예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   <p>Pushes a package to the server and publishes it.</p>
        ///   <p>For more details, visit the <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/">official website</a>.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   <p>This is a <a href="http://www.nuke.build/docs/authoring-builds/cli-tools.html#fluent-apis">CLI wrapper with fluent API</a> that allows to modify the following arguments:</p>
        ///   <ul>
        ///     <li><c>&lt;targetPath&gt;</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.TargetPath"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--api-key</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.ApiKey"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--disable-buffering</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.DisableBuffering"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--force-english-output</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.ForceEnglishOutput"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--no-service-endpoint</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.NoServiceEndpoint"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--no-symbols</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.NoSymbols"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--skip-duplicate</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.SkipDuplicate"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--source</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.Source"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--symbol-api-key</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.SymbolApiKey"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--symbol-source</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.SymbolSource"/></li>
        ///     <li><c>--timeout</c> via <see cref="DotNetNuGetPushSettings.Timeout"/></li>
        ///   </ul>
        /// </remarks>
        private (BlockingCollection <ILineOut>, int) DotNetNuGetPush(DotNetNuGetPushSettings toolSettings = null)
            toolSettings = toolSettings ?? new DotNetNuGetPushSettings();
            ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = SlugCmdProcess.GetDefaultProcessSettings();

            ToolSettingsToProcessInfoConverter.Convert(toolSettings, processStartInfo);
            SlugCmdProcess slugCmdProcess = new SlugCmdProcess("Dot Net Nuget Push", processStartInfo);

            return(slugCmdProcess.Output, slugCmdProcess.ExitCode);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Publishes a Nuget package to a nuget site.
        /// </summary>
        private void Publish_Nuget()
            DotNetNuGetPushSettings settings = new DotNetNuGetPushSettings()
                Source        = CISession.NugetRepoURL,
                ApiKey        = CISession.NugetAPIKey,
                SkipDuplicate = true,

            IReadOnlyCollection <AbsolutePath> nugetPackages = CISession.OutputDirectory.GlobFiles("*.nupkg");

            foreach (AbsolutePath nugetPackage in nugetPackages)
                if (nugetPackage.ToString().EndsWith("symbols.nupkg"))
                bool pushedSuccessfully = false;
                StageCompletionStatusEnum stepStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.NotStarted;

                    settings.TargetPath = nugetPackage;
                    (BlockingCollection <ILineOut> nugetOutput, int exitCode) = DotNetNuGetPush(settings);
                    ControlFlow.Assert(exitCode == 0, "Process DotNetBuild failed");
                    if (nugetOutput.Count > 0)
                        // Look for skipped message.
                        foreach (ILineOut outputLine in nugetOutput)
                            if (outputLine.Text.Contains("already exists at feed"))
                                stepStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.Warning;
                                string msg = @"A nuget package  <" +
                                             Path.GetFileName(nugetPackage) +
                                             ">  with this name and version already exists. " +
                                             "Assuming this is due to you re-running the publish after a prior error that occurred after the push to Nuget was successful.  " +
                                             "Will carry on as though this push was successful.  " +
                                             "Otherwise, if this should have been a new update, then you will need to make another commit and re-publish";
                            else if (outputLine.Text.Contains("package was pushed"))
                                pushedSuccessfully = true;
                                stepStatus         = StageCompletionStatusEnum.Success;
                catch (ProcessException pe)
                    stepStatus = StageCompletionStatusEnum.Failure;
                    if (!CISession.NugetRepoURL.Contains("nuget.org"))
                            "The nuget Push process threw an error.  Since you are using a service other than Nuget this may be a service outage with the site or it might mean the version of the library you are pushing already exists.  You will need to perform a manual check to determine which it is.");

                if (pushedSuccessfully)
                    string fileName = Path.GetFileName(nugetPackage);
                    fileName = fileName.TrimEnd(".symbols.nupkg");
                    fileName = fileName.TrimEnd(".nupkg");
                    fileName = fileName.TrimEnd("." + CISession.VersionInfo.SemVersionAsString);
                    fileName = fileName.ToLower();

                    // Loop thru projects looking for that assembly name
                    foreach (SlugCIProject project in CISession.Projects)
                        if (project.AssemblyName.ToLower() == fileName || project.PackageId.ToLower() == fileName)
                            // TODO - Remove - not needed anylonger.
                            // For Tool Deployed projects, we need to copy the current version out to the deploy folder

                             * if ( project.Deploy == SlugCIDeployMethod.Tool ) {
                             *      AbsolutePath deployFile = CISession.DeployCopyPath / project.Name / CISession.PublishTarget.ToString() / "Version.json";
                             *      ToolVersionJSON toolVersionJSON = new ToolVersionJSON() {ToolVersion = CISession.VersionInfo.SemVersionAsString};
                             *      string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize<ToolVersionJSON>(toolVersionJSON, ToolVersionJSON.SerializerOptions());
                             *      File.WriteAllText(deployFile, json);
                             * }
                            project.Results.PublishedSuccess = true;

                // Set stage status based upon Step Status
예제 #3
    async Task <IEnumerable <Output> > PushPackages()
        var       outputs   = Enumerable.Empty <Output>();
        const int rateLimit = 300;

        var allFiles = Packages.Select((x, i) => new { Index = i, Value = x })
                       .GroupBy(x => x.Index / rateLimit)
                       .Select(x => x.Select(v => v.Value).ToList())
        var first = true;

        Logger.Info($"Searching for packages in \"{RootDirectory / "build" / "output_packages"}\"...");
        foreach (var files in allFiles)
            if (first)
                first = false;
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromHours(1));

            if (!NugetFeed.Contains("nuget.org"))
                var srcSettings = new DotNetNuGetAddSourceSettings().SetName("Silk-PushPackages").SetSource(NugetFeed);

                if (NugetUsername is not null || NugetPassword is not null)
                    if (NugetUsername is null || NugetPassword is null)
                            "Both \"NugetUsername\" and \"NugetPassword\" must be specified if either are used."

                    srcSettings = srcSettings.SetUsername(NugetUsername).SetPassword(NugetPassword);

                outputs = outputs.Concat(DotNetNuGetAddSource(srcSettings));

            foreach (var pushSettings in files.Select
                         file =>
                var x = new DotNetNuGetPushSettings()
                        .SetSource(NugetFeed.Contains("nuget.org") ? "nuget.org" : "Silk-PushPackages")
                if (NugetApiKey is not null)
                    x = x.SetApiKey(NugetApiKey);

                outputs = outputs.Concat(DotNetNuGetPush(pushSettings));

            if (!NugetFeed.Contains("nuget.org"))
                outputs = outputs.Concat(DotNet("dotnet nuget remove source \"Silk-PushPackages\""));
