public void Div_DivideRegisters_ResultAndOverflowAreCorrect() { var prev = new MutableState().Set(Register.A, 3).Set(Register.B, 2); var state = new Div(new Reg(Register.A), new Reg(Register.B)).Apply(prev); Assert.AreEqual(0x1, state.Get(Register.A)); Assert.AreEqual(0x8000, state.Get(Register.O)); }
public static void Execute (Atom parent){ var nb =new NavList (); nb.Add ("Simple Bootbox Dialog", handler: e=> Bootbox.Dialog("cayita is awesome")); nb.Add ("Custom Bootbox.Dialog I", handler: CustomDialog_1); nb.Add ("Custom Bootbox.Dialog 2", handler: CustomDialog_2); nb.Add ("Custom Bootbox.Dialog 3", handler: CustomDialog_3); nb.AddDivider (); nb.Add ("Alert", handler: e=> Bootbox.Alert("Alert!",()=> "Alert callback...".LogInfo())); nb.Add ("Confirm", handler: e=> Bootbox.Confirm("Confirm...",(c)=> ("Confirm callback "+c).LogInfo())); nb.Add ("Prompt", handler: e=> Bootbox.Prompt("Pormpt...",(s)=> ("Prompt callback "+s).LogInfo())); var code = new Div (); new Div (d=>{ d.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; d.JQuery.Append(nb).Append("C# code".Header(4)).Append(code); parent.Append(d); }); var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demomodals.html"); rq.Done (s=> code.InnerHTML=s); }
public static void Execute(Atom parent) { var fp = new Div ("bs-docs-example"); var ff = new FileField (fp); var ufb = CreateUploadButton (fp); var logf = new Div (fp); var imp = new Div ("bs-docs-example"); var imf = new ImgField (imp); var imb = CreateUploadButton (imp); var logim = new Div (imp); parent.JQuery .Append ("File Upload".Header(3)) .Append (fp) .Append ("Image Upload".Header(3)) .Append (imp); var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demofileupload.html"); rq.Done (s=> { var code=new Div(); code.InnerHTML= s; parent.JQuery.Append ("C# code".Header(3)).Append(code); }); ff.Changed+= (e) => ShowFileInfo(ufb, logf,ff.Input); imf.Changed+= (e) => ShowFileInfo(imb, logim, imf.Input); ufb.Clicked+= (e) => SendFile(ufb, ff.Input); imb.Clicked+= (e) => SendFile(imb, imf.Input); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.chkUseCustomProfileXml = new CheckBox() { Text = "Use custom publish settings..." }; var ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer = new Div() { ID = "ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer" }; this.txtProjectPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker(); this.txtProjectPublishProfileName = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml = new ValidatingTextBox() { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 7 }; ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer.Controls.Add(new Div("Enter custom publish profile XML:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml); this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox() { Required = true }; this.txtVisualStudioVersion = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = "12.0" }; this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = "Inherit credentials from extension configuration" }; this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox(); this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Project/Solution file:", this.txtProjectPath), new SlimFormField("Publish profile:", new Div("Profile Name:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileName, this.chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer), new SlimFormField("Build configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration), new SlimFormField("Visual Studio version:", this.txtVisualStudioVersion) { HelpText = "Visual Studio must be installed in order to publish directly from the command line. Choose " + "the version of Visual Studio that is installed on the selected server in order for Web Deploy to use the " + "appropriate build targets for the installed version. The default is 12.0 (Visual Studio 2013)." }, new SlimFormField("Credentials:", new Div(new Div("Username:"******"Password:"******"Additional MSBuild arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments) ); this.Controls.BindVisibility(chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer); }
static void CustomDialog_3(jQueryEvent e){ var item = e.CurrentTarget.As<NavItem> (); var dd = new Div(c=>{ new TextField(c, i=>i.Placeholder="name"); new CheckField(c,i=>{ i.Input.Text="I like cayita"; i.Input.Checked=true; i.Input.Disabled=true; }); new TextAreaInput(c, i=>i.Value="cayita is amazing ..."); }); Bootbox.Dialog (dd, new BootboxHandler { Callback=()=> item.Text.LogInfo(), Label="Go", Class="btn-info", }, new BootboxOptions { Header=item.Text, Classes="modal-large", OnEscape=()=> "Esc pressed".LogInfo() }); }
public static void Execute(Atom parent) { var nb =new NavList (); nb.Add ("Tables"); nb.Add ("Forms"); nb.Add ("Modals"); nb.Add ("Panels"); nb.AddDivider (); nb.Add ("Exit"); var log = new Div (); var code = new Div (); new Div (d=>{ d.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; d.JQuery.Append(nb).Append(log).Append("C# code".Header(4)).Append(code); parent.Append(d); }); nb.Selected += (e) => { var i = e.CurrentTarget.As<NavItem> (); log.Text= "{0} Clicked".Fmt(i.Text); }; var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demonavlist.html"); rq.Done (s=> code.Text=s); }
public void Div_DivisorIsZero_ResultAndOverflowAreZero() { var prev = new MutableState().Set(Register.A, 1); var state = new Div(new Reg(Register.A), new Literal(0)).Apply(prev); Assert.AreEqual(0x0, state.Get(Register.A)); Assert.AreEqual(0x0, state.Get(Register.O)); }
public static void Execute(Atom parent) { var nb =new NavBar (); nb.BrandText="App Title"; nb.Add ("Home"); nb.Add ("License"); nb.Add ("Contact"); var dd = new DropdownMenu (); dd.Text = "Config"; dd.Nav.Add ("Users"); dd.Nav.Add ("Groups"); nb.Add (dd); var log = new Div (); var code = new Div (); new Div (d=>{ d.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; d.JQuery.Append(nb).Append(log).Append("C# code".Header(4)).Append(code); parent.Append(d); }); nb.Selected += (e) => { var i = e.CurrentTarget.As<NavItem> (); log.Text= "{0} Clicked".Fmt(i.Text); }; var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demonavbar.html"); rq.Done (s=> code.Text=s); }
public void AddTag_ToString_RetrnTagWhithChild() { Div d = new Div(); d.AddTag("tagname"); string html = d.ToString(); string expected = "<div><tagname></tagname></div>"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, html); }
public void AddAttribute_ToString_TagWithAttribute() { Div d = new Div(); d.AddAttribute("attname", "val"); string html = d.ToString(); string expected = "<div attname=\"val\"></div>"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, html); }
public void Test_DivElement_Render_With_SubElement() { Div t = new Div(); t.AddElement(new Element("test")); t.AddElement(new Div()); Assert.AreEqual("<div><test></test><div></div></div>", t.Render(), "There's no test tag inside div"); }
public void AddTWoAttributes_ToString_TagWithAttributes() { Div d = new Div(); d.AddAttribute("first", "val1"); d.AddAttribute("second", "val2"); string html = d.ToString(); string expected = "<div first=\"val1\" second=\"val2\"></div>"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, html); }
public void AddClass_ToString_ReturnsTagWithClassAtribute() { Div d = new Div(); d.AddClass("classname"); string html = d.ToString(); string expected = "<div class=\"classname\"></div>"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, html); }
public void AddClassAddAttribute_ToString_TagWithClassesAndAttributes() { Div d = new Div(); d.AddClass("one"); d.AddAttribute("first", "val1"); string html = d.ToString(); string expected = "<div class=\"one\" first=\"val1\"></div>"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, html); }
static void ShowFileInfo(ButtonIcon bt, Div log, FileInput input) { log.Empty (); bt.Disabled = input.Files.Length == 0; foreach (var f in input.Files) { log.Append ("Name:{0}<br>Size:{1}<br>Type:{2}<br>LastModifiedDate:{3}<br>" .Fmt(f.Name,f.Size,f.Type,f.LastModifiedDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"))); } }
static int BruteForce() { int result = 0; var div = new Div(3, 2); for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++) { div = div.Next; if(div.NumeratorHasMoreDigitThanDenominator) { result++; } } return result; }
private void LoadChilds(IList<Clay.Logic.Modules.Control> controls, BControl bc) { foreach (Clay.Logic.Modules.Control item in controls) { BControl child = null; switch (item.Type) { case Enums.ControlType.Div: child = new Div { ID = item.ID, Float = item.Float, Clear = item.Clear, Width = item.Width, IsViewItem = item.IsViewItem, IsPanel = item.IsPanel }; break; case Enums.ControlType.Module: child = new ModuleControl { ID = item.ID, ModuleName = item.ModuleName }; break; } bc.Controls.Add(child); LoadChilds(item.Controls, child); } }
public void Test_DivElement_Render() { Div t = new Div(); t.Id("myDiv"); t.IsRowFluid(true); t.Size(GridUtils.FormatGrid(extraSmallSize: 12, largeSize: 12)); t.AddCss("testClass"); string render = t.Render(); Assert.IsTrue(render.Contains("id=\"myDiv\""), "Dv not contains id declaration"); Assert.IsTrue(render.Contains("class") && render.Contains("row"), "Div not contains class=\"row ...\" declaration"); Assert.IsTrue(render.Contains("class") && render.Contains("col-xs-12 col-lg-12"), "Div doesn't have grid responsive values"); Assert.IsTrue(render.Contains("class") && render.Contains("testClass"), "Div not contains class=\"testClass ...\" declaration"); Assert.AreEqual("<div class=\"testClass row col-xs-12 col-lg-12\" id=\"myDiv\"></div>", render, "Div don't have same values from test"); }
public virtual void TableWithSideMarginsBetweenFloatTest() { //TODO DEVSIX-4021 update cmp file after fix String outFileName = destinationFolder + "tableWithSideMarginsBetweenFloat.pdf"; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_tableWithSideMarginsBetweenFloat.pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFileName)); Document document = new Document(pdfDocument); Table table1 = CreateTable(HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); table1.SetMarginRight(150).SetMarginLeft(150); Table table2 = CreateTable(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); table2.SetMarginRight(300); Table table3 = CreateTable(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); table3.SetMarginLeft(300); Div div1 = CreateDiv(ColorConstants.GREEN, ClearPropertyValue.NONE, FloatPropertyValue.LEFT, UnitValue.CreatePointValue (100)); Div div2 = CreateDiv(ColorConstants.BLUE, ClearPropertyValue.NONE, FloatPropertyValue.RIGHT, UnitValue.CreatePointValue (100)); Div spaceDiv = new Div(); spaceDiv.SetProperty(Property.CLEAR, ClearPropertyValue.BOTH); spaceDiv.Add(new Paragraph("Space Div").SetFontColor(ColorConstants.BLUE)); document.Add(div1); document.Add(div2); document.Add(table1); document.Add(spaceDiv); document.Add(div1); document.Add(div2); document.Add(table2); document.Add(spaceDiv); document.Add(div1); document.Add(div2); document.Add(table3); document.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder )); }
public void PurchaseRocketWithGloballyOverridenMethods() { App.NavigationService.Navigate(""); Select sortDropDown = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByNameEndingWith <Select>("orderby"); Anchor protonMReadMoreButton = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByInnerTextContaining <Anchor>("Read more"); Anchor addToCartFalcon9 = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByAttributesContaining <Anchor>("data-product_id", "28").ToBeClickable(); Anchor viewCartButton = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByClassContaining <Anchor>("added_to_cart wc-forward").ToBeClickable(); TextField couponCodeTextField = App.ElementCreateService.CreateById <TextField>("coupon_code"); Button applyCouponButton = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByValueContaining <Button>("Apply coupon"); Number quantityBox = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByClassContaining <Number>("input-text qty text"); Div messageAlert = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByClassContaining <Div>("woocommerce-message"); Button updateCart = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByValueContaining <Button>("Update cart").ToBeClickable(); Anchor proceedToCheckout = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByClassContaining <Anchor>("checkout-button button alt wc-forward"); Heading billingDetailsHeading = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByInnerTextContaining <Heading>("Billing details"); Span totalSpan = App.ElementCreateService.CreateByXpath <Span>("//*[@class='order-total']//span"); sortDropDown.SelectByText("Sort by price: low to high"); protonMReadMoreButton.Hover(); addToCartFalcon9.Focus(); addToCartFalcon9.Click(); viewCartButton.Click(); couponCodeTextField.SetText("happybirthday"); applyCouponButton.Click(); messageAlert.ToHasContent().ToBeVisible().WaitToBe(); messageAlert.ValidateInnerTextIs("Coupon code applied successfully."); App.BrowserService.WaitForAjax(); quantityBox.SetNumber(2); // The overridden click delegate is called. updateCart.Click(); App.BrowserService.WaitForAjax(); totalSpan.ValidateInnerTextIs("114.00€", 15000); proceedToCheckout.Click(); billingDetailsHeading.ToBeVisible().WaitToBe(); }
public Element CreateElement() { var heading = new Heading("Draw"); var subtitle = new Paragraph("Click to draw a masterpiece"); var canvas = new Canvas { Width = 320, Height = 240, }; var context = canvas.GetContext2D(); canvas.Clicked += (s, e) => { context.BeginPath(); context.Rect(e.OffsetX - 5, e.OffsetY - 5, 10, 10); context.Fill(); }; canvas.Style.Cursor = "pointer"; canvas.Style.BorderColor = "#CCC"; canvas.Style.BorderStyle = "solid"; canvas.Style.BorderWidth = "1px"; var clearbtn = new Button("Clear") { Type = ButtonType.Submit, ClassName = "btn btn-danger", }; clearbtn.Clicked += (s, e) => { context.ClearRect(0, 0, canvas.Width, canvas.Height); }; clearbtn.Style.Display = "block"; var app = new Div(); app.AppendChild(heading); app.AppendChild(subtitle); app.AppendChild(canvas); app.AppendChild(clearbtn); return(app); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(string div) { Div bloco = null; if (div == "DivComum") { bloco = new DivComum(); } if (div == "DivFixo") { bloco = new DivFixo(); } bloco.Background = new BackgroundCor(); var backgrounds = new List <Background>(); var site = HttpHelper.GetPedidoId(); var pedido = await _context.Pedido.Include(p => p.Paginas).FirstAsync(p => p.Id == site); return(PartialView(bloco)); }
public virtual void MarginCollapseKeptTogetherDivGoesBackTest02() { // TODO DEVSIX-3995 The margin between the divs occupies 100 points instead of 300. After a fix the cmp should be updated String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_marginCollapseKeptTogetherDivGoesBackTest02.pdf"; String outFile = destinationFolder + "marginCollapseKeptTogetherDivGoesBackTest02.pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFile)); Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc); doc.SetProperty(Property.COLLAPSING_MARGINS, true); Div div1 = new Div().SetMarginBottom(300).SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.RED).SetHeight(300).Add(new Paragraph ("Bottom margin: 300")); doc.Add(div1); Div div2 = new Div().SetMarginTop(100).SetHeight(1000).SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.RED).Add(new Paragraph ("Top margin: 100")); div2.SetKeepTogether(true); doc.Add(div2); doc.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFile, cmpFileName, destinationFolder, "diff")); }
public ProgressDisplay(Overlay overlay) { _overlay = overlay; _divTitle = new Div(); _divTitle.SetClass("progress--title"); _divAnimationPart1 = new Div(); _divAnimationPart1.SetClass("line"); _divAnimationPart2 = new Div(); _divAnimationPart2.SetClass("line"); _divAnimationPart3 = new Div(); _divAnimationPart3.SetClass("line"); _divAnimationBg = new Div(); _divAnimationBg.SetClass("animation-bg"); _divAnimation = new Div(_divAnimationPart1, _divAnimationPart2, _divAnimationPart3, _divAnimationBg); _divAnimation.SetClass("progress--animation"); _btnAbort = new Button("Abort", OnAbort); _btnAbort.Hide(); _progressBar = new Util.ProgressBar(false); _progressContainer = new DumpContainer(_progressBar); _progressContainer.Hide(); _divWrap = new Div(_divTitle, _divAnimation, _progressContainer, _btnAbort); _divWrap.SetClass("progress-container"); _divContainer = new Div(_divWrap); _divContainer.SetClass("progress"); _divContainer.Hide(); VisualTree.Add(_divContainer); }
public PageAdminContent(ComponentJson owner) : base(owner) { new Html(this) { TextHtml = "<h1>Content Page</h1>" }; GridContent = new GridContent(this); GridContentMd = new GridContentMd(this); ButtonPublish = new Button(this) { TextHtml = "Update Navigation", CssClass = "button is-primary" }; var content = new Div(this) { CssClass = "content" }; Html = new Html(content) { IsNoSanatize = true, IsNoSanatizeScript = "if (typeof Prism != 'undefined') { Prism.highlightAll(); }" }; // IsNoSanatize because of html id for named anchor. }
public virtual void UpdateHeightTest01() { String testName = "updateHeightTest01.pdf"; String outFileName = destinationFolder + testName; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_" + testName; PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFileName)); pdfDoc.SetDefaultPageSize(new PageSize(102.0F, 102.0F)); Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc); Div div = new Div(); div.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.RED); div.Add(new Paragraph("row")); div.Add(new Paragraph("row 10")); div.SetKeepTogether(true); div.SetHeight(100); doc.Add(new Paragraph("a")); doc.Add(div); doc.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder , testName + "_diff")); }
public virtual void KeepTogetherInlineDiv02() { String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_keepTogetherInlineDiv02.pdf"; String outFile = destinationFolder + "keepTogetherInlineDiv02.pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFile)); Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc); doc.Add(new Paragraph("first string")); Div div = new Div().SetWidth(200); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 130; i++) { buffer.Append("Part #" + i + " of inline div"); } div.Add(new Paragraph(buffer.ToString())); div.SetKeepTogether(true); doc.Add(new Paragraph().Add(div)); doc.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFile, cmpFileName, destinationFolder, "diff")); }
private void btnequal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { num2 = double.Parse(txtboxdata.Text); double Pls; double Min; double Mul; double Div; switch (selectedOpera) { case "+": Pls = obj1.Plus((num1), (num2)); txtboxdata.Text = Pls.ToString(); break; case "-": Min = obj2.Minus((num1), (num2)); txtboxdata.Text = Min.ToString(); break; case "*": Mul = obj3.PMultiply((num1), (num2)); txtboxdata.Text = Mul.ToString(); break; case "/": Div = obj4.Divide((num1), (num2)); if (num2 == 0) { txtboxdata.Text = "Syntax ERROR"; } else { txtboxdata.Text = Div.ToString(); } break; } }
public static void SelectControlInBrowserByID(IE ie, string strID, Enumerators.ControlType ctrl) { if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Image) { Image imgCtrl = (Image)FindControlInBrowserByID(ie, strID, Enumerators.ControlType.Image); imgCtrl.Click(); } else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.TableCell) { TableCell tblCell = (TableCell)FindControlInBrowserByID(ie, strID, Enumerators.ControlType.TableCell); tblCell.Click(); } else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Button) { Button btnToSelect = (Button)FindControlInBrowserByID(ie, strID, Enumerators.ControlType.Button); btnToSelect.Click(); } else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Link) { Link lnkSelect = (Link)FindControlInBrowserByID(ie, strID, Enumerators.ControlType.Link); lnkSelect.Click(); } else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.CheckBox) { CheckBox chkToSelect = (CheckBox)FindControlInBrowserByID(ie, strID, Enumerators.ControlType.CheckBox); chkToSelect.Click(); } else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Div) { Div divToSelect = (Div)FindControlInBrowserByID(ie, strID, Enumerators.ControlType.Div); divToSelect.Click(); } else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Span) { Span spanToSelect = (Span)FindControlInBrowserByID(ie, strID, Enumerators.ControlType.Span); spanToSelect.Click(); } ie.WaitForComplete(); }
private void btnDiv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { float Div; bool C1 = float.TryParse(txtNum1.Text, out Div); if (C1 == false) { MessageBox.Show("請輸入數字", "Oops!"); return; } bool C2 = float.TryParse(txtNum2.Text, out Div); if (C2 == false) { MessageBox.Show("請輸入數字", "Oops!"); return; } Div = float.Parse(txtNum1.Text) / float.Parse(txtNum2.Text); labANS.Text = Div.ToString(); }
public virtual void DivWithBigRotatedParagraph() { String outFileName = destinationFolder + "divBigRotatedParagraphTest01.pdf"; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_divBigRotatedParagraphTest01.pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFileName)); Document doc = new Document(pdfDocument); String str = "Hello. I am a fairly long paragraph. I really want you to process me correctly. You heard that? Correctly!!! Even if you will have to wrap me."; Paragraph p = new Paragraph(new Text(str)).SetPadding(1f).SetBorder(new SolidBorder(ColorConstants.BLACK, 2)).SetMargin(3).SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.LIGHT_GRAY).SetRotationAngle(Math.PI / 8); Div d = new Div().SetPadding(4f).SetBorder(new SolidBorder(ColorConstants.GREEN, 5)).SetMargin(6); d.Add(p); d.Add(new Paragraph(("iText"))); MinMaxWidth result = ((AbstractRenderer)d.CreateRendererSubTree().SetParent(doc.GetRenderer())).GetMinMaxWidth (); d.SetWidth(ToEffectiveWidth(d, result.GetMinWidth())); doc.Add(d); doc.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder , "diff")); }
public virtual void RunTest() { //TODO(DEVSIX-2979): Produces non-conforming PDF/A document String file = "pdfABigNumber.pdf"; String filename = destinationFolder + file; using (Stream icm = new FileStream(sourceFolder + "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read )) { using (PdfADocument pdf = new PdfADocument(new PdfWriter(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create)), PdfAConformanceLevel .PDF_A_3U, new PdfOutputIntent("Custom", "", "", "sRGB ICC preference", icm))) { using (Document document = new Document(pdf)) { Div div = new Div(); div.SetMinWidth(float.MaxValue / 4); div.SetMinHeight(100); div.SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.LIGHT_GRAY); document.Add(div); } } } NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(filename, sourceFolder + "cmp_" + file, destinationFolder , "diff_")); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a list containing a grid of Divs based on the amount of padding and number of divs required. /// </summary> /// <param name="_xCount">The number of divs required on the X axis.</param> /// <param name="_yCount">The number of divs required on the Y axis.</param> /// <param name="_xPad">Amount of X padding in normalised screen space.</param> /// <param name="_yPad">Amount of Y padding in normalised screen space.</param> public void GenerateDivs(int _xCount, int _yCount, float _xPad, float _yPad, bool _outerOnly) { xCount = _xCount; yCount = _yCount; DeriveDivSize(_xPad, _yPad); for (int indexA = 0; indexA < xCount * yCount; ++indexA) { Div curDivision = new Div(); Vector2 coords = DeriveCoords(indexA); //This removes the need for a nested loop. //Check if the div is going to be on the outer edge. bool xIsOuter = (coords.x == 0 || coords.x == (xCount - 1)); bool yIsOuter = (coords.y == 0 || coords.y == (yCount - 1)); //If we're doing every division OR we're doing the outer divs and this div is on the outer edge. if (!_outerOnly || (_outerOnly && (xIsOuter || yIsOuter))) { //Calculate Bottom Left Bound on the X axis. float prevPad = _xPad * (1f + (coords.x * 2f)); float prevDiv = xDivSize * coords.x; curDivision.bottomLeftBound.x = prevPad + prevDiv; //Calculate Bottom Left Bound on the Y axis. prevPad = _yPad * (1f + (coords.y * 2f)); prevDiv = yDivSize * coords.y; curDivision.bottomLeftBound.y = prevPad + prevDiv; //Calculate Top Right Bounds by adding the known div sizes. curDivision.topRightBound.x = curDivision.bottomLeftBound.x + xDivSize; curDivision.topRightBound.y = curDivision.bottomLeftBound.y + yDivSize; //Add it to the list. divisions.Add(curDivision); } } }
public MultiSelectBox(Option[] options, int[] selectedIndexes = null, Action <MultiSelectBox> onSelectionChanged = null) { if (options != null && options.Length != 0) { Options = options; } _selectedIndexes = selectedIndexes; if (onSelectionChanged != null) { SelectionChanged += delegate { onSelectionChanged(this); }; } _checkBoxContainer = new DumpContainer(); _divContainer = new Div(_checkBoxContainer).SetClass("multi-select-box"); VisualTree.Add(_divContainer); }
public virtual void ImageInRotatedBlockTest02() { String outFileName = destinationFolder + "imageInRotatedBlockTest02.pdf"; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_imageInRotatedBlockTest02.pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFileName)); Document doc = new Document(pdfDocument); iText.Layout.Element.Image image = new iText.Layout.Element.Image(ImageDataFactory.Create(sourceFolder + "Desert.jpg" )); image.SetWidth(200); Div div = new Div(); div.SetHeight(100); div.SetRotationAngle(Math.PI / 2); div.SetBorder(new SolidBorder(ColorConstants.BLUE, 1)); div.Add(image); doc.Add(div); doc.Add(new Paragraph("Hello!!!").SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.RED)); doc.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder , "diff")); }
public virtual void InlineBlocksAndFloatsWithTextAlignmentTest02() { String testName = "inlineBlocksAndFloatsWithTextAlignmentTest02"; String outFileName = destinationFolder + testName + ".pdf"; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_" + testName + ".pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFileName)); pdfDocument.SetTagged(); Document document = new Document(pdfDocument); Paragraph parentPara = new Paragraph().SetTextAlignment(TextAlignment.JUSTIFIED); Div floatingDiv = new Div(); floatingDiv.SetProperty(Property.FLOAT, FloatPropertyValue.RIGHT); parentPara.Add("Text begin").Add(new Div().Add(new Paragraph("div text").SetBorder(new SolidBorder(2)))).Add (floatingDiv.Add(new Paragraph("floating div text")).SetBorder(new SolidBorder(ColorConstants.GREEN, 2 ))).Add("MoretextMoretextMoretext. MoretextMoretextMoretext. MoretextMoretextMoretext. MoretextMoretextMoretext. MoretextMoretextMoretext. " ); document.Add(parentPara.SetBorder(new DashedBorder(2))); document.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder , "diffTextAlign02_")); }
public virtual void ImageTest20() { String outFileName = destinationFolder + "imageTest20.pdf"; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_imageTest20.pdf"; PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(outFileName); PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(writer); Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc); iText.Layout.Element.Image image = new iText.Layout.Element.Image(ImageDataFactory.Create(sourceFolder + "Desert.jpg" )); image.SetAutoScaleWidth(true); Div container = new Div(); container.SetBorder(new SolidBorder(1f)); container.SetWidth(UnitValue.CreatePercentValue(60f)); container.SetHeight(UnitValue.CreatePointValue(300f)); container.Add(image); doc.Add(container); doc.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder , "diff")); }
public virtual void BlockAlignmentTest02() { String outFileName = destinationFolder + "blockAlignmentTest02.pdf"; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_blockAlignmentTest02.pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFileName)); Document document = new Document(pdfDocument); Div div = new Div(); PdfImageXObject xObject = new PdfImageXObject(ImageDataFactory.CreateJpeg(UrlUtil.ToURL(sourceFolder + "Desert.jpg" ))); iText.Layout.Element.Image image1 = new iText.Layout.Element.Image(xObject, 100).SetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment .RIGHT); iText.Layout.Element.Image image2 = new iText.Layout.Element.Image(xObject, 100).SetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment .CENTER); iText.Layout.Element.Image image3 = new iText.Layout.Element.Image(xObject, 100).SetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment .LEFT); div.Add(image1).Add(image2).Add(image3); document.Add(div); document.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder , "diff")); }
private Div GetPageElementPermAuthenticationViewParts(PageElement pageElement) { Div whoCanSeeDiv = new Div() { Class = { "form-group" } }; Label whoCanSeeLabel = new Label() { Text = "Who can see this Element?", Class = { "d-block" } }; RadioButton everyone = new RadioButton() { Inline = true, Name = "IsForAuthenticated", Value = "false", Id = "IsForAuthenticatedFalse", Text = "Everyone", Checked = !pageElement.ForAuthenticatedOnly }; RadioButton authenticatedOnly = new RadioButton() { Inline = true, Name = "IsForAuthenticated", Value = "true", Id = "IsForAuthenticatedTrue", Text = "Authenticated Users Only", Checked = pageElement.ForAuthenticatedOnly }; whoCanSeeDiv.Parts.AddRange(new List <ViewPart>() { whoCanSeeLabel, everyone, authenticatedOnly }); return(whoCanSeeDiv); }
public virtual void FixedPositioningTest04() { String outFileName = destinationFolder + "fixedPositioningTest04.pdf"; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_fixedPositioningTest04.pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFileName)); Document document = new Document(pdfDocument); document.GetPdfDocument().AddNewPage(); Div div = new Div().SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.LIGHT_GRAY).SetHeight(100).SetFixedPosition(1, 300, 300, 100).Add(new Paragraph("Hello, this is fairly long text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, " + "consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna " + "aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex " + "ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu " + "fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt " + "mollit anim id est laborum.").SetMargin(0)); document.Add(div); new PdfCanvas(document.GetPdfDocument().GetPage(1)).SetStrokeColor(ColorConstants.BLACK).Rectangle(300, 300 , 100, 100).Stroke().Release(); document.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder , "diff")); }
public virtual void CollapsingMarginsTest01() { String outFileName = destinationFolder + "collapsingMarginsTest01.pdf"; String cmpFileName = sourceFolder + "cmp_collapsingMarginsTest01.pdf"; PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(outFileName)); DrawPageBorders(pdfDocument, 4); String textByron = "When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home,\n" + " Let him combat for that of his neighbours;\n" + "Let him think of the glories of Greece and of Rome,\n" + " And get knocked on the head for his labours.\n" + "\n" + "To do good to Mankind is the chivalrous plan,\n" + " And is always as nobly requited;\n" + "Then battle for Freedom wherever you can,\n" + " And, if not shot or hanged, you'll get knighted."; Document doc = new Document(pdfDocument); doc.SetProperty(Property.COLLAPSING_MARGINS, true); doc.Add(new Paragraph("marker text").SetMargin(0)); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(textByron); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { p.Add(textByron); } Div div1 = new Div(); Div div2 = new Div(); div1.Add(p).SetBackgroundColor(new DeviceRgb(65, 151, 29)); div2.Add(p).SetBackgroundColor(new DeviceRgb(209, 247, 29)); div1.SetMarginBottom(20); div2.SetMarginTop(150); div2.SetMarginBottom(150); Div div = new Div().SetMarginTop(20).SetMarginBottom(10).SetBackgroundColor(new DeviceRgb(78, 151, 205)); div.Add(div1); div.Add(div2); doc.Add(div); doc.Close(); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(new CompareTool().CompareByContent(outFileName, cmpFileName, destinationFolder , "diff")); }
//Fin para saber operacion. //Calcular resultado. private void ButFin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Variables de resultado Double Div; //Segundo valor. P2 = Double.Parse(TBScreen.Text); switch (Op) { case "+": TBScreen.Text = Operacionesbasicas.suma(P1, P2).ToString(); break; case "-": TBScreen.Text = Operacionesbasicas.resta(P1, P2).ToString(); break; case "*": TBScreen.Text = Operacionesbasicas.mult(P1, P2).ToString(); break; case "/": Div = Operacionesbasicas.div(P1, P2);; if (Div != 0) { TBScreen.Text = Div.ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No se puede dividir entre 0."); } break; } LabelEstado.Text = ""; }
public void DirectNestedClassMatch_Test() { int priority; var defn = new StyleDefn(); defn.Match = " >"; var div1 = new Div(); div1.ElementName = "doc:Div"; div1.StyleClass = "red"; var div2 = new Div(); div2.ElementName = "doc:Div"; div2.StyleClass = "green"; div1.Contents.Add(div2); var para = new Paragraph(); para.ElementName = "doc:Para"; para.StyleClass = "blue"; div2.Contents.Add(para); var result = defn.IsMatchedTo(para, out priority); Assert.IsTrue(result, "The inner para was not matched as expected"); //Switch the parent to .red and parents parent to .green and it should not match //As not a direct parent div1.StyleClass = "green"; div2.StyleClass = "red"; result = defn.IsMatchedTo(div2, out priority); Assert.IsFalse(result, "The inner para was matched - not as expected"); }
/// <summary> /// Builds the toolbar and attaches it to the page. /// Called once the DataQuery completes and the toolbar data is available. /// </summary> private void OnReturnToolbarData(DataQueryResult res) { ToolbarBuildContext context = (ToolbarBuildContext)res.ContextData; // Apply any extensions to the data. res.QueryData = ApplyDataExtensions(res.QueryData); Toolbar = BuildToolbarFromData(res.QueryData, context); Toolbar.ToolbarBuilder = this; BuildClient.OnComponentCreated(Toolbar, Toolbar.Id); Toolbar.RefreshInternal(); Placeholder.AppendChild(Toolbar.ElementInternal); // If there's a jewel on the toolbar, position the left buttondock adjacent to it foreach (ButtonDock dock in Toolbar.Children) { if (dock.Alignment == DataNodeWrapper.LEFTALIGN) { Div jewelContainer = (Div)Browser.Document.GetById("jewelcontainer"); if (!CUIUtility.IsNullOrUndefined(jewelContainer)) { if (Toolbar.TextDirection == Direction.LTR) { dock.ElementInternal.Style.Left = jewelContainer.OffsetWidth + "px"; } else { dock.ElementInternal.Style.Right = jewelContainer.OffsetWidth + "px"; } } break; } } Utility.EnsureCSSClassOnElement(Placeholder, "loaded"); BuildClient.OnComponentBuilt(Toolbar, Toolbar.Id); }
Div cmdGetMain(ModuleInfo module) { var main = new Div(cls: "markdown-11q6EU"); if (module == null) { main.Children.Add(msgBox("error", "There is no module by that name.")); return(main); } main.Children.Add(linkHeader(1, module.Name)); if (module.Summary != null) { main.Children.Add(docParagraph().WithRawText(module.Summary)); } if (module.Preconditions.Count > 0) { main.Children.Add(explainPreconditions(true, module.Preconditions.ToArray())); } foreach (var x in module.Commands) { var req = new HttpReqUrl(x.Aliases.First(), x.Name); foreach (var param in x.Parameters) { req.AddParam(param); } main.Children.Add(req.ToHtml()); if (x.Summary != null) { main.Children.Add(docParagraph().WithRawText(x.Summary)); } if (x.Preconditions.Count > 0) { main.Children.Add(explainPreconditions(false, x.Preconditions.ToArray())); } } return(main); }
private void BtnIgual_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { segundo = double.Parse(txtScreen.Text); double Sum; double Res; double Mul; double Div; double Por; switch (operador) { case "+": Sum = obj.Sumar((primero), (segundo)); txtScreen.Text = Sum.ToString(); break; case "-": Res = obj2.Restar((primero), (segundo)); txtScreen.Text = Res.ToString(); break; case "/": Div = obj4.Dividir((primero), (segundo)); txtScreen.Text = Div.ToString(); break; case "*": Mul = obj3.Multiplicar((primero), (segundo)); txtScreen.Text = Mul.ToString(); break; case "%": Por = obj5.Porcentaje((primero), (segundo)); txtScreen.Text = Por.ToString(); break; } }
public Node ExprMul() { var node = ExprUnary(); while (firstOfExprMul.Contains(CurrentToken)) { switch (CurrentToken) { case TokenCategory.MULTIPLICATION: var node_mul = new Mul(); node_mul.AnchorToken = Expect(TokenCategory.MULTIPLICATION); node_mul.Add(node); node_mul.Add(ExprUnary()); node = node_mul; break; case TokenCategory.MODULO: var node_rem = new Rem(); node_rem.AnchorToken = Expect(TokenCategory.MODULO); node_rem.Add(node); node_rem.Add(ExprUnary()); node = node_rem; break; case TokenCategory.DIVIDE: var node_div = new Div(); node_div.AnchorToken = Expect(TokenCategory.DIVIDE); node_div.Add(node); node_div.Add(ExprUnary()); node = node_div; break; default: throw new SyntaxError(firstOfExprMul, tokenStream.Current); } } return(node); }
protected void ManipulatePdf(string dest) { PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest)); Document doc = new Document(pdfDocument); String bigText = "Hello. I am a fairly long paragraph. I really want you to process me correctly." + " You heard that? Correctly!!! Even if you will have to wrap me."; Style rotatedStyle = new Style().SetPadding(0).SetMargin(0).SetBorder(new SolidBorder(ColorConstants.BLUE, 2)).SetBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.LIGHT_GRAY); Style contentStyle = new Style().SetPadding(0).SetMargin(0).SetBorder(new SolidBorder(ColorConstants.GREEN , 2)).SetWidth(400); LineSeparator line = new LineSeparator(new SolidLine(1)); //width of rotated element isn't set, so it's width will be set automatically Div contentDiv = new Div().AddStyle(contentStyle); contentDiv.Add(new Paragraph("Short paragraph").AddStyle(rotatedStyle).SetRotationAngle(Math.PI * 3 / 8)); contentDiv.Add(line); contentDiv.Add(new Paragraph(bigText).AddStyle(rotatedStyle).SetRotationAngle(Math.PI * 3 / 8)); contentDiv.Add(line); contentDiv.Add(new Paragraph(bigText).AddStyle(rotatedStyle).SetRotationAngle(Math.PI / 30)); doc.Add(contentDiv); doc.Add(new AreaBreak()); //fixed width of rotated elements, so the content inside will be located according set width contentDiv = new Div().AddStyle(contentStyle).SetWidth(200); contentDiv.Add(new Paragraph(bigText).AddStyle(rotatedStyle).SetWidth(400).SetRotationAngle(Math.PI / 2)); doc.Add(contentDiv); doc.Add(new Paragraph(bigText).AddStyle(rotatedStyle).SetWidth(800).SetRotationAngle(Math.PI / 30)); doc.Close(); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtBaseUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "ex: http://tfsserver:80/tfs", Required = true }; this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtDomain = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox(); ddlAuthentication = new DropDownList() { ID = "ddlAuthentication" }; ddlAuthentication.Items.Add(new ListItem("System", "system")); ddlAuthentication.Items.Add(new ListItem("Specify account...", "specify")); var ffgAuthentication = new SlimFormField("Authentication:", ddlAuthentication); var ffgCredentials = new Div( new SlimFormField("User name:", this.txtUserName), new SlimFormField("Password:"******"Domain:", this.txtDomain) ); this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("TFS URL:", this.txtBaseUrl), ffgAuthentication, ffgCredentials, new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator( w => { w.Write("$('#{0}').change(function(){{", this.ddlAuthentication.ClientID); w.Write("if($(this).val() == 'system') $('#{0}').hide(); else $('#{0}').show();", ffgCredentials.ClientID); w.Write("});"); w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.ddlAuthentication.ClientID); } ) ); }
private void LoadDiv(Div divobj,TreeNode node) { TreeNode div = new TreeNode("Div"); foreach (WatiN.Core.Div obj in divobj.Divs) { if (obj.Id != null && obj.Id.ToString() != "") { TreeNode nodeD = new TreeNode(obj.Id); nodeD.Nodes.Add(obj.Id, "Id = " + obj.Id); nodeD.Nodes.Add(obj.Name, "Name = " + obj.Name); nodeD.Nodes.Add(obj.ClassName, "ClassName = " + obj.ClassName); //nodeD.Nodes.Add("Text = " + obj.Text); //nodeB.Nodes.Add("Tilte = " + obj.Title.ToString()); div.Nodes.Add(nodeD); TreeNode textBox1 = new TreeNode("TextBox"); foreach (WatiN.Core.TextField obj1 in obj.TextFields) { TreeNode nodeA1 = new TreeNode(obj1.Name); nodeA1.Nodes.Add(obj1.Id, "Id = " + obj1.Id); nodeA1.Nodes.Add(obj1.Name, "Name = " + obj1.Name); nodeA1.Nodes.Add(obj1.ReadOnly.ToString(), "ReadOnly = " + obj1.ReadOnly.ToString()); nodeA1.Nodes.Add(obj1.Text, "Text = " + obj1.Text); nodeA1.Nodes.Add(obj1.Value, "Value = " + obj1.Value); textBox1.Nodes.Add(nodeA1); } nodeD.Nodes.Add(textBox1); TreeNode button1 = new TreeNode("Button"); foreach (WatiN.Core.Button obj1 in obj.Buttons) { TreeNode nodeB1 = new TreeNode(obj1.Value); nodeB1.Nodes.Add(obj1.Id, "Id = " + obj1.Id); nodeB1.Nodes.Add(obj1.Text, "ClassName = " + obj1.ClassName); nodeB1.Nodes.Add(obj1.Text, "Text = " + obj1.Text); nodeB1.Nodes.Add(obj1.Value, "Value = " + obj1.Value); //nodeB.Nodes.Add("Tilte = " + obj.Title.ToString()); button1.Nodes.Add(nodeB1); } nodeD.Nodes.Add(button1); TreeNode link1 = new TreeNode("Link"); foreach (WatiN.Core.Link obj1 in obj.Links) { //if (obj.ClassName != null && obj.ClassName.ToString() != "") { TreeNode nodeL1 = new TreeNode(obj1.Text); nodeL1.Nodes.Add("Id = " + obj1.Id); nodeL1.Nodes.Add("Value = " + obj1.Name); nodeL1.Nodes.Add("Text = " + obj1.Text); nodeL1.Nodes.Add("Link = " + obj1.Url); nodeL1.Nodes.Add("Class = " + obj1.ClassName); //nodeB.Nodes.Add("Tilte = " + obj.Title.ToString()); link1.Nodes.Add(nodeL1); } } nodeD.Nodes.Add(link1); LoadDiv(obj, nodeD); } } node.Nodes.Add(div); }
void Paint(Element parent) { new Div(parent, div=>{ div.ClassName="span6 offset3 well"; div.Hide(); }) ; SearchDiv= new Div(default(Element), searchdiv=>{ searchdiv.ClassName= "span6 offset3 nav"; var inputFecha=new InputText(searchdiv, ip=>{ ip.ClassName="input-medium search-query"; ip.SetAttribute("data-mask","99.99.9999"); ip.SetPlaceHolder(""); }).Element(); new IconButton(searchdiv, (abn, ibn)=>{ ibn.ClassName="icon-search icon-large"; abn.JSelect().Click(evt=>{ if( ! inputFecha.Value.IsDateFormatted()){ Div.CreateAlertErrorAfter(SearchDiv.Element(),"Digite una fecha valida"); return; } LoadGastos( inputFecha.Value.ToServerDate() ); }); }); BNew= new IconButton(searchdiv, (abn, ibn)=>{ ibn.ClassName="icon-plus-sign icon-large"; abn.JSelect().Click(evt=>{ FormDiv.FadeIn(); GridDiv.FadeOut(); Form.Element().Reset(); BDelete.Element().Disabled=true; }); }); BDelete=new IconButton(searchdiv, (abn, ibn)=>{ ibn.ClassName="icon-remove-sign icon-large"; abn.Disabled=true; abn.JSelect().Click(evt=>{ RemoveRow(); }); }); BList= new IconButton(searchdiv, (abn, ibn)=>{ ibn.ClassName="icon-reorder icon-large"; abn.Disabled=true; abn.JSelect().Click(evt=>{ FormDiv.FadeOut(); GridDiv.FadeIn(); abn.Disabled=true; }); }); }); SearchDiv.AppendTo(parent); FormDiv= new Div(default(Element), formdiv=>{ formdiv.ClassName="span6 offset3 well"; Form = new Form(formdiv, f=>{ f.ClassName="form-horizontal"; f.Action="api/Gasto/"; f.Method="post"; var inputId= new InputText(f, e=>{ e.Name="Id"; e.Hide(); }); var cbConcepto=new SelectField(f, (e)=>{ e.Name="IdConcepto"; e.ClassName="span12"; new HtmlOption(e, o=>{ o.Value=""; o.Selected=true; o.Text="Seleccione el concepto ..."; }); LoadConceptos(e); }); var cbFuente= new SelectField(f, (e)=>{ e.Name="IdFuente"; e.ClassName="span12"; new HtmlOption(e, o=>{ o.Value=""; o.Selected=true; o.Text="Seleccione la fuente de pago ..."; }); LoadFuentes(e); }); var fieldValor= new TextField(f,(field)=>{ field.ClassName="span12"; field.Name="Valor"; field.SetPlaceHolder("$$$$$$$$$$"); field.AutoNumericInit(); field.Style.TextAlign="right"; }); new TextField(f,(field)=>{ field.ClassName="span12"; field.Name="Beneficiario"; field.SetPlaceHolder("Pagado a ...."); }); new TextField(f,(field)=>{ field.ClassName="span12"; field.Name="Descripcion"; field.SetPlaceHolder("Descripcion"); }); var bt = new SubmitButton(f, b=>{ b.JSelect().Text("Guardar"); b.LoadingText(" Guardando ..."); b.ClassName="btn btn-info btn-block" ; }); var vo = new ValidateOptions() .SetSubmitHandler( form=>{ bt.ShowLoadingText(); var action= form.Action+(string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputId.Value())?"create":"update"); jQuery.PostRequest<BLResponse<Gasto>>(action, form.AutoNumericGetString(), cb=>{},"json") .Success(d=>{ Cayita.Javascript.Firebug.Console.Log("Success guardar gasto",d); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputId.Value()) ) AppendRow(d.Result[0]); else UpdateRow(d.Result[0]); form.Reset(); }) .Error((request, textStatus, error)=>{ Cayita.Javascript.Firebug.Console.Log("request", request ); Cayita.Javascript.Firebug.Console.Log("error", error ); Div.CreateAlertErrorBefore(form.Elements[0], textStatus+": "+ request.StatusText); }) .Always(a=>{ bt.ResetLoadingText(); }); }) .AddRule((rule, msg)=>{ rule.Element=fieldValor.Element(); rule.Rule.Required(); msg.Required("Digite el valor del gasto"); }) .AddRule((rule, msg)=>{ rule.Element=cbConcepto.Element(); rule.Rule.Required(); msg.Required("Seleccione el concepto"); }) .AddRule((rule, msg)=>{ rule.Element=cbFuente.Element(); rule.Rule.Required(); msg.Required("Seleccione al fuente del pago"); }); f.Validate(vo); }); }); FormDiv.AppendTo(parent); GridDiv= new Div(default(Element), gdiv=>{ gdiv.ClassName="span10 offset1"; TableGastos= new HtmlTable(gdiv, table=>{ InitTable (table); }); gdiv.Hide(); }); GridDiv.AppendTo(parent); }
public Div Div() { Div d = new Div(); Divs.Add(d); return d; }
// Generates content of webSettingsPart1. private void GenerateWebSettingsPart1Content(WebSettingsPart webSettingsPart1) { WebSettings webSettings1 = new WebSettings() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15 w16se" } }; webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w16se", ""); Divs divs1 = new Divs(); Div div1 = new Div() { Id = "198011547" }; BodyDiv bodyDiv1 = new BodyDiv() { Val = true }; LeftMarginDiv leftMarginDiv1 = new LeftMarginDiv() { Val = "60" }; RightMarginDiv rightMarginDiv1 = new RightMarginDiv() { Val = "60" }; TopMarginDiv topMarginDiv1 = new TopMarginDiv() { Val = "60" }; BottomMarginDiv bottomMarginDiv1 = new BottomMarginDiv() { Val = "15" }; DivBorder divBorder1 = new DivBorder(); TopBorder topBorder90 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder89 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder95 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder89 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; divBorder1.Append(topBorder90); divBorder1.Append(leftBorder89); divBorder1.Append(bottomBorder95); divBorder1.Append(rightBorder89); DivsChild divsChild1 = new DivsChild(); Div div2 = new Div() { Id = "1885019551" }; LeftMarginDiv leftMarginDiv2 = new LeftMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; RightMarginDiv rightMarginDiv2 = new RightMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; TopMarginDiv topMarginDiv2 = new TopMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; BottomMarginDiv bottomMarginDiv2 = new BottomMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; DivBorder divBorder2 = new DivBorder(); TopBorder topBorder91 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder90 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder96 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder90 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; divBorder2.Append(topBorder91); divBorder2.Append(leftBorder90); divBorder2.Append(bottomBorder96); divBorder2.Append(rightBorder90); div2.Append(leftMarginDiv2); div2.Append(rightMarginDiv2); div2.Append(topMarginDiv2); div2.Append(bottomMarginDiv2); div2.Append(divBorder2); Div div3 = new Div() { Id = "1927107593" }; LeftMarginDiv leftMarginDiv3 = new LeftMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; RightMarginDiv rightMarginDiv3 = new RightMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; TopMarginDiv topMarginDiv3 = new TopMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; BottomMarginDiv bottomMarginDiv3 = new BottomMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; DivBorder divBorder3 = new DivBorder(); TopBorder topBorder92 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder91 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder97 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder91 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; divBorder3.Append(topBorder92); divBorder3.Append(leftBorder91); divBorder3.Append(bottomBorder97); divBorder3.Append(rightBorder91); div3.Append(leftMarginDiv3); div3.Append(rightMarginDiv3); div3.Append(topMarginDiv3); div3.Append(bottomMarginDiv3); div3.Append(divBorder3); divsChild1.Append(div2); divsChild1.Append(div3); div1.Append(bodyDiv1); div1.Append(leftMarginDiv1); div1.Append(rightMarginDiv1); div1.Append(topMarginDiv1); div1.Append(bottomMarginDiv1); div1.Append(divBorder1); div1.Append(divsChild1); Div div4 = new Div() { Id = "1653750813" }; LeftMarginDiv leftMarginDiv4 = new LeftMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; RightMarginDiv rightMarginDiv4 = new RightMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; TopMarginDiv topMarginDiv4 = new TopMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; BottomMarginDiv bottomMarginDiv4 = new BottomMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; DivBorder divBorder4 = new DivBorder(); TopBorder topBorder93 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder92 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder98 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder92 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; divBorder4.Append(topBorder93); divBorder4.Append(leftBorder92); divBorder4.Append(bottomBorder98); divBorder4.Append(rightBorder92); div4.Append(leftMarginDiv4); div4.Append(rightMarginDiv4); div4.Append(topMarginDiv4); div4.Append(bottomMarginDiv4); div4.Append(divBorder4); divs1.Append(div1); divs1.Append(div4); OptimizeForBrowser optimizeForBrowser1 = new OptimizeForBrowser(); RelyOnVML relyOnVML1 = new RelyOnVML(); AllowPNG allowPNG1 = new AllowPNG(); webSettings1.Append(divs1); webSettings1.Append(optimizeForBrowser1); webSettings1.Append(relyOnVML1); webSettings1.Append(allowPNG1); webSettingsPart1.WebSettings = webSettings1; }
public static void Execute (Atom parent){ Task v= new Task( ()=> Firebug.Console.Log("hello")); v.Start (); var store = new UserStore (); var grid = new UserGrid (parent, store); store.Read (); var form = new UserForm (parent); form.ButtonCreate.Disabled = false; form.ButtonCreate.Clicked+= (e) => { grid.ClearSelection(); form.Clear(); }; form.ButtonDestroy.Clicked+= (e) => { form.Clear(); var u = store.First(r=>r.Id== int.Parse( grid.SelectedRow.RecordId )); store.Remove(u); }; form.Changed+= (e) => { form.ButtonSave.Disabled= !form.HasChanges(); }; form.Updated += (fr, ac) => { form.ButtonDestroy.Disabled= ac == FormUpdatedAction.Clear; form.ButtonSave.Disabled=true; }; form.SubmitHandler = fr => SubmitHandler (grid, form, store); grid.RowSelected += (g, row) => { var u = store.First(r=>r.Id== int.Parse( row.RecordId)); form.PopulateFrom(u); }; parent.Append("Paged Tables".Header (3)); var cu = new CustomerStore (); new CustomerGrid(parent, cu); parent.Append (new StorePager<Customer>(cu)); cu.Read (); parent.Append ("Filters".Header (3)); var cu2 = new CustomerStore (); new TextInput (parent, i=> { i.Placeholder="Country"; i.On("keyup", evt=>{ var st = i.Value.ToUpper(); cu2.Filter( f=>f.Country.ToUpper().StartsWith(st)); }); }); new CustomerGrid (parent, cu2); parent.Append (new StorePager<Customer>(cu2)); cu2.Read (); parent.Append ("C# code".Header(3)); var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demotables.html"); rq.Done (s=> { var code=new Div(); code.InnerHTML= s; parent.Append(code); }); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtBaseUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "ex: http://tfsserver:80/tfs", Required = true }; this.txtCustomReleaseNumberFieldName = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "iteration" }; this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtDomain = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox(); this.chkAllowHtml = new CheckBox { Text = "Allow HTML in issue descriptions" }; this.txtCustomClosedStates = new ValidatingTextBox() { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3, DefaultText = "Closed\r\nResolved" }; ddlAuthentication = new DropDownList { ID = "ddlAuthentication", Items = { new ListItem("System", "system"), new ListItem("Specify account...", "specify") } }; this.ddlUseWiql = new DropDownList { ID = "ddlUseWiql", Items = { new ListItem("Not using a custom query", "False"), new ListItem("Custom WIQL query", "True") } }; var ffgAuthentication = new SlimFormField("Authentication:", ddlAuthentication); var ffgCredentials = new Div( new SlimFormField("User name:", this.txtUserName), new SlimFormField("Password:"******"Domain:", this.txtDomain) ); this.txtWiql = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5 }; var ctlWiql = new SlimFormField("WIQL query:", this.txtWiql) { HelpText = "This will be sent to TFS directly, after BuildMaster variables have been replaced. This WIQL query should return all issues " + "for the current BuildMaster release. Any release-level or higher BuildMaster variables may be used in this query." }; var ctlNoWiql = new SlimFormField("Release number field:", this.txtCustomReleaseNumberFieldName) { HelpText = HelpText.FromHtml("If you store your TFS work item release numbers in a custom field, enter the full field \"refname\" of the custom field here - otherwise leave this field blank and \"Iteration\" will be used to retrieve them.<br /><br />For more information on custom work item types, visit <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>") }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("TFS URL:", this.txtBaseUrl), ffgAuthentication, ffgCredentials, new SlimFormField("Query mode:", this.ddlUseWiql), ctlNoWiql, ctlWiql, new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkAllowHtml), new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator( w => { w.Write("$('#{0}').change(function(){{", this.ddlAuthentication.ClientID); w.Write("if($(this).val() == 'system') $('#{0}').hide(); else $('#{0}').show();", ffgCredentials.ClientID); w.Write("});"); w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.ddlAuthentication.ClientID); w.Write("$('#{0}').change(function(){{", this.ddlUseWiql.ClientID); w.Write("if($(this).val() == 'False') {{ $('#{0}').hide(); $('#{1}').show(); }} else {{ $('#{0}').show(); $('#{1}').hide(); }}", ctlWiql.ClientID, ctlNoWiql.ClientID); w.Write("});"); w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.ddlUseWiql.ClientID); } ), new SlimFormField("Closed statuses:", this.txtCustomClosedStates) { HelpText = "The newline-separated list of issue states in TFS that BuildMaster will use to determine if a synchronized issue is closed." } ); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a item from a telerik "select list" element /// </summary> /// <param name="comboBoxLink">The link object that expands the drop down. Ex. ModuleComboBox</param> /// <param name="comboBoxDiv">The div object containing all of the list items for the drop down. Ex. ModuleSelectDiv</param> /// <param name="selectListClass">The class to filter all of the items within the comboBoxDiv by. /// The currently selected item will have the class "rcbHovered ", all others will have the class "rcbItem ".</param> /// <param name="ItemText">The text of the item in the drop down.</param> /// <returns>The list item from the drop down, considered an Element object instead of a list item.</returns> public Element GetItemFromTelerikComboBox(Link comboBoxLink, Div comboBoxDiv, string selectListClass, string ItemText) { //Click Drop down comboBoxLink.Click(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1500); //Find Item to Select //Find all List Item elements that match the class ElementCollection selectListElements = comboBoxDiv.Elements.Filter(Find.ByClass(selectListClass)); Element result = null; //Search for the desired Element foreach (Element e in selectListElements) { if (e.InnerHtml.Contains(ItemText)) { //Found the Element result = e; break; } continue; } return result; }
// Generates content of webSettingsPart1. private static void GenerateWebSettingsPart1Content(WebSettingsPart webSettingsPart1) { WebSettings webSettings1 = new WebSettings() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); webSettings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); Divs divs1 = new Divs(); Div div1 = new Div() { Id = "714617678" }; BodyDiv bodyDiv1 = new BodyDiv() { Val = true }; LeftMarginDiv leftMarginDiv1 = new LeftMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; RightMarginDiv rightMarginDiv1 = new RightMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; TopMarginDiv topMarginDiv1 = new TopMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; BottomMarginDiv bottomMarginDiv1 = new BottomMarginDiv() { Val = "0" }; DivBorder divBorder1 = new DivBorder(); TopBorder topBorder2 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder2 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder3 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder2 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; divBorder1.Append(topBorder2); divBorder1.Append(leftBorder2); divBorder1.Append(bottomBorder3); divBorder1.Append(rightBorder2); div1.Append(bodyDiv1); div1.Append(leftMarginDiv1); div1.Append(rightMarginDiv1); div1.Append(topMarginDiv1); div1.Append(bottomMarginDiv1); div1.Append(divBorder1); divs1.Append(div1); OptimizeForBrowser optimizeForBrowser1 = new OptimizeForBrowser(); RelyOnVML relyOnVML1 = new RelyOnVML(); AllowPNG allowPNG1 = new AllowPNG(); webSettings1.Append(divs1); webSettings1.Append(optimizeForBrowser1); webSettings1.Append(relyOnVML1); webSettings1.Append(allowPNG1); webSettingsPart1.WebSettings = webSettings1; }
protected override void Initialize() { //Tamanho da Tela graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1024; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 768; graphics.ApplyChanges(); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); spriteBatch.Begin(); spriteBatch.Draw(Content.Load<Texture2D>("loading"), new Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2), Color.White); Log = new Text.RealText.Login(this, Content.Load<SpriteFont>("font3")); teste = new Connection(); Time = new Tempo(); Time.globHighscore = teste.getHighscore(); Time.globNome = teste.getName(); Game1 = new Jogo1(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Inimigo"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("Nave")); Game2 = new Jogo2(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Ball")); Game3 = new Jogo3(); Game4 = new Jogo4(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Inimigo"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("mouse")); Game5 = new Jogo5(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Inimigo"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("Nave"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("Tiro")); Game6 = new Jogo6(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Inimigo"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("mouse")); Divs = new Div(); register = false; spriteBatch.End(); base.Initialize(); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.ddlProjectBuildConfiguration = new DropDownList() { Items = { new ListItem("Debug", "Debug"), new ListItem("Release", "Release"), new ListItem("Other...", "Other") } }; this.txtOtherConfig = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 150 }; this.divConfig = new Div() { ID = "divConfig" }; this.divConfig.Controls.Add(this.txtOtherConfig); this.txtProjectPath = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300, Required = true }; this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 }; this.Controls.Add( new FormFieldGroup("Project or Solution File Path", "The path to the MVC project file or solution file.<br /><br />This path may be absolute or relative to the default directory.", false, new StandardFormField("Project File:", this.txtProjectPath) ), new FormFieldGroup("Project Build Configuration", "The build configuration and platform for your project (usually either Debug or Release).", false, new StandardFormField("Project Build Configuration:", this.ddlProjectBuildConfiguration, this.divConfig) ), new FormFieldGroup("Additional Arguments", "Any additional arguments to pass to MSBuild.", false, new StandardFormField("Additional Arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments) ) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtExePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker { Required = true, DefaultText = @"ex: C:\Program Files\Example\MyExampleService.exe" }; this.txtArguments = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "none" }; this.txtServiceName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtDisplayName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtDescription = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "none" }; this.txtUserAccount = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "NT AUTHORITY\\LocalSystem" }; this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox(); this.chkRecreate = new CheckBox { Text = "Reinstall if a service with the same name is already installed" }; var ctlRecreateContainer = new Div(this.chkRecreate) { ID = "ctlRecreateContainer" }; this.chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled = new CheckBox { ID = "chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled", Text = "Log error if service with same name is already installed" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Service executable:", this.txtExePath), new SlimFormField("Executable arguments:", this.txtArguments), new SlimFormField("Service name:", this.txtServiceName), new SlimFormField("Service display name:", this.txtDisplayName), new SlimFormField("Service description:", this.txtDescription), new SlimFormField("User account:", this.txtUserAccount) { HelpText = HelpText.FromHtml("Supply a user account which the service will run as. <i>NT AUTHORITY\\LocalSystem</i> is used if an account is not supplied. " + "To use Network Service, enter <i>NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService</i>.<br/><br/>" + "If a built in service account is used, leave the password field blank.") }, new SlimFormField("User account password:"******"Options:", new Div(this.chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled), ctlRecreateContainer ), new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator( w => { w.Write( "$('#{0}').change(function(){{if($(this).attr('checked')) $('#{1}').hide(); else $('#{1}').show();}});", this.chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled.ClientID, ctlRecreateContainer.ClientID ); w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled.ClientID); } ) ); }