public Function(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "", "", "true") { }
public OnRender(DocumentData workSpaceData) : base(workSpaceData) { }
public Code(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "") { }
public BossBGLayerRender(DocumentData workSpaceData) : base(workSpaceData) { }
private void DrawCharacterAsGlyph(FontCharacter character, Matrix3X3 parentMatrix, float fontScale, DocumentData documentData, BitmapCanvas canvas) { var contentGroups = GetContentsForCharacter(character); for (var j = 0; j < contentGroups.Count; j++) { var path = contentGroups[j].Path; //path.ComputeBounds(out _rectF); Matrix.Set(parentMatrix); Matrix = MatrixExt.PreTranslate(Matrix, 0, (float)-documentData.BaselineShift * Utils.Utils.DpScale()); Matrix = MatrixExt.PreScale(Matrix, fontScale, fontScale); path.Transform(Matrix); if (documentData.StrokeOverFill) { DrawGlyph(path, _fillPaint, canvas); DrawGlyph(path, _strokePaint, canvas); } else { DrawGlyph(path, _strokePaint, canvas); DrawGlyph(path, _fillPaint, canvas); } } }
public BossBGDefine(DocumentData workSpaceData, string name) : base(workSpaceData) { //attributes.Add(new AttrItem("Name", name, this)); Name = name; }
public EnemyDefine(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "", "All") { }
public BossSCStart(DocumentData workSpaceData) : base(workSpaceData) { }
public PlayBGM(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "\"\"", "", "false") { }
public IfThen(DocumentData workSpaceData) : base(workSpaceData) { }
public override Code NewT(DocumentData d) { return(new Code(d)); }
public LoadImage(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "", "", "true", "0,0", "false", "0") { }
public override IMatrixData ProcessData(IMatrixData[] inputData, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables, ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo) { TextWriter defaultOut = Console.Out; TextWriter defaultErr = Console.Error; try{ if (documents == null){ documents = new IDocumentData[NumDocuments]; for (int i = 0; i < NumDocuments; i++){ documents[i] = new DocumentData(); } } TextWriter logger = null; if (documents.Length > 0){ logger = new StreamWriter(new DocumentStream(documents[0])); Console.SetOut(logger); Console.SetError(logger); } int nThreads = GetMaxThreads(param); IList<MsRunImpl> runs = new List<MsRunImpl>(); SingleChoiceWithSubParams singleSub = param.GetParam(MetadataElement.MS_RUN.Name) as SingleChoiceWithSubParams; if (singleSub != null){ MsRunParam sub = singleSub.SubParams[singleSub.Value].GetAllParameters().FirstOrDefault() as MsRunParam; if (sub != null){ if (sub.Value != null){ foreach (MsRunImpl run in sub.Value){ runs.Add(run); } } } } IList<StudyVariable> studyVariables = new List<StudyVariable>(); singleSub = param.GetParam(MetadataElement.STUDY_VARIABLE.Name) as SingleChoiceWithSubParams; if (singleSub != null){ StudyVariableParam sub = singleSub.SubParams[singleSub.Value].GetAllParameters().FirstOrDefault() as StudyVariableParam; if (sub != null){ if (sub.Value != null){ foreach (StudyVariable variable in sub.Value){ studyVariables.Add(variable); } } } } IList<Sample> samples = new List<Sample>(); singleSub = param.GetParam(MetadataElement.SAMPLE.Name) as SingleChoiceWithSubParams; if (singleSub != null){ SampleParam sub = singleSub.SubParams[singleSub.Value].GetAllParameters().FirstOrDefault() as SampleParam; if (sub != null){ if (sub.Value != null){ foreach (Sample sample in sub.Value){ samples.Add(sample); } } } } IList<Assay> assays = new List<Assay>(); singleSub = param.GetParam(MetadataElement.ASSAY.Name) as SingleChoiceWithSubParams; if (singleSub != null){ AssayParam sub = singleSub.SubParams[singleSub.Value].GetAllParameters().FirstOrDefault() as AssayParam; if (sub != null){ if (sub.Value != null){ foreach (Assay assay in sub.Value){ assays.Add(assay); } } } } IList<Database> databases = new List<Database>(); singleSub = param.GetParam("database") as SingleChoiceWithSubParams; if (singleSub != null){ DatabaseParam sub = singleSub.SubParams[singleSub.Value].GetAllParameters().FirstOrDefault() as DatabaseParam; if (sub != null && sub.Value != null){ foreach (Database db in sub.Value){ databases.Add(db); } } } IMatrixData output = (IMatrixData) inputData[0].CreateNewInstance(DataType.Matrix); List<string> columnnames = new List<string>{ MetadataElement.STUDY_VARIABLE.Name, MetadataElement.ASSAY.Name, MetadataElement.MS_RUN.Name, MetadataElement.SAMPLE.Name, MetadataElement.INSTRUMENT.Name }; List<string[]> matrix = new List<string[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < columnnames.Count; i++){ matrix.Add(new string[assays.Count]); } for (int i = 0; i < assays.Count; i++){ Assay assay = assays[i]; MsRunImpl runImpl = runs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(assay.MsRun.Id)); Instrument instrument = instruments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(assay.MsRun.Id)); if (runImpl == null){ continue; } var studyVariable = i < studyVariables.Count ? studyVariables[i] : null; var sample = i < samples.Count ? samples[i] : null; foreach (var s in studyVariables){ if (s.AssayMap.ContainsKey(assay.Id)){ studyVariable = s; try{ int sampleId = studyVariable.SampleMap.FirstOrDefault().Key; sample = samples.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(sampleId)); } catch (Exception){ Console.Error.WriteLine("Can not find sample"); } break; } } AddRow(matrix, columnnames, i, runImpl, assay, sample, studyVariable, instrument); } output.SetData(Matrix.Experiment, new List<string>(), new float[assays.Count,columnnames.Count], columnnames, matrix, new List<string>(), new List<string[][]>(), new List<string>(), new List<double[]>(), new List<string>(), new List<double[][]>(), new List<string>(), new List<string[][]>(), new List<string>(), new List<double[]>()); IList<IMatrixData> supplement = new List<IMatrixData>(); try{ IList<MsRunImpl> aplfiles = runs.Where(x => x.Location != null && x.Location.Value.EndsWith(".apl")).ToList(); IMatrixData temp = ProcessAplFiles(processInfo, nThreads, aplfiles); if (temp != null){ supplement.Add(temp); } } catch (Exception e){ throw new Exception("Could not parse spectra file(s)! " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace); } try{ IMatrixData temp = ProcessDbFiles(processInfo, databases.Count < nThreads ? 1 : nThreads, databases); if (temp != null){ supplement.Add(temp); } } catch (Exception e){ throw new Exception("Could not parse database file(s)! " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace); } if (logger != null){ logger.Dispose(); } supplTables = supplement.ToArray(); processInfo.Status("Define Experiment: DONE!"); processInfo.Progress(100); return output; } catch (Exception e){ string msg = "Process aborted! " + e.Message; MessageBox.Show(msg); Logger.Error(Name, msg); processInfo.Status(msg); } finally{ Console.SetOut(defaultOut); Console.SetError(defaultErr); } return null; }
public static DocumentData ExtractDocumentDataFromText(string email, int filesize, string text) { DocumentData data = new DocumentData(); var lines = text.Split("\n"); int start = 0; // Find where the invoice number is. This is the start of all the parsing. // This can happen in various places depending on the document for (; start < lines.Length; start++) { if (lines[start].Contains("Invoice")) { break; } } // Edge case: invoice 1 has the date on the same line as the invoice number // all others have it on a different line if (start > 0 && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines[start - 1])) { data.InvoiceDate = ExtractDateFromSameLine(lines[start], start); } else { if (start > 0 && DateTime.TryParse(lines[start - 1], out DateTime result)) { data.InvoiceDate = result.ToShortDateString(); } else { data.InvoiceDate = ExtractDateFromSameLine(lines[start], start); } } int vendorIndex = start + 1; while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines[vendorIndex])) { vendorIndex++; } data.VendorName = lines[vendorIndex].Trim(); for (int i = start; i < lines.Length; i++) { // The currency and total due straddle the " Total Due" line // or sometimes are after it if (lines[i].StartsWith(" Total Due")) { if (lines[i + 1].Contains(" ")) { var words = lines[i + 1].Trim().Split(" "); data.TotalAmountDue = Decimal.Parse(words[0].Substring(1)); data.Currency = words[1].Trim(); } else { data.TotalAmountDue = Decimal.Parse(lines[i - 1].Substring(1)); data.Currency = lines[i + 1].Trim(); } } // The total is on the same line, but avoid Total Due else if (lines[i].StartsWith(" Total") && !lines[i].Contains("Due")) { data.TotalAmount = Decimal.Parse(lines[i].Trim().Split(" ")[1].Substring(1)); } // Taxes are on the same line but can be different strings, so there needs to be some trickery // And also discounts contain a % sign too, so watch out else if (lines[i].Contains('%') && !lines[i].Contains("off")) { var words = lines[i].Trim().Split(" "); data.TaxAmount = Decimal.Parse(words[^ 1].Substring(1));
public EnemyDefine(DocumentData workSpaceData, string name, string difficulty) : base(workSpaceData) { Name = name; Difficulty = difficulty; }
private static void CalculateAllFollowingCosts(DocumentData docData) { if (docData.GoodIds.Count == 0) return; using (var db = Helpers.DB.PosConnect()) { var allDocs = db.Query(@"select docid,_date from GoodsMovement where _date>=@docDate and StoreId=@StoreId and PcsOut>0 and goodid in @GoodIds group by docid,_date order by _date", new { docDate = docData.DocumentDate, StoreId = docData.StoreId, GoodIds = docData.GoodIds }) .Select(x => new { DocumentId = (Guid)x.docid, DocumentDate = (DateTime)x._date }).ToList(); foreach (var doc in allDocs) { db.Execute(@"DECLARE @DocumentDate datetime SET @DocumentDate=(select top 1 _date from GoodsMovement where docid=@docid) UPDATE GM SET MoneyOut=GM.PcsOut*ISNULL(t.Cost,0) FROM GoodsMovement GM JOIN ( SELECT GoodId, COALESCE(Cost, (SELECT TOP 1 MoneyIn/PcsIn FROM GoodsMovement mv WHERE mv.StoreId=@StoreId AND mv._date<@DocumentDate AND mv.PcsIn>0 AND mv.MoneyIn>0 AND mv.GoodId=t.GoodId order by mv._date desc), 0) Cost FROM ( SELECT GoodId, (sum(ISNULL(OpeningMoney,0)) + Sum(ISNULL(MoneyIn,0)) - sum(ISNULL(MoneyOut,0))) / NULLIF((sum(ISNULL(OpeningPcs,0)) + Sum(ISNULL(PcsIn,0)) - sum(ISNULL(PcsOut,0))),0) Cost FROM( select GoodId, OpeningPcs, OpeningMoney, 0.00 PcsIn, 0.00 MoneyIn, 0.00 PcsOut, 0.00 MoneyOut from Stock where YEAR(Period) = YEAR(@DocumentDate) and MONTH(Period) = MONTH(@DocumentDate) and StoreId=@StoreId and goodid in @goods union all select GoodId, 0, 0, PcsIn, MoneyIn, PcsOut, MoneyOut from GoodsMovement where YEAR(_date)=YEAR(@DocumentDate) and MONTH(_date)=MONTH(@DocumentDate) and _date<=@DocumentDate and StoreId=@StoreId and docid <> @docid and goodid in @goods)t group by GoodId ) t )t ON GM.docid=@docid and t.GoodId=GM.GoodId UPDATE R SET R.Cost=(GM.MoneyOut/GM.PcsOut) FROM ReceiptDetails R JOIN GoodsMovement GM ON R.DocId= GM.docid AND R.GoodId=GM.goodid WHERE GM.docid=@docid AND R.DocId=@docid ", new { docid = doc.DocumentId, goods = docData.GoodIds, StoreId = docData.StoreId }); } } }
public StageGroupFinish(DocumentData workSpaceData) : base(workSpaceData) { }
/// <summary> /// Set the method conversion to Ignore for all method data that are inside the given document and can not be /// converted due to the language limitations or an already existing async counterpart. /// </summary> /// <param name="documentData">The document data to be pre-analyzed</param> private void PreAnalyzeDocumentData(DocumentData documentData) { _preAnalyzeSearchOptions = AsyncCounterpartsSearchOptions.EqualParameters | AsyncCounterpartsSearchOptions.IgnoreReturnType; // When searhing for missing async member we have to search also for overloads with a cancellation token var searchWithTokens = _configuration.UseCancellationTokens || _configuration.CanScanForMissingAsyncMembers != null; if (searchWithTokens) { _preAnalyzeSearchOptions |= AsyncCounterpartsSearchOptions.HasCancellationToken; } if (_configuration.SearchAsyncCounterpartsInInheritedTypes) { _preAnalyzeSearchOptions |= AsyncCounterpartsSearchOptions.SearchInheritedTypes; } foreach (var typeNode in documentData.Node .DescendantNodes() .OfType <TypeDeclarationSyntax>()) { var typeData = documentData.GetOrCreateTypeData(typeNode); typeData.Conversion = _configuration.GetTypeConversion(typeData.Symbol); PreAnalyzeType(typeData); var typeIgnored = typeData.GetSelfAndAncestorsTypeData().Any(o => o.Conversion == TypeConversion.Ignore); // TODO: fields can have anonymous functions that have async calls foreach (var memberNode in typeNode.Members) { if (memberNode is BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax methodNode) { var methodData = documentData.GetOrCreateBaseMethodData(methodNode, typeData); if (typeIgnored) { methodData.Ignore(IgnoreReason.TypeConversion, true); } else { PreAnalyzeFunctionData(methodData, documentData.SemanticModel); } foreach (var node in methodNode.DescendantNodes()) { switch (node.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression: case SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression: case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression: var anonFunData = documentData.GetOrCreateAnonymousFunctionData((AnonymousFunctionExpressionSyntax)node, methodData); if (methodData.Conversion == MethodConversion.Ignore) { anonFunData.Ignore(IgnoreReason.Cascade, true); } else { PreAnalyzeAnonymousFunction(anonFunData, documentData.SemanticModel); } break; case SyntaxKind.LocalFunctionStatement: var localFunData = documentData.GetOrCreateLocalFunctionData((LocalFunctionStatementSyntax)node, methodData); if (methodData.Conversion == MethodConversion.Ignore) { localFunData.Ignore(IgnoreReason.Cascade, true); } else { PreAnalyzeLocalFunction(localFunData, documentData.SemanticModel); } break; } } } else if (memberNode is PropertyDeclarationSyntax propertyNode) { var propertyData = documentData.GetOrCreatePropertyData(propertyNode, typeData); if (typeIgnored) { propertyData.Ignore(IgnoreReason.TypeConversion, true); } else { PreAnalyzePropertyData(propertyData, documentData.SemanticModel); } } else if (memberNode is BaseFieldDeclarationSyntax fieldNode) { var fieldData = documentData.GetOrCreateBaseFieldData(fieldNode, typeData); if (typeIgnored) { fieldData.Ignore(IgnoreReason.TypeConversion, true); } else { PreAnalyzeFieldData(fieldData, documentData.SemanticModel); } } } } }
public EditorVersion(DocumentData workSpaceData) : base(workSpaceData) { attributes.Add(new AttrItem("Editor version", PluginHandler.Plugin.NodeTypeCache.Version, this)); }
public BossBGDefine(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "") { }
public ProjSettings(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "", "", "true", "true") { }
public CodeSegment(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "do", "end") { }
public Del(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "self", "true") { }
public Code(DocumentData workSpaceData, string code) : base(workSpaceData) { //attributes.Add(new AttrItem("Code", this, "code") { AttrInput = code }); CodeContent = code; }
public TaskFinish(DocumentData workSpaceData) : base(workSpaceData) { }
public CreateSimpleBullet(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "arrow_big", "COLOR_RED", "self.x,self.y", "3", "0", "false" , "0", "true", "true", "0", "false", "0", "0", "0", "false") { }
public BulletClear(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "true", "false") { }
public Function(DocumentData workSpaceData, string name, string param, string localized) : base(workSpaceData) { FuncName = name; Parameters = param; Localized = localized; }
public BulletClear(DocumentData workSpaceData, string convToFaith, string clrIndes) : base(workSpaceData) { ConvToFaith = convToFaith; ClearIndest = clrIndes; }
public SetBlend(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "self", "\"\"", "255,255,255,255") { }
public IfElse(DocumentData workSpaceData) : base(workSpaceData) { }
public LaserTurnHalfOn(DocumentData workSpaceData) : this(workSpaceData, "30", "true") { }
/// <summary> /// Copy the newly opened Document into the current document. /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">The newly opened document</param> private void Open_(Document doc) { // Copy data from newly loaded doc into this doc m_data = doc.m_data; // Update the document references to point to this document m_data.Palettes.UpdateDocument(this); m_data.Spritesets.UpdateDocument(this); m_data.BackgroundPalettes.UpdateDocument(this); m_data.BackgroundSpritesets.UpdateDocument(this); m_data.BackgroundMaps.UpdateDocument(this); m_data.Filer.UpdateDocument(this); Spriteset ss = m_data.Spritesets.Current; if (ss != null) ss.SelectFirstSprite(); Spriteset bss = m_data.BackgroundSpritesets.Current; if (bss != null) bss.SelectFirstSprite(); BgImages bgis = m_data.BackgroundImages; if (bgis != null) bgis.SelectFirstImage(); Owner.ClearUndo(); }