/// <summary> /// Extracts information from the first <see cref="DebuggerDisplayAttribute"/> on the runtime type of <paramref name="value"/>, if there is one. /// </summary> internal static bool TryGetDebuggerDisplayInfo(this DkmClrValue value, out DebuggerDisplayInfo displayInfo) { displayInfo = default(DebuggerDisplayInfo); // The native EE does not consider DebuggerDisplayAttribute // on null or error instances. if (value.IsError() || value.IsNull) { return(false); } var clrType = value.Type; DkmClrType attributeTarget; DkmClrDebuggerDisplayAttribute attribute; if (clrType.TryGetEvalAttribute(out attributeTarget, out attribute)) // First, as in dev12. { displayInfo = new DebuggerDisplayInfo(attributeTarget, attribute); return(true); } return(false); }
internal string GetValueString(DkmClrValue value, ObjectDisplayOptions options, GetValueFlags flags) { if (value.IsError()) { return((string)value.HostObjectValue); } if (UsesHexadecimalNumbers(value)) { options |= ObjectDisplayOptions.UseHexadecimalNumbers; } var lmrType = value.Type.GetLmrType(); if (IsPredefinedType(lmrType) && !lmrType.IsObject()) { if (lmrType.IsString()) { var stringValue = (string)value.HostObjectValue; if (stringValue == null) { return(_nullString); } return(IncludeObjectId( value, FormatString(stringValue, options), flags)); } else if (lmrType.IsCharacter()) { return(IncludeObjectId( value, FormatLiteral((char)value.HostObjectValue, options | ObjectDisplayOptions.IncludeCodePoints), flags)); } else { return(IncludeObjectId( value, FormatPrimitive(value, options & ~ObjectDisplayOptions.UseQuotes), flags)); } } else if (value.IsNull && !lmrType.IsPointer) { return(_nullString); } else if (lmrType.IsEnum) { return(IncludeObjectId( value, GetEnumDisplayString(lmrType, value, options, (flags & GetValueFlags.IncludeTypeName) != 0), flags)); } else if (lmrType.IsArray) { return(IncludeObjectId( value, GetArrayDisplayString(lmrType, value.ArrayDimensions, value.ArrayLowerBounds, options), flags)); } else if (lmrType.IsPointer) { // NOTE: the HostObjectValue will have a size corresponding to the process bitness // and FormatPrimitive will adjust accordingly. var tmp = FormatPrimitive(value, ObjectDisplayOptions.UseHexadecimalNumbers); // Always in hex. Debug.Assert(tmp != null); return(tmp); } else if (lmrType.IsNullable()) { var nullableValue = value.GetNullableValue(); // It should be impossible to nest nullables, so this recursion should introduce only a single extra stack frame. return(nullableValue == null ? _nullString : GetValueString(nullableValue, ObjectDisplayOptions.None, GetValueFlags.IncludeTypeName)); } // "value.EvaluateToString()" will check "Call string-conversion function on objects in variables windows" // (Tools > Options setting) and call "value.ToString()" if appropriate. return(IncludeObjectId( value, string.Format(_defaultFormat, value.EvaluateToString() ?? value.InspectionContext.GetTypeName(value.Type)), flags)); }
internal EvalResultDataItem CreateDataItem( DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext, string name, Type typeDeclaringMember, Type declaredType, DkmClrValue value, EvalResultDataItem parent, ExpansionFlags expansionFlags, bool childShouldParenthesize, string fullName, ReadOnlyCollection <string> formatSpecifiers, DkmEvaluationResultCategory category, DkmEvaluationResultFlags flags, DkmEvaluationFlags evalFlags) { if ((evalFlags & DkmEvaluationFlags.ShowValueRaw) != 0) { formatSpecifiers = Formatter.AddFormatSpecifier(formatSpecifiers, "raw"); } Expansion expansion; // If the declared type is Nullable<T>, the value should // have no expansion if null, or be expanded as a T. var lmrNullableTypeArg = declaredType.GetNullableTypeArgument(); if (lmrNullableTypeArg != null && !value.HasExceptionThrown(parent)) { Debug.Assert(value.Type.GetProxyType() == null); var nullableValue = value.GetNullableValue(inspectionContext); if (nullableValue == null) { Debug.Assert(declaredType.Equals(value.Type.GetLmrType())); // No expansion of "null". expansion = null; } else { value = nullableValue; Debug.Assert(lmrNullableTypeArg.Equals(value.Type.GetLmrType())); // If this is not the case, add a test for includeRuntimeTypeIfNecessary. expansion = this.GetTypeExpansion(inspectionContext, lmrNullableTypeArg, value, ExpansionFlags.IncludeResultsView); } } else if (value.IsError() || (inspectionContext.EvaluationFlags & DkmEvaluationFlags.NoExpansion) != 0) { expansion = null; } else { expansion = DebuggerTypeProxyExpansion.CreateExpansion( this, inspectionContext, name, typeDeclaringMember, declaredType, value, childShouldParenthesize, fullName, flags.Includes(DkmEvaluationResultFlags.ExceptionThrown) ? null : fullName, formatSpecifiers, flags, this.Formatter.GetEditableValue(value, inspectionContext)); if (expansion == null) { var expansionType = value.HasExceptionThrown(parent) ? value.Type.GetLmrType() : declaredType; expansion = this.GetTypeExpansion(inspectionContext, expansionType, value, expansionFlags); } } return(new EvalResultDataItem( ExpansionKind.Default, name, typeDeclaringMember, declaredType, parent: parent, value: value, displayValue: null, expansion: expansion, childShouldParenthesize: childShouldParenthesize, fullName: fullName, childFullNamePrefixOpt: flags.Includes(DkmEvaluationResultFlags.ExceptionThrown) ? null : fullName, formatSpecifiers: formatSpecifiers, category: category, flags: flags, editableValue: this.Formatter.GetEditableValue(value, inspectionContext), inspectionContext: inspectionContext)); }
private string GetEditableValue( DkmClrValue value, DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext, DkmClrCustomTypeInfo customTypeInfo ) { if (value.IsError()) { return(null); } if (value.EvalFlags.Includes(DkmEvaluationResultFlags.ReadOnly)) { return(null); } var type = value.Type.GetLmrType(); if (type.IsEnum) { return(this.GetValueString( value, inspectionContext, ObjectDisplayOptions.None, GetValueFlags.IncludeTypeName )); } else if (type.IsDecimal()) { return(this.GetValueString( value, inspectionContext, ObjectDisplayOptions.IncludeTypeSuffix, GetValueFlags.None )); } // The legacy EE didn't special-case strings or chars (when ",nq" was used, // you had to manually add quotes when editing) but it makes sense to // always automatically quote (non-null) strings and chars when editing. else if (type.IsString()) { if (!value.IsNull) { return(this.GetValueString( value, inspectionContext, ObjectDisplayOptions.UseQuotes | ObjectDisplayOptions.EscapeNonPrintableCharacters, GetValueFlags.None )); } } else if (type.IsCharacter()) { return(this.GetValueStringForCharacter( value, inspectionContext, ObjectDisplayOptions.UseQuotes | ObjectDisplayOptions.EscapeNonPrintableCharacters )); } return(null); }
private string GetValueString( DkmClrValue value, DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext, ObjectDisplayOptions options, GetValueFlags flags ) { if (value.IsError()) { return((string)value.HostObjectValue); } if (UsesHexadecimalNumbers(inspectionContext)) { options |= ObjectDisplayOptions.UseHexadecimalNumbers; } var lmrType = value.Type.GetLmrType(); if (IsPredefinedType(lmrType) && !lmrType.IsObject()) { if (lmrType.IsString()) { var stringValue = (string)value.HostObjectValue; if (stringValue == null) { return(_nullString); } return(IncludeObjectId(value, FormatString(stringValue, options), flags)); } else if (lmrType.IsCharacter()) { // check if HostObjectValue is null, since any of these types might actually be a synthetic value as well. if (value.HostObjectValue == null) { return(_hostValueNotFoundString); } return(IncludeObjectId( value, FormatLiteral( (char)value.HostObjectValue, options | ObjectDisplayOptions.IncludeCodePoints ), flags )); } else { return(IncludeObjectId( value, FormatPrimitive( value, options & ~( ObjectDisplayOptions.UseQuotes | ObjectDisplayOptions.EscapeNonPrintableCharacters ), inspectionContext ), flags )); } } else if (value.IsNull && !lmrType.IsPointer) { return(_nullString); } else if (lmrType.IsEnum) { return(IncludeObjectId( value, GetEnumDisplayString( lmrType, value, options, (flags & GetValueFlags.IncludeTypeName) != 0, inspectionContext ), flags )); } else if (lmrType.IsArray) { return(IncludeObjectId( value, GetArrayDisplayString( value.Type.AppDomain, lmrType, value.ArrayDimensions, value.ArrayLowerBounds, options ), flags )); } else if (lmrType.IsPointer) { // NOTE: the HostObjectValue will have a size corresponding to the process bitness // and FormatPrimitive will adjust accordingly. var tmp = FormatPrimitive( value, ObjectDisplayOptions.UseHexadecimalNumbers, inspectionContext ); // Always in hex. Debug.Assert(tmp != null); return(tmp); } else if (lmrType.IsNullable()) { var nullableValue = value.GetNullableValue(inspectionContext); // It should be impossible to nest nullables, so this recursion should introduce only a single extra stack frame. return(nullableValue == null ? _nullString : GetValueString( nullableValue, inspectionContext, ObjectDisplayOptions.None, GetValueFlags.IncludeTypeName )); } else if (lmrType.IsIntPtr()) { // check if HostObjectValue is null, since any of these types might actually be a synthetic value as well. if (value.HostObjectValue == null) { return(_hostValueNotFoundString); } if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { var intPtr = ((IntPtr)value.HostObjectValue).ToInt64(); return(FormatPrimitiveObject( intPtr, ObjectDisplayOptions.UseHexadecimalNumbers )); } else { var intPtr = ((IntPtr)value.HostObjectValue).ToInt32(); return(FormatPrimitiveObject( intPtr, ObjectDisplayOptions.UseHexadecimalNumbers )); } } else if (lmrType.IsUIntPtr()) { // check if HostObjectValue is null, since any of these types might actually be a synthetic value as well. if (value.HostObjectValue == null) { return(_hostValueNotFoundString); } if (UIntPtr.Size == 8) { var uIntPtr = ((UIntPtr)value.HostObjectValue).ToUInt64(); return(FormatPrimitiveObject( uIntPtr, ObjectDisplayOptions.UseHexadecimalNumbers )); } else { var uIntPtr = ((UIntPtr)value.HostObjectValue).ToUInt32(); return(FormatPrimitiveObject( uIntPtr, ObjectDisplayOptions.UseHexadecimalNumbers )); } } else { int cardinality; if (lmrType.IsTupleCompatible(out cardinality) && (cardinality > 1)) { var values = ArrayBuilder <string> .GetInstance(); if (value.TryGetTupleFieldValues(cardinality, values, inspectionContext)) { return(IncludeObjectId( value, GetTupleExpression(values.ToArrayAndFree()), flags )); } values.Free(); } } // "value.EvaluateToString()" will check "Call string-conversion function on objects in variables windows" // (Tools > Options setting) and call "value.ToString()" if appropriate. return(IncludeObjectId( value, string.Format( _defaultFormat, value.EvaluateToString(inspectionContext) ?? inspectionContext.GetTypeName( value.Type, CustomTypeInfo: null, FormatSpecifiers: NoFormatSpecifiers ) ), flags )); }
internal EvalResult CreateDataItem( DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext, string name, TypeAndCustomInfo typeDeclaringMemberAndInfo, TypeAndCustomInfo declaredTypeAndInfo, DkmClrValue value, bool useDebuggerDisplay, ExpansionFlags expansionFlags, bool childShouldParenthesize, string fullName, ReadOnlyCollection <string> formatSpecifiers, DkmEvaluationResultCategory category, DkmEvaluationResultFlags flags, DkmEvaluationFlags evalFlags) { if ((evalFlags & DkmEvaluationFlags.ShowValueRaw) != 0) { formatSpecifiers = Formatter.AddFormatSpecifier(formatSpecifiers, "raw"); } Expansion expansion; // If the declared type is Nullable<T>, the value should // have no expansion if null, or be expanded as a T. var declaredType = declaredTypeAndInfo.Type; var lmrNullableTypeArg = declaredType.GetNullableTypeArgument(); if (lmrNullableTypeArg != null && !value.HasExceptionThrown()) { Debug.Assert(value.Type.GetProxyType() == null); DkmClrValue nullableValue; if (value.IsError()) { expansion = null; } else if ((nullableValue = value.GetNullableValue(lmrNullableTypeArg, inspectionContext)) == null) { Debug.Assert(declaredType.Equals(value.Type.GetLmrType())); // No expansion of "null". expansion = null; } else { value = nullableValue; Debug.Assert(lmrNullableTypeArg.Equals(value.Type.GetLmrType())); // If this is not the case, add a test for includeRuntimeTypeIfNecessary. // CONSIDER: The DynamicAttribute for the type argument should just be Skip(1) of the original flag array. expansion = this.GetTypeExpansion(inspectionContext, new TypeAndCustomInfo(DkmClrType.Create(declaredTypeAndInfo.ClrType.AppDomain, lmrNullableTypeArg)), value, ExpansionFlags.IncludeResultsView); } } else if (value.IsError() || (inspectionContext.EvaluationFlags & DkmEvaluationFlags.NoExpansion) != 0) { expansion = null; } else { expansion = DebuggerTypeProxyExpansion.CreateExpansion( this, inspectionContext, name, typeDeclaringMemberAndInfo, declaredTypeAndInfo, value, childShouldParenthesize, fullName, flags.Includes(DkmEvaluationResultFlags.ExceptionThrown) ? null : fullName, formatSpecifiers, flags, Formatter2.GetEditableValueString(value, inspectionContext, declaredTypeAndInfo.Info)); if (expansion == null) { expansion = value.HasExceptionThrown() ? this.GetTypeExpansion(inspectionContext, new TypeAndCustomInfo(value.Type), value, expansionFlags) : this.GetTypeExpansion(inspectionContext, declaredTypeAndInfo, value, expansionFlags); } } return(new EvalResult( ExpansionKind.Default, name, typeDeclaringMemberAndInfo, declaredTypeAndInfo, useDebuggerDisplay: useDebuggerDisplay, value: value, displayValue: null, expansion: expansion, childShouldParenthesize: childShouldParenthesize, fullName: fullName, childFullNamePrefixOpt: flags.Includes(DkmEvaluationResultFlags.ExceptionThrown) ? null : fullName, formatSpecifiers: formatSpecifiers, category: category, flags: flags, editableValue: Formatter2.GetEditableValueString(value, inspectionContext, declaredTypeAndInfo.Info), inspectionContext: inspectionContext)); }
private static DkmEvaluationResult CreateEvaluationResult( DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext, DkmClrValue value, string name, string typeName, string display, EvalResultDataItem dataItem) { if (value.IsError()) { // Evaluation failed return(DkmFailedEvaluationResult.Create( InspectionContext: inspectionContext, StackFrame: value.StackFrame, Name: name, FullName: dataItem.FullName, ErrorMessage: display, Flags: dataItem.Flags, Type: typeName, DataItem: dataItem)); } else if (dataItem.Kind == ExpansionKind.NativeView) { // For Native View, create a DkmIntermediateEvaluationResult. This will allow the C++ EE // to take over expansion. DkmProcess process = inspectionContext.RuntimeInstance.Process; DkmLanguage cpp = process.EngineSettings.GetLanguage(new DkmCompilerId(DkmVendorId.Microsoft, DkmLanguageId.Cpp)); return(DkmIntermediateEvaluationResult.Create( InspectionContext: inspectionContext, StackFrame: value.StackFrame, Name: Resources.NativeView, FullName: dataItem.FullName, Expression: dataItem.Name, IntermediateLanguage: cpp, TargetRuntime: process.GetNativeRuntimeInstance(), DataItem: dataItem)); } else { ReadOnlyCollection <DkmCustomUIVisualizerInfo> customUIVisualizers = null; if (!value.IsNull) { DkmCustomUIVisualizerInfo[] customUIVisualizerInfo = value.Type.GetDebuggerCustomUIVisualizerInfo(); if (customUIVisualizerInfo != null) { customUIVisualizers = new ReadOnlyCollection <DkmCustomUIVisualizerInfo>(customUIVisualizerInfo); } } // If the EvalResultData item doesn't specify a particular category, we'll just propagate DkmClrValue.Category, // which typically appears to be set to the default value ("Other"). var category = (dataItem.Category != DkmEvaluationResultCategory.Other) ? dataItem.Category : value.Category; // Valid value return(DkmSuccessEvaluationResult.Create( InspectionContext: inspectionContext, StackFrame: value.StackFrame, Name: name, FullName: dataItem.FullName, Flags: dataItem.Flags, Value: display, EditableValue: dataItem.EditableValue, Type: typeName, Category: category, Access: value.Access, StorageType: value.StorageType, TypeModifierFlags: value.TypeModifierFlags, Address: value.Address, CustomUIVisualizers: customUIVisualizers, ExternalModules: null, DataItem: dataItem)); } }