public void TestAggregate()
            IConfigurableCacheFactory ccf = CacheFactory.ConfigurableCacheFactory;

            IXmlDocument config = XmlHelper.LoadXml("assembly://Coherence.Tests/Tangosol.Resources/s4hc-local-cache-config.xml");

            ccf.Config = config;

            INamedCache cache = CacheFactory.GetCache("local-default");


            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey1", 100);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey2", 80.5);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey3", 19.5);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey4", 2);

            IEntryAggregator aggregator = new DoubleAverage(IdentityExtractor.Instance);
            object           result     = cache.Aggregate(cache.Keys, aggregator);

            Assert.AreEqual(50.5, result);

            cache.Insert("comparableKey5", null);
            result = cache.Aggregate(cache.Keys, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(50.5, result);

            IFilter alwaysFilter = new AlwaysFilter();

            result = cache.Aggregate(alwaysFilter, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(50.5, result);


            ht = new Hashtable();
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey1", 435);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey2", 253);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey3", 3);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey4", null);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey5", -3);

            aggregator = new ComparableMax(IdentityExtractor.Instance);
            object max = cache.Aggregate(cache.Keys, aggregator);

            Assert.AreEqual(max, 435);

            max = cache.Aggregate(alwaysFilter, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(max, 435);


            ht = new Hashtable();
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey1", 435);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey2", 253);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey3", 3);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey4", 3);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey5", 3);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey6", null);
            ht.Add("comparableMaxKey7", null);

            aggregator = new DistinctValues(IdentityExtractor.Instance);
            result     = cache.Aggregate(cache.Keys, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, ((ICollection)result).Count);
            foreach (object o in ht.Values)
                Assert.IsTrue(((IList)result).Contains(o) || o == null);

            IFilter lessFilter = new LessFilter(IdentityExtractor.Instance, 100);

            result = cache.Aggregate(lessFilter, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, ((ICollection)result).Count);


            ht = new Hashtable();
            ht.Add("key1", 100);
            ht.Add("key2", 80.5);
            ht.Add("key3", 19.5);
            ht.Add("key4", 2);


            aggregator = new DoubleSum(IdentityExtractor.Instance);
            result     = cache.Aggregate(cache.Keys, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(202, result);

            IFilter filter = new AlwaysFilter();

            result = cache.Aggregate(filter, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(202, result);


            ht = new Hashtable();
            ht.Add("key1", 100);
            ht.Add("key2", 80);
            ht.Add("key3", 19);
            ht.Add("key4", 2);
            ht.Add("key5", null);


            aggregator = new LongSum(IdentityExtractor.Instance);
            result     = cache.Aggregate(cache.Keys, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(201, result);

            IFilter greaterFilter = new GreaterFilter(IdentityExtractor.Instance, 1);

            result = cache.Aggregate(greaterFilter, aggregator);
            Assert.AreEqual(201, result);

예제 #2
        public static IEnumerable <TestCaseData> GetTestCases()
            var MAX_OF     = new Max();
            var MIN_OF     = new Min();
            var ABS_OF     = new Abs();
            var TO_INTEGER = new ToInteger();
            var TO_DOUBLE  = new ToDouble();
            var TO_LONG    = new ToLong();

            var INT_SUM_OF    = new IntSum();
            var DOUBLE_SUM_OF = new DoubleSum();
            var LONG_SUM_OF   = new LongSum();

            var INT_SUBTRACT_OF    = new IntSubtract();
            var DOUBLE_SUBTRACT_OF = new DoubleSubtract();
            var LONG_SUBTRACT_OF   = new LongSubtract();

            var DIV_OF           = new Divide();
            var DIV_AND_ROUND_OF = new DivideAndRound();

            object[][] tests = new object[][] {
                new object[] { "max-empty-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(), null },
                new object[] { "max-null", MAX_OF, null, null },
                new object[] { "max-object", MAX_OF, new JArray(new JObject()), null },

                new object[] { "max-single-int-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "max-single-long-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "max-single-double-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "max-single-int-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "max-single-long-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "max-single-double-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "max-single-int-array-extra-arg", MAX_OF, new JArray(1, "a"), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "max-single-long-array-extra-arg", MAX_OF, new JArray(1L, "a"), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "max-single-double-array-extra-arg", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, "a"), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "max-single-int-list-extra-arg", MAX_OF, new JArray(1, "a"), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "max-single-long-list-extra-arg", MAX_OF, new JArray(1L, "a"), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "max-single-double-list-extra-arg", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, "a"), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "max-multi-int-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1, 3, 2, 5), new JValue(5) },
                new object[] { "max-multi-long-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1L, 3L, 2L, 5L), new JValue(5L) },
                new object[] { "max-multi-double-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 5.0), new JValue(5.0) },

                new object[] { "max-multi-int-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1, 3, 2, 5), new JValue(5) },
                new object[] { "max-multi-long-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1L, 3L, 2L, 5L), new JValue(5L) },
                new object[] { "max-multi-double-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 5.0), new JValue(5.0) },

                new object[] { "max-combo-int-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3L, null, 5), new JValue(5) },
                new object[] { "max-combo-long-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3L, null, 5L), new JValue(5L) },
                new object[] { "max-combo-double-array", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3L, null, 5.0), new JValue(5.0) },

                new object[] { "max-combo-int-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3L, null, 5), new JValue(5) },
                new object[] { "max-combo-long-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3L, null, 5L), new JValue(5L) },
                new object[] { "max-combo-double-list", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3L, null, 5.0), new JValue(5.0) },

                new object[] { "max-NaN", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, Double.NaN), new JValue(Double.NaN) },
                new object[] { "max-positive-infinity", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, Double.PositiveInfinity), new JValue(Double.PositiveInfinity) },
                new object[] { "max-NaN-positive-infinity", MAX_OF, new JArray(1.0, Double.NaN, Double.PositiveInfinity), new JValue(Double.NaN) },

                new object[] { "min-empty-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(), null },
                new object[] { "min-null", MIN_OF, null, null },
                new object[] { "min-object", MIN_OF, new JObject(), null },

                new object[] { "min-single-int-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "min-single-long-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "min-single-double-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1.0), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "min-single-int-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "min-single-long-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "min-single-double-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1.0), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "min-single-int-array-extra-arg", MIN_OF, new JArray(1, "a"), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "min-single-long-array-extra-arg", MIN_OF, new JArray(1L, "a"), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "min-single-double-array-extra-arg", MIN_OF, new JArray(1.0, "a"), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "min-single-int-list-extra-arg", MIN_OF, new JArray(1, "a"), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "min-single-long-list-extra-arg", MIN_OF, new JArray(1L, "a"), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "min-single-double-list-extra-arg", MIN_OF, new JArray(1.0, "a"), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "min-multi-int-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1, 3, 2, 5), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "min-multi-long-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1L, 3L, 2L, 5L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "min-multi-double-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 5.0), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "min-multi-int-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1, 3, 2, 5), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "min-multi-long-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1L, 3L, 2L, 5L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "min-multi-double-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 5.0), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "min-combo-int-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1, 3L, null, 5.0), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "min-combo-long-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1L, 3, null, 5.0), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "min-combo-double-array", MIN_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3L, null, 5), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "min-combo-int-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1, 3L, null, 5.0), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "min-combo-long-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1L, 3, null, 5.0), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "min-combo-double-list", MIN_OF, new JArray(1.0, 3L, null, 5), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "min-NaN", MIN_OF, new JArray(-1.0, Double.NaN), new JValue(Double.NaN) },
                new object[] { "min-negative-Infinity", MIN_OF, new JArray(-1.0, Double.NegativeInfinity), new JValue(Double.NegativeInfinity) },
                new object[] { "min-NaN-positive-infinity", MIN_OF, new JArray(-1.0, Double.NaN, Double.NegativeInfinity), new JValue(Double.NaN) },

                new object[] { "abs-null", ABS_OF, null, null },
                new object[] { "abs-invalid", ABS_OF, new JObject(), null },
                new object[] { "abs-empty-array", ABS_OF, new JArray(), null },

                new object[] { "abs-single-negative-int", ABS_OF, new JValue(-1), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "abs-single-negative-long", ABS_OF, new JValue(-1L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "abs-single-negative-double", ABS_OF, new JValue(-1.0), new JValue(1.0) },
                new object[] { "abs-single-positive-int", ABS_OF, new JValue(1), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "abs-single-positive-long", ABS_OF, new JValue(1L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "abs-single-positive-double", ABS_OF, new JValue(1.0), new JValue(1.0) },

                new object[] { "abs-list", ABS_OF, new JArray(-1, -1L, -1.0), new JArray(1, 1L, 1.0) },
                new object[] { "abs-array", ABS_OF, new JArray(-1, -1L, -1.0), new JArray(1, 1L, 1.0) },

                new object[] { "abs-Nan", ABS_OF, new JValue(Double.NaN), new JValue(Double.NaN) },
                new object[] { "abs-PosInfinity", ABS_OF, new JValue(Double.PositiveInfinity), new JValue(Double.PositiveInfinity) },
                new object[] { "abs-NefInfinity", ABS_OF, new JValue(Double.NegativeInfinity), new JValue(Double.PositiveInfinity) },

                new object[] { "toInt-null", TO_INTEGER, null, null },
                new object[] { "toInt-invalid", TO_INTEGER, new JObject(), null },
                new object[] { "toInt-empty-array", TO_INTEGER, new JArray(), null },

                new object[] { "toInt-single-positive-string", TO_INTEGER, new JValue("1"), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-negative-string", TO_INTEGER, new JValue("-1"), new JValue(-1) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-positive-int", TO_INTEGER, new JValue(1), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-negative-int", TO_INTEGER, new JValue(-1), new JValue(-1) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-positive-long", TO_INTEGER, new JValue(1L), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-negative-long", TO_INTEGER, new JValue(-1L), new JValue(-1) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-positive-double", TO_INTEGER, new JValue(1.0), new JValue(1) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-negative-double", TO_INTEGER, new JValue(-1.0), new JValue(-1) },

                new object[] { "toInt-single-positive-string-list", TO_INTEGER, new JArray("1", "2"), new JArray(1, 2) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-negative-string-array", TO_INTEGER, new JArray("-1", "-2"), new JArray(-1, -2) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-positive-int-list", TO_INTEGER, new JArray(1, 2), new JArray(1, 2) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-negative-int-array", TO_INTEGER, new JArray(-1, -2), new JArray(-1, -2) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-positive-long-list", TO_INTEGER, new JArray(1L, 2L), new JArray(1, 2) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-negative-long-array", TO_INTEGER, new JArray(-1L, -2L), new JArray(-1, -2) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-positive-double-list", TO_INTEGER, new JArray(1.0, 2.0), new JArray(1, 2) },
                new object[] { "toInt-single-negative-double-array", TO_INTEGER, new JArray(-1.0, -2.0), new JArray(-1, -2) },

                new object[] { "toDouble-null", TO_DOUBLE, null, null },
                new object[] { "toDouble-invalid", TO_DOUBLE, new JObject(), null },
                new object[] { "toDouble-empty-array", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray(), null },

                new object[] { "toDouble-single-positive-string", TO_DOUBLE, new JValue("1"), new JValue(1.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-negative-string", TO_DOUBLE, new JValue("-1"), new JValue(-1.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-positive-int", TO_DOUBLE, new JValue(1), new JValue(1.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-negative-int", TO_DOUBLE, new JValue(-1), new JValue(-1.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-positive-long", TO_DOUBLE, new JValue(1L), new JValue(1.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-negative-long", TO_DOUBLE, new JValue(-1L), new JValue(-1.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-positive-double", TO_DOUBLE, new JValue(1.0), new JValue(1.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-negative-double", TO_DOUBLE, new JValue(-1.0), new JValue(-1.0) },

                new object[] { "toDouble-single-positive-string-list", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray("1", "2"), new JArray(1.0, 2.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-negative-string-array", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray("-1", "-2"), new JArray(-1.0, -2.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-positive-int-list", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray(1, 2), new JArray(1.0, 2.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-negative-int-array", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray(-1, -2), new JArray(-1.0, -2.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-positive-long-list", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray(1L, 2L), new JArray(1.0, 2.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-negative-long-array", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray(-1L, -2L), new JArray(-1.0, -2.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-positive-double-list", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray(1.0, 2.0), new JArray(1.0, 2.0) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-single-negative-double-array", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray(-1.0, -2.0), new JArray(-1.0, -2.0) },

                new object[] { "toLong-null", TO_LONG, null, null },
                new object[] { "toLong-invalid", TO_LONG, new JObject(), null },
                new object[] { "toLong-empty-array", TO_LONG, new JArray(), null },

                new object[] { "toLong-single-positive-string", TO_LONG, new JValue("1"), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-negative-string", TO_LONG, new JValue("-1"), new JValue(-1L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-positive-int", TO_LONG, new JValue(1), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-negative-int", TO_LONG, new JValue(-1), new JValue(-1L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-positive-long", TO_LONG, new JValue(1L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-negative-long", TO_LONG, new JValue(-1L), new JValue(-1L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-positive-double", TO_LONG, new JValue(1L), new JValue(1L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-negative-double", TO_LONG, new JValue(-1L), new JValue(-1L) },

                new object[] { "toLong-single-positive-string-list", TO_LONG, new JArray("1", "2"), new JArray(1L, 2L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-negative-string-array", TO_LONG, new JArray("-1", "-2"), new JArray(-1L, -2L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-positive-int-list", TO_LONG, new JArray(1, 2), new JArray(1L, 2L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-negative-int-array", TO_LONG, new JArray(-1, -2), new JArray(-1L, -2L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-positive-long-list", TO_LONG, new JArray(1L, 2L), new JArray(1L, 2L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-negative-long-array", TO_LONG, new JArray(-1L, -2L), new JArray(-1L, -2L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-positive-double-list", TO_LONG, new JArray(1L, 2L), new JArray(1L, 2L) },
                new object[] { "toLong-single-negative-double-array", TO_LONG, new JArray(-1L, -2L), new JArray(-1L, -2L) },

                new object[] { "toInteger-combo-string-array", TO_INTEGER, new JArray("-1", 2, -3L, 4.0), new JArray(-1, 2, -3, 4) },
                new object[] { "toLong-combo-int-array", TO_LONG, new JArray("-1", 2, -3L, 4.0), new JArray(-1L, 2L, -3L, 4L) },
                new object[] { "toDouble-combo-long-array", TO_DOUBLE, new JArray("-1", 2, -3L, 4.0), new JArray(-1.0, 2.0, -3.0, 4.0) },

                new object[] { "intsum-combo-string-array", INT_SUM_OF, new JArray(1, 2.0, "random", 0), new JValue(3) },
                new object[] { "intsum-single-value", INT_SUM_OF, new JValue(2), null },
                new object[] { "intsum-combo-intstring-array", INT_SUM_OF, new JArray(1L, 2, "-3.0", 0), new JValue(0) },

                new object[] { "doublesum-combo-string-array", DOUBLE_SUM_OF, new JArray(1, 2.0, "random", 0), new JValue(3.0) },
                new object[] { "doublesum-single-value", DOUBLE_SUM_OF, new JValue(2), null },
                new object[] { "doublesum-combo-intstring-array", DOUBLE_SUM_OF, new JArray(1L, 2, "-3.0", 0), new JValue(0.0) },

                new object[] { "longsum-combo-string-array", LONG_SUM_OF, new JArray(1, 2.0, "random", 0), new JValue(3L) },
                new object[] { "longsum-single-value", LONG_SUM_OF, new JValue(2), null },
                new object[] { "longsum-combo-intstring-array", LONG_SUM_OF, new JArray(1L, 2, "-3.0", 0), new JValue(0L) },

                new object[] { "intsubtract-happy-path", INT_SUBTRACT_OF, new JArray(4, 1), new JValue(3) },
                new object[] { "intsubtract-single-value", INT_SUBTRACT_OF, new JValue(2), null },
                new object[] { "intsubtract-wrong-type", INT_SUBTRACT_OF, new JArray(4.0, 1), null },

                new object[] { "doublesubtract-happy-path", DOUBLE_SUBTRACT_OF, new JArray(4.0, 1.0), new JValue(3.0) },
                new object[] { "doublesubtract-single-value", DOUBLE_SUBTRACT_OF, new JValue(2.0), null },
                new object[] { "doublesubtract-wrong-type", DOUBLE_SUBTRACT_OF, new JArray(4L, 1), null },

                new object[] { "longsubtract-happy-path", LONG_SUBTRACT_OF, new JArray(4L, 1L), new JValue(3L) },
                new object[] { "longsubtract-single-value", LONG_SUBTRACT_OF, new JValue(2L), null },
                new object[] { "longsubtract-wrong-type", LONG_SUBTRACT_OF, new JArray(4.0, 1), null },

                // Test to make sure "div" only uses the first and second element in the array and ignores the rest.
                new object[] { "div-combo-array", DIV_OF, new JArray(10L, 5.0, 2), null },
                new object[] { "div-combo-string-array", DIV_OF, new JArray(10L, "5", 2), null },
                new object[] { "div-single-element-array", DIV_OF, new JArray("5"), null },
                new object[] { "div-single-element", DIV_OF, new JValue("10"), null },

                // Dividing by 0 returns an empty result.
                new object[] { "div-combo-invalid-array", DIV_OF, new JArray(10L, 0, 2), null },

                // Dividing 0 by any number returns 0.0(double)
                new object[] { "div-combo-valid-array", DIV_OF, new JArray(0.0, 10), new JValue(0.0) },

                new object[] { "divAndRound-single-precision-array", DIV_AND_ROUND_OF, new JArray(1, 5.0, 2), new JValue(2.5) },
                new object[] { "divAndRound-double-precision-array", DIV_AND_ROUND_OF, new JArray(2, 5.0, 2), new JValue(2.50) },
                new object[] { "divAndRound-trailing-precision-array", DIV_AND_ROUND_OF, new JArray(3, 5.0, 2), new JValue(2.500) },
                new object[] { "divAndRound-no-precision-array", DIV_AND_ROUND_OF, new JArray(0, 5.0, 2), new JValue(3.0) },          // Round up as >= 0.5
                new object[] { "divAndRound-no-precision-array", DIV_AND_ROUND_OF, new JArray(0, 4.8, 2), new JValue(2.0) },          // Round down as < 0.5

            foreach (var test in tests)
                yield return(new TestCaseData(test.Skip(1).ToArray())
                    TestName = $"RunTest({test[0]})"