем сериализатор XML XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DownloadListXml)); //Инициализируем класс списка загрузок DownloadListXml list = new DownloadListXml(); //Загружаем информацию о манге в список загрузок result = list.loadFromMangaList(dList); //Если всё ок if (result == 0) { //Если не был указан путь сохранения if (path == null) { //Указываем путь автосохранения path = autosavePath; //Делаем бекап файла автосохранения (если он нужен) backupAutosave(); } //Инициализируем поток записи в файл using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path)) { //Сериализуем в файл наш класс xs.Serialize(sw, list); //Сохраняем и закрываем поток sw.Flush(); sw.Dispose(); } //Всё ок ex = 0; } else { //Ошибка - манга не была загружена ex = 2; } } catch { ex = 1; } return(ex); }
/// <summary> /// Загружаем мангу /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Путь загрузки манги. По дефолту - путь автозагрузки</param> /// <returns>Результат выполнения операции. 0 - всё ок, иначе - код ошибки.</returns> public byte loadManga(string path = null) { byte ex = 1; try { //Если список загрузки был создан if (dList != null) { //Если путь не пустой if ((path == null) || (path.Length != 0)) { //Очищаем список загрузки dList.clearManga(); //Загружаем мангу dList = xw.loadManga(path); //Если была ошибка загрузки if (dList == null) { //РЕинициализируем список dList = new DownloadList(); //Возвращаем код ошибки загрузки ex = 3; } else { //Всё ок ex = 0; } } else { //ОШибка - пустой путь ex = 4; } } else { //Список загрузки ещё не было проинициализирован ex = 2; } } catch { ex = 1; } return(ex); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); MainDownloadList = new DownloadList(); StatsForm = new StatisticsForm(); ManageBuildsForm = new ManageBuildsForm(); ManageTagsForm = new ManageTagsForm(); ManageRoutesForm = new ManageRoutesForm(); ManageUsersForm = new ManageUsersForm(); ManageServerForm = new ManageServerForm(); ConsoleOutputForm = new ConsoleForm(); PeersForm = new PeersForm(); ManifestsForm = new ManifestsForm(); DeserializedDockContent = GetLayoutContentFromPersistString; }