public RegisteredCommand(string prefix, DiscordPermissionLevel level, CommandCallback callback, string info)
     this.prefix        = prefix;
     this.requiredLevel = level;
     this.callback      = callback;          = info;
        public static async Task OnCommand(DSharpPlus.EventArgs.MessageCreateEventArgs e, string prefix, string content)
            //Get Discord member and user data
            DiscordMember member = await e.Guild.GetMemberAsync(e.Author.Id);

            DiscordUserData data = BotTools.GetUserDataById(e.Author.Id);

            data.latest_name = $"{e.Author.Username}#{e.Author.Discriminator}";

            //Identify the permission level of this member
            DiscordPermissionLevel perms = DiscordPermissionLevel.Default;

            if (member.Roles.Where(x => x.Id == Program.config.muted_role).Count() > 0)
                perms = DiscordPermissionLevel.Moderator;
            if (member.Roles.Where(x => x.Id == Program.config.admin_role).Count() > 0)
                perms = DiscordPermissionLevel.Admin;

            //Now, find a command we can use.
            foreach (var c in commands)
                if (c.prefix.ToLower() != prefix.ToLower())
                if (c.requiredLevel > perms)
                    //Tell the user that they're not allowed to do that.
                    await OnCommandAuthFailed(e, c);

                    await c.callback(e, prefix, content, member, perms, data);
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    Program.LogMessage("cmd-error", ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
                    await OnCommandExceptionFailed(e, c, ex);
        public static async Task OnCmd(DSharpPlus.EventArgs.MessageCreateEventArgs e, string prefix, string content, DiscordMember member, DiscordPermissionLevel perms, DiscordUserData data)
            //Check if this is prompting for help
            string[] split = content.Split(',');
            if (content.Length == 0 || split.Length < 3)
                await ReturnHelp(e);


            //Parse the message parts
            string memberString  = split[0];
            string timeString    = split[1];
            string messageString = content.Substring(2 + memberString.Length + timeString.Length);

            //Find the user
            DiscordUser victim = await BotTools.ParseName(e.Guild, memberString.Trim(' '));

            //If the bot failed to find the user, throw an error
            if (victim == null)
                await ReturnError(e, "Failed to Find User", $"Failed to find the user, ``{memberString.Trim(' ')}``. You can use their ID, their full name, or their first name. You can also mention them.");


            //Find time
            DateTime time;
            int      timeParseErrorCount = 0;
            int      timeParseCount      = 0;

            if (timeString.Trim(' ').ToLower() != "never")
                time = BotTools.ParseTime(timeString.Trim(' '), out timeParseErrorCount, out timeParseCount);
                await ReturnError(e, "Cannot Perma Ban", "Please use the ban function built into Discord to permaban a member.");


            //If the time parse didn't find any, or if there were any errors, stop
            if ((timeParseCount == 0 || timeParseErrorCount > 0))
                await ReturnError(e, "Failed to Parse Time", "There was a problem parsing the time you entered. Do not include commas in the time, make sure you use spaces to separate each part, and make sure you do not use weeks. For help, do not include any arguments and run the command again.");


            //Limit message to 900 characters
            if (messageString.Length > 900)
                await ReturnError(e, "Reason is Too Long", "Sorry, the reason is limited by Discord to 900 characters.");


            //Get the user data for the person we just banned and apply.
            DiscordUserData victimUserData = BotTools.GetUserDataById(victim.Id);

            victimUserData.latest_name = $"{victim.Username}#{victim.Discriminator}";
            victimUserData.temp_banned = new DiscordUserDataStatusBanned
                applied_since = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks,
                catalyst      = e.Author.Id,
                expiry        = time.Ticks,
                is_applied    = true,
                is_automated  = false,
                reason        = messageString

            //Apply the ban to the account
            await ActionTools.BanTools.DoBanMember(victimUserData, e.Guild, victim, e.Author, messageString, false, time);


            //Write OK
            await ReturnOk(e, victim, time);
예제 #4
        public static async Task OnCmd(DSharpPlus.EventArgs.MessageCreateEventArgs e, string prefix, string content, DiscordMember member, DiscordPermissionLevel perms, DiscordUserData data)
            //Check if this is prompting for help
            string[] split = content.Split(',');
            if (content.Length == 0 || split.Length < 3)
                await ReturnHelp(e);


            //Parse the message parts
            string memberString  = split[0];
            string timeString    = split[1];
            string messageString = content.Substring(2 + memberString.Length + timeString.Length);

            //Find the user
            DiscordUser victim = await BotTools.ParseName(e.Guild, memberString.Trim(' '));

            //If the bot failed to find the user, throw an error
            if (victim == null)
                await ReturnError(e, "Failed to Find User", $"Failed to find the user, ``{memberString.Trim(' ')}``. You can use their ID, their full name, or their first name. You can also mention them.");


            //Find time
            bool     isForever = true;
            int      timeParseErrorCount = 0;
            int      timeParseCount      = 0;

            if (timeString.Trim(' ').ToLower() != "never")
                time      = BotTools.ParseTime(timeString.Trim(' '), out timeParseErrorCount, out timeParseCount);
                isForever = false;
                time = null;

            //If the time parse didn't find any, or if there were any errors, stop
            if (time != null && (timeParseCount == 0 || timeParseErrorCount > 0))
                await ReturnError(e, "Failed to Parse Time", "There was a problem parsing the time you entered. Do not include commas in the time, make sure you use spaces to separate each part, and make sure you do not use weeks. For help, do not include any arguments and run the command again.");


            //Limit message to 900 characters
            if (messageString.Length > 900)
                await ReturnError(e, "Reason is Too Long", "Sorry, the reason is limited by Discord to 900 characters.");


            //Awesome. Now, create the strike
            DiscordUserDataStrike strike = new DiscordUserDataStrike
                time    = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks,
                striker = e.Author.Id,
                message = messageString

            if (time.HasValue)
                strike.expire_time = time.Value.Ticks;

            //Get the user data for the person we just struck and apply.
            DiscordUserData victimUserData = BotTools.GetUserDataById(victim.Id);


            //Send a notification of this to the person
            await NotifyStrike(victim, member, strike, e.Guild, victimUserData);

            //Check if we need to issue a ban for this member
            var activeStrikes = victimUserData.GetActiveStrikes();

            if (activeStrikes.Length >= Program.config.ban_strikes)
                //Ban time! Find when the latest ban expire happens
                DateTime latest_expire = DateTime.MaxValue;
                bool     does_expire   = false;
                foreach (var a in activeStrikes)
                    if (a.expire_time.HasValue)
                        does_expire = true;
                        if (a.GetExpiry().Value < latest_expire)
                            latest_expire = a.GetExpiry().Value;
                if (does_expire)
                    //Temp ban
                    await ActionTools.BanTools.DoBanMember(victimUserData, e.Guild, victim, e.Author, "You are banned for having too many strikes.", true, latest_expire);
                    //Send message
                    await ActionTools.BanTools.NotifyPermaBan(e.Guild, victim, e.Author, "You are banned for having too many strikes.", true);

                    //Ban from the server
                    DiscordMember victimMember = await e.Guild.GetMemberAsync(victim.Id);

                    await e.Guild.BanMemberAsync(victimMember, 0, "Temporary ban system.");


            //Return OK
            await ReturnOk(e, victim, activeStrikes.Length);
        public static async Task OnCmd(DSharpPlus.EventArgs.MessageCreateEventArgs e, string prefix, string content, DiscordMember member, DiscordPermissionLevel perms, DiscordUserData data)
            //Create an embed with all of the commands this user has access to
            var cmds = CommandProcessor.commands.Where(x => x.requiredLevel <= perms);
            DiscordEmbedBuilder builder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();

            builder.Title       = "Command Help";
            builder.Description = "With any command, run it without any parameters for help.";
            builder.Color       = DiscordColor.Grayple;
            builder.Footer      = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
                Text = Program.FOOTER_TEXT
            foreach (var c in cmds)
                builder.AddField(Program.config.command_prefix + c.prefix,, true);
            await e.Message.RespondAsync(embed : builder.Build());
        public static async Task OnCmd(DSharpPlus.EventArgs.MessageCreateEventArgs e, string prefix, string content, DiscordMember member, DiscordPermissionLevel perms, DiscordUserData data)
            if (content.Length == 0)
                await ReturnHelp(e);


            //Do it

            //Find the user
            DiscordUser victim = await BotTools.ParseOfflineName(content.Trim(' '));

            //If not found, complain
            if (victim == null)
                DiscordEmbedBuilder badBuilder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();
                badBuilder.Title       = "User Not Found";
                badBuilder.Description = $"\"{content.Trim(' ')}\" was not found. Try their ID.";
                badBuilder.Color       = DiscordColor.Yellow;
                badBuilder.Footer      = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
                    Text = Program.FOOTER_TEXT
                await e.Message.RespondAsync(embed : badBuilder.Build());


            //Get user
            DiscordUserData victimData = BotTools.GetUserDataById(victim.Id);

            //Set as not active
            victimData.temp_banned.is_applied = false;


            //Write OK
            DiscordEmbedBuilder okBuilder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();

            okBuilder.Title       = "User Unbanned";
            okBuilder.Description = $"{victim.Username}#{victim.Discriminator} ({victim.Id}) was unbanned.";
            okBuilder.Color       = DiscordColor.Green;
            okBuilder.Footer      = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
                Text = Program.FOOTER_TEXT
            await e.Message.RespondAsync(embed : okBuilder.Build());