public PausedMode(TorrentManager manager, DiskManager diskManager, ConnectionManager connectionManager, EngineSettings settings) : base(manager, diskManager, connectionManager, settings) { // When in the Paused mode, a special RateLimiter will // activate and disable transfers. PauseMode itself // does not need to do anything special. }
/// <summary> /// Uninitializes the torrent engine. /// </summary> public static void Uninitialize() { if (!isInitialized) { return; } Log.LogInfo("[Engine] Shutting down TorrentEngine."); isInitialized = false; isStopping = true; workQueueResetEvent.Set(); TorrentRegistry.StopAllActiveTorrents(); PeerListener.StopListening(); LocalPeerListener.StopListening(); LocalPeerDiscovery.Uninitialize(); DiskManager.Uninitialize(); if (engineThread != null) { engineThread.Join(); engineThread = null; } }
public DownloadMode(TorrentManager manager, DiskManager diskManager, ConnectionManager connectionManager, EngineSettings settings) : base(manager, diskManager, connectionManager, settings) { manager.HashFails = 0; // Ensure the state is correct. We should either be downloading or seeding based on // the files whose priority is not set to 'DoNotDownload'. if (manager.Complete) { state = TorrentState.Seeding; } else { state = TorrentState.Downloading; UpdatePartialProgress(); if (Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount > 0) { // If some files are marked as DoNotDownload and we have downloaded all downloadable files, mark the torrent as 'seeding'. // Otherwise if we have not downloaded all downloadable files, set the state to Downloading. if (Manager.Bitfield.CountTrue(Manager.PartialProgressSelector) == Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount && state == TorrentState.Downloading) { state = TorrentState.Seeding; } } } }
public void Setup() { conn = new ConnectionPair().WithTimeout(); Settings = new EngineSettings(); PieceWriter = new TestWriter(); DiskManager = new DiskManager(Settings, PieceWriter); ConnectionManager = new ConnectionManager("LocalPeerId", Settings, DiskManager); TrackerManager = new ManualTrackerManager(); int[] fileSizes = { Piece.BlockSize / 2, Piece.BlockSize * 32, Piece.BlockSize * 2, Piece.BlockSize * 13, }; Manager = TestRig.CreateMultiFileManager(fileSizes, Piece.BlockSize * 2); Manager.SetTrackerManager(TrackerManager); Peer = new PeerId(new Peer("", new Uri("ipv4://"), EncryptionTypes.All), conn.Outgoing, Manager.Bitfield?.Clone().SetAll(true)) { ProcessingQueue = true, IsChoking = false, AmInterested = true, }; }
internal async Task UpdateSeedingDownloadingState() { UpdatePartialProgress(); //If download is fully complete, set state to 'Seeding' and send an announce to the tracker. if (Manager.Complete && state == TorrentState.Downloading) { state = TorrentState.Seeding; await Task.WhenAll( Manager.TrackerManager.AnnounceAsync (TorrentEvent.Completed, CancellationToken.None).AsTask(), DiskManager.FlushAsync(Manager) ); Manager.RaiseTorrentStateChanged(new TorrentStateChangedEventArgs(Manager, TorrentState.Downloading, TorrentState.Seeding)); } else if (Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount > 0) { // If some files are marked as DoNotDownload and we have downloaded all downloadable files, mark the torrent as 'seeding'. // Otherwise if we have not downloaded all downloadable files, set the state to Downloading. if (Manager.Bitfield.CountTrue(Manager.PartialProgressSelector) == Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount && state == TorrentState.Downloading) { state = TorrentState.Seeding; await DiskManager.FlushAsync(Manager); Manager.RaiseTorrentStateChanged(new TorrentStateChangedEventArgs(Manager, TorrentState.Downloading, TorrentState.Seeding)); } else if (Manager.Bitfield.CountTrue(Manager.PartialProgressSelector) < Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount && state == TorrentState.Seeding) { state = TorrentState.Downloading; await DiskManager.FlushAsync(Manager); Manager.RaiseTorrentStateChanged(new TorrentStateChangedEventArgs(Manager, TorrentState.Seeding, TorrentState.Downloading)); } } }
public HashingMode(TorrentManager manager, DiskManager diskManager, ConnectionManager connectionManager, EngineSettings settings) : base(manager, diskManager, connectionManager, settings) { // Mark it as completed so we are *not* paused by default; PausedCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <object> (); PausedCompletionSource.TrySetResult(null); }
public InitialSeedingMode(TorrentManager manager, DiskManager diskManager, ConnectionManager connectionManager, EngineSettings settings) : base(manager, diskManager, connectionManager, settings) { unchoker = new InitialSeedUnchoker(manager); manager.chokeUnchoker = unchoker; zero = new BitField(manager.Bitfield.Length); }
internal async ReusableTask TryHashPendingFilesAsync () { // If we cannot handle peer messages then we should not try to async hash. // This adds a little bit of a double meaning to the property (for now). // Any mode which doesn't allow processing peer messages also does not allow // partial hashing. if (hashingPendingFiles || !Manager.HasMetadata || !CanHandleMessages) return; // FIXME: Handle errors from DiskManager and also handle cancellation if the Mode is replaced. hashingPendingFiles = true; try { foreach (TorrentFile file in Manager.Torrent.Files) { // If the start piece *and* end piece have been hashed, then every piece in between must've been hashed! if (file.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload && (Manager.UnhashedPieces[file.StartPieceIndex] || Manager.UnhashedPieces[file.EndPieceIndex])) { for (int index = file.StartPieceIndex; index <= file.EndPieceIndex; index++) { if (Manager.UnhashedPieces[index]) { byte[] hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync (Manager.Torrent, index); Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested (); bool hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid (hash, index); Manager.OnPieceHashed (index, hashPassed, 1, 1); if (hashPassed) Manager.finishedPieces.Enqueue (new HaveMessage (index)); } } } } } finally { hashingPendingFiles = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the torrent engine. /// </summary> public static void Initialize() { if (isInitialized) { return; } isInitialized = true; Log.LogInfo("[Engine] Starting up TorrentEngine."); if (engineThread != null) { engineThread.Join(); engineThread = null; } isStopping = false; workQueueResetEvent.Set(); DiskManager.Initialize(); PeerListener.StartListening(); LocalPeerListener.StartListening(); LocalPeerDiscovery.Initialize(); engineThread = new Thread(EngineLoop); engineThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; engineThread.Name = "TorrentEngineThread"; engineThread.Start(); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { Debug.Log("Start"); SSDirector.getInstance().currentSceneController = this; DM = Singleton <DiskManager> .Instance; SR = Singleton <ScoreRecorder> .Instance; RD = Singleton <RoundData> .Instance; }
public async Task WaitForHashingToComplete() { if (!Manager.HasMetadata) { throw new TorrentException("A hash check cannot be performed if TorrentManager.HasMetadata is false."); } // Ensure the partial progress selector is up to date before we start hashing UpdatePartialProgress(); int piecesHashed = 0; Manager.HashFails = 0; // Delete any existing fast resume data. We will need to recreate it after hashing completes. await Manager.MaybeDeleteFastResumeAsync(); if (await DiskManager.CheckAnyFilesExistAsync(Manager)) { Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); for (int index = 0; index < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; index++) { if (!Manager.Files.Any(f => index >= f.StartPieceIndex && index <= f.EndPieceIndex && f.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload)) { // If a file is marked 'do not download' ensure we update the TorrentFiles // so they also report that the piece is not available/downloaded. Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, false, piecesHashed, Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount); // Then mark this piece as being unhashed so we don't try to download it. Manager.UnhashedPieces[index] = true; continue; } await PausedCompletionSource.Task; Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); byte[] hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager, index); if (Cancellation.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { await DiskManager.CloseFilesAsync(Manager); Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); } bool hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid(hash, index); Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed, ++piecesHashed, Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount); } } else { await PausedCompletionSource.Task; for (int i = 0; i < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; i++) { Manager.OnPieceHashed(i, false, ++piecesHashed, Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count); } } }
public async Task WaitForHashingToComplete() { if (!Manager.HasMetadata) { throw new TorrentException("A hash check cannot be performed if TorrentManager.HasMetadata is false."); } Manager.HashFails = 0; // Delete any existing fast resume data. We will need to recreate it after hashing completes. await Manager.MaybeDeleteFastResumeAsync(); bool atLeastOneDoNotDownload = Manager.Files.Any(t => t.Priority == Priority.DoNotDownload); if (await DiskManager.CheckAnyFilesExistAsync(Manager)) { int piecesHashed = 0; Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // bep52: Properly support this using var hashBuffer = MemoryPool.Default.Rent(Manager.InfoHashes.GetMaxByteCount(), out Memory <byte> hashMemory); var hashes = new PieceHash(hashMemory); for (int index = 0; index < Manager.Torrent !.PieceCount; index++) { if (atLeastOneDoNotDownload && !Manager.Files.Any(f => index >= f.StartPieceIndex && index <= f.EndPieceIndex && f.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload)) { // If a file is marked 'do not download' ensure we update the TorrentFiles // so they also report that the piece is not available/downloaded. Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, false, piecesHashed, Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount); // Then mark this piece as being unhashed so we don't try to download it. Manager.UnhashedPieces[index] = true; continue; } await PausedCompletionSource.Task; Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var successful = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager, index, hashes); if (Cancellation.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { await DiskManager.CloseFilesAsync(Manager); Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); } bool hashPassed = successful && Manager.PieceHashes.IsValid(hashes, index); Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed, ++piecesHashed, Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount); } } else { await PausedCompletionSource.Task; for (int i = 0; i < Manager.Torrent !.PieceCount; i++) { Manager.OnPieceHashed(i, false, i + 1, Manager.Torrent.PieceCount); } } }
protected Mode(TorrentManager manager, DiskManager diskManager, ConnectionManager connectionManager, EngineSettings settings) { Cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); ConnectionManager = connectionManager; DiskManager = diskManager; Manager = manager; Settings = settings; manager.chokeUnchoker = new ChokeUnchokeManager(manager, manager.Settings.MinimumTimeBetweenReviews, manager.Settings.PercentOfMaxRateToSkipReview); }
protected Mode(TorrentManager manager, DiskManager diskManager, ConnectionManager connectionManager, EngineSettings settings) { Cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); ConnectionManager = connectionManager; DiskManager = diskManager; Manager = manager; Settings = settings; manager.chokeUnchoker = new ChokeUnchokeManager(new TorrentManagerUnchokeable(manager)); }
public DownloadMode(TorrentManager manager, DiskManager diskManager, ConnectionManager connectionManager, EngineSettings settings) : base(manager, diskManager, connectionManager, settings) { manager.HashFails = 0; // Ensure the state is correct. We should either be downloading or seeding based on // the files whose priority is not set to 'DoNotDownload'. state = manager.Complete ? TorrentState.Seeding : TorrentState.Downloading; UpdateSeedingDownloadingState(); }
public static void CheckCommand(string command) { try { if (command == "crash") { SystemManager.FatalError("TEST_CRASH", "Test crash"); } else if (command == "diskpart") { currentApp = new Diskpart(); } else if (command.StartsWith("create")) { string name = workingDir + command.Substring(7); string content = command.Substring(7 + name.Length + 1); DiskManager.CreateFile(name, content); } else if (command.StartsWith("cd")) { string dir = command.Substring(3); if (dir == "..") { workingDir = @"\" + workingDir.Substring(0, workingDir.Length - workingDir.Substring(workingDir.IndexOf(@"\")).Length); } else { workingDir += dir + @"\"; } } else if (command == "clear") { Console.Clear(); } else if (command.StartsWith("read")) { Console.WriteLine(DiskManager.ReadFile(workingDir + command.Substring(5))); } else if (command == "dir") { DiskManager.ListFiles("0", workingDir); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command."); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: ", e.ToString()); } }
public Nativefier(int maxCount, string appName) { if (maxCount < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Nativefier max count must be greater than 1"); } appName.CheckForNullAndThrow("appName cannot be null"); appName.CheckIsEmptyAndThrow("appName cannot be empty"); MemoryManager = new MemoryManager <T>((maxCount / 2) > 0 ? (maxCount / 2) : 1); DiskManager = new DiskManager <T>(maxCount, appName); }
async void WritePieceAsync (PieceMessage message, Piece piece) { long offset = (long) message.PieceIndex * Manager.Torrent.PieceLength + message.StartOffset; try { await DiskManager.WriteAsync (Manager.Torrent, offset, message.Data, message.RequestLength); if (Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) return; } catch (Exception ex) { Manager.TrySetError (Reason.WriteFailure, ex); return; } finally { ClientEngine.BufferPool.Return (message.Data); } piece.TotalWritten++; // If we haven't received all the pieces to disk, there's no point in hash checking if (!piece.AllBlocksWritten) return; // Hashcheck the piece as we now have all the blocks. byte[] hash; try { hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync (Manager.Torrent, piece.Index); if (Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) return; } catch (Exception ex) { Manager.TrySetError (Reason.ReadFailure, ex); return; } bool result = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid (hash, piece.Index); Manager.OnPieceHashed (piece.Index, result, 1, 1); Manager.PieceManager.PendingHashCheckPieces[piece.Index] = false; if (!result) Manager.HashFails++; for (int i = 0; i < piece.Blocks.Length; i++) if (piece.Blocks[i].RequestedOff != null) peers.Add ((PeerId) piece.Blocks[i].RequestedOff); foreach (PeerId peer in peers) { peer.Peer.HashedPiece (result); if (peer.Peer.TotalHashFails == 5) ConnectionManager.CleanupSocket (Manager, peer); } peers.Clear (); // If the piece was successfully hashed, enqueue a new "have" message to be sent out if (result) Manager.finishedPieces.Enqueue (new HaveMessage (piece.Index)); }
protected override void BeforeRun() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.WriteLine("Starting mayaOS"); Console.WriteLine("Starting FileSystem"); DiskManager.RegisterFileSystem(); Console.WriteLine("Done"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Clear(); UserManager.UserManager.InitUserManager(); UserManager.UserManager.Login(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome {0}", user); }
public async Task WaitForHashingToComplete() { if (!Manager.HasMetadata) { throw new TorrentException("A hash check cannot be performed if TorrentManager.HasMetadata is false."); } Manager.HashFails = 0; if (await DiskManager.CheckAnyFilesExistAsync(Manager.Torrent)) { Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); for (int index = 0; index < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; index++) { if (!Manager.Torrent.Files.Any(f => index >= f.StartPieceIndex && index <= f.EndPieceIndex && f.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload)) { // If a file is marked 'do not download' ensure we update the TorrentFiles // so they also report that the piece is not available/downloaded. Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, false); // Then mark this piece as being unhashed so we don't try to download it. Manager.UnhashedPieces[index] = true; continue; } await PausedCompletionSource.Task; Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager.Torrent, index); if (Cancellation.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { await DiskManager.CloseFilesAsync(Manager.Torrent); Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); } var hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid(hash, index); Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed); } } else { await PausedCompletionSource.Task; for (int i = 0; i < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; i++) { Manager.OnPieceHashed(i, false); } } }
public void MoveDisksTest(int count) { var diskManager = new DiskManager(count); diskManager.MoveDisks(); var tower = diskManager.Destination; // Verify Destination tower has all the disks int disk = 1; while(disk == count) { Assert.Equal(disk++, tower.Pop()); } }
private void ProcExport(object obj) { try { RecordDisk recordDisk = DiskManager.GetInstance().GetDisk(driveName);// new RecordDisk(drive); FileStream fs = (FileStream)obj; recordDisk.Export(fs); fs.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { driveName = comboBox1.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(driveName)) { gridControl1.DataSource = null; return; } RecordDisk recordDisk = DiskManager.GetInstance().GetDisk(driveName);// new RecordDisk(drive); gridControl1.DataSource = recordDisk.RecordList; JudgeSelect(); }
async Task VerifyHashState() { // FIXME: I should really just ensure that zero length files always exist on disk. If the first file is // a zero length file and someone deletes it after the first piece has been written to disk, it will // never be recreated. If the downloaded data requires this file to exist, we have an issue. if (Manager.HasMetadata) { foreach (var file in Manager.Torrent.Files) { if (!file.BitField.AllFalse && Manager.HashChecked && file.Length > 0) { Manager.HashChecked &= await DiskManager.CheckFileExistsAsync(file); } } } }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string drive = comboBox1.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(drive)) { gridControl1.DataSource = null; return; } RecordDisk recordDisk = DiskManager.GetInstance().GetDisk(drive);// new RecordDisk(drive); DiskChannel diskChannel = new DiskChannel(recordDisk); gridControl1.DataSource = diskChannel.Channels; }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { RecordDisk recordDisk = DiskManager.GetInstance().GetDisk(driveName); if (recordDisk.ExportOK) { wizardPage2.AllowNext = true; progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum; progressBar2.Value = progressBar2.Maximum; timer1.Enabled = false; } else { progressBar1.Value = (int)(progressBar1.Maximum * recordDisk.CurrentFileRate); progressBar2.Value = (int)(progressBar2.Maximum * recordDisk.ExportRate); } }
public async Task WaitForHashingToComplete() { if (!Manager.HasMetadata) { throw new TorrentException("A hash check cannot be performed if TorrentManager.HasMetadata is false."); } Manager.HashFails = 0; if (await DiskManager.CheckAnyFilesExistAsync(Manager.Torrent)) { Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); for (int index = 0; index < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; index++) { if (!Manager.Torrent.Files.Any(f => index >= f.StartPieceIndex && index <= f.EndPieceIndex && f.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload)) { Manager.Bitfield [index] = false; continue; } await PausedCompletionSource.Task; Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager.Torrent, index); if (Cancellation.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { await DiskManager.CloseFilesAsync(Manager.Torrent); Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); } var hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid(hash, index); Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed); } } else { await PausedCompletionSource.Task; for (int i = 0; i < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; i++) { Manager.OnPieceHashed(i, false); } } }
public Nativefier(int diskMaxCount, int memoryMaxCount, string appName, string containerName) { if (diskMaxCount < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Nativefier disk max count must be greater than 1"); } if (memoryMaxCount < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Nativefier memory max count must be greater than 1"); } appName.CheckForNullAndThrow("appName cannot be null"); appName.CheckIsEmptyAndThrow("appName cannot be empty"); containerName.CheckForNullAndThrow("containerName cannot be null"); containerName.CheckIsEmptyAndThrow("containerName cannot be empty"); MemoryManager = new MemoryManager <T>(memoryMaxCount); DiskManager = new DiskManager <T>(diskMaxCount, appName, containerName); }
public void Setup () { conn = new ConnectionPair ().WithTimeout (); Settings = new EngineSettings (); PieceWriter = new TestWriter (); DiskManager = new DiskManager (Settings, PieceWriter); ConnectionManager = new ConnectionManager ("LocalPeerId", Settings, DiskManager); TrackerManager = new ManualTrackerManager (); long[] fileSizes = { Piece.BlockSize / 2, Piece.BlockSize * 32, Piece.BlockSize * 2, Piece.BlockSize * 13, }; Manager = TestRig.CreateMultiFileManager (fileSizes, Piece.BlockSize * 2); Manager.SetTrackerManager (TrackerManager); }
private void FormSignalSelect_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DiskManager.GetInstance().Reset(); DriveInfo[] allDrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); foreach (DriveInfo info in allDrives) { if (info.DriveType == DriveType.Removable) { comboBox1.Items.Add(info.Name.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\\' })); } } if (comboBox1.Items.Count > 0) { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
public DiskWriterLimiter(DiskManager manager) { this.manager = manager; }
public DiskWriterLimiter(DiskManager manager) { _manager = manager; }