private void ChangeDisplayWindow(IResolution resolution)
            currentResolution = resolution;

            foreach (var window in windows)
                var screen = window.Screen;

                var createWindowParams = CreateWindowParams.FullScreen(
                    Name, resolution, null);

                createWindowParams.TargetScreen = screen;

                windows.Add(new DisplayWindow(createWindowParams));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (new AgateWinForms(args).Initialize())
                using (var windows = new DisplayWindowCollection())
                    Dictionary <DisplayWindow, Color> windowColors = new Dictionary <DisplayWindow, Color>();
                    double        hue     = 0;
                    DisplayWindow primary = null;

                    foreach (var screen in Display.Screens.AllScreens)
                        var window = new DisplayWindow(new CreateWindowParams
                            TargetScreen = screen,
                            Resolution   = new Resolution(500, 400)

                        // Some fancy code in here to make each window have a different color.
                        windowColors[window] = Color.FromHsv(hue, 1, 1);
                        hue += 60;

                        if (screen.IsPrimary)
                            // If the primary window is closed, exit the example.
                            primary         = window;
                            primary.Closed += (sender, e) => AgateApp.IsAlive = false;


                    // Register a key press handler. This will terminate the application if the escape key is pressed.
                    Input.Unhandled.KeyDown += (sender, e) =>
                        if (e.KeyCode == KeyCode.Escape)
                            AgateApp.IsAlive = false;

                    var font = new Font(Font.AgateSerif)
                        Size          = 14,
                        Style         = FontStyles.Bold,
                        TextAlignment = OriginAlignment.Center

                    // Run the game loop
                    while (AgateApp.IsAlive)
                        foreach (var window in windows.Where(window => window.IsClosed == false))
                            // We need to set the render target before drawing so that we can draw to
                            // each monitor individually.
                            Display.RenderTarget = window.FrameBuffer;

                            Point point = new Point(10, 10);
                            Size  size  = new Size(15, 15);

                            for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
                                Rectangle dest = new Rectangle(point, size);
                                Display.Primitives.FillRect(Color.FromHsv(i * 10, 1, 1), dest);

                                point.X += 10;
                                point.Y += 10;

                            if (window == primary)
                                font.DrawText(300, 100, "Welcome to\nAgateLib!");


                        // A call to Core.KeepAlive is required to process input events and play nice with the OS.