public void Configuration_errors_returns_failure_and_failure_report() { DoctorReport report = fetchReport <BootstrapperThatWouldCreateErrors>(""); report.Result.ShouldEqual(DoctorResult.ConfigurationErrors); report.ErrorMessages.ShouldContain("cannot be plugged into type"); }
public object Post([FromBody] DoctorReport value) { Console.WriteLine("showReport"); var v = ShowReport(value); // var boole = ShowReport(value); Console.WriteLine("show Doc"); Console.WriteLine(v); Console.WriteLine(" v is null " + v != null); if (v != null) { Console.WriteLine("Yeess"); return(new ResponseReport { status = "Success", message = "Record SuccessFully Saved.", data = v }); } else { return(new ResponseReport { status = "Field", message = "Existing Record.", data = null }); } }
public void Bootstrapper_throws_error() { DoctorReport report = fetchReport <BootstrapperThatThrowsError>(""); report.Result.ShouldEqual(DoctorResult.BootstrapperFailure); report.ErrorMessages.ShouldContain(BootstrapperThatThrowsError.ERROR); }
public async Task <RedirectResult> AddReport(int IdAppointment, [Bind(Exclude = "Date")] DoctorReport report, List <string> symptoms, List <string> complaints, List <string> complaints2, List <string> analyses) { report.Complaints = Symptom.GetSymptomsString(complaints); report.Complaints2 = Symptom.GetSymptomsString(complaints2); report.Analyses = Symptom.GetSymptomsString(analyses); report.IdSymptoms = Symptom.GetSymptomsString(symptoms); report.Date = DateTime.Now; using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { Appointment appointment = await db.Appointments.FindAsync(IdAppointment); db.Appointments.Remove(appointment); db.DoctorReports.Add(report); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); } } return(Redirect("/Cabinet")); }
Successful_configuration_with_failed_validation_tests_returns_failure_and_whatdoihave_and_validation_report() { DoctorReport report = fetchReport <BootstrapperThatFailsValidationMethod>(""); report.Result.ShouldEqual(DoctorResult.ValidationErrors); report.WhatDoIHave.ShouldNotBeEmpty(); report.ErrorMessages.ShouldContain("NotGoingToWork"); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { if (args[0] == "?") { writeUsage(); return(0); } if (args.Length == 0) { writeUsage(); return(1); } var doctor = new Doctor { BinaryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, BootstrapperType = args[0], ConfigFile = string.Empty, OutputFile = string.Empty }; for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { string argument = args[i]; string[] parts = argument.Split('='); if (parts.Length != 2) { writeUsage(); return(1); } parseArgument(parts, doctor); } Console.WriteLine(); DoctorReport report = doctor.RunReport(); if (report.Result == DoctorResult.Success) { Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("FAILURE!"); } return(report.Result == DoctorResult.Success ? 0 : 1); }
public static List <Report> ShowReport(DoctorReport value) { Console.WriteLine("Show Report start"); var connString = "mongodb://"; MongoClient client = new MongoClient(connString); var db = client.GetDatabase("dataPSTL"); var collection = db.GetCollection <Report>("Report"); var firstFilter = Builders <Report> .Filter.Eq("idDoctor", value.userId); var cursor = collection.Find(firstFilter); return(cursor.ToList()); }
public void Use_configuration_positive_case() { // The "age" argument to the constructor is an integer, so 34 is okay DoctorReport report = fetchReport <BootstrapperThatDependsOnConfigFile>( @" <configuration> <appSettings> <add key='age' value='34'/> </appSettings> </configuration> "); report.Result.ShouldEqual(DoctorResult.Success); }
public void Use_configuration_negative_case() { // "age" is numeric, so "abc" will blow up with parse errors DoctorReport report = fetchReport <BootstrapperThatDependsOnConfigFile>( @" <configuration> <appSettings> <add key='age' value='abc'/> </appSettings> </configuration> "); report.Result.ShouldEqual(DoctorResult.BootstrapperFailure); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DoctorReport(int id) { User user = (User)Session["currentUser"]; DoctorReport report = await db.DoctorReports.FindAsync(id); List <int> symptomsId = Symptom.GetSymptomsInt(report.IdSymptoms); List <string> symptoms = new List <string>(); foreach (var symptomId in symptomsId) { Symptom s = db.Symptoms.Find(symptomId); symptoms.Add(s.Name); } ViewBag.symptoms = symptoms; return(View(report)); }