예제 #1
        public void SerializeAndDeserializeToTheSameObject(double originalValue)
            Serializer <double> serializer = new DoubleSerializer();

            byte[] serializedValue   = serializer.Serialize(originalValue);
            double deserializedValue = serializer.Deserialize(serializedValue);

            Assert.Equal(originalValue, deserializedValue);
        public void IsBigEndian()
            var buffer = new byte[] { 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            var value  = BitConverter.ToDouble(buffer, 0);
            var data   = new DoubleSerializer().Serialize(null, value);

            Assert.Equal(23, data[7]);
            Assert.Equal(0, data[0]);
예제 #3
        private Dictionary <Type, ISerializer> GetDefaultSerializers()
            Dictionary <Type, ISerializer> tmp = new Dictionary <Type, ISerializer>();

            tmp[typeof(byte)]   = new ByteSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(sbyte)]  = new SByteSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(bool)]   = new BooleanSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(short)]  = new ShortSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(ushort)] = new UShortSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(int)]    = new IntSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(uint)]   = new UIntSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(long)]   = new LongSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(ulong)]  = new ULongSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(float)]  = new FloatSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(double)] = new DoubleSerializer();
            tmp[typeof(string)] = new StringSerializer(this);
            tmp[typeof(Array)]  = new ArraySerializer(this);

예제 #4
 public WKTSerializers(ISerializerStorage serializerStorage, IValueTypeObjectsDictionary objectCache)
     Boolean        = new BooleanSerializer(serializerStorage);
     Byte           = new ByteSerializer(serializerStorage);
     Char           = new CharSerializer(serializerStorage);
     DateTime       = new DateTimeSerializer(serializerStorage);
     DateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffsetSerializer(serializerStorage);
     Decimal        = new DecimalSerializer(serializerStorage);
     Double         = new DoubleSerializer(serializerStorage);
     Guid           = new GuidSerializer(serializerStorage);
     Int16          = new Int16Serializer(serializerStorage);
     Int32          = new Int32Serializer(serializerStorage);
     Int64          = new Int64Serializer(serializerStorage);
     Object         = new ObjectSerializer(serializerStorage);
     SByte          = new SByteSerializer(serializerStorage);
     Single         = new SingleSerializer(serializerStorage);
     String         = new StringSerializer(serializerStorage, objectCache);
     TimeSpan       = new TimeSpanSerializer(serializerStorage);
     UInt16         = new UInt16Serializer(serializerStorage);
     UInt32         = new UInt32Serializer(serializerStorage);
        private ClassInfo <T> RegisterInternal <T>()
            if (ClassInfo <T> .Instance != null)
                return(ClassInfo <T> .Instance);

            var t     = typeof(T);
            var props = t.GetProperties(
                BindingFlags.Instance |
                BindingFlags.Public |
                BindingFlags.GetProperty |
            var serializers = new List <FastCall <T> >();

            for (var i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
                var property     = props[i];
                var propertyType = property.PropertyType;

                var elementType = propertyType.IsArray ? propertyType.GetElementType() : propertyType;
                var callType    = propertyType.IsArray ? CallType.Array : CallType.Basic;

                if (propertyType.IsGenericType && propertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>))
                    elementType = propertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    callType    = CallType.List;

                var getMethod = property.GetGetMethod();
                var setMethod = property.GetSetMethod();
                if (getMethod == null || setMethod == null)

                FastCall <T> serialzer = null;
                if (propertyType.IsEnum)
                    var underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(propertyType);
                    if (underlyingType == typeof(byte))
                        serialzer = new EnumByteSerializer <T>(property, propertyType);
                    else if (underlyingType == typeof(int))
                        serialzer = new EnumIntSerializer <T>(property, propertyType);
                        throw new InvalidTypeException("Not supported enum underlying type: " + underlyingType.Name);
                else if (elementType == typeof(string))
                    serialzer = new StringSerializer <T>(_maxStringLength);
                else if (elementType == typeof(bool))
                    serialzer = new BoolSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(byte))
                    serialzer = new ByteSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(sbyte))
                    serialzer = new SByteSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(short))
                    serialzer = new ShortSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(ushort))
                    serialzer = new UShortSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(int))
                    serialzer = new IntSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(uint))
                    serialzer = new UIntSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(long))
                    serialzer = new LongSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(ulong))
                    serialzer = new ULongSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(float))
                    serialzer = new FloatSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(double))
                    serialzer = new DoubleSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(char))
                    serialzer = new CharSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(IPEndPoint))
                    serialzer = new IPEndPointSerializer <T>();
                    CustomType customType;
                    _registeredTypes.TryGetValue(elementType, out customType);
                    if (customType != null)
                        serialzer = customType.Get <T>();

                if (serialzer != null)
                    serialzer.Init(getMethod, setMethod, callType);
                    throw new InvalidTypeException("Unknown property type: " + propertyType.FullName);

            ClassInfo <T> .Instance = new ClassInfo <T>(serializers);
            return(ClassInfo <T> .Instance);
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IntSchema"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public DoubleSchema()
     MinValue   = double.MinValue;
     MaxValue   = double.MaxValue;
     Serializer = new DoubleSerializer();
예제 #7
        private ClassInfo <T> RegisterInternal <T>()
            if (ClassInfo <T> .Instance != null)
                return(ClassInfo <T> .Instance);

            Type t = typeof(T);

            PropertyInfo[] props = t.GetProperties(
                BindingFlags.Instance |
                BindingFlags.Public |
                BindingFlags.GetProperty |
            List <FastCall <T> > serializers = new List <FastCall <T> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
                PropertyInfo property     = props[i];
                Type         propertyType = property.PropertyType;

                Type     elementType = propertyType.IsArray ? propertyType.GetElementType() : propertyType;
                CallType callType    = propertyType.IsArray ? CallType.Array : CallType.Basic;

                if (propertyType.IsGenericType && propertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>))
                    elementType = propertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    callType    = CallType.List;

                // Note from Cod: Required to get it to build
                // TODO: Fix this

                /*if (Attribute.IsDefined(property, typeof(IgnoreDataMemberAttribute)))
                 *  continue;*/

                MethodInfo getMethod = property.GetGetMethod();
                MethodInfo setMethod = property.GetSetMethod();
                if (getMethod == null || setMethod == null)

                FastCall <T> serialzer = null;
                if (propertyType.IsEnum)
                    Type underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(propertyType);
                    if (underlyingType == typeof(byte))
                        serialzer = new EnumByteSerializer <T>(property, propertyType);
                    else if (underlyingType == typeof(int))
                        serialzer = new EnumIntSerializer <T>(property, propertyType);
                        throw new InvalidTypeException("Not supported enum underlying type: " + underlyingType.Name);
                else if (elementType == typeof(string))
                    serialzer = new StringSerializer <T>(_maxStringLength);
                else if (elementType == typeof(bool))
                    serialzer = new BoolSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(byte))
                    serialzer = new ByteSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(sbyte))
                    serialzer = new SByteSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(short))
                    serialzer = new ShortSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(ushort))
                    serialzer = new UShortSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(int))
                    serialzer = new IntSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(uint))
                    serialzer = new UIntSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(long))
                    serialzer = new LongSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(ulong))
                    serialzer = new ULongSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(float))
                    serialzer = new FloatSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(double))
                    serialzer = new DoubleSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(char))
                    serialzer = new CharSerializer <T>();
                else if (elementType == typeof(IPEndPoint))
                    serialzer = new IPEndPointSerializer <T>();
                    _registeredTypes.TryGetValue(elementType, out CustomType customType);
                    if (customType != null)
                        serialzer = customType.Get <T>();

                if (serialzer != null)
                    serialzer.Init(getMethod, setMethod, callType);
                    throw new InvalidTypeException("Unknown property type: " + propertyType.FullName);
            ClassInfo <T> .Instance = new ClassInfo <T>(serializers);
            return(ClassInfo <T> .Instance);
예제 #8
        public void ShouldThrowIfDeserializingLessThanEightBytes(byte[] data)
            Serializer <double> serializer = new DoubleSerializer();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => serializer.Deserialize(data));
예제 #9
        public void ShouldThrowIfDeserializingNull()
            Serializer <double> serializer = new DoubleSerializer();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => serializer.Deserialize(null));