public ActionResult TelechargerDocument(int idDocument) { string nomFichier = ""; string urlAbsolue = ""; Document doc = new Document(); try { using (DocumentDAL db = new DocumentDAL()) { // Récupération des informations du document à télécharger doc = db.getDocumentById(idDocument); string urlFichier = doc.CheminDocument; nomFichier = Path.GetFileName(urlFichier); string urlRelative = urlFichier.Replace(nomFichier, ""); urlAbsolue = Commons.Utils.getStorageRoot(urlRelative) + nomFichier; } } catch (Exception e) { string strIdDocument = idDocument.ToString(); Commons.Logger.genererErreur(typeof(DocumentController), "strstrIdDocument =" + strIdDocument + " /n " + e.ToString()); return(null); } return(File(urlAbsolue, "multipart/form-data", doc.NomFichierUpload)); }
public ActionResult SearchDocument(int idCategoriedocument, bool isSmartPhone, int offSet, int limit) { ObjDocument model = new ObjDocument(); string view = "~/Views/Document/ListeDocuments.cshtml"; try { // S'il s'agit d'un téléphone portable, on charge une vue spéciale if (isSmartPhone) { view = "~/Views/Document/ListeDocumentsMobile.cshtml"; model.NombreDocumentsParLigne = 1; model.NombreLignes = 6; } else { model.NombreDocumentsParLigne = 4; model.NombreLignes = 2; } using (DocumentDAL db = new DocumentDAL()) { model.ListeDocuments = db.getListeDocuments(idCategoriedocument, offSet, limit); } } catch (Exception e) { Commons.Logger.genererErreur(typeof(DocumentController), e.ToString()); return(RedirectToAction("AfficherErreur", "Error", new { message = e.Message })); } return(PartialView(view, model)); }
public int ReviewedFilledUpForm(int approverUserId, string uploadedFormName) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.ReviewedFilledUpForm(approverUserId, uploadedFormName)); }
public List <Forms> GetFormsListCategoryWise(int categoryId) { DocumentDAL uploadDal = new DocumentDAL(); List <Forms> categoryList = new List <Forms>(); categoryList = uploadDal.GetFormsListCategoryWise(categoryId); return(categoryList); }
public List <FormsCategory> GetCategoryList() { DocumentDAL uploadDal = new DocumentDAL(); List <FormsCategory> categoryList = new List <FormsCategory>(); categoryList = uploadDal.GetCategoryList(); return(categoryList); }
public int ApproveFilledUpForm(int filledUpFormId, int approverUserId, string uploadedFormName) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.ApproveFilledUpForm(filledUpFormId, approverUserId, uploadedFormName)); }
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { try { base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); // Gestion du user connecté dans le context if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[Commons.Const.sessionName_UserConnecte] != null) { Utilisateur UtilisateurConnecte = (Utilisateur)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[Commons.Const.sessionName_UserConnecte]; if (UtilisateurConnecte.Login != null) { CustomPrincipal UserConnecte = new CustomPrincipal(UtilisateurConnecte.Login); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User = UserConnecte; GenericPrincipal gp = new GenericPrincipal(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity, UtilisateurConnecte.Profils.ToArray()); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User = gp; } else { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User = null; } } else { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User = null; } // On va regarder en base de données la liste des catégories de documents à afficher if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[Commons.Const.sessionName_MenusDocuments] == null) { using (DocumentDAL db = new DocumentDAL()) { List <CategorieDocument> listeMenus = db.getListeCategoriesDocument(); Session[Commons.Const.sessionName_MenusDocuments] = listeMenus; } } // On va regarder en base de données la liste des catégories d'équipe à afficher if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[Commons.Const.sessionName_MenusEquipes] == null) { using (EquipeDAL db = new EquipeDAL()) { List <Equipe> listeEquipes = db.getListeEquipes(); Session[Commons.Const.sessionName_MenusEquipes] = listeEquipes; } } } catch (Exception e) { Commons.Logger.genererErreur(typeof(BaseController), e.ToString()); } }
public static Task fetchById(decimal id) { try { Task task = null; var result = TaskDAL.fetchById(id); if (result != null) { task = new Task(); = long.Parse( + ""); =; if (result.assing_id != null) { task.assingId = long.Parse(result.assing_id + ""); } else { task.assingId = -1; } task.description = result.description; task.dateStart = result.date_start; if (task.dateStart != null) { task.sDateStart = ((DateTime)task.dateStart).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace("-", "/"); } task.dateEnd = result.date_end; if (task.dateEnd != null) { task.sDateEnd = ((DateTime)task.dateEnd).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace("-", "/"); } task.creatorUserId = long.Parse(result.creator_user_id + ""); =; task.taskStatusId = result.task_status; task.documents = DocumentDAL.fetchAllByTaskId(long.Parse( + "")).Select(x => new Document() { id = long.Parse( + ""), name =, path = x.path, url = x.url, task_id = long.Parse(x.task_id + "") }).ToList(); } return(task); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public static void createTask(Task task) { try { if (TaskDAL.exists( { throw new ExistsException(); } else { tasks tasks = new tasks(); =; tasks.description = task.description; if (task.processId != -1 && task.processId != 0) { tasks.process_id = int.Parse(task.processId + ""); } if (task.assingId != -1 && task.processId != 0) { tasks.assing_id = int.Parse(task.assingId + ""); } if (task.fatherTaksId != -1 && task.processId != 0) { tasks.father_taks_id = int.Parse(task.fatherTaksId + ""); } tasks.task_status = task.taskStatusId; tasks.creator_user_id = task.creatorUserId; tasks.created_at = DateTime.Now; tasks.date_end = task.dateEnd; var id = TaskDAL.createTask(tasks); if (task.document != null) { files file = new files(); =; file.url = task.document.url; file.path = task.document.path; file.task_id = id; DocumentDAL.createDocument(file); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public static List <Task> getTasksByProcessId(decimal id) { try { List <Task> list = new List <Task>(); var dTasks = TaskDAL.getTasksByProcessId(id).ToList(); foreach (tasks item in dTasks) { Task task = new Task(); = long.Parse( + ""); =; task.description = item.description; task.dateEnd = item.date_end; task.sDateEnd = ((DateTime)item.date_end).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace("-", "/"); if (item.process_id != null) { var process = ProcessDAL.getById(Decimal.Parse(item.process_id + "")); Process dProcess = new Process(); =; dProcess.description = process.description; = long.Parse( + ""); task.process = dProcess; } var listFiles = DocumentDAL.fetchAllByTaskId(long.Parse( + "")).Select(x => new Document() { id = long.Parse( + ""), name =, url = x.url, path = x.path, task_id = x.task_id }).ToList(); task.documents = listFiles; task.alert = 0; list.Add(task); } return(list); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
// Check version exists public int ExistsOrInsertVersion(DocumentModel document, string actionUser) { DocumentDAL documentDAL = new DocumentDAL(); MenuDAL menuDAL = new MenuDAL(); int count = 0; int countVersion = 0; List <VersionModel> listDocument = new List <VersionModel>(); using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(connectionString)) { MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("sp_GetVersionByName", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; con.Open(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@version_name", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = document.VersionName; countVersion = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); con.Close(); } if (countVersion <= 0) { // Insert to new version VersionModel versionModel = new VersionModel(); versionModel.VersionName = document.VersionName; versionModel.VersionDescription = "Auto insert version"; versionModel.CreatedBy = actionUser; versionModel.UpdatedBy = actionUser; int versionID = this.InsertVersion(versionModel); if (versionID >= 0) { // insert document here document.VersionID = versionID; return(documentDAL.InsertDocument(document, actionUser)); } else { return(count); } } else { return(documentDAL.InsertDocument(document, actionUser)); } }
public void BindEmployee() { DocumentDAL obj = new DocumentDAL(); var lst = obj.EmployeeList(); if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0) { ddlEmployee.DataSource = lst; ddlEmployee.DataTextField = "Emp_Name"; ddlEmployee.DataValueField = "User_Idno"; ddlEmployee.DataBind(); ddlEmployee.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("< Choose Employee Name >", "0")); } else { ddlEmployee.Items.Clear(); ddlEmployee.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("< Choose Employee Name >", "0")); } }
/// <summary> /// Lecture de la video /// </summary> /// <returns>The video.</returns> /// <param name="idDocument">Identifier document.</param> public ActionResult ReadVideo(int idDocument) { string CheminDocument = ""; try { using (DocumentDAL db = new DocumentDAL()) { // Récupération des informations du document à télécharger CheminDocument = db.getDocumentById(idDocument).CheminDocument; } } catch (Exception e) { string strIdDocument = idDocument.ToString(); Commons.Logger.genererErreur(typeof(DocumentController), "strstrIdDocument =" + strIdDocument + " : " + e.ToString()); } return(new VideoResult(CheminDocument)); }
public void BindGrid() { string DateFrom = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDateFrom.Text.Trim()) ? "" : txtDateFrom.Text.Trim(); string DateTo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDateTo.Text.Trim()) ? "" : txtDateTo.Text.Trim(); Int32 DocType = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDoucmentType.SelectedValue); Int32 EmpID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEmployee.SelectedValue); Int64 DocNo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDocumentNo.Text.Trim()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(txtDocumentNo.Text.Trim()); DocumentDAL obj = new DocumentDAL(); DataSet ds = obj.SelectDocumentRecord(DateFrom, DateTo, DocType, EmpID, DocNo, ApplicationFunction.ConnectionString()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { grdMain.DataSource = ds; grdMain.DataBind(); } else { grdMain.DataSource = null; grdMain.DataBind(); } }
/// <summary> /// Affichers the documents. /// </summary> /// <returns>The documents.</returns> /// <param name="idCategorieDocument">Identifier categorie document.</param> public ActionResult AfficherDocuments(int idCategorieDocument, bool?isMobilePhone) { ObjDocument model = new ObjDocument(); model.idCategorieDocument = idCategorieDocument; string view = "~/Views/Document/Documents.cshtml"; try { Business.StatBLL.ajouterStat("PageDocument"); if (isMobilePhone == null || !isMobilePhone.Value) { model.NombreDocumentsParLigne = 4; model.NombreLignes = 2; } else { model.NombreDocumentsParLigne = 1; model.NombreLignes = 6; } using (DocumentDAL db = new DocumentDAL()) { // récupération de tous les documents CategorieDocument Categorie = db.getCategorieDocumentById(idCategorieDocument); model.LibelleCategorieDocument = Categorie.Libelle; model.ElementCount = db.getNombreDocumentsParCategorie(idCategorieDocument); } } catch (Exception e) { string strCategorieDocument = idCategorieDocument.ToString(); Commons.Logger.genererErreur(typeof(DocumentController), "strCategorieDocument =" + strCategorieDocument + " : " + e.ToString()); return(RedirectToAction("AfficherErreur", "Error", new { message = e.Message })); } return(View(view, model)); }
/// <summary> /// Affichers the documents. /// </summary> /// <returns>The documents.</returns> /// <param name="idCategorieDocument">Identifier categorie document.</param> public ActionResult AfficherDocuments(int idCategorieDocument) { ObjDocument model = new ObjDocument(); model.NombreDocumentsParLigne = 4; try { Business.StatBLL.ajouterStat("PageDocument"); using (DocumentDAL db = new DocumentDAL()) { // récupération de tous les documents model.ListeDocuments = db.getListeDocuments(idCategorieDocument); CategorieDocument Categorie = db.getCategorieDocumentById(idCategorieDocument); model.LibelleCategorieDocument = Categorie.Libelle; } } catch (Exception e) { string strCategorieDocument = idCategorieDocument.ToString(); Commons.Logger.genererErreur(typeof(DocumentController), "strCategorieDocument =" + strCategorieDocument + " : " + e.ToString()); return(RedirectToAction("AfficherErreur", "Error", new { message = e.Message })); } return(View("~/Views/Document/Documents.cshtml", model)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="approverUserId"></param> /// <param name="shipNo">Added on 30th Nov 2021</param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Forms> GetFilledupFormRequiredApprovalList(int approverUserId, int shipNo) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.GetFilledupFormRequiredApprovalList(approverUserId, shipNo)); }
public int DeleteForm(string formName) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.DeleteForm(formName)); }
/// <summary> /// new /// </summary> /// <param name="form"></param> /// <param name="catchMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveFilledUpForm(Forms form, ref string catchMessage) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.SaveFilledUpForm(form, ref catchMessage)); }
/// <summary> /// Old /// </summary> /// <param name="form"></param> /// <param name="approvers"></param> /// <param name="catchMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveFilledUpForm(Forms form, List <ApproverMaster> approvers, ref string catchMessage) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.SaveFilledUpForm(form, approvers, ref catchMessage)); }
public int SaveUploadedForms(List <Forms> formsList) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.SaveUploadedForms(formsList)); }
public DocumentBAL() { documentDAL = new DocumentDAL(); }
public List <Forms> GetFormsByCategoryForDropdown(int categoryId) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.GetFormsByCategoryForDropdown(categoryId)); }
public List <Forms> GetFillupFormsListForNotification(int aApproverUserId) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.GetFillupFormsListForNotification(aApproverUserId)); }
public static bool AddUserDocuments(DocumentDTO doc) { Document d = DocumentDTO.ToDAL(doc); return(DocumentDAL.AddUserDocuments(d)); }
public static List <Task> getTasksByUserId(decimal id) { try { List <Task> list = new List <Task>(); var dTasks = TaskDAL.getTasksByUser(id); foreach (tasks item in dTasks) { Task task = new Task(); = long.Parse( + ""); =; task.description = item.description; task.dateEnd = item.date_end; task.sDateEnd = ((DateTime)item.date_end).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace("-", "/"); if (item.process_id != null) { var process = ProcessDAL.getById(Decimal.Parse(item.process_id + "")); Process dProcess = new Process(); =; dProcess.description = process.description; = long.Parse( + ""); task.process = dProcess; } var listFiles = DocumentDAL.fetchAllByTaskId(long.Parse( + "")).Select(x => new Document() { id = long.Parse( + ""), name =, url = x.url, path = x.path, task_id = x.task_id }).ToList(); task.documents = listFiles; var alert = ConfigTrafficLightDAL.fetch(); var end = (DateTime)item.date_end; var now = DateTime.Now; var date = -(Math.Round((now - end).TotalDays)); if (date <= double.Parse( + "")) { task.alert = 1; } else if (date <= double.Parse(alert.yellow + "")) { task.alert = 2; } else if (date > double.Parse( + "")) { task.alert = 3; } list.Add(task); } return(list); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public static bool DeleteUserDocument(DocumentDTO doc) { Document d = DocumentDTO.ToDAL(doc); return(DocumentDAL.DeleteUserDocuments(d)); }
public ApprovedFilledupFormAndApproverViewModel GetApprovedFilledUpForms(int userId, int currentPage = 1) { DocumentDAL documentDal = new DocumentDAL(); return(documentDal.GetApprovedFilledUpForms(userId, currentPage)); }