예제 #1
 public Sphere(DoublePoint3D center, double radius, ColorRGB color, int specular, float reflective,
               float transparency) :
     base(color, specular, transparency, reflective)
     Center = center;
     Radius = radius;
예제 #2
        //private Closest

        private double IntersectRayEdge(DoublePoint3D[] edgePoints, DoublePoint3D rayPoint, DoublePoint3D rayVector)
            var ab = edgePoints[1] - edgePoints[0];
            var ac = edgePoints[3] - edgePoints[0];

             * {
             *  var a = (edgePoints[0].X - rayPoint.X) / rayVector.X;
             *  var b = ab.X / rayVector.X;
             *  var c = ac.X / rayVector.X;
             *  var d = (edgePoints[0].Y - rayPoint.Y - a * rayVector.Y) / (b * rayVector.Y - ab.Y);
             *  var e = (ac.Y - c * rayVector.Y) / (b * rayVector.Y - ab.Y);
             *  var h = (edgePoints[0].Z + d * ab.Z - rayPoint.Z - a * rayVector.Z - d * rayVector.Z) / (e * rayVector.Z + c * rayVector.Z - e * ab.Z - ac.Z);
             *  var w = d + e * h;
             *  var t = a + b * w + c * h;
             *  if ((0 <= h) && (h <= 1) && (0 <= w) && (w <= 1))
             *      return t;
             * }
             * catch
             * {
             *  return -1;
             * }*/

            var n = ab.VecMultiply(ac);
            var v = edgePoints[0] - rayPoint;
            var d = n.ScalMultiply(v);
            var e = n.ScalMultiply(rayVector);

            if (e != 0)
                var a = (rayPoint.X + d / e * rayVector.X - edgePoints[0].X) / ab.X;

                var b = ac.X / ab.X;
                var h = (rayPoint.Y + d / e * rayVector.Y - edgePoints[0].Y - a * ab.Y) / (b * ab.Y + ac.Y);
                var w = a + b * h;

                if ((0 <= w) && (w <= 1) && (0 <= h) && (h <= 1))
                    return(d / e);

예제 #3
        private void RenderScene(DoublePoint3D position, DoublePoint2D rotation)
            const double distance       = 1;
            const byte   recursionDepth = 3;

            var interval       = new double[] { 0.0001, Inf };
            var cameraPosition = position; //new DoublePoint3D(0, 0, 0);// (0, 5, 2);
            var cameraAngle    = rotation; //new DoublePoint2D(0, 0);// (Math.PI / 2, Math.PI);

            for (var x = 0; x < Source.Width; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < Source.Height; y++)
                    DoublePoint3D viewPortPoint = CanvasToViewport(new DoublePoint2D(x, y), distance).RotateX(cameraAngle.X).RotateY(cameraAngle.Y);
                    ColorRGB      color         = TraceRay(cameraPosition, viewPortPoint, interval, recursionDepth);
                    Source.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(color.R, color.G, color.B));
예제 #4
        private double[] IntersectRaySphere(DoublePoint3D cameraPosition, DoublePoint3D viewVector, Sphere sphere)
            var oc = cameraPosition - sphere.Center;     //vector from camera to sphere center

            var a = viewVector.ScalMultiply(viewVector); //viewVector length
            var b = 2 * oc.ScalMultiply(viewVector);
            var c = oc.ScalMultiply(oc) - sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;

            var discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c;

            if (discriminant < 0)
                return new double[] { Inf, Inf }

            var root1 = (-b + Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
            var root2 = (-b - Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);

            return(new double[] { root1, root2 });
예제 #5
        public double Intercept(DoublePoint3D vector, DoublePoint3D normal, DoublePoint3D[] vertex)
            double d = Dot(normal, vector);

            if (d > 0)
                double        k     = Dot(normal, vertex[0]) / d;
                DoublePoint3D point = k * vector;//new DoublePoint3D( vector.X * k, vector.Y * k, vector.Z * k );

                DoublePoint3D u = Sub(vertex[0], vertex[1]);
                DoublePoint3D v = Sub(vertex[0], vertex[2]);
                DoublePoint3D w = Sub(vertex[0], point);

                double uu = Dot(u, u);
                double uv = Dot(u, v);
                double vv = Dot(v, v);
                double wu = Dot(w, u);
                double wv = Dot(w, v);
                double D = uv * uv - uu * vv;
                double s, t;
                s = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D;
                if (s < 0.0 || s > 1.0)
                    t = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D;
                    if (t < 0.0 || (s + t) > 1.0)
                        return(point.X / vector.X);
예제 #6
        private ColorRGB TraceRay(DoublePoint3D cameraPosition, DoublePoint3D viewPortPoint, double[] interval, int recursionDerpth)
            var closest = ClosestIntersection(cameraPosition, viewPortPoint, interval); //Sphere=0, Point=1

            if (closest.Object == -1)

            //Compute local color
            var intersectPoint = cameraPosition + closest.Point * viewPortPoint; //Compute intersection point
            var normalVector   = (GraphicalObjects[closest.Object].ToString().Contains("Sphere")) ? intersectPoint - (GraphicalObjects[closest.Object] as Sphere).Center : closest.Normal;

            normalVector /= normalVector.Length();
            ColorRGB localColor = ComputeLightning(intersectPoint, normalVector, -viewPortPoint, GraphicalObjects[closest.Object].Specular) * GraphicalObjects[closest.Object].Color;

            var      transparency     = GraphicalObjects[closest.Object].Transparency;
            ColorRGB transparentColor = BackGroundColor;

            if (transparency > 0)
                transparentColor = TraceRay(intersectPoint, viewPortPoint, interval, recursionDerpth);

            var reflection = GraphicalObjects[closest.Object].Reflective;

            if ((recursionDerpth <= 0) || (reflection <= 0))
                return((1 - transparency) * localColor + transparency * transparentColor);
            var reflectedVector = ReflectRay(-viewPortPoint, normalVector);
            var reflectedColor  = TraceRay(intersectPoint, reflectedVector, interval, recursionDerpth - 1);

            return((1 - reflection) * (1 - transparency) * localColor + reflection * (1 - transparency) * reflectedColor + transparency * transparentColor);
예제 #7
 public Closest(int obj, double point, DoublePoint3D normal)
     Object = obj;
     Point  = point;
     Normal = normal;
예제 #8
 public Closest(int obj, double point)
     Object = obj;
     Point  = point;
     Normal = new DoublePoint3D();
예제 #9
 public static DoublePoint3D Sub(DoublePoint3D firstPoint, DoublePoint3D secondPoint)
     return(secondPoint - firstPoint);
예제 #10
 public static double Dot(DoublePoint3D firstVec, DoublePoint3D secondVec)
     return(firstVec.X * secondVec.X + firstVec.Y * secondVec.Y + firstVec.Z * secondVec.Z);
예제 #11
 public DirectLight(DoublePoint3D vector, float intense) : base(intense)
     Vector = vector;
예제 #12
파일: Sphere.cs 프로젝트: nuscien/trivial
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CoordinateSphere class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The x of center point.</param>
 /// <param name="y">The y of center point.</param>
 /// <param name="z">The z of center point.</param>
 /// <param name="r">The radius.</param>
 public CoordinateSphere(double x, double y, double z, double r)
     center = new(x, y, z);
     Radius = double.IsNaN(r) ? 0 : r;
예제 #13
        private float ComputeLightning(DoublePoint3D intersectPoint, DoublePoint3D normalVector, DoublePoint3D vector, int specular)
            var result   = 0f;
            var interval = new double[] { 0.001, Inf };

            foreach (LightSource light in LightSources)
                if (light.ToString().Contains("Ambient"))
                    result += light.Intense;
                    DoublePoint3D lightVector;
                    if (light.ToString().Contains("Point"))
                        lightVector = (light as PointLight).Coord - intersectPoint;
                        lightVector = (light as DirectLight).Vector;

                    Closest shadow       = ClosestIntersection(intersectPoint, lightVector, interval);
                    float   transparency = 1;
                    while (shadow.Object != -1)
                        if ((GraphicalObjects[shadow.Object].Transparency == 0) || (transparency == 0))
                            transparency = 0;
                        transparency *= GraphicalObjects[shadow.Object].Transparency;
                        shadow        = ClosestIntersection(intersectPoint + shadow.Point * lightVector, lightVector, interval);
                    if (transparency == 0)

                    //Diffusal Illumination
                    var scal = normalVector.ScalMultiply(lightVector);
                    if (scal > 0)
                        result += (float)(light.Intense * scal / (normalVector.Length() * lightVector.Length()));

                    //Specular Illumination
                    if (specular != -1)
                        var refleclectedVector = ReflectRay(lightVector, normalVector);
                        scal = refleclectedVector.ScalMultiply(vector);
                        if (scal > 0)
                            result += (float)(transparency * (light.Intense * Math.Pow(scal / (refleclectedVector.Length() * vector.Length()), specular)));

예제 #14
        private Closest ClosestIntersection(DoublePoint3D cameraPosition, DoublePoint3D viewPortPoint, double[] interval)
            var closest = new Closest(-1, Inf);

            for (var i = 0; i < GraphicalObjects.Length; i++)
                if (GraphicalObjects[i].ToString().Contains("Sphere"))
                    var intersections = IntersectRaySphere(cameraPosition, viewPortPoint, GraphicalObjects[i] as Sphere);
                    if ((intersections[0] < closest.Point) && (interval[0] < intersections[0]) && (intersections[0] < interval[1]))
                        closest.Point  = intersections[0];
                        closest.Object = i;
                    if ((intersections[1] < closest.Point) && (interval[0] < intersections[1]) && (intersections[1] < interval[1]))
                        closest.Point  = intersections[1];
                        closest.Object = i;
                    //var count = 0;
                    var hex = GraphicalObjects[i] as Hexahedron;

                    //First edge
                    var mass         = new DoublePoint3D[] { hex.Points[0].RotateX(hex.Rotation.X).RotateY(hex.Rotation.Y), hex.Points[1].RotateX(hex.Rotation.X).RotateY(hex.Rotation.Y), hex.Points[2].RotateX(hex.Rotation.X).RotateY(hex.Rotation.Y), hex.Points[3].RotateX(hex.Rotation.X).RotateY(hex.Rotation.Y) };
                    var intersection = Intercept(viewPortPoint, cameraPosition, mass);//IntersectRayEdge(mass, cameraPosition, viewPortPoint);
                    if ((intersection > 1) && (intersection < closest.Point))
                        closest.Point  = intersection;
                        closest.Object = i;
                        closest.Normal = (mass[1] - mass[0]).VecMultiply(mass[2] - mass[0]);

                    //Second edge

                    /*mass[0] = hex.Points[4];
                     * mass[1] = hex.Points[5];
                     * mass[2] = hex.Points[6];
                     * mass[3] = hex.Points[7];
                     * intersection = IntersectRayEdge(mass, cameraPosition, viewPortPoint);
                     * if ((intersection > 1) && (intersection < closest.Point))
                     * {
                     *  closest.Point = intersection;
                     *  closest.Object = i;
                     *  closest.Normal = (mass[1] - mass[0]).VecMultiply(mass[2] - mass[0]);
                     *  count++;
                     *  if (count == 2)
                     *      continue;
                     * }
                     * //Third edge
                     * mass[0] = hex.Points[1];
                     * mass[1] = hex.Points[5];
                     * mass[2] = hex.Points[4];
                     * mass[3] = hex.Points[0];
                     * intersection = IntersectRayEdge(mass, cameraPosition, viewPortPoint);
                     * if ((intersection > 1) && (intersection < closest.Point))
                     * {
                     *  closest.Point = intersection;
                     *  closest.Object = i;
                     *  closest.Normal = (mass[1] - mass[0]).VecMultiply(mass[2] - mass[0]);
                     *  count++;
                     *  if (count == 2)
                     *      continue;
                     * }
                     * //Fourth edge
                     * mass[0] = hex.Points[3];
                     * mass[1] = hex.Points[7];
                     * mass[2] = hex.Points[6];
                     * mass[3] = hex.Points[2];
                     * intersection = IntersectRayEdge(mass, cameraPosition, viewPortPoint);
                     * if ((intersection > 1) && (intersection < closest.Point))
                     * {
                     *  closest.Point = intersection;
                     *  closest.Object = i;
                     *  closest.Normal = (mass[1] - mass[0]).VecMultiply(mass[2] - mass[0]);
                     *  count++;
                     *  if (count == 2)
                     *      continue;
                     * }
                     * //Fifth edge
                     * mass[0] = hex.Points[0];
                     * mass[1] = hex.Points[4];
                     * mass[2] = hex.Points[7];
                     * mass[3] = hex.Points[3];
                     * intersection = IntersectRayEdge(mass, cameraPosition, viewPortPoint);
                     * if ((intersection > 1) && (intersection < closest.Point))
                     * {
                     *  closest.Point = intersection;
                     *  closest.Object = i;
                     *  closest.Normal = (mass[1] - mass[0]).VecMultiply(mass[2] - mass[0]);
                     *  count++;
                     *  if (count == 2)
                     *      continue;
                     * }
                     * //Sixth edge
                     * mass[0] = hex.Points[2];
                     * mass[1] = hex.Points[6];
                     * mass[2] = hex.Points[5];
                     * mass[3] = hex.Points[1];
                     * intersection = IntersectRayEdge(mass, cameraPosition, viewPortPoint);
                     * if ((intersection > 1) && (intersection < closest.Point))
                     * {
                     *  closest.Point = intersection;
                     *  closest.Object = i;
                     *  closest.Normal = (mass[1] - mass[0]).VecMultiply(mass[2] - mass[0]);
                     *  count++;
                     *  if (count == 2)
                     *      continue;
                     * }*/

예제 #15
 public PointLight(DoublePoint3D coord, float intense) : base(intense)
     Coord = coord;
예제 #16
파일: Sphere.cs 프로젝트: nuscien/trivial
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CoordinateSphere class.
 /// </summary>
 public CoordinateSphere()
     center = new();
     Radius = 0;
예제 #17
 private DoublePoint3D ReflectRay(DoublePoint3D fallingVector, DoublePoint3D normalVector)
     return(2 * normalVector * normalVector.ScalMultiply(fallingVector) - fallingVector);
예제 #18
파일: Sphere.cs 프로젝트: nuscien/trivial
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CoordinateSphere class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="center">The center point.</param>
 /// <param name="r">The radius.</param>
 public CoordinateSphere(DoublePoint3D center, double r)
     this.center = center ?? new();
     Radius      = double.IsNaN(r) ? 0 : r;
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the distance between a point and a plane.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">The point.</param>
 /// <param name="a">The a parameter of plane.</param>
 /// <param name="b">The b parameter of plane.</param>
 /// <param name="c">The c parameter of plane.</param>
 /// <param name="d">The d parameter of plane.</param>
 /// <returns>The distance.</returns>
 public static double Distance(DoublePoint3D point, double a, double b, double c, double d)
 => Math.Abs(a * point.X + b * point.Y + c * point.Z + d) / Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);