public JsonResult ReLogin(string token, string mail)
            var authBll = new Domain.BLL.AuthenticationBLL();
            var peopleToken = authBll.ReLogin(token, mail);
            if (peopleToken != null)
                var people = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL().GetPeople(mail);
                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(people.Email, false);
                return Json(new
                    success = true,
                    token = new
                        expiration = peopleToken.Vencimento.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"),

                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            return Json(new
                success = false,
                error = "Token não encontrado ou vencido"
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
예제 #2
 public long AddFriend(long peopleId)
     var loggedUser = Session.GetLoggedUser();
     var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
     var peopleFriends = peopleBll.AddPeopleFriend(loggedUser.ID, peopleId);
     return peopleFriends.ID;
        public ActionResult Autorize(string mail, string pass, string returnUrl)
            var model = new Models.Authentication.IndexVM();

            model.UserMail = mail;
            var authBll = new Domain.BLL.AuthenticationBLL();
            var user = authBll.Authorize(mail);
            if (user != null)
                if (user.Senha == new Utils.Cryptography.EncryptMd5().GetHash(pass))
                    var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
                    user.PessoaEmpresas = peopleBll.GetPeopleCustomers(user.ID);
                    var customerBll = new Domain.BLL.CustomerBLL();
                    foreach (var peopleCustomer in user.PessoaEmpresas)
                        peopleCustomer.Empresas = customerBll.GetCustomer(peopleCustomer.EmpresaId);
                    //Let us now set the authentication cookie so that we can use that later.
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(mail, false);
                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
                    model.Error = "Senha Inválida";
                model.Error = "Email não encontrado";
            return RedirectToAction("Index", new { error = model.Error });
        public ActionResult ChangePassword(string newPassword)
            var loggedUser = Session.GetLoggedUser();

            loggedUser.Senha = new Utils.Cryptography.EncryptMd5().GetHash(newPassword);
            loggedUser = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL().Save(loggedUser);

            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
예제 #5
        // GET: /Chat/
        public ActionResult Index()
            var model = new Models.Chat.indexVM();
            var loggedUser = Session.GetLoggedUser();
            var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
            var chatBll = new Domain.BLL.ChatBLL();
            model.Friends = peopleBll.GetPeopleFriends(loggedUser.ID);

            model.FriendsChat = chatBll.GetFriendsWithMessage(loggedUser.ID);
            return View(model);
예제 #6
        public ActionResult Edit(int peopleId = 0, string mail = null)
            var model = new Models.People.EditVM();
            model.States = new Utils.Cep.Estados().GetAll();

            var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();

            model.PeopleCustomers = new List<Domain.Repository.PessoaEmpresas>();
            model.Image = new Domain.Repository.Imagens { Url = "/Uploads/Images/no-image.png" };

            foreach (var peopleCustomerUser in Session.GetLoggedUser().PessoaEmpresas.ToList())
                if (peopleCustomerUser.PessoaTipoId > 2)
                    var peopleCustomerEdit = peopleBll.GetPeopleCustomer(peopleId, peopleCustomerUser.EmpresaId);
                    if (peopleCustomerEdit == null)
                        peopleCustomerEdit = new Domain.Repository.PessoaEmpresas();
                        peopleCustomerEdit.EmpresaId = peopleCustomerUser.EmpresaId;
                        peopleCustomerEdit.Empresas = peopleCustomerUser.Empresas;

                        peopleCustomerEdit.Empresas = Session.GetLoggedUser().PessoaEmpresas.ToList().Where(pe => pe.EmpresaId == peopleCustomerEdit.EmpresaId).FirstOrDefault().Empresas;



            if (peopleId == 0)
                model.People = new Domain.Repository.Pessoas();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail))
                    model.People.Email = mail;
                model.People = peopleBll.GetPeople(peopleId);
                if (model.People.ImagemId.HasValue)
                    model.Image = new Domain.BLL.ImagesBLL().Get(model.People.ImagemId.Value);

            model.PeopleTypes = peopleBll.GetPeopleTypes();
            return View(model);
예제 #7
        public bool VerifeMail(string mail)
            var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
            var people = peopleBll.GetPeople(mail);
            var success = false;
            if (people == null)
                success = true;

            return success;
예제 #8
        public long SaveCustomerRequest(int customerId, string email)
            var loggedUser = Session.GetLoggedUser();
            if (loggedUser != null)
                var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
                var people = peopleBll.GetPeople(email);
                if (people == null)
                    throw new Exception("Email não encontrado");
                var customer = loggedUser.PessoaEmpresas.Where(pe => pe.EmpresaId == customerId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (customer == null)
                    throw new Exception("Usuario logado nao tem acesso a solicitar vinculação para essa empresa");
                var peopleRequestBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleRequest.PeopleRequestBLL();
                var customerRequest = peopleRequestBll.GetPendingPeopleCustomerRequest(people.ID, customerId);
                if (customerRequest == null)
                    customerRequest = new Domain.Repository.PessoaSolicitacoes();
                    customerRequest.DataSolicitacao = DateTime.Now;
                    customerRequest.Descricao = "A Empresa " + customer.Empresas.Nome + " esta solicitando acesso ao seus dados cadastrais, acesso para habilitar o seu cadastro como aluno";
                    customerRequest.Titulo = "Solicitacao de acesso";
                    customerRequest.PessoaId = people.ID;
                    customerRequest.PessoaSolicitacaoTipoId = (int)Domain.BLL.PeopleRequest.PeopleRequestTypes.CustomerRequest;
                    customerRequest.PessoaSolicitacaoEmpresa = new List<Domain.Repository.PessoaSolicitacaoEmpresa>();
                    customerRequest.PessoaSolicitacaoEmpresa.Add(new Domain.Repository.PessoaSolicitacaoEmpresa { EmpresaId = customerId });
                    throw new Exception("Já existe uma solicitação pendente para essa pessoa");

                return peopleBll.RequestSave(customerRequest).ID;

            throw new Exception("Usuario não identificado");
예제 #9
 public long Save(string jsonPeople)
     var format = "dd/MM/yyyy"; // your datetime format
     var dateTimeConverter = new IsoDateTimeConverter { DateTimeFormat = format };
     var people = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Domain.Repository.Pessoas>(jsonPeople, dateTimeConverter);
     if (people.ImagemId <= 0)
         people.ImagemId = null;
     people = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL().Save(people);
     if (people.ImagemId.HasValue)
         var loggedUser = Session.GetLoggedUser();
         if (people.ID == loggedUser.ID)
             //var image = new Domain.BLL.ImagesBLL().Get(people.ImagemId.Value);
             loggedUser.ImagemId = people.ImagemId;
     return people.ID;
예제 #10
 public ActionResult List(int peopleTypeId, string peopleName, string peopleCpf)
     var model = new Models.People.ListVM();
     var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
     model.Peoples = peopleBll.GetPeoples(Session.GetLoggedUser().ID, peopleTypeId, peopleName, peopleCpf);
     return View(model);
예제 #11
 public ActionResult Index()
     var model = new Models.People.IndexVM();
     var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
     model.PeopleTypes = peopleBll.GetPeopleTypes();
     model.LoggedUser = Session.GetLoggedUser();
     return View(model);
예제 #12
        public ActionResult GetPeopleDetail(long peopleId)
            var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
            var customerBll = new Domain.BLL.CustomerBLL();
            var people = peopleBll.Get(peopleId);

            var peopleCustomers = peopleBll.GetPeopleCustomers(peopleId).Select(pe => new { peopleType = peopleBll.GetPeopleType(pe.PessoaTipoId).Descricao, customer = customerBll.GetCustomer(pe.EmpresaId).Nome }).ToList();
            var picture = new Domain.BLL.ImagesBLL().GetNoImage().Url;
            if (people.ImagemId.HasValue)
                picture = new ImagesBLL().Get(people.ImagemId.Value).Url;
            var result = new
                customers = peopleCustomers,
                picture = picture
            return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
예제 #13
        public ActionResult GetPeopleAheadAjax(string search)
            var exerciseBll = new Domain.BLL.ExerciseBLL();
            var loggedUser = Session.GetLoggedUser();

            var peoples = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL().GetPeopleByFilter(search).Where(p => p.ID != loggedUser.ID).ToList();
            var response = peoples.Select(p => new
                description = p.Nome + " " + p.Sobrenome,
                ID = p.ID
            return Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
예제 #14
        public ActionResult PeoplesList(string name, string cpf)
            var model = new Models.Trainig.PeoplesListVM();
            var loggedUser = Session.GetLoggedUser();
            var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
            model.Peoples = peopleBll.GetStudentPeople(loggedUser.PessoaEmpresas, name, cpf);
            var professorIds = model.Peoples.Where(p => p.ProfessorPessoaId.HasValue).GroupBy(p => p.ProfessorPessoaId).Select(p => p.First().ProfessorPessoaId.Value).ToList();

            model.Professors = peopleBll.GetProfessors(professorIds);
            return View(model);
예제 #15
        public ActionResult PeopleDetails(long peopleId)
            var model = new Models.Trainig.PeopleDetailsVM();
            var peopleBll = new Domain.BLL.PeopleBLL();
            var trainningBll = new Domain.BLL.TrainningBLL();
            model.People = peopleBll.GetPeople(peopleId);
            model.Professor = peopleBll.GetPeople(model.People.ProfessorPessoaId.Value);
            model.Trainnings = trainningBll.GetTrainnings(peopleId);
            if (model.People.ImagemId.HasValue)
                model.People.Imagens = new Domain.BLL.ImagesBLL().Get(model.People.ImagemId.Value);

            if (model.People.Imagens == null)
                model.People.Imagens = new Domain.Repository.Imagens { Url = "/Uploads/Images/no-image.png" };

            return View(model);