예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="SettingsViewModel"/> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private SettingsViewModel() : base("Settings")
            this.ContentId = SettingsViewModel.ToolContentId;

            // Subscribe async to avoid a deadlock situation
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="ScriptEditorViewModel" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        private ScriptEditorViewModel() : base("Script Editor")
            this.UpdateScriptCommand = new RelayCommand <String>((script) => this.UpdateScript(script), (script) => true);
            this.SaveScriptCommand   = new RelayCommand <String>((script) => this.SaveScript(script), (script) => true);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="PropertyViewerViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private PropertyViewerViewModel() : base("Property Viewer")
            this.ObserverLock            = new Object();
            this.PropertyViewerObservers = new List <IPropertyViewerObserver>();

            // Use reflection to set all propertygrid colors to dark, since some are otherwise not publically accessible
            PropertyInfo[]             allProperties   = this.propertyGrid.GetType().GetProperties();
            IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> colorProperties = allProperties.Select(x => x).Where(x => x.PropertyType == typeof(Color));

            colorProperties.ForEach(x => x.SetValue(this.propertyGrid, DarkBrushes.SqualrColorPanel, null));

            this.propertyGrid.BackColor         = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorPanel;
            this.propertyGrid.CommandsBackColor = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorPanel;
            this.propertyGrid.HelpBackColor     = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorPanel;
            this.propertyGrid.SelectedItemWithFocusBackColor = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorPanel;
            this.propertyGrid.ViewBackColor = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorPanel;

            this.propertyGrid.CommandsActiveLinkColor   = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorPanel;
            this.propertyGrid.CommandsDisabledLinkColor = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorPanel;

            this.propertyGrid.CategorySplitterColor = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorWhite;

            this.propertyGrid.CommandsBorderColor = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorFrame;
            this.propertyGrid.HelpBorderColor     = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorFrame;
            this.propertyGrid.ViewBorderColor     = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorFrame;

            this.propertyGrid.CategoryForeColor              = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorWhite;
            this.propertyGrid.CommandsForeColor              = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorWhite;
            this.propertyGrid.DisabledItemForeColor          = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorWhite;
            this.propertyGrid.HelpForeColor                  = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorWhite;
            this.propertyGrid.SelectedItemWithFocusForeColor = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorWhite;
            this.propertyGrid.ViewForeColor                  = DarkBrushes.SqualrColorWhite;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="ProjectExplorerViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private ProjectExplorerViewModel() : base("Project Explorer")
            this.ObserverLock       = new Object();
            this.ProjectItemStorage = new ProjectItemStorage();

            // Commands to manipulate project items may not be async due to multi-threading issues when modifying collections
            this.OpenProjectCommand               = new RelayCommand(() => this.ProjectItemStorage.OpenProject(), () => true);
            this.ImportProjectCommand             = new RelayCommand(() => this.ProjectItemStorage.ImportProject(), () => true);
            this.ExportProjectCommand             = new RelayCommand(() => this.ProjectItemStorage.ExportProject(), () => true);
            this.ImportSpecificProjectCommand     = new RelayCommand <String>((filename) => this.ProjectItemStorage.ImportProject(false, filename), (filename) => true);
            this.SaveProjectCommand               = new RelayCommand(() => this.ProjectItemStorage.SaveProject(), () => true);
            this.SelectProjectItemCommand         = new RelayCommand <Object>((selectedItems) => this.SelectedProjectItems = (selectedItems as IList)?.Cast <ProjectItem>(), (selectedItems) => true);
            this.EditProjectItemCommand           = new RelayCommand <ProjectItem>((projectItem) => this.EditProjectItem(projectItem), (projectItem) => true);
            this.AddNewAddressItemCommand         = new RelayCommand(() => this.AddNewProjectItem(typeof(PointerItem)), () => true);
            this.AddNewScriptItemCommand          = new RelayCommand(() => this.AddNewProjectItem(typeof(ScriptItem)), () => true);
            this.AddNewInstructionItemCommand     = new RelayCommand(() => this.AddNewProjectItem(typeof(InstructionItem)), () => true);
            this.ToggleSelectionActivationCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ToggleSelectionActivation(), () => true);
            this.DeleteSelectionCommand           = new RelayCommand(() => this.DeleteSelection(), () => true);
            this.CopySelectionCommand             = new RelayCommand(() => this.CopySelection(), () => true);
            this.PasteSelectionCommand            = new RelayCommand(() => this.PasteSelection(), () => true);
            this.CutSelectionCommand              = new RelayCommand(() => this.CutSelection(), () => true);
            this.ProjectItems = new FullyObservableCollection <ProjectItem>();

            Task.Run(() => DockingViewModel.GetInstance().RegisterViewModel(this));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="ManualScannerViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private ManualScannerViewModel() : base("Manual Scanner")
            this.StartScanCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.StartScan(), () => true);

            // Note: Not async to avoid updates slower than the perception threshold
            this.UpdateActiveValueCommand        = new RelayCommand <Object>((newValue) => this.UpdateActiveValue(newValue), (newValue) => true);
            this.SelectChangedCommand            = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.Changed), () => true);
            this.SelectDecreasedCommand          = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.Decreased), () => true);
            this.SelectDecreasedByXCommand       = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.DecreasedByX), () => true);
            this.SelectEqualCommand              = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.Equal), () => true);
            this.SelectGreaterThanCommand        = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.GreaterThan), () => true);
            this.SelectGreaterThanOrEqualCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqual), () => true);
            this.SelectIncreasedCommand          = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.Increased), () => true);
            this.SelectIncreasedByXCommand       = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.IncreasedByX), () => true);
            this.SelectLessThanCommand           = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.LessThan), () => true);
            this.SelectLessThanOrEqualCommand    = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.LessThanOrEqual), () => true);
            this.SelectNotEqualCommand           = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.NotEqual), () => true);
            this.SelectUnchangedCommand          = new RelayCommand(() => this.ChangeScanConstraintSelection(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.Unchanged), () => true);

            // Note: Constraint modifying commands cannot be async since they modify the observable collection, which must be done on the same thread as the GUI
            this.AddCurrentConstraintCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.AddCurrentConstraint(), () => true);
            this.RemoveConstraintCommand     = new RelayCommand <ScanConstraint>((ScanConstraint) => this.RemoveConstraint(ScanConstraint), (ScanConstraint) => true);
            this.EditConstraintCommand       = new RelayCommand <ScanConstraint>((ScanConstraint) => this.EditConstraint(ScanConstraint), (ScanConstraint) => true);
            this.ClearConstraintsCommand     = new RelayCommand(() => this.ClearConstraints(), () => true);
            this.ActiveConstraint            = new ScanConstraint(ScanConstraint.ConstraintType.Equal);

            Task.Run(() => ScanResultsViewModel.GetInstance().Subscribe(this));
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="PropertyViewerViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private PropertyViewerViewModel() : base("Property Viewer")
            this.ObserverLock            = new Object();
            this.PropertyViewerObservers = new List <IPropertyViewerObserver>();

            Task.Run(() => DockingViewModel.GetInstance().RegisterViewModel(this));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="HotkeyEditorViewModel" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        private HotkeyEditorViewModel() : base("Hotkey Editor")
            this.ClearHotkeysCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ClearActiveHotkey(), () => true);
            this.AccessLock          = new Object();

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="TextEditorViewModel" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        private TextEditorViewModel() : base("Text Editor")
            this.UpdateTextCommand = new RelayCommand <String>((text) => this.UpdateText(text), (text) => true);
            this.SaveTextCommand   = new RelayCommand <String>((text) => this.SaveText(text), (text) => true);

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="ScriptEditorViewModel" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        private ScriptEditorViewModel() : base("Script Editor")
            this.ContentId           = ScriptEditorViewModel.ToolContentId;
            this.UpdateScriptCommand = new RelayCommand <String>((script) => this.UpdateScript(script), (script) => true);
            this.SaveScriptCommand   = new RelayCommand <String>((script) => this.SaveScript(script), (script) => true);

            Task.Run(() => DockingViewModel.GetInstance().RegisterViewModel(this));
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="DotNetExplorerViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private DotNetExplorerViewModel() : base(".Net Explorer")
            this.dotNetObjects          = new ReadOnlyCollection <DotNetObjectViewModel>(new List <DotNetObjectViewModel>());
            this.RefreshObjectsCommand  = new RelayCommand(() => this.RefreshObjects(), () => true);
            this.AddDotNetObjectCommand = new RelayCommand <DotNetObjectViewModel>((dotNetObjectViewModel) => this.AddDotNetObject(dotNetObjectViewModel), (dotNetObjectViewModel) => true);

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="ChangeCounterViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private ChangeCounterViewModel() : base("Change Counter")
            this.StartScanCommand  = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.StartScan()), () => true);
            this.StopScanCommand   = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.StopScan()), () => true);
            this.ChangeCounterScan = new ChangeCounter(this.ScanCountUpdated);

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="TwitchLoginViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private TwitchLoginViewModel() : base("Twitch Login")
            // Note: Cannot be async, navigation must take place on the same thread as GUI
            this.DisplayTwitchLoginCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.DisplayTwitchLogin(), () => true);
            this.NavigateHomeCommand       = new RelayCommand <WebBrowser>((browser) => this.NavigateHome(browser), (browser) => true);
            this.PerformLoginCommand       = new RelayCommand <String>((code) => this.PerformLogin(code), (code) => true);

예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="StoreViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private StoreViewModel() : base("Store")
            this.LockedCheatList   = new FullyObservableCollection <Cheat>();
            this.UnlockedCheatList = new FullyObservableCollection <Cheat>();

            this.UnlockCheatCommand = new RelayCommand <Cheat>((cheat) => this.UnlockCheat(cheat), (cheat) => true);

예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="OutputViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private OutputViewModel() : base("Output")
            this.AccessLock = new Object();
            this.logText    = new StringBuilder(OutputViewModel.LogCapacity);

            this.ClearOutputCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ClearOutput(), () => true);

예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="SnapshotManagerViewModel"/> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private SnapshotManagerViewModel() : base("Snapshot Manager")
            // Note: Not async to avoid updates slower than the perception threshold
            this.ClearSnapshotsCommand = new RelayCommand(() => SnapshotManager.ClearSnapshots(), () => true);
            this.UndoSnapshotCommand   = new RelayCommand(() => SnapshotManager.UndoSnapshot(), () => true);
            this.RedoSnapshotCommand   = new RelayCommand(() => SnapshotManager.RedoSnapshot(), () => true);

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="InputCorrelatorViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private InputCorrelatorViewModel() : base("Input Correlator")
            this.NewHotkeyCommand    = new RelayCommand(() => this.NewHotkey(), () => true);
            this.RemoveHotkeyCommand = new RelayCommand <Hotkey>((hotkey) => this.RemoveHotkey(hotkey), (hotkey) => true);
            this.StartScanCommand    = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.StartScan()), () => true);
            this.StopScanCommand     = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.StopScan()), () => true);
            this.InputCorrelator     = new InputCorrelator(this.ScanCountUpdated);

예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="LabelThresholderViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private LabelThresholderViewModel() : base("Label Thresholder")
            this.LabelThresholder       = new LabelThresholder(this.OnUpdateHistogram);
            this.LowerThreshold         = 0;
            this.UpperThreshold         = 100;
            this.ApplyThresholdCommand  = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.ApplyThreshold()), () => true);
            this.InvertSelectionCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.InvertSelection()), () => true);

예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="DisassemblyViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private DisassemblyViewModel() : base("Disassembly")
            this.Instructions = new FullyObservableCollection <InstructionItem>();

            this.SelectInstructionsCommand = new RelayCommand <Object>((selectedItems) => this.SelectedInstructions = (selectedItems as IList)?.Cast <InstructionItem>(), (selectedItems) => true);
            this.AddInstructionCommand     = new RelayCommand <InstructionItem>((instruction) => Task.Run(() => this.AddInstruction(instruction)), (scanResult) => true);
            this.AddInstructionsCommand    = new RelayCommand <Object>((selectedItems) => Task.Run(() => this.AddInstructions(this.SelectedInstructions)), (selectedItems) => true);

예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="StreamConfigViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private StreamConfigViewModel() : base("Stream Config")
            this.VoteLock    = new Object();
            this.IsConnected = true;

            StreamVotePollTask streamVotePollTask = new StreamVotePollTask(this.OnUpdate);

            this.ToggleConnectionCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ToggleConnection(), () => true);

예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="OutputViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private OutputViewModel() : base("Output")
            this.OutputMasks = new List <OutputMask>();
            this.AccessLock  = new Object();

            this.ContentId          = OutputViewModel.ToolContentId;
            this.logText            = new StringBuilder(OutputViewModel.LogCapacity);
            this.ClearOutputCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ClearOutput(), () => true);

            Task.Run(() => DockingViewModel.GetInstance().RegisterViewModel(this));
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="ProcessSelectorViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private ProcessSelectorViewModel() : base("Process Selector")
            this.IconSource = Images.SelectProcess;
            this.RefreshProcessListCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.RefreshProcessList()), () => true);
            this.SelectProcessCommand      = new RelayCommand <Process>((process) => Task.Run(() => this.SelectProcess(process)), (process) => true);
            this.detachProcess             = null;


        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="SnapshotManagerViewModel"/> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private SnapshotManagerViewModel() : base("Snapshot Manager")
            this.ContentId = SnapshotManagerViewModel.ToolContentId;

            // Note: Not async to avoid updates slower than the perception threshold
            this.ClearSnapshotsCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ClearSnapshots(), () => true);
            this.UndoSnapshotCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.UndoSnapshot(), () => true);
            this.RedoSnapshotCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.RedoSnapshot(), () => true);

            Task.Run(() => DockingViewModel.GetInstance().RegisterViewModel(this));
            Task.Run(() => SnapshotManager.GetInstance().Subscribe(this));
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="StreamIconEditorViewModel" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        private StreamIconEditorViewModel() : base("Stream Icon Editor")
            this.SetIconCommand    = new RelayCommand <StreamIcon>((streamIcon) => this.UpdateStreamIconPath(streamIcon), (streamIcon) => true);
            this.SelectIconCommand = new RelayCommand <StreamIcon>((streamIcon) => this.ChangeSelectedIcon(streamIcon), (streamIcon) => true);

            this.ObserverLock            = new Object();
            this.IsStreamIconListLoading = true;
            this.IconsLoadedObservers    = new List <IStreamIconsLoadedObserver>();


            Task.Run(() => DockingViewModel.GetInstance().RegisterViewModel(this));
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="PointerScannerViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private PointerScannerViewModel() : base("Pointer Scanner")
            this.StartPointerRetargetScanCommand = new RelayCommand <UInt64>((newValue) => this.StartPointerRetargetScan(), (newValue) => true);
            this.StartPointerRebaseCommand       = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.StartPointerRebase()), () => true);
            this.StartScanCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.StartScan()), () => true);

            this.SetPointerScanAddressCommand         = new RelayCommand <UInt64>((newValue) => this.TargetAddress = newValue, (newValue) => true);
            this.SetPointerRetargetScanAddressCommand = new RelayCommand <UInt64>((newValue) => this.RetargetAddress = newValue, (newValue) => true);
            this.SetDepthCommand         = new RelayCommand <Int32>((newValue) => this.PointerDepth = newValue, (newValue) => true);
            this.SetPointerRadiusCommand = new RelayCommand <Int32>((newValue) => this.PointerRadius = newValue, (newValue) => true);

예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="PointerScanResultsViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private PointerScanResultsViewModel() : base("Pointer Scan Results")
            this.ExtractPointerCommand    = new RelayCommand <Int32>((levelIndex) => this.ExtractPointer(levelIndex), (levelIndex) => true);
            this.SelectScanResultsCommand = new RelayCommand <Object>((selectedItems) => this.SelectedScanResults = (selectedItems as IList)?.Cast <PointerItem>(), (selectedItems) => true);

            this.ChangeTypeCommand     = new RelayCommand <DataTypeBase>((type) => Task.Run(() => this.ChangeType(type)), (type) => true);
            this.NewPointerScanCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.DiscoveredPointers = null), () => true);

            this.ActiveType = DataTypeBase.Int32;
            this.pointers   = new FullyObservableCollection <PointerItem>();

예제 #26
        private ProjectExplorerViewModel() : base("Project Explorer")
            this.SetProjectRootCommand        = new RelayCommand(() => this.SetProjectRoot());
            this.SelectProjectCommand         = new RelayCommand(() => this.SelectProject());
            this.SelectProjectItemCommand     = new RelayCommand <Object>((selectedItem) => this.SelectedProjectItem = selectedItem as ProjectItemView, (selectedItem) => true);
            this.EditProjectItemCommand       = new RelayCommand <ProjectItemView>((projectItem) => this.EditProjectItem(projectItem), (projectItem) => true);
            this.AddNewAddressItemCommand     = new RelayCommand(() => this.AddNewProjectItem(typeof(PointerItem)), () => true);
            this.AddNewScriptItemCommand      = new RelayCommand(() => this.AddNewProjectItem(typeof(ScriptItem)), () => true);
            this.AddNewInstructionItemCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.AddNewProjectItem(typeof(InstructionItem)), () => true);
            this.OpenFileExplorerCommand      = new RelayCommand <ProjectItemView>((projectItem) => this.OpenFileExplorer(projectItem), (projectItem) => true);

예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="CodeTracerViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private CodeTracerViewModel() : base("Code Tracer")

            this.Results = new FullyObservableCollection <CodeTraceResult>();

            this.FindWhatWritesCommand    = new RelayCommand <ProjectItemView>((projectItem) => this.FindWhatWrites(projectItem));
            this.FindWhatReadsCommand     = new RelayCommand <ProjectItemView>((projectItem) => this.FindWhatReads(projectItem));
            this.FindWhatAccessesCommand  = new RelayCommand <ProjectItemView>((projectItem) => this.FindWhatAccesses(projectItem));
            this.StopTraceCommand         = new RelayCommand(() => this.CancelTrace());
            this.SelectInstructionCommand = new RelayCommand <Object>((selectedItems) => this.SelectedCodeTraceResults = (selectedItems as IList)?.Cast <CodeTraceResult>(), (selectedItems) => true);
            this.AddInstructionCommand    = new RelayCommand <CodeTraceResult>((codeTraceResult) => this.AddCodeTraceResult(codeTraceResult));
            this.AddInstructionsCommand   = new RelayCommand <Object>((selectedItems) => this.AddCodeTraceResults(this.SelectedCodeTraceResults));
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="ProcessSelectorViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private ProcessSelectorViewModel() : base("Process Selector")
            this.IconSource = Images.SelectProcess;
            this.RefreshProcessListCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.RefreshProcessList()), () => true);
            this.SelectProcessCommand      = new RelayCommand <ProcessDecorator>((process) => Task.Run(() => this.SelectProcess(process)), (process) => true);
            this.detachProcess             = new ProcessDecorator("-- Detach from Process --");



            // Subscribe to process events
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="SnapshotManagerViewModel"/> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private SnapshotManagerViewModel() : base("Snapshot Manager")
            this.AccessLock        = new Object();
            this.ObserverLock      = new Object();
            this.Snapshots         = new Stack <Snapshot>();
            this.DeletedSnapshots  = new Stack <Snapshot>();
            this.SnapshotObservers = new List <ISnapshotObserver>();

            // Note: Not async to avoid updates slower than the perception threshold
            this.ClearSnapshotsCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ClearSnapshots(), () => true);
            this.UndoSnapshotCommand   = new RelayCommand(() => this.UndoSnapshot(), () => true);
            this.RedoSnapshotCommand   = new RelayCommand(() => this.RedoSnapshot(), () => true);

            Task.Run(() => DockingViewModel.GetInstance().RegisterViewModel(this));
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="ProcessSelectorViewModel" /> class from being created.
        /// </summary>
        private ProcessSelectorViewModel() : base("Process Selector")
            this.IconSource = Images.SelectProcess;
            this.RefreshProcessListCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Task.Run(() => this.RefreshProcessList()), () => true);
            this.SelectProcessCommand      = new RelayCommand <NormalizedProcess>((process) => Task.Run(() => this.SelectProcess(process)), (process) => true);

            this.detachProcess = new NormalizedProcess(0, "-- Detach from Process --", DateTime.Now, isSystemProcess: false, hasWindow: false, icon: null);
            ProcessSelectorTask processSelectorTask = new ProcessSelectorTask(this.RefreshProcessList);

            // Subscribe async to avoid a deadlock situation
            Task.Run(() => { DockingViewModel.GetInstance().RegisterViewModel(this); });

            // Subscribe to process events (async call as to avoid locking on GetInstance() if engine is being constructed)
            Task.Run(() => { EngineCore.GetInstance().Processes.Subscribe(this); });