public override async Task <EvaluateNumDataReply> EvaluateNumData(EvaluateNumDataRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(); var reply = new EvaluateNumDataReply(); try { var numDataColumns = ROpsApi.EvaluateNumData(request.Code); reply.Payload = new EvaluateNumDataPayload(); foreach (var numDataColumn in numDataColumns) { var doubleColumn = new DoubleColumn { Name = numDataColumn.Name }; doubleColumn.Doubles.Add(numDataColumn.Data); reply.Payload.DoubleColumns.Add(doubleColumn); } } catch (Exception ex) { reply.Error = PopulateError(ex); _logger.LogError(ex, nameof(EvaluateNumData)); } finally { _semaphoreSlim.Release(); } return(await Task.FromResult(reply)); }
public void TestDouble() { IColumn column = new DoubleColumn("my_double_field", 7, 4); column.NotNull(); Assert.Equal("`my_double_field` DOUBLE(7, 4) NOT NULL", generator.ToSQL(column)); }
/// <summary> /// Fills destination column with values from an original column by help of a fractional index. /// </summary> /// <param name="destinationColumn">Column to fill. The old data in this column will be cleared before.</param> /// <param name="fractionalIndex">Array of fractional indices. Each item points into the originalColumn to that value that should be included in the master column at the item's index.</param> /// <param name="originalColumn">Column with the source data.</param> public static void SetColumnFromFractionalIndex( this DataColumn destinationColumn, DoubleColumn fractionalIndex, DataColumn originalColumn) { destinationColumn.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < fractionalIndex.Count; i++) { double fracIdx = fractionalIndex[i]; int idxBase = (int)Math.Floor(fracIdx); double rel = fracIdx - idxBase; if (0 == rel) { destinationColumn[i] = originalColumn[idxBase]; } else { try { var firstValue = originalColumn[idxBase]; var secondValue = originalColumn[idxBase + 1]; destinationColumn[i] = firstValue + rel * (secondValue - firstValue); } catch (Exception) { destinationColumn[i] = originalColumn[idxBase]; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Imports a Origin OPJ file (tables only) into corresponding new tables in Altaxo. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The file name of the origin OPJ file.</param> /// <returns>Null if the import was successfull, or a error message.</returns> public static string Import(string filename) { var opj = new OpjFile(filename); opj.Parse(); // now create corresponding tables in Altaxo for (int nspread = 0; nspread < opj.numSpreads(); nspread++) { // Create a new table string tablename = Current.Project.DataTableCollection.FindNewItemName(opj.spreadName(nspread)); var table = new DataTable(tablename); int numberOfColumns = opj.numCols(nspread); for (int ncol = 0; ncol < numberOfColumns; ncol++) { string colname = opj.colName(nspread, ncol); string coltype = opj.colType(nspread, ncol); int numberOfRows = opj.numRows(nspread, ncol); ColumnKind kind = coltype == "X" ? ColumnKind.X : ColumnKind.V; var column = new DoubleColumn(numberOfRows); column.CopyDataFrom(opj.Data(nspread, ncol), numberOfRows); colname = table.DataColumns.FindUniqueColumnName(colname); table.DataColumns.Add(column, colname, kind, 0); } table.Name = tablename; Current.Project.DataTableCollection.Add(table); Current.ProjectService.CreateNewWorksheet(table); } return(null); }
public static void Interpolation(IWorksheetController ctrl, InterpolationParameters parameters) { var _columnToGroupNumber = new Dictionary <DataColumn, int>(); for (int nSel = 0; nSel < ctrl.SelectedDataColumns.Count; nSel++) { Altaxo.Data.DataColumn yCol = ctrl.DataTable.DataColumns[ctrl.SelectedDataColumns[nSel]]; Altaxo.Data.DataColumn xCol = ctrl.DataTable.DataColumns.FindXColumnOf(yCol); if (!(yCol is INumericColumn)) { Current.Gui.ErrorMessageBox("The selected column is not numeric!"); return; } if (!(xCol is INumericColumn)) { Current.Gui.ErrorMessageBox("The x-column of the selected column is not numeric!"); return; } var xRes = new DoubleColumn(); var yRes = new DoubleColumn(); if (!_columnToGroupNumber.TryGetValue(xCol, out var newgroup)) { newgroup = ctrl.DataTable.DataColumns.GetUnusedColumnGroupNumber(); ctrl.DataTable.DataColumns.Add(xRes, xCol.Name + ".I", ColumnKind.X, newgroup); _columnToGroupNumber.Add(xCol, newgroup); } ctrl.DataTable.DataColumns.Add(yRes, yCol.Name + ".I", ColumnKind.V, newgroup); Interpolation(xCol, yCol, parameters, xRes, yRes); } }
/// <summary> /// Merges two tables by corresponding x-columns. /// </summary> /// <param name="masterTable">Master table. Values from the slave table will be recalculated to fit the x-values of the master table.</param> /// <param name="masterXColumn">The master x-column of the master table.</param> /// <param name="slaveTable">The table providing the data for merging into the master table.</param> /// <param name="slaveXColumn">The x column of the slave table.</param> /// <param name="columnsToMerge">Indices of that columns of the slave table that should be merged into the master table.</param> /// <param name="createNewTable">If true, a new table is created as a clone of the master table. The data from the slave table are then merged into that clone. If false, /// the data are directly merged into the master table.</param> /// <returns>If <c>createNewTable</c> is true, then the newly created table. If false, then the provided master table where the data are merge to.</returns> public static DataTable MergeTable( this DataTable masterTable, DataColumn masterXColumn, DataTable slaveTable, DataColumn slaveXColumn, Altaxo.Collections.IAscendingIntegerCollection columnsToMerge, bool createNewTable) { DataTable destinationTable; if (createNewTable) { destinationTable = (DataTable)masterTable.Clone(); } else { destinationTable = masterTable; } // create a fractional index column with the same length than the master table // that points into the slave table DoubleColumn fractIndex = GetFractionalIndex(masterXColumn, slaveXColumn); MergeTable(masterTable, fractIndex, slaveTable, columnsToMerge); return(destinationTable); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="columnRe">The real part of the resulting complex vector.</param> /// <param name="columnIm">The imaginary part of the resulting complex vector.</param> /// <param name="start">Start of the range both in <paramref name="columnRe"/> and <paramref name="columnRe"/> that is wrapped.</param> /// <param name="nRows">The number of rows that are part of the wrapping vector.</param> public DoubleColumnToComplexDoubleVectorWrapper(DoubleColumn columnRe, DoubleColumn columnIm, int start, int nRows) { _columnRe = columnRe; _columnIm = columnIm; _start = start; _rows = nRows; }
public DoublePropertyMapping(DoubleColumn column, IMemberAccessor member, int physicalIndex, int logicalIndex) { this.column = column; Member = member; PhysicalIndex = physicalIndex; LogicalIndex = logicalIndex; }
public DoublePropertyMapping(DoubleColumn column, IMemberAccessor member, int fileIndex, int workIndex) { this.column = column; this.member = member; this.FileIndex = fileIndex; this.WorkIndex = workIndex; }
public SumDouble(DoubleColumn column) { if (object.Equals(null, column)) { throw new NullReferenceException("column cannot be null"); } this.mColumn = column; }
/// <summary> /// This returns a read and writeable complex vector that wraps two <see cref="DoubleColumn" />s. /// </summary> /// <param name="columnRe">The column that represents the real part of the vector.</param> /// <param name="columnIm">The column that represents the imaginary part of the vector.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="IComplexDoubleVector"/> wrapping the <see cref="DoubleColumn" />s.</returns> public static IComplexDoubleVector ToComplexDoubleVector(this DoubleColumn columnRe, DoubleColumn columnIm) { if (columnIm.Count != columnRe.Count) { throw new ArgumentException("The provided columns have different length. Thus the resulting vector length is undetermined."); } return(new DoubleColumnToComplexDoubleVectorWrapper(columnRe, columnIm, 0, columnRe.Count)); }
public void TestFromHours_ToDouble() { var hoursColumn = new DoubleColumn("Duration"); var durationColumn = TimeSpanColumn.FromHours(hoursColumn); var actual = durationColumn.Format(null, TimeSpan.FromDays(1)); Assert.AreEqual("24", actual); }
public void TestFromMilliseconds_FromDouble() { var msColumn = new DoubleColumn("Duration"); var durationColumn = TimeSpanColumn.FromMillseconds(msColumn); var actual = (TimeSpan)durationColumn.Parse(null, "86400000"); Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromDays(1), actual); }
public void TestFromMinutes_ToDouble() { var minutesColumn = new DoubleColumn("Duration"); var durationColumn = TimeSpanColumn.FromMinutes(minutesColumn); var actual = durationColumn.Format(null, TimeSpan.FromDays(1)); Assert.AreEqual("1440", actual); }
public void ZeroElements() { DoubleColumn d = new DoubleColumn(); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); Assert.AreEqual(false, d.IsDirty); Assert.AreEqual(true, d.IsElementEmpty(0)); Assert.AreEqual(true, d.IsElementEmpty(1)); }
public void TestFromDays_ToNull() { var daysColumn = new DoubleColumn("Duration"); var durationColumn = TimeSpanColumn.FromDays(daysColumn); var actual = durationColumn.Format(null, null); Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, actual); }
public void TestFromDays_FromNull() { var daysColumn = new DoubleColumn("Duration"); var durationColumn = TimeSpanColumn.FromDays(daysColumn); var actual = (TimeSpan?)durationColumn.Parse(null, String.Empty); Assert.IsNull(actual); }
public void TestFromSeconds_ToDouble() { var secondsColumn = new DoubleColumn("Duration"); var durationColumn = TimeSpanColumn.FromSeconds(secondsColumn); var actual = durationColumn.Format(null, TimeSpan.FromDays(1)); Assert.AreEqual("86400", actual); }
public void TestFromDays_FromDouble() { var daysColumn = new DoubleColumn("Duration"); var durationColumn = TimeSpanColumn.FromDays(daysColumn); var actual = (TimeSpan)durationColumn.Parse(null, "1"); Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromDays(1), actual); }
public static void Interpolation(WorksheetController ctrl) { if (ctrl.SelectedDataColumns.Count == 0) { return; } object paramobject = new InterpolationParameters(); if (!Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref paramobject, "Interpolation")) { return; } InterpolationParameters parameters = (InterpolationParameters)paramobject; Altaxo.Data.DataColumn yCol = ctrl.Doc.DataColumns[ctrl.SelectedDataColumns[0]]; Altaxo.Data.DataColumn xCol = ctrl.Doc.DataColumns.FindXColumnOf(yCol); if (!(yCol is INumericColumn)) { Current.Gui.ErrorMessageBox("The selected column is not numeric!"); return; } if (!(xCol is INumericColumn)) { Current.Gui.ErrorMessageBox("The x-column of the selected column is not numeric!"); return; } int rows = Math.Min(xCol.Count, yCol.Count); IROVector yVec = DataColumnWrapper.ToROVector((INumericColumn)yCol, rows); IROVector xVec = DataColumnWrapper.ToROVector((INumericColumn)xCol, rows); parameters.InterpolationInstance.Interpolate(xVec, yVec); DoubleColumn xRes = new DoubleColumn(); DoubleColumn yRes = new DoubleColumn(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.NumberOfPoints; i++) { double r = i / (double)(parameters.NumberOfPoints - 1); double x = parameters.XOrg * (1 - r) + parameters.XEnd * (r); double y = ((IInterpolationFunction)parameters.InterpolationInstance).GetYOfX(x); xRes[i] = x; yRes[i] = y; } int newgroup = ctrl.DataTable.DataColumns.GetUnusedColumnGroupNumber(); ctrl.DataTable.DataColumns.Add(xRes, xCol.Name + ".I", ColumnKind.X, newgroup); ctrl.DataTable.DataColumns.Add(yRes, yCol.Name + ".I", ColumnKind.V, newgroup); }
public void TenEmptyElements() { DoubleColumn d = new DoubleColumn(10); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); Assert.AreEqual(false, d.IsDirty); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(true, d.IsElementEmpty(i)); } }
/// <summary> /// Determines if column c has monotonically increasing values. /// </summary> /// <param name="c">Column to test.</param> /// <param name="allowNaN">If true, NaN values will ignored. If false, the function will return false if there are NaN values present.</param> /// <returns>True if the values are monotonically increasing.</returns> public static bool IsMonotonicallyIncreasing(this DoubleColumn c, bool allowNaN) { if (c.Count == 0) { return(true); } int i = 0; if (allowNaN) { for (i = 0; i < c.Count; i++) { if (!double.IsNaN(c[i])) { break; } } } if (i >= c.Count) { return(false); } double start = c[i]; if (double.IsNaN(start)) { return(false); } for (i++; i < c.Count; i++) { double next = c[i]; if (double.IsNaN(next)) { if (allowNaN) { continue; } else { return(false); } } if (!(start <= next)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Save the General.FileFormats.Excel settings to the settings file /// </summary> /// <param name="excelNode">XML-node for the General.FileFormats.Excel settings</param> public void Save(XmlNode excelNode) { string xpath; xpath = "./informationLevel"; SettingsHelper.SetSettingValue(xpath, excelNode, InformationLevel.ToString()); xpath = "./doubleColumn"; SettingsHelper.SetSettingValue(xpath, excelNode, DoubleColumn.ToString()); xpath = "./showDataNotes"; SettingsHelper.SetSettingValue(xpath, excelNode, ShowDataNotes.ToString()); }
static CreditText ParseDouble(XmlReader reader, GUISkin skin) { DoubleColumn text = new DoubleColumn(); reader.ReadToFollowing("dheading"); = skin.GetStyle(reader.GetAttribute("style")); text.text1 = reader.ReadInnerXml(); reader.ReadToFollowing("dtext"); text.style2 = skin.GetStyle(reader.GetAttribute("style")); text.text2 = reader.ReadInnerXml(); //Debug.Log ("Parsed Double, Text1 = " + text.text1 + ", Style1 " + + ", Text2 = " + text.text2 + ", Style2 = " + text.style2); return(text); }
/// <summary> /// Compare the values in a double array with values in a double column and see if they match. /// </summary> /// <param name="values">An array of double values.</param> /// <param name="col">A double column to compare with the double array.</param> /// <returns>True if the length of the array is equal to the length of the <see cref="DoubleColumn" /> and the values in /// both array match to each other, otherwise false.</returns> public static bool ValuesMatch(double[] values, DoubleColumn col) { if (values.Length != col.Count) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (col[i] != values[i]) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public void RowInsertionOneBeforeEnd() { DoubleColumn d = new DoubleColumn(10); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); Assert.AreEqual(false, d.IsDirty); // set rows 0 to 9 to i for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { d[i] = i; } Assert.AreEqual(10, d.Count); // testing parent change notification setting the parent MyColumnParent parent = new MyColumnParent(); parent.ChildChanged = new EventHandler(parent.TestParentAddNotification); d.ParentObject = parent; Assert.AreEqual(1, parent.CallCount, "There was no parent add notification"); parent.Reset(); parent.Reset(); parent.ChildChanged = new EventHandler(parent.ExpectingDataChange9To12_NoDecrease); // now insert d.InsertRows(9, 3); Assert.AreEqual(1, parent.CallCount, "There was no data change notification"); // test the data Assert.AreEqual(13, d.Count); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(i, d[i]); } Assert.AreEqual(double.NaN, d[9]); Assert.AreEqual(double.NaN, d[10]); Assert.AreEqual(double.NaN, d[11]); for (int i = 12; i < 13; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(i - 3, d[i]); } }
public void RowInsertionInTheMiddle() { var d = new DoubleColumn(10); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count); Assert.AreEqual(false, d.IsDirty); // set rows 0 to 9 to i for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { d[i] = i; } Assert.AreEqual(10, d.Count); // testing parent change notification setting the parent var parent = new MyColumnParent(); parent.ChildChanged = new EventHandler(parent.TestParentAddNotification); d.ParentObject = parent; Assert.AreEqual(1, parent.CallCount, "There was no parent add notification"); parent.Reset(); parent.Reset(); parent.ChildChanged = new EventHandler(parent.ExpectingDataChange5To12_NoDecrease); // now insert d.InsertRows(5, 3); Assert.AreEqual(1, parent.CallCount, "There was no data change notification"); // test the data Assert.AreEqual(13, d.Count); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(i, d[i]); } Assert.AreEqual(double.NaN, d[5]); Assert.AreEqual(double.NaN, d[6]); Assert.AreEqual(double.NaN, d[7]); for (int i = 8; i < (8 + 5); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(i - 3, d[i]); } }
public static void GenerateValues(MultivariateLinearFitParameters parameters, LinearFitBySvd fit) { DataColumn dependentColumn = parameters.Table[parameters.SelectedDataColumns[parameters.DependentColumnIndexIntoSelection]]; if (parameters.GenerateRegressionValues) { var col = new DoubleColumn(); VectorMath.Copy(VectorMath.ToROVector(fit.PredictedValues), DataColumnWrapper.ToVector(col, parameters.SelectedDataRows)); parameters.Table.Add(col, dependentColumn.Name + "(predicted)", ColumnKind.V, parameters.Table.GetColumnGroup(dependentColumn)); } if (parameters.GenerateResidualValues) { var col = new DoubleColumn(); VectorMath.Copy(VectorMath.ToROVector(fit.ResidualValues), DataColumnWrapper.ToVector(col, parameters.SelectedDataRows)); parameters.Table.Add(col, dependentColumn.Name + "(residual)", ColumnKind.V, parameters.Table.GetColumnGroup(dependentColumn)); } }
/// <summary> /// Merges two tables by fractional index. /// </summary> /// <param name="destinationTable">Table to merge into.</param> /// <param name="fractionalIndex">Array of fractional indices. Each item points into the slaveTable to the value that should be included in the master column at the item's index.</param> /// <param name="slaveTable">The table providing the data for merging into the master table.</param> /// <param name="slaveColumnsToMerge">Indices of that columns of the slave table that should be merged into the master table.</param> public static void MergeTable( this DataTable destinationTable, DoubleColumn fractionalIndex, DataTable slaveTable, IAscendingIntegerCollection slaveColumnsToMerge) { int destinationTableStartIdx = destinationTable.DataColumnCount; destinationTable.AddDataColumnsWithPropertiesFrom(slaveTable, slaveColumnsToMerge); for (int i = 0; i < slaveColumnsToMerge.Count; i++) { int slaveColIdx = slaveColumnsToMerge[i]; DataColumn newCol = destinationTable[destinationTableStartIdx + i]; SetColumnFromFractionalIndex(newCol, fractionalIndex, slaveTable[slaveColIdx]); } }
public void TenEmptyColumns() { DataColumnCollection d = new DataColumnCollection(); DataColumn[] cols = new DataColumn[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cols[i] = new DoubleColumn(); d.Add(cols[i]); } Assert.AreEqual(10, d.ColumnCount); Assert.AreEqual(0, d.RowCount); Assert.AreEqual(false, d.IsDirty); Assert.AreEqual(false, d.IsSuspended); Assert.AreEqual("A", d.GetColumnName(0)); Assert.AreEqual("A", d[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual("J", d.GetColumnName(9)); Assert.AreEqual("J", d[9].Name); // Test index to column resolution for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(cols[i], d[i]); } // test name to column resolution for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { char name = (char)('A' + i); Assert.AreEqual(cols[i], d[name.ToString()], "Column to name resolution of col " + name.ToString()); } // test column to number resolution for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(i, d.GetColumnNumber(cols[i])); } }
public ColumnAdder<DoubleResult> Column(DoubleColumn column) { return new ColumnAdder<DoubleResult>(this, column); }
public InitializedTestTable() : base("MyTable") { DateColumn = new DateColumn(this, "MyDateColumn"); DateTimeColumn = new DateTimeColumn(this, "MyDateTimeColumn"); DecimalColumn = new DecimalColumn(this, "MyDecimalColumn"); DoubleColumn = new DoubleColumn(this, "MyDoubleColumn"); IntColumn = new IntColumn(this, "MyIntColumn"); StringColumn = new StringColumn(this, "MyStringColumn"); }
public DoublePropertyMapping(DoubleColumn column, PropertyInfo property) { this.column = column; = property; }