public Task GetRecordInfo([FromForm] int id, [FromForm] int siteId) { DomainRecord record = SiteAgent.Instance().GetRecordInfo(id); if (record == null) { return(this.ShowError("记录不存在")); } SiteDomain domain = SiteAgent.Instance().GetDomainInfo(siteId, record.DomainID); if (domain == null) { return(this.ShowError("记录数据错误")); } return(this.GetResult(new { record.ID, record.DomainID, record.CDNType, record.CName, record.Status, record.SubName, domain.Domain })); }
/// <summary> /// 删除记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="recordId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DeleteRecord(int recordId) { DomainRecord record = this.WriteDB.ReadInfo <DomainRecord>(t => t.ID == recordId); if (record == null) { return(this.FaildMessage("记录不存在")); } SiteDomain domain = this.ReadDB.ReadInfo <SiteDomain>(t => t.ID == record.DomainID); List <DomainCDN> cdnlist = this.ReadDB.ReadList <DomainCDN>(t => t.RecordID == record.ID); // 调用CDN接口,删除CDN记录 foreach (DomainCDN cdn in cdnlist) { if (cdn.CDNType != CDNProviderType.Manual) { CDNProvider provider = ProviderAgent.Instance().GetCDNProviderInfo(cdn.CDNType); if (provider != null || provider.Setting != null) { if (!provider.Setting.Delete(cdn.CName, out string msg)) { return(this.FaildMessage(msg)); } } } this.WriteDB.Delete <DomainCDN>(t => t.ID == cdn.ID && t.RecordID == recordId); } // 此处调用DNSPOD接口,删除别名记录 // do something this.WriteDB.Delete <DomainRecord>(t => t.ID == recordId); return(this.AccountInfo.Log(LogType.Site, $"删除商户{domain.SiteID}域名记录{record.SubName}.{domain.Domain}")); }
private bool UpdateDdnsInfo(IDdnsService ddns, string ip, DomainsItem domain) { if (ddns == null) { throw new Exception("Ddns service provider is null."); } //检查域名解析是否存在 List <DomainRecord> records = ddns.DescribeSubDomainRecords(domain.Domain); DomianInfo configDomainInfo = DomianInfo(domain.Domain); DomainRecord domainInfo = null; foreach (var item in records) { if ($"{item.RR}.{item.DomainName}".ToLower() == domain.Domain.ToLower()) { domainInfo = item; break; } } if (records.Count > 1) { ddns.DeleteSubDomainRecords(new DeleteDomainRecordParam() { RR = domainInfo.RR, DomainName = domainInfo.DomainName }); domainInfo = null; } if (domainInfo == null) { ddns.AddDomainRecord(new AddDomainRecordParam() { DomainName = configDomainInfo.DomainName, RR = configDomainInfo.RR, Type = DdnsSDK.Model.Enum.DomainRecordType.A, Value = ip, TTL = domain.TTL }); } else { if (domainInfo.RR == configDomainInfo.RR && domainInfo.TTL == domain.TTL && domainInfo.Value == ip) { return(false); } ddns.UpdateDomainRecord(new UpdateDomainRecordParam() { DomainName = configDomainInfo.DomainName, RecordId = domainInfo.RecordId, RR = configDomainInfo.RR, Type = DdnsSDK.Model.Enum.DomainRecordType.A, Value = ip, TTL = domain.TTL }); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 添加域名 /// </summary> /// <param name="siteId">商户ID</param> /// <param name="domain">根域名</param> /// <param name="subName">子域名</param> /// <param name="provider">CDN供应商(如果是商户操作,供应商为系统默认值,不可被商户自主选择)</param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool AddDomain(int siteId, string domain, string[] subName, CDNProviderType provider) { domain = WebAgent.GetTopDomain(domain); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain)) { return(this.FaildMessage("域名错误")); } if (this.ReadDB.Exists <SiteDomain>(t => t.Domain == domain)) { return(this.FaildMessage("域名已被添加")); } foreach (string name in subName) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(name, @"^@$|^\*$|^\w+$")) { return(this.FaildMessage($"子域名{name}不符合规范")); } } using (DbExecutor db = NewExecutor(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)) { SiteDomain siteDomain = new SiteDomain() { SiteID = siteId, Domain = domain }; siteDomain.AddIdentity(db); foreach (string name in subName.Distinct()) { // 添加域名记录 DomainRecord record = new DomainRecord() { CDNType = provider, CName = this.CreateRecordCName(name, domain), DomainID = siteDomain.ID, Status = DomainRecord.RecordStatus.Wait, SubName = name }; record.AddIdentity(db); // 添加CDN记录 DomainCDN cdn = new DomainCDN() { RecordID = record.ID, Https = provider == CDNProviderType.Manual ? DomainCDN.CDNStatus.None : DomainCDN.CDNStatus.Wait, CName = string.Empty, CDNType = provider, Status = provider == CDNProviderType.Manual ? DomainCDN.CDNStatus.None : DomainCDN.CDNStatus.Wait }; cdn.Add(db); } db.Commit(); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a record. The record must be available to the authenticated user in the given view. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewId">viewId view identifier in which to get records</param> /// <param name="recordId">recordId unique record identifier</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="TrackViaApiException">if the service fails to process this request</exception> /// <exception cref="TrackviaClientException">if an error occurs outside the service, failing the request</exception> public DomainRecord <T> getRecord <T>(long viewId, long recordId) { string path = String.Format("{0}/openapi/views/{1}/records/{2}", this._baseUriPath, viewId, recordId); HttpClientResponse Response = getCommonSharedCode(path); DomainRecord <T> record = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DomainRecord <T> >(Response.Content); return(record); }
private static DomainRecord ConvertToDomainRecord(DnsRecord dnsRecord, string zoneName) { DomainRecord domainRecord = new DomainRecord(); domainRecord.Data = dnsRecord.RecordData; domainRecord.DomainName = zoneName; domainRecord.Priority = dnsRecord.MxPriority; domainRecord.RecordType = dnsRecord.RecordType.ToString(); domainRecord.HostName = dnsRecord.RecordName; return(domainRecord); }
/* * Talking with John from TrackVia this should work in theory, but generating * errors. Need to work with TrackVia to see if this is possible. It would * GREATLY speed up the update process * */ /* * /// <summary> * /// Updates a record in a view accessible to the authenticated user. * /// </summary> * /// <param name="viewId">view identifier in which to update the record</param> * /// <param name="data">enumerable data instance of RecordData</param> * /// <returns>RecordSet of updated records</returns> * /// <exception cref="TrackViaApiException">if the service fails to process this request</exception> * /// <exception cref="TrackviaClientException">if an error occurs outside the service, failing the request</exception> * public RecordSet updateRecords(long viewId, IEnumerable<RecordData> data) * { * string path = String.Format("{0}/openapi/views/{1}/records/0", this._baseUriPath, viewId); * * RecordDataBatch batch = new RecordDataBatch(data); * * string jsonSerializedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(batch); * * HttpClientResponse Response = postCommonSharedCode(path, jsonSerializedData); * * RecordSet rsResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RecordSet>(Response.Content); * * return rsResponse; * } * */ /// <summary> /// Updates a record in a view accessible to the authenticated user using the typed object. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewId">view identifier in which to update the record</param> /// <param name="recordId">unique record identifier</param> /// <param name="data">instance of an application-defined class, representing the record data</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="TrackViaApiException">if the service fails to process this request</exception> /// <exception cref="TrackviaClientException">if an error occurs outside the service, failing the request</exception> public DomainRecord <T> updateRecord <T>(long viewId, long recordId, T data) { string path = String.Format("{0}/openapi/views/{1}/records/{2}", this._baseUriPath, viewId, recordId); DomainRecordDataBatch <T> batch = new DomainRecordDataBatch <T>(new T[] { data }); string jsonSerializedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(batch); HttpClientResponse Response = postCommonSharedCode(path, jsonSerializedData); DomainRecordSet <T> recordSet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DomainRecordSet <T> >(Response.Content); DomainRecord <T> record = (recordSet != null && recordSet.Data != null && recordSet.Data.Count == 1) ? new DomainRecord <T>(recordSet.Structure, recordSet.Data[0]) : null; return(record); }
/// <summary> /// 添加域名记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="siteId">商户ID</param> /// <param name="domainId">根域名ID</param> /// <param name="subName">子域名</param> /// <param name="provider">CDN供应商(如果是商户操作,供应商为系统默认值,不可被商户自主选择)</param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool AddDomainRecord(int siteId, int domainId, string subName, CDNProviderType provider) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subName) || !Regex.IsMatch(subName, @"^@$|^\*$|^\w+$")) { return(this.FaildMessage($"子域名{subName}不符合规范")); } SiteDomain domain = this.GetDomainInfo(siteId, domainId); if (domain == null) { return(this.FaildMessage("域名ID错误")); } using (DbExecutor db = NewExecutor(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)) { if (db.Exists <DomainRecord>(t => t.DomainID == domainId && t.SubName == subName)) { return(this.FaildMessage("子域名记录已经存在")); } DomainRecord record = new DomainRecord() { CDNType = provider, CName = this.CreateRecordCName(subName, domain.Domain), DomainID = domainId, Status = DomainRecord.RecordStatus.Wait, SubName = subName }; record.AddIdentity(db); // 添加CDN记录 DomainCDN cdn = new DomainCDN() { RecordID = record.ID, Https = provider == CDNProviderType.Manual ? DomainCDN.CDNStatus.None : DomainCDN.CDNStatus.Wait, CName = string.Empty, CDNType = provider, Status = provider == CDNProviderType.Manual ? DomainCDN.CDNStatus.None : DomainCDN.CDNStatus.Wait }; cdn.Add(db); db.Commit(); } return(true); }
public void TrackViaClient_GetRecordAsDomainClass_ShouldReturnRecordAsType() { // Assemble Record record = TestData.getUnitTestRecord1(); Mock <IAsyncHttpClientHelper> httpClient = new Mock <IAsyncHttpClientHelper>(); TestHelper.HttpClient_SetupGetRequest(HttpStatusCode.OK, record, httpClient); TrackViaClient client = new TrackViaClient(httpClient.Object, TestHelper.HostName_Fake, TestHelper.ApiKey_Fake); // Act DomainRecord <TestData.Contact> contactRecord = client.getRecord <TestData.Contact>(1, 1); // Assert contactRecord.ShouldNotBeNull(); contactRecord.Data.ShouldNotBeNull(); contactRecord.Data.Id.ShouldEqual(record.Data.Id); }
public void IntegrationTest_TrackViaClient_GetDomainRecord_SimpleCrmAccount() { TestHelper.EnsureProductionValuesBeforeRunningIntegrationTests(IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_VIEWID_DEMOSIMPLECRM_ACCOUNTSDEFAULTVIEW <= 0 || IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_VIEWID_DEMOSIMPLECRM_ACCOUNTSDEFAULTVIEW_VALIDACCOUNTRECORDID <= 0); // Assemble TrackViaClient client = new TrackViaClient(IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_HOSTNAME, IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_USERNAME, IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_PASSWORD, IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_API_KEY); // Act DomainRecord <TestData.SimpleCrmContact> record = client.getRecord <TestData.SimpleCrmContact>( IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_VIEWID_DEMOSIMPLECRM_ACCOUNTSDEFAULTVIEW, IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_VIEWID_DEMOSIMPLECRM_ACCOUNTSDEFAULTVIEW_VALIDACCOUNTRECORDID); // Assert record.ShouldNotBeNull(); record.Data.ShouldNotBeNull(); record.Data.Id.ShouldEqual(IntegrationTestConfig.TRACKVIA_VIEWID_DEMOSIMPLECRM_ACCOUNTSDEFAULTVIEW_VALIDACCOUNTRECORDID); }
public void AddZoneRecord(string zoneName, DnsRecord record) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("zoneName"); } if (record == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("record"); } DomainRecord rec = ConvertToDomainRecord(record, zoneName); DnsResult res = proxy.AddRecord(Login, Password, rec); if (res.Status != Success) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not add zone record. Error code {0}. {1}", res.Status, res.Description)); } }
public void C() { var record = new DomainRecord( id: 19345, name: "*", path: "ai/processor/*", type: DnsRecordType.CNAME, value: "", ttl: null, flags: DomainRecordFlags.Alias ); Assert.Equal(19345, record.Id); Assert.Equal("*", record.Name); Assert.Equal("ai/processor/*", record.Path); Assert.Equal(5, (int)record.Type); Assert.Equal("", record.Value); Assert.Equal(DomainRecordFlags.Alias, record.Flags); Assert.Null(record.Ttl); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get(string domain) { var Record = new DomainRecord() { Whois = _WhoisService.GetWhoisInfo(domain), Dns = await _DnsService.GetDnsInfoAsync(domain), Summary = new SummaryRecord() }; try { Record.Summary.DomainOwner = Record.Whois.Registrant.Email; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(Ok(Record)); }
private static DnsRecord ConvertToDnsRecord(DomainRecord record) { DnsRecord dnsRecord = new DnsRecord(); dnsRecord.RecordName = record.HostName; dnsRecord.MxPriority = record.Priority; dnsRecord.RecordData = record.Data; switch (record.RecordType) { case "A": dnsRecord.RecordType = DnsRecordType.A; break; case "AAAA": dnsRecord.RecordType = DnsRecordType.AAAA; break; case "MX": dnsRecord.RecordType = DnsRecordType.MX; break; case "CNAME": dnsRecord.RecordType = DnsRecordType.CNAME; break; case "NS": dnsRecord.RecordType = DnsRecordType.NS; break; case "SOA": dnsRecord.RecordType = DnsRecordType.SOA; break; case "TXT": dnsRecord.RecordType = DnsRecordType.TXT; break; } return(dnsRecord); }
public void TrackViaClient_UpdateRecordAsDomainClass_ShouldUpdateRecordAndReturn() { // Assemble RecordSet rs = TestData.getUnitTestRecordSet3(); Mock <IAsyncHttpClientHelper> httpClient = new Mock <IAsyncHttpClientHelper>(); TestHelper.HttpClient_SetupPutJsonRequest(HttpStatusCode.OK, rs, httpClient); TrackViaClient client = new TrackViaClient(httpClient.Object, TestHelper.HostName_Fake, TestHelper.ApiKey_Fake); TestData.Contact contact = TestData.getUnitTestContact1(); // Act DomainRecord <TestData.Contact> responseRecord = client.updateRecord <TestData.Contact>(1L, contact.Id, contact); // Assert responseRecord.ShouldNotBeNull(); responseRecord.Data.ShouldNotBeNull(); responseRecord.Data.Id.ShouldEqual(contact.Id); }
public void B() { var name = DomainName.Parse(""); var record = new DomainRecord( id: ScopedId.Create(456, 1), name: "www", path: name.Path, type: DnsRecordType.A, value: "", ttl: 600, flags: DomainRecordFlags.None ); Assert.Equal(1912602625, record.Id); Assert.Equal("www", record.Name); Assert.Equal("ai/processor/www", record.Path); Assert.Equal(456, record.DomainId); Assert.Equal(1, (int)record.Type); Assert.Equal("", record.Value); Assert.Equal(600, record.Ttl); }
/// <summary> /// 切换域名记录的CDN供应商 /// </summary> /// <param name="recordId">域名记录</param> /// <param name="type">CDN供应商</param> /// <param name="cname">自定义的别名记录</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpdateCDNProvider(int recordId, CDNProviderType type, string cname) { DomainRecord record = this.GetRecordInfo(recordId); if (record == null) { return(this.FaildMessage("域名记录错误")); } if (type == CDNProviderType.Manual && string.IsNullOrEmpty(cname)) { return(this.FaildMessage("请手动设置CDN别名")); } if (!IsCDNProvider(type)) { return(this.FaildMessage("当前不支持该供应商")); } SiteDomain domain = this.ReadDB.ReadInfo <SiteDomain>(t => t.ID == record.DomainID); using (DbExecutor db = NewExecutor(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)) { bool isExists = db.Exists <DomainCDN>(t => t.RecordID == recordId && t.CDNType == type); switch (type) { case CDNProviderType.Manual: { if (isExists) { db.Update(new DomainCDN() { Status = DomainCDN.CDNStatus.Finish, CName = cname }, t => t.RecordID == recordId && t.CDNType == type, t => t.Status, t => t.CName); } else { new DomainCDN() { RecordID = recordId, CName = cname, Status = DomainCDN.CDNStatus.Finish, CDNType = type }.Add(db); } record.Status = DomainRecord.RecordStatus.Finish; db.AddCallback(() => { // 调用DNS供应商的接口,设定记录的别名指向到此处手动设定的CDN别名地址 }); } break; default: { if (isExists) { db.Update(new DomainCDN() { Status = DomainCDN.CDNStatus.Wait }, t => t.RecordID == recordId && t.CDNType == type, t => t.Status); } else { new DomainCDN() { RecordID = recordId, Status = DomainCDN.CDNStatus.Wait, CDNType = type }.Add(db); } record.Status = DomainRecord.RecordStatus.Wait; } break; } record.CDNType = type; record.Update(db, t => t.Status, t => t.CDNType); db.Commit(); } return(this.AccountInfo.Log(LogType.Site, $"设定域名{record.SubName}.{domain.Domain}的CDN供应商为:{type.GetDescription()}")); }