public void MountDiskDrive(DiskDrive drive) { logger.Warn("This method is more of a stub than something functional"); m_CurrentDiskDrive = drive; logger.Debug("A disk drive has been inserted into the slot"); }
public void ReleaseDiskDrive() { logger.Warn("This method is more of a stub than something functional"); logger.Debug("Releasing current disk drive"); m_CurrentDiskDrive = null; }
public override void MainMethod() { Ensure.Init(); CPU.DisableInts(); GDT.Init(); IDT.Init(); ISR.Init(); Console.Clear(); ACPI.Init(); ACPI.Enable(); PageManager.Init(); Heap.Init(); GC.Init(); Paging.Init(); PIT.Init(); RTC.Init(); Scheduler.Init(); CPU.EnableInts(); DiskDrive.Init(); //FatFileSystem.Init(); PCI.Init(); Driver.Init(); AudioMixer.Init(); new Thread(Event.Init, "Events").Start(); new Thread(new SCI().Main, "Shell").Start(); Scheduler.Idle(); }
public IActionResult PostDiskDrive([FromBody] DiskDrive diskDrive) { idiskDrive.AddDiskDrive(diskDrive); return(CreatedAtAction("GetDiskDrive", new { id = diskDrive.DiskDriveId }, diskDrive)); }
public SharedDirectory GetNetworkDisk(string clientUserID, string netDiskID, string dirPath) { var rootPath = this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskRootPath(clientUserID, netDiskID); if (rootPath == null) { return(null); } var iniDirName = this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskIniDirName(clientUserID, netDiskID); var diskRpotDir = rootPath + "\\" + iniDirName + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(diskRpotDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(diskRpotDir); } if (dirPath == null) { var dir = new SharedDirectory(); var disk = new DiskDrive(); disk.Name = iniDirName; disk.TotalSize = this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskTotalSize(clientUserID, netDiskID); disk.AvailableFreeSpace = disk.TotalSize - this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskSizeUsed(clientUserID, netDiskID); dir.DriveList.Add(disk); return(dir); } return(SharedDirectory.GetSharedDirectory(rootPath + dirPath)); }
// This is pretty gross and didn't work out how I hoped... Refactor one day but sick of it for now. public static void CreateOrUpdateCollection(ICollection <DiskDrive> existing, ICollection <DiskDrive> entity, DbContext context) { // Remove any previously encountered entries that are not longer present (pulled from the system?) // ToList creates a copy and prevents loop corruption.. foreach (DiskDrive e in existing.ToList()) { if (!entity.Any(d => d.SerialNumber == e.SerialNumber)) { existing.Remove(e); } } foreach (DiskDrive e in entity) { DiskDrive found = existing.SingleOrDefault(d => d.SerialNumber == e.SerialNumber); if (found == null) { existing.Add(e); } else { context.Entry(found).CurrentValues.SetValues(e); } } }
public Partition(DiskDrive host, ulong offset, ulong size, uint id) { = host; this.offset = offset; this.size = size; = id; }
/// <summary> /// DT_SMART_ANALYSIS_RESULTテーブルからDtSmartAnalysisResultを取得する /// </summary> /// <param name="diskDrive">ディスクドライブ</param> /// <returns>取得したデータ</returns> public DtSmartAnalysisResult ReadDtSmartAnalysisResult(DiskDrive diskDrive) { DtSmartAnalysisResult model = null; try { _logger.EnterJson("{0}", diskDrive); DBAccessor.Models.DtSmartAnalysisResult entity = null; _dbPolly.Execute(() => { using (DBAccessor.Models.RmsDbContext db = new DBAccessor.Models.RmsDbContext(_appSettings)) { entity = db.DtSmartAnalysisResult.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EquipmentUid == diskDrive.SourceEquipmentUid && x.DiskSerialNumber == diskDrive.SerialNo); } }); if (entity != null) { model = entity.ToModel(); } return(model); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RmsException("DT_SMART_ANALYSIS_RESULTテーブルのSelectに失敗しました。", e); } finally { _logger.LeaveJson("{0}", model); } }
private bool CheckFilename(string filename, DiskDrive dd, bool write) { if (dd == null) { MessageBox.Show("Choose valid SD drive first.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } if (filename.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Image file name is missing.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } filename = Path.GetFullPath(filename); if (dd.Volumes.Any(z => z.Name == Path.GetPathRoot(filename))) { MessageBox.Show("Image file must not be located on SD drive.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } if (write && File.Exists(filename)) { if (MessageBox.Show("Image file already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public SharedDirectory GetNetworkDisk(string userID, string dirPath) { string rootPath = this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskRootPath(userID); if (rootPath == null) { return(null); } if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath + userID)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(rootPath + userID); } if (dirPath == null) { SharedDirectory dir = new SharedDirectory(); DiskDrive disk = new DiskDrive(); disk.Name = userID; disk.TotalSize = this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskTotalSize(userID); disk.AvailableFreeSpace = disk.TotalSize - this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskSizeUsed(userID); dir.DriveList.Add(disk); return(dir); } return(SharedDirectory.GetSharedDirectory(rootPath + dirPath)); }
async Task Wipe(DiskDrive disk) { _canceler.Dispose(); _canceler = new CancellationTokenSource(); ToggleControls(true); try { var progress = new Progress <int>(percent => { randomWipeProgress.Value = percent; }); var wipeType = (DataWipeType)randomWipeType.SelectedItem; await Task.Run(() => { DeviceWiper.WipePhysicalDrive(wipeType.SourceFactory, disk.DeviceNumber, progress, _canceler.Token); }, _canceler.Token); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // whatevs } finally { randomWipeProgress.Value = 0; ToggleControls(false); } }
private async void btnWipe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DiskDrive dd = (DiskDrive)lstDiskDrive.SelectedItem; if (dd == null) { MessageBox.Show("Choose valid SD drive first.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (MessageBox.Show("All data on SD card will be erased and partitions deleted. Are you sure?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } Operation = "Wiping"; if (!TryLockVolumes(dd)) { return; } SetButtons(false); using (Stream source = new ConstantStream(0xff), dest = dd.CreateStream(FileAccess.Write)) { var mbr = Properties.Resources.MBR; dest.Write(mbr, 0, mbr.Length); progress.Value = 0; progress.Maximum = (int)(((long)dd.GetDriveSize() - mbr.Length) / (1024 * 1024)) + 1; cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); try { await CopyStreamAsync(source, dest, (long)dd.GetDriveSize() - mbr.Length, cts.Token, null); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!(ex is OperationCanceledException)) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } cts.Cancel(); } } dd.DismountVolumes(); dd.UnlockVolumes(); dd.MountVolumes(); ResetProgress(); FillDriveList(); if (!cts.IsCancellationRequested) { MessageBox.Show("Erasing complete.", "Complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } SetButtons(true); cts = null; }
public static List <DiskDrive> GetAvailableDisks() { List <DiskDrive> DiskDrives = new List <DiskDrive>(); // browse all USB WMI physical disks foreach (ManagementObject drive in new ManagementObjectSearcher( "select DeviceID, MediaType,InterfaceType from Win32_DiskDrive").Get()) { // associate physical disks with partitions ManagementObjectCollection partitionCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher(String.Format( "associators of {{Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='{0}'}} " + "where AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition", drive["DeviceID"])).Get(); foreach (ManagementObject partition in partitionCollection) { if (partition != null) { // associate partitions with logical disks (drive letter volumes) ManagementObjectCollection logicalCollection = new ManagementObjectSearcher(String.Format( "associators of {{Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='{0}'}} " + "where AssocClass= Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition", partition["DeviceID"])).Get(); foreach (ManagementObject logical in logicalCollection) { if (logical != null) { // finally find the logical disk entry ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator volumeEnumerator = new ManagementObjectSearcher(String.Format( "select * from Win32_LogicalDisk " + "where Name='{0}'", logical["Name"])).Get().GetEnumerator(); volumeEnumerator.MoveNext(); ManagementObject volume = (ManagementObject)volumeEnumerator.Current; DiskDrive disk = new DiskDrive(); disk.MediaType = drive["MediaType"].ToString(); disk.DriveLetter = volume["DeviceID"].ToString(); disk.Freespace = (ulong)volume["Freespace"]; disk.Size = (ulong)volume["Size"]; disk.InterfaceType = drive["InterfaceType"].ToString(); disk.VolumeName = volume["VolumeName"].ToString(); DiskDrives.Add(disk); } } } } } return(DiskDrives); }
public async Task CreateHDD(DiskDrive diskDrive) { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(url); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/DiskDrives", diskDrive); }
public async Task <ICollection <DiskDrive> > Update() { ICollection <DiskDrive> disks = new List <DiskDrive>(); IDiskDriveService service = new DiskDriveService(new LabSystemsContextFactory()); ManagementObjectCollection drives = _driveClass.GetInstances(); string firmware = "FirmwareRevision"; string model = "Model"; string serial = "SerialNumber"; string PNPDeviceId = "PNPDeviceID"; foreach (ManagementObject drive in drives) { DiskDrive driveModel = new DiskDrive(); foreach (PropertyData property in drive.Properties) { if (property.Name == firmware) { driveModel.Firmware = property.Value.ToString(); continue; } if (property.Name == model) { driveModel.ModelNumber = property.Value.ToString(); continue; } if (property.Name == serial) { driveModel.SerialNumber = property.Value.ToString(); DiskDrive existingDisk = await service.Get(property.Value.ToString()); if (existingDisk != null) { driveModel.LabSystemId = existingDisk.LabSystemId; driveModel.Id = existingDisk.Id; } continue; } if (property.Name == PNPDeviceId) { AddDriverInfo(driveModel, property.Value.ToString()); continue; } } disks.Add(driveModel); } return(disks); }
public DiskDriveViewModel(DiskDrive diskDrive) { Name = diskDrive.Name; DeviceId = diskDrive.DeviceId; StringBuilder capabs = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> capability in diskDrive.CapabilityDescriptionDictionary) { capabs.Append(capability.Key); capabs.Append("("); capabs.Append(capability.Value); capabs.Append(");"); } Capabilities = capabs.ToString(); Availability = diskDrive.Availability; BytesPerSector = diskDrive.BytesPerSector; DefaultBlockSize = diskDrive.DefaultBlockSize; MaxBlockSize = diskDrive.MaxBlockSize; MinBlockSize = diskDrive.MinBlockSize; Caption = diskDrive.Caption; ConfigManagerErrorCode = diskDrive.ConfigManagerErrorCode; ErrorDescription = diskDrive.ErrorDescription; ErrorMethodology = diskDrive.ErrorMethodology; InterfaceType = diskDrive.InterfaceType; Manufacturer = diskDrive.Manufacturer; Model = diskDrive.Model; IsMediaLoaded = diskDrive.IsMediaLoaded; DoesNeedCleaning = diskDrive.DoesNeedCleaning; MediaType = diskDrive.MediaType; PartitionCount = diskDrive.PartitionCount; PnpDeviceID = diskDrive.PnpDeviceID; capabs.Clear(); foreach (string capability in diskDrive.PowerManagementCapabilities) { capabs.Append(capability); capabs.Append(";"); } PowerManagementCapabilities = capabs.ToString(); IsPowerManagementSupported = diskDrive.IsPowerManagementSupported; SerialNumber = diskDrive.SerialNumber; Signature = diskDrive.Signature; Size = MemoryDisplayFormatter.Format(diskDrive.Size); Status = diskDrive.Status; TotalCylinders = diskDrive.TotalCylinders; TotalHeads = diskDrive.TotalHeads; TotalSectors = diskDrive.TotalSectors; TotalTracks = diskDrive.TotalTracks; }
private async void btnWrite_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DiskDrive dd = (DiskDrive)lstDiskDrive.SelectedItem; if (!CheckFilename(txtFilename.Text, dd, false)) { txtFilename.Focus(); return; } var filename = Path.GetFullPath(txtFilename.Text); if (MessageBox.Show("All data on SD card will be erased and overwritten. Are you sure?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } Operation = "Writing"; if (!TryLockVolumes(dd)) { return; } SetButtons(false); using (Stream source = new FileStream(txtFilename.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read), dest = dd.CreateStream(FileAccess.Write)) { progress.Maximum = (int)(source.Length / (1024 * 1024)) + 1; progress.Value = 0; cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); try { await CopyStreamAsync(source, dest, source.Length, cts.Token, null); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!(ex is OperationCanceledException)) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } cts.Cancel(); } } dd.DismountVolumes(); dd.UnlockVolumes(); dd.MountVolumes(); FillDriveList(); if (!cts.IsCancellationRequested) { MessageBox.Show("Writing complete.", "Complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } ResetProgress(); cts = null; }
public Southbridge(DiskDrive cmos) { deviceType = 1; GenerateID(); devices = new List <IGenericDeviceBus>(); //ports = new MemoryMap<int>(); interruptChannels = new Dictionary <int, int>(); InitializePorts(); AddDevice(cmos); }
public IActionResult Get(string id) { DiskDrive diskDrive = _diskDriveService.GetDiskDriveById(id); if (diskDrive != null) { return(Ok(diskDrive)); } else { return(NotFound()); } }
private bool TryLockVolumes(DiskDrive disk) { try { disk.LockVolumes(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Could not lock volume(s) on disk drive {0}. Please ensure that no other program is accessing this drive.\n\nException: {1}", disk.ID, ex.Message), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } }
public bool DeleteDiskDriveById(string id) { DiskDrive diskDrive = _unitOfWork.DiskDrives.Get(id); if (diskDrive == null) { return(false); } else { _unitOfWork.DiskDrives.Remove(diskDrive); _unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); return(true); } }
public async void getHDD() { ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive"); foreach (ManagementObject mj in mos.Get()) { DiskDrive diskDrive = new DiskDrive(); //Console.WriteLine("DiskDrive Name : " + Convert.ToString(mj["Caption"])); //Console.WriteLine("Size DiskDrive : " + (((Convert.ToUInt64(mj["Size"]) / 1024) / 1024)/1024) + " GB"); diskDrive.Caption = Convert.ToString(mj["Caption"]); diskDrive.Size = Convert.ToInt32(((Convert.ToUInt64(mj["Size"]) / 1024) / 1024) / 1024); // diskDrive.ProcessorId = computer.ProcessorId; await sendData.CreateHDD(diskDrive); } }
public List <DiskDrive> GetDiskDrive() { ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive"); List <DiskDrive> diskDrives = new List <DiskDrive>(); foreach (ManagementObject mj in mos.Get()) { DiskDrive diskDrive = new DiskDrive(); //Console.WriteLine("DiskDrive Name : " + Convert.ToString(mj["Caption"])); //Console.WriteLine("Size DiskDrive : " + (((Convert.ToUInt64(mj["Size"]) / 1024) / 1024)/1024) + " GB"); diskDrive.Caption = Convert.ToString(mj["Caption"]); diskDrive.Size = Convert.ToInt32(((Convert.ToUInt64(mj["Size"]) / 1000) / 1000) / 1000); diskDrives.Add(diskDrive); } return(diskDrives); }
public IActionResult PutDiskDrive([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] DiskDrive diskDrive) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != diskDrive.DiskDriveId) { return(BadRequest()); } idiskDrive.PutDiskDrive(id, diskDrive); return(NoContent()); }
private async void btnRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DiskDrive dd = (DiskDrive)lstDiskDrive.SelectedItem; if (!CheckFilename(txtFilename.Text, dd, true)) { txtFilename.Focus(); return; } var filename = Path.GetFullPath(txtFilename.Text); Operation = "Reading"; if (!TryLockVolumes(dd)) { return; } SetButtons(false); using (Stream dest = new FileStream(txtFilename.Text, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None), source = dd.CreateStream(FileAccess.Read)) { progress.Maximum = (int)(dd.GetDriveSize() / (1024 * 1024)) + 1; progress.Value = 0; cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); try { await CopyStreamAsync(source, dest, (long)dd.GetDriveSize(), cts.Token, null); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!(ex is OperationCanceledException)) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } cts.Cancel(); } } dd.UnlockVolumes(); if (!cts.IsCancellationRequested) { MessageBox.Show("Reading complete.", "Complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } ResetProgress(); SetButtons(true); cts = null; }
/// <summary> /// 受信メッセージからID=C5のSMART属性情報を取得する /// </summary> /// <param name="diskDrive">ディスクドライブ</param> /// <param name="messageId">メッセージID</param> /// <param name="smartAttirubteInfoC5">SMART属性情報C5</param> /// <returns>成功した場合true、失敗した場合falseを返す</returns> public bool ReadSmartAttirubteInfoC5(DiskDrive diskDrive, string messageId, out DiskDrive.SmartAttributeInfoSchema smartAttirubteInfoC5) { smartAttirubteInfoC5 = null; try { _logger.EnterJson("{0}", new { diskDrive, messageId }); // ID=C5のSMART属性情報を取得 var smartAttributeInfos = diskDrive.SmartAttributeInfo?.Where(x => x.Id == SmartAttributeInfoIdC5); // SMART属性情報が存在しない場合は正常 if (smartAttributeInfos == null || smartAttributeInfos.Count() == 0) { return(true); } // SMART属性情報が複数存在する場合はエラー if (smartAttributeInfos.Count() > 1) { throw new RmsException("SMART属性情報が複数存在しています(ID=C5)"); } smartAttirubteInfoC5 = smartAttributeInfos.First(); // SMART属性情報のC5生の値が存在しない場合はエラー if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(smartAttirubteInfoC5.RawData)) { throw new RmsException("SMART属性情報の生の値がnullまたは空文字です(ID=C5)"); } return(true); } catch (RmsException e) { // SMART属性情報異常 _logger.Error(e, nameof(Resources.UT_DDP_DDP_002), new object[] { messageId, e.Message }); return(false); } finally { _logger.LeaveJson("{0}", new { smartAttirubteInfoC5 }); } }
/// <summary> /// アラーム情報を作成しQueueStorageへ登録する /// </summary> /// <param name="diskDrive">ディスクドライブ</param> /// <param name="smartAttirubteInfoC5">SMART属性情報(C5)</param> /// <param name="messageId">メッセージID</param> /// <param name="analysisResult">解析判定結果</param> /// <param name="alarmDef">アラーム定義</param> /// <returns>成功した場合true、失敗した場合falseを返す</returns> public bool CreateAndEnqueueAlarmInfo(DiskDrive diskDrive, DiskDrive.SmartAttributeInfoSchema smartAttirubteInfoC5, string messageId, DtSmartAnalysisResult analysisResult, DtAlarmSmartPremonitor alarmDef) { _logger.EnterJson("{0}", new { diskDrive, smartAttirubteInfoC5, messageId, analysisResult, alarmDef }); string message = null; try { // アラームキューを生成する var alarmInfo = new AlarmInfo { SourceEquipmentUid = diskDrive.SourceEquipmentUid, TypeCode = string.Empty, ErrorCode = alarmDef.AnalysisResultErrorCode, AlarmLevel = alarmDef.AlarmLevel, AlarmTitle = alarmDef.AlarmTitle, AlarmDescription = string.Format(alarmDef.AlarmDescription, analysisResult.DiskSerialNumber, analysisResult.C5ChangesThreshholdOverCount, analysisResult.C5ChangesThreshholdLastDatetime?.ToString(Utility.Const.AlarmQueueDateTimeFormat)), AlarmDatetime = _timeProvider.UtcNow.ToString(Utility.Const.AlarmQueueDateTimeFormat), EventDatetime = diskDrive.CollectDt, AlarmDefId = $"{_settings.SystemName}_{_settings.SubSystemName}_{alarmDef.Sid.ToString()}", MessageId = messageId }; message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(alarmInfo); // キューを登録する _queueRepository.SendMessageToAlarmQueue(message); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { // アラーム生成エラー or アラームキューにアラーム情報を送信できない(基本設計書 エラー処理) _logger.Error(e, string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? nameof(Resources.UT_DDP_DDP_007) : nameof(Resources.UT_DDP_DDP_008), new object[] { messageId }); return(false); } finally { _logger.Leave(); } }
private void FetchDiskDrives() { settings.DiskDrives = new List <DiskDrive>(); // Enclosed in try/catch as some drives cause exceptions foreach (var drive in DriveInfo.GetDrives()) { try { if (drive.IsReady) { var diskDrive = new DiskDrive(drive); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(diskDrive.DisplayName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(diskDrive.Name)) { settings.DiskDrives.Add(diskDrive); } } } catch { } } SaveSettings(); }
public void UpdateDiskDrives(string computerLogin, IEnumerable <DiskDriveDTO> diskDrives) { IEnumerable <DiskDrive> diskDrivesEntity = _unitOfWork.DiskDrives.GetDiskDrivesByComputerLogin(computerLogin); if (diskDrivesEntity != null) { foreach (DiskDrive diskDrive in diskDrivesEntity) { _unitOfWork.DiskDrives.Remove(diskDrive); } } string computerId = _unitOfWork.Computers.GetIdByLogin(computerLogin); foreach (DiskDriveDTO diskDrive in diskDrives) { DiskDrive diskDriveEntity = _mapper.Map <DiskDriveDTO, DiskDrive>(diskDrive); diskDriveEntity.ComputerId = computerId; _unitOfWork.DiskDrives.Add(diskDriveEntity); } _unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); }
private void AddDriverInfo(DiskDrive driveModel, string pnpString) { // Not great :( ......... Takes 11 seconds to run..... string DriverProviderName = "DriverProviderName"; string DriverVersion = "DriverVersion"; string DeviceId = "DeviceID"; SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery($"SELECT {DeviceId},{DriverProviderName},{DriverVersion} FROM Win32_PnPSignedDriver WHERE DeviceClass = 'DISKDRIVE'"); ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query); foreach (ManagementObject mo in searcher.Get()) { bool matched = false; foreach (PropertyData property in mo.Properties) { if (property.Name == DeviceId && property.Value.ToString() == pnpString) { matched = true; break; } } if (matched == true) { foreach (PropertyData property in mo.Properties) { if (property.Name == DriverProviderName) { driveModel.DriverProviderName = property.Value.ToString(); continue; } if (property.Name == DriverVersion) { driveModel.DriverVersion = property.Value.ToString(); continue; } } } } }
public void MountDiskDrive(DiskDrive diskDrive) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public SharedDirectory GetNetworkDisk(string userID, string dirPath) { string rootPath = this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskRootPath(userID); if (rootPath == null) { return null; } if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath + userID)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(rootPath + userID); } if (dirPath == null) { SharedDirectory dir = new SharedDirectory(); DiskDrive disk = new DiskDrive(); disk.Name = userID; disk.TotalSize = this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskTotalSize(userID); disk.AvailableFreeSpace = disk.TotalSize - this.networkDiskPathManager.GetNetworkDiskSizeUsed(userID); dir.DriveList.Add(disk); return dir; } return SharedDirectory.GetSharedDirectory(rootPath + dirPath); }
public void MountDiskDrive(DiskDrive drive) { logger.Warn("This method is more of a stub than something functional"); m_CurrentDiskDrive = drive; m_PIDataStream.MountDiskDrive(drive); logger.Debug("A disk drive has been inserted into the slot"); }