예제 #1
        public void FindDisconnectedSubGraphsTest()
            SimpleGraph <string, Edge <string> > graph = new SimpleGraph <string, Edge <string> >(false);

            graph.Add(new Edge <string>("A", "B", false));              // A->B
            graph.Add(new Edge <string>("A", "C", false));              // A->C
            graph.Add(new Edge <string>("B", "D", false));              // B->D
            graph.Add(new Edge <string>("C", "D", false));              // C->D
            graph.Add(new Edge <string>("D", "E", false));              // D->E
            graph.Add(new Edge <string>("G", "F", false));              // G->F, different subgraph


            DisconnectedGraphsFinder <string, Edge <string> > finder = new DisconnectedGraphsFinder <string, Edge <string> >(
                () => new SubGraphView <string, Edge <string> >(graph), graph);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, finder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, finder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs[0].Vertices.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, finder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs[1].Vertices.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(5, finder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs[0].Edges.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, finder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs[1].Edges.Count());

            finder.FindDisconnectedGraphs("A", true);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, finder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, finder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs[0].Vertices.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(5, finder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs[0].Edges.Count());
예제 #2
        /*public static IEnumerable<IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<TVertex, TEdge>> StronglyConnectedComponents<TVertex, TEdge>(this IVertexListGraph<TVertex, TEdge> g, Func<IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<TVertex, TEdge>> componentMaker)
         *  where TEdge : QuickGraph.IEdge<TVertex>
         * {
         *  g.StronglyConnectedComponents(out var scc);
         *  return scc.GroupBy(kv => kv.Value).Select(group =>
         *  {
         *      var c = componentMaker();
         *      group.ForEach(kv => c.AddVertex(kv.Key));
         *      foreach (var v1 in c.Vertices)
         *          foreach (var v2 in c.Vertices)
         *          {
         *              if (g.TryGetEdges(v1, v2, out var edges))
         *                  edges.ForEach(e => c.AddEdge(e));
         *          }
         *  });
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the list of weakly connected components in a graph. A weakly connected component is one in which
        /// <list type="number">
        ///     <item>for every pair of vertices V,W, W is reachable from V, ignoring edge-direction, and </item>
        ///     <item>one cannot add another node U such that the first property still holds.</item>
        /// </list>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TGraph">The type of the produced components.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TVertex">The type of the vertices.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TEdge">The type of the edges.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="g">The graph.</param>
        /// <param name="componentMaker">A producer-function for empty empty components.</param>
        public static IList <TGraph> WeaklyConnectedComponents <TGraph, TVertex, TEdge>(this GraphBase <TVertex, TEdge> g, Func <TGraph> componentMaker)
            where TEdge : class, IEdge <TVertex>
            where TGraph : GraphBase <TVertex, TEdge>
            var undirected = new NonDirectedGraph <TVertex, NonDirectedEdge <TVertex> >();

            g.Edges.ForEach(e => undirected.Add(new NonDirectedEdge <TVertex>(e.StartVertex, e.EndVertex)));

            var subgraphs = new List <TGraph>();

            //Find the subgraphs (connected components that are candidates for being turned into trees).
            var dcGraphFinder = new DisconnectedGraphsFinder <TVertex, NonDirectedEdge <TVertex> >(
                () => new SubGraphView <TVertex, NonDirectedEdge <TVertex> >(undirected), undirected);


            foreach (var component in dcGraphFinder.FoundDisconnectedGraphs)
                var subG = componentMaker();

                foreach (var v1 in component.Vertices)
                    foreach (var v2 in component.Vertices)
                        g.GetEdges(v1, v2).ForEach(subG.Add);

