public async Task GetsLogs() { var containerName = "lcldkr-logs-test"; var client = new DockerClient(); try { client.RunOrReplace( "hello-world", tag: null, args: new RunArguments { Name = containerName }); await client.WaitForLogEntryAsync(containerName, "Hello from Docker!", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); var logString = client.Logs(containerName); Assert.Contains("Hello from Docker!", logString); } finally { client.StopAndRemoveContainer(containerName); } }
public void Inspects() { var containerName = "lcldkr-inspect-test"; var client = new DockerClient(); try { client.RunOrReplace( "ubuntu", tag: null, args: new RunArguments() { Name = containerName }, command: "tail -f /dev/null"); //we want the container to stay running var ipString = client.Inspect(containerName, "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}"); IPAddress ip; bool isIp = IPAddress.TryParse(ipString, out ip); Assert.True(isIp); } finally { client.StopAndRemoveContainer(containerName); } }
public async Task Waits_for_log_entry() { var client = new DockerClient(); var containerName = "lcldkr-log-test"; client.RunOrReplace("hello-world", containerName); await client.WaitForLogEntryAsync(containerName, "Hello from Docker!", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); client.StopAndRemoveContainer(containerName); }
public void Runs_and_replaces_container() { var client = new DockerClient(); var containerName = "lcldckr-test-2"; client.RunOrReplace("ubuntu", containerName); var runningContainer = client .Ps(true, new[] { new NameFilter(containerName) }) .SingleOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(runningContainer); client.RunOrReplace("ubuntu", containerName); client.StopAndRemoveContainer(containerName); runningContainer = client .Ps(true, new[] { new NameFilter(containerName) }) .SingleOrDefault(); Assert.Null(runningContainer); }
public ImpalaTestFixture() { var client = new DockerClient(); client.PullImage("andreysabitov/impala-kudu"); client.RunOrReplace("andreysabitov/impala-kudu", "latest", new RunArguments { Name = "impala-test", HostName = "impala-test", PortMappings = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "21000", "21000" } } }); IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(""); // Wait for impala here so we dont scew test times var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); while (stopWatch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)) { try { using (var tcpClient = new TcpClient()) { tcpClient.Connect(ip, 21000); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)); } } ImpalaIp = ip; }