public void ForgetPasswordNew(string url, string email, string code) { GetBody(53); m_body = m_body.Replace("[RestorePass]", (DomainUtil.GetSubdomainLink(url) + "/service/restore" + "?email=" + email + "&token=" + code).Trim()); m_body = m_body.Replace("[RestorePass2]", (DomainUtil.GetSubdomainLink(url).Replace(".", "<span>.</span>") + "/<span>service</span>/restore" + "?email=" + email.Replace("@", "<span>@</span>").Replace(".", "<span>.</span>") + "&token=" + code).Trim()); m_body = m_body.Replace("[RestoreCode]", code); }
public void CampusSecurityAlert(string caseUrl, string caseId, string platformManagerName, string platformManagerCell) { GetBody(51); m_body = m_body.Replace("[CaseUrl]", (DomainUtil.GetSubdomainLink(caseUrl) + "/newCase/Index/" + caseUrl).Trim()); m_body = m_body.Replace("[CaseId]", caseId); m_body = m_body.Replace("[PlatformManagerName]", platformManagerName); m_body = m_body.Replace("[PlatformManagerCell]", platformManagerCell); }
public void NewMediator(string adminName, string companyName, string baseUrl, string link, string username, string password) { GetBody(52); m_body = m_body.Replace("[AdminName]", adminName); m_body = m_body.Replace("[CompanyName]", companyName); m_body = m_body.Replace("[BaseUrl]", DomainUtil.GetSubdomainLink(link) + "/login/index?loginField=" + username); m_body = m_body.Replace("[Link]", DomainUtil.GetSubdomainLink(link) + "/settings/index"); m_body = m_body.Replace("[Username]", username); m_body = m_body.Replace("[Password]", password); m_body = m_body.Replace("[Username]", username); }
public string InviteMediator(string email) { email = email.ToLower().Trim(); user _user = (user)Session[ECGlobalConstants.CurrentUserMarcker]; if (_user == null || == 0) { return(App_LocalResources.GlobalRes.EmptyData); } if (_user.role_id == 8) { return(App_LocalResources.GlobalRes.EmptyData); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { return(App_LocalResources.GlobalRes.EmptyData); } if (!m_EmailHelper.IsValidEmail(email)) { return(App_LocalResources.GlobalRes.EmailInvalid); } UserModel um = new UserModel(; List <string> _company_user_emails = new List <string>(); _company_user_emails = (db.user.Where(t => ((t.company_id == um._user.company_id) && (t.role_id != ECLevelConstants.level_informant))).Select(t =>; List <int> _company_user_allowed = new List <int>(); _company_user_allowed = (db.user.Where(t => ((t.company_id == um._user.company_id) && (t.role_id != ECLevelConstants.level_informant))).Select(t =>; if (_company_user_emails.Contains(email)) { return(App_LocalResources.GlobalRes.MediatorAlreadyRegistered + "!"); } if ((db.invitation.Any(t => (( == email) && (t.used_flag == 1) && (_company_user_allowed.Contains(t.sent_by_user_id))))) || (db.user.Any(u => (( == email.ToLower().Trim() && u.role_id != 8))))) { return(App_LocalResources.GlobalRes.MediatorAlreadyRegistered); } if (db.invitation.Any(t => (( == email) && (_company_user_allowed.Contains(t.sent_by_user_id))))) { return(App_LocalResources.GlobalRes.AlreadyInvited); } string generated_code = StringUtil.RandomString(6); // create invitation in db invitation _invitation = new invitation(); _invitation.code = generated_code; _invitation.comment = ""; _invitation.created_on = DateTime.Now; = email.Trim().ToLower(); _invitation.sent_by_user_id =; _invitation.used_flag = 0; db.invitation.AddOrUpdate(_invitation); db.SaveChanges(); // add _invitation to db // send email with code to email address if ((email.Trim().Length > 0) && m_EmailHelper.IsValidEmail(email.Trim())) { List <string> to = new List <string>(); List <string> cc = new List <string>(); List <string> bcc = new List <string>(); to.Add(email.Trim()); /// bcc.Add("*****@*****.**"); EC.Business.Actions.Email.EmailManagement em = new EC.Business.Actions.Email.EmailManagement(); EC.Business.Actions.Email.EmailBody eb = new EC.Business.Actions.Email.EmailBody(1, 1, Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower()); CompanyModel cm = new CompanyModel(_user.company_id); eb.MediatorInvited(_user.first_nm, _user.last_nm, _user.first_nm, _user.last_nm, cm._company.company_nm, generated_code, DomainUtil.GetSubdomainLink(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower()) + "/new/?code=" + generated_code + "&email=" + email); string body = eb.Body; em.Send(to, cc, App_LocalResources.GlobalRes.Email_Title_MediatorInvited, body, true); } return(App_LocalResources.GlobalRes._Completed.ToLower()); }
public void GetBody(int body_selector) { switch (body_selector) { case 1: // request for contact on front site - its internal email - for me/margot m_filename = "NewRequest"; break; case 2: // company registered - message for Admin mediator ( no cc to Partner as login info here. msg for partner would be in PartnerNewCompanyArrived) m_filename = "NewCompany"; break; case 3: // case submitted - message for admin mediators m_filename = "NewCase"; break; case 4: // case submitted with involved mediators- individual message for admin mediators w/o involved m_filename = "NewCaseInvolved"; break; case 5: // individual message for mediators in case m_filename = "NewMessage"; break; case 6: // task for mediator ( cc for the one who assigned?) m_filename = "NewTask"; break; case 7: // case promoted - individual message for mediators in case m_filename = "NextStep"; break; case 8: // case reopened - individual message for mediators in case m_filename = "CaseReopened"; break; case 9: // case needs to be signed-off ( by 2 top mediator levels only) m_filename = "CaseCloseApprove"; break; case 10: // case needs to be signed-off ( by 2 top mediator levels only) m_filename = "CaseCloseApprovePlatformManager"; break; case 11: // case escalated - don't have red button to escalate yet m_filename = "EscalatedCase"; break; case 12: // case escalated because of timeline violation m_filename = "EscalatedCaseTimeline"; break; case 13: // new mediator registered - message for mediator - no cc for admin, as login here m_filename = "NewUser"; break; case 14: // new mediator registered - message for admin mediator m_filename = "NewUserArrived"; break; case 15: // case promoted - individual message for mediators in case m_filename = "SeniorMediatorCaseConfirm"; break; case 20: // new company invitation sent - message for new company ( cc for partner??) m_filename = "PartnerNewCompany"; break; case 21: // new company registered - message for partner m_filename = "PartnerNewCompanyArrived"; break; case 22: // new company status changed - message for company ( cc for partner???) m_filename = "PartnerNewCompanyStatusChange"; break; case 30: // new case submitted - message for reporter m_filename = "ReporterNewCase"; break; case 31: // new case message - message for reporter m_filename = "ReporterNewMessage"; break; case 32: // case promoted to next step - message for reporter m_filename = "ReporterNewStep"; break; case 33: // // case re-opened - message for reporter m_filename = "ReporterCaseReopened"; break; case 40: //mediator assigned to case (?? cc for the one who assigned?) m_filename = "MediatorAssigned"; break; case 41: // mediator invited to company (??I think we don't need cc for the one who invited?) m_filename = "MediatorInvited"; break; case 42: //mediator status promoted to Active ONLY (??I think we don't need cc for the one who changed status?) m_filename = "MediatorStatusChange"; break; case 43: // mediator Role changed to any - (??I think we don't need cc for the one who changed?) m_filename = "MediatorRoleChange"; break; case 50: // message to mediator with the link to update password m_filename = "ForgetPassword"; break; case 51: // message to mediator with the link to update password m_filename = "CampusSecurityAlert"; break; case 52: // message to mediator with the link to update password m_filename = "MediatorInvitedUserCreated"; break; case 53: // message to mediator with the link to update password m_filename = "ForgetPasswordNew"; break; case 60: // message about case deadline past due m_filename = "CaseDeadlinePastDue"; break; } string appPath = Path.GetFullPath("~/EmailText/" + m_filename + ".html"); string path1 = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"EmailText\", m_filename + ".html"); string path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Content\emails\", m_filename + ".html"); /// string path1 = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ExecuteAssembly, @"EmailText\", m_filename + ".html"); /// string temp = ""; m_body = ""; if (File.Exists(path)) { temp = path; string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); m_body = text; string entrance_link = DomainUtil.GetSubdomainLink(path) + "/Index/Start"; m_body = m_body.Replace("[BaseUrl]", entrance_link); } /* string assemblyName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName; * string assemblyPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; * * if (System.IO.File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath + '\\' + * assemblyName.Substring(0, assemblyName.IndexOf(',')) + ".html")) * { * * temp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath + '\\' + * assemblyName.Substring(0, assemblyName.IndexOf(',')) + ".html"; * } * else if (System.IO.File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath + '\\' + "Content" + '\\' + "emails" + '\\' + m_filename + ".html")) * { * temp = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath + '\\' + "Content" + '\\' + "emails" + '\\' + m_filename + ".html"; * } * else if (System.IO.File.Exists(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath) + '\\' + * assemblyName.Substring(0, assemblyName.IndexOf(',')) + ".html")) * { * temp = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath) + '\\' + * assemblyName.Substring(0, assemblyName.IndexOf(',')) + ".html"; * } * else if (System.IO.File.Exists(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath) + '\\' + "Content" + '\\' + "emails" + '\\' + m_filename + ".html")) * { * temp = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath) + '\\' + "Content" + '\\' + "emails" + '\\' + m_filename + ".html"; * }*/ }