예제 #1
        public static int Compare(double x, double y)
            if (x < y)
            if (x > y)
            if (x == y)
                return(x == 0 ? Double.Compare(1 / x, 1 / y) : 0);

            if (IsNaN(x))
                if (IsNaN(y))
예제 #2
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)

            // set canvas background color
            // canvas.DrawColor(bgColor);

            // set stroke width
            paint.StrokeWidth = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));

            //incrementing counter for rotation

            count = count + 0.5;

            //comparison to check 360 degrees rotation
            int retval = Double.Compare(count, 360.00);

            if (retval == 0)
                if (!isAnimated)
                    // mark completion of animation
                    isAnimated = true;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;

            // draw cloud
            canvas.DrawPath(c.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paint);

            if (!isStatic || !isAnimated)
                // invalidate if not static or not animating
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)

            // set canvas background color

            count = count + 0.5;

            paintCloud.StrokeWidth = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));
            paintSnow.StrokeWidth  = ((float)(0.01 * screenW));

            int retval = Double.Compare(count, 360.00);

            if (retval == 0)
                if (!isAnimated)
                    // mark completion of animation
                    isAnimated = true;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;

            PointF P1c1 = cloud.getP1c1(X, Y, screenW, count);
            PointF P1c2 = cloud.getP1c2(X, Y, screenW, count);
            PointF P2c1 = cloud.getP2c1(X, Y, screenW, count);
            PointF P2c2 = cloud.getP2c2(X, Y, screenW, count);

            float P1Y = ((float)((int)(0.1041667 * screenW) * Math.Sin(Math.ToRadians(80 + (0.111 * count))) + Y));
            float P2Y = ((float)(((int)(0.1041667 * screenW) + ((0.00023125 * screenW) * count))
                                 * Math.Sin(Math.ToRadians(120 + (0.222 * count))) + Y));

            if (x1 == 0)
                x1 = (int)P1c2.X + 10;
            if (y1 == 0)
                float value = (int)P1c2.Y - ((P1c1.Y + P1Y) / 2);
                y1 = (int)(P1c2.Y - value / 2);

            if (x2 == 0)
                x2 = (int)P2c2.X + 10;
            if (y2 == 0)
                float value = (int)P2c2.Y - ((P2c1.Y + P2Y) / 2);
                y2 = (int)(P2c2.Y - value / 2);

            if (!pointsStored)
                // Store path coordinates for snow fall 1
                cubicPath11 = new Path();
                int height = screenH - y1;
                cubicPath11.MoveTo(x1, y1);
                cubicPath11.CubicTo(x1 - screenW * 0.06f, y1 + height * 0.3f, x1 - screenW * 0.12f,
                                    y1 + height * 0.7f, x1 - screenW * 0.18f, y1 + height * 1.1f);
                pathPoints11 = getPoints(cubicPath11);

                // Store path coordinates for snow fall 2
                cubicPath12 = new Path();
                int x = x1 - 5;
                cubicPath12.MoveTo(x, y1);
                cubicPath12.CubicTo(x + screenW * 0.06f, y1 + height * 0.3f, x + screenW * 0.1f,
                                    y1 + height * 0.7f, x - screenW * 0.03f, y1 + height * 1.1f);
                pathPoints12 = getPoints(cubicPath12);

                // Store path coordinates for snow fall 3
                cubicPath21 = new Path();
                cubicPath21.MoveTo(x2, y2);
                cubicPath21.CubicTo(x2 + screenW * 0.06f, y2 + height * 0.3f, x2 + screenW * 0.12f,
                                    y2 + height * 0.7f, x2 + screenW * 0.18f, y2 + height * 1.1f);
                pathPoints21 = getPoints(cubicPath21);

                // Store path coordinates for snow fall 4
                cubicPath22 = new Path();
                int xx = x2 + 5;
                cubicPath22.MoveTo(xx, y2);
                cubicPath22.CubicTo(xx - screenW * 0.06f, y2 + height * 0.3f, xx - screenW * 0.1f,
                                    y2 + height * 0.6f, xx + screenW * 0.03f, y2 + height * 1.1f);
                pathPoints22 = getPoints(cubicPath22);

                pointsStored = true;
            if (isAnimated && isStatic)
            { //Initial static view
                int x = 55;

                pathCircle2 = new Path();
                pathCircle2.AddCircle(pathPoints12[x].getX(), pathPoints12[x].getY(),
                                      screenW * 0.03f, Path.Direction.Cw);
                pointsCircle12 = getPoints(pathCircle2);

                //2nd drop
                path21 = new Path();
                path22 = new Path();
                path23 = new Path();

                int a = (25 + x / 5) >= 100 ? 25 + x / 5 - 100 : 25 + x / 5;
                int b = (8 + x / 5) >= 100 ? 8 + x / 5 - 100 : 8 + x / 5;
                int c = (40 + x / 5) >= 100 ? 40 + x / 5 - 100 : 40 + x / 5;

                path21.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[a].getX(), pointsCircle12[a].getY());
                path22.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[b].getX(), pointsCircle12[b].getY());
                path23.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[c].getX(), pointsCircle12[c].getY());

                a = (75 + x / 5) >= 100 ? 75 + x / 5 - 100 : 75 + x / 5;
                b = (59 + x / 5) >= 100 ? 59 + x / 5 - 100 : 59 + x / 5;
                c = (90 + x / 5) >= 100 ? 90 + x / 5 - 100 : 90 + x / 5;

                path21.LineTo(pointsCircle12[a].getX(), (pointsCircle12[a].getY()));
                path22.LineTo(pointsCircle12[b].getX(), (pointsCircle12[b].getY()));
                path23.LineTo(pointsCircle12[c].getX(), (pointsCircle12[c].getY()));

                canvas.DrawPath(path21, paintSnow);
                canvas.DrawPath(path22, paintSnow);
                canvas.DrawPath(path23, paintSnow);

                // drawing cloud with fill
                paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                // drawing cloud with stroke
                paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                int y = 35;

                pathCircle2 = new Path();
                pathCircle2.AddCircle(pathPoints22[y].getX(), pathPoints22[y].getY(),
                                      screenW * 0.03f, Path.Direction.Cw);
                pointsCircle22 = getPoints(pathCircle2);

                //2nd drop
                path21 = new Path();
                path22 = new Path();
                path23 = new Path();

                a = (25 + y / 5) >= 100 ? 25 + y / 5 - 100 : 25 + y / 5;
                b = (8 + y / 5) >= 100 ? 8 + y / 5 - 100 : 8 + y / 5;
                c = (40 + y / 5) >= 100 ? 40 + y / 5 - 100 : 40 + y / 5;

                path21.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[a].getX(), pointsCircle22[a].getY());
                path22.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[b].getX(), pointsCircle22[b].getY());
                path23.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[c].getX(), pointsCircle22[c].getY());

                a = (75 + y / 5) >= 100 ? 75 + y / 5 - 100 : 75 + y / 5;
                b = (59 + y / 5) >= 100 ? 59 + y / 5 - 100 : 59 + y / 5;
                c = (90 + y / 5) >= 100 ? 90 + y / 5 - 100 : 90 + y / 5;

                path21.LineTo(pointsCircle22[a].getX(), (pointsCircle22[a].getY()));
                path22.LineTo(pointsCircle22[b].getX(), (pointsCircle22[b].getY()));
                path23.LineTo(pointsCircle22[c].getX(), (pointsCircle22[c].getY()));

                canvas.DrawPath(path21, paintSnow);
                canvas.DrawPath(path22, paintSnow);
                canvas.DrawPath(path23, paintSnow);

                // drawing cloud with fill
                paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                // drawing cloud with stroke
                paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);
            else     // Animating view

                if (drop11)
                    pathCircle1 = new Path();
                    pathCircle1.AddCircle(pathPoints11[m].getX(), pathPoints11[m].getY(),
                                          screenW * 0.03f, Path.Direction.Cw);
                    pointsCircle11 = getPoints(pathCircle1);

                    //1st drop
                    path11 = new Path();
                    path12 = new Path();
                    path13 = new Path();

                    int a = (25 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 25 + m / 5 - 100 : 25 + m / 5;
                    int b = (8 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 8 + m / 5 - 100 : 8 + m / 5;
                    int c = (40 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 40 + m / 5 - 100 : 40 + m / 5;

                    path11.MoveTo(pointsCircle11[a].getX(), pointsCircle11[a].getY());
                    path12.MoveTo(pointsCircle11[b].getX(), pointsCircle11[b].getY());
                    path13.MoveTo(pointsCircle11[c].getX(), pointsCircle11[c].getY());

                    a = (75 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 75 + m / 5 - 100 : 75 + m / 5;
                    b = (59 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 59 + m / 5 - 100 : 59 + m / 5;
                    c = (90 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 90 + m / 5 - 100 : 90 + m / 5;

                    path11.LineTo(pointsCircle11[a].getX(), (pointsCircle11[a].getY()));
                    path12.LineTo(pointsCircle11[b].getX(), (pointsCircle11[b].getY()));
                    path13.LineTo(pointsCircle11[c].getX(), (pointsCircle11[c].getY()));

                    canvas.DrawPath(path11, paintSnow);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path12, paintSnow);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path13, paintSnow);

                    // drawing cloud with fill
                    paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                    canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                    // drawing cloud with stroke
                    paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                    canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                    m = m + 1;

                    if (m > 75)
                        pathCircle2 = new Path();
                        pathCircle2.AddCircle(pathPoints12[n].getX(), pathPoints12[n].getY(),
                                              screenW * 0.03f, Path.Direction.Cw);
                        pointsCircle12 = getPoints(pathCircle2);

                        //2nd drop
                        path21 = new Path();
                        path22 = new Path();
                        path23 = new Path();

                        a = (25 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 25 + n / 5 - 100 : 25 + n / 5;
                        b = (8 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 8 + n / 5 - 100 : 8 + n / 5;
                        c = (40 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 40 + n / 5 - 100 : 40 + n / 5;

                        path21.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[a].getX(), pointsCircle12[a].getY());
                        path22.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[b].getX(), pointsCircle12[b].getY());
                        path23.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[c].getX(), pointsCircle12[c].getY());

                        a = (75 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 75 + n / 5 - 100 : 75 + n / 5;
                        b = (59 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 59 + n / 5 - 100 : 59 + n / 5;
                        c = (90 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 90 + n / 5 - 100 : 90 + n / 5;

                        path21.LineTo(pointsCircle12[a].getX(), (pointsCircle12[a].getY()));
                        path22.LineTo(pointsCircle12[b].getX(), (pointsCircle12[b].getY()));
                        path23.LineTo(pointsCircle12[c].getX(), (pointsCircle12[c].getY()));

                        canvas.DrawPath(path21, paintSnow);
                        canvas.DrawPath(path22, paintSnow);
                        canvas.DrawPath(path23, paintSnow);

                        // drawing cloud with fill
                        paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                        canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                        // drawing cloud with stroke
                        paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                        canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                        n = n + 1;

                    if (m == 100)
                        m = 0;
                        path11.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        path12.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        path13.MoveTo(0, 0);

                        x1 = 0;
                        y1 = 0;

                        x2 = 0;
                        y2 = 0;

                        drop12 = true;
                        drop11 = false;

                if (drop12)
                    pathCircle2 = new Path();
                    pathCircle2.AddCircle(pathPoints12[n].getX(), pathPoints12[n].getY(),
                                          screenW * 0.03f, Path.Direction.Cw);
                    pointsCircle12 = getPoints(pathCircle2);

                    //2nd drop
                    path21 = new Path();
                    path22 = new Path();
                    path23 = new Path();

                    int a = (25 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 25 + n / 5 - 100 : 25 + n / 5;
                    int b = (8 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 8 + n / 5 - 100 : 8 + n / 5;
                    int c = (40 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 40 + n / 5 - 100 : 40 + n / 5;

                    path21.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[a].getX(), pointsCircle12[a].getY());
                    path22.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[b].getX(), pointsCircle12[b].getY());
                    path23.MoveTo(pointsCircle12[c].getX(), pointsCircle12[c].getY());

                    a = (75 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 75 + n / 5 - 100 : 75 + n / 5;
                    b = (59 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 59 + n / 5 - 100 : 59 + n / 5;
                    c = (90 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 90 + n / 5 - 100 : 90 + n / 5;

                    path21.LineTo(pointsCircle12[a].getX(), (pointsCircle12[a].getY()));
                    path22.LineTo(pointsCircle12[b].getX(), (pointsCircle12[b].getY()));
                    path23.LineTo(pointsCircle12[c].getX(), (pointsCircle12[c].getY()));

                    canvas.DrawPath(path21, paintSnow);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path22, paintSnow);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path23, paintSnow);

                    // drawing cloud with fill
                    paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                    canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                    // drawing cloud with stroke
                    paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                    canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                    n = n + 1;

                    if (n == 100)
                        m = 0;
                        n = 0;
                        path21.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        path22.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        path23.MoveTo(0, 0);

                        x1 = 0;
                        y1 = 0;

                        drop21 = true;
                        drop11 = false;
                        drop12 = false;

                if (drop21)
                    pathCircle1 = new Path();
                    pathCircle1.AddCircle(pathPoints21[m].getX(), pathPoints21[m].getY(),
                                          screenW * 0.03f, Path.Direction.Cw);
                    pointsCircle21 = getPoints(pathCircle1);

                    //1st drop
                    path11 = new Path();
                    path12 = new Path();
                    path13 = new Path();

                    int a = (25 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 25 + m / 5 - 100 : 25 + m / 5;
                    int b = (8 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 8 + m / 5 - 100 : 8 + m / 5;
                    int c = (40 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 40 + m / 5 - 100 : 40 + m / 5;

                    path11.MoveTo(pointsCircle21[a].getX(), pointsCircle21[a].getY());
                    path12.MoveTo(pointsCircle21[b].getX(), pointsCircle21[b].getY());
                    path13.MoveTo(pointsCircle21[c].getX(), pointsCircle21[c].getY());

                    a = (75 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 75 + m / 5 - 100 : 75 + m / 5;
                    b = (59 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 59 + m / 5 - 100 : 59 + m / 5;
                    c = (90 + m / 5) >= 100 ? 90 + m / 5 - 100 : 90 + m / 5;

                    path11.LineTo(pointsCircle21[a].getX(), (pointsCircle21[a].getY()));
                    path12.LineTo(pointsCircle21[b].getX(), (pointsCircle21[b].getY()));
                    path13.LineTo(pointsCircle21[c].getX(), (pointsCircle21[c].getY()));

                    canvas.DrawPath(path11, paintSnow);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path12, paintSnow);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path13, paintSnow);

                    // drawing cloud with fill
                    paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                    canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                    // drawing cloud with stroke
                    paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                    canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                    m = m + 1;

                    if (m > 75)
                        pathCircle2 = new Path();
                        pathCircle2.AddCircle(pathPoints22[n].getX(), pathPoints22[n].getY(),
                                              screenW * 0.03f, Path.Direction.Cw);
                        pointsCircle22 = getPoints(pathCircle2);

                        //2nd drop
                        path21 = new Path();
                        path22 = new Path();
                        path23 = new Path();

                        a = (25 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 25 + n / 5 - 100 : 25 + n / 5;
                        b = (8 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 8 + n / 5 - 100 : 8 + n / 5;
                        c = (40 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 40 + n / 5 - 100 : 40 + n / 5;

                        path21.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[a].getX(), pointsCircle22[a].getY());
                        path22.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[b].getX(), pointsCircle22[b].getY());
                        path23.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[c].getX(), pointsCircle22[c].getY());

                        a = (75 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 75 + n / 5 - 100 : 75 + n / 5;
                        b = (59 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 59 + n / 5 - 100 : 59 + n / 5;
                        c = (90 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 90 + n / 5 - 100 : 90 + n / 5;

                        path21.LineTo(pointsCircle22[a].getX(), (pointsCircle22[a].getY()));
                        path22.LineTo(pointsCircle22[b].getX(), (pointsCircle22[b].getY()));
                        path23.LineTo(pointsCircle22[c].getX(), (pointsCircle22[c].getY()));

                        canvas.DrawPath(path21, paintSnow);
                        canvas.DrawPath(path22, paintSnow);
                        canvas.DrawPath(path23, paintSnow);

                        // drawing cloud with fill
                        paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                        canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                        // drawing cloud with stroke
                        paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                        canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                        n = n + 1;

                    if (m == 100)
                        m = 0;
                        path11.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        path12.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        path13.MoveTo(0, 0);

                        x1 = 0;
                        y1 = 0;

                        drop22 = true;
                        drop21 = false;

                if (drop22)
                    pathCircle2 = new Path();
                    pathCircle2.AddCircle(pathPoints22[n].getX(), pathPoints22[n].getY(),
                                          screenW * 0.03f, Path.Direction.Cw);
                    pointsCircle22 = getPoints(pathCircle2);

                    //2nd drop
                    path21 = new Path();
                    path22 = new Path();
                    path23 = new Path();

                    int a = (25 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 25 + n / 5 - 100 : 25 + n / 5;
                    int b = (8 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 8 + n / 5 - 100 : 8 + n / 5;
                    int c = (40 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 40 + n / 5 - 100 : 40 + n / 5;

                    path21.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[a].getX(), pointsCircle22[a].getY());
                    path22.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[b].getX(), pointsCircle22[b].getY());
                    path23.MoveTo(pointsCircle22[c].getX(), pointsCircle22[c].getY());

                    a = (75 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 75 + n / 5 - 100 : 75 + n / 5;
                    b = (59 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 59 + n / 5 - 100 : 59 + n / 5;
                    c = (90 + n / 5) >= 100 ? 90 + n / 5 - 100 : 90 + n / 5;

                    path21.LineTo(pointsCircle22[a].getX(), (pointsCircle22[a].getY()));
                    path22.LineTo(pointsCircle22[b].getX(), (pointsCircle22[b].getY()));
                    path23.LineTo(pointsCircle22[c].getX(), (pointsCircle22[c].getY()));

                    canvas.DrawPath(path21, paintSnow);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path22, paintSnow);
                    canvas.DrawPath(path23, paintSnow);

                    // drawing cloud with fill
                    paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                    canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                    // drawing cloud with stroke
                    paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                    canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                    n = n + 1;

                    if (n == 100)
                        m = 0;
                        n = 0;
                        path21.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        path22.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        path23.MoveTo(0, 0);

                        x1 = 0;
                        y1 = 0;

                        drop11 = true;
                        drop12 = false;
                        drop21 = false;
                        drop22 = false;

            if (!isStatic || !isAnimated)
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)

            // set canvas background color
            // canvas.DrawColor(bgColor);

            // set stroke width
            paint.StrokeWidth = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));

            // initializing paths
            path  = new Path();
            path1 = new Path();

            // positioning Sun with respect to cloud
            PointF P5c1 = cloud.getP5c1(X, Y, screenW, count);

            if (XSun == 0)
                // center point for Sun
                XSun = P5c1.X;
                YSun = P5c1.Y + (int)(0.042 * screenW);

            //incrementing counter for rotation
            count = count + 0.5;

            //comparison to check 360 degrees rotation
            int retval = Double.Compare(count, 360.00);

            if (retval == 0)
                if (!isAnimated)
                    // mark completion of animation
                    isAnimated = true;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;

            // drawing center circle
            path.AddCircle(XSun, YSun, (int)(0.083 * screenW), Path.Direction.Cw);

            // drawing arms of sun
            for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 45)
                path1.MoveTo(XSun, YSun);
                float x1 = (float)((int)(0.1146 * screenW) * Math.Cos(Math.ToRadians(i + count / 4)) + XSun); //arm pointX at radius 50 with incrementing angle from center of sun
                float y1 = (float)((int)(0.1146 * screenW) * Math.Sin(Math.ToRadians(i + count / 4)) + YSun); //arm pointY at radius 50 with incrementing angle from center of sun
                float X2 = (float)((int)(0.1563 * screenW) * Math.Cos(Math.ToRadians(i + count / 4)) + XSun); //arm pointX at radius 65 with incrementing angle from center of sun
                float Y2 = (float)((int)(0.1563 * screenW) * Math.Sin(Math.ToRadians(i + count / 4)) + YSun); //arm pointY at radius 65 with incrementing angle from center of sun
                path1.MoveTo(x1, y1);                                                                         // draw arms of sun
                path1.LineTo(X2, Y2);

            // drawing sun
            canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
            canvas.DrawPath(path1, paint);

            // drawing cloud with fill
            paint.Color = (bgColor);
            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paint);

            // drawing cloud with stroke
            paint.Color = (strokeColor);
            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paint);

            if (!isStatic || !isAnimated)
                // invalidate if not static or not animating
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)

            // canvas.DrawColor(bgColor);

            paintCloud.StrokeWidth = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));
            paintFog.StrokeWidth   = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));

            path1 = new Path();
            path2 = new Path();

            count = count + 0.5;

            int retval = Double.Compare(count, 360.00);

            if (retval == 0)
                count = 0;

            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);
            PointF P1c2 = cloud.getP1c2(X, Y, screenW, count);

            path1 = new Path();
            path2 = new Path();

            if (line1Y == 0)
                line1Y = P1c2.Y + (float)(0.1042 * screenW);   //Calculating Y coordinate for foglines.
                line2Y = P1c2.Y + (float)(0.15625 * screenW);

                lineStartX = (float)(X - X * 50.0 / 100.0);  //Calculating X coordinate for foglines.
                lineEndX   = (float)(X + X * 50.0 / 100);

            float temp = (lineEndX - lineStartX) * (float)95.0 / (float)100; //Calculating fogline length

            path1.MoveTo(lineStartX, line1Y);
            path1.LineTo(lineStartX + temp, line1Y);

            path2.MoveTo(lineEndX, line2Y);
            path2.LineTo(lineEndX - temp, line2Y);

            //Code to move foglines from one point to another

            if (moving && (lineStartX + temp + ctr) <= lineEndX)
                path1.MoveTo(lineStartX + ctr + i, line1Y);
                path1.LineTo(lineStartX + ctr + temp + i, line1Y);

                path2.MoveTo(lineEndX - ctr + i + i, line2Y);
                path2.LineTo(lineEndX - ctr - temp + i - i, line2Y);

                ctr = ctr + (float)0.5;
                if ((lineStartX + temp + ctr) > lineEndX)
                    expanding = true;
                    moving    = false;

            //Code to expand foglines

            if (expanding)
                if (i <= 5f)
                    i = i + 0.1f;
                    path1.MoveTo(lineStartX + ctr + temp + i, line1Y);
                    path1.LineTo(lineStartX + ctr - i, line1Y);

                    path2.MoveTo(lineEndX - ctr - temp + i, line2Y);
                    path2.LineTo(lineEndX - ctr - i, line2Y);
                    //Moving the fogline to the other end after expanding

                    path1.MoveTo(lineStartX + ctr + temp + i, line1Y);
                    path1.LineTo(lineStartX + ctr - i, line1Y);

                    path2.MoveTo(lineEndX - ctr - temp + i, line2Y);
                    path2.LineTo(lineEndX - ctr - i, line2Y);

                    ctr = ctr - 0.2f;
                    if (lineStartX + ctr <= lineStartX)
                        expanding = false;
                        compress  = true;
                        ctr       = 0.0f;

            //Compressing the fogline to normal length
            if (compress)
                if (i > 0.0f)
                    i = i - 0.1f;
                    path1.MoveTo(lineStartX + ctr - i, line1Y);
                    path1.LineTo(lineStartX + ctr + temp + i, line1Y);

                    path2.MoveTo(lineEndX - ctr - i, line2Y);
                    path2.LineTo(lineEndX - ctr - temp + i, line2Y);
                    compress = false;
                    moving   = true;
                    if (isStatic)
                        isAnimated = false;

            canvas.DrawPath(path1, paintFog);
            canvas.DrawPath(path2, paintFog);

            if (isAnimated)
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)

            // set canvas background color

            paintCloud.StrokeWidth = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));
            paintMoon.StrokeWidth  = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));

            count = count + 0.5;
            int retval = Double.Compare(count, 360.00);

            if (retval == 0)
                if (!isAnimated)
                    // mark completion of animation
                    isAnimated = true;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;

            // Moon shape
            pathMoon = new Path();
            RectF rectF1 = new RectF();

            PointF P5c1 = cloud.getP5c1(X, Y, screenW, count);

            if (X2 == 0)
                X2 = P5c1.X;
                Y2 = P5c1.Y + (int)(0.042 * screenW);

                radius = (int)(0.1042 * screenW);

            if (!clockwise)
            { //Anticlockwise rotation
                // First arc of the Moon.
                rectF1.Set(X2 - radius, Y2 - radius, X2 + radius, Y2 + radius);
                pathMoon.AddArc(rectF1, 65 - (m / 2), 275);

                pathPoints = getPoints(pathMoon);

                a = pathPoints[999].getX();
                b = pathPoints[999].getY();
                c = pathPoints[0].getX();
                d = pathPoints[0].getY();

                PointF p1 = cubic2Points(a, b, c, d, true);
                PointF p2 = cubic2Points(a, b, c, d, false);

                // Second arc of the Moon in opposite face.
                pathMoon.MoveTo(a, b);
                pathMoon.CubicTo(p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y, c, d);

                canvas.DrawPath(pathMoon, paintMoon);

                m = m + 0.5f;

                if (m == 100)
                    m         = 0;
                    clockwise = !clockwise;
            { //Clockwise rotation
                // First arc of the Moon.
                rectF1.Set(X2 - radius, Y2 - radius, X2 + radius, Y2 + radius);
                pathMoon.AddArc(rectF1, 15 + (m / 2), 275);

                pathPoints = getPoints(pathMoon);

                a = pathPoints[999].getX();
                b = pathPoints[999].getY();
                c = pathPoints[0].getX();
                d = pathPoints[0].getY();

                PointF p1 = cubic2Points(a, b, c, d, true);
                PointF p2 = cubic2Points(a, b, c, d, false);

                // Second arc of the Moon in opposite face.
                pathMoon.MoveTo(a, b);
                pathMoon.CubicTo(p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y, c, d);

                canvas.DrawPath(pathMoon, paintMoon);

                m = m + 0.5f;

                if (m == 100)
                    m         = 0;
                    clockwise = !clockwise;

            // drawing cloud with fill
            paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

            // drawing cloud with stroke
            paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

            if (!isStatic || !isAnimated)
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)

            // set canvas background color

            paintCloud.StrokeWidth = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));
            paintRain.StrokeWidth  = ((float)(0.015 * screenW));

            pathRain = new Path(); // pathCloud for drop

            count = count + 0.5;

            //comparison to check 360 degrees rotation
            int retval = Double.Compare(count, 360.00);

            if (retval == 0)
                if (!isAnimated)
                    // mark completion of animation
                    isAnimated = true;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;

            PointF P1c2 = cloud.getP1c2(X, Y, screenW, count);
            PointF P1c1 = cloud.getP1c2(X, Y, screenW, count);
            float  P1Y  = ((float)((int)(0.1041667 * screenW) *
                                   Math.Sin(Math.ToRadians(80 + (0.111 * count))) + Y));

            PointF P2c2 = cloud.getP2c2(X, Y, screenW, count);
            PointF P2c1 = cloud.getP2c2(X, Y, screenW, count);
            float  P2Y  = ((float)(((int)(0.1041667 * screenW) + ((0.00023125 * screenW) * count))
                                   * Math.Sin(Math.ToRadians(120 + (0.222 * count))) + Y));

            if (isAnimated && isStatic)
            { //Initial static view
                pathRain = new Path();

                // 1st drop
                if (x1 == 0)
                    x1 = (int)P1c2.X;
                if (y1 == 0)
                    float value = (int)P1c2.Y - ((P1c1.Y + P1Y) / 2);
                    y1 = (int)(P1c2.Y - value / 2);

                m = 95;
                // Shape for rain drop
                pathRain.MoveTo(x1, y1);
                pathRain.AddArc(new RectF(x1 - 5, (y1 - 5) + m, x1 + 5, y1 + 5 + m), 180, -180);
                pathRain.LineTo(x1, (y1 - 10) + m);

                // 2nd drop
                if (x2 == 0)
                    x2 = (int)P2c2.X;
                if (y2 == 0)
                    float value = (int)P2c2.Y - ((P2c1.Y + P2Y) / 2);
                    y2 = (int)(P2c2.Y - value / 2);

                pathRain.MoveTo(x2, y2);
                pathRain.AddArc(new RectF(x2 - 5, (y2 - 5) + m, x2 + 5, y2 + 5 + m), 180, -180);
                pathRain.LineTo(x2, (y2 - 10) + m);

                // 3rd drop
                if (x3 == 0)
                    x3 = (x1 + x2) / 2;
                if (y3 == 0)
                    y3 = (y1 + y2) / 2;

                pathRain.MoveTo(x3, y3);
                pathRain.AddArc(new RectF(x3 - 5, (y3 - 5) + m / 2, x3 + 5, y3 + 5 + m / 2), 180, -180);
                pathRain.LineTo(x3, (y3 - 10) + m / 2);
            else     // Animating view

                if (drop1)  // Drop 1 of the rain

                    pathRain = new Path();

                    if (x1 == 0)
                        x1 = (int)P1c2.X;
                    if (y1 == 0)
                        float value = (int)P1c2.Y - ((P1c1.Y + P1Y) / 2);
                        y1 = (int)(P1c2.Y - value / 2);

                    // Shape for rain drop
                    pathRain.MoveTo(x1, y1);
                    pathRain.AddArc(new RectF(x1 - 5, (y1 - 5) + m, x1 + 5, y1 + 5 + m), 180, -180);
                    pathRain.LineTo(x1, (y1 - 10) + m);

                    if (m == 100)
                        m = 0;
                        pathRain.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        drop2 = true;
                        drop1 = false;

                if (drop2)  // Drop 2 of the rain
                    pathRain = new Path();

                    if (x2 == 0)
                        x2 = (int)P2c2.X;
                    if (y2 == 0)
                        float value = (int)P2c2.Y - ((P2c1.Y + P2Y) / 2);
                        y2 = (int)(P2c2.Y - value / 2);

                    pathRain.MoveTo(x2, y2);
                    pathRain.AddArc(new RectF(x2 - 5, (y2 - 5) + m, x2 + 5, y2 + 5 + m), 180, -180);
                    pathRain.LineTo(x2, (y2 - 10) + m);

                    if (m == 100)
                        m = 0;
                        pathRain.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        drop2 = false;
                        drop3 = true;

                if (drop3)
                    // Drop 3 of the rain
                    pathRain = new Path();

                    if (x3 == 0)
                        x3 = (x1 + x2) / 2;
                    if (y3 == 0)
                        y3 = (y1 + y2) / 2;

                    pathRain.MoveTo(x3, y3);
                    pathRain.AddArc(new RectF(x3 - 5, (y3 - 5) + m, x3 + 5, y3 + 5 + m), 180, -180);
                    pathRain.LineTo(x3, (y3 - 10) + m);

                    if (m == 100)
                        m = 0;
                        pathRain.MoveTo(0, 0);
                        // animate = false;
                        drop3 = false;
                        drop1 = true;

                // First fill the shape with paint
                canvas.DrawPath(pathRain, paintRain);

                // Then, draw the same pathCloud with paint stroke
                canvas.DrawPath(pathRain, paintRain);

                m = m + 2.5f;

                // drawing cloud with fill
                paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
                canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                // drawing cloud with stroke
                paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
                canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

                if (!isStatic || !isAnimated)
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)

            paintCloud.StrokeWidth   = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));
            paintThunder.StrokeWidth = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));

            //incrementing counter for rotation
            count = count + 0.5;

            //comparison to check 360 degrees rotation
            int retval = Double.Compare(count, 360.00);

            if (retval == 0)
                //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                count = 0;

            PointF P2c1 = cloud.getP2c1(X, Y, screenW, count);

            //Setting up the height of thunder from the cloud
            if (thHeight == 0)
                thHeight = P2c1.Y;
            float startHeight = thHeight - (thHeight * 0.1f);

            //Setting up X coordinates of thunder
            float path2StartX = X + (X * 0.04f);

            //Calculating coordinates of thunder

            thPath.MoveTo(path2StartX, startHeight);

            thPath.LineTo(X - (X * 0.1f), startHeight + (startHeight * 0.2f)); //1

            thPath.LineTo(X + (X * 0.03f), startHeight + (startHeight * 0.15f));

            thPath.LineTo(X - (X * 0.08f), startHeight + (startHeight * 0.3f));

            leftPoints = getPoints(thPath);

            if (ctr <= 98)
                if (check == false)
                    thFillPath.MoveTo(leftPoints[ctr].getX(), leftPoints[ctr].getY());
                    thFillPath.LineTo(leftPoints[ctr + 1].getX(), leftPoints[ctr + 1].getY());
                    //Once filled, erasing the fill from top to bottom
                    thFillPath.MoveTo(leftPoints[ctr].getX(), leftPoints[ctr].getY());
                    for (int i = ctr + 1; i < leftPoints.Length - 1; i++)
                        thFillPath.LineTo(leftPoints[i].getX(), leftPoints[i].getY());
                ctr = ctr + 1;
                if (isStatic)
                    if (ctr2 == 2)
                        isAnimated = false;
                        ctr2       = 0;

                ctr = 0;
                if (check == false)
                    check = true;
                    check = false;

            if (!isAnimated)
                thFillPath.MoveTo(leftPoints[0].getX(), leftPoints[0].getY());
                for (int i = ctr + 1; i < leftPoints.Length - 1; i++)
                    thFillPath.LineTo(leftPoints[i].getX(), leftPoints[i].getY());

            canvas.DrawPath(thFillPath, paintThunder);

            paintCloud.Color = (Colors.Dark);
            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

            paintCloud.Color = (Color.White);
            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

            if (isAnimated)
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)

            // set canvas background color

            path1 = new Path(); // pathCloud for drop 1
            path2 = new Path(); // pathCloud for drop 2
            path3 = new Path(); // pathCloud for drop 3

            count = count + 0.5;

            paintCloud.StrokeWidth = ((float)(0.02083 * screenW));
            paintRain.StrokeWidth  = ((float)(0.015 * screenW));

            int retval = Double.Compare(count, 360.00);

            if (retval == 0)
                if (!isAnimated)
                    // mark completion of animation
                    isAnimated = true;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;
                    //resetting counter on completion of a rotation
                    count = 0;

            PointF P1c2 = cloud.getP1c2(X, Y, screenW, count);
            PointF P2c2 = cloud.getP2c2(X, Y, screenW, count);
            PointF P1c1 = cloud.getP1c1(X, Y, screenW, count);

            float P1Y = ((float)((int)(0.1041667 * screenW) * Math.Sin(Math.ToRadians(80 + (0.111 * count))) + Y));

            // Store starting x, y coordinates of rain drops
            if (!pointsStored)
                x1 = (int)P1c2.X;
                x2 = (int)P2c2.X;
                x3 = (x1 + x2) / 2;

                float value = (int)P1c2.Y - ((P1c1.Y + P1Y) / 2);
                y1 = y2 = y3 = (int)(P1c2.Y - value / 2) - 20;

                pointsStored = true;

            if (isAnimated && isStatic)
                //Initial static view
                int m = 95;

                path1.MoveTo(x1, y1 + (m - 24));
                path1.LineTo(x1, y1 + m + (float)(Y * 0.1));
                canvas.DrawPath(path1, paintRain);

                path2.MoveTo(x2, y2 + (m - 24));
                path2.LineTo(x2, y2 + m + (float)(Y * 0.1));
                canvas.DrawPath(path2, paintRain);

                path3.MoveTo(x3, y3 + ((m - 50) - 24));
                path3.LineTo(x3, y3 + (m - 50) + (float)(Y * 0.1));
                canvas.DrawPath(path3, paintRain);
                // Animating view

                if (i <= 2 * 49)
                    if (i < 2 * 25)
                        //drop11 logic
                        if (m1 < 24)
                            path1.MoveTo(x1, y1);
                            count1 = count1 + 4;
                            path1.MoveTo(x1, y1 + count1);

                        path1.LineTo(x1, y1 + m1 + (float)(Y * 0.1));
                        canvas.DrawPath(path1, paintRain);

                        m1 = m1 + 4;

                        if (m1 == 100)
                            m1     = 0;
                            count1 = 0;

                        //drop21 logic
                        if (i > 2 * 10)
                            if (m2 < 24)
                                path2.MoveTo(x2, y2);
                                count2 = count2 + 4;
                                path2.MoveTo(x2, y2 + count2);

                            path2.LineTo(x2, y2 + m2 + (float)(Y * 0.1));
                            canvas.DrawPath(path2, paintRain);

                            m2 = m2 + 4;

                            if (m2 == 100)
                                m2     = 0;
                                count2 = 0;

                    if (i >= 2 * 25 && i <= 2 * 49)
                        // drop 3
                        if (m3 < 24)
                            path3.MoveTo(x3, y3);
                            count3 = count3 + 4;
                            path3.MoveTo(x3, y3 + count3);

                        path3.LineTo(x3, y3 + m3 + (float)(Y * 0.1));
                        canvas.DrawPath(path3, paintRain);

                        m3 = m3 + 4;

                        if (m3 == 100)
                            m3     = 0;
                            count3 = 0;

                        // drop21
                        if (i < 2 * 36)
                            if (m2 < 24)
                                path2.MoveTo(x2, y2);
                                count2 = count2 + 4;
                                path2.MoveTo(x2, y2 + count2);

                            path2.LineTo(x2, y2 + m2 + (float)(Y * 0.1));
                            canvas.DrawPath(path2, paintRain);

                            m2 = m2 + 4;

                            if (m2 == 100)
                                m2     = 0;
                                count2 = 0;

                i += 2;

                if (i == 2 * 50)
                    i = 0;

            // drawing cloud with fill
            paintCloud.Color = (bgColor);
            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

            // drawing cloud with stroke
            paintCloud.Color = (strokeColor);
            canvas.DrawPath(cloud.getCloud(X, Y, screenW, count), paintCloud);

            if (!isStatic || !isAnimated)