//private void AddDocDefaults(OXmlDocDefaultsElement element) //{ // switch (element.DocDefaultsType) // { // case OXmlDocDefaultsType.RunPropertiesDefault: // AddRunPropertiesDefault((OXmlRunPropertiesDefaultElement)element); // break; // case OXmlDocDefaultsType.ParagraphPropertiesDefault: // AddParagraphPropertiesDefault((OXmlParagraphPropertiesDefaultElement)element); // break; // default: // throw new PBException($"unknow doc defaults type {element.DocDefaultsType}"); // } //} private void AddRunPropertiesDefault(OXmlDocDefaultsRunPropertiesElement element) { Styles styles = CreateStyles(); DocDefaults docDefaults = CreateDocDefaults(styles); if (docDefaults.RunPropertiesDefault == null) { docDefaults.RunPropertiesDefault = new RunPropertiesDefault(); } if (docDefaults.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle == null) { docDefaults.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); } if (element.RunFonts != null) { docDefaults.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts = element.RunFonts.ToRunFonts(); } if (element.FontSize != null) { docDefaults.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.FontSize = new FontSize { Val = element.FontSize } } ; }
public static DocDefaults CreateDocDefaults() { DocDefaults docDefaults = new DocDefaults(); //styles.DocDefaults = docDefaults; docDefaults.ParagraphPropertiesDefault = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); return docDefaults; }
public void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart part) { Styles doc_styles = GenerateDocumentStyles(); DocDefaults document_defaults = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault defaultRunProperties = new RunPropertiesDefault(CreateRunBaseStyle()); document_defaults.Append(defaultRunProperties); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphBaseStyle = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); paragraphBaseStyle.Append(new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }); ParagraphPropertiesDefault default_ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); default_ParagraphProperties.Append(paragraphBaseStyle); document_defaults.Append(default_ParagraphProperties); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; latentStyles1.Append(new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }); Style Normal = GenerateNormal(); doc_styles.Append(document_defaults); doc_styles.Append(latentStyles1); doc_styles.Append(Normal); for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { latentStyles1.Append(new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Heading "+i, UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }); Style Header = GenerateHeader(i); doc_styles.Append(Header); } part.Styles = doc_styles; }
public static DocDefaults CreateDocDefaults() { DocDefaults docDefaults = new DocDefaults(); //styles.DocDefaults = docDefaults; docDefaults.ParagraphPropertiesDefault = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); return(docDefaults); }
//private void AddParagraphPropertiesDefault(OXmlDocDefaultsParagraphPropertiesElement element) private void AddParagraphPropertiesDefault() { Styles styles = CreateStyles(); DocDefaults docDefaults = CreateDocDefaults(styles); if (docDefaults.ParagraphPropertiesDefault == null) { docDefaults.ParagraphPropertiesDefault = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); } }
private bool CheckDefaultFontSize(DocDefaults defaultStyles, StringBuilder comment) { if (defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault?.RunPropertiesBaseStyle?.FontSize == null || !FontSizes.Contains(defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.FontSize.Val.ToString())) { return(false); } comment.AppendLine(Resources.CheckFontSize); return(true); }
private DocDefaults CreateDocDefaults(Styles styles) { DocDefaults docDefaults = styles.DocDefaults; if (docDefaults == null) { docDefaults = new DocDefaults(); styles.DocDefaults = docDefaults; } return(docDefaults); }
static DocDefaults GenerateDocDefaults() // creates an DocDefaults instance and adds its children { DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Georgia", HighAnsi = "Georgia", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman", EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi }; Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Italic italic1 = new Italic(); FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "84" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "84" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(bold1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(italic1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); return(docDefaults1); }
private DocDefaults SetRunPropertyDefault() { DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts33 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize4 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages8 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts33); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize4); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages8); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines13 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "160", Line = "259", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(spacingBetweenLines13); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); return(docDefaults1); }
/// <summary> /// Generate styles from config json object /// </summary> /// <param name="styleDefinitionsPart1">Styles object</param> /// <param name="rules">Config json object</param> /// <param name="latent">If user need latent style</param> private static void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPartContent(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1, List <Rule> rules, bool latent) { Styles styles = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() }; DocDefaults docDefaults = new DocDefaults { RunPropertiesDefault = new RunPropertiesDefault { RunPropertiesBaseStyle = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle { RunFonts = new RunFonts { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", EastAsia = "宋体", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }, Kern = new Kern { Val = 2U }, Languages = new Languages { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "zh-CN", Bidi = "ar-SA" }, FontSize = new FontSize { Val = "24" }, FontSizeComplexScript = new FontSizeComplexScript { Val = "24" } } }, ParagraphPropertiesDefault = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault() }; styles.Append(docDefaults); if (latent) { styles.Append(GeneratedCode.GenerateLatentStyles()); } StyleFactory styleFactory = new StyleFactory(); var result = styleFactory.GenerateStyles(rules); foreach (Style style in result) { styles.Append(style); } styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles; }
private bool CheckDefaultRunFonts(DocDefaults defaultStyles, StringBuilder comment) { if (defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault?.RunPropertiesBaseStyle?.RunFonts == null || ( (defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts.Ascii == null || !defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts.Ascii.HasValue || RunFontsNames.Contains(defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts.Ascii.Value)) || (defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts.ComplexScript != null && defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts.ComplexScript.HasValue && RunFontsNames.Contains(defaultStyles.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts.ComplexScript.Value)) )) { return(false); } comment.AppendLine(Resources.CheckFont); return(true); }
void SetDefaults(string filePath) { using (WordprocessingDocument docx = WordprocessingDocument.Open(filePath, true)) { fontTable = docx.MainDocumentPart.FontTablePart.Fonts; //styles = docx.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart.Styles.ChildElements; DocDefaults defaults = docx.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart.Styles.DocDefaults; RunFonts runFont = defaults.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts; try { DefaultOpenXmlFontSize = Convert.ToInt32(defaults.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.FontSize.Val.Value); } catch { DefaultOpenXmlFontSize = 0; } docx.Close(); } }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles2 = new Styles() {MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() {Ignorable = "w14"}}; styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); DocDefaults docDefaults2 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault2 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize8 = new FontSize() {Val = "22"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript8 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "22"}; Languages languages2 = new Languages() {Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA"}; runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(runFonts8); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(fontSize8); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript8); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(languages2); runPropertiesDefault2.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle2); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault2 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines10 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(spacingBetweenLines10); paragraphPropertiesDefault2.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle2); docDefaults2.Append(runPropertiesDefault2); docDefaults2.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault2); LatentStyles latentStyles2 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo138 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo139 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo140 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo141 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo142 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo143 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo144 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo145 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo146 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo147 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo148 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo149 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo150 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo151 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo152 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo153 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo154 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 7", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo155 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 8", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo156 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 9", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo157 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "caption", UiPriority = 35, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo158 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Title", UiPriority = 10, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo159 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo160 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo161 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo162 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo163 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo164 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo165 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo166 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo167 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo168 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo169 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo170 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo171 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo172 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo173 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo174 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo175 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo176 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo177 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo178 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo179 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo180 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo181 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo182 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo183 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo184 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo185 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo186 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo187 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo188 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo189 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo190 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo191 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo192 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo193 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo194 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo195 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo196 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo197 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo198 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo199 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo200 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo201 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo202 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo203 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo204 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo205 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo206 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo207 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo208 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo209 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo210 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo211 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo212 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo213 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo214 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo215 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo216 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo217 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo218 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo219 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo220 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo221 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo222 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo223 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo224 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo225 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo226 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo227 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo228 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo229 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo230 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo231 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo232 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo233 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo234 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo235 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo236 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo237 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo238 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo239 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo240 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo241 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo242 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo243 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo244 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo245 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo246 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo247 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo248 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo267 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo268 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo269 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo270 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo271 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo272 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; 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latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo153); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo154); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo155); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo156); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo157); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo158); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo159); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo160); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo161); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo162); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo163); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo164); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo165); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo166); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo167); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo168); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo169); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo170); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo171); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo172); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo173); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo174); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo175); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo176); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo177); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo178); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo179); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo180); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo181); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo182); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo183); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo184); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo185); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo186); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo187); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo188); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo189); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo190); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo191); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo192); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo193); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo194); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo195); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo196); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo197); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo198); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo199); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo200); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo201); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo202); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo203); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo204); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo205); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo206); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo207); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo208); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo209); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo210); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo211); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo212); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo213); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo214); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo215); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo216); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo217); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo218); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo219); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo220); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo221); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo222); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo223); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo224); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo225); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo226); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo227); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo228); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo229); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo230); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo231); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo232); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo233); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo234); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo235); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo236); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo237); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo238); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo239); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo240); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo241); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo242); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo243); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo244); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo245); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo246); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo247); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo248); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo249); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo250); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo251); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo252); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo253); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo254); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo255); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo256); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo257); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo258); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo259); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo260); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo261); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo262); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo263); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo264); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo265); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo266); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo267); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo268); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo269); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo270); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo271); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo272); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo273); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo274); Style style17 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true}; StyleName styleName17 = new StyleName() {Val = "Normal"}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(primaryStyle5); Style style18 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading2"}; StyleName styleName18 = new StyleName() {Val = "heading 2"}; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle3 = new NextParagraphStyle() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle11 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Heading2Char"}; UIPriority uIPriority16 = new UIPriority() {Val = 9}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed8 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle6 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext2 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines2 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines11 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {Before = "200", After = "0"}; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() {Val = 1}; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(keepNext2); styleParagraphProperties7.Append(keepLines2); styleParagraphProperties7.Append(spacingBetweenLines11); styleParagraphProperties7.Append(outlineLevel2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties8 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts9 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold13 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript13 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color6 = new Color() {Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1}; FontSize fontSize9 = new FontSize() {Val = "26"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript9 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "26"}; styleRunProperties8.Append(runFonts9); styleRunProperties8.Append(bold13); styleRunProperties8.Append(boldComplexScript13); styleRunProperties8.Append(color6); styleRunProperties8.Append(fontSize9); styleRunProperties8.Append(fontSizeComplexScript9); style18.Append(styleName18); style18.Append(basedOn13); style18.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style18.Append(linkedStyle11); style18.Append(uIPriority16); style18.Append(unhideWhenUsed8); style18.Append(primaryStyle6); style18.Append(rsid13); style18.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); style18.Append(styleRunProperties8); Style style19 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true}; StyleName styleName19 = new StyleName() {Val = "Default Paragraph Font"}; UIPriority uIPriority17 = new UIPriority() {Val = 1}; SemiHidden semiHidden6 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed9 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style19.Append(styleName19); style19.Append(uIPriority17); style19.Append(semiHidden6); style19.Append(unhideWhenUsed9); Style style20 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true}; StyleName styleName20 = new StyleName() {Val = "Normal Table"}; UIPriority uIPriority18 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden7 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed10 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties3 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation3 = new TableIndentation() {Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault3 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin3 = new TopMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin3 = new TableCellLeftMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; BottomMargin bottomMargin3 = new BottomMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin3 = new TableCellRightMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(topMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellLeftMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(bottomMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellRightMargin3); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableIndentation3); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableCellMarginDefault3); style20.Append(styleName20); style20.Append(uIPriority18); style20.Append(semiHidden7); style20.Append(unhideWhenUsed10); style20.Append(styleTableProperties3); Style style21 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true}; StyleName styleName21 = new StyleName() {Val = "No List"}; UIPriority uIPriority19 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden8 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed11 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style21.Append(styleName21); style21.Append(uIPriority19); style21.Append(semiHidden8); style21.Append(unhideWhenUsed11); Style style22 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableGrid"}; StyleName styleName22 = new StyleName() {Val = "Table Grid"}; BasedOn basedOn14 = new BasedOn() {Val = "TableNormal"}; 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BottomMargin bottomMargin4 = new BottomMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableIndentation4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableBorders4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); style22.Append(styleName22); style22.Append(basedOn14); style22.Append(uIPriority20); style22.Append(rsid14); style22.Append(styleParagraphProperties8); style22.Append(styleTableProperties4); Style style23 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header"}; StyleName styleName23 = new StyleName() {Val = "header"}; BasedOn basedOn15 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle12 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "HeaderChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority21 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed12 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties9 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs4 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop8 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4680}; TabStop tabStop9 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 9360}; tabs4.Append(tabStop8); tabs4.Append(tabStop9); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines13 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(tabs4); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(spacingBetweenLines13); style23.Append(styleName23); style23.Append(basedOn15); style23.Append(linkedStyle12); style23.Append(uIPriority21); style23.Append(unhideWhenUsed12); style23.Append(rsid15); style23.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); Style style24 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "HeaderChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName24 = new StyleName() {Val = "Header Char"}; BasedOn basedOn16 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle13 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Header"}; UIPriority uIPriority22 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; style24.Append(styleName24); style24.Append(basedOn16); style24.Append(linkedStyle13); style24.Append(uIPriority22); style24.Append(rsid16); Style style25 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Footer"}; StyleName styleName25 = new StyleName() {Val = "footer"}; BasedOn basedOn17 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle14 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "FooterChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority23 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed13 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs5 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop10 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4680}; TabStop tabStop11 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 9360}; tabs5.Append(tabStop10); tabs5.Append(tabStop11); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines14 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(tabs5); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines14); style25.Append(styleName25); style25.Append(basedOn17); style25.Append(linkedStyle14); style25.Append(uIPriority23); style25.Append(unhideWhenUsed13); style25.Append(rsid17); style25.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); Style style26 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FooterChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName26 = new StyleName() {Val = "Footer Char"}; BasedOn basedOn18 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle15 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Footer"}; UIPriority uIPriority24 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; style26.Append(styleName26); style26.Append(basedOn18); style26.Append(linkedStyle15); style26.Append(uIPriority24); style26.Append(rsid18); Style style27 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BalloonText"}; StyleName styleName27 = new StyleName() {Val = "Balloon Text"}; BasedOn basedOn19 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle16 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "BalloonTextChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority25 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden9 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed14 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines15 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines15); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts() {Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma"}; 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StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts11 = new RunFonts() {Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma"}; FontSize fontSize11 = new FontSize() {Val = "16"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript11 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "16"}; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts11); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize11); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript11); style28.Append(styleName28); style28.Append(basedOn20); style28.Append(linkedStyle17); style28.Append(uIPriority26); style28.Append(semiHidden10); style28.Append(rsid20); style28.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style29 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Title"}; StyleName styleName29 = new StyleName() {Val = "Title"}; BasedOn basedOn21 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle18 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "TitleChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority27 = new UIPriority() {Val = 10}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle7 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders2 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder5 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value) 8U, Space = (UInt32Value) 4U }; paragraphBorders2.Append(bottomBorder5); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines16 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "300", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; ContextualSpacing contextualSpacing2 = new ContextualSpacing(); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(paragraphBorders2); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines16); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(contextualSpacing2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color7 = new Color() {Val = "17365D", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text2, ThemeShade = "BF"}; Spacing spacing4 = new Spacing() {Val = 5}; Kern kern3 = new Kern() {Val = (UInt32Value) 28U}; FontSize fontSize12 = new FontSize() {Val = "52"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript12 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "52"}; styleRunProperties11.Append(runFonts12); styleRunProperties11.Append(color7); styleRunProperties11.Append(spacing4); styleRunProperties11.Append(kern3); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize12); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSizeComplexScript12); style29.Append(styleName29); style29.Append(basedOn21); style29.Append(nextParagraphStyle4); style29.Append(linkedStyle18); style29.Append(uIPriority27); style29.Append(primaryStyle7); style29.Append(rsid21); style29.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); style29.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style30 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TitleChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName30 = new StyleName() {Val = "Title Char"}; 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styleRunProperties12.Append(fontSize13); styleRunProperties12.Append(fontSizeComplexScript13); style30.Append(styleName30); style30.Append(basedOn22); style30.Append(linkedStyle19); style30.Append(uIPriority28); style30.Append(rsid22); style30.Append(styleRunProperties12); Style style31 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Strong"}; StyleName styleName31 = new StyleName() {Val = "Strong"}; BasedOn basedOn23 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; UIPriority uIPriority29 = new UIPriority() {Val = 22}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle8 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold14 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript14 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties13.Append(bold14); styleRunProperties13.Append(boldComplexScript14); style31.Append(styleName31); style31.Append(basedOn23); style31.Append(uIPriority29); style31.Append(primaryStyle8); style31.Append(rsid23); style31.Append(styleRunProperties13); Style style32 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading2Char", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName32 = new StyleName() {Val = "Heading 2 Char"}; BasedOn basedOn24 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle20 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Heading2"}; UIPriority uIPriority30 = new UIPriority() {Val = 9}; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties14 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts14 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold15 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript15 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color9 = new Color() {Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1}; FontSize fontSize14 = new FontSize() {Val = "26"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript14 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "26"}; styleRunProperties14.Append(runFonts14); styleRunProperties14.Append(bold15); styleRunProperties14.Append(boldComplexScript15); styleRunProperties14.Append(color9); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSize14); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript14); style32.Append(styleName32); style32.Append(basedOn24); style32.Append(linkedStyle20); style32.Append(uIPriority30); style32.Append(rsid24); style32.Append(styleRunProperties14); styles2.Append(docDefaults2); styles2.Append(latentStyles2); styles2.Append(style17); styles2.Append(style18); styles2.Append(style19); styles2.Append(style20); styles2.Append(style21); styles2.Append(style22); styles2.Append(style23); styles2.Append(style24); styles2.Append(style25); styles2.Append(style26); styles2.Append(style27); styles2.Append(style28); styles2.Append(style29); styles2.Append(style30); styles2.Append(style31); styles2.Append(style32); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles2; }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15 w16se" } }; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2012/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w16se", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2015/wordml/symex"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1039 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", EastAsia = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts1039); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = false, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = false, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 372 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo1 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo2 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", Locked = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo3 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 2", Locked = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo4 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 3", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo5 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 4", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo6 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 5", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo7 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 6", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo8 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 7", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo129 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo130 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo131 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo132 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo133 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo134 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo135 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo136 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo137 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo138 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo139 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo140 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo141 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo142 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table 3D effects 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo143 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table 3D effects 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo144 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table 3D effects 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo145 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Contemporary", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo146 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Elegant", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo147 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Professional", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo148 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Subtle 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo149 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Subtle 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo150 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Web 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo151 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Web 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo152 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Balloon Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo153 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", Locked = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo154 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Placeholder Text", SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo155 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo156 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading" }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo157 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo158 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo159 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo160 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo161 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo162 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo163 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo164 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo165 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo166 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo167 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo168 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo169 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo170 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo171 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo172 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo173 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo174 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo175 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo176 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Revision", SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo177 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo178 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo179 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo180 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo181 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo182 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo183 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo184 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo185 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo186 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo187 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo188 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo189 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo190 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo191 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo192 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo193 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo194 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo195 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo196 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo197 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo198 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo199 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo200 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo201 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo202 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo203 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo204 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo205 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo206 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo207 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo208 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo209 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo210 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo211 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo212 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo213 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo214 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo215 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo216 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo217 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo218 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo219 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo220 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo221 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo222 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo223 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo224 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo225 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo226 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo227 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo228 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo229 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo230 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo231 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo232 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo233 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo234 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo235 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo236 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo237 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo238 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo239 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo240 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo241 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo242 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo243 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo244 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo245 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo246 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo247 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo248 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo249 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo250 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo251 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo252 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo253 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo254 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo255 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo256 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo257 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo258 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo259 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo260 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo261 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo262 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo263 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo264 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "TOC Heading", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo265 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 1", UiPriority = 41 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo266 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 2", UiPriority = 42 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo267 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 3", UiPriority = 43 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo268 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 4", UiPriority = 44 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo269 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 5", UiPriority = 45 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo270 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table Light", UiPriority = 40 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo271 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo272 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo273 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo274 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo275 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo276 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo277 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo278 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo279 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo280 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo281 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 1", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo282 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 1", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo283 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo284 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo285 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo286 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo287 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo288 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 2", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo289 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 2", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo290 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo291 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo292 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo293 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo294 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo295 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 3", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo296 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 3", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo297 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo298 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo299 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo300 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo301 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo302 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo303 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 4", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo304 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo305 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo306 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo307 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo308 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo309 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 5", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo310 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 5", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo311 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo312 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo313 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo314 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo315 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo316 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 6", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo317 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 6", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo318 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo319 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo320 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo321 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo322 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo323 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo324 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo325 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo326 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo327 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 1", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo328 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo329 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo330 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 1", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo331 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 1", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo332 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo333 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo334 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 2", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo335 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo336 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo337 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 2", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo338 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 2", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo339 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo340 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo341 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 3", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo342 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo343 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo344 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 3", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo345 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 3", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo346 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo347 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo348 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 4", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo349 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo350 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo351 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo352 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 4", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo353 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo354 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo355 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 5", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo356 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo357 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo358 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 5", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo359 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 5", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo360 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo361 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 52 }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo369 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Mention", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo138); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo139); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo140); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo141); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo142); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo143); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo144); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo145); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo146); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo147); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo148); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo149); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo150); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo151); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo152); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo153); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo154); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo155); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo156); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo157); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo158); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo159); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo160); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo161); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo162); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo163); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo164); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo165); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo166); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo167); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo168); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo169); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo170); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo171); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo172); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo173); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo174); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo175); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo176); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo177); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo178); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo179); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo180); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo181); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo182); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo183); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo184); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo185); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo186); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo187); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo188); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo189); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo190); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo191); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo192); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo193); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo194); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo195); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo196); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo197); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo198); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo199); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo200); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo201); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo202); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo203); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo204); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo205); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo206); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo207); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo208); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo209); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo210); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo211); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo212); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo213); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo214); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo215); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo216); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo217); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo218); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo219); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo220); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo221); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo222); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo223); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo224); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo225); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo226); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo227); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo228); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo229); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo230); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo231); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo232); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo233); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo234); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo235); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo236); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo237); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo238); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo239); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo240); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo241); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo242); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo243); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo244); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo245); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo246); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo247); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo248); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo249); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo250); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo251); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo252); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo253); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo254); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo255); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo256); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo257); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo258); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo259); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo260); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo261); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo262); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo263); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo264); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo265); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo266); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo267); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo268); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo269); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo270); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo271); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo272); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo273); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo274); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo275); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo276); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo277); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo278); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo279); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo280); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo281); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo282); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo283); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo284); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo285); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo286); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo287); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo288); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo289); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo290); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo291); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo292); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo293); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo294); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo295); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo296); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo297); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo298); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo299); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo300); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo301); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo302); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo303); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo304); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo305); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo306); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo307); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo308); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo309); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo310); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo311); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo312); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo313); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo314); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo315); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo316); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo317); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo318); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo319); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo320); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo321); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo322); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo323); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo324); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo325); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo326); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo327); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo328); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo329); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo330); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo331); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo332); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo333); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo334); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo335); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo336); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo337); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo338); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo339); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo340); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo341); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo342); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo343); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo344); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo345); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo346); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo347); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo348); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo349); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo350); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo351); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo352); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo353); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo354); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo355); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo356); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo357); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo358); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo359); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo360); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo361); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo362); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo363); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo364); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo365); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo366); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo367); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo368); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo369); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid384 = new Rsid() { Val = "007756BD" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize1056 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1042 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; 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Bold bold120 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript14 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic8 = new Italic(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript4 = new ItalicComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize1058 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1044 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties3.Append(runFonts1040); styleRunProperties3.Append(bold120); styleRunProperties3.Append(boldComplexScript14); styleRunProperties3.Append(italic8); styleRunProperties3.Append(italicComplexScript4); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSize1058); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1044); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(basedOn2); style3.Append(nextParagraphStyle2); style3.Append(linkedStyle2); style3.Append(uIPriority2); style3.Append(primaryStyle3); style3.Append(locked1); style3.Append(rsid386); style3.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style3.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style4 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true }; 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TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation5); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(semiHidden2); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style5.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(uIPriority5); style6.Append(semiHidden3); style6.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading1Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 1 Char" }; Aliases aliases2 = new Aliases() { Val = "H1 Char,DO NOT USE_h1 Char,H11 Char,H12 Char,H111 Char,H13 Char,H112 Char,H121 Char,H1111 Char,H14 Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle3 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading1" }; UIPriority uIPriority6 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked2 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid387 = new Rsid() { Val = "00972E14" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1041 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria", HighAnsi = "Cambria", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold121 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript15 = new BoldComplexScript(); Kern kern2 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)32U }; FontSize fontSize1059 = new FontSize() { Val = "32" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1045 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(runFonts1041); styleRunProperties4.Append(bold121); styleRunProperties4.Append(boldComplexScript15); styleRunProperties4.Append(kern2); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSize1059); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1045); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(aliases2); style7.Append(linkedStyle3); style7.Append(uIPriority6); style7.Append(locked2); style7.Append(rsid387); style7.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading2Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 2 Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading2" }; UIPriority uIPriority7 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); Locked locked3 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid388 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B43BFA" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties5 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1042 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria", HighAnsi = "Cambria", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold122 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript16 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic9 = new Italic(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript5 = new ItalicComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize1060 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1046 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties5.Append(runFonts1042); styleRunProperties5.Append(bold122); styleRunProperties5.Append(boldComplexScript16); styleRunProperties5.Append(italic9); styleRunProperties5.Append(italicComplexScript5); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize1060); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1046); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(linkedStyle4); style8.Append(uIPriority7); style8.Append(semiHidden4); style8.Append(locked3); style8.Append(rsid388); style8.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header" }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "header" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "HeaderChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority8 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid389 = new Rsid() { Val = "000F55C6" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs9 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop9 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4320 }; TabStop tabStop10 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 8640 }; tabs9.Append(tabStop9); tabs9.Append(tabStop10); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(tabs9); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn3); style9.Append(linkedStyle5); style9.Append(uIPriority8); style9.Append(rsid389); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); Style style10 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "HeaderChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() { Val = "Header Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle6 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Header" }; UIPriority uIPriority9 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden5 = new SemiHidden(); Locked locked4 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid390 = new Rsid() { Val = "00972E14" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1043 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize1061 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1047 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties6.Append(runFonts1043); styleRunProperties6.Append(fontSize1061); styleRunProperties6.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1047); style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(linkedStyle6); style10.Append(uIPriority9); style10.Append(semiHidden5); style10.Append(locked4); style10.Append(rsid390); style10.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style11 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Footer" }; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName() { Val = "footer" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle7 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "FooterChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority10 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid391 = new Rsid() { Val = "000F55C6" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs10 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop11 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4320 }; TabStop tabStop12 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 8640 }; tabs10.Append(tabStop11); tabs10.Append(tabStop12); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(tabs10); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn4); style11.Append(linkedStyle7); style11.Append(uIPriority10); style11.Append(rsid391); style11.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); Style style12 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FooterChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName() { Val = "Footer Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle8 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Footer" }; UIPriority uIPriority11 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked5 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid392 = new Rsid() { Val = "00972E14" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1044 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize1062 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1048 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties7.Append(runFonts1044); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSize1062); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1048); style12.Append(styleName12); style12.Append(linkedStyle8); style12.Append(uIPriority11); style12.Append(locked5); style12.Append(rsid392); style12.Append(styleRunProperties7); Style style13 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "PageNumber" }; StyleName styleName13 = new StyleName() { Val = "page number" }; UIPriority uIPriority12 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; 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FontSize fontSize1063 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1049 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSize1063); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1049); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(basedOn5); style14.Append(linkedStyle9); style14.Append(uIPriority13); style14.Append(rsid394); style14.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style14.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style15 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "BodyTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() { Val = "Body Text Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle10 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BodyText" }; UIPriority uIPriority14 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked6 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid395 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1046 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize1064 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts1046); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize1064); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(linkedStyle10); style15.Append(uIPriority14); style15.Append(locked6); style15.Append(rsid395); style15.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style16 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Title2", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() { Val = "Title 2" }; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Title" }; UIPriority uIPriority15 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid396 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); AutoSpaceDE autoSpaceDE2 = new AutoSpaceDE() { Val = false }; AutoSpaceDN autoSpaceDN2 = new AutoSpaceDN() { Val = false }; AdjustRightIndent adjustRightIndent2 = new AdjustRightIndent() { Val = false }; SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", After = "120" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel3 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 9 }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(autoSpaceDE2); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(autoSpaceDN2); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(adjustRightIndent2); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(outlineLevel3); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1047 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Kern kern3 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; FontSize fontSize1065 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(runFonts1047); styleRunProperties11.Append(kern3); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize1065); style16.Append(styleName16); style16.Append(basedOn6); style16.Append(uIPriority15); style16.Append(rsid396); style16.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style16.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style17 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TableHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName17 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "BodyText" }; UIPriority uIPriority16 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid397 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties12 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1048 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold123 = new Bold(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1050 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties12.Append(runFonts1048); styleRunProperties12.Append(bold123); styleRunProperties12.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1050); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(basedOn7); style17.Append(uIPriority16); style17.Append(rsid397); style17.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); style17.Append(styleRunProperties12); Style style18 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TableText", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName18 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Text" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() { Val = "BodyText" }; UIPriority uIPriority17 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid398 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties8 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines7 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; styleParagraphProperties8.Append(spacingBetweenLines7); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1049 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; styleRunProperties13.Append(runFonts1049); style18.Append(styleName18); style18.Append(basedOn8); style18.Append(uIPriority17); style18.Append(rsid398); style18.Append(styleParagraphProperties8); style18.Append(styleRunProperties13); Style style19 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Title" }; StyleName styleName19 = new StyleName() { Val = "Title" }; BasedOn basedOn9 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle3 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle11 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TitleChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority18 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid399 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties9 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines8 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "240", After = "60" }; Justification justification78 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel4 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(spacingBetweenLines8); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(justification78); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(outlineLevel4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties14 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1050 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria", HighAnsi = "Cambria" }; Bold bold124 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript17 = new BoldComplexScript(); Kern kern4 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize1066 = new FontSize() { Val = "32" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1051 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties14.Append(runFonts1050); styleRunProperties14.Append(bold124); styleRunProperties14.Append(boldComplexScript17); styleRunProperties14.Append(kern4); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSize1066); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1051); style19.Append(styleName19); style19.Append(basedOn9); style19.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style19.Append(linkedStyle11); style19.Append(uIPriority18); style19.Append(primaryStyle4); style19.Append(rsid399); style19.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style19.Append(styleRunProperties14); Style style20 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TitleChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName20 = new StyleName() { Val = "Title Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle12 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Title" }; UIPriority uIPriority19 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked7 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid400 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties15 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1051 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria", HighAnsi = "Cambria", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold125 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript18 = new BoldComplexScript(); Kern kern5 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize1067 = new FontSize() { Val = "32" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1052 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties15.Append(runFonts1051); styleRunProperties15.Append(bold125); styleRunProperties15.Append(boldComplexScript18); styleRunProperties15.Append(kern5); styleRunProperties15.Append(fontSize1067); styleRunProperties15.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1052); style20.Append(styleName20); style20.Append(linkedStyle12); style20.Append(uIPriority19); style20.Append(locked7); style20.Append(rsid400); style20.Append(styleRunProperties15); Style style21 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOCHeading" }; StyleName styleName21 = new StyleName() { Val = "TOC Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Heading1" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uIPriority20 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid401 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepLines keepLines2 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines9 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "480", After = "0", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel5 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 9 }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(keepLines2); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines9); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(outlineLevel5); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties16 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1052 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria", HighAnsi = "Cambria" }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript19 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color375 = new Color() { Val = "365F91" }; Kern kern6 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; FontSize fontSize1068 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1053 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties16.Append(runFonts1052); styleRunProperties16.Append(boldComplexScript19); styleRunProperties16.Append(color375); styleRunProperties16.Append(kern6); styleRunProperties16.Append(fontSize1068); styleRunProperties16.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1053); style21.Append(styleName21); style21.Append(basedOn10); style21.Append(nextParagraphStyle4); style21.Append(uIPriority20); style21.Append(primaryStyle5); style21.Append(rsid401); style21.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style21.Append(styleRunProperties16); Style style22 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC2" }; StyleName styleName22 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 2" }; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle5 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine1 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority21 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden6 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid402 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines10 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; Indentation indentation26 = new Indentation() { Start = "220" }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines10); styleParagraphProperties11.Append(indentation26); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties17 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1053 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri", HighAnsi = "Calibri" }; 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Rsid rsid403 = new Rsid() { Val = "009E06D4" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders2 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder99 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)12U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; paragraphBorders2.Append(bottomBorder99); Tabs tabs11 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop13 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Right, Leader = TabStopLeaderCharValues.Dot, Position = 9360 }; tabs11.Append(tabStop13); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines11 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel6 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties12.Append(paragraphBorders2); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(tabs11); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines11); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(outlineLevel6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties18 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1054 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Verdana", HighAnsi = "Verdana" }; Bold bold126 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize1070 = new FontSize() { Val = "21" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1055 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "21" }; styleRunProperties18.Append(runFonts1054); styleRunProperties18.Append(bold126); styleRunProperties18.Append(fontSize1070); styleRunProperties18.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1055); style23.Append(styleName23); style23.Append(basedOn12); style23.Append(nextParagraphStyle6); style23.Append(autoRedefine2); style23.Append(uIPriority22); style23.Append(semiHidden7); style23.Append(rsid403); style23.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); style23.Append(styleRunProperties18); Style style24 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC3" }; StyleName styleName24 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 3" }; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle7 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine3 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority23 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden8 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid404 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties13 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines12 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; Indentation indentation27 = new Indentation() { Start = "440" }; styleParagraphProperties13.Append(spacingBetweenLines12); styleParagraphProperties13.Append(indentation27); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties19 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1055 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri", HighAnsi = "Calibri" }; FontSize fontSize1071 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1056 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties19.Append(runFonts1055); styleRunProperties19.Append(fontSize1071); styleRunProperties19.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1056); style24.Append(styleName24); style24.Append(basedOn13); style24.Append(nextParagraphStyle7); style24.Append(autoRedefine3); style24.Append(uIPriority23); style24.Append(semiHidden8); style24.Append(rsid404); style24.Append(styleParagraphProperties13); style24.Append(styleRunProperties19); Style style25 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BalloonText" }; StyleName styleName25 = new StyleName() { Val = "Balloon Text" }; BasedOn basedOn14 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle13 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BalloonTextChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority24 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden9 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid405 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties20 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1056 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize1072 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1057 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties20.Append(runFonts1056); styleRunProperties20.Append(fontSize1072); styleRunProperties20.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1057); style25.Append(styleName25); style25.Append(basedOn14); style25.Append(linkedStyle13); style25.Append(uIPriority24); style25.Append(semiHidden9); style25.Append(rsid405); style25.Append(styleRunProperties20); Style style26 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "BalloonTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName26 = new StyleName() { Val = "Balloon Text Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle14 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BalloonText" }; UIPriority uIPriority25 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked8 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid406 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties21 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1057 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize1073 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1058 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties21.Append(runFonts1057); styleRunProperties21.Append(fontSize1073); styleRunProperties21.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1058); style26.Append(styleName26); style26.Append(linkedStyle14); style26.Append(uIPriority25); style26.Append(locked8); style26.Append(rsid406); style26.Append(styleRunProperties21); Style style27 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Strong" }; StyleName styleName27 = new StyleName() { Val = "Strong" }; UIPriority uIPriority26 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle6 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid407 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E07DEF" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties22 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1058 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold127 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript20 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties22.Append(runFonts1058); styleRunProperties22.Append(bold127); styleRunProperties22.Append(boldComplexScript20); style27.Append(styleName27); style27.Append(uIPriority26); style27.Append(primaryStyle6); style27.Append(rsid407); style27.Append(styleRunProperties22); Style style28 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "CommentReference" }; StyleName styleName28 = new StyleName() { Val = "annotation reference" }; UIPriority uIPriority27 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden10 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid408 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties23 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1059 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize1074 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1059 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties23.Append(runFonts1059); styleRunProperties23.Append(fontSize1074); styleRunProperties23.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1059); style28.Append(styleName28); style28.Append(uIPriority27); style28.Append(semiHidden10); style28.Append(rsid408); style28.Append(styleRunProperties23); Style style29 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "CommentText" }; StyleName styleName29 = new StyleName() { Val = "annotation text" }; BasedOn basedOn15 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle15 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "CommentTextChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority28 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden11 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid409 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties24 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize1075 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1060 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties24.Append(fontSize1075); styleRunProperties24.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1060); style29.Append(styleName29); style29.Append(basedOn15); style29.Append(linkedStyle15); style29.Append(uIPriority28); style29.Append(semiHidden11); style29.Append(rsid409); style29.Append(styleRunProperties24); Style style30 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "CommentTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName30 = new StyleName() { Val = "Comment Text Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle16 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "CommentText" }; UIPriority uIPriority29 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked9 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid410 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties25 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1060 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; styleRunProperties25.Append(runFonts1060); style30.Append(styleName30); style30.Append(linkedStyle16); style30.Append(uIPriority29); style30.Append(locked9); style30.Append(rsid410); style30.Append(styleRunProperties25); Style style31 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "CommentSubject" }; StyleName styleName31 = new StyleName() { Val = "annotation subject" }; BasedOn basedOn16 = new BasedOn() { Val = "CommentText" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle8 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "CommentText" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle17 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "CommentSubjectChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority30 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden12 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid411 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties26 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold128 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript21 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties26.Append(bold128); styleRunProperties26.Append(boldComplexScript21); style31.Append(styleName31); style31.Append(basedOn16); style31.Append(nextParagraphStyle8); style31.Append(linkedStyle17); style31.Append(uIPriority30); style31.Append(semiHidden12); style31.Append(rsid411); style31.Append(styleRunProperties26); Style style32 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "CommentSubjectChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName32 = new StyleName() { Val = "Comment Subject Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle18 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "CommentSubject" }; UIPriority uIPriority31 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked10 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid412 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties27 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1061 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold129 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript22 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties27.Append(runFonts1061); styleRunProperties27.Append(bold129); styleRunProperties27.Append(boldComplexScript22); style32.Append(styleName32); style32.Append(linkedStyle18); style32.Append(uIPriority31); style32.Append(locked10); style32.Append(rsid412); style32.Append(styleRunProperties27); Style style33 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Hyperlink" }; StyleName styleName33 = new StyleName() { Val = "Hyperlink" }; UIPriority uIPriority32 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid413 = new Rsid() { Val = "0077670E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties28 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1062 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Color color376 = new Color() { Val = "0000FF" }; Underline underline96 = new Underline() { Val = UnderlineValues.Single }; styleRunProperties28.Append(runFonts1062); styleRunProperties28.Append(color376); styleRunProperties28.Append(underline96); style33.Append(styleName33); style33.Append(uIPriority32); style33.Append(rsid413); style33.Append(styleRunProperties28); Style style34 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "NoSpacing" }; StyleName styleName34 = new StyleName() { Val = "No Spacing" }; UIPriority uIPriority33 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle7 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid414 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CF3870" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties29 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1063 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri", HighAnsi = "Calibri" }; FontSize fontSize1076 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1061 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties29.Append(runFonts1063); styleRunProperties29.Append(fontSize1076); styleRunProperties29.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1061); style34.Append(styleName34); style34.Append(uIPriority33); style34.Append(primaryStyle7); style34.Append(rsid414); style34.Append(styleRunProperties29); Style style35 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableGrid" }; StyleName styleName35 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Grid" }; BasedOn basedOn17 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority34 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked11 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid415 = new Rsid() { Val = "00614236" }; StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties2 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableBorders tableBorders5 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder94 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder93 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder100 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder93 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder5 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder5 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders5.Append(topBorder94); tableBorders5.Append(leftBorder93); tableBorders5.Append(bottomBorder100); tableBorders5.Append(rightBorder93); tableBorders5.Append(insideHorizontalBorder5); tableBorders5.Append(insideVerticalBorder5); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders5); style35.Append(styleName35); style35.Append(basedOn17); style35.Append(uIPriority34); style35.Append(locked11); style35.Append(rsid415); style35.Append(styleTableProperties2); Style style36 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "LightShading" }; StyleName styleName36 = new StyleName() { Val = "Light Shading" }; BasedOn basedOn18 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority35 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid416 = new Rsid() { Val = "00614236" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties30 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color377 = new Color() { Val = "000000" }; styleRunProperties30.Append(color377); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties3 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize1 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize1 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableBorders tableBorders6 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder95 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder101 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders6.Append(topBorder95); tableBorders6.Append(bottomBorder101); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize1); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize1); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableBorders6); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties1 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties14 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines13 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties14.Append(spacingBetweenLines13); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1064 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold130 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript23 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(runFonts1064); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(bold130); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(boldComplexScript23); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties1 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders91 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder96 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder94 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; BottomBorder bottomBorder102 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder94 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder6 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder6 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders91.Append(topBorder96); tableCellBorders91.Append(leftBorder94); tableCellBorders91.Append(bottomBorder102); tableCellBorders91.Append(rightBorder94); tableCellBorders91.Append(insideHorizontalBorder6); tableCellBorders91.Append(insideVerticalBorder6); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1.Append(tableCellBorders91); tableStyleProperties1.Append(styleParagraphProperties14); tableStyleProperties1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle2); tableStyleProperties1.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties1); tableStyleProperties1.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties2 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties15 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines14 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties15.Append(spacingBetweenLines14); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle3 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1065 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold131 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript24 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(runFonts1065); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(bold131); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(boldComplexScript24); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties2 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders92 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder97 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder95 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; BottomBorder bottomBorder103 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder95 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder7 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder7 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders92.Append(topBorder97); tableCellBorders92.Append(leftBorder95); tableCellBorders92.Append(bottomBorder103); tableCellBorders92.Append(rightBorder95); tableCellBorders92.Append(insideHorizontalBorder7); tableCellBorders92.Append(insideVerticalBorder7); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2.Append(tableCellBorders92); tableStyleProperties2.Append(styleParagraphProperties15); tableStyleProperties2.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle3); tableStyleProperties2.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties2); tableStyleProperties2.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties3 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle4 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1066 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold132 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript25 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(runFonts1066); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(bold132); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(boldComplexScript25); tableStyleProperties3.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle4); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties4 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle5 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1067 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold133 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript26 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(runFonts1067); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(bold133); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(boldComplexScript26); tableStyleProperties4.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle5); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties5 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle6 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1068 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(runFonts1068); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties3 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders93 = new TableCellBorders(); LeftBorder leftBorder96 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; RightBorder rightBorder96 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder8 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder8 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders93.Append(leftBorder96); tableCellBorders93.Append(rightBorder96); tableCellBorders93.Append(insideHorizontalBorder8); tableCellBorders93.Append(insideVerticalBorder8); Shading shading55 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "C0C0C0" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3.Append(tableCellBorders93); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3.Append(shading55); tableStyleProperties5.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle6); tableStyleProperties5.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties3); tableStyleProperties5.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties6 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle7 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1069 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(runFonts1069); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties4 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders94 = new TableCellBorders(); LeftBorder leftBorder97 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; RightBorder rightBorder97 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder9 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder9 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders94.Append(leftBorder97); tableCellBorders94.Append(rightBorder97); tableCellBorders94.Append(insideHorizontalBorder9); tableCellBorders94.Append(insideVerticalBorder9); Shading shading56 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "C0C0C0" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4.Append(tableCellBorders94); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4.Append(shading56); tableStyleProperties6.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle7); tableStyleProperties6.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties4); tableStyleProperties6.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4); style36.Append(styleName36); style36.Append(basedOn18); style36.Append(uIPriority35); style36.Append(rsid416); style36.Append(styleRunProperties30); style36.Append(styleTableProperties3); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties1); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties2); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties3); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties4); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties5); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties6); Style style37 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ListParagraph" }; StyleName styleName37 = new StyleName() { Val = "List Paragraph" }; BasedOn basedOn19 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uIPriority36 = new UIPriority() { Val = 34 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle8 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid417 = new Rsid() { Val = "00016236" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties16 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Indentation indentation28 = new Indentation() { Start = "720" }; styleParagraphProperties16.Append(indentation28); style37.Append(styleName37); style37.Append(basedOn19); style37.Append(uIPriority36); style37.Append(primaryStyle8); style37.Append(rsid417); style37.Append(styleParagraphProperties16); Style style38 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "PlaceholderText" }; StyleName styleName38 = new StyleName() { Val = "Placeholder Text" }; BasedOn basedOn20 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority37 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden13 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid418 = new Rsid() { Val = "005E53DA" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties31 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color378 = new Color() { Val = "808080" }; styleRunProperties31.Append(color378); style38.Append(styleName38); style38.Append(basedOn20); style38.Append(uIPriority37); style38.Append(semiHidden13); style38.Append(rsid418); style38.Append(styleRunProperties31); Style style39 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Revision" }; StyleName styleName39 = new StyleName() { Val = "Revision" }; StyleHidden styleHidden1 = new StyleHidden(); UIPriority uIPriority38 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden14 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid419 = new Rsid() { Val = "000E2AF5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties32 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize1077 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1062 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties32.Append(fontSize1077); styleRunProperties32.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1062); style39.Append(styleName39); style39.Append(styleHidden1); style39.Append(uIPriority38); style39.Append(semiHidden14); style39.Append(rsid419); style39.Append(styleRunProperties32); Style style40 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FollowedHyperlink" }; StyleName styleName40 = new StyleName() { Val = "FollowedHyperlink" }; BasedOn basedOn21 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority39 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden15 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed4 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid420 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC1A91" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties33 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color379 = new Color() { Val = "800080", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.FollowedHyperlink }; Underline underline97 = new Underline() { Val = UnderlineValues.Single }; styleRunProperties33.Append(color379); styleRunProperties33.Append(underline97); style40.Append(styleName40); style40.Append(basedOn21); style40.Append(uIPriority39); style40.Append(semiHidden15); style40.Append(unhideWhenUsed4); style40.Append(rsid420); style40.Append(styleRunProperties33); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styles1.Append(style16); styles1.Append(style17); styles1.Append(style18); styles1.Append(style19); styles1.Append(style20); styles1.Append(style21); styles1.Append(style22); styles1.Append(style23); styles1.Append(style24); styles1.Append(style25); styles1.Append(style26); styles1.Append(style27); styles1.Append(style28); styles1.Append(style29); styles1.Append(style30); styles1.Append(style31); styles1.Append(style32); styles1.Append(style33); styles1.Append(style34); styles1.Append(style35); styles1.Append(style36); styles1.Append(style37); styles1.Append(style38); styles1.Append(style39); styles1.Append(style40); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
// Generates content of part. private static Styles GeneratePartContent() { Styles styles = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15 w16se w16cid" } }; styles.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2012/wordml"); styles.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w16cid", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2016/wordml/cid"); styles.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w16se", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2015/wordml/symex"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages() { Val = "en-CA", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "160", Line = "259", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(uIPriority1); style2.Append(semiHidden1); style2.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault1 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin1 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin1 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellLeftMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellRightMargin1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault1); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(uIPriority2); style3.Append(semiHidden2); style3.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style3.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style4 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(uIPriority3); style4.Append(semiHidden3); style4.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "RunStyle1", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "RunStyle1" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority4 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "00856DAD" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "4472C4", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(basedOn1); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(primaryStyle2); style5.Append(rsid1); style5.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "RunStyle2", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "RunStyle2" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() { Val = "RunStyle1" }; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = "00856DAD" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Color color2 = new Color() { Val = "4472C4", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; Languages languages2 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties2.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties2.Append(color2); styleRunProperties2.Append(languages2); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(basedOn2); style6.Append(uIPriority5); style6.Append(primaryStyle3); style6.Append(rsid2); style6.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ParagraphStyle1", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "ParagraphStyle1" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "00856DAD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders1 = new ParagraphBorders(); TopBorder topBorder1 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; LeftBorder leftBorder1 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)4U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder1 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; RightBorder rightBorder1 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)4U }; paragraphBorders1.Append(topBorder1); paragraphBorders1.Append(leftBorder1); paragraphBorders1.Append(bottomBorder1); paragraphBorders1.Append(rightBorder1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(paragraphBorders1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color3 = new Color() { Val = "4472C4", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; Languages languages3 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties3.Append(color3); styleRunProperties3.Append(languages3); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(basedOn3); style7.Append(primaryStyle4); style7.Append(rsid3); style7.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style7.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ParagraphStyle2", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "ParagraphStyle2" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() { Val = "ParagraphStyle1" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "00856DAD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders2 = new ParagraphBorders(); TopBorder topBorder2 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder2 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder2 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder2 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; paragraphBorders2.Append(topBorder2); paragraphBorders2.Append(leftBorder2); paragraphBorders2.Append(bottomBorder2); paragraphBorders2.Append(rightBorder2); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(paragraphBorders2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold2 = new Bold(); Color color4 = new Color() { Val = "auto" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(bold2); styleRunProperties4.Append(color4); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn4); style8.Append(primaryStyle5); style8.Append(rsid4); style8.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style8.Append(styleRunProperties4); styles.Append(docDefaults1); styles.Append(style1); styles.Append(style2); styles.Append(style3); styles.Append(style4); styles.Append(style5); styles.Append(style6); styles.Append(style7); styles.Append(style8); return(styles); }
public static void Find_table(List <List <string> > List1, string path1, string path2) { List <string> Tables = new List <string>(); int flazhok = 0; int fcount = 0; int k = 0; byte[] byteArray = File.ReadAllBytes(path1); List <string> M = new List <string>(); int u = 0; int m = 0; using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream()) { mem.Write(byteArray, 0, (int)byteArray.Length); using (WordprocessingDocument outDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(mem, true)) { var doc = outDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document; MainDocumentPart mainPart = outDoc.MainDocumentPart; DocDefaults defaults = doc.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart.Styles.Descendants <DocDefaults>().FirstOrDefault(); RunFonts runFont = defaults.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts; runFont.Ascii = "Calibri"; //runFont.AsciiTheme = "Times New Roman"; string font = runFont.Ascii; FontSize fs = new FontSize(); fs.Val = "8"; string[] tblTag = new string[0];//Табличные теги for (int f1 = 0; f1 < List1.Count; f1++) { flazhok = 0; Array.Resize(ref tblTag, tblTag.Length + 1); fcount = 0; int i = 0; tblTag[i] = List1[k][fcount].ToString(); m = k; fcount++; i++; var ccWithTable1 = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants <SdtElement>(); bool b = true; SdtBlock ccWithTable = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants <SdtBlock>().FirstOrDefault(); int index = 0; foreach (var tt in ccWithTable1) { if (tt.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild <Tag>().Val == tblTag[index]) { ccWithTable = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants <SdtBlock>().Where (r => r.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild <Tag>().Val == tblTag[index]).Single(); Tables.Add(tblTag[index]); flazhok = 1; break; } } int count = 0; int countt = 0; int r2 = 3; int n = 0; var tr2 = new TableRow(); var tr3 = new TableRow(); if (flazhok == 1) { int struct2 = 0; for (int u23 = 1; u23 < List1[k].Count; u23++) { if (u23 >= 15 + struct2) { countt++; struct2 += 15; } } int f5 = 0; int f6 = 0; Table theTable = ccWithTable.Descendants <Table>().FirstOrDefault(); TableRow row8 = theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(r2); theTable.InsertAfter <TableRow>(tr2, row8); int county = 0; int u2 = 1; int u233 = 1; int u234 = 1; fs.Val = "16"; for (int u23 = 0; u23 < countt; u23++) { if (u23 != 0) { u233 = u2 + 1; u234 = u233 - 1; } county = 0; for (u2 = 1; u2 < List1[0].Count(); u2++) { u2 = u233; if (u2 > 15) { if (county == 0) { { u233 = u233 - 1; } } } county++; u233++; b = true; if (u2 >= u234 + 15) { break; } else { b = false; int i3 = 0; int i8 = 3; int y = 0; int b3 = 0; int c = 0; M.Clear(); //TableRow row2 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(i8); TableCell cell = tr2.Elements <TableCell>().FirstOrDefault(); int[] gridSpan1 = null; gridSpan1 = new int[] { 1, 7 }; TableCellProperties tcp3 = new TableCellProperties(new GridSpan() { Val = gridSpan1[b3] }); b3++; TableCell cell2 = new TableCell(); cell2.Append(new Paragraph (new Run(new Text("")))); tr2.AppendChild(cell2); /* * Paragraph p3 = cell2.Elements<Paragraph>().First(); * Run t2 = p3.Elements<Run>().First(); * RunProperties rPr2 = new RunProperties( * new RunFonts() * { * Ascii = font, * HighAnsi = font * }, * * new FontSize() * { * Val = fs.Val * }); * * t2.PrependChild<RunProperties>(rPr2); * */ if (b == false) { if (u2 >= u234 + 15 - 1 && u2 != List1[0].Count - 1) { n = 14; tr2 = new TableRow(); r2++; row8 = theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(r2); theTable.InsertAfter <TableRow>(tr2, row8); } } else { if (u2 != List1[0].Count() - 1) { if (u2 >= 16 + n) { n = n + 15; tr2 = new TableRow(); r2++; row8 = theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(r2); theTable.InsertAfter <TableRow>(tr2, row8); } } } } } } } int n18 = 0; int tyacheika = 1; int count7 = 0; Dictionary <int, int> d3 = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (tyacheika = 1; tyacheika < List1[0].Count(); tyacheika++) { d3.Add(tyacheika + n18, n18 + 15 + tyacheika - 1); n18 += 14; } Table theTable2 = ccWithTable.Descendants <Table>().FirstOrDefault(); Dictionary <int, int> d = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int g = 0; TableCellProperties tcp1 = new TableCellProperties(); List <int> l = new List <int>(); int n15 = 0; int yy = 1; int prt = 1; int lcount = 1; int t16 = 0; int t17 = 0; bool flag = true; int ff = 0; int ff2 = 0; int yacheika1 = 1; int perv = 0; int count55 = 0; int yperv = 0; bool flazhok2 = true; prt = yacheika1; int ccount = 0; prt = yy; bool nk = true; int nor2 = 0; int nor = 0; for (int yacheika12 = 1; yacheika12 < List1[0].Count(); yacheika12++) { if (perv >= 16) { break; } g = 0; t16 = 0; if (flazhok2 == false) { g = ff; yacheika12 = ff2; n15 = nor; t16 = t17; } if (flag == false) { perv++; yacheika12 = perv; count55 = 0; } for (yacheika1 = yacheika12; yacheika1 < List1[0].Count(); yacheika1++) { yacheika12++; if (yacheika1 == 10) { } if (count55 == 0) { perv = yacheika1; } count55++; flag = true; if (g > 15) { break; } flazhok2 = true; t16++; t17 = t16; ff = g; ff2 = yacheika1; if (n15 + 15 + yacheika1 >= List1[0].Count()) { flag = false; break; } string k4 = List1[0][yacheika1 + n15]; string k5 = List1[0][n15 + 15 + yacheika1]; string oneone = ""; string twotwo = ""; string one1 = List1[0][yacheika1 + n15]; string one2 = List1[0][n15 + 15 + yacheika1 - 1]; bool ka = true; if (n15 + 15 + yacheika1 <= List1[0].Count() - 1) { if (List1[0][yacheika1 + n15] != List1[0][n15 + 15 + yacheika1]) { n15 += 15; nor = n15; nk = false; flazhok2 = false; yperv = perv; break; } g++; if (n15 + 15 + yacheika1 <= List1[0].Count() - 1) { foreach (var pair in d3) { if (pair.Key <= yacheika1 + n15 && yacheika1 + n15 <= pair.Value) { oneone = pair.Key.ToString(); break; } } foreach (var pair1 in d3) { if (pair1.Key <= n15 + 15 + yacheika1 - 1 && n15 + 15 + yacheika1 - 1 <= pair1.Value) { twotwo = pair1.Key.ToString(); break; } } bool flag33 = true; if (List1[0][Convert.ToInt32(oneone)] != List1[0][Convert.ToInt32(twotwo)]) { flag33 = false; nk = true; n15 += 15; nor = n15; flazhok2 = false; break; } if (List1[0][yacheika1 + n15] == List1[0][n15 + 15 + yacheika1]) { if (flag33 != false) { l.Add(t16 - 1 + 4); l.Add(t16 + 5 - 1); n15 += 14; nor = n15; nk = true; } } } } } n15 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < l.Count; i1++) { if (!d.ContainsKey(l[i1])) { d.Add(l[i1], l[i1]); } } bool kas = true; List <int> list = new List <int>(d.Keys); bool yp = true; if (list.Count != 0) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < list.Count(); i1++) { if (list[i1] >= 18) { if (list[i1] >= 18) { /* * list.Remove(list[i1]); * */ yp = false; } } } /* * kas = false; * l.Clear(); * list.Clear(); * d.Clear(); * */ if (kas == true) { if (perv < 16) { int yacheika = 0; // List<int> list = new List<int>(d.Keys); yacheika = yacheika1; /* * if (yp == false) * {*/ tcp1 = new TableCellProperties( new VerticalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart } ); theTable2.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(list[0]).ElementAt(perv - 1).Append(tcp1); for (int t = 1; t < list.Count; t++) { TableCellProperties tcp11 = new TableCellProperties( new VerticalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue } ); theTable2.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(list[t]).ElementAt(perv - 1).Append(tcp11); } } /* * else * { * * for (int t = 1; t < list.Count; t++) * { * TableCellProperties tcp11 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Continue * } * ); * theTable2.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(list[t]).ElementAt(perv - 1).Append(tcp11); * * } * // } * /* * * * for (int t = 1; t < list.Count - 1; t++) * { * TableCellProperties tcp11 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Continue * } * ); * */ // theTable2.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(list[t]).ElementAt(perv - 1).Append(tcp11); } l.Clear(); d.Clear(); } } // theTable2.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(theTable2.Elements<TableRow>().Count() - 1).Remove(); } } /* * TableCellProperties tcp10 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Restart * } * ); * int t = d[l[0]]; * theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(d[l[1]]).Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika).Append(tcp10); * * */ //TableRow r23 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(row1); /* * if (flag != false) * { * if (list.Count != 0) * { * TableCellProperties tcp1 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Restart * } * ); * theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(list[0]).ElementAt(yacheika1).Append(tcp1); * * for (int i11 = 1; i11 < d.Count; i11++) * { * TableCellProperties tcp11 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Continue * } * ); * * * theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(list[i11]).ElementAt(yacheika1).Append(tcp11); * * } * } * * } * d.Clear(); * * } * * } * * * /* * TableCellProperties tcp11 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Restart * } * ); * theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(d[l[1]]).Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika).Append(tcp11); * * * * TableCellProperties tcp12 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Continue * } * ); * theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(d[l[2]]).ElementAt(yacheika).Append(tcp12); * } */ /* * * for (int u2 = 1; u2 < List1[k].Count; u2++) * { * * if (theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u2-1) == theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u2)) * { * TableCellProperties tcp10 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Restart * } * ); * * TableCell cl = new TableCell(); * cl = tr2.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(u2); * * theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u2).Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(u2).Append(tcp10); * cl= theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u2).Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(u2); * } * } * * } * * * */ /* * * for (int u3 = 5; u3 < theTable.Elements<TableRow>().Count(); u3++) * { * TableRow tr5 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3); * string d= theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3).InnerText; * for (int u4 = 0; u4 < tr5.Elements<TableCell>().Count(); u4++) * { * * TableRow tr = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3); * TableCell tc12 = tr.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(u4); * string text = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3).ElementAt(u4).InnerText; * string text2 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3 - 1).ElementAt(u4).InnerText; * * if (text == text2) * { * * count++; * }}} * * * * * * * int schet = 0; * for (int u3 = 5; u3 < theTable.Elements<TableRow>().Count(); u3++) * { * TableRow tr5 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3); * string d= theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3).InnerText; * for (int u4 = 0; u4 < tr5.Elements<TableCell>().Count(); u4++) * { * * TableRow tr = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3); * TableCell tc12 = tr.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(u4); * string text = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3).ElementAt(u4).InnerText; * string text2 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3 - 1).ElementAt(u4).InnerText; * * if (text == text2) * { * * count++; * * * string c1 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3).Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(u4).InnerText; * * * * * * * * * * * TableCellProperties tcp10 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Restart * } * ); * * * theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3 - 2).ElementAt(u4).Append(tcp10); * * * * * * * TableCellProperties tcp1 = new TableCellProperties( * * new VerticalMerge() * { * Val = MergedCellValues.Continue * } * ); * theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3).ElementAt(u4).Append(tcp1); * // tc12 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(u3).Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(u4); * * * } * } * * * */ try { File.Delete(path2); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path2, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew)) { mem.WriteTo(fileStream); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart part) { Styles doc_styles = GenerateDocumentStyles(); DocDefaults document_defaults = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault defaultRunProperties = new RunPropertiesDefault(CreateRunBaseStyle()); document_defaults.Append(defaultRunProperties); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphBaseStyle = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); paragraphBaseStyle.Append(new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }); ParagraphPropertiesDefault default_ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); default_ParagraphProperties.Append(paragraphBaseStyle); document_defaults.Append(default_ParagraphProperties); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; latentStyles1.Append(new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }); Style Normal = GenerateNormal(); doc_styles.Append(document_defaults); doc_styles.Append(latentStyles1); doc_styles.Append(Normal); for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { latentStyles1.Append(new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Heading " + i, UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }); Style Header = GenerateHeader(i); doc_styles.Append(Header); } part.Styles = doc_styles; }
public static void GentText(Dictionary <string, string> dict, List <List <string> > List1, string path2, string path3) { List <string> Tables = new List <string>(); int flazhok = 0; int fcount = 0; int k = 0; byte[] byteArray = File.ReadAllBytes(path3); List <string> M = new List <string>(); int u = 0; int m = 0; using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream()) { mem.Write(byteArray, 0, (int)byteArray.Length); using (WordprocessingDocument outDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(mem, true)) { var doc = outDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document; MainDocumentPart mainPart = outDoc.MainDocumentPart; DocDefaults defaults = doc.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart.Styles.Descendants <DocDefaults>().FirstOrDefault(); RunFonts runFont = defaults.RunPropertiesDefault.RunPropertiesBaseStyle.RunFonts; runFont.Ascii = "Calibri"; //runFont.AsciiTheme = "Times New Roman"; string font = runFont.Ascii; FontSize fs = new FontSize(); fs.Val = "16"; string[] tblTag = new string[0];//Табличные теги bool flag = true; for (int f1 = 0; f1 < List1.Count; f1++) { flazhok = 0; Array.Resize(ref tblTag, tblTag.Length + 1); fcount = 0; int i = 0; tblTag[i] = List1[k][fcount].ToString(); m = k; fcount++; i++; var ccWithTable1 = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants <SdtElement>(); SdtBlock ccWithTable = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants <SdtBlock>().FirstOrDefault(); int index = 0; foreach (var tt in ccWithTable1) { if (flag != false) { if (tt.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild <Tag>().Val == tblTag[index]) { ccWithTable = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants <SdtBlock>().Where (r => r.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild <Tag>().Val == tblTag[index]).Single(); Tables.Add(tblTag[index]); flazhok = 1; flag = false; } } } int count = 0; int row = 0; int r2 = 3; int n = 0; int u2 = 1; if (flazhok == 1) { Table theTable = ccWithTable.Descendants <Table>().FirstOrDefault(); for (row = 4; row < theTable.Elements <TableRow>().Count(); row++) { count = 0; bool p = true; int countp = 0; TableRow row8 = theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(row); for (int yacheika2 = 0; yacheika2 < theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(row).Elements <TableCell>().Count(); yacheika2++) { if (row == 4) { TableCell cell1 = row8.Elements <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2); int b3 = 0; int[] gridSpan1 = null; gridSpan1 = new int[] { 1, 7 }; TableCellProperties tcp3 = new TableCellProperties(new GridSpan() { Val = gridSpan1[b3] }); b3++; TableCell cell23 = new TableCell(tcp3, new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(List1[m][u2])))); TableCell cell2 = row8.Elements <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2); cell2 = cell23; var sdts12 = mainPart.Document.Descendants <SdtElement>(); //TableRow rowCopy = (TableRow)theRow.CloneNode(true); row8.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Append(new Paragraph (new Run(new Text(List1[m][u2])))); //row8.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika).InnerText = List1[m][u2]; Paragraph p3 = row8.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>().First(); Run t2 = p3.Elements <Run>().First(); RunProperties rPr2 = new RunProperties( new RunFonts() { Ascii = font, HighAnsi = font }, new FontSize() { Val = fs.Val }); t2.PrependChild <RunProperties>(rPr2); if (t2.Count() > 1) { t2.LastChild.Remove(); } if (row8.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>().Count() > 1) { foreach (var t3 in row8.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>()) { if (countp == 0) { t3.Remove(); break; } } } foreach (var t3 in row8.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>()) { if (t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().Count() > 1) { for (int i7 = 0; i7 < t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().Count(); i7++) { t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().ElementAt(i7).Remove(); } } u2++; TableCellProperties tcp5 = new TableCellProperties( new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }); ParagraphProperties pp = new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }); t3.PrependChild <ParagraphProperties>(pp); t3.PrependChild <TableCellProperties>(tcp5); } } if (row != 4) { countp = 0; if (theTable.Elements <TableRow>().Count() <= row) { break; } TableRow row9 = theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(row); row8 = theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(row - 1); // row9 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(row); if (yacheika2 == 15) { break; } if (count == 0) { if (u2 <= List1[m].Count() - 1) { if (List1[m][u2 - 15] != List1[m][u2]) { p = false; } } else { break; } } if (p == false) { TableCell cell1 = row8.Elements <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2); int b3 = 0; int[] gridSpan1 = null; gridSpan1 = new int[] { 1, 7 }; TableCellProperties tcp3 = new TableCellProperties(new GridSpan() { Val = gridSpan1[b3] }); b3++; // TableCell cell23 = new TableCell(tcp3, new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(List1[m][u2])))); // TableCell cell2 = row9.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2); // cell2 = cell23; // var sdts12 = mainPart.Document.Descendants<SdtElement>(); //TableRow rowCopy = (TableRow)theRow.CloneNode(true); row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Append(new Paragraph (new Run(new Text(List1[m][u2])))); //row8.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika).InnerText = List1[m][u2]; Paragraph p3 = row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>().First(); Run t2 = p3.Elements <Run>().First(); if (row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>().Count() > 1) { foreach (var t3 in row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>()) { if (countp == 0) { t3.Remove(); break; } } } RunProperties rPr2 = new RunProperties( new RunFonts() { Ascii = font, HighAnsi = font }, new FontSize() { Val = fs.Val }); t2.PrependChild <RunProperties>(rPr2); if (t2.Count() > 1) { t2.LastChild.Remove(); } foreach (var t3 in row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>()) { if (t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().Count() > 1) { for (int i7 = 0; i7 < t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().Count(); i7++) { t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().ElementAt(i7).Remove(); } } TableCellProperties tcp5 = new TableCellProperties( new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }); ParagraphProperties pp = new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }); t3.PrependChild <ParagraphProperties>(pp); t3.PrependChild <TableCellProperties>(tcp5); } } else { countp = 0; if (List1[m][u2 - 15] != List1[m][u2]) { // row9 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(row - 1); TableCell cell1 = row8.Elements <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2); int b3 = 0; int[] gridSpan1 = null; gridSpan1 = new int[] { 1, 7 }; TableCellProperties tcp3 = new TableCellProperties(new GridSpan() { Val = gridSpan1[b3] }); b3++; TableCell cell23 = new TableCell(tcp3, new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(List1[m][u2])))); TableCell cell2 = row8.Elements <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2); cell2 = cell23; var sdts12 = mainPart.Document.Descendants <SdtElement>(); //TableRow rowCopy = (TableRow)theRow.CloneNode(true); row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Append(new Paragraph (new Run(new Text(List1[m][u2])))); //row8.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika).InnerText = List1[m][u2]; Paragraph p3 = row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>().First(); Run t2 = p3.Elements <Run>().First(); if (row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>().Count() > 1) { foreach (var t3 in row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>()) { if (countp == 0) { t3.Remove(); break; } } } RunProperties rPr2 = new RunProperties( new RunFonts() { Ascii = font, HighAnsi = font }, new FontSize() { Val = fs.Val }); t2.PrependChild <RunProperties>(rPr2); if (t2.Count() > 1) { t2.LastChild.Remove(); } foreach (var t3 in row9.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>()) { if (t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().Count() > 1) { for (int i7 = 0; i7 < t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().Count(); i7++) { t3.Elements <ParagraphProperties>().ElementAt(i7).Remove(); } } TableCellProperties tcp5 = new TableCellProperties( new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }); ParagraphProperties pp = new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }); t3.PrependChild <ParagraphProperties>(pp); t3.PrependChild <TableCellProperties>(tcp5); } } } //string row11 = theTable.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(row1).Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika1).InnerText; count++; u2++; } } } // int y = theTable.Elements <TableRow>().Count(); for (row = 4; row < theTable.Elements <TableRow>().Count(); row++) { TableRow row8 = theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(row); for (int yacheika2 = 0; yacheika2 < theTable.Elements <TableRow>().ElementAt(row).Elements <TableCell>().Count(); yacheika2++) { foreach (var t3 in row8.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>()) { Paragraph p3 = row8.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(yacheika2).Elements <Paragraph>().First(); Run t2 = p3.Elements <Run>().First(); RunProperties rPr2 = new RunProperties( new RunFonts() { Ascii = font, HighAnsi = font }, new FontSize() { Val = fs.Val }); t2.PrependChild <RunProperties>(rPr2); } } } } var sdts123 = mainPart.Document.Descendants <SdtElement>(); foreach (var sdt3 in sdts123) { Tag ff = sdt3.SdtProperties.GetFirstChild <Tag>(); string old_text = sdt3.SdtProperties.InnerText; if (ff != null) { if (dict.ContainsKey((ff.Val))) { string value = dict[ff.Val];; sdt3.Descendants <DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Text>().FirstOrDefault().Text = value; } } } } } try { File.Delete(path2); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path2, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew)) { mem.WriteTo(fileStream); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
// Generates content of stylesWithEffectsPart2. private void GenerateStylesWithEffectsPart2Content(StylesWithEffectsPart stylesWithEffectsPart2) { Styles styles3 = new Styles(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15 wp14" } }; styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpc", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingCanvas"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingDrawing"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/11/wordml"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpg", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingGroup"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpi", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingInk"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wne", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml"); styles3.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wps", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingShape"); DocDefaults docDefaults3 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault3 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle3 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts35 = new RunFonts(){ AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; Kern kern17 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)2U }; FontSize fontSize3 = new FontSize(){ Val = "21" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript3 = new FontSizeComplexScript(){ Val = "22" }; Languages languages3 = new Languages(){ Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "ja-JP", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(runFonts35); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(kern17); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(fontSize3); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript3); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(languages3); runPropertiesDefault3.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle3); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault3 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); docDefaults3.Append(runPropertiesDefault3); docDefaults3.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault3); LatentStyles latentStyles3 = new LatentStyles(){ DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo275 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo276 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo277 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo278 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo279 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo280 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo281 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo282 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo283 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo284 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo285 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo286 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo287 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo288 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo289 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo290 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo291 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 7", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo292 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 8", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo293 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 9", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo294 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "caption", UiPriority = 35, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo295 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Title", UiPriority = 10, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo296 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo297 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo298 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo299 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo300 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo301 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo302 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 36, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo303 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo304 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo305 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo306 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo307 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo308 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo309 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo310 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo311 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo312 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo313 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo314 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo315 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo316 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo317 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo318 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo319 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo320 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo321 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo322 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo323 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo324 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo325 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo326 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo327 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo328 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo329 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo330 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo331 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo332 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo333 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo334 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo335 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo336 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo337 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo338 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo339 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo340 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo341 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo342 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo343 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo344 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo345 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo346 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo347 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo348 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo349 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo350 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo351 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo352 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo353 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo354 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo355 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo356 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo357 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; 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latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo395); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo396); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo397); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo398); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo399); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo400); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo401); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo402); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo403); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo404); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo405); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo406); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo407); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo408); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo409); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo410); latentStyles3.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo411); Style style21 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName21 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Normal" }; 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// Generates content of stylesWithEffectsPart1. private void GenerateStylesWithEffectsPart1Content(StylesWithEffectsPart stylesWithEffectsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15 wp14" } }; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpc", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingCanvas"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingDrawing"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing"); 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latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); Style style1 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); 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styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault1); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(uIPriority2); style3.Append(semiHidden2); style3.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style3.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style4 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName(){ Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(uIPriority3); style4.Append(semiHidden3); style4.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style5 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "PlaceholderText" }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Placeholder Text" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority4 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); 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style6.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); Style style7 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "D4883C3CFFC34F409428ADC3628C6570", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName(){ Val = "D4883C3CFFC34F409428ADC3628C6570" }; Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl3 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification3 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(widowControl3); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(justification3); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(rsid11); style7.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); Style style8 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "133ECC909A29476B8F1E90DE917BAC44", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName(){ Val = "133ECC909A29476B8F1E90DE917BAC44" }; Rsid rsid12 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl4 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification4 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(widowControl4); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(justification4); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(rsid12); style8.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); Style style9 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "4B632797D8B1461898B8F461443A20E0", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName(){ Val = "4B632797D8B1461898B8F461443A20E0" }; Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl5 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification5 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties5.Append(widowControl5); styleParagraphProperties5.Append(justification5); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(rsid13); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); 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private DocDefaults CreateDocDefaults(Styles styles) { DocDefaults docDefaults = styles.DocDefaults; if (docDefaults == null) { docDefaults = new DocDefaults(); styles.DocDefaults = docDefaults; } return docDefaults; }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles2 = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14" } }; styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); DocDefaults docDefaults2 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault2 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts113 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; 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latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo153); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo154); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo155); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo156); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo157); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo158); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo159); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo160); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo161); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo162); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo163); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo164); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo165); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo166); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo167); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo168); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo169); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo170); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo171); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo172); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo173); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo174); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo175); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo176); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo177); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo178); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo179); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo180); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo181); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo182); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo183); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo184); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo185); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo186); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo187); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo188); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo189); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo190); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo191); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo192); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo193); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo194); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo195); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo196); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo197); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo198); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo199); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo200); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo201); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo202); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo203); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo204); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo205); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo206); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo207); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo208); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo209); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo210); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo211); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo212); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo213); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo214); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo215); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo216); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo217); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo218); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo219); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo220); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo221); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo222); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo223); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo224); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo225); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo226); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo227); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo228); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo229); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo230); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo231); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo232); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo233); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo234); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo235); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo236); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo237); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo238); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo239); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo240); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo241); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo242); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo243); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo244); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo245); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo246); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo247); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo248); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo249); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo250); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo251); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo252); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo253); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo254); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo255); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo256); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo257); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo258); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo259); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo260); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo261); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo262); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo263); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo264); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo265); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo266); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo267); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo268); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo269); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo270); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo271); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo272); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo273); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo274); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "a", Default = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() { Val = "00900A10" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts114 = new RunFonts() { EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorEastAsia }; Languages languages4 = new Languages() { EastAsia = "ru-RU" }; styleRunProperties2.Append(runFonts114); styleRunProperties2.Append(languages4); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(primaryStyle2); style6.Append(rsid8); style6.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "a0", Default = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); 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styles2.Append(style9); styles2.Append(style10); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles2; }
// Generates content of stylesWithEffectsPart1. private void GenerateStylesWithEffectsPart1Content(StylesWithEffectsPart stylesWithEffectsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 wp14" } }; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpc", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingCanvas"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingDrawing"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing"); 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo6 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo7 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo8 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo9 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo10 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo11 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo12 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo13 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39 }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo22 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo23 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo24 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo25 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo26 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo27 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo28 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo29 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo30 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo31 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo32 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo33 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo34 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo35 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo36 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo37 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo38 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo39 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo40 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo41 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo42 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo43 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo44 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo45 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo46 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo47 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo48 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo49 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo50 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo51 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo52 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo53 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo54 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo55 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo56 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo57 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo58 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo59 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo60 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo61 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo62 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo63 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo64 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo65 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo66 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo67 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo68 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo69 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo70 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo71 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo72 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo73 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo74 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo75 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo76 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo77 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo78 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo79 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo80 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo81 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo82 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo83 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo84 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo85 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo86 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo87 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo88 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo89 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo90 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo91 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo92 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo93 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo94 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo95 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo96 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo97 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo98 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo99 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo100 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo101 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo102 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo103 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo104 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo105 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo106 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo107 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo108 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo109 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo110 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo111 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo112 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo113 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo114 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo115 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo116 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo117 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo118 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo119 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo120 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo121 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo122 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo123 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo124 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo125 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo126 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo127 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo128 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo129 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo130 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo131 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo132 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo133 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo134 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo135 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo136 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo137 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, PrimaryStyle = true }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "a", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() { Val = "00900A10" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts112 = new RunFonts() { EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorEastAsia }; Languages languages2 = new Languages() { EastAsia = "ru-RU" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts112); styleRunProperties1.Append(languages2); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(rsid6); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "a0", Default = true }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(uIPriority1); style2.Append(semiHidden1); style2.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "a1", Default = true }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation4 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault4 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation4); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(uIPriority2); style3.Append(semiHidden2); style3.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style3.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style4 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "a2", Default = true }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(uIPriority3); style4.Append(semiHidden3); style4.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "a3" }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Grid" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "a1" }; UIPriority uIPriority4 = new UIPriority() { Val = 59 }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D60978" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines40 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines40); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties2 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation5 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders2 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder19 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder18 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder18 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder18 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder2 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder2 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders2.Append(topBorder19); tableBorders2.Append(leftBorder18); tableBorders2.Append(bottomBorder18); tableBorders2.Append(rightBorder18); tableBorders2.Append(insideHorizontalBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(insideVerticalBorder2); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault5 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin2 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin5 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin2 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin5 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(topMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(tableCellLeftMargin5); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(bottomMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(tableCellRightMargin5); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableIndentation5); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableCellMarginDefault5); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(basedOn1); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(rsid7); style5.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style5.Append(styleTableProperties2); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); stylesWithEffectsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
// Generates content of stylesWithEffectsPart1. private void GenerateStylesWithEffectsPart1Content(StylesWithEffectsPart stylesWithEffectsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles() {MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() {Ignorable = "w14 wp14"}}; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpc", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingCanvas"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingDrawing"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpg", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingGroup"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpi", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingInk"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wne", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wps", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingShape"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() {Val = "22"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "22"}; Languages languages1 = new Languages() {Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA"}; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo1 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo2 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo3 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo4 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo5 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo6 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo7 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo8 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo9 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo10 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo11 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo12 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo13 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo14 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo15 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo16 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo17 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 7", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo18 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 8", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo19 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 9", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo20 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "caption", UiPriority = 35, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo21 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Title", UiPriority = 10, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo22 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo23 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo24 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo25 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo26 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo27 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo28 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo29 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo30 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo31 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo32 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo33 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo34 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo35 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo36 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo37 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo38 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo39 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo40 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo41 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo42 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo43 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo44 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo45 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo46 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo47 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo48 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo49 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo50 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo51 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo52 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo53 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo54 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo55 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo56 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo57 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo58 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo59 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo60 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo61 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo62 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo63 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo64 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo65 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo66 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo67 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo68 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo69 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo70 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo71 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo72 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo73 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo74 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo75 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo76 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo77 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo78 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo79 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo80 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo81 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo82 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo83 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo84 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo85 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo86 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo87 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo88 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo89 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo90 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo91 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo92 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo93 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo94 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo95 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo96 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo97 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo98 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo99 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo100 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo101 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo102 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo103 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo104 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo105 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo106 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo107 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo108 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo109 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo110 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo111 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo124 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo125 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo126 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo127 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo128 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo129 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo130 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo131 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo132 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo133 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo134 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo135 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; 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latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); Style style1 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true}; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() {Val = "Normal"}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); Style style2 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading2"}; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() {Val = "heading 2"}; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Heading2Char"}; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() {Val = 9}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {Before = "200", After = "0"}; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() {Val = 1}; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts2 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold1 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color1 = new Color() {Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1}; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize() {Val = "26"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "26"}; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts2); styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(boldComplexScript1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(basedOn1); style2.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style2.Append(linkedStyle1); style2.Append(uIPriority1); style2.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); style2.Append(primaryStyle2); style2.Append(rsid1); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style2.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style3 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true}; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() {Val = "Default Paragraph Font"}; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() {Val = 1}; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(uIPriority2); style3.Append(semiHidden1); style3.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); Style style4 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true}; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() {Val = "Normal Table"}; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation() {Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault1 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin1 = new TableCellLeftMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin1 = new TableCellRightMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellLeftMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellRightMargin1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault1); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(uIPriority3); style4.Append(semiHidden2); style4.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); style4.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style5 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true}; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() {Val = "No List"}; UIPriority uIPriority4 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed4 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(semiHidden3); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed4); Style style6 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableGrid"}; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() {Val = "Table Grid"}; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() {Val = "TableNormal"}; 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RightBorder rightBorder2 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder2 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder3 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; tableBorders3.Append(topBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(leftBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(bottomBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(rightBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(insideHorizontalBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(insideVerticalBorder3); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault2 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin2 = new TopMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin2 = new TableCellLeftMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; BottomMargin bottomMargin2 = new BottomMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin2 = new TableCellRightMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(topMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellLeftMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(bottomMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellRightMargin2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableIndentation2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders3); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableCellMarginDefault2); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(basedOn2); style6.Append(uIPriority5); style6.Append(rsid2); style6.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style6.Append(styleTableProperties2); Style style7 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header"}; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() {Val = "header"}; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle2 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "HeaderChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority6 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed5 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4680}; TabStop tabStop2 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 9360}; tabs1.Append(tabStop1); tabs1.Append(tabStop2); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines4 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(tabs1); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines4); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(basedOn3); style7.Append(linkedStyle2); style7.Append(uIPriority6); style7.Append(unhideWhenUsed5); style7.Append(rsid3); style7.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); Style style8 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "HeaderChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() {Val = "Header Char"}; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle3 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Header"}; UIPriority uIPriority7 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn4); style8.Append(linkedStyle3); style8.Append(uIPriority7); style8.Append(rsid4); Style style9 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Footer"}; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() {Val = "footer"}; BasedOn basedOn5 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "FooterChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority8 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed6 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs2 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop3 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4680}; TabStop tabStop4 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 9360}; tabs2.Append(tabStop3); tabs2.Append(tabStop4); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(tabs2); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn5); style9.Append(linkedStyle4); style9.Append(uIPriority8); style9.Append(unhideWhenUsed6); style9.Append(rsid5); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); Style style10 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FooterChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() {Val = "Footer Char"}; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Footer"}; UIPriority uIPriority9 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(basedOn6); style10.Append(linkedStyle5); style10.Append(uIPriority9); style10.Append(rsid6); Style style11 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BalloonText"}; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName() {Val = "Balloon Text"}; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle6 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "BalloonTextChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority10 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed7 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties5.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts3 = new RunFonts() {Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma"}; FontSize fontSize3 = new FontSize() {Val = "16"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript3 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "16"}; styleRunProperties2.Append(runFonts3); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSize3); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript3); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn7); style11.Append(linkedStyle6); style11.Append(uIPriority10); style11.Append(semiHidden4); style11.Append(unhideWhenUsed7); style11.Append(rsid7); style11.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style11.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style12 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "BalloonTextChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName() {Val = "Balloon Text Char"}; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle7 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "BalloonText"}; UIPriority uIPriority11 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden5 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts4 = new RunFonts() {Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma"}; FontSize fontSize4 = new FontSize() {Val = "16"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript4 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "16"}; styleRunProperties3.Append(runFonts4); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSize4); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript4); style12.Append(styleName12); style12.Append(basedOn8); style12.Append(linkedStyle7); style12.Append(uIPriority11); style12.Append(semiHidden5); style12.Append(rsid8); style12.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style13 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Title"}; StyleName styleName13 = new StyleName() {Val = "Title"}; BasedOn basedOn9 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle2 = new NextParagraphStyle() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle8 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "TitleChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority12 = new UIPriority() {Val = 10}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders1 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder3 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value) 8U, Space = (UInt32Value) 4U }; paragraphBorders1.Append(bottomBorder3); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines7 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "300", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; ContextualSpacing contextualSpacing1 = new ContextualSpacing(); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(paragraphBorders1); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines7); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(contextualSpacing1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color2 = new Color() {Val = "17365D", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text2, ThemeShade = "BF"}; Spacing spacing1 = new Spacing() {Val = 5}; Kern kern1 = new Kern() {Val = (UInt32Value) 28U}; FontSize fontSize5 = new FontSize() {Val = "52"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript5 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "52"}; styleRunProperties4.Append(runFonts5); styleRunProperties4.Append(color2); styleRunProperties4.Append(spacing1); styleRunProperties4.Append(kern1); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSize5); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript5); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(basedOn9); style13.Append(nextParagraphStyle2); style13.Append(linkedStyle8); style13.Append(uIPriority12); style13.Append(primaryStyle3); style13.Append(rsid9); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style13.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style14 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TitleChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() {Val = "Title Char"}; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle9 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Title"}; UIPriority uIPriority13 = new UIPriority() {Val = 10}; Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties5 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color3 = new Color() {Val = "17365D", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text2, ThemeShade = "BF"}; Spacing spacing2 = new Spacing() {Val = 5}; Kern kern2 = new Kern() {Val = (UInt32Value) 28U}; FontSize fontSize6 = new FontSize() {Val = "52"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript6 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "52"}; styleRunProperties5.Append(runFonts6); styleRunProperties5.Append(color3); styleRunProperties5.Append(spacing2); styleRunProperties5.Append(kern2); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize6); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript6); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(basedOn10); style14.Append(linkedStyle9); style14.Append(uIPriority13); style14.Append(rsid10); style14.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style15 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Strong"}; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() {Val = "Strong"}; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; UIPriority uIPriority14 = new UIPriority() {Val = 22}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold2 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties6.Append(bold2); styleRunProperties6.Append(boldComplexScript2); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn11); style15.Append(uIPriority14); style15.Append(primaryStyle4); style15.Append(rsid11); style15.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style16 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading2Char", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() {Val = "Heading 2 Char"}; BasedOn basedOn12 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle10 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Heading2"}; UIPriority uIPriority15 = new UIPriority() {Val = 9}; Rsid rsid12 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold3 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript3 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color4 = new Color() {Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1}; FontSize fontSize7 = new FontSize() {Val = "26"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript7 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "26"}; styleRunProperties7.Append(runFonts7); styleRunProperties7.Append(bold3); styleRunProperties7.Append(boldComplexScript3); styleRunProperties7.Append(color4); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSize7); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSizeComplexScript7); style16.Append(styleName16); style16.Append(basedOn12); style16.Append(linkedStyle10); style16.Append(uIPriority15); style16.Append(rsid12); style16.Append(styleRunProperties7); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styles1.Append(style16); stylesWithEffectsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
// Generates content of part. private void GeneratePartContent(StyleDefinitionsPart part) { Styles styles1 = new Styles(); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo1 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo2 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo3 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo4 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo5 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo6 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo7 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo8 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo9 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo10 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo11 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo12 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo13 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo14 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo15 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo16 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo17 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 7", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo18 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 8", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo19 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 9", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo20 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "caption", UiPriority = 35, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo21 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Title", UiPriority = 10, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo22 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo23 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo24 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo25 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo26 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo27 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo28 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo29 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo30 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo31 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo32 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo33 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo34 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo35 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo36 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo37 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo38 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo39 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo40 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo41 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo42 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo43 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo44 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo45 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo46 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo47 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo48 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo49 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo50 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo51 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo52 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo53 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo54 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo55 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo56 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo57 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo58 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo59 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo60 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo61 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo62 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo63 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo64 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo65 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo66 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo67 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo68 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo69 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo70 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo71 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo72 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo73 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo74 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo75 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo76 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo77 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo78 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo79 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo80 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo81 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo82 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo83 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo84 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo85 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo86 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo87 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo88 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo89 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo90 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo91 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo92 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo93 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo94 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo95 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo96 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo97 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo98 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo99 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo100 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo101 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo102 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo103 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo104 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo105 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo106 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo107 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo108 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo109 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo110 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo111 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo112 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo113 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo114 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo115 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo116 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo117 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo118 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo119 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; 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latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); 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KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines3 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "480" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines3); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts2 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold1 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "365F91", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" }; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts2); styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(boldComplexScript1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(basedOn1); style2.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style2.Append(linkedStyle1); style2.Append(uIPriority1); style2.Append(primaryStyle2); style2.Append(rsid2); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style2.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading2" }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 2" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle2 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle2 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading2Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext2 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines2 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines4 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "200" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(keepNext2); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(keepLines2); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines4); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(outlineLevel2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts3 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold2 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color2 = new Color() { Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; 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UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext3 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines3 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "200" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel3 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 2 }; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(keepNext3); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(keepLines3); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(outlineLevel3); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts4 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold3 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript3 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color3 = new Color() { Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; styleRunProperties3.Append(runFonts4); styleRunProperties3.Append(bold3); styleRunProperties3.Append(boldComplexScript3); styleRunProperties3.Append(color3); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(basedOn3); style4.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style4.Append(linkedStyle3); style4.Append(uIPriority3); style4.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style4.Append(primaryStyle4); style4.Append(rsid4); style4.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); style4.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority4 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(semiHidden1); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed4 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault1 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin1 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin1 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellLeftMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellRightMargin1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault1); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(uIPriority5); style6.Append(semiHidden2); style6.Append(unhideWhenUsed4); style6.Append(primaryStyle5); style6.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority6 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed5 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(uIPriority6); style7.Append(semiHidden3); style7.Append(unhideWhenUsed5); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading1Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 1 Char" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading1" }; UIPriority uIPriority7 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold4 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript4 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color4 = new Color() { Val = "365F91", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" }; FontSize fontSize4 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript4 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(runFonts5); styleRunProperties4.Append(bold4); styleRunProperties4.Append(boldComplexScript4); styleRunProperties4.Append(color4); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSize4); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript4); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn4); style8.Append(linkedStyle4); style8.Append(uIPriority7); style8.Append(rsid5); style8.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading2Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 2 Char" }; BasedOn basedOn5 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading2" }; UIPriority uIPriority8 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties5 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold5 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript5 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color5 = new Color() { Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; FontSize fontSize5 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript5 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "26" }; styleRunProperties5.Append(runFonts6); styleRunProperties5.Append(bold5); styleRunProperties5.Append(boldComplexScript5); styleRunProperties5.Append(color5); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize5); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript5); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn5); style9.Append(linkedStyle5); style9.Append(uIPriority8); style9.Append(rsid6); style9.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style10 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading3Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 3 Char" }; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle6 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading3" }; UIPriority uIPriority9 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold6 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript6 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color6 = new Color() { Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; styleRunProperties6.Append(runFonts7); styleRunProperties6.Append(bold6); styleRunProperties6.Append(boldComplexScript6); styleRunProperties6.Append(color6); style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(basedOn6); style10.Append(linkedStyle6); style10.Append(uIPriority9); style10.Append(rsid7); style10.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style11 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableGrid" }; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Grid" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority10 = new UIPriority() { Val = 59 }; Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties5.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties2 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation2 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders1 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder1 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder1 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder1 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder1 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder1 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder1 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders1.Append(topBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(leftBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(bottomBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(rightBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(insideHorizontalBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(insideVerticalBorder1); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault2 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin2 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin2 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin2 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin2 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(topMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellLeftMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(bottomMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellRightMargin2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableIndentation2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders1); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableCellMarginDefault2); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn7); style11.Append(uIPriority10); style11.Append(rsid8); style11.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style11.Append(styleTableProperties2); Style style12 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "LightList-Accent1" }; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName() { Val = "Light List Accent 1" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority11 = new UIPriority() { Val = 61 }; Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines7 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines7); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties3 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize1 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize1 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableIndentation tableIndentation3 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders2 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder2 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder2 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder2 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder2 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders2.Append(topBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(leftBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(bottomBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(rightBorder2); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault3 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin3 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin3 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin3 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin3 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(topMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellLeftMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(bottomMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellRightMargin3); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize1); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize1); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableIndentation3); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableBorders2); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableCellMarginDefault3); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties1 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines8 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(spacingBetweenLines8); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold7 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript7 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color7 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(bold7); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(boldComplexScript7); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(color7); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties1 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); Shading shading1 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1.Append(shading1); tableStyleProperties1.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); tableStyleProperties1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle2); tableStyleProperties1.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties1); tableStyleProperties1.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties2 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties8 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines9 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties8.Append(spacingBetweenLines9); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle3 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold8 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript8 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(bold8); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(boldComplexScript8); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties2 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders1 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder3 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder3 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder3 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder3 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders1.Append(topBorder3); tableCellBorders1.Append(leftBorder3); tableCellBorders1.Append(bottomBorder3); tableCellBorders1.Append(rightBorder3); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2.Append(tableCellBorders1); tableStyleProperties2.Append(styleParagraphProperties8); tableStyleProperties2.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle3); tableStyleProperties2.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties2); tableStyleProperties2.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties3 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle4 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold9 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript9 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(bold9); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(boldComplexScript9); tableStyleProperties3.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle4); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties4 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle5 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold10 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript10 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(bold10); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(boldComplexScript10); tableStyleProperties4.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle5); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties5 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties3 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders2 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder4 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder4 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder4 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder4 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders2.Append(topBorder4); tableCellBorders2.Append(leftBorder4); tableCellBorders2.Append(bottomBorder4); tableCellBorders2.Append(rightBorder4); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3.Append(tableCellBorders2); tableStyleProperties5.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties3); tableStyleProperties5.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties6 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties4 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders3 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder5 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder5 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder5 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder5 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders3.Append(topBorder5); tableCellBorders3.Append(leftBorder5); tableCellBorders3.Append(bottomBorder5); tableCellBorders3.Append(rightBorder5); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4.Append(tableCellBorders3); tableStyleProperties6.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties4); tableStyleProperties6.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4); style12.Append(styleName12); style12.Append(basedOn8); style12.Append(uIPriority11); style12.Append(rsid9); style12.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style12.Append(styleTableProperties3); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties1); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties2); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties3); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties4); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties5); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties6); Style style13 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "MediumGrid3-Accent1" }; StyleName styleName13 = new StyleName() { Val = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1" }; BasedOn basedOn9 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority12 = new UIPriority() { Val = 69 }; Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties9 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines10 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(spacingBetweenLines10); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties4 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize2 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize2 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableIndentation tableIndentation4 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders3 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder6 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder6 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder6 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder6 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder2 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder2 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders3.Append(topBorder6); tableBorders3.Append(leftBorder6); tableBorders3.Append(bottomBorder6); tableBorders3.Append(rightBorder6); tableBorders3.Append(insideHorizontalBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(insideVerticalBorder2); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault4 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin4 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin4 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize2); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize2); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableIndentation4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableBorders3); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); StyleTableCellProperties styleTableCellProperties1 = new StyleTableCellProperties(); Shading shading2 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; styleTableCellProperties1.Append(shading2); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties7 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle6 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold11 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript11 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic1 = new Italic() { Val = false }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript1 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; Color color8 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(bold11); runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(boldComplexScript11); runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(italic1); runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(italicComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(color8); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties5 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties5 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders4 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder7 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder7 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder7 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)24U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder7 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder3 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder3 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders4.Append(topBorder7); tableCellBorders4.Append(leftBorder7); tableCellBorders4.Append(bottomBorder7); tableCellBorders4.Append(rightBorder7); tableCellBorders4.Append(insideHorizontalBorder3); tableCellBorders4.Append(insideVerticalBorder3); Shading shading3 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties5.Append(tableCellBorders4); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties5.Append(shading3); tableStyleProperties7.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle6); tableStyleProperties7.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties5); tableStyleProperties7.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties5); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties8 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle7 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold12 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript12 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic2 = new Italic() { Val = false }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript2 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; Color color9 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(bold12); runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(boldComplexScript12); runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(italic2); runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(italicComplexScript2); runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(color9); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties6 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties6 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders5 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder8 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)24U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder8 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder8 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder8 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder4 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder4 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders5.Append(topBorder8); tableCellBorders5.Append(leftBorder8); tableCellBorders5.Append(bottomBorder8); tableCellBorders5.Append(rightBorder8); tableCellBorders5.Append(insideHorizontalBorder4); tableCellBorders5.Append(insideVerticalBorder4); Shading shading4 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties6.Append(tableCellBorders5); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties6.Append(shading4); tableStyleProperties8.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle7); tableStyleProperties8.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties6); tableStyleProperties8.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties6); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties9 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle8 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold13 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript13 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic3 = new Italic() { Val = false }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript3 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; Color color10 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(bold13); runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(boldComplexScript13); runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(italic3); runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(italicComplexScript3); runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(color10); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties7 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties7 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders6 = new TableCellBorders(); LeftBorder leftBorder9 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder9 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)24U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder5 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder5 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders6.Append(leftBorder9); tableCellBorders6.Append(rightBorder9); tableCellBorders6.Append(insideHorizontalBorder5); tableCellBorders6.Append(insideVerticalBorder5); Shading shading5 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties7.Append(tableCellBorders6); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties7.Append(shading5); tableStyleProperties9.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle8); tableStyleProperties9.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties7); tableStyleProperties9.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties7); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties10 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle9 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold14 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript14 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic4 = new Italic() { Val = false }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript4 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; Color color11 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(bold14); runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(boldComplexScript14); runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(italic4); runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(italicComplexScript4); runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(color11); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties8 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties8 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders7 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder9 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; LeftBorder leftBorder10 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)24U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder9 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; RightBorder rightBorder10 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder6 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder6 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders7.Append(topBorder9); tableCellBorders7.Append(leftBorder10); tableCellBorders7.Append(bottomBorder9); tableCellBorders7.Append(rightBorder10); tableCellBorders7.Append(insideHorizontalBorder6); tableCellBorders7.Append(insideVerticalBorder6); Shading shading6 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties8.Append(tableCellBorders7); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties8.Append(shading6); tableStyleProperties10.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle9); tableStyleProperties10.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties8); tableStyleProperties10.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties8); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties11 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties9 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties9 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders8 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder10 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder11 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder10 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder11 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder7 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder7 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders8.Append(topBorder10); tableCellBorders8.Append(leftBorder11); tableCellBorders8.Append(bottomBorder10); tableCellBorders8.Append(rightBorder11); tableCellBorders8.Append(insideHorizontalBorder7); tableCellBorders8.Append(insideVerticalBorder7); Shading shading7 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "A7BFDE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "7F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties9.Append(tableCellBorders8); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties9.Append(shading7); tableStyleProperties11.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties9); tableStyleProperties11.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties9); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties12 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties10 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties10 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders9 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder11 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder12 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder11 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder12 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder8 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder8 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders9.Append(topBorder11); tableCellBorders9.Append(leftBorder12); tableCellBorders9.Append(bottomBorder11); tableCellBorders9.Append(rightBorder12); tableCellBorders9.Append(insideHorizontalBorder8); tableCellBorders9.Append(insideVerticalBorder8); Shading shading8 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "A7BFDE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "7F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties10.Append(tableCellBorders9); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties10.Append(shading8); tableStyleProperties12.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties10); tableStyleProperties12.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties10); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(basedOn9); style13.Append(uIPriority12); style13.Append(rsid10); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style13.Append(styleTableProperties4); style13.Append(styleTableCellProperties1); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties7); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties8); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties9); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties10); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties11); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties12); Style style14 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "MediumShading1-Accent1" }; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() { Val = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority13 = new UIPriority() { Val = 63 }; Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines11 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines11); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties5 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize3 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize3 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableIndentation tableIndentation5 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders4 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder12 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder13 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder12 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder13 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder9 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders4.Append(topBorder12); tableBorders4.Append(leftBorder13); tableBorders4.Append(bottomBorder12); tableBorders4.Append(rightBorder13); tableBorders4.Append(insideHorizontalBorder9); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault5 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin5 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin5 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin5 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin5 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(topMargin5); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(tableCellLeftMargin5); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(bottomMargin5); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(tableCellRightMargin5); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize3); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize3); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableIndentation5); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableBorders4); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableCellMarginDefault5); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties13 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines12 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines12); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle10 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold15 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript15 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color12 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle10.Append(bold15); runPropertiesBaseStyle10.Append(boldComplexScript15); runPropertiesBaseStyle10.Append(color12); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties11 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties11 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders10 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder13 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder14 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder13 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder14 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder10 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder9 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders10.Append(topBorder13); tableCellBorders10.Append(leftBorder14); tableCellBorders10.Append(bottomBorder13); tableCellBorders10.Append(rightBorder14); tableCellBorders10.Append(insideHorizontalBorder10); tableCellBorders10.Append(insideVerticalBorder9); Shading shading9 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties11.Append(tableCellBorders10); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties11.Append(shading9); tableStyleProperties13.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); tableStyleProperties13.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle10); tableStyleProperties13.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties11); tableStyleProperties13.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties11); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties14 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines13 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines13); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle11 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold16 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript16 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle11.Append(bold16); runPropertiesBaseStyle11.Append(boldComplexScript16); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties12 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties12 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders11 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder14 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder15 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder14 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder15 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder11 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder10 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders11.Append(topBorder14); tableCellBorders11.Append(leftBorder15); tableCellBorders11.Append(bottomBorder14); tableCellBorders11.Append(rightBorder15); tableCellBorders11.Append(insideHorizontalBorder11); tableCellBorders11.Append(insideVerticalBorder10); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties12.Append(tableCellBorders11); tableStyleProperties14.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); tableStyleProperties14.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle11); tableStyleProperties14.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties12); tableStyleProperties14.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties12); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties15 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle12 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold17 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript17 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle12.Append(bold17); runPropertiesBaseStyle12.Append(boldComplexScript17); tableStyleProperties15.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle12); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties16 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle13 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold18 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript18 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle13.Append(bold18); runPropertiesBaseStyle13.Append(boldComplexScript18); tableStyleProperties16.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle13); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties17 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties13 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties13 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); Shading shading10 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties13.Append(shading10); tableStyleProperties17.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties13); tableStyleProperties17.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties13); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties18 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties14 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties14 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders12 = new TableCellBorders(); InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder12 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder11 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders12.Append(insideHorizontalBorder12); tableCellBorders12.Append(insideVerticalBorder11); Shading shading11 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties14.Append(tableCellBorders12); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties14.Append(shading11); tableStyleProperties18.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties14); tableStyleProperties18.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties14); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties19 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band2Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties15 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties15 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders13 = new TableCellBorders(); InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder13 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder12 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders13.Append(insideHorizontalBorder13); tableCellBorders13.Append(insideVerticalBorder12); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties15.Append(tableCellBorders13); tableStyleProperties19.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties15); tableStyleProperties19.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties15); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(basedOn10); style14.Append(uIPriority13); style14.Append(rsid11); style14.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style14.Append(styleTableProperties5); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties13); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties14); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties15); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties16); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties17); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties18); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties19); Style style15 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "LightGrid-Accent1" }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() { Val = "Light Grid Accent 1" }; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority14 = new UIPriority() { Val = 62 }; Rsid rsid12 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties13 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines14 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties13.Append(spacingBetweenLines14); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties6 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize4 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize4 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableIndentation tableIndentation6 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders5 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder15 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder16 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder15 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder16 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder14 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder13 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders5.Append(topBorder15); tableBorders5.Append(leftBorder16); tableBorders5.Append(bottomBorder15); tableBorders5.Append(rightBorder16); tableBorders5.Append(insideHorizontalBorder14); tableBorders5.Append(insideVerticalBorder13); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault6 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin6 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin6 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin6 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin6 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault6.Append(topMargin6); tableCellMarginDefault6.Append(tableCellLeftMargin6); tableCellMarginDefault6.Append(bottomMargin6); tableCellMarginDefault6.Append(tableCellRightMargin6); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize4); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize4); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableIndentation6); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableBorders5); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableCellMarginDefault6); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties20 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties14 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines15 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties14.Append(spacingBetweenLines15); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle14 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold19 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript19 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle14.Append(runFonts8); runPropertiesBaseStyle14.Append(bold19); runPropertiesBaseStyle14.Append(boldComplexScript19); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties16 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties16 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders14 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder16 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder17 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder16 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)18U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder17 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder15 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder14 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders14.Append(topBorder16); tableCellBorders14.Append(leftBorder17); tableCellBorders14.Append(bottomBorder16); tableCellBorders14.Append(rightBorder17); tableCellBorders14.Append(insideHorizontalBorder15); tableCellBorders14.Append(insideVerticalBorder14); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties16.Append(tableCellBorders14); tableStyleProperties20.Append(styleParagraphProperties14); tableStyleProperties20.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle14); tableStyleProperties20.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties16); tableStyleProperties20.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties16); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties21 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties15 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines16 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties15.Append(spacingBetweenLines16); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle15 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts9 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold20 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript20 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle15.Append(runFonts9); runPropertiesBaseStyle15.Append(bold20); runPropertiesBaseStyle15.Append(boldComplexScript20); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties17 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties17 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders15 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder17 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder18 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder17 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder18 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder16 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder15 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders15.Append(topBorder17); tableCellBorders15.Append(leftBorder18); tableCellBorders15.Append(bottomBorder17); tableCellBorders15.Append(rightBorder18); tableCellBorders15.Append(insideHorizontalBorder16); tableCellBorders15.Append(insideVerticalBorder15); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties17.Append(tableCellBorders15); tableStyleProperties21.Append(styleParagraphProperties15); tableStyleProperties21.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle15); tableStyleProperties21.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties17); tableStyleProperties21.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties17); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties22 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle16 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold21 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript21 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle16.Append(runFonts10); runPropertiesBaseStyle16.Append(bold21); runPropertiesBaseStyle16.Append(boldComplexScript21); tableStyleProperties22.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle16); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties23 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle17 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts11 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold22 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript22 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle17.Append(runFonts11); runPropertiesBaseStyle17.Append(bold22); runPropertiesBaseStyle17.Append(boldComplexScript22); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties18 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties18 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders16 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder18 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder19 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder18 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder19 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders16.Append(topBorder18); tableCellBorders16.Append(leftBorder19); tableCellBorders16.Append(bottomBorder18); tableCellBorders16.Append(rightBorder19); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties18.Append(tableCellBorders16); tableStyleProperties23.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle17); tableStyleProperties23.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties18); tableStyleProperties23.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties18); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties24 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties19 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties19 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders17 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder19 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder20 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder19 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder20 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders17.Append(topBorder19); tableCellBorders17.Append(leftBorder20); tableCellBorders17.Append(bottomBorder19); tableCellBorders17.Append(rightBorder20); Shading shading12 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties19.Append(tableCellBorders17); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties19.Append(shading12); tableStyleProperties24.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties19); tableStyleProperties24.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties19); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties25 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties20 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties20 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders18 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder20 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder21 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder20 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder21 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder16 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders18.Append(topBorder20); tableCellBorders18.Append(leftBorder21); tableCellBorders18.Append(bottomBorder20); tableCellBorders18.Append(rightBorder21); tableCellBorders18.Append(insideVerticalBorder16); Shading shading13 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties20.Append(tableCellBorders18); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties20.Append(shading13); tableStyleProperties25.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties20); tableStyleProperties25.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties20); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties26 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band2Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties21 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties21 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders19 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder21 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder22 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder21 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder22 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder17 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders19.Append(topBorder21); tableCellBorders19.Append(leftBorder22); tableCellBorders19.Append(bottomBorder21); tableCellBorders19.Append(rightBorder22); tableCellBorders19.Append(insideVerticalBorder17); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties21.Append(tableCellBorders19); tableStyleProperties26.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties21); tableStyleProperties26.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties21); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn11); style15.Append(uIPriority14); style15.Append(rsid12); style15.Append(styleParagraphProperties13); style15.Append(styleTableProperties6); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties20); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties21); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties22); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties23); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties24); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties25); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties26); Style style16 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Quote" }; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() { Val = "Quote" }; BasedOn basedOn12 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle7 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "QuoteChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority15 = new UIPriority() { Val = 29 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle6 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid() { Val = "00851582" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties16 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders1 = new ParagraphBorders(); TopBorder topBorder22 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; LeftBorder leftBorder23 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)4U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder22 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; RightBorder rightBorder23 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)4U }; paragraphBorders1.Append(topBorder22); paragraphBorders1.Append(leftBorder23); paragraphBorders1.Append(bottomBorder22); paragraphBorders1.Append(rightBorder23); styleParagraphProperties16.Append(paragraphBorders1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); Italic italic5 = new Italic(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript5 = new ItalicComplexScript(); Color color13 = new Color() { Val = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1 }; styleRunProperties7.Append(italic5); styleRunProperties7.Append(italicComplexScript5); styleRunProperties7.Append(color13); style16.Append(styleName16); style16.Append(basedOn12); style16.Append(nextParagraphStyle4); style16.Append(linkedStyle7); style16.Append(uIPriority15); style16.Append(primaryStyle6); style16.Append(rsid13); style16.Append(styleParagraphProperties16); style16.Append(styleRunProperties7); Style style17 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "QuoteChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName17 = new StyleName() { Val = "Quote Char" }; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle8 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Quote" }; UIPriority uIPriority16 = new UIPriority() { Val = 29 }; Rsid rsid14 = new Rsid() { Val = "00851582" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties8 = new StyleRunProperties(); Italic italic6 = new Italic(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript6 = new ItalicComplexScript(); Color color14 = new Color() { Val = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1 }; styleRunProperties8.Append(italic6); styleRunProperties8.Append(italicComplexScript6); styleRunProperties8.Append(color14); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(basedOn13); style17.Append(linkedStyle8); style17.Append(uIPriority16); style17.Append(rsid14); style17.Append(styleRunProperties8); Style style18 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOCHeading" }; StyleName styleName18 = new StyleName() { Val = "TOC Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn14 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Heading1" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle5 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uIPriority17 = new UIPriority() { Val = 39 }; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed6 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle7 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties17 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); OutlineLevel outlineLevel4 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 9 }; styleParagraphProperties17.Append(outlineLevel4); style18.Append(styleName18); style18.Append(basedOn14); style18.Append(nextParagraphStyle5); style18.Append(uIPriority17); style18.Append(semiHidden4); style18.Append(unhideWhenUsed6); style18.Append(primaryStyle7); style18.Append(rsid15); style18.Append(styleParagraphProperties17); Style style19 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC1" }; StyleName styleName19 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 1" }; BasedOn basedOn15 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle6 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine1 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority18 = new UIPriority() { Val = 39 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed7 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties18 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines17 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100" }; styleParagraphProperties18.Append(spacingBetweenLines17); style19.Append(styleName19); style19.Append(basedOn15); style19.Append(nextParagraphStyle6); style19.Append(autoRedefine1); style19.Append(uIPriority18); style19.Append(unhideWhenUsed7); style19.Append(rsid16); style19.Append(styleParagraphProperties18); Style style20 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC2" }; StyleName styleName20 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 2" }; BasedOn basedOn16 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle7 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine2 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority19 = new UIPriority() { Val = 39 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed8 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties19 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines18 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100" }; Indentation indentation1 = new Indentation() { Left = "220" }; styleParagraphProperties19.Append(spacingBetweenLines18); styleParagraphProperties19.Append(indentation1); style20.Append(styleName20); style20.Append(basedOn16); style20.Append(nextParagraphStyle7); style20.Append(autoRedefine2); style20.Append(uIPriority19); style20.Append(unhideWhenUsed8); style20.Append(rsid17); style20.Append(styleParagraphProperties19); Style style21 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC3" }; StyleName styleName21 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 3" }; BasedOn basedOn17 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle8 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine3 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority20 = new UIPriority() { Val = 39 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed9 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties20 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines19 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100" }; Indentation indentation2 = new Indentation() { Left = "440" }; styleParagraphProperties20.Append(spacingBetweenLines19); styleParagraphProperties20.Append(indentation2); style21.Append(styleName21); style21.Append(basedOn17); style21.Append(nextParagraphStyle8); style21.Append(autoRedefine3); style21.Append(uIPriority20); style21.Append(unhideWhenUsed9); style21.Append(rsid18); style21.Append(styleParagraphProperties20); Style style22 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Hyperlink" }; StyleName styleName22 = new StyleName() { Val = "Hyperlink" }; BasedOn basedOn18 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority21 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed10 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color15 = new Color() { Val = "0000FF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Hyperlink }; Underline underline1 = new Underline() { Val = UnderlineValues.Single }; styleRunProperties9.Append(color15); styleRunProperties9.Append(underline1); style22.Append(styleName22); style22.Append(basedOn18); style22.Append(uIPriority21); style22.Append(unhideWhenUsed10); style22.Append(rsid19); style22.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style23 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BalloonText" }; StyleName styleName23 = new StyleName() { Val = "Balloon Text" }; BasedOn basedOn19 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle9 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BalloonTextChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority22 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden5 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed11 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties21 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines20 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties21.Append(spacingBetweenLines20); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize6 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript6 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts12); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize6); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript6); style23.Append(styleName23); style23.Append(basedOn19); style23.Append(linkedStyle9); style23.Append(uIPriority22); style23.Append(semiHidden5); style23.Append(unhideWhenUsed11); style23.Append(rsid20); style23.Append(styleParagraphProperties21); style23.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style24 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "BalloonTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName24 = new StyleName() { Val = "Balloon Text Char" }; BasedOn basedOn20 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle10 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BalloonText" }; UIPriority uIPriority23 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden6 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts13 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize7 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript7 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(runFonts13); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize7); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSizeComplexScript7); style24.Append(styleName24); style24.Append(basedOn20); style24.Append(linkedStyle10); style24.Append(uIPriority23); style24.Append(semiHidden6); style24.Append(rsid21); style24.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style25 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Passed", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName25 = new StyleName() { Val = "Passed" }; BasedOn basedOn21 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle11 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "PassedChar" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle8 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid() { Val = "005217FA" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties22 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Shading shading14 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "00B050" }; Justification justification1 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties22.Append(shading14); styleParagraphProperties22.Append(justification1); style25.Append(styleName25); style25.Append(basedOn21); style25.Append(linkedStyle11); style25.Append(primaryStyle8); style25.Append(rsid22); style25.Append(styleParagraphProperties22); Style style26 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Failed", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName26 = new StyleName() { Val = "Failed" }; BasedOn basedOn22 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Passed" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle12 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "FailedChar" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle9 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid() { Val = "005217FA" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties23 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Shading shading15 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "FF0000" }; styleParagraphProperties23.Append(shading15); style26.Append(styleName26); style26.Append(basedOn22); style26.Append(linkedStyle12); style26.Append(primaryStyle9); style26.Append(rsid23); style26.Append(styleParagraphProperties23); Style style27 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "PassedChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName27 = new StyleName() { Val = "Passed Char" }; BasedOn basedOn23 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle13 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Passed" }; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid() { Val = "005217FA" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties12 = new StyleRunProperties(); Shading shading16 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "00B050" }; styleRunProperties12.Append(shading16); style27.Append(styleName27); style27.Append(basedOn23); style27.Append(linkedStyle13); style27.Append(rsid24); style27.Append(styleRunProperties12); Style style28 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FailedChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName28 = new StyleName() { Val = "Failed Char" }; BasedOn basedOn24 = new BasedOn() { Val = "PassedChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle14 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Failed" }; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid() { Val = "005217FA" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); Shading shading17 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "FF0000" }; styleRunProperties13.Append(shading17); style28.Append(styleName28); style28.Append(basedOn24); style28.Append(linkedStyle14); style28.Append(rsid25); style28.Append(styleRunProperties13); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styles1.Append(style16); styles1.Append(style17); styles1.Append(style18); styles1.Append(style19); styles1.Append(style20); styles1.Append(style21); styles1.Append(style22); styles1.Append(style23); styles1.Append(style24); styles1.Append(style25); styles1.Append(style26); styles1.Append(style27); styles1.Append(style28); styles1.Append(GenerateHeaderStyle()); styles1.Append(GenerateHeaderCharStyle()); styles1.Append(GenerateFooterStyle()); styles1.Append(GenerateFooterCharStyle()); part.Styles = styles1; }
public void getang() { Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Editor ed = doc.Editor; string filepath = "D:\\tdoc.docx"; using (WordprocessingDocument docX = WordprocessingDocument.Create(filepath, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document)) { try { // Add a main document part. MainDocumentPart mainPart = docX.AddMainDocumentPart(); StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart = mainPart.AddNewPart<StyleDefinitionsPart>(); Styles styles1 = new Styles(); DocDefaults docDefaults = new DocDefaults( new RunPropertiesDefault(new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }, new FontSize() { Val = "24" }, new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" })), new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto })); styles1.AppendChild(docDefaults); styleDefinitionsPart.Styles = styles1; mainPart.Document = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Document(); DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Body body = mainPart.Document.AppendChild(new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Body()); ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties( new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }, new ParagraphMarkRunProperties( new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }, new FontSize() { Val = "24" }, new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" } )); Paragraph para = body.AppendChild(new Paragraph()); para.AppendChild(paragraphProperties1); Run run = para.AppendChild(new Run()); RunProperties runProperties1 = new RunProperties( new Bold()); // String msg contains the text, "Hello, Word!" run.AppendChild(runProperties1); run.AppendChild(new Text("ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Ф")); run.AppendChild(new Break()); run.AppendChild(new Text("Ведомость углов поворотов")); run.AppendChild(new Break()); var table = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table(); // Create a TableProperties object and specify its border information. TableProperties tblProp = new TableProperties( new TableWidth() { Width = "9782", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }, new TableIndentation() { Width = -318, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }, new TableBorders( new TopBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new BottomBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new LeftBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new RightBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }), new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TableStyle() { Val = "TableGrid" } ); // Append the TableProperties object to the empty table. table.AppendChild<TableProperties>(tblProp); // Add 3 columns to the table. TableGrid tg = new TableGrid(new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn()); table.AppendChild(tg); TableRow tr1 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 430 }), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1709" }, new VerticalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Обозначение точки")))), //new TableCellProperties(new TableCellWidth() {Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Pct, Width = "500"}) new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new GridSpan() { Val = 2 }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }, new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "3922" }), new Paragraph( new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Run(new Text("Координаты точки")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1358" }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }, new VerticalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Пикетаж")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new GridSpan() { Val = 2 }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }, new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "2368" }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Угол")))), new TableCell(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "425" }, new VerticalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Прямая вставка, м")))) ); table.AppendChild(tr1); TableRow tr2 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 419 }), new TableCell(new TableCellProperties(new VerticalMerge()), new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties(new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("Y")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties(new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("X")))), new TableCell(new TableCellProperties(new VerticalMerge()), new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1260" }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Лево")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1108" }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Право")))), new TableCell(new TableCellProperties(new VerticalMerge()), new Paragraph(new Run()))); table.AppendChild(tr2); TableCellProperties tcp = new TableCellProperties(new GridSpan() { Val = 7 }); while (true) { double dist = 0, paste = 0; table.AppendChild(new TableRow( new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new GridSpan() { Val = 7 }), new Paragraph( new ParagraphProperties( new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(new Bold()), new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Run(new RunProperties( new Bold()), new Text("Трасса")))))); PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nВыбери polyline: "); peo.SetRejectMessage("Можно только polyline."); peo.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Polyline), true); PromptEntityResult per = ed.GetEntity(peo); if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK) { break; } PromptPointResult pPtRes; PromptPointOptions pPtOpts = new PromptPointOptions(""); // Prompt for the start point pPtOpts.Message = "\nВведи начало: "; pPtRes = doc.Editor.GetPoint(pPtOpts); PromptDoubleOptions getpik = new PromptDoubleOptions("\nВведи пикетаж (в формате числа, а не 0+00): "); PromptDoubleResult getpikRes = doc.Editor.GetDouble(getpik); dist = 100 * getpikRes.Value; /* PromptStringOptions pStrOpts = new PromptStringOptions("\nEnter your name: "); pStrOpts.AllowSpaces = true; PromptResult pStrRes = doc.Editor.GetString(pStrOpts); Application.ShowAlertDialog("The name entered was: " + pStrRes.StringResult); */ Point3d curr = pPtRes.Value, next = pPtRes.Value; try { using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { Polyline pline = (Polyline)tr.GetObject(per.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); if ((pPtRes.Value == pline.GetLineSegmentAt(0).StartPoint) || (pPtRes.Value == pline.GetLineSegmentAt(0).EndPoint)) for (int i = 0; i < pline.NumberOfVertices - 2; i++) { TrassaRecord temp = new TrassaRecord(); temp.Name = "ВТ" + (i + 1).ToString(); LineSegment3d l1 = pline.GetLineSegmentAt(i); LineSegment3d l2 = pline.GetLineSegmentAt(i + 1); double angle = GetPolylineShape(l1, l2, pline.Normal); if (angle > Math.PI) { if ((l1.StartPoint == l2.StartPoint) || (l1.StartPoint == l2.EndPoint)) { ed.WriteMessage("\n({0:0.00}, {1:0.00}): ", l1.StartPoint.X, l1.StartPoint.Y); next = l1.StartPoint; temp.CoordsX = l1.StartPoint.X.ToString("F"); temp.CoordsY = l1.StartPoint.Y.ToString("F"); } else if ((l1.EndPoint == l2.EndPoint) || (l1.EndPoint == l2.StartPoint)) { ed.WriteMessage("\n({0:0.00}, {1:0.00}): ", l1.EndPoint.X, l1.EndPoint.Y); next = l1.EndPoint; temp.CoordsX = l1.EndPoint.X.ToString("F"); temp.CoordsY = l1.EndPoint.Y.ToString("F"); } angle = -(angle - Math.PI * 2.0) * 180.0 / Math.PI; ed.WriteMessage("{0},{1:0}", (int)angle / 1, (angle % 1) * 60); temp.AngleT = TrassaRecord.Angle.Right; temp.AngleVal = ((int)angle / 1).ToString("F0") + "°" + ((angle % 1) * 60).ToString("F0") + "’"; } else { if ((l1.StartPoint == l2.StartPoint) || (l1.StartPoint == l2.EndPoint)) { ed.WriteMessage("\n({0:0.00}, {1:0.00}): ", l1.StartPoint.X, l1.StartPoint.Y); next = l1.StartPoint; temp.CoordsX = l1.StartPoint.X.ToString("F"); temp.CoordsY = l1.StartPoint.Y.ToString("F"); } else if ((l1.EndPoint == l2.EndPoint) || (l1.EndPoint == l2.StartPoint)) { ed.WriteMessage("\n({0:0.00}, {1:0.00}): ", l1.EndPoint.X, l1.EndPoint.Y); next = l1.EndPoint; temp.CoordsX = l1.EndPoint.X.ToString("F"); temp.CoordsY = l1.EndPoint.Y.ToString("F"); } angle = angle * 180.0 / Math.PI; ed.WriteMessage("{0},{1:0}", (int)angle / 1, (angle % 1) * 60); temp.AngleT = TrassaRecord.Angle.Left; temp.AngleVal = ((int)angle / 1).ToString("F0") + "°" + ((angle % 1) * 60).ToString("F0") + "’"; } paste = curr.DistanceTo(next); dist += paste; curr = next; ed.WriteMessage(" {0:0.00} {1:0.00}", dist, paste); temp.Piketaz = ((int)dist / 100).ToString("F0") + "+" + (dist % 100).ToString("F"); temp.DirectInsert = paste.ToString("F"); tr2 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 300 }), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.DirectInsert)))) ); table.AppendChild(tr2); tr1 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 300 }), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.Name)))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.CoordsX)))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.CoordsY)))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.Piketaz)))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text((temp.AngleT == TrassaRecord.Angle.Left) ? temp.AngleVal.ToString() : "")))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text((temp.AngleT == TrassaRecord.Angle.Right) ? temp.AngleVal.ToString() : "")))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())) ); table.AppendChild(tr1); } else for (int i = pline.NumberOfVertices - 3; i >= 0; i--) { TrassaRecord temp = new TrassaRecord(); temp.Name = "ВУ" + (pline.NumberOfVertices - 2 - i).ToString(); LineSegment3d l1 = pline.GetLineSegmentAt(i); LineSegment3d l2 = pline.GetLineSegmentAt(i + 1); double angle = GetPolylineShape(l1, l2, pline.Normal); if (angle > Math.PI) { if ((l1.StartPoint == l2.StartPoint) || (l1.StartPoint == l2.EndPoint)) { ed.WriteMessage("\n({0:0.00}, {1:0.00}): ", l1.StartPoint.X, l1.StartPoint.Y); next = l1.StartPoint; temp.CoordsX = l1.StartPoint.X.ToString("F"); temp.CoordsY = l1.StartPoint.Y.ToString("F"); } else if ((l1.EndPoint == l2.EndPoint) || (l1.EndPoint == l2.StartPoint)) { ed.WriteMessage("\n({0:0.00}, {1:0.00}): ", l1.EndPoint.X, l1.EndPoint.Y); next = l1.EndPoint; temp.CoordsX = l1.EndPoint.X.ToString("F"); temp.CoordsY = l1.EndPoint.Y.ToString("F"); } angle = -(angle - Math.PI * 2.0) * 180.0 / Math.PI; ed.WriteMessage("{0},{1:0}", (int)angle / 1, (angle % 1) * 60); temp.AngleT = TrassaRecord.Angle.Left; temp.AngleVal = ((int)angle / 1).ToString("F0") + "°" + ((angle % 1) * 60).ToString("00") + "’"; } else { if ((l1.StartPoint == l2.StartPoint) || (l1.StartPoint == l2.EndPoint)) { ed.WriteMessage("\n({0:0.00}, {1:0.00}): ", l1.StartPoint.X, l1.StartPoint.Y); next = l1.StartPoint; temp.CoordsX = l1.StartPoint.X.ToString("F"); temp.CoordsY = l1.StartPoint.Y.ToString("F"); } else if ((l1.EndPoint == l2.EndPoint) || (l1.EndPoint == l2.StartPoint)) { ed.WriteMessage("\n({0:0.00}, {1:0.00}): ", l1.EndPoint.X, l1.EndPoint.Y); next = l1.EndPoint; temp.CoordsX = l1.EndPoint.X.ToString("F"); temp.CoordsY = l1.EndPoint.Y.ToString("F"); } angle = angle * 180.0 / Math.PI; ed.WriteMessage("{0},{1:0}", (int)angle / 1, (angle % 1) * 60); temp.AngleT = TrassaRecord.Angle.Right; temp.AngleVal = ((int)angle / 1).ToString("F0") + "°" + ((angle % 1) * 60).ToString("00") + "’"; } paste = curr.DistanceTo(next); dist += paste; curr = next; ed.WriteMessage(" {0:0.00} {1:0.00}", dist, paste); temp.Piketaz = ((int)dist / 100).ToString("F0") + "+" + (dist % 100).ToString("F"); temp.DirectInsert = paste.ToString("F"); tr2 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 300 }), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.DirectInsert)))) ); table.AppendChild(tr2); tr1 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 300 }), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.Name)))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.CoordsX)))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.CoordsY)))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(temp.Piketaz)))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text((temp.AngleT == TrassaRecord.Angle.Left) ? temp.AngleVal.ToString() : "")))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text((temp.AngleT == TrassaRecord.Angle.Right) ? temp.AngleVal.ToString() : "")))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())) ); table.AppendChild(tr1); } } } catch { ed.WriteMessage("\nInvalid polyline."); } } body.AppendChild(table); body.AppendChild( new SectionProperties( new PageMargin() { Top = 1134, Right = (UInt32Value)850U, Bottom = 1134, Left = (UInt32Value)1418U, Header = (UInt32Value)708U, Footer = (UInt32Value)708U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U })); ed.WriteMessage("\nДокумент сохранен в D:\\tdoc.docx"); } catch { ed.WriteMessage("\nError."); } } }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2012/wordml"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts88 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize74 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages() { Val = "en-NZ", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts88); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize74); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines41 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "160", Line = "259", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(spacingBetweenLines41); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = false, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = false, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 371 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo1 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo2 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo3 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo4 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo5 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo82 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo83 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text Indent 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo84 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text Indent 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo85 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Block Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo86 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Hyperlink", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo87 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "FollowedHyperlink", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo88 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, PrimaryStyle = true }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo110 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Outline List 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo111 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Outline List 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo112 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Simple 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo113 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Simple 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo114 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Simple 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo115 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Classic 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo116 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Classic 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo117 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Classic 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo118 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Classic 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo119 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Colorful 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo120 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Colorful 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo121 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Colorful 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo122 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo123 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo124 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo125 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo126 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo127 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo128 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo129 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo130 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo138 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo139 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo140 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo141 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo142 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo143 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table 3D effects 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo144 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table 3D effects 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo152 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Web 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo153 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Web 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo154 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Balloon Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo155 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo156 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Theme", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo157 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Placeholder Text", SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo158 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo159 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo160 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo161 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo162 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo163 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo164 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo165 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo166 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo167 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo168 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo169 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo170 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo171 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo172 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo173 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo174 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo175 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo176 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo177 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo178 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo179 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Revision", SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo180 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo181 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo182 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo183 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo184 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo185 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo186 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo187 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo188 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo189 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo190 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo191 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo192 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo193 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo194 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo195 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo196 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo197 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo198 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo199 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo200 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo201 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo202 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo203 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo204 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo205 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo206 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo207 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo208 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo209 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo210 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo211 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo212 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo213 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo214 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo215 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo216 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo217 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo218 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo219 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo220 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo221 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo222 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo223 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo224 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo225 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo226 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo227 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo228 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo229 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo230 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo231 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo232 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo233 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo234 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo235 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo236 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo237 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo238 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo239 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo240 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo241 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo242 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo243 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo244 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo245 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo246 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo247 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo248 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo249 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo250 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo251 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo252 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo253 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo254 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo255 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo256 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo257 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo258 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo259 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo260 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo261 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo262 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo263 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo264 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo265 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo266 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo267 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo268 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 1", UiPriority = 41 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo269 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 2", UiPriority = 42 }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo278 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo279 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo280 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo281 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo282 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo283 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo284 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 1", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo285 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 1", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo286 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo287 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo288 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo289 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo290 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo291 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 2", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo292 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 2", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo293 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo294 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo295 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo296 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo297 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo298 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 3", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo299 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 3", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo300 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo301 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo302 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo303 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo304 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo305 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo306 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 4", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo307 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo308 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo309 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo310 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo311 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo312 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 5", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo313 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 5", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo314 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo315 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo316 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo317 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo318 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo319 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 6", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo320 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 6", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo321 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo322 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo323 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo324 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo325 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo326 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo327 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo328 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo329 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo330 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 1", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo331 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo332 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo333 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 1", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo334 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 1", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo335 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo336 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo337 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 2", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo338 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo339 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo340 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 2", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo341 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 2", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo342 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo343 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo344 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 3", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo345 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo346 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo347 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 3", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo348 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 3", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo349 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo350 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo351 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 4", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo352 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo353 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo354 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo355 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 4", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo356 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo357 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo358 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 5", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo359 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo360 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo361 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 5", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo362 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 5", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo363 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo364 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo365 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 6", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo366 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo367 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo368 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 6", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo369 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 6", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo370 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo371 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 52 }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo138); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo139); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo140); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo141); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo142); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo143); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo144); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo145); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo146); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo147); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo148); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo149); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo150); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo151); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo152); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo153); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo154); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo155); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo156); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo157); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo158); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo159); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo160); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo161); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo162); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo163); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo164); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo165); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo166); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo167); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo168); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo169); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo170); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo171); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo172); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo173); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo174); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo175); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo176); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo177); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo178); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo179); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo180); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo181); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo182); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo183); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo184); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo185); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo186); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo187); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo188); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo189); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo190); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo191); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo192); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo193); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo194); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo195); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo196); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo197); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo198); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo199); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo200); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo201); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo202); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo203); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo204); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo205); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo206); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo207); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo208); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo209); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo210); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo211); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo212); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo213); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo214); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo215); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo216); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo217); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo218); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo219); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo220); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo221); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo222); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo223); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo224); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo225); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo226); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo227); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo228); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo229); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo230); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo231); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo232); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo233); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo234); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo235); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo236); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo237); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo238); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo239); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo240); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo241); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo242); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo243); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo244); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo245); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo246); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo247); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo248); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo249); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo250); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo251); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo252); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo253); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo254); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo255); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo256); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo257); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo258); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo259); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo260); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo261); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo262); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo263); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo264); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo265); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo266); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo267); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo268); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo269); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo270); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo271); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo272); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo273); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo274); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo275); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo276); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo277); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo278); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo279); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo280); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo281); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo282); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo283); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo284); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo285); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo286); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo287); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo288); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo289); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo290); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo291); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo292); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo293); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo294); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo295); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo296); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo297); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo298); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo299); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo300); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo301); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo302); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo303); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo304); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo305); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo306); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo307); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo308); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo309); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo310); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo311); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo312); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo313); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo314); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo315); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo316); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo317); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo318); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo319); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo320); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo321); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo322); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo323); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo324); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo325); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo326); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo327); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo328); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo329); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo330); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo331); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo332); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo333); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo334); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo335); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo336); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo337); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo338); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo339); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo340); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo341); 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latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo362); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo363); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo364); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo365); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo366); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo367); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo368); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo369); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo370); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo371); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; 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styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
public void GetIntersectionsRiver() { Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); #region For Word string filepath = "D:\\intersections_rivers.docx"; using (WordprocessingDocument docX = WordprocessingDocument.Create(filepath, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document)) { try { // Add a main document part. MainDocumentPart mainPart = docX.AddMainDocumentPart(); StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart = mainPart.AddNewPart<StyleDefinitionsPart>(); Styles styles1 = new Styles(); DocDefaults docDefaults = new DocDefaults( new RunPropertiesDefault(new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }, new FontSize() { Val = "24" }, new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" })), new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto })); styles1.AppendChild(docDefaults); styleDefinitionsPart.Styles = styles1; mainPart.Document = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Document(); DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Body body = mainPart.Document.AppendChild(new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Body()); ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties( new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }, new ParagraphMarkRunProperties( new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }, new FontSize() { Val = "24" }, new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" } )); Paragraph para = body.AppendChild(new Paragraph()); para.AppendChild(paragraphProperties1); Run run = para.AppendChild(new Run()); RunProperties runProperties1 = new RunProperties( new Bold()); // String msg contains the text, "Hello, Word!" run.AppendChild(runProperties1); run.AppendChild(new Text("ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ")); run.AppendChild(new Break()); run.AppendChild(new Text("Ведомость пересечений")); run.AppendChild(new Break()); var table = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Table(); // Create a TableProperties object and specify its border information. TableProperties tblProp = new TableProperties( new TableWidth() { Width = "9782", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }, new TableIndentation() { Width = -318, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }, new TableBorders( new TopBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new BottomBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new LeftBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new RightBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }, new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = new EnumValue<BorderValues>(BorderValues.Single), Size = 4, Space = 0 }), new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.TableStyle() { Val = "TableGrid" } ); // Append the TableProperties object to the empty table. table.AppendChild<TableProperties>(tblProp); // Add 3 columns to the table. TableGrid tg = new TableGrid(new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn(), new GridColumn()); table.AppendChild(tg); TableRow tr1 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 430 }), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1709" }, new VerticalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Наимен. водотока")))), //new TableCellProperties(new TableCellWidth() {Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Pct, Width = "500"}) new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new GridSpan() { Val = 2 }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }, new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "3922" }), new Paragraph( new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Run(new Text("Пикетное положение пересечения")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph( new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Run(new Text("Ширина водотока в межень")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1358" }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }, new VerticalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Глуб. водотока")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new GridSpan() { Val = 3 }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }, new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "2368" }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Горизонт воды")))), new TableCell(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "425" }, new VerticalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Прим.")))) ); table.AppendChild(tr1); TableRow tr2 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 419 }), new TableCell(new TableCellProperties(new VerticalMerge()), new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties(new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("От")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties(new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("До")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties(new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("половодье")))), new TableCell(new TableCellProperties(new VerticalMerge()), new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1260" }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Дата съемки")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1108" }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("На день съемки")))), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1108" }, new TableCellVerticalAlignment() { Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center }), new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(GetCenterJustify()), new Run(new Text("Макс.")))), new TableCell(new TableCellProperties(new VerticalMerge()), new Paragraph(new Run()))); table.AppendChild(tr2); TableCellProperties tcp = new TableCellProperties(new GridSpan() { Val = 9 }); #endregion while (true) { //using (tr) //{ try { #region Поиск пересечений BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite); PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nВыбери polyline >>"); peo.SetRejectMessage("\nМожно только polyline >>"); peo.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Polyline), false); PromptEntityResult res; res = ed.GetEntity(peo); if (res.Status != PromptStatus.OK) { break; } DBObject ent = (DBObject)tr.GetObject(res.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); if (ent == null) return; PromptPointResult pPtRes; PromptPointOptions pPtOpts = new PromptPointOptions(""); // Prompt for the start point pPtOpts.Message = "\nВведи начало: "; pPtRes = doc.Editor.GetPoint(pPtOpts); PromptDoubleOptions getpik = new PromptDoubleOptions("\nВведи пикетаж (в формате числа, а не 0+00): "); PromptDoubleResult getpikRes = doc.Editor.GetDouble(getpik); //zoom /*PromptEntityResult per = ed.GetEntity(peo); if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;*/ // Extract its extents Extents3d ext; Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); using (trans) { Entity enti = (Entity)trans.GetObject(res.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); ext = enti.GeometricExtents; trans.Commit(); } ext.TransformBy(ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.Inverse()); ZoomWin(ed, ext.MinPoint, ext.MaxPoint); // //Polyline poly = (Polyline)ent as Polyline; Curve curv = ent as Curve; DBObjectCollection pcurves = new DBObjectCollection(); curv.Explode(pcurves); TypedValue[] values = new TypedValue[] { new TypedValue(0, "lwpolyline") //might be added layer name to select curve: //, new TypedValue(8, "mylayer") }; SelectionFilter filter = new SelectionFilter(values); Point3dCollection fence = new Point3dCollection(); double leng = curv.GetDistanceAtParameter(curv.EndParam) - curv.GetDistanceAtParameter(curv.StartParam); // number of divisions along polyline to create fence selection double step = leng / 256;// set number of steps to your suit int num = Convert.ToInt32(leng / step); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Point3d pp = curv.GetPointAtDist(step * i); fence.Add(curv.GetClosestPointTo(pp, false)); } PromptSelectionResult selres = ed.SelectFence(fence, filter); if (selres.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return; Point3dCollection intpts = new Point3dCollection(); DBObjectCollection qcurves = new DBObjectCollection(); //ed.WriteMessage("\nCheck"); foreach (SelectedObject selobj in selres.Value) { DBObject obj = tr.GetObject(selobj.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead, false) as DBObject; if (selobj.ObjectId != curv.ObjectId) { DBObjectCollection icurves = new DBObjectCollection(); Curve icurv = obj as Curve; icurv.Explode(icurves); foreach (DBObject dbo in icurves) { if (!qcurves.Contains(dbo)) qcurves.Add(dbo); } } } //ed.WriteMessage("\n{0}", qcurves.Count); int j = 0; Point3dCollection polypts = new Point3dCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < pcurves.Count; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < qcurves.Count; ++j) { Curve curve1 = pcurves[i] as Curve; Curve curve2 = qcurves[j] as Curve; Point3dCollection pts = new Point3dCollection(); curve1.IntersectWith(curve2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, pts, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); foreach (Point3d pt in pts) { if (!polypts.Contains(pt)) polypts.Add(pt); } } } #endregion try { using (Transaction tran = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { Polyline pline = (Polyline)tran.GetObject(res.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); table.AppendChild(new TableRow( new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new GridSpan() { Val = 9 }), new Paragraph( new ParagraphProperties( new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(new Bold()), new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Run(new RunProperties( new Bold()), new Text("ПК" + ((int)(getpikRes.Value)).ToString("F0") + "-ПК" + ((int)(100 * getpikRes.Value + pline.Length) / 100).ToString("F0") + "+" + ((100 * getpikRes.Value + pline.Length) % 100).ToString("F"))))))); } } catch { ed.WriteMessage("\nError."); } Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.SetSystemVariable("osmode", 0);// optional // for debug only Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog(string.Format("\nНайдено пересечений: {0}", polypts.Count)); if (polypts.Count == 0) { try { using (Transaction tran = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { Polyline pline = (Polyline)tran.GetObject(res.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); table.AppendChild(new TableRow( new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new GridSpan() { Val = 9 }), new Paragraph( new ParagraphProperties( new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Run(new Text("На данном участке трассы пересечения отсутствуют")))))); } } catch { ed.WriteMessage("\nError."); } } else { //List<double> pik = new List<double>(polypts.Count); double[] pik = new double[polypts.Count]; int numInter = 0; foreach (Point3d inspt in polypts) { double dist = 0; dist = 100 * getpikRes.Value; // test for visulization only /*Circle circ = new Circle(inspt, Vector3d.ZAxis, 10 * db.Dimtxt); circ.ColorIndex = 1; btr.AppendEntity(circ); tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(circ, true);*/ Point3d curr = pPtRes.Value, next = pPtRes.Value; try { using (Transaction tran = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { Polyline pline = (Polyline)tran.GetObject(res.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); if ((pPtRes.Value == pline.GetLineSegmentAt(0).StartPoint) || (pPtRes.Value == pline.GetLineSegmentAt(0).EndPoint)) for (int i = 0; i < pline.NumberOfVertices - 2; i++) { LineSegment3d l1 = pline.GetLineSegmentAt(i); LineSegment3d l2 = pline.GetLineSegmentAt(i + 1); double angle = GetPolylineShape(l1, l2, pline.Normal); if (angle > Math.PI) { if ((l1.StartPoint == l2.StartPoint) || (l1.StartPoint == l2.EndPoint)) next = l1.StartPoint; else if ((l1.EndPoint == l2.EndPoint) || (l1.EndPoint == l2.StartPoint)) next = l1.EndPoint; } else { if ((l1.StartPoint == l2.StartPoint) || (l1.StartPoint == l2.EndPoint)) next = l1.StartPoint; else if ((l1.EndPoint == l2.EndPoint) || (l1.EndPoint == l2.StartPoint)) next = l1.EndPoint; } if (Math.Abs(inspt.DistanceTo(curr) + inspt.DistanceTo(next) - curr.DistanceTo(next)) < 1) { dist += inspt.DistanceTo(curr); ed.WriteMessage(((int)dist / 100).ToString("F0") + "+" + (dist % 100).ToString("F") + "\n"); break; } else dist += curr.DistanceTo(next); curr = next; } else for (int i = pline.NumberOfVertices - 3; i >= 0; i--) { LineSegment3d l1 = pline.GetLineSegmentAt(i); LineSegment3d l2 = pline.GetLineSegmentAt(i + 1); double angle = GetPolylineShape(l1, l2, pline.Normal); if (angle > Math.PI) { if ((l1.StartPoint == l2.StartPoint) || (l1.StartPoint == l2.EndPoint)) next = l1.StartPoint; else if ((l1.EndPoint == l2.EndPoint) || (l1.EndPoint == l2.StartPoint)) next = l1.EndPoint; } else { if ((l1.StartPoint == l2.StartPoint) || (l1.StartPoint == l2.EndPoint)) next = l1.StartPoint; else if ((l1.EndPoint == l2.EndPoint) || (l1.EndPoint == l2.StartPoint)) next = l1.EndPoint; } if (Math.Abs(inspt.DistanceTo(curr) + inspt.DistanceTo(next) - curr.DistanceTo(next)) < 1) { dist += inspt.DistanceTo(curr); ed.WriteMessage(((int)dist / 100).ToString("F0") + "+" + (dist % 100).ToString("F") + "\n"); break; } else dist += curr.DistanceTo(next); curr = next; } } } catch { ed.WriteMessage("\nInvalid polyline."); } pik[numInter] = dist; numInter++; //ed.WriteMessage(" {0:0.00}\n", dist); } //pik.Sort(); Array.Sort(pik); for (int i = 0; i < polypts.Count; i++) { tr1 = new TableRow( new TableRowProperties(new TableRowHeight() { Val = 300 }), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell( new TableCellProperties( new GridSpan() { Val = 2 }), new Paragraph( new ParagraphProperties( new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }), new Run(new Text(((int)pik[i] / 100).ToString("F0") + "+" + (pik[i] % 100).ToString("F"))))), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())), new TableCell(new Paragraph(new Run())) ); table.AppendChild(tr1); } } } catch { ed.WriteMessage("\nError"); } //} } tr.Commit(); body.AppendChild(table); body.AppendChild( new SectionProperties( new PageMargin() { Top = 1134, Right = (UInt32Value)850U, Bottom = 1134, Left = (UInt32Value)1418U, Header = (UInt32Value)708U, Footer = (UInt32Value)708U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U })); ed.WriteMessage("\nДокумент сохранен в D:\\intersections_rivers.docx"); } catch { ed.WriteMessage("\nError."); } } }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles2 = new Styles(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/11/wordml"); DocDefaults docDefaults2 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault2 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts34 = new RunFonts(){ AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; Kern kern16 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)2U }; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize(){ Val = "21" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript(){ Val = "22" }; Languages languages2 = new Languages(){ Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "ja-JP", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(runFonts34); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(kern16); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(fontSize2); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(languages2); runPropertiesDefault2.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle2); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault2 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); docDefaults2.Append(runPropertiesDefault2); docDefaults2.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault2); LatentStyles latentStyles2 = new LatentStyles(){ DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo138 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo139 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo140 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo141 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo142 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo143 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo144 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo145 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo146 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo147 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo148 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo149 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo150 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo151 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo152 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo153 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39 }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo161 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo162 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo163 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo164 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo165 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 36, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo166 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo167 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo168 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo169 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo170 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo171 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo172 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo173 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo174 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo175 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo176 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo177 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo178 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo179 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo180 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo181 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo182 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo183 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo184 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo185 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo186 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo187 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo188 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo189 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo190 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo191 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo192 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo193 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo194 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo195 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo196 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo197 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo198 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo199 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo200 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo201 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo202 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo203 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo204 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo205 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo206 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo207 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo208 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo209 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo210 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo211 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo212 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo213 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo214 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo221 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo222 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo223 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo224 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo225 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo226 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo227 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo228 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo229 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo230 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo231 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo232 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo233 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo234 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo235 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo236 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo237 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo238 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo239 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo240 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo241 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo242 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo243 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo244 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo245 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo246 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo247 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo248 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo249 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo250 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo251 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo252 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo253 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo254 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo255 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo256 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo257 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo258 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo259 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo260 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo261 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo262 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo263 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo264 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo265 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo266 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo267 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo268 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo269 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo270 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo271 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo272 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo273 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo274 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, PrimaryStyle = true }; latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo138); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo139); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo140); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo141); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo142); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo143); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo144); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo145); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo146); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo147); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo148); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo149); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo150); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo151); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo152); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo153); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo154); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo155); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo156); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo157); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo158); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo159); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo160); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo161); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo162); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo163); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo164); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo165); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo166); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo167); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo168); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo169); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo170); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo171); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo172); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo173); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo174); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo175); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo176); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo177); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo178); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo179); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo180); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo181); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo182); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo183); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo184); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo185); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo186); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo187); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo188); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo189); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo190); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo191); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo192); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo193); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo194); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo195); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo196); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo197); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo198); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo199); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo200); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo201); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo202); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo203); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo204); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo205); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo206); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo207); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo208); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo209); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo210); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo211); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo212); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo213); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo214); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo215); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo216); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo217); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo218); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo219); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo220); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo221); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo222); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo223); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo224); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo225); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo226); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo227); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo228); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo229); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo230); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo231); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo232); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo233); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo234); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo235); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo236); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo237); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo238); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo239); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo240); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo241); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo242); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo243); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo244); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo245); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo246); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo247); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo248); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo249); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo250); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo251); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo252); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo253); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo254); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo255); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo256); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo257); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo258); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo259); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo260); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo261); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo262); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo263); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo264); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo265); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo266); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo267); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo268); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo269); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo270); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo271); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo272); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo273); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo274); Style style11 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl7 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification7 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(widowControl7); styleParagraphProperties7.Append(justification7); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(primaryStyle2); style11.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); Style style12 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true }; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 1 }; SemiHidden semiHidden5 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed4 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style12.Append(styleName12); style12.Append(uIPriority5); style12.Append(semiHidden5); style12.Append(unhideWhenUsed4); Style style13 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName13 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority6 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden6 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed5 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties2 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation2 = new TableIndentation(){ Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault2 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin2 = new TopMargin(){ Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin2 = new TableCellLeftMargin(){ Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin2 = new BottomMargin(){ Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin2 = new TableCellRightMargin(){ Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(topMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellLeftMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(bottomMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellRightMargin2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableIndentation2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableCellMarginDefault2); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(uIPriority6); style13.Append(semiHidden6); style13.Append(unhideWhenUsed5); style13.Append(styleTableProperties2); Style style14 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true }; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName(){ Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority7 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden7 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed6 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(uIPriority7); style14.Append(semiHidden7); style14.Append(unhideWhenUsed6); Style style15 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "PlaceholderText" }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Placeholder Text" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority8 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden8 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color3 = new Color(){ Val = "808080" }; styleRunProperties2.Append(color3); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn2); style15.Append(uIPriority8); style15.Append(semiHidden8); style15.Append(rsid15); style15.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style16 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "B207B2DF6D0E4E13956E6616811860CA", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName(){ Val = "B207B2DF6D0E4E13956E6616811860CA" }; Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties8 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl8 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification8 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties8.Append(widowControl8); styleParagraphProperties8.Append(justification8); style16.Append(styleName16); style16.Append(rsid16); style16.Append(styleParagraphProperties8); Style style17 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "D4883C3CFFC34F409428ADC3628C6570", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName17 = new StyleName(){ Val = "D4883C3CFFC34F409428ADC3628C6570" }; Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties9 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl9 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification9 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(widowControl9); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(justification9); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(rsid17); style17.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); Style style18 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "133ECC909A29476B8F1E90DE917BAC44", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName18 = new StyleName(){ Val = "133ECC909A29476B8F1E90DE917BAC44" }; Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl10 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification10 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(widowControl10); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(justification10); style18.Append(styleName18); style18.Append(rsid18); style18.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); Style style19 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "4B632797D8B1461898B8F461443A20E0", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName19 = new StyleName(){ Val = "4B632797D8B1461898B8F461443A20E0" }; Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl11 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification11 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(widowControl11); styleParagraphProperties11.Append(justification11); style19.Append(styleName19); style19.Append(rsid19); style19.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); Style style20 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "8E3192E882304BDA9D0B4E69A021C365", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName20 = new StyleName(){ Val = "8E3192E882304BDA9D0B4E69A021C365" }; Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00930812" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl12 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification12 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties12.Append(widowControl12); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(justification12); style20.Append(styleName20); style20.Append(rsid20); style20.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); styles2.Append(docDefaults2); styles2.Append(latentStyles2); styles2.Append(style11); styles2.Append(style12); styles2.Append(style13); styles2.Append(style14); styles2.Append(style15); styles2.Append(style16); styles2.Append(style17); styles2.Append(style18); styles2.Append(style19); styles2.Append(style20); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles2; }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles(); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", EastAsia = "MS Mincho", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Languages languages13 = new Languages() { Val = "fr-CA", EastAsia = "fr-CA", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts6); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages13); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 0, DefaultSemiHidden = false, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = false, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException1 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Normal", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException2 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 1", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException3 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 2", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException4 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 3", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException5 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException6 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException7 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException8 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException9 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException10 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 9", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException11 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "caption", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException12 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Title", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException13 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtitle", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException14 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Strong", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException15 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Emphasis", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException16 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Placeholder Text", UiPriority = 99, SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException17 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException18 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException19 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException20 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException21 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException22 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException23 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException24 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException25 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException26 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException27 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException28 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException29 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException30 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException31 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException32 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException33 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException34 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException35 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException36 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException37 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException38 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Revision", UiPriority = 99, SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException39 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException40 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException41 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException42 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException43 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException44 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException45 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException46 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException47 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException48 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException49 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException50 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException51 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException52 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException53 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException54 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException55 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException56 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException57 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException58 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException59 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException60 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException61 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException62 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException63 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException64 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException65 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException66 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException67 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException68 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException69 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException70 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException71 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException72 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException73 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException74 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException75 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException76 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException77 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException78 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException79 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException80 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException81 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException82 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException83 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException84 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException85 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException86 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException87 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException88 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException89 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException90 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException91 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException92 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException93 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException94 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException95 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException96 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException97 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException98 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException99 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException100 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException101 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException102 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException103 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException104 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException105 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException106 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException107 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException108 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException109 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException110 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException111 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException112 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException113 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException114 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException115 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException116 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException117 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException118 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException119 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException120 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException121 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException122 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException123 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException124 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException125 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException126 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException126); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid615 = new Rsid() { Val = "006F57DE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines24 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines24); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize13 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; 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style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style2.Append(linkedStyle1); style2.Append(primaryStyle2); style2.Append(rsid616); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style2.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Titre2" }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 2" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle2 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid617 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext4 = new KeepNext(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines26 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", Line = "280", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Exact }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(keepNext4); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines26); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(outlineLevel2); 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styleRunProperties4.Append(boldComplexScript4); styleRunProperties4.Append(italic1); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript24); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(basedOn1); style4.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style4.Append(primaryStyle4); style4.Append(rsid618); style4.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); style4.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Policepardfaut", Default = true }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority1); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableauNormal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault3 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin3 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin3 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellLeftMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellRightMargin3); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault3); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(uIPriority2); style6.Append(semiHidden1); style6.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style6.Append(primaryStyle5); style6.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "Aucuneliste", Default = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(uIPriority3); style7.Append(semiHidden2); style7.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "En-tte" }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "header" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle2 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "En-tteCar" }; Rsid rsid619 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); 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styleRunProperties5.Append(caps3); styleRunProperties5.Append(kern3); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize15); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript25); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn2); style8.Append(linkedStyle2); style8.Append(rsid619); style8.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style8.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Pieddepage" }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "footer" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid620 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines28 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification4 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines28); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(justification4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize16 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties6.Append(fontSize16); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn3); style9.Append(rsid620); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style9.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style10 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "Grilledutableau" }; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Grid" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableauNormal" }; Rsid rsid621 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines29 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "120", Line = "280", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Exact }; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(spacingBetweenLines29); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; styleRunProperties7.Append(runFonts10); 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tableBorders4.Append(topBorder6); tableBorders4.Append(leftBorder4); tableBorders4.Append(bottomBorder7); tableBorders4.Append(rightBorder4); tableBorders4.Append(insideHorizontalBorder4); tableBorders4.Append(insideVerticalBorder4); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault4 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin2 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin2 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableIndentation2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders4); 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OutlineLevel outlineLevel4 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(justification5); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(outlineLevel4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript5 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "264C73" }; Kern kern4 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize17 = new FontSize() { Val = "46" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript26 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; Languages languages17 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties9.Append(runFonts12); styleRunProperties9.Append(boldComplexScript5); styleRunProperties9.Append(color1); styleRunProperties9.Append(kern4); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSize17); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSizeComplexScript26); styleRunProperties9.Append(languages17); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(linkedStyle3); style13.Append(primaryStyle6); style13.Append(rsid624); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style13.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style14 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ManagerName", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() { Val = "Manager Name" }; Rsid rsid625 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines30 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "40" }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines30); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts13 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold16 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize18 = new FontSize() { Val = "36" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript27 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; Languages languages18 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts13); styleRunProperties10.Append(bold16); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize18); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript27); styleRunProperties10.Append(languages18); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(rsid625); style14.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style14.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style15 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TableText", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Text" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; Rsid rsid626 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines31 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines31); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize19 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize19); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn7); style15.Append(linkedStyle4); style15.Append(rsid626); style15.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); style15.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style16 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ProductsReviewedHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() { Val = "Products Reviewed Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeadingChar" }; Rsid rsid627 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders6 = new ParagraphBorders(); TopBorder topBorder7 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "808080", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)7U }; paragraphBorders6.Append(topBorder7); 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StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties13 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines33 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification6 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; styleParagraphProperties13.Append(spacingBetweenLines33); styleParagraphProperties13.Append(justification6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); Caps caps5 = new Caps(); Color color2 = new Color() { Val = "5C5C5C" }; Kern kern5 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)22U }; styleRunProperties13.Append(caps5); styleRunProperties13.Append(color2); styleRunProperties13.Append(kern5); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(basedOn9); style17.Append(nextParagraphStyle5); style17.Append(linkedStyle6); style17.Append(rsid628); style17.Append(styleParagraphProperties13); style17.Append(styleRunProperties13); Style style18 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header2", CustomStyle = true }; 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style21.Append(styleName21); style21.Append(linkedStyle7); style21.Append(autoRedefine1); style21.Append(rsid632); style21.Append(styleParagraphProperties15); style21.Append(styleRunProperties17); Style style22 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TableHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName22 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableText" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle8 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableHeadingChar" }; Rsid rsid633 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties18 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold18 = new Bold(); Caps caps6 = new Caps(); Kern kern6 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)16U }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript31 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties18.Append(bold18); styleRunProperties18.Append(caps6); styleRunProperties18.Append(kern6); styleRunProperties18.Append(fontSizeComplexScript31); style22.Append(styleName22); 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styleRunProperties21.Append(kern7); styleRunProperties21.Append(fontSize25); styleRunProperties21.Append(fontSizeComplexScript32); styleRunProperties21.Append(languages20); style27.Append(styleName27); style27.Append(rsid638); style27.Append(styleParagraphProperties20); style27.Append(styleRunProperties21); Style style28 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "DislaimerHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName28 = new StyleName() { Val = "Dislaimer Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn18 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Disclaimer" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle6 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Disclaimer" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle10 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "DislaimerHeadingChar" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine2 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid639 = new Rsid() { Val = "00782598" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties21 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext5 = new KeepNext(); styleParagraphProperties21.Append(keepNext5); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties22 = new StyleRunProperties(); 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styleRunProperties25.Append(languages23); style31.Append(styleName31); style31.Append(basedOn21); style31.Append(linkedStyle13); style31.Append(rsid642); style31.Append(styleRunProperties25); Style style32 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Titre1Car", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName32 = new StyleName() { Val = "Titre 1 Car" }; BasedOn basedOn22 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle14 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Titre1" }; Rsid rsid643 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties26 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts20 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold22 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript8 = new BoldComplexScript(); Caps caps9 = new Caps(); Kern kern11 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)20U }; Languages languages24 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties26.Append(runFonts20); styleRunProperties26.Append(bold22); styleRunProperties26.Append(boldComplexScript8); styleRunProperties26.Append(caps9); styleRunProperties26.Append(kern11); styleRunProperties26.Append(languages24); style32.Append(styleName32); style32.Append(basedOn22); style32.Append(linkedStyle14); style32.Append(rsid643); style32.Append(styleRunProperties26); Style style33 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TableTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName33 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Text Char" }; BasedOn basedOn23 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle15 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableText" }; Rsid rsid644 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties27 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts21 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize29 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript36 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages25 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties27.Append(runFonts21); styleRunProperties27.Append(fontSize29); styleRunProperties27.Append(fontSizeComplexScript36); styleRunProperties27.Append(languages25); style33.Append(styleName33); style33.Append(basedOn23); style33.Append(linkedStyle15); style33.Append(rsid644); style33.Append(styleRunProperties27); Style style34 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TableHeadingChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName34 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Heading Char" }; BasedOn basedOn24 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle16 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableHeading" }; Rsid rsid645 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties28 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts22 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold23 = new Bold(); Caps caps10 = new Caps(); Kern kern12 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)16U }; FontSize fontSize30 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript37 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "18" }; Languages languages26 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties28.Append(runFonts22); styleRunProperties28.Append(bold23); styleRunProperties28.Append(caps10); styleRunProperties28.Append(kern12); styleRunProperties28.Append(fontSize30); styleRunProperties28.Append(fontSizeComplexScript37); styleRunProperties28.Append(languages26); style34.Append(styleName34); style34.Append(basedOn24); style34.Append(linkedStyle16); style34.Append(rsid645); style34.Append(styleRunProperties28); Style style35 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Liste" }; StyleName styleName35 = new StyleName() { Val = "List" }; BasedOn basedOn25 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid646 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties22 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs4 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop4 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Number, Position = 360 }; tabs4.Append(tabStop4); styleParagraphProperties22.Append(tabs4); style35.Append(styleName35); style35.Append(basedOn25); style35.Append(rsid646); style35.Append(styleParagraphProperties22); Style style36 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Listepuces2" }; StyleName styleName36 = new StyleName() { Val = "List Bullet 2" }; BasedOn basedOn26 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid647 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties23 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs5 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop5 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Number, Position = 360 }; tabs5.Append(tabStop5); styleParagraphProperties23.Append(tabs5); style36.Append(styleName36); style36.Append(basedOn26); style36.Append(rsid647); style36.Append(styleParagraphProperties23); Style style37 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "En-tteCar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName37 = new StyleName() { Val = "En-tête Car" }; BasedOn basedOn27 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle17 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "En-tte" }; Rsid rsid648 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties29 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts23 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Caps caps11 = new Caps(); Kern kern13 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)16U }; Languages languages27 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties29.Append(runFonts23); styleRunProperties29.Append(caps11); styleRunProperties29.Append(kern13); styleRunProperties29.Append(languages27); style37.Append(styleName37); style37.Append(basedOn27); style37.Append(linkedStyle17); style37.Append(rsid648); style37.Append(styleRunProperties29); Style style38 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "RankStatement", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName38 = new StyleName() { Val = "Rank Statement" }; BasedOn basedOn28 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableText" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle18 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "RankStatementChar" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine3 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid649 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties30 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold24 = new Bold(); Color color8 = new Color() { Val = "DD6600" }; styleRunProperties30.Append(bold24); styleRunProperties30.Append(color8); style38.Append(styleName38); style38.Append(basedOn28); style38.Append(linkedStyle18); style38.Append(autoRedefine3); style38.Append(rsid649); style38.Append(styleRunProperties30); Style style39 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "RankStatementChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName39 = new StyleName() { Val = "Rank Statement Char" }; BasedOn basedOn29 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle19 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "RankStatement" }; Rsid rsid650 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties31 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts24 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold25 = new Bold(); Color color9 = new Color() { Val = "DD6600" }; 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style41.Append(basedOn31); style41.Append(rsid652); style41.Append(styleRunProperties32); Style style42 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "FooterRankLegend", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName42 = new StyleName() { Val = "Footer Rank Legend" }; BasedOn basedOn32 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid653 = new Rsid() { Val = "003F2779" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties25 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines41 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "360" }; styleParagraphProperties25.Append(spacingBetweenLines41); style42.Append(styleName42); style42.Append(basedOn32); style42.Append(rsid653); style42.Append(styleParagraphProperties25); Style style43 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DisclaimerChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName43 = new StyleName() { Val = "Disclaimer Char" }; BasedOn basedOn33 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle20 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Disclaimer" }; 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style46.Append(basedOn36); style46.Append(rsid657); style46.Append(styleParagraphProperties26); style46.Append(styleRunProperties36); Style style47 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleHeading2Before0ptAfter2pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName47 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Heading 2 + Before: 0 pt After: 2 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn37 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Titre2" }; Rsid rsid658 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AC1437" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties27 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines43 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "40", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties27.Append(spacingBetweenLines43); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties37 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts29 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript2 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript43 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties37.Append(runFonts29); styleRunProperties37.Append(italicComplexScript2); styleRunProperties37.Append(fontSizeComplexScript43); style47.Append(styleName47); style47.Append(basedOn37); style47.Append(rsid658); style47.Append(styleParagraphProperties27); style47.Append(styleRunProperties37); Style style48 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleProductsReviewedHeadingBefore12pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName48 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Products Reviewed Heading + Before: 12 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn38 = new BasedOn() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeading" }; Rsid rsid659 = new Rsid() { Val = "009F7E7F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties28 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines44 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "360" }; styleParagraphProperties28.Append(spacingBetweenLines44); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties38 = new StyleRunProperties(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript9 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript44 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties38.Append(boldComplexScript9); styleRunProperties38.Append(fontSizeComplexScript44); style48.Append(styleName48); style48.Append(basedOn38); style48.Append(rsid659); style48.Append(styleParagraphProperties28); style48.Append(styleRunProperties38); Style style49 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "NumberedList", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName49 = new StyleName() { Val = "Numbered List" }; BasedOn basedOn39 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid660 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BB632E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties29 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 2 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); styleParagraphProperties29.Append(numberingProperties1); style49.Append(styleName49); style49.Append(basedOn39); 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style52.Append(basedOn42); style52.Append(autoRedefine4); style52.Append(rsid663); style52.Append(styleParagraphProperties31); style52.Append(styleRunProperties41); Style style53 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "StyleBodoniMT", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName53 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Bodoni MT" }; BasedOn basedOn43 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; Rsid rsid664 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties42 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts32 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; styleRunProperties42.Append(runFonts32); style53.Append(styleName53); style53.Append(basedOn43); style53.Append(rsid664); style53.Append(styleRunProperties42); Style style54 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "StyleCategoryRankGraphic10pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName54 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Category Rank Graphic + 10 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn44 = new BasedOn() { Val = "CategoryRankGraphic" }; 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style57.Append(autoRedefine7); style57.Append(rsid668); style57.Append(styleParagraphProperties34); style57.Append(styleRunProperties46); Style styleUnorderedList = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "UnorderedListStyle", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleNameUnorderedList = new StyleName() { Val = "UnorderedList Style" }; BasedOn basedOnUnorderedList = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphPropertiesUnorderedList = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLinesUnorderedList = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; styleParagraphPropertiesUnorderedList.Append(spacingBetweenLinesUnorderedList); StyleRunProperties styleRunPropertiesUnorderedList = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScriptUnorderedList = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunPropertiesUnorderedList.Append(fontSizeComplexScriptUnorderedList); styleUnorderedList.Append(styleNameUnorderedList); styleUnorderedList.Append(basedOnUnorderedList); 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// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart2. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart2Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart2) { Styles styles4 = new Styles(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; styles4.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles4.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles4.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles4.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles4.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/11/wordml"); DocDefaults docDefaults4 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault4 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle4 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts36 = new RunFonts(){ AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo435 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo436 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo437 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo438 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo439 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 36, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo440 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo441 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo442 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo443 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo444 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo445 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo446 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo447 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo448 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo449 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo450 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo451 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo452 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo453 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo454 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo455 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo456 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo457 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo458 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo459 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo460 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo461 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo462 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo463 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo464 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo471 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo472 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo473 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo474 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo475 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo476 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo477 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo478 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo479 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo480 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo481 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo482 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo483 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo484 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo485 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo486 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo487 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo488 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo489 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo490 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo491 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo492 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo493 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo494 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo495 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo496 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo497 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo498 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo499 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo500 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo501 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo502 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo503 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo504 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo505 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo506 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo507 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo508 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo509 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo510 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo511 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo512 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo513 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo514 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo515 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo516 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo517 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo518 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo519 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo520 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo521 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo522 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo523 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo524 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo525 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo526 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo527 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo528 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo529 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo530 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo531 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo532 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo533 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo534 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo535 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo536 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo537 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo538 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo539 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo540 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo541 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo542 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo543 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo544 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo545 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo546 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo547 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo548 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, PrimaryStyle = true }; latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo412); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo413); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo414); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo415); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo416); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo417); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo418); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo419); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo420); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo421); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo422); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo423); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo424); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo425); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo426); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo427); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo428); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo429); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo430); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo431); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo432); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo433); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo434); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo435); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo436); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo437); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo438); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo439); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo440); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo441); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo442); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo443); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo444); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo445); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo446); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo447); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo448); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo449); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo450); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo451); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo452); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo453); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo454); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo455); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo456); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo457); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo458); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo459); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo460); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo461); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo462); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo463); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo464); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo465); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo466); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo467); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo468); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo469); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo470); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo471); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo472); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo473); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo474); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo475); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo476); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo477); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo478); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo479); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo480); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo481); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo482); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo483); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo484); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo485); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo486); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo487); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo488); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo489); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo490); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo491); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo492); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo493); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo494); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo495); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo496); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo497); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo498); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo499); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo500); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo501); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo502); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo503); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo504); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo505); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo506); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo507); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo508); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo509); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo510); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo511); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo512); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo513); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo514); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo515); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo516); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo517); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo518); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo519); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo520); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo521); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo522); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo523); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo524); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo525); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo526); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo527); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo528); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo529); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo530); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo531); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo532); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo533); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo534); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo535); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo536); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo537); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo538); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo539); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo540); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo541); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo542); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo543); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo544); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo545); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo546); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo547); latentStyles4.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo548); Style style30 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName30 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties16 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl14 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification14 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties16.Append(widowControl14); styleParagraphProperties16.Append(justification14); style30.Append(styleName30); style30.Append(primaryStyle4); style30.Append(styleParagraphProperties16); Style style31 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true }; StyleName styleName31 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority17 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 1 }; SemiHidden semiHidden13 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed12 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style31.Append(styleName31); style31.Append(uIPriority17); style31.Append(semiHidden13); style31.Append(unhideWhenUsed12); Style style32 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName32 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority18 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden14 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed13 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties4 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation4 = new TableIndentation(){ Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault4 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin4 = new TopMargin(){ Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin(){ Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin4 = new BottomMargin(){ Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin(){ Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableIndentation4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); style32.Append(styleName32); style32.Append(uIPriority18); style32.Append(semiHidden14); style32.Append(unhideWhenUsed13); style32.Append(styleTableProperties4); Style style33 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true }; StyleName styleName33 = new StyleName(){ Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority19 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden15 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed14 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style33.Append(styleName33); style33.Append(uIPriority19); style33.Append(semiHidden15); style33.Append(unhideWhenUsed14); Style style34 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "PlaceholderText" }; StyleName styleName34 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Placeholder Text" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority20 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden16 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid39 = new Rsid(){ Val = "000010BA" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color5 = new Color(){ Val = "808080" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(color5); style34.Append(styleName34); style34.Append(basedOn8); style34.Append(uIPriority20); style34.Append(semiHidden16); style34.Append(rsid39); style34.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style35 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header" }; StyleName styleName35 = new StyleName(){ Val = "header" }; BasedOn basedOn9 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "HeaderChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority21 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed15 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid40 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00E930A2" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties17 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs3 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop5 = new TabStop(){ Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4252 }; TabStop tabStop6 = new TabStop(){ Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 8504 }; tabs3.Append(tabStop5); tabs3.Append(tabStop6); SnapToGrid snapToGrid3 = new SnapToGrid(){ Val = false }; styleParagraphProperties17.Append(tabs3); styleParagraphProperties17.Append(snapToGrid3); style35.Append(styleName35); style35.Append(basedOn9); style35.Append(linkedStyle5); style35.Append(uIPriority21); style35.Append(unhideWhenUsed15); style35.Append(rsid40); style35.Append(styleParagraphProperties17); Style style36 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "HeaderChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName36 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Header Char" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle6 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "Header" }; UIPriority uIPriority22 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid41 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00E930A2" }; style36.Append(styleName36); style36.Append(basedOn10); style36.Append(linkedStyle6); style36.Append(uIPriority22); style36.Append(rsid41); Style style37 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Footer" }; StyleName styleName37 = new StyleName(){ Val = "footer" }; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle7 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "FooterChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority23 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed16 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid42 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00E930A2" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties18 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs4 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop7 = new TabStop(){ Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4252 }; TabStop tabStop8 = new TabStop(){ Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 8504 }; tabs4.Append(tabStop7); tabs4.Append(tabStop8); SnapToGrid snapToGrid4 = new SnapToGrid(){ Val = false }; styleParagraphProperties18.Append(tabs4); styleParagraphProperties18.Append(snapToGrid4); style37.Append(styleName37); style37.Append(basedOn11); style37.Append(linkedStyle7); style37.Append(uIPriority23); style37.Append(unhideWhenUsed16); style37.Append(rsid42); style37.Append(styleParagraphProperties18); Style style38 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FooterChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName38 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Footer Char" }; BasedOn basedOn12 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle8 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "Footer" }; UIPriority uIPriority24 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid43 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00E930A2" }; style38.Append(styleName38); style38.Append(basedOn12); style38.Append(linkedStyle8); style38.Append(uIPriority24); style38.Append(rsid43); styles4.Append(docDefaults4); styles4.Append(latentStyles4); styles4.Append(style30); styles4.Append(style31); styles4.Append(style32); styles4.Append(style33); styles4.Append(style34); styles4.Append(style35); styles4.Append(style36); styles4.Append(style37); styles4.Append(style38); styleDefinitionsPart2.Styles = styles4; }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14" } }; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts24 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Liberation Serif", HighAnsi = "Liberation Serif", EastAsia = "SimSun", ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript541 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; Languages languages8 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU", EastAsia = "zh-CN", Bidi = "hi-IN" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts24); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript541); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages8); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal" }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl1 = new WidowControl() { Val = false }; BiDi biDi1 = new BiDi() { Val = false }; Justification justification319 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Start }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(widowControl1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(biDi1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(justification319); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts25 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Liberation Serif", HighAnsi = "Liberation Serif", EastAsia = "SimSun", ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; Color color13 = new Color() { Val = "00000A" }; FontSize fontSize541 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript542 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; Languages languages9 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU", EastAsia = "zh-CN", Bidi = "hi-IN" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts25); styleRunProperties1.Append(color13); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize541); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript542); styleRunProperties1.Append(languages9); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "1" }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заголовок 1" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "240", After = "120" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold40 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize542 = new FontSize() { Val = "36" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript543 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; styleRunProperties2.Append(bold40); styleRunProperties2.Append(boldComplexScript1); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSize542); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript543); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(basedOn1); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style2.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "2" }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заголовок 2" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "200", After = "120" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(outlineLevel2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold41 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize543 = new FontSize() { Val = "32" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript544 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties3.Append(bold41); styleRunProperties3.Append(boldComplexScript2); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSize543); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript544); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(basedOn2); style3.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); style3.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style4 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "3" }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заголовок 3" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines3 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "140", After = "120" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel3 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 2 }; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(spacingBetweenLines3); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(outlineLevel3); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold42 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript3 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize544 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript545 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(bold42); styleRunProperties4.Append(boldComplexScript3); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSize544); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript545); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(basedOn3); style4.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); style4.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties5 = new StyleRunProperties(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(primaryStyle2); style5.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FontStyle48" }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "Font Style48" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts26 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Spacing spacing5 = new Spacing() { Val = 0 }; FontSize fontSize545 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript546 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "26" }; styleRunProperties6.Append(runFonts26); styleRunProperties6.Append(spacing5); styleRunProperties6.Append(fontSize545); styleRunProperties6.Append(fontSizeComplexScript546); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(basedOn4); style6.Append(primaryStyle3); style6.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FontStyle62" }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "Font Style62" }; BasedOn basedOn5 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts27 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold43 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript4 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize546 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript547 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties7.Append(runFonts27); styleRunProperties7.Append(bold43); styleRunProperties7.Append(boldComplexScript4); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSize546); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSizeComplexScript547); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(basedOn5); style7.Append(primaryStyle4); style7.Append(styleRunProperties7); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style11" }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заголовок" }; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Style12" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines4 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "240", After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties5.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties5.Append(spacingBetweenLines4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties8 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts28 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Liberation Sans", HighAnsi = "Liberation Sans", EastAsia = "Microsoft YaHei", ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; FontSize fontSize547 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript548 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties8.Append(runFonts28); styleRunProperties8.Append(fontSize547); styleRunProperties8.Append(fontSizeComplexScript548); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn6); style8.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style8.Append(primaryStyle5); style8.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style8.Append(styleRunProperties8); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style12" }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "Основной текст" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "140", Line = "288", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn7); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style9.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style10 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style13" }; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() { Val = "Список" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style12" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts29 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts29); style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(basedOn8); style10.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); style10.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style11 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style14" }; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName() { Val = "Название" }; BasedOn basedOn9 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties8 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SuppressLineNumbers suppressLineNumbers1 = new SuppressLineNumbers(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties8.Append(suppressLineNumbers1); styleParagraphProperties8.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts30 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript1 = new ItalicComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize548 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript549 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(runFonts30); styleRunProperties11.Append(italic1); styleRunProperties11.Append(italicComplexScript1); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize548); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSizeComplexScript549); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn9); style11.Append(styleParagraphProperties8); style11.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style12 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style15" }; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName() { Val = "Указатель" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle6 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties9 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SuppressLineNumbers suppressLineNumbers2 = new SuppressLineNumbers(); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(suppressLineNumbers2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties12 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts31 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; styleRunProperties12.Append(runFonts31); style12.Append(styleName12); style12.Append(basedOn10); style12.Append(primaryStyle6); style12.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style12.Append(styleRunProperties12); Style style13 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style16" }; StyleName styleName13 = new StyleName() { Val = "Блочная цитата" }; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle7 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines7 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "283" }; Indentation indentation47 = new Indentation() { Start = "567", End = "567", Hanging = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines7); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(indentation47); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(basedOn11); style13.Append(primaryStyle7); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style13.Append(styleRunProperties13); Style style14 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style17" }; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заглавие" }; BasedOn basedOn12 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Justification justification320 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(justification320); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties14 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold44 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript5 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize549 = new FontSize() { Val = "56" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript550 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "56" }; styleRunProperties14.Append(bold44); styleRunProperties14.Append(boldComplexScript5); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSize549); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript550); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(basedOn12); style14.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); style14.Append(styleRunProperties14); Style style15 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style18" }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() { Val = "Подзаголовок" }; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines8 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "120" }; Justification justification321 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines8); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(justification321); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties15 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize550 = new FontSize() { Val = "36" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript551 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; styleRunProperties15.Append(fontSize550); styleRunProperties15.Append(fontSizeComplexScript551); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn13); style15.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); style15.Append(styleRunProperties15); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles1; }