예제 #1
        private async Task Connect()
            if (_hubConnection != null)
                if (_hubConnection.State != ConnectionState.Disconnected)

                // Dispose/Stop the old connection on a bg thread, we don't care about it anymore
                var oldConnection = _hubConnection;
                Task.Run(() => oldConnection.Dispose()).Forget();

            Status = "Connecting...";

            // The DispatchingHubConnection will execute all callbacks via the Dispatcher (UI thread)
            // so the need for locking and posting is drastically reduced.
            _hubConnection = new DispatchingHubConnection(_hubUrl, Dispatcher);

            // Enable tracing
            _hubConnection.TraceLevel  = TraceLevels.All;
            _hubConnection.TraceWriter = new CollectionTraceWriter(LogMessages, Dispatcher);

            // Handle the connection lifetime events
            _hubConnection.Reconnecting += () =>
                if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Reconnecting)
                    CanSend = false;
                    Status  = "Connection reconnecting...";
            _hubConnection.Reconnected += () =>
                if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Connected)
                    Status  = string.Format("Connected to {0} via {1}", _hubUrl, _hubConnection.Transport.Name);
                    CanSend = true;
            _hubConnection.Closed += async() =>
                if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Disconnected)
                    CanSend = false;
                    Status  = "Connection lost, reconnecting in a bit...";
                    await Task.Delay(_reconnectDelay);
                    await Connect();
            _hubConnection.Error += ex =>

            _hubProxy = _hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("chat");

            _hubProxy.On <string>("userJoined", userName =>
                Messages.Add(new Message(string.Format("{0} joined", userName)));
            _hubProxy.On <string, string>("newMessage", (userName, message) =>
                Messages.Add(new Message(message, userName));

            while (true)
                    // HTTP streaming transports don't work well on the Windows Phone stack so we force long polling.
                    // We're adding support for WebSockets to Windows Store/Phone 8.1 apps in SignalR 2.2.0
                    await _hubConnection.Start(new LongPollingTransport());

                    if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Connected)
                        Status  = string.Format("Connected to {0} via {1}", _hubUrl, _hubConnection.Transport.Name);
                        CanSend = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    Status = string.Format("Connecting to {0} failed, trying again in a bit", _hubUrl);
                await Task.Delay(_reconnectDelay);
예제 #2
        private async Task Connect()
            if (_hubConnection != null)
                if (_hubConnection.State != ConnectionState.Disconnected)

                // Dispose/Stop the old connection on a bg thread, we don't care about it anymore
                var oldConnection = _hubConnection;
                Task.Run(() => oldConnection.Dispose()).Forget();

            Status = "Connecting...";

            // The DispatchingHubConnection will execute all callbacks via the Dispatcher (UI thread)
            // so the need for locking and posting is drastically reduced.
            _hubConnection = new DispatchingHubConnection(_hubUrl, Dispatcher);

            // Enable tracing
            _hubConnection.TraceLevel = TraceLevels.All;
            _hubConnection.TraceWriter = new CollectionTraceWriter(LogMessages, Dispatcher);

            // Handle the connection lifetime events
            _hubConnection.Reconnecting += () =>
                if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Reconnecting)
                    CanSend = false;
                    Status = "Connection reconnecting...";
            _hubConnection.Reconnected += () =>
                if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Connected)
                    Status = string.Format("Connected to {0} via {1}", _hubUrl, _hubConnection.Transport.Name);
                    CanSend = true;
            _hubConnection.Closed += async () =>
                if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Disconnected)
                    CanSend = false;
                    Status = "Connection lost, reconnecting in a bit...";
                    await Task.Delay(_reconnectDelay);
                    await Connect();
            _hubConnection.Error += ex =>

            _hubProxy = _hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("chat");

            _hubProxy.On<string>("userJoined", userName =>
                Messages.Add(new Message(string.Format("{0} joined", userName)));
            _hubProxy.On<string, string>("newMessage", (userName, message) =>
                Messages.Add(new Message(message, userName));

            while (true)
                    // HTTP streaming transports don't work well on the Windows Phone stack so we force long polling.
                    // We're adding support for WebSockets to Windows Store/Phone 8.1 apps in SignalR 2.2.0
                    await _hubConnection.Start(new LongPollingTransport());
                    if (_hubConnection.State == ConnectionState.Connected)
                        Status = string.Format("Connected to {0} via {1}", _hubUrl, _hubConnection.Transport.Name);
                        CanSend = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    Status = string.Format("Connecting to {0} failed, trying again in a bit", _hubUrl);
                await Task.Delay(_reconnectDelay);